Y 1 The Bend Bulletin. Thursday, fSPrftf ' ,4. ' 'W; , " ..JTSW ' i ! ink tii nhx h l V irf?Wty;A9 All CRIPPLED BUT NOT DOWN-Polio victim Joe Haskins does a lianrlflHnd on a wheel chair balanced by his wile, Connie, also crippled by the disease. They performed their act at a program sponsored by San Diego, Calif., folk dancers to support a multiple sclerosis drive. PHONE IN YOUR CLASSIFIED ADS THE BEND BULLETIN I The Rend Bulk-tin (Weekly) 1903-lOai. I The Bend Bulletin (Daily) Est 1!U6. Published Every Afternoon Exeunt Sun day and Certain Holidays by 'lhe Bend Bulletin, 73t - 73U Wall Street, Bend, Oreifon. Ily Mail in Oregon Three Months $ 3.25 Six Months ti.UO One Year 11.00 By Mail Outside of Oregon Three Months $ 3.75 Six Montha 6.60 One Year 12. U0 By Carrier One Month ...,,.$1.25 Six Months : 7.H0 One Year 15.00 SINGLE COPY 5c Please notify uh of any chanjre of ad ciress or failure to receive the paper rtf ularly. All subscriptions are DUE and PAY ABLE IN ADVANCE. BULLETIN CORRESPONDENTS Madras Bob Barber Phone 2138 or 2901 Redmond Mrs. Martini Straiuihun Phone 621 Eastern Star Mrs. Walter Prichard Plaint. Kiatorfi Mr. Sm-irt Coval A Phone 2195' Tumalo Mrs. A. L. Christopher Phone G00-L Want Ad Rates and Information 4 times for the price of 2 Ask about the rates lor adued spae and aduwl insertioiiB ; don't forget the even lower rates if you run your ad i'or a lull month. 7 tunes for the price of 6 Very Low Rates for Monthly Ad.1 v . l 2-;i-4 --7 "Words Times Times Times Up to .75 Uo ::.7 II thru 18 1.00 2.00 3.b7 1!) thru 23 1.25 2.50 4. JO 21 thru 28 l.oO 3.00 B.oO I'rl-.- fln.h itr within 7 clave PHONE YOUK WANT ADS TO THE BEND BULLETliN, I'HUNfc 5ti Ads received before 1 p.m. will appear in the following day's paper. The Bulletin reserves the rinht to classify ,edit or reject any want ad copy, and will ho responsible for only one in correct publication of any want ad. Full adjustment of error will be made by i.ne added insertion of the corrected adver tisement. Want ad.i in The Bulletin are arranged 1 for the benefit of the rtad-r. and .ire claaaified into the following trroups : ANNOUNCEMENTS 1 to 15 i Lost & Found, Meetings, Personals, Spe cial Notices, elc. ; AUTOMOTIVE 20 to .16 Autos Wanted and For Sale. Accessories, , Body Work. Service Stations, etc. BUSINESS SEKV1CES 40 to 70 Appliances. Building, Carpentry. Electri cal, Painting, iiumoing, upiioiswrinK CtC' EMPLOYMENT 80 to 81 Help Wanted, Baby SitlersL Situations Wanted, etc. FINANCIAL 00 to 98 Buf. Opportunities, Investoients, Monty U Loan. etc. INSTKUCTION loo to lot Home Instruction, Schools, Special Cla- LIVESTOCK & PETS 110 to 1 1 f Cattle & Horses, Poultry & Babbits, Pets. te. MISCELLANEOUS 121 to IfiO Appliances. 1-arm Proilucts, Fuel & Wood, Mio. For Sale and Wanted, etc. (CENTALS IK0 m lf Apartments, Homes. Rooms, Wanted to Hent, etc. REAL ESTATE 170 to ISS Hou.e?. Farme and Ranches, Lots & Acreages For Sub', rtc' Legal Notice rot'ND NOTICE Under Ordinance N". 