The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, April 12, 1955, Page 7, Image 7

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Bend, Deschutes County, Oregon, Tuesday, April 12, 1955
! ir J
til 9
Cities Protect
Historic Sites
CHICAGO (UP) A number
ot cities are taking steps to pre
serve, protect and even recon
struct historical areas.
The American Society of Plan
ning Officials says this makes good
sense as such programs can stim
ulate tourist trade and save some
areas from declining Into slums.
In Charleston, S. C, a special
zone known as the "old and his
toric Charleston district" has been
established by local law. It cov
ers the area where there is the
greatest concentration of early
The city has a Board ot Archi
tectural Review that passes on the
appropriateness of exterior arch
itectural features proposed for
buildings to be erected or altered
in the area.
Natchez, Miss., has an architec
tural plan with a local ordinance
to back it up. This plan deals w;th
tlie outside design and appearance
of 19 historic buildings in a 20-
block area surrounding the cen
ti-al business district.
The purpose is to retain a har
monious arrangement, without
necessarily keeping everything the
way it was.
The Vieux Carre section of New
Orleans, where French and Spnn
ish merchants once lived, has been
protected not only for its histori
cal value but for its worth as a
place to live. The state legisla
Petroleum corporation on a two-day sponsored tour to the com
pany's new refinery 12 miles northwest of Bellingham, Wash.,
were a group of Central Oregon representatives of the com
pany. From the left, bottom row, they are Albert W. Guddat,
George W. Mirich and E. L. Nielsen, Bend. Top row, from left:
Lawrence Corey, Bend; Ray McKinney, Sisters; Ben Graffen
berger, Bend, and Lewis Rice, Redmond. In recent weeks, some
1500 Mobilgas dealers and company employes have visited the
new installation. (GP picture for The Bulletin)
Driver Courses
Said Paying Off
school students who pass a course
driver education are now en
titled to a 10 per cent reduction In
their auto insurance, the National
Bureau of Casualty Underwriters
has announced. The reduction is
effective in 39 states and the Dis
trict cJ Columbia.
Driver education courses of
fered by 10,000 of the naton's high
schools are paying dividends," said
William G. Carr, executive secre
tary of the National Education
Insurance companies, schools
and the public need assurance that
minimum program of instruction
being offered m high school
driver education. The recently an
nounced plan (10 per cent reduc-
ion) indicates that preferred rates
will be allowed graduates . .
where the state department of edu
cation certifies that ut least 30
hours of classroom instruction and
six hours of driving time were
Only about 25 per cent of eligi
ble high school students are re
ceiving both classroom and prac
tice driving in 7,000 high schools.
Another 25 per cent receive only
classroom instruction in 3,000 high
This means that 50 per cent.
about 1,000,000 students, come of
licensable age every year without
any driver e d u c a t i o n," Carr
Since 1933, when a few high
schools started to teach driver
education, it has helped to reduce
the number of deaths per 100,000,
000 miles of vehicle travel, from
15.6 in 1933 to 7.1 in 1953.
"If we don't pay now to equip
our boys and girls with safe driv
ing through high school courses,
we will pay later for countless
accidents," Carr added.
Many high schools operate com
plete driver education programs at
costs averaging $35 per student
nearly 20 years ago passed bj Pcr ce"-
Denial Health
Needs Noted
CHICAGO (UP) Many chil
dren are growing up to be dental
cripples because ignorance about
dental health is still too wide
spread, according to the president
o the American Dental associa
tion. Dr. Daniel F. Lynch, Washing
ton, D. C, said "the toll taken
by dental decay alone in terms
of tooth loss, difficulty in eating,
blighted appearance and even fa
cial deformities is staggering and
Lynch said emphasis on chil
dren's dental health is the only
sound approach to the nation's
dental problem.
He urged that the following pro
cedures be carried out for all chil
dren to help promote lite-long den
tal health:
1. A nutritious diet low in sweets.
2. Proper use of the toothbrush
right after eating.
3. Early detection and treatment
of dental defects to prevent more
serious ills later.
