The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, April 11, 1955, Page 2, Image 2

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    Portland Takes
Double Victory
At Los Angeles
United Press Spurts Writer
. . Hollywood and San Francisco
come home for the first time in
the 1955 Pacific Coast League and
'from the looks of the standings
that's where they should have
flayed last week.
The juiceless Stars, near cham
pions last season, managed to score
only 11 runs In seven games with
.Sacramento and were lucky to get
out of town with two wins for the
series. Yesterday they won 2-1 in
the finale alter losing by the same
score in the opener.
San Francisco took two to (he
jaw from San Diego yesterday 20
and 7-6 and looks up at the rest of
the league from a 3-5 record.
; Portland got good pitching and
timely home run hitting and
bopped Los Angeles 4-2 and 2-0
while Seattle won over Oakland
6-3 to cinch the series and then
.dropped a 5-2 decision.
Bud Daley tossed u six hitter in
.the opening fracas to give Sacra
mento the win over Hollywood.
,Three Star errors helped mess up
a good pitching performance by
Chollie Naranjo. .
Oidy Two Solon Hits
Then in the second game three;
Hollywood pitchers allowed a total
of only two hits, one a homer by
Hank Schenz to return the favor.
.. Marino Pieretti was the victim
and Leo Rodriguez, who squeezed
home the winning run, the hero.
- Eddie Erault also hung up a two
jhitter, his a nine Inning job
i against the Seals. He got all the
'margin he needed in the sixth in
'ning, got the game's only homer
'when Dave Mellon belled one out
jin the filth and rallied for two
I tying runs in the top of the seventh.
However, Earl Rapp undid all that
'with a triple to drive in Milt Smith
!in the ninth.
Another Two-hitter
! Still another two hit was re
corded in Los Angeles but this one
was a losing effort. Jim Brosnan
"and Joe Kuncl limited Portland to
Itwo blows, but one was a two-run
homer by Russ Sullivan in the
Isixth. Bob Hall gave up three hit's
but no rups.
; The first game was nlso won by
iPortland home runs. Ed Michol
rson hit two ot the homers while
;Eridle Basinski got one. All came
with the bags unoccupied but pro
vided enough edge for Dick Wailiel
and Lee Anthony, who seven-hilled
the Angels. ' . 1 ' , ', J
The Sealllo Rainier bombitl
Allen Gcttel tor Ihe second time m
J the first game. Vic lximbardi got
his second win In that one and Ai t
Sehult homered for the winners.
' In the second contest Ihe Oaks
i exploded for five runs'in the fillh
'to wrap up George Bamberger's
.second win. Bill Serena homered
for Oakland. . .
Thp Lincscores; , .
' First games: ' '
lllollywood .000 000 100 1 6 3
Sacramento 010 000 01 x 2 1 1
J Narapjo and Brugnn; Daley and
.San Francisco 000000 000 0 2 0
San Diego 000 002 OOx 2 7 0
i Francchi'a and Rilchcy: Erautl
and Gladd.
-Portland 010 001 110 I 7 1
Los Angeles 000001 010 2 7 4
! Waibel. Anthony i8 and Lund-
-berg; Zick, Stoddard 19) and
Seattle 012 O'-'O 010 6 9 1
Oakland 000 002 001 3 10 1
Lombard! and Ginsberg: Gellle.
Besana 15), Slrnhs (91 and
Second eamos:
San Francisco 002 0'.!0200 6 14 0
San Die?0 - 012 210 001 7 Ifi 0
Bearded, Chandler (M, Znlviln
6) and Tornay. Ritchey 61; Ker
rigan, T. Smith 7) and Aylward.
Seattle 000 000 02 2 5 2
Oak'and 000 or0 x 5 10 1
Kavranskv. Widmar 5 and Or-
teig: Bamberger and Swift.
Hollywood 000 OL'O 0 2 9 ft
, Sacramento 001 000 0 1 2 0
Maimer, Witt l.M, llogtie 161
and Hall; PicreMI and Raisoh.
Portland 000 00 2 0 2 2 0
Lis Angeles 000 000 0 0 3 2
Hall nnd Bottler; Brosnan, Kuncl
(7) nnd Hannah.