4'3 the f-'llowinc d-KS wril be tffrred for sale at the City Pound on April ll'th. U'."5 at . :o0 P.M. One mab white, part mllie. One niH!e. brown and white cdlir. One ftinle, Scott ie. Jfn T. Truett. Pound Matr nr f Legal Notice NOTTO! OF HEAttlM. ON FINAL At t'OI N T N'-tice i hereby given that th utvlcr niuticd administrator of the Estate of Lillian R. Mr I ; tie ban filed fn the ! rhat County Ourt his final account tn .ai4 tiit, and futd Court h ftd the 2Jnd dav of Aon., r.W. at the rumr of 10 o'rWk A.M. in the County rourt-r-wmt, enurth"Use, Head, Oregon, xhr time and place fr hrrinB of objrtionn, if nn, to cm 1 1 hnal Broun l and the wttlTnent therff'f. lHted and firnt published thii '.'Uh day of Mireh I:.;,. Wilbur W. Wonlhirr. Admn. Craig C. Corner, Atty for Admn. :'B-lLH-llo-C 7a Legal Notice NATIONAL FOREST TIMBER FOR SALE Sealed bids will be received by the Forest Super visor, Post Office Building, Bend, Oregun up to and not later than 2:00 p.m.. Pacific Standard Time, April 25, 1155 for all the marked beetle-infested recent beetle-killed, windthrown and other dead timber located on an urea embracing a.Miut 0.200 acres in Section 20, T. 13 S., It. E., Sections 6, H. 10. 18. 20. 22, 20, 21, 28. 2H, 32, 34 and 30, T. 14 S., H. E., W.M., North McKvnale Hiwhway area, Deschutes Natitfnat Forest, Oregon, estimated to be U00 M honrri feel more ir Jess, oi marked beetle-in feHtei, i-ecent beetle killed, and windthrown ponderosa pine, and an unestimated amount of old dead pomtei'OKa pine and other species of saw timber. No bid of loss than $15.3r per M board feet for the marked beetle-infested, recent beetle-killed and wind thrown poiideroMi pine and $2.00 per M iKiarti feet for the old dead ponderosa pine and other species will be considered. In addition to prices bid for sturnpage, a cooperative deposit of $0.50 per M iKiard feet to Ik used by the Forest Ser vice fur paying the cost of slash dispos al for the total cut of sawtimber under the terms of the agreement will be re- uuired. A payment of $1,1100.00 must ac company each bill. U be applied on the purchase price, refunded, or retained in part as liquidated damages according to the conditions of sale. The right to re ject any and all bids is reserved. Before bids are submitted, full information con cerning the timber, the condition fff Mile, and the submission of bids should lie obtained from the District Ranger. Sisters, Oregon or the Forest Supervisor, Bend, Oregon. U"-C 11 Personals; Spl. Notices HEND I.OnriE No. 130 AF & AM S t a t e. I (.' o tn m u n i c a tion, Ttiur. April 14, 8 p.m. Visiting brethren welcome. Refreshments. Special En tertainment. Wm. Jappert, Secy. I will not Ik? responsible for bills other than my own. Stuart D. Jluettl ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS can help you overcome your drinking problem. Attend meeting Friday night 8 :30. Epis copal Church or write P. O. Uox 181. Rend. If you fail to receive your Itend Bullelin by 6..I0, Tele phone 5fi mid a copy will he sent you by special carrier. 26 Tires Repair & Recap WANTED I Your casings Should qual ify for our l'2-lo-18 mo. guitrniiloe. OK lil'HHEIt WELDERS. HEND 28 House Trailers 21 h'L TRAILER FRAME. Eire. Brakes. Gotsl Tires. D. CHAMBERLIN, U.S. Forest Service, Sisters. SILVER LARK Trailer nouse. 