The Bend Bulletin, Saturday, April 9, 1955 Central Oregon Church Directory Bend PIK0T F st8HYTEBJ A N (llarrlatan iui Franklin) Rev. J ark H. MBel.fl. PuUi Church school for all awe vruuiw. 9:46 .m. Morntntr worship, 11 o'clock, Weat- dh hater Fellowship, 6:30 p.m. CATHOLIC (Franklin I-avs Rev. Roger Anderson. Paster Rev. Finnian Carroll Sunday muii, 7:)io, 0 ,id u . as. v MaasMi uu wwk days at a a. m. KKftRHANIZKI) rillTRCH OF JFflT'H CHH1BT OF LATTER DAY HAlNTtf (Norway Hall on GalveMon Ave.) 1 1 tier R, K. Petrle, Pastor Services each Sunday. Church school. 10 a.m.; morning worship, 11 a.m. FIRST CHURClToF CHRIST, SCIENTIST (1S61 Weal Firet Street) Sunday service, 1J a.m. Sunday school, :30 s.m. Wednesday evening, teetl on ill meeting, 8 o'clock. Reading oora, 217- Oretcon Avenue. CBURCH OF THE NAZARENB (East Third and Lafayette) C. Wesley Jones, Pastor ; . . IMble School fi45 a.m. Morning Wor hip 11 a.m. Youth groups 6:30 p.m. Kve-j ning worship 7 :au p.m. Midweek service, Wednesday. 7 :30 p.m. Redmond FREE METHODIST (MO Wt Pore Ave.) Rrr, Myron Jarobaon Sunday school J:r- a.m. Murninff wor- hin 11 a.m. Y.P.M S. 7 ii.m. Eveninic . servlre 7:45 p. n Prayer meetinir Wetl- mlav 7 d r.m. Women a MUmionarv younit people, 6:30 p.m.; cvaiiuvlutic : "iuiy JUtronu Ihursdsy each month :ju service. 7:30 p.m. Mid-we-k prayer eerv-ipni. lee and uible atudy, Wwltiwwlay, FIRST CHRISTIAN (W. Fourth ajid Newport) H. Cecil Uever, Minuter Bible school for all , :4f am. Holy Communion and u-rmuti, II a.m. meetings for juniors, inter nu-dlutea and ST. A1.RAN-B EPISCOPAL CHURCH (Meeti In Redmond Hotel banquet room Juhn Welrh. Virar Services It a.m. Sunday. IIolv Com m union first Sunday each month. Cunvratitfii nnu second arid fourth Tumday ovming in home if member. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY 7lh A llearhule An. Hranrh of the Mother rhurrh, the Flret Church of ChrUi Hrleniisl, In Boston Ma . Sunday avrvlre and ftundav achool 11 a.m. Meetltitf 2nd Wednesday of each month, a p.m. COMMUNITY PRESBYTERIAN (South Seventh A Weet Cascade) Robert E. Williams, oailor Sunday wumhio 11 a. m. Sunday rhurrh arhool v:4C a. m. Westminster lellowshiu. Junior hiirh S d. m. : sen- ior hitrh 7 :0 p. m. Family dinner lat Wednesday evenfnsr each month. Wi- Mtib club first Monday each month. (ulld first and third Friday. FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH Missouri Synod American Legion Hall, 0th and G Hubert W. llcrker, Pastor Worship service K : l& a.m. ; Sunday L'hool 10 :1b a.m. The Lutheran Hour :3tl p.m. Sundays, kBNJJ, Hend. p.m. Third Wednesday, church hitiht pot- tuck dinner, o:au p.m. CHURCH OF COI1 (Cor. 12lh and Bev. Dsn J. Krokcr, Minister FOUR SjUAI(E GOSPEL (S4 South Eighth St.) Rev. W. A. .frown Sunday school :46 a.m. Morning wor hip 11 a.m. YounK peoples service 6:30 n.m. Even in if worahiu 7 :30 o.m. Weil- Church School Sun. 10 a.m. Divine "! niht prayer service 7:30 p.m. 'orahip Sun. a a.m. Kv. to or ship mu, , r,,1v 'n,,l,, ""0,r M by yoan vvuvtw i .iu p.m. Worahiu Itudy Wednesday even i nun 7 ;30. Church God, MiMlonary Cirol:. 