W. I.. I'd.
Sacramento 5 2 .71 1
San Diego 5 3
Seattle I 3 .571
Portland 1 3 .571
I,os Angeles 3 4 .4211
Oakland 3 I .
San Francisco 3 5 .375
Hollywood 2 5 .'-'J
Sunday's results
Seattle 6-2. Oakland 3-3
Sacramento 2-1. Hollywood 1-2
Tortlnnd 4-2 . Ios Angeles 2-0
San Diego 2-7, Sin Francisco 04
How series ended
Sacramento 5, Hollywood 2
Portland 4. Los Angeles 3
Seattle 4, Oakland 3
San Diego 5, San Francisco 3
Next series
Portland at San Francisco .
Oakland at Sacrimento
Jos Angeles at San Diego
Seattle at Hollywood
The Bend Bulletin,
Pair of Wins
Taken Here
By Spartans
Bulletin Sports Writer
The Corvallis Spartans rolled
over the Bend Lava Bear base
ball team 4-1 and 9-7 in a double-
header played on the local dia
mond Saturday afternoon. The
games were marked by an over
cast sky and a biting wind.
The first contest saw the Spar
tans gain an curly victory on the
Bruins as they pounded out three
hits and forced two men across
to score in Ihe first inning.
When the game reached the bot
tom of the fourth the Bears looked
like they might come alive after
Gentry got to first on an error
by the visiting shortstop. Gentry
stole both second and third and
scored on a long hit ball by
Ralph Tollen.
Ronnie Rassmussen and Bob
Bonsell kept the rally going by
blasting out two singles in rapid
succession but the side was re
tired on a fly out by Corkett.
Score Again
The Sparlans went to bat again
in the top of the sixth inning and
after a hit, walk and a sacrifice
had advanced their runners to
second and third. Woodring scored
on a long hit hall to left field
nnd Chanman on an error by the
local infield. These runs ended
Ihe game for the locals as the
locals as the Sparlans coasted on
to win 4-1.
fn the second game Ihe Bruins
returned to embarnss the visitors
for four frames at which time
thev held a 7-1 lend.
Corvallis was first to score as
they slipped one run across in the
first ofler the Bruins had caught
an unwary baseninner off the
bag nnd enabled a visitor sta
tioned at third to cross the plate
and score.
The locals then had their turn
at the but and following a hit and
i steal by Earl Corked, Bruin
catcher, got one more point when
he scored on an emir oy uie veil
ing left fielder.
The Bend nine blanked the
Spartans for the next three frames
while scoring throe, one and Iwo
runs respect ively In I hose innings.
llriiliiH Tally
In Ihe bottom of the second
Ralph Tollen reached first for
Bend and was moved to third on
a hil by Earl Corkett. Corkett
moved Iq second and when Crow
ell's ground tall rolled free of Ihe
Corvallis short, followed Tollen
across lo score for the Bruins.
Crowell moved to third on n steal
ind scored on a long hit ball by
Only one Inning later the Rears
rushed Gary Genlry in on a Texas
lencucr by second baseman Skip
Two more inns came for the lo
cals in the bottom ot the fourth
inning when Conenhaver and I.en
nburg pushed the score to 7-1 in
favor of the Bend squad.
As the contest roared into the
filth frame Ihe Corvallis learn rose
un nnd slapped back the Bears
iv slinnlng across seven runs in
Iwo innings on seven bits, two
walks, and a passed ball by the
Rend catcher. In the top of the
sixth local hurler. Denny Lenn
hurg. was relieved by Kevin Mid
Mm. who entered Ihe game with
Ihe bases loaded.
The Sonrtans added insult to in
Iury and forced an extra run in
on n missed ball in Ihe seventh to
end the scoring for the afternoon.
The Bruins were retired and
senl lo lick their wounds after go
ing donw one-two-three on three
fly outs to short. The final score
read 9-7 in favor of the visitors.
The Bears are slated to meet
the Madras White Buffaloes Tues
day afternoon at 4 o'clock on the
Bend municipal diamond.