1 Ft. 2125 E. 1st Bend, Oregon. t'.ir.3 MODERN 27' SH1UI.T Houc Trailer. Excellent condition. Ivan's Riciiticltl. 'Lal'ine. Phone 252. April 14, 195S 30 Used Cars ior Sa'e 2 B SAFE BUY SAFE" P'.'.O MERCURY club coype. One owner Dark Blue, heater. Not a dent Over dn c. Thiit car was the proud poes sion. until hi wife saw and drm'i a P'.ir. (GLEAM1NGI black MONTCLAIH This car can be had with our safe bov ir'ia'nntee. Prirwl at $7'i". FITZPATRH K LINCttl.N - MERCURY IftS K. 1-ranklin Ae. 2 B SAFE BUYSAFE SEE IT DRIVE IT BUY IT lfsn PONTIAC (Si CATALINA - ll'tr.o. Hart! tnp convert ible. Rah A Heater. Hydra, transmip-ion. V indr-hield wash er ,Tu tone paint. This in hd excel but buy for the m.iney. S?c A ItT Kt'EHL at the Ford Used Car lot on K. Th.rd. mj to the Midget Drive in. The Quick, Simple way to sell anything ia through a CLASSIFIED 30 used Cars lor Sale 1037 PLYMOUTH 4-Ur. Sedan 136. Pin 'tu mure, 6 yrs. old. Phone ool-L after 6 P.M. YOU'RE MISSING a good used nr1 buy it you don't sue Uie 1047 Plym outh OeLuxe at Horn's Mission 'lex. aco. Then contact Mrs. Damon at &6 : oays. 1363-W evenings, j EQUITV IN 1U6S Mercury Hardtop coupe in excellent conuition. bee at 2--, lrvinie. POR THE BEST USED CAR DEAL IN TOWN SEE BEND NASH CO. 134 GREENWOOD PHONE 700 A Always B Better C Cars 47 PONTIAC CONVERTIBLE. Belli Clean, priced right. TOWNU MOTORS PAChAKU-WlLLVS DEALER Used Car Lot, Ph. SOS Corner ol Irvine ex UarrunaB 1848 FOltD 4-DOOR Seiian, II4H. good tires. In good condition. Price ,260. Plmne lcOO-W. 52 Excavating Grading Duncan Brothers EXCAVATION Drilling, Blasting, Top Soil and Fill Dn t, CinUeis. Cut and Trac tor WorK. Phone 574 or 1003 LARS STKINLKV DRILLING, BLASTING DRAIN HOLES Ph. 231 or 208-W 59 Services Offered ROOFING OR SIDING and Carpenter Work Wanted. Free Estimates. No job too bin or too small. Phone 2100-W-l uay or 1814-W evenings. INCOME TAX RETURNS $1.00 up Per Form Room 11. U. S. National Rank Bldg. Phone U6 or 1-120-W We will be open from 8:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. Will Call at Your Home CENTRAL OREGON BOOKKEEPING SERVICE OIL FORCED AIR HEATING. We spe cialise in all types of Sheet Metal Work. BEND SHEET METAL, Ph.-468. SAW SALES AND SERVICE CHAIN SAWS RENTED BEND CHAIN SAW Ph. 688 RUGS & CARPETS Machine Shum IKjoed in your home. Dry In two hours. Colors & Life restored. Work Guaran teed. EltTLE RUG CLEANERS, l'h. H34-W. INCOME TAX ASSISTANCE. 7 years with Internal Revenue. Open daily & weekends. Closed Thurodiiys. Appoint ments advisnble. DESCHUTES CEN TER. Hwy. 117, 7 miles No. l'h. 20011-W-2. PAINTING Interior & Exterior. Apart- menus & Residences. WAYNE HAUP- ER, Phone U64-W. I 39 Automobile Display GREATEST. VALUES LARGEST SELECTION . CLEANEST. CARS 54 HUICK CENTURY SEDAN '. $204G The car of a century with radio, heater, Uynaflow, Power Steer ing and other extras. Sharp, 53 PONTIAC 8 DELUXE SEDAN $17-15 Lovely two-tone grey. Had K&II, Dual Range, Iiydramatic. Excel lent condition. 52 BUICK SPECIAL RIVIERA COUPE ILS45 Outstandingly clean with pleasing two-tone green finish. HaB R&H Dyna. tailored seat covers. 