2nd and 4th fhurs. each month 10 a.m. Potluck lunch. WESTSIDE TABERNACLE (Pentecostal Church of God) 1500 ;&lvealon Ave. . Rev. and Mrs. V. L. Mudira, Pastors Telephone ll&o-J Sunday school, lu a.m. .Sunday w'or hip services 11 a.m. and 7 :'A t n. Mid week services WetincsduyA, 7 ;S0 p.m. JRIinVAH'H WITNESSES (Kingdom hall, euuth of Bend, near canal) Walrhlnwur Btiuiw Hunflav. 8:00 II m. Service meotlntr Friday, 7 :46 p.m. Bible book itudy, Wednesday, B p.m., at 1100 Lexingf " -ve TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH fThe Lutheren Church Miourl Synod) ''alvrnlon and Federal) (Robt. W. Becker, Pailor) Sundny school 10 a.m. : worn hip ser- riee, 11 a.m. i Communion eervlcea the Ust Sunday ot rnch month. FIRST MISSIONARY HA FT 1ST CHURCH (EaM Creenwuod) Eld. Lynn Hoover, Paator Sunday echool, 10 a.m. Mornlnir mes latre, 11. Bible hour, fl:ao-p.m. EveninK settHHuv, 7:30 p.m. Ladies' Hible claA, rmrmiay, 1:16 p.m.; prayer nieetitiK a Bible atudy. ? p.m. , CHURCH OP CHRIST (641 Newport) Lyle Leach, Minister Sunday worship lervlces: Bible claHnes, fc) n.m. ; preucliinir, 11 a.m., Communion rrvice, ll:fi0 a.m.. eveninir aervice. 7 'lock. Women' Bible class. 1 iHO p.m. httfh Tuesday PENTECOSTAL MISSION (213 Lafayette Street) Harriet K. Marling, Pastor Sundny sohool. 10 a.m. Mrrnlnu wor- iip service, 11 o'clock, KvaiiKelistic ajrviee, 8 p.m. Younir people's meeting luesday ntgliL TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH (Head of Wall Street) Claire T. Crenshaw, Hector Sunday aervlcea: Holy communion, 8 a.m.; Church arhool, 9:46 a.m. First Sunday each month, holy communion at 11 a.m., as well as 8 a.m. FOREST AVENUE BAPTIST (Corner Fnret and Effhth) (Cooperating with the Southern Baptist Convention) It. J. M. Mr Craw Sunday Srhool 10 a.m. Morning worship II a.m. Training unlun 7 p.m. Evening wornhip 8 o'clock. Wednesday evening prayer service 7 :30. ASSEMI.LV OF GOD (North Fourth and Birch j Her. Lynn Sparks Sundey school 10 a m. Mornlnir wor nhip I) a.m. Yoanit peoples service 6:4C p.m. Evening service 7:45 p.m. Wednea- uay evening midweea sevvtce cib p.m. ST. THOMAS CATHOLIC (Twelfth and Forest) Hfv. Michael Ahearne Dully mnm 7:30 a.m... Sunday masses 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. Confess Ions Saturday 3 .to 4 p.m. and 7 to 8 p.m. Redmond Union Biol Class and Sunday akboal (Sire lings in rwnwi 1 1 nnuininaliunal tv. uf kin is death, but the nfft of God is rU-rnal life through J" Clirial our lAtru. . " " Sunday. II a.m.; nunaay aenwi lu a.m. Gilchrist G1LCBKIBT MKTHOD18T CHURCH Muunl.m Vk Uri.i and MUbil.o A.. Gllchrltt. Or.. W. N. ;. Minuur Sunlr houl, tlaww for all ...... M...hi..u urnnlilti 11 O'clock. lnlr oclock. W.S.C.S. th. third Tliurl Cresceni FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF CRESCENT Arl Boll.mill.r. Actinx Mlniatcr n.t.i- m a. nujrnlliif wow- .Mi.. 11 o'clock: vcnin Mrvlcc 7 Vl.k Prsrcr OKCtioil Wtdnlr. 7 p.m. Culver CHURCH OF THE NAZARENB "The Friendly Ciiurch A. W. and Lillian Wilton, Ministers Sunday school 10 a. m.. Morning wor hio ll a. m.. Younir People's aervtce. 7:16 p. in.. Evenimc wornhip 8:00 p. m Prayer meeting 8:00 p. m., weanesaay, CHRISTIAN CHURCH An- Rica. Paittor Bible school 10 a m.. Morning worship 11:00 a. m.. Jr. and r. Christian tn ilnavor. 7 :30 o. m. Bible study Wed- nexday. 