4. Fluoridation of community wa
ter systems to reduce dental de
cay among children by as much
Hero Medals
Given to 56
a law allowing the city to set up
an aesthetic control agency, which
has the power to stop demolition
of any pari of a building in the
They Say Rats
Pretty Smart
rymen in Wisconsin, which calls
itself "America's Dairyland,"
think rats are pretty smart.
They point out that experiments
at the University of Wisconsin
have revealed that laboratory rats
won't eat dairy food substitutes
and will refuse carbonated bever
ages when milk is available.
N.H. Lake Has
Long Shoreline
Squam Lake is barely seven miles
long, but its knotted shoreline
measures i(t miles.
The lake at last count had
islands. The farthest you can
century ago a 2,2-yenr-old Ne
braska boy concluded it was time
to see the world, so he shouldered
his sand box shovel and lit out.
Presently he came upon a main
line railroad and decided that the
ties between the track would make
a swell foundation for a rock
He was busy with his construc
tion job when a freight train came
roaring into view. The engineer
applied the brakes. The alert fire
man scrambled to the engine pilot,
leaned over and scooped the child
clear just as the locomotive rum
bled over the spot.
The boy was unhurt, but the
fireman, losing his grip, fell be
neath the train. Both arms were
broken and one foot was crushed
so badly it had to be amputated
Later, that fireman was present
ed with the Presidential Medal of
Honor by Theodore Roosevelt
Thus he became the first recipient
'of the railroad safety award estab
lished by act of Congress in 1905
"to promote the security of travel
upon railroads.
George H. Poell, the heroic fire
man of the St. Joseph & Grand
Tsland Railway, was the first
among 5b trainmen to be so
Almost every type of railroad
worker is represented in the honor
list, but the largest number of cita
70 ! lions have been bestowed on train
,. i service employees. Thirty-seven of
from land at any sot
Despite its confusing geography,
Squam Lake is one of the best
charted small bodies of water in
the world. It was mapped by
Bradford Washburn, director of
the Museum of Science in Boston
and an Alaskan explorer and car
tographer. The job took two years.
half. the tjtal saved persons who for
some reason or another showed u
in the path of oncoming trains,
BOSTON (UP) - More than
30,000 animals were treated last
year by the Massachusetts Society
for the Prevention of Cruelly
tai mm MmmM
When Iron Deficiency Anemia leaves you tired all the time . . .
depend on the enriched blood-building formula in S.S.S. TONIC
to make you FEEL GOOD AGAIN FASTI Renew your pep
and energy, perk up your appetite and shed that rundown
misery that goes along with iron-poor blood . . . Now this
famous time-tested formula is available in easy-to-take
tablets! Ask for genuine S.S.S. Tonic in liquid or new
easy-to-take tablets at your drug counter. You will
be satisfied or vour monev back. Feel vour best . . .
vi '
--fe. a
Reporter Thinks Ike Won't Run If He Can Help It
MacMillan succeeds Sir An
thony Eden as Great Britain's
foreign secretary. The 60-year-old,
hard-headed Scots
man won distinction by head
ing his country's postwar home
building program. His mother
was an American.
Driver Returns
Clothes Carrier
A canvas clothes carrier con
taining clothing valued at $1500
suppra ii-oin the trunk of a car
driven by C. Eastwood, Emery
ville, Calif., and 'was found and
turned in to state police by Mrs.
William Hensely, route 1, box 375.
Eastwood reported the loss to
state Klice earlier Sunday. He
said the container with his wife's
clothes fell from the trunk of the
car somewhere between Madras
and Bend. He said the loss was
noticed on arrival in Bend.
Mrs. Hensley reported she found
the container near the Culver in
terseetion on Highway 97. She said
she tried to overtake the Eastwood
car but was unable to do so.
Eastwood, who continued toward
California after reporting the loss,
called from Klamath Falls and
wus notified of the find.
Smith. United Press White House
reporter, expresses the belief in a
book published this week that f resi
dent Eisenhower will not seek re
election in 1956 if he is free then
to follow the inclinations he has
Smith gives his reasons for this
belief, and at the same time lists
factors which could lead to a sec
ond term race, in a volume" of
close-up observations about Mr.