51 FORI) COUNTRY SQUIRE STATION WAGON I 005 Newly rcfinished trim, !i acats. Overdrive. 50 BUICK SUPER RIVIERA SEDAN Oitr, Truly great value with R&H, Dynaflow. A roomy handsome car in fine condition. HI BUICK SUPER SEDAN $ C 16 Beautiful metallic green, litis complete accessories with standard transmission. 18 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL OLX. 2 DOOR $ 315 Above average. Has radio & Heater. 17 CHEVROLET FLEETM ASTER SEDAN S o45 A good one I Has radio & Heater. 60 Models To Choose From SEE OUR COMPLETE STOCK MANY MORE MAKES AND MODELS BEND GARAGE CO., Inc. Your Chevrolet, Buick, Cadillac Dealer 709 Wall St Phone 193 131 Farm & USED EQUIPMENT Wftl Caw DC Tractor wfarmhand 2100.00 Caao VAO Tractor wplow and mower OtiO.ftO Case VAC 2,2-lK)ttom plow fi&O.OO Vonl OsV Tractor wplow T,.(tO Model "B" - AC tract-.r ." 2M..00 11M8 Midel C - IHC w2 front ends & Cult 7Hfi.WI I.inderman crawler g2'i.0f) Ca.sc NCM Baler 3PG.00 Cane NCM Baler 42B.OO A-6 Cacc comhine H60.00 Tumble Bur 76.00 Ca.se 2. Way Plw 6:.. 00 Ford 3-Pt. Field Tiller ". 06.00 Int. 3-Bottom 1 1" mnldboard 76.00 Cub Plow 76.00 S. D. 3-Bottom plovi-Hyd., on rubber, new cond B26.00 J. D. 3-Bottom plow 226.00 Kord S-Pt dine plow 226.00 Case 4-bot, diok plow 60.b0 IHC 2'lfi plow (pull type, 60.00 J. D. 3-wny pbiw if,- 126.00 .1. D. Wheatland plow 8' 360.00 Brill ion graaa iteedrr. 108", wdouhle imckrrit, new cond 626.00 Cn Drill - 10' weeder .'. 226.00 International Drill 326.00 Ititcrnntinnal PoUto Cultivator 210.00 New International dump rake 126.00 Sniiwco (.rain auiter 4... 06.00 6 HP Century pump 150. OH Dempster pump , , 160.00 .lacutif 6EM3 uprlnklcr fiump wnuetiun A discharge 376.00 2600 W Inland genwalor 150.00 Wisconsin VP4 Engine, now cond 376.00 LOVELL EQUIPMENT COMPANY HEADQUARTERS FOR SHUR-RANE IRRIGATION MADRAS HIGHWAY PRINEVILLE, OREGON 59 Services Oiiered WASHING MACHINE REPAIRS and Wringer Boils for ail makes. Phone 274. MAYTAG APPUANCB 6TOKK, 721 rranL. I in. 64 Plumbing & Heating BROWN FURNACE ft SHEET METAL Urmti . your buMUiui problems to u. Plume 72. 66 Radio; TV Sales 4V Setv. FHILCO HOFFMAN TV Authorized Dealer Radios and Hi.Kt Equipment R1ES RADIO 624 Franklin Ph. 801 RADIO & TV TUBES Complete stock for : all radios. Phileo and OUier Make , BEND FURNITURE CO. RADIO & RECORD PLAYER REPAIR Radio & iV Tubes for Sale l'roi.;nt Service George's Rajio 4 Sporting Goods 70 Septic Tnks; Cesspools I.AKS STEINLEV SEITIC TANK SERVICE l'n. 231 or 208-W CARTER SEPT10 TANK SERVICE. 1 Hone 1646 or 1047 736 W. 12th. 74 Upholstering RUG AND UPHOLSTERED Furniture Cleaning. Our specialty. Uuahty assured LEVITT'S UPHOLSTERING. 375 Burn side. Ph. 1333-M. 82 Male Help Wanted AUTOMOBILE BODY & Fender Repair man. Must be experienced, competent mid reliable. WARD MOTOR CO. 1008 Bond St. MECHANIC WANTED: Chevrolet -Buick Garage. Pay Scale 50';b of S4.00 Labor Kate. Insurance and Vacation Plans. Modern Shop. Plenty of Work. Call or write GANGER & GROVEK MOTOR CO., Burns, Oregon, Phone .1672. 