8.30 d. m. A friendly welcome to all. Powell Butte POWELL BUTTE CHRISTIAN D. I.. Penhollow. minister Bible school 10 p.m. Sunday, morning service and communion 11 a.m. Christ ian Endeavor 7 p.m., inspirational ser vice 8 p.m. Wednesday 8 p.m. Bible rtudy. Paulina PAULINA COMMUNITY CHURCB Pastor Allan Bekkedahl Riinitav aennol 2 n.m. Preach) no Ser vices 8 p.m. rayer and devotional ser vices Wednesday ' :au p.m. Prineville REDMONO CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Tenth and Evergreen) Richard T. Merriman, pastor Hible school 9:46 a.m. Kumlur. Morning wornhip 11 a.m. Christian Endeavor 0:30 p.m. Kvun'ng wornhip 7 '30 p.m. Wednes duy evening Bible study 7:30 p.m. ZION LUTHERAN CHURrH (Houlh nth and West Black Butte Blvd.) Rev. Morris Daltan Sunrtav achonl 0:46 a.m. Mornlnir wor ship U a.m. W. M. F. second Thurs days, 8 p.m. FIRST METHODIST 6BQ Bond Street) Dean C. Polndetter, Minister Sundny School for all ages 9:4ft a.m. Morning Worship 11 o'clock. Nursery and Junior Church 11 a.m. Junior Hhrh and Senior High Fellowships and Even lug Worship, 6 :S0 p.m. 0:45 young ASSEMBLY OF ROD (E. tnd and Greenwood) Arthur Hylsnd, Pastor Sunday aervlces: Sunday school a.m.: morntrm worshiu. u a.m. people's service. 6:30 p.m.; evangcllMIc service, 7 :eft p.m. I'rayer meetinii Wed nesday 7 :46 p.m. Youth Aclivitlus Fri ay niniL FIRST BAPTIHT CHURCH (Irving and Oregon Avenues) Rev. Roy II. Austin, Pastor Sunday School, 9.48 a.m. Morning worship, 11 o'clock I broadcast over RBNHl. Youth irrouns 6:110 o.m. Kvnn- Ing goHpul service 7 :90. Wednesday Bible ludy and prayer groups, i ;ov p.m. WESTMINSTER (Orthodot Presbyterian) (Newport avenue and Drake road) Robert D. Sander. Minister Bible achool, 0:46 a.m. Mormon wot' hip, 11 o'clock. Machen leattea., 6 :80 p.m. Evenlntr song and gospel hour at Mid-week prayv. WKlnestlay, 7:30 p.m. FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH Member of the Evanitral Lutheran Church (Idahe and Walt) Rev, R. K. YWIaaker. Pastor Sunday schtwl, 9:4b a.m. Momlna irorshtt, II s.Tt; Holy (mmunion the tut Sunday of each month. Nursery for children under ft In the parish houas during church services. CHRISTIAN AND MISSIONARY ALLIANCE (260 lta Road) Rev. James Thompaon, Pastor Sunday school. 9:46 a.m Sunday morn hr worship. 11 a.m. Sunday evenlna avanaMiotlc servtca. 7 :S0 p m. Weitnes day prayer meet inn. 7:30 p.m. Sunday, young people's meetinii, 6:30 p.m. CHUHCH OF JEHUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS (Fifth snd (ireenwnod) Doyle K. Pell. He. n.h President PrieattitMHl meetinir V ant.; Sonuai aehotd. lo:1u a.m.: Sarrarm-nt meetinii. 7 pm. ; R.-llef Societv 'I'u.-lar. I :30 p. m., MIA.. Wetlneaday 7:30 p. rn., ; Primary, Saturday 10 a. m. POl'KSqrARKfOSPKL (?SN Hill Street) Rev. and Mrs. Hugh I tears Sunday 'sclwxti 9:46 am.; Sunday morning worship, 11 o'rlirk : Sun-lay evana-olUtU: service. 7:30 p.m.; Bihle tudy ITiursdsy, 1 :30 p m. ; prayer meet ing Tuesday, 7:30 p ro. SEVENTH OA Y ADVPNT1ST Kenneth II. McVsy. Paitar Duane Cerwln, Assistant Pastor (llarrlmsn and Franklin flahhatli School. 9 :B0 a m . Church Service, li a.m.; Prayer Mii'ng. Weil neadaya, 7 :M p.m.: Young People' snerttng, Friday. 7 :0 p m. Redmond (Moots In Townsand Uall. N'nrih Fifth) Wilson MlniMer Bible aehonl, Sunday, church 41 avm. Evenlna- PiMe Study. 