Eisenhower's transition from five-
star general to civilian head of
The book is "Meet Mister Eisen
hower" (Harper; $3,501. It gives
behind-the-scenes glimpses of the
President (and reporters) at work
and at play. It includes an authori
tative account of how Mr. Eisen
hower feels at midterm about his
job, his achievements and the fu
ture course of the nation.
Writer Lists Reasons
Smith. White House reporter
since 1911, believes that Mr. Eisen
hower doesn't want to run for a
second term. Among the reasons
he cites: The President's age (he
would be 66 at start of a second
term), his "distaste" for politics,
a yearning to retire to his Gettys
burg farm, and Mrs. Eisenhower's
"She (Mrs. Eiseihower) is not
a robust woman aim sue nnus tne
hours and the work, particularly
during the social season, definitely
fatiguing," Smith writes.
Mr. Eisenhower, however, might
seek re-election "if he were con
vinced, whether by his own rea
soning or the pleas of others, that
his continued presence at the
American helm might be essential
to preserving the peuce or win
ning a war . . ."
Hut "barring tensions, pressures
and dnngers which cannot be fore
seen or measured nt the present,"
Smith concludes, "my guess is that
he will run again right straight
for Gettysburg."
Customers' eyes popped, officials
grabbed the arms of their chaus
and police came running into the
Home Federal Savings and Loan
Assns. Building here. Then an em
barrassed secretary explained that
it was an alarm clock in ner
MADRID (UP) Scores ot for
eign tourists including seven Amer
icans were arrested Sunday for
throwing leather cushions into a
Madrid bullring to show their dis
approval of the poor quality of the
The Americans, who were fined
$6 apiece, said they didn't know
much about bull-fighting but threw
their pillows because they saw so
many Spaniards doing so.
A Good Foundation ure ot the success of his first two
(Mr. Eisenhower has indicated years was that the world had
that he doesn't intend to tell any- pulled back considerably from the
of another major war,"
one his intentions until next spring. ' brink
Most Republican politicians have
expressed confidence they will be
able to persuade him to run again.)
In reporting how Mr. Eisenhower
feels at midterm, Smith savs the
rvesiaein ueueves tlie tirst two
years produced u good foundation
for his basic program.
"He felt that the greatest mras-
Smith writes. "Foreign affairs con
tinued to dominate his thinking and
"Meet Mister Eisenhower" Is
Smith's third book. The previous
ones "Thank You, Mr. Presi
dent" and "The President Is Many
Men" deal with Presidents Roo
sevelt and Truman.
Introduction of milder, lower-priced,
86 Proof bottling as a companion to world-famous
100 Proof Bottled in Bond brings forth
unprecedented public demand!
Kentucky Straight Bourbon Wliiskey
Celebrated Old Craw -lighter,
milder and lower-priced thin
the too Proof Bottled in Bond
The molt famoiu of bonded f" ijrt
bourboai available ai mull Vr i U
See how Mercury costs you less
gives you more for your money
VE jy:40fl9KVfl'W "n-. iTi Trfj &tefrjit .
til Pi
Exclusive styling: Mercury's styling is distinctive
designed fur Mercury and Mercury alone.
Super-torque V-8 power: Horsepower is up to 18ft
in all Customs and Mnntereys and l')H in tlie
Montclairs. Hut more important is the new way
Mercury puts this horsepower to work for everyday
driving. You get far more usable power.
Special features at no extra cost: Flight of
Mercury's eleven models have dual exhausts as
standard equipment. All models have 4-ljarrcl
carhiiretors, hall-joint suspension, special high
compression spark plugs. Better see us soon.
1. You can get more for your pres
ent car. Our high allowances are
based on high-volume sales.
2. Mercury's low prices start below
13 models in the low-price field.
3. You save on operating costs with
Mercury's famous economy and low
4. You protect future trade-In value.
Mercury consistently leads Hs field
for resale value.
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