84 Situations Wanted I NEED A JOB I Married ninX Korean veteran, reliable and ambitious. Will, consider any kind steady work. Phune 1023-M. 110 Cattle & Horses SADDLES; New and Used. Reed'a Leather Shop, 1565 Galveston. Ph. 1667-M. BULL SERVICE. Artificial insemina tion. Central Oregon Dairy Breeders. Weokduys Ph. Bend 335-L till 8 8-in.. Redmond 186 till 10 a-m. Sundays & Holidays, Bend 336-L till 10 a.m. POLLED HEREFORD RULL, 2 Heif ers. 1 Boar & Wenner Pigs. WEB STER'8, Old Redmond Highway 112 Pets of all Kinds J A BY PARAKEETS, normals, all colors at S5.00. Also rare opalines, cages and fresh feeds. Locally raised. Wholesale or retail. Call Redmond 73-R-6, or first house north of Powell Butte Grange. 114 Poultry & Rabbits FRYERS Kreh killed, special fed. Delivery every Friday. ROHECK'S POULTRY FARM, Phone 1877-W. Ranch Equip. 114 Poultry & Rabbits WANTED Live Poultry Fresh EgaH BEND EUU St POULTRY CO. 140 E. First St. Ph. 865 J 117 Livestock Wanted WANTED ALL KINDS o( Livestock. Highest Cash Prices. Will pick up at Ranch. L. J. HUSTON, Phone 1128-W 121 Appliances; liH Equip. AUTO. Percolators, Sale Price S8.65 ANDERSON APPLIANCE CENTER. State dt Tumslo. PHILCO ELECTRIC RANGE, like new. Automatic oven. Chrome brcaklast seu 1 Wheel trailer, ml E. Srd.. Apt. USED ELECTRIC RANGE, ood con dition. Cull Uila-M evenings and Sat urday, or 4U8 days. RECONDITIONED & GUARANTEED USED APPLIANCES Wrilurcr Washers S14.50 and up Automatic WaHhers ftlit.oO OREGON EQUIPMENT CO. PH. MI 123 Building Materials PIONEER FL1NTCOAT ROOFING SS.U5 for 110 lb. roll. Less than Catalog price I ODAY'S SALVAGE & SUPPLY YD. l'h. 663. 133 Fuel & Wood HEAVY TIMI1ERS: 10 single, 118.60 double loud. Cascadw TransporL Phone 1642-J. CLEAN BODY WOOD any length. Oren Crosagrove. Phone S147-R. 134 Specials at the Stores MINIATURE ANIMAL knick-knacks. In beautiful ceriimics and copper. AL PINE GIFT HOUSE. S. 3rd. 1 MONTAG Wood Coal Range tip.yr, 3 Baby cribs S22.60 4 up. BEND BAR GAIN STORE, 2 Kearney across from Depot. SEE I I THE NEW BARD-MATIC gar bage elimination system. No moving part, Catalytic starter unit chemical reaction, does the trick. Price only $3.U5. SEE it at the It 4 W HARD WARE. 263 E. Greenwood. !-8 FT. PICKUP BEDS (Ncwl. With rear fenders. Would make good trail er beds. Price down to 4100. each. Sue at WARD MOTOR CO. 1008 Bond St. USED REFRIGERATOR .'. price, terms if needed. A bargain. GAMBLES WES TERN AUTO. Ph. 470. 12 FT. BUKCHCRAFT BOAT with Top Carrier. Very good condition. 'J100. Phone 2166-J. Another Singer Special New Singer Round Bobbin por tables in new leatherette cases, with all attachments including Buttonhole. Does over 100 em broidery stitches without attach ments. Includes 6 wcks sewing course. For limited time only $137.95. SINGER SEW. CENTER BEND, 831 Wall St. PRINEV1XLE Ph. 1S25 Ph. 5712 39 Automobile Display HE'S ALMOST LIKE NEW And So Is Our Fine Used Cars 1954 GMC Long Bed Pickup .$1495 Hyilramntic Transmission 1953 Olds "98" in Tip Top Shape .. ......$1995 This car has Everything 1952 Pontiac Convertible $1395 Tb in is A nuther Good One, You Judge The Appearance We Guarantee The Condition WARD MOTOR CO. "YOUR FRIENDLY CAR DEALER" 1008 PONTIAC Ph. 1595 BOND ST. GMC (or) 1596 MONEY SAVING VALUES Come in and See These Fine Used Cars And Many Other Good Buys 1951 Plymoufh 2-Dr. Sedan $ 695 Radio & Heater, Excellent tires. 