7 -so pm.. ;,.J Young Heple nw-jiin- 7 -no om Cottolt prayer meetlnes S e.!ey. 7 ;Si P FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH N. Tenth and Cedar Wolford A. Dewes, Pastor Sundny school 9:46 n.m. Morntnc worship 11 a.m. B.Y.P. 6:0 p.m. Even ing service 7 :30 p.m. Wednesday even tng prHyer and praise service 7:30 p.m.' CHURCH OP COD (Nurth Eighth and Elm) Rev. Hill Martin "Where a Christian experience makes ynti a member." Sundny school 10 .m. Mornlnir wornMn 1 1 a.m. Even in ir aer vice 7:46 P.m. Wcdneadnv evenlntr oraverl meeiuig p.m SEVENTH DAY ADVENTI8T (Ninth and Ularter) Kenneth II. McVay, Pastor Duane Corwln, Assistant Pastor Sabbath school. 9:80 sm. Church serv- Icoa, Ham. Prnyer meeting Wednesday, 7:4S p.m. Madras CHURCH OF CHRIST Cor. 1st and F Sts. Lord's lny Services Bible study 10 :00 u m . Prenchlnu II ;00 a. in. Communion 11 :60 a. m Youth training 6:30 p. m., I'renching K:0o p. m. WediiMwlny, Bible study 7:30 n. m. No BiKik but the lllhle. No Creed but Christ, No Name but the Divine. LUTHERAN CHURCH OF THE (10OD SHEPHERD i nun E. llolte, Vuntor Sunday i0 00 a m. Sunday school. 11:00 a. m. W-hlp services. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF MADRAS C. E. Holin. Pastor Bible arhool 9:46 a. m., Morning wor hip 11:00 a. m Hap tint Training Un ion 7 p. m., Evening worship 8:00 p. m.. Wetlnesday 8 :00 p. m. Bible study. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST Kenneth I. McVay. Pastor Duane Corwln, Assistant Pastor Sabbath school. 9:30 s.m. Church serv. Ices. 11 t in. Prayer meeting Wednesday, 4b p.m. ST. MARK'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Madras, Oretton 9:46 a. m. Church school. 11:00 a. m Morninu Prnver with Max Weaver o Mend In .-name. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Church services 11 a.m. Sunday School rnnvenea at the aame hour. The public la cordially invite! to attend. Tmth anJ West ;'' Arehla B. --"'i rMesthood a.m. ni minnav 1 a .m i amerarneni i p.m .-i' Sa Primary 4 p.m. TtnUv and FREE METHODIST CHURCH Two blocks eaitt of hank The Church of the I.iuht and Life Hour : Dial Sunday morninu at ft:30. You are lnitnl to attend our ner- ices. Sunday school 9 :46 a. m. Lloyd Knot, super intemlent, Mornine worship 11 a. m.. Y. T. M. S. and J. M. S.. 6:46 m Adult Bible study. 6:46 p. m.. Evan lit'c servires 7 :.10 p. m.. Prayer meet it WedneM.tnr 7 M n m.. V M. S meets second Tucmley of month at 7:30 p. m. It. A. Ilankius, I'aator. t'hone X301 MADRAS CUH1STAIN CHURCH Royal tardner. Pastor Mrs. Ruth Warren, Superintendent You are cnnllallv invited to attend our trrvicea. 9:46 a. m. Bihle school. 11 a. rn. -nfm wornhip and communion ser 7:00 P. rn.. Youth meetinir. 7:00 to 9:Wl p. m. Singainration and prenchinn service. 7:00 p. m. Bible Study Wednes day evening. 8:00 p. m. Choir rehearsal Wedneaday. THK METHODIST CHURCH Charles Kerr, Minister Aitnon I alhrop, Minintor Sunday aehmd 9-16 a. m.. Mornlnir womhip II:1" a m. Ai'jt D'hle Study f Sfl p. m., Blrthotiwt Y.-uth fellowship . ?0 p, m., t btilr reitear-a) vt islneeday 3D p. m. If yi.u dn not attend else here, you are cord tatty invited to fel lowship with us. Place God first in yvur life -it pays I ASSEMBLY OF GOD V J. Pappin. l'rvt-ir Sunday school e"i'-enee at 9:46 a. m Him Marwaret Mm rtwon. Son-Uv school iiilterlntenilent Vo nine- wo- -h n at 11 'clock. Mesaaire b 'hr part. Fvanrel- itle mnetine at t-ir p. m WMf meets wirh V- 'n. v a' t m IMh'e stUily sod pmvet er'. 