Deer antlers are made of solid
hone and are shed once each year,
while bonis have only a hony core
surrounded by a horny sheath and
are a permanent fixture, never
shed except in the case of the
prong-horned antelope.
Monday, April 11, 1955
If a mother-dog is infested
with round-worms, her pups
will be born with them, so
have her wormed well be
. fore the pups arrive.
Start building up her re
When "milk fever" strikes,
it has a paralytic effect
upon the dog, requiring a
veterinarian's help quickly
to save her life
Big Year Seen
For Baseball
Will Harridgc, president of the
American League, predicted a gain
of more than a million in attend
ance for the 19.15 season today
while Warren C. Giles, the Nation
al League head, declared "this will
lie the biggest and. best year in
our history."
Sharing the optimism of the two
major league executives was base
ball Commissioner Ford C. Frick
who slated that "I'm thoroughly
convinced litis is going to be a
belter year for baseball than 1954
and that goes for the minor
leagues, too."
In statements written especially
for the United Press, the three top
men of the majors were extremely
"I feel confident that wo will in
crease our attendance another mil
lion in 1955," said Harridgc. "We
arc headed for a banner season
Giles said it was very simple
lo determine why the National
League will have its best year.
"We will have the best eight
team .balance in 1955.1110 old league
ever has enjoyed," he com
mented." Frlck said every indication point
ed to big things for baseball Uiis
Oregon Swamps
Track Rivals
PORTLAND (UP) The Univer
sity ot Oregon swamped Seattle
Pacific College and Lewis and
Clark College in a three - way
track meet here Sahuday.
The Welifools had first places in
all but one event and rolled up
100 1-2 points to 31 1-3 for Seattle
Pacific and 30 1-6 for Lewis and
AUGUSTA. Gil. (UP) Bruce
Cudd. Portland amateur golfer,
curded a 72-hole totid of 306 in the
Masters' golf tournament here,
shooting a 78 in yesterday's final
Cudd, 21-year-old Walker Cupper,
shot 307 last year.
em &
Now everybody's going! Dad pays for one first class
ticket and the rest of tho family travels for half-faro
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
ftohtrti fitltl. Rdmon4. Coll
Redmond 260 or on outiWiito
frovtl agtnh
Panthers Take
93-29 Track Wirj
Over Buffaloes
Special to The Bulletin
REDMOND Redmond track
sters were in a record breaking
mood Friday when they met Mad
ras here in a dual match. The
Panthers beat the Buffs 93 to 29.
Jack Keiser, senior miler, set a
new record of 5.1.5 for the mile.
The old one of 5.6 was held by
Boe of Lakeview since 1948. Sec
ond and third in the mile Friday
were Hanson, Madras, and Mai
lery, Redmond. J
Earl Sehult, who brought home
a record from Willamette a week
ago, broke a field record held pre
viously by Cullison of Bend in the
shotput. Sehult heaved the shot a
distance of 46.1.5, topping Cull;
son's 45.11.
The relay team of Don McClure
Earle Smith, Wcs Woolhiser and
Hubert Sprights, broke a Prine-
ville record set in 19ol. The Red
mond team ran in 1.40.4 time,
Coonse, Tennant, Tangeny and
Hall for Prineville held the -rec
ord at 1.41.1. . ' '
Other results Friday:
100 yard dash: Spights, Red
mond, 10.7; McClure, Redmond,
and Larson Madras.
220: Spights, 24.4; McClure
Watson, Madras.
440: W. Woolhiser, Redmond
55.4; Hayward, Redmond; Larson.
880: Seal, Redmond, 2.16; An
derson, Madras, and tie for third
between Newton, Madras, and
Durfee, Redmond.
. Low hurdles: Gurnsey, Red
mond, 23.1; Bessey, Redmond;
Surplus, Madras.
High jump: Newton, Madras,
5.7; Beimler, Redmond' and three
way tie for third among Hansen
and Brown, Redmond, and Han
son, Madras.
Discus: Sehult 122.7.5; Smith;
Lockrie, Madras.