1948 Ford V-8 4-Dr. Good Buy $ 325 1952 Chev. 4-Dr. Sed. Power Gl $1095 Very clean, Low milcaKe. 1954 Chev. Lton Pickup $1375 3 Speed tram,., Heater, USE IT BEAR WHEEL SERVICE SOME VERY GOOD BUYS LISTED HERE SEE US AND SAVE YOUR DOUGH! HUNNELL MOTORS 835 Bond St. 134 Specials at the Stores USED 7 FT. REFRIGERATOR, Recon ditioned. Also used 26" reconuitionco hi. cycle. HOUK-VAN ALLEN SlUltE, Ph. htiO. SINGER SPRING SPECIAL Have your machine dismantled, all parts cleaned, re-asscmbled, tuned, oiled and adjusted. ONLY M.95 Free color catalog delivery ' SINGER SEWING CENTER 831 Wall i Ph. 1S25 PR1NKVILLE Ph. 5712 OUTSIDE WHITE HOUSE paint. Spec ial per gal. Only limited supply on hand. Br.NU SUPPLY CO. 022 Bond We Buy, Sell and Trn.lo GOOD USEU FURNITURE SHOP RAINEY'S 201 E. Franklin Phone 1160 135 Furniture 6 Household Greenwood Furniture DISTINCTIVE Furniture priced for the niiHiest bmlKot. 2t ttieenwu.! Ave. 139 Miscellaneous tor Sale EQUIPMENT FOR SALE 114, FT. HOUSE TRAILER 1250.00 12 SPEED EATON, GOOD 100.011 147 INT. TRUCK CAB. good 100.00 1 SINGLE AXLE LOG TRAIL ER WITH BUNKS, 8:26 RUI11IEK 860.00 1 PORTABLE ARC WELDER, 860 AMP. LARGE L1NCOLN MKKCtlRY MOT(H, GOOD 400.00 111147 DODGE TRUCK, 2 T'lIN. 6 SPEED TRANS. 2 SPEED HEAR END, 8:26 RUHUKIt, 12 PLY ON DRIVERS. FLAT BED HEADY To GO . 850.00 W. M. HARRIS Box 32 REDMOND Tel. 262-X lifted 6 P.M. PORTAB I ,E S A WMI I.L. imuintni oil rubber. Equipped with Air Dogs, with or without motor. Can luinille 10 ft. 21) inch logs. R. II. HOLMES, Phono 410 or 410 or write Box 40 l-tiPine, Ore. HARVARD UPRIGHT PIANO. Very giKnl mechanical condition. Cull Prine ville 67(17, Box ti.15 Prinevllle. lUfiS CROSLEY SHELVADOR 5 Ft, De luxe Refrigerator. 1176, Used 2 months. i;j2 Broadway, BOAT & TRAILER. Also 12 II. P. Mo tor. Call 272-M, 610 Delaware. DO IT YOURSELF ana aaveT'Como in and let us figure your Plumbing, Wir ing and imint needs. At lower prices. BEND SUPPLY CO. 022 Bond. LIGHT FIXTURES Largest display in Cent nil Oregon LOWEST PRICES A completo stock of purls to repulr und build lumps ! BILL'S ELECTRIC (142. Hill near GrceuwiKid Ph. BE SAFE Telephone 26 139 Miscellaneous for Sale ROCK-FREE TOFmuL " R H Ij Cj N IJ r ill dirt, Ulscs ami red csuuers. Dump I I I Vstf I las' uuck aim uacuir-loaoei work, l'h. is-J. . . . 11 Miscellaneous Wan tea vlclSSITied AaS WE WILL BUY your used buiU.ugm." IT SELL IT TRADE ITI U'ttalB, ju.ik battel les, luvtals, auu scrap w.lcoroi Ihs psopls of Bednons) iron. A pounu or a carioau. OJAIO vicinity Into classified. If ro. SAiA AGs. a SCPPLi AltD. nv soiaelhing you want to sell, bur " ''-' - trsds or announce, call our Redmond 140 Public Auction ,ilk cnrrs.pnnd.nl, ..rs. Martha Slrana IfU rUDIIC AUCTIOn Sam h. ,K,dmonll twnn th. APRIL 2.th. 1055 at 0 A.M. at Con-1 V t U 4 D soliuated r rcignlways Warehouse, 2iU 1 Irving, Bend, Ureaon, 1 Lot ol House- hold Goods. mmmmmmm l43Mus.cai 20 Accessories Bepairing : ; r-n rr NOW1 Life-Long Batteries and Micro! rKtt Bronte oil filters. Guaranteed forevea ENROLLMENT. uo of Accordion, re- at KELSEY'S ELECTRIC, Redmond. pairs und bund. 1'ay only i,60 month- . ly lor private Itvsous. "21 " Brands. 