1tiurdav 9:o0 p, m CIU 'M M np JFSCS CHRIST OF TTKK DAY SAINTS Community HalL Metnll'js Sunday school 10:10 am. Church ser m 1 1 10 p.m. CATHOI-TC Rev. Wllllara S. Stone, Pastor mdav Mmmi, 7:0 and 10:110 am R. Week day Mass. 7 SO a.m Coofeselon' ST. JOSEPH'S CATHOLIC CHURCH Rev. Richard Conway Sunday Masses 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. Weekdays, 7 :30 a.m. Confessions, Satur days a to 3:ao and 7 to . :uu p.m. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH J. A. Howard. Pastor Youna People 7 :00 p.m. Sunday School 9:46 a.m. Kvening Hervtce e:w p.m. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday 8:00 p.m. MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor H. F. Dane, 249 W. 5th (Second and Court Street) Morning worship Sunday School 10 a.m. Preaching services 11 a.m. Irible Study, young and old 7 p.m. PRINEVILLE CHURCH OF CHRIST (or Christian Church) ' Meetings at New Church Coombs Flat Road, Hiram Dawson, Minister. Wed. night Bible Study 7 tftQ p.m. Youth Service 6:30 p.m. Fellowship din ner every third Sundny. Bible school 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship 11:00 am. Eve ning service t :uu p.m, CHURCH OF THB NAZARENB John R. Lenker, Pastor Sunday school 9:46 D.m. Morn Ins wor ship 11:00 a.m. Evening service 7:80 p.m. rrayer meeting Wednesday 1 ibo p.m. ' COMMUNITY CHURCH Of PRINEVILLE (Union of the Diaclolea of Chrlat. Math. odlat and Presbyterian eharehes.) Lauranca Harriett. Miniitee Sunday School 9:46 a.m. Mornlnir wor ship 11:00 a.m. Junior C. B. 6 iOO p.m High School C. E. 6:16 p.m. Bible study 7:au p.m. FIRST CHURCH OF GOD Rov HarrU. Pastor (6th Between Main and Beaver) Sunday school 10:00 a.m. Mornlnir wor ship 11:00 a.m. Young people 7:00 p.m KvangelUtlo Service 8 :00 p.m. Wednes day night prayer service 8 :00 p.m JESUS TAMS rENTACOHTAL 708 B. Slith Sunday school 10:00 a.m. Preachlna- 11:00 a.m. CHURCH OF JESUB CHRIST. LJJ). James A. H in ton. Branch President Priwthood meetinir 9 iOO a.m. Sunday school 10 ;30 ara. Bncrament meeting :00 p.m. Primary, Monday, 4:16 p.m. ASSEMBLY OF COD (7th and Main)' Wendell Cole, Pastor Sunday: Sunday school 9 :4A a.m.. Mornlnir won Mo 11 a.m.. Rvmnaalhitlc service 7:80 p.m. Tuesday i Bib Is study. prayer meeting 7 :H0 p.m. Thursday : Young people's service 7 i&0 p,m. CHURCH OF CHRIST (217 M. Park Hlvd. at W 2nd St.) Troy M. Cnmmlngs, preacher Bihle CIbasm 10:OO a m Wnhln 11 .fin a.m. Teen Aue Clau 6:80 p.m Worship 7 :S0 n.m. Tuoaday. Boys and Men's train log class 7 :80 p.m. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCJETY Branch of the Mother (ThureK. tK tinl Chorch of ChrUt Scientist. In Boston Sunday Service and Sunday School 11 a.m. Meeting first Wednesday of each month. 8 p.m. Meeting place. Library Masonic Hall. SEVENTH DAT ADVENTIST Kenneth H. McVay. Pastor Duane Corwln. Assistant Pastor Sabbath school. 9 :S0 a. in. rhurrh ar. lem. 11 a.m. Prayer meeting Wednesday. 