Tte Bend Bulletin, Tuesday, April 12, 1955 PERFECT RECORDS These four Pacific Trailways drivers received recognition and awardt for accident-free driving at a recent dinner in Bend. From trie left they are Ken Euston, Harry Monical, H. F. Griffiths and Ray Swasey. Trail ways photo for The Bulletin) Safety Awards Given Drivers County Shares In State Fund Check fur $:!l.:i7:i.07 was Ihe lar tresl of tlirr-t- received from I lie 'Mathews Family Holds Reunion EASTERN STAIl The home of Electric Trades Meeting Held Tim Central Oregon electrical trades committee met Tnursilay in the Central Klectric Co-op build in;; in Hedmond. . . Included in the business transac ted was the re-activition of James T. Taylor's apprenticeship agree ment and his certification to take the qualifying tests for the state, examination. J Als'i discussed was the organi-j a lion of a class to provide mem bers of the trade with review of the electrical code. j Committee members Sy Meigs arm ni rcuen were appointed li the evalua'ion committee to meet with the class on April 26. Other members present were Rollie P.o.ich. Tom Rutherford, Ho mer Smith. Har'ild Coerber and Ivan Washburn. Kx-officio mem bers present were George .Mc Laihlin, George Hudson and Bob Johnson. Guests include.! James T. Taylor and Ed Williams . Four Pacific Trnilwiivs drivers slate for Deschutes county's sliurc rr-siiline in Henil wnvi of special stale revenues. Countv wilh nalionul safely awards at a i Treasurer Mrs. Kdilli Fail-child re- Mr. Mi s. ,David Mathews 01 recent dinner in Hend. Awardi poi tetl Monday, t the Ward Road was the scene ol winners and the number ol yearsi Representing I he county's share covered by their safety rcrurdslof in'ilor vehicle license fees for were Ken Euston. U; Harry Muni-thc first uarler of the year, the cal, (!; II. E. Griffiths, 1, aihl R.iyjlarne check is earmarked for de Swasey, 0. j n isil in the county road fund, Mis. . Korty-lwo drivers of Ihe M em-1 l''aiii'hi!d said, ployed by Pacific Trail ways re- Tin- two oilier checks received ceived mvu-iis represent inn L'77 will be deposited in the county years of accident-free driving. jvelfurc fund. I.nrncsl ol these .William Waddell. for many, for $2.20 1. 37 for Ihe county s nor years a resilient of llend and now of Boise, Ida., received a sold walch for 1. years of accident free operation. Five 10 - year award winners tilso received wrist watches from Trailways. ' Dinner meetings were also held in Boise Twin Falls, Porlland and The Dalles. Present for the dinner meeting here were 2G Trailways employes and guesls. Guests included Ed Sl.'illloii ami Hal Starr, representing a Port Kind advertising agency. Presenlutinns were made by A. B. Chittim. superintendent of transporlalion for Pacific Trail ways. II was announced that Pacific Trailways ended lll'il with a rec ord of only ..'11 per cent of one accident for each 100.(1(10 miles of operation. This won tor Pacific TiMilways fourth nliice, In nation w.ile cov erage ol all interstate pussenrer carriers. The national average lor Ihe group is .73 per cent lion of liquor revenues for the quarter ending M'ircli HI. For $113.15, the other check represents the county's share of the unexpen ded balance of the slate's amuse ment device lax. Dulaney Body Found in River Special to The HiillHiil MADRAS TIh Ixxly of Flnvrl Duliinry, of Kninbmv-on-tlio- Di'srhuli's, wfis found in I ho IVs chutes rivrr Monday nnvnim;, one month nfler he drowned in an atilo awioYnl. j Drlaiiey and his father, Jamesj A.. (11). drowned when their aiiio-i mobile left I lih;hv;iy No. IS. almul mill's north of Madras ontlj phnmed into ihe Dest hnles river j March !). ! The hotly of Ihe elder man was found that day hut law enfoive-; ment offuvis have been seaivhin.; for- Ihe yniiiii'.er matt ever sinee.j Discovery was made by a rail-j road seel ion foreman two miles j north of South .Iiiueiion, near Ox ford P.ineh. River currents took Ihe body about JO miles in the month it was in the water. Site ol lite find is in Wasco county and officials of that county took charge Session Held The C'enled Oregon Apprentice ship committee transacted the fol lowing business at a recent meet ing: Frank Wincgar, applicant for carpenter apprenticeship, was in terviewed by Ihe comniitlee and bis agreement wilh Local 'Jill of Ihe International Carpenters and Joiners of AnuTicu was approved. The ai'reenieiil between Duane Harvey a'ml Ihe Cenlral Oregonian of I'l'iiieville was cancelled due to Harvey's leaving the urea. Dob Sly, appliance repairman wilh Oregon Kqiiipmenl in Prine ville, notified the committee of completion which was approved by the comniitlee. William J. Keyes' maintenance electrician in Kinua, was recom mended to the Slate Kleclrical in spector for the journeyman exam ination. C iii.:iiillee member I.eRoy Mie was appoinleil In evaluate the plumber apprentice class and G. K. Davidson was appointed to ewiluate Ihe upholsterer's appri'n liee class. Attending the meeting were Sionley Scill. chairman; I'.ub .I.ilinson. seen-tary; George Me Laehbii. assistant apprenlicesliip director; George fluids ; G. K. Da vidson; Farley Kllioll; Karl Kill and l'aul IteasiHier. a family reunion on Saturday when their four sons and their families were present. It was Ihe first lime in almost three years they had ull been able lo be to gether at once. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. II. D. Mathews and family of Corvallis, Mr, and Mis. B. E. Mathews of Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. II. D. M'lthews and family Mrs. I.eo R. Mathews and family and Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Mathews of Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lewis of Eugene also visited at Ihe Malhews home on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Hensley and family spent Easter Willi re latives in Culver. Guests at Ihe I lobar! Starr home on Saturday were Mrs. Phillip Pitman of Silver Uike and Mrs. Florence Stoul of Bend. George Slarr left Friday evening for Seal- lie where he attends school afler spending a week visiting wilh h'.s father, llobarl Starr and family Robert Knight Slid children, Ed die, Carolyn und Raymond were dinner guests at Ihe home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hyde and Mr and Mrs. Alvin Keyle on Sunday Mrs. Phillip Hensley entertained a group of friends at a conimer rial parly at her home last Thurs day evening. Guests included Mes dames Pcdor Pedersen. Ed Mar coulier, CI-nidi' JeHorson, Paul Christopherson, Oerlle Fix, Ernest Sleinlicht, Ralph Emerson. Clar ence Bennett, Meede Pedersen George Skidmore, Paul Garboden, E. J. Williams, and the hostess. Games were enjoyed during the evening and Ihe hostess served refreshments. Nolan Turner, who has been working the past year in Madras with the Bureau of Reclamation, been transferred lo Crescent Lake lo work with Ihem on the dam being rebuill there, lie left Sundav with IPs trailer house to lie near his job. lie plans lo ho home on weekends wilh his fam ily . ('OMKI)V PLANNED Speeial to The Bulletin SISTERS The eighth grade of Ihe Sisters Crude school will pre sent a comedy entitled, "It's So Peaceful" In the multipurpose room tit 8 p.m., Wednesday, April 1.1. Ihe cast for the comedy thai lakes place in a haunted house in cludes Doris Brandon, Lee Thom as, Sunny Smith, Denny Reese, Gary Benson, Ted Heiiinger audi Victor Brockett. The play is being ! directed by Homer Matson. ' Masons in Area Invited to Meet With Bend Lodge The Bend Masonic lodge has completed plans for an evening of entertainment for members who live In this community but hold! memberships in oilier lodges. The meeting will be on Thurs day, April II, at 8 p.m., in the local Masonic temple. Ollicers will ; be at the hall a! 7:.'i0 to welcome, the members. Local lodge officers said, in an-, nouncing plans fur the entertain- ment: I "As in other organizations,! many members move in and out, of the community. Because it is' difficult for a newcomer to attend I lodge with strangers, we decided to invite these members and make' them welcome." Members of the lodge navel compiled a list of more than 100 members of other lodges who are now living in this community. These members have been sent invit'ilions to attend Ihe special program being prepared for Thurs day nighl. All members of other lodges will be welcome, regardless of wheth er they received invitations, the Bend Masons stressed. I'IKK CHECKED PRINKVILLE A grass fire alerted the Prineville fire depurt menl shortly after noon on Easter Sundviy. No damage was report ed, and the fire was controlled before it reached a nearby woodpile. Budget Session Set for Monday Costs of operation of th Bend seli jol sysleiii and of maintenance of its properties will be forecast for the coming fiscal year on Monday evening, April 2.". That date was set last night by Ihe schoil l-oarJ (or the meeting of the district budget comniitlee the five board members anil an cqu.