59 SerVtCeS Offered J 120 Base accordions, new. I loo auu r , up. Ted Mikeis' Accordion School, 000 DEAD STOCK removed free. Hoi-.' I E.12tn, Phone lout,-K. cowi culv, hogs, sheep. REDMOND I . . RKNDEH1NG CO. l'h. 444 Collect. 1 160 Apartments lor Rent NICELY FURNISHED, 3-Room, Mod- 114 Poultry & Rabbits ern apartment, Liose in. -Linrbago & Water paid. -Uauiiury facilities. AUulta wE 1)0 Custom Brooding up to six only. -$iiu per tnu. Aiipiy Irving Weeks of age. Order now I GILL'S Av. 1 A'lC 1 1 E R Y Retl mond. Z'rS 134 Specials at The Stores , iiH-a-Ai, tti4 Sisemore. .V- 'U"- USE11 COFFKK TABLES, Lamp Table. FURNISHED APARTMENT: Close In. 4 Bedside stands. SINNARD'S FUR. Day, week or moiiUi. Laundry lactlitiea. NITURE, 5th at Evergreen. r . Gaiage. 627 Franklin, puune Ool. 0 0 0 0 ' W ' LA R G EU N FU RN 1SH EfVT A VTleil room ' Apartments 60 oi li6. Hot rigei ator, DO , n,l - lUnge, Garbage & Water included. l3 IteOI .51016 UlSpiOy J RlVLR TElvltACE APIS., Io2o W. . Otn. I'll. 224. ... ' WAHEE MOTEL: 8 and 4 room Cottages f f as M I meV't Garages. Utilities paid, Telepiione avail- V t? I II LasCII dsf II able. Low Weekly and Monthly Rates. , ; .""v.. AGENCY 161 Houses loi Rent THREE ROOM MODERN Furnished houne complete bnth. Service porcu wuii laundry ti-uys, Irigiuaite and gas range. Nice leneed yard, tidy NewporL 'lei. 824 or 1718. FOUR ROOM MODERN Furnished. Neat noil clean. Oil heal. Call 212-M. 1225 Albany. I'll REE ROOM MODERN House, elec tric range, oil or wood hent. Guiage and ienced yard. Inouire 12u4 E. 2nd. Phone 1280-J. ONE BEDROOM FURNISHED house. l.iglils & Water i'urimhed. Phone iVlli-H after 6 I'.M. SMALL FURNISHED HOUSE, close In. Gas equipped. Onu or (wo adulu. 016 Georgia. SMALL, MODEllN FURNISHED House. oil heat, relrigerator, clean. Suiublc for 1 or 2 persons. 8-0.00 per mo. Phone 1862, 1414 Fresno. TWO Rot M, MODERN Itopae, un.ui nisliet . Pensioner preferte,!. No drilio er. t'hoiie 42-W. 162 Rooms; Room & Board Two nice, ipiict. sleeping rooms. Suit nble lor gellllcmen. i'htine 12V i-W. 168 Other Rentals AVAILABLE JULY IsL Second floor orrtre rooms in Bend s most central lo cation. One suite : 2 large, 2 small rooms, plus bathroom, lio,t0. 2 Rouin Sidle, $(15.00. Call 2.12. 169 Wanted to Rent Respoualble fsmily netds 8 bedroom. I Inodein home May 1st. Aulonilitlc heat, j plinnbitl for washer. Phone 2Jli(l-W. 1 170 Houses ior Sale ONLY li.O MONTHLY. Low down pay mont. 8 Bi-drooin house on puvilucnt, foriiucc. Ittlecoraled inside and out. B51 leileilil. 172 Farms & Ranches lion ACRE RANCH. 110 COL 3 stock ponds, fair buildings, all conveniences, emii lot-in. i rue ?.i.ouu. iu,uov uown. 7 miles north of Bend. Phone 2212-J-5. 