Pole vault: Smith 9.6: tie for, sec
ond between Hansen and Reid of
Broad jump: D. Woolhiser, Red
mond, 19.5; Newton and Reid:
Javelin: Smith 146.10; Spnngle,
Madras; Hayward.
Coach Harry Gobelman reports
he will take his promising team
to the Hayward relays in Eugene.
leaving Redmond Friday at 1
p.m. the Panthers will compete
In class A events, set up iar
schools having from 450 to 1,000
students. Class B and C matches
will run Friday afternoon, ami
metropolitan and A groups on Sat-
jrday morning. Some uu scnoois
iltogelhor from around the state
are expected 10 panicinaie. - in
Ihe afternoon the high school
trackmen will be spectators at a
dual meet between the University
of Oregon and Idaho in Eugene.
Boxmakers Win
Bowling Tiile
The Oregon Trail Box team won
the championship in the Women's
Monday Night League by defeat
ing Polly's Cafe in the playoff
Saturday night. i
Trophies and point money will
be awarded tonight at 9 o'clock,
at Cascade Bowl. A sweeper tour
nament will follow.
Bulldogs, Pilots
Divide Twin BilL
SPOKANE, Wash. (UP The
Gonzaga University Bulldogs and
Portland University each walked
away with a baseball victory in a
double-header here Saturday after
The Bulldogs triumphed over
Portland in the first session 5-3,
holding the visitors' scoring down
o the last inning. Portland took
the second game 4-3, making
first period splash while Gonzaga
picked up points in three innings.
Exhibition Games
At Baltimore 1
Pittsbg (N) 000 000 030 3 7 1
Bait. (A) 000 000 121 4 9 0
Bowman Law (8) and Afwell,
Shepard (8). Moore, Byrd (4) and
H. Smith, Moss (61. Winning
pitcher Byrd. Losing pitcher
Thies .
At Boston
N.Y. (Nl m 9in nnn
Bostn. A) 000 021 010- 4 8 2 f " ,Ty m? J8 ,CYeted Ma
,. , ,, ,.,"" I ters title and his 1955 earnings
Hearn, Gomez (4), Wilhelm (7). doubled in one great sweep to
Gnssom (9) and Katt. BrodowskiJeiorv
.vi iwf, k iircmaii KOt ana
White. Winning pitcher Hearn.
Losing Pitcher Brodowski.
At New York
Bklyn (N) 010 000 002- 3 5
Bklyn (N)
N.Y. (A)
024 010 OOx 7 8 0
Black, Bessent (4) Mover (5)
Lasorda (7) and Campanella, Wal
ker (7). Turley, Sturdivant (5),
Sain (8) and Berra. Winning
pitcher Turley. Losing Pitcher
Black. AlrWashingtod
Cincti (N) 000 110 000 2 5 1
Washn (A) 000 000 14x- 5 U 2
Pearce, Fisher (8), Baczewski
(8) and Landrith. Ramos, Stobbs
(5) and Fitzgerald. Winning pitcher
Stobbs. Losing Pitcher Pearce.
At Wilmington, Del.
Kas C
Phila. (N) 001 301 000 5 10 3
Bishop, Ceccarelli (6) and W.
Shantz. Owens, Dickson (4), Sim
mons (7), Kipper (9) and Lopata.
Winning Pitcher Bishop. Losing
Pitcher Owens.
At Milwaukee (10 inn.)
Celve. (A) 101 011 000 0 4 10 2
Milw. (N) D00 002 002 2 6 9 1
Garcia, Score (4) and Hegan,
Foiles (41. Conley, Jolly (7). Crone
(9) and Crandall, White (9). Wip
ning Pitcher Crone. Losing
pitcher Score.
At St. Louis
Det. (A) 000 001 800- 9 13 0
St. L. (N) 000 015 40x 10 13 0
Hoeft, Black (4), Herbert (6),
Zuverink (7), Fletcher (8) and
House, Wilson (8). Faszholz, Blay
lock (5). Moford (7), Woodridg'e
(7), Smith (9) and Sarni, Rice
(81. Winning Pitcher Woodridge.
Losing Pitcher Zuverink.
