OUT OUR WAY IMmmtHfmpfi III ClPM T PUT TH COATDN, I. lj: :, , I 180 R006H W6XL PUT Oral it I COZ I DML S.TEPPEP OUT V! NJ'I kM!, AIRS tll (RCH IfWEST-WS J ; II 'I !! I . I'.jl ! 1 1 V Til TO SET TrC PAPER. AW I SOT - WU DiDNT. BOZZ (VV& VfeTlL . u . V J il Ll:r'"' lil' 1 'l TH'wlk-IHEMTH'POS V V'v OM H0M WE INOUC6 DtS e.XT aVT?i? "" t-r.. i ITI-V l4P Wl MUCK OUT. Afj'lM KETCHfW VI ' '?;' . KlCr BACK 4i Sri NlSHT- -JrJTVtE V ! ' I'V. "M A &HOE OFF- H ,!,; ',- llWSTli HE rOL . " FtOORTUBfl WE'LL ll ! ; , L 'I I P OMLV STEPPED OUT 'II1 i A V ' f--- WE TAke HIM W nvJ uim UlJvV TO ill I '.fffl P'Ckim' UP A wet yr! l.-rr-i ASK HIA DOES f- AI,7 rJjrSjlZ ' 'SSii will ite I ' WHV MOTHERS. 6FT &CAV K )'A , MMMfMfXLs ) ..I.,? sh?SrT!. .1 Roof. , H R,.;oe ". ' L 'vi'"'" ' ' ' "''""' e,.. gams np rrrsHtBsi j KfrQ --i II 3T-arv- Jta&wwgjg ..tll Captain Easy 1 -t 1 J!?11 Wft5 K,SHI ApUT THIS I YER RIGHr OW me VOU'D BETTER. NOr FAIL, 1 1 THIS WLL R FAt THF i wir,p,T hipucijt ' I W Vill piAV-U0N se KWPr I WITH SOMETHINa BIGSER. BUT THERE'S wore m STAKE THAN jH L AJ r-E" 1-7 TlASWOt Vic P int 1 ' ' ijjyjWlTJlwirrUM I VJC WJD INSPECTOR A WOWAN TENAMT RODE JCMOW, TALL,BLONP MEANWHILE. IN A NI&HTCLU9 PABK- SROWL LEAVE THE MUR- A6 FAR AS THE FIFTH ANP MUSCULAR. ROOM., i r P VOL) CHECK THE PER 5CBMH... FLOOR WITH HIM 60ME J WE'RE eoiNS To .-..' .n,.. I ikj ABOUT SIX MINUTES I PUILPINS, NEIL? r- I TIMS AROUMP ElSHT. J RlPE UP To THE fnW SHOULP HAVE A NEGATIVE i.-r VEAH. INSPECTOR TENANTS t rT P.A.'S PLACE.'r- 1 TS. fie lAwATPvPD av rAMPOA M fSiX HEARP SHOTS AT ABOUT PTEF . . .9eAUSHT AT LEPTW KJMSALL ' f iartha Wayne ikt--Tli THANK VOU, MW, Mjl1 THIS IS MiY YwHAT A PEllgHTFUL IN6ENUEMI lTHE DOCTORS SAY SHE'S I'M MOT SugF I r 'a8'" 'Jrf ROBERTS. BUT MAYBE y'. OAUGHTER SHE'D MAKE ... SXH A SWEETVl V SH0SVIN6 WPROVEWENf. A3REE ... AND I V lT 3 COMEN.MISS XgL YOU WON'T THINK SO HVfe W.(-FACE.' rlf WE CERTAINLY OWE A t THAT'S WHY J Jr'r- i COURTNEY. ANY WHEN IVE STOKEKly'ipjvs, '11 C-:Cin WTTOW.0ALEY f I'M HERE. J fflfc If FRIEND OFMEL DALEY'S W PIECg.- V ' ? ' InVHOWISN . JX'-fcl V "TJ Bugs Bunny leJ-rv.. 1.j:'j ' V I l ' , 1 1 - -i 1 j . Allev Pop " 1 ''" l IP---! n S7-HWI l-UV Al Hf4l' MY VI I LV UNIMU.i,) il, I M tvVkY, V'""""1 1U YLU Ml AM THE V$ I x-. V E2 tJIAk3. A u NI 1 k't I II. ireV L t"LEiV-.E... pCfVOTr-nj. Tj-M AM0G tvy pdTN-v'N ,T M JX ll'v l'WA'-. 11) nllN , IMM.MT UCNMUli'y NOT I EW7N50N J THE PRN-VNIAM " d V AlV (V N.P'V K IM miC-UWij CCM.W) HE RE -CAN I BEw INOllTmiON? ' Freckles and His Friends l''-W'itY Tr'"re g 1 flATre THE CLTRK 1 SlNlF THE SurTE COST TlIT MrM ()27 YJStL!'' A TV A HorEL AND ASK. Kl W.MW R'.. iMAr ANP IMF BELLHOP toorju'.r Z Our li 5vf-l "iee 5(IEBTIM60-CAtSf IFOR A SUITE 7ME iHe Kl.