4& p.m. OUR SAVIOR'S LUTHERAN CHUHCH i hint St. and Ferk Blvd.) Orln 8. Cndraonsen. pastor Sunday school and Bible classen 9:48 m. Divine service 11 a.m. The Brother hood meets second Thursday of each month 8 p.m. Indira' au meets first and third Tuesdays 8 p.m. Sisters ASSEMBLY OF GOD (JHURCH Reverend John Hunter. Pastor Sunday sch'ul, 10:00 a.m.. Momine orshiD. 11:00 a.m.. Rvenln aorvio 8:00 p.m., Thursday even ins worshiu. 00 p.m. CHI'RCH OF CHRIST Z. R. Poller MlnUtec Sunday school lOiOO a.m. Mnmln PL . icea ii:uo a.m. Lnrietian f.ileavor grout . ...v r..riii-iH itrrvicra I IMt p.m. Prayer meeting, Wednesday 7 :80 p.m. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST Kenneth U. McVay. Pastor Duane Corwln. Assistant Pastor Sabbath Behind. 9:30 a.m. Churvh ar. Icen, 11 a.m. Prayer meeting Wednesday Tumalo TUMALO COMMUNITY CHURCH v Rev. Robert E. WillUms, Pastor The Muter ta hen nd ellih r,.r thee" Sunday worship 9 a.m. Church school 10 a.m. Youth fellowship secnl and fourth Tuesdays 7 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Nell Davis, advisors. Pastor's phone Red mond 261. Warm Springs UNITED PRESBYTERIAN ft W. Maohsmer Minister Sundav: 9 -46 a. ra Bible school, H :00 m. vtorahin service. 7:00 a. m Ct. nine wurehtu, Weilnes.lay t T 00 p. tn,. Young peo pW's aervtre I 00 n. m. Bible etUitr and prayer service. CATHOLIC Rev. William S Stone. Pastor Sundsy Mass, f a.ra., at Si. Patrick's i Church. fake tfmir problems Id Church this week millions awe tfem tfiae! fir. sr , . - j) Consider The Lilies " i The lilies of spring are witness to hope, faith and that which is permanent and worthwhile in life, in contrast to that which is temporary and of little real worth. They bloom at a time when the earth has been laid bare by winter. They give hope and re newed faith in something lasting and eternal in this constantly changing world in which man is but a pilgrim. They shine forth in all their beauty, but hold none of it back for themselves to selfishly keep for old age. They bloom forth as if to say, "We are here but a short time so we must give of ourselves to the fullest, that this world may be a better, more hopeful place in which others may live for awhile." The Church is also a place of hope, a place to renew faith and a place to gain a true perspective of that which is worthwhile, lasting and good. The church you choose is an excellent place to have the truths of the sermon of the lilies constantly held before you in review. This series of advertisements is published each week in The Bend Bulletin in the interest of all churches of the Cen tral Oregon area, and is made possible by the following interested indivifluals and business establishments. ftrooks-Scanlon, Inc. Dcsclinles Federal Sa vinos ? Loan Walter G. Peak Mr. and Mrs. George J. Childs Bend-Troy Laundry & Dry Cleaners Niswonger & Winslow Erickson's Food Market Carl R. Erii-kKon 1 lie Pine Tavern Maren Gribskov Bend F nrniture Co. U rn. A. Healy Jr. Ries Radio & Record Shop Al and Hazel Ries Congress Thrift way Market Mr. and Mr. James Mayne Buy-Rite Grocery Wilbur and Evelyn Sampels Columbia Food Market Mr. and Mrs. Hal Waterman J. C. Penney Co., Inc. R. P. Robinson, Mgr. Lee's Custom Upholstery Mr. and Mm. H. N. Lee Ray Cooper Lis. Agency Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cooper City Cleaners & Dyers ' Frank and Dorothy Wonacr Saturday, t to T iSO p as