At Chicago
Chi. (A) . 040
Chi. (N) 300
004 100 9 10
210 100 7 11
Pierce. Harshman (5), Chakales er wh plummeted down to a tie
(7) and . Ijillnr Coiirtnev (6) Jior 12th after a hard-to-believe nine
Thorpe, Cohen (3), Andre ; (6),)" the now notorious 13th.
Amor (7), Davis (9) and McCul
lough, Fanning (41, Tappe (9) i
Winning Pitcher Harshman.. Los:
ing pitcher Cohen... ,, ., ., ,. ,,
you can always rely on a FORD 18!
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for '55 . . . 162-h.p. Y-block V-8 . . . 182-h.p.
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Buy a '55 Ford... the V8 leader
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920 Bond Street
'Pam MirMlarnff
Takes Masters
United Frew Sports Writer
AUGUSTA, Ga. (UP) Because
he didn't want to play hero at a
crucial time, lanky Cary Middle-
neadcd lnU a 8olden year of
The praise of Bobby Jones him
self, founder and chief patron of
the Masters, rang in Middlecoff's
ears for . the best single round of
nnlf muM chnt t4 (.a )! ..arm. 1
o'fo "w' " "iLT M
two greatest competitors of the
tournament, Ben Hogan and Sam
Snead, who finished a sad two-three
at a record seven and eight stroke
distance behind the winner.
Happy, quickly-relaxed Middle-
coff, said that after he took a dou
ble bogey on the 10th., hole of the
last round and still was one under
par through 12, it was no time to
! take chances anv more.
Remembered Ferrier's Fate
"I was remembering what hap
pened to Jiin Ferrier at the 13th
hole in 1950 when I was playing
with him," he said. "He tried to
I hit his second too far. Well, he
was jinxed from then on with a
bogey for every hole and Jimmy
Demaret beat him by two strokes."
Yet. while the 31-year old ex
dentist from Memphis who now is
registered from Kiamesha Lake,
N.Y., took a cautious iron on his
approach to 13 Sunday, satisfied
with a par 5, it was the same
hole he gambled and got an eagle
on Friday. That feat and a flurry
of birdies, including four in a row,
added up to only 65 and was the
round Jones called the best in Mas
ters' history.
Middlecoff finished with a two-
under par 70 Sunday, giving him
a total of 279, which is as good
as they've ever done in the Mas
ters save when Hogan axed it down
to 274 in 1953.
Burko Falls Behind
It was only the second major
triumph for Middlecoff, who won
the U.S. Open in 1919 only two
years after he turned pro.
Saddest casually of all in this
3 Masters was Jack Burke Jr. of
0j' - 'amcsha Lake, (he first day lead-
Sncad's story for four rounds
was 12 birdies and 12 bogeys. Hej
1 wuunu up wiin a iinu tu ounuuy,
Team ' Won Lost
Masterson-St. Clair 36'4 ll'i
Pastime 30 18 ,
V.F. W 244 23Va
Syverson Bros. 24 24
Al's Drive In 24 24
Cascade Bowl 23 ' 25
Bend Supply Co. 15 33
Gordon Randall 15 33
Al Harrington walked off with
all individual scoring honors in
last night's Sportsmen's league
play with a 217 single and 563
series to his credit. Gordon Ran
dall Agency copped team scoring
with a 606 game and 1690 series.
Masterson-St. Clair kept a good
hold on the first position by de
feating Al's Drive In by a 4 to 0
margin while Gordon Randall
posted a 3 to 1 win over the
V.F.W. Pastime and Syverson
Bros, split with their respective
opponents, Cascade Bowl and
Bend Supply Co.
Individual scoring:
Masterson-St. Clair: W. Moura,
457; C. Hedger, 461; A. Harring
ton, 563. Total, 1625. Al's Drive
In: C. Bergseng, 417; V. Rasto-
nch, 374; W. Cottingham, 502,
Total, 1506.
Bend Supply: N. Tharp, 423; M.
Rathkow, 349; A. Powers, 538. To
tal, 1577. Syverson's Bros.: R.
Syverson, 453; W. Taylor, 454; A.
Syverson, 444. Total, 1564.