-ii number of appointed advis ors. largest ilem in the budget pjy rol! of the teaching, supervisory and administrative personnel was determined bv tlie committee at a meeting earlier this year. Maintenance costs are still to be surveyed bv a sub-committee. In cluded in these, it was mentioned by Director Bert W. Hagen. may be provision for termite control at Allen school. The situation there is not serious. Superintendent R. E. Jewell eild. Budget makers should be safe in figuring a -10 per cent insurance rale reduction for fiscal l!r(), Des P. Currie of Lumbermen's Inusr ance Agency, brokers for Bend school district, told Ihe hoard. The saving, under a general cut for school buildings recently announ ced by the underwriters, may very well run more than this, Currie said, but I lie exact percentage will not be known until rating bureau representatives have made a sur vey here. The board authorized a call for bids on boiler insurance which will expire on May 11. Bids will be opened at the meeting May 9. There's nothing complicated about getting a quick cash loan here, if you need money to pay your in come taxes or for any other worthy purpose. You can arrange a loan to meet your requirements, with repayments in monthly installments to fit your budget. Come in or phone 173 today! Loans up fo $1500 LOAN CO. S-180 85 Oregon Ave., Bend Phone 173 latins it In i vp t'Mlft mailt' liy I'lii-tluiiil hhluxlrii'l ljut Co. uf llfiul 1 1 mlt'i' (lit ImiiirtLiijil Loan Cnitipiiiiitt' Art Use Classified for Resulfs in 1 1 i:i;s aii:i j SISTEIiS-Mrs. George Meyers was elected new presided! of Ihe SMers Parent-Teachers Associa tion nieeling April a. Mrs. Eldim Liimh was seleeled as vice pres ident ; Mrs. Jess Seotl, secretMry ; land Mis. Burl Gillalld. Ireasur-i awarded :er. Dr. Slew. in of the Ti'i l'ounlv AorN('i;M.; T MAlii: healih clinic and Miss Eleanor Special In The lliillelin I Brown ol the Deschutes Countv' MADRAS I'lirniers with land Library were guest speakers. on which wheal was noi seeded . in l!l.";i, liial, and lii.Vi may upply for 1 .")( wheat acreage alliilmeul ' til l' I'dl. ICE ('Alt Andrew Morrow. Jelferson countv! COLUMBIA, S.C. il'Pi A Fort AV.I!IEI I'l l.!. AMIH'NT Decision in favor of J. R. Keyes. XiT Dell Lane, in his suit for an unpaid claim against tin Nation al Hospital association was hand ed down Monday in local circuit court by Judge Ralph S. Hamilton. Keyes was awarded the full amount sought in Ihe suit. SJIiO.Stt which he said was owed him for medical and hospital costs. Keyes was represented at nlt briel triul by Charles It. Marsh and the hos pital association by W. E. Tus sock, Portland. Keyes was also SlaO attorney's lees. Agriciillural Slabilialion and Con-1 Jarksuti soldier, unidentified by pi serv.ilmn I'oniniillee chairman an-1 lice, was sentenced Thursday to pounces. The farmer must apply (pay a S."tt).U fine or servo :I0 das in writing lo Ihe i oumy ASC office, in iail tor drunken driving. llol later llian .lime ill) lo be sidered lor on ailMiinent. con 1 The p.uked vehicle was a police car. thai he hit NAMES DHAWN Eight more county residents I have been drawn for possible jury duly during the spring term of the local circuit court, They (in1 , W. A. Grinisley, W. B. Anderson, j Donald Dyer. Margaret Vogt, Tim 'olhy Del.ude, otto Ziemke, .1. D I IVnovan and Thelma Allinghaiu. j They were dr.iwtv by lot from the master ium Mrs. Helen list by County Clerk M. Dacey. NASH WINS IN M06ILGAS ECONOMY RUN OK 19 ISpIt! Z3.ID wmmb s, Miles per Gallon with Hydra-Matic Drive la.. f.'v -V tiAti v AMBASSADOR SWEEPS BIG CAR' CLASS C You're So Right To Choose A BEND NASH COMPANY 134 Greenwood Ave. Bend, Ph. 700 First in iis liiM with a tword of 58 .55 tun miles the Ambassador buvr Jctfuv o with lldi,i-l,itic lt ic outclassed its competition in the most fiocl n;: Mohili'.is I conomv Run of all time. The most spacious ol Vivik.i'-, line cars leads aiyiin in performance with ivunoim ! line Ihe winner today the I955 Nash Ambassador! Wtiats the biggest difference in today's gasolines?j "Detergent-Action - the one kind of gasoline that ends tfip biggest ' single cause of engine trouble! v tin xiM fcliU -1 1 m i i hear ' see t feel ? THE DIFFERENCE SMOOTH IDLING "Detergent-Action" stops formation of ciirlmiotor deposits with the first tankful. tlien cleans them away to onrl forevor the cause of 1 in 3 repair bills . . . prevent rough iilling and stalling in trallic. It actually moans an increase in your engine's power output extra gas savings, too! THE DIFFERENCE CLEAN CARBURETOR This "before-and-after" picture shows what a few tankfuls of "Detergent-Action" Chevron Gasolines do for your carburetor ...keep a new one new return an older one to its factory -clean condition. Millions of miles of actual motoring luve proved it's like a free tune-up . . . while you drive! THE DIFFERENCE BALANCED PERFORMANCE Try Chevron Supreme for high-compression engines, or Chevron, the most power ful "regular" we've ever made. Get not 1, not 2, but eivry feature your car needs: "Delergcnt Atlion" Eronomy mileogs Quick slotting i High onli knock Fast waim up Vapar-loik prevention Smooth acceleration Rust ond corrosion protection Full power Area blending Try a tanh fid prove the difference for yourself! . . . We take better care of your car STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA chWronWhWrm SUPREME CASOUNB rtnt ippUHl for