189 Heal Estate Display BEND REALTY 746 Bond Pil, ti20 4 RDRM. Houne., imlomiitlc furrince. F,nat Hide, clone in. Will (11 or FHA. " TODAY'S BEST" BUY- PRICE REDUCED, for quick sale, This very fine homo on a good East Side local ion. 2 nice Ixhm, lgo liv. rm, frplc, hdwd Floors, walkin closets, part base ment, double garage, 2 nice lots, Real living comfort $8300.00 $1500 Down fiO. month. DUDllEY-lllLTON, Realtors 1050 Bond, Bend Ph. l.tL'7-W Sbeal oj the 2) ay. TWO IMrm Mdn with Separate Dlnin Knoin, part bnenient. attached Karat: e, corner lot. both streets pnved, fcnceil yard 2 lot.-. Attractive home priced riy.ht at ftmxt. QUUnt'i. RealCiiaL 39 Automobile Display FUNDINGSLAND MOTORS - THESE LATE MODEL CARS HAVE BEEN TRADED. IN ON NEW "DESOTOS." WE MUST MAKE ROOM FOR NEW CARS COMING IN. NO REA-" SONABLE OFFER REFUSED. 1954 DESOTO. FIREDOME V-8 STA. WAGON R & H Powerflie Trans. 1953 DESOTO. RADIO & HEATER, POWER STEERING. Very low mileage. .J 1952 DESOTO. FIREDOME V8 Radio & Heater Power steering. 1952 DESOTO. SPORTSMAN. Radio & Heater. Power Steering. WE HAVE A NUMBER OF GOOD USED . CARS TO CHOOSE FROM. THESE CARS ARE COMPLETELY CHECKED AND READY TO GO! BANK TERMS FUNDINGSLAND MOTORS 1 62 Greenwood Ph. 32 NEW LISTINGS: 3 liR mod. panel Butane turn' ace. Close to Allen School -$8700.00 consider large trailer house on deal. ' 4 BR mod. 2 up 2 down, attached garage. $6,000.00 will G.I. 80 acres, 72 water, nice 3 BR mod home, large barn, grade A Dairy barn, top machinery $22,000.00 terms. Transferred 4 BR mod. furn. ace, fireplace, small basement) garage. On Harmon. $12,000.00 J After hours call 2337-J ANNE FORBESj REALTOR 3 36 Oregon Ave Phone 36-W QtJALtnKS l'OH CI LOAN: (A) NctTS hedrm, Ik liirht HvtiiK rm, hardwixxj, rioorn throughout, oil furnace, lot GUx, 140. Price ImtBO, (B) 8 bedrm home,ii, acta plumbiiiK. oil furnace, $10,600. t SMALL DOWN PAYMENTS: (A) NeaU, . well connti ueled, 2 latlrnw. In work" lv.p and Karavto $nfi&0, :i0 An. (Bj deep noil, chicken houne, $2760, 1800 Ana (C) 6 rniK, Home furniture, $1250. (260, dn. (D) near Kenwood School, 4 bdrmn 2 lota, double tfaratte, I6U00, $400 tin $1.0 per mo. -TRADES: (A) For Trailer Houae. Neat well ftirninheil home, electric rantie, re-' frlirerator, ,ri000. H) For Acrcnjje 2' bedrui hoube. Central Commercial zone,1 liMitltl. tt'J For -Houne to 000 - 200 Ac, ranch, 1 bed r in home, machinery.' 4)2,600. ' RANCHES : (A) 40 Ac. 27 COI, rnuun? lain view, call be nub-divided, fair houao, $61161), 11760 ill). IB) 120 Ac. 65 COL mdn 3 bedrm home, farm machinery, Ilil.OOO $3,000 dn. (CI Butler Market. Ruad K0 Ac, 40 COI, 8 hedrm houae, 30 liend stock, farm machinfiy, wondcrful( mountuln view, h,,ihju. icnnn. E. M. BUCKNUM realtor :; 1029 Brooks St. Phone '370- CHOICE EAST SIDE home, 3' bdrms, wall to wall carpet, dish-, washer, large lot. many other, fine features. $12,000. FHA' terms. Call for appointment.- ' NEAR NEW HIGH SCHOOLS attractive, clean home, well built, on paved street, garagee storage, landscaped yard; 1 bd- rm d dO Cl torma NEW DISTRICT, E. Side, roomy 2 bdrm home with piped furn ace, double lot, att garage, din ing room, lots of storage. $10, 000, FHA terms. BEND'S BEST BUY Brand new home on paved street, 2 bdrm., plus unfinished upstairs jnr 4 more uutinaiiiia, hukc ; kitchen. Only $7,000, terms available. After Hours Call Larry Keovvn 1 2205-W-3 Phone 387 135 Oregon Ave.