Pastime: G. Kizer, 454; P.
Hedger, 432; T. Vogt, 447. Total,
1486. Cascade Bowl: W. Dubois,
401; Cap Blevins, 462; J. Jackich,
398. Total, 1480.
V.F.W.: L. Bally, 534: F. Kai
ser. 463; B. Selken, 450. Total,
1603. Gordon Randall: B. Alder-
son, 476: J. Duff, 487; B. Benson,
403. Total, 1690.
Team Won Lost
Beak 31' i 20',i
Right Wing 31 21
Eyes 29'4 22'4
Talcons 27' 24Ms
Left Wing 26 26
Claws 23 29
Feathers 2914
Ears 17 35
The Right Wing. Ears, and
Claws downed their opponents,
Bpik. Left Wing, and Eyes 3 to
1 while the Feathers took a 2v
lo lVi victory from the Talcons
Joe Peterson came through with
a 539 for a high scries and a
199 for top single game in the in
dividual scoring for the men.
For Hie ladies, Joan Evans had
both high series of 450 and lead-.
Only in the '55 Ford will you find the longer,
lower exciting look these fine cars share with,
the brilliant Ford Thundcrbird. You can have
your choice of 16 beautiful Ford models for '55.
And you can take your pick from a wide
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the Ford upholstery materials for '55 have
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Rough roads or smooth, they all feel better
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Ford has re-designed its famous Ball-Joint
Front Susension. The front springs are now
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shock from tho front as well as straight up
from beneath the wheels. As a result springs
are sensitive to tiny road flaws, such as paving
joints, as well as really rough roads. It means
smoother going for you over all roads.
ing single game of 162 to capture
the women's scoring honors.
Team Won. Lost
Lindsay's loosettes 63 45
Bend Vene. Blind 62 46
Eagles '. 60 48
Pine Tavern : 59 49
Norman's ., 56 52
Anliker and Robinson 49 59
P and W Market ..'45 C3
Darst Loggerettes .......... 39 69
The Booster league race for
first place continues to be a bat
tle with Lindsay's lead jig Bend
Venetian Blind by only a one point
Helen George took both high
game and high series of 192 and
480 respectively to capture indi
vidual scoring honors. Eagle
Auxiliary had high team single of
831 and top series of 2361 to take
team scoring. Jenny Hufstader
picked the 4-7-10 split.
The Eagles blanked P and W 4
to 0 while Darst Loggerettes,
Bend Venetian Blind, and Normaifc
Ranch Room took 3 to 1 wins from
Lindsay's Moosettes, Pine Tavern,
and Anliker and Robinson.
Individual scoring: . - - -
P and W Market: B. Dalrym
ple, 421; J. Hufstader, 323; W.
Apling, 365; L. Curtis, 388; N.
Sullivan, 340. Total, 2224. Eagles:
F. Voglis, 339; J. Winters, 478;
B. Rothkow, 317; F. Stenkamp,
441; D. Billadeau, 375. Total, 2361.
Darst's Loggerettes: D. Hufsta
der, 359; J. Hunt. 331; P. Cole
man, 310; M. Gump, 2Si; M.
Chopp, 408. Total, 2253. Lindsay's
Moosettes: L. Gunderson, 374; O.
Saunders. 338; M. Taylor, 416; P.
Raco, 322; L. Rose, 363.. Total,
2146. .
Anliker - Robinson: F. Hachtel,
418; W. McGahan, 327; B. Haslcy,
347; J. Darst, 356; N. Duff, 353.
Total,' 2137. . Norman's Ranch
Room: L. Pipes, 380; M. Ramlo,
334; T. Millard, 387; M. Michelson,
410; P. Wood, 402. Total, 2231.
Bend Venetian Blind: H. George,
480; R. Selken, 337; B. Nipper,
388; M. Huston, 373; M. Mayer,
274. Total. 2188. Pine Tavern: D.
Lindsay, 352; R. Kramer, 330; D.
Nedrow, 335; M. J. Jerlizzi, 316;
M. Vogt, 393. Total, 2041.
2 cord load $15
Green Slab .
Phone 767
Phone 680