-4r PRK.6 FOR OF TMF OmiNAL SO BUCKS, Jff ' Sti TJU iow ABOui oivisie clerk. char6I:S inr sunn is is. WHAT BECAME OF THE V fiff"'- oiooinJ(3 nle plains, if AMr, Ihem io.soTMtY hf eivts a nr-iLHop n1UFD , 9 tf ' . ,s. '-. i iwr., . A WORKOUT? EACH OlVf HIM IO FlVF ONE -DOLLAR HlUS f I UIMCKIJ I riTx ' '.'VJs Nf:' mi y g Afeiou K mt ike MtN back. B T vi 1, fi 5 7 ouys " .'iiJV LICTENIM r jj THE BELUWP CANT If Y nrT-nT"1 I 'SV5'i AND v' !liV,ta- Jr-r-!' divide s Br 3 ;.o he J ,'' ' A t ".?''v toAL' if.. ,.HamW- OWS TACM m-Mi 71 L L'' i' k A ? it5) XVFV r- TWO Bucks in Hib , 5 ?trOLiV : Ifl T "ATS ?3lT? POCJ--- J- j : 7 'J4X AMSWCR, by J. R. Williams I sY, ft If wvix.voo oivsw -o 1 1 1 1 ftw; ow(sct vots. vwsto 1 1 OK VMS.'. eOW& OK. HVWHl ,1 ,J .wll , " . . ..) y ' . . --"-.u .. nwu iihb f XOOHOW IT WILL 9EU FORl CijChn . 1 t . -j . 1 OUR BOARDING HOUSE with Major Hoople 'Auxiliary Plans For Convention SmhIu1 to The Bulletin KKDMOND Chairmen and mi-mlrs of commit!ts assisting with tho American Ix-gion Auxil iary's program for the coming dc- prirtinent Leion convention have learned that while they will fol low certain customs and piwe dures they will also have oppor- tunily to "make 1955 at Redmond convention that will never be forgotten." Meeting with the women at the home of commission co-chairman Mrs. J. Wesley McDowell were Auxiliary department president, Mrs. Guy H. Wilcox of Grants Pass, vice-president, Mrs. Harold Leach, Bonneville; Mrs. Mae Whitcomb, Portland ; and le cha- peau departmental 8-40 Mrs. Eda Zolezzo, Portland. She Is also de partmcnt hospital representative. Mrs. Wilcox suggested the plan ning group "forget a. city conven tion" and make the July, 1955 convention typical of Redmond and Central Oregon. There will be many features of a big city con vention lacking here, she noted. but many additional opportunities to give the delegates "something different." The area is noted for iK friendliness and hospitality. she said, and those qualities will more than make up for anything a large city could offer. In addi tion here are the climate, scenery and plans for entertainment such as the buekaroo breakfast, rodeos and scenic tours by bus. Department officers ore talking up the convention as they vis.t units around the state, they re ported. They liave also pledged the Auxiliary's wholehearted coop eration with the Legion in plan ning the convention. Duties of various chairmen were liscussed and reports of progress to date given at the Saturday af ternoon session. Department offi cers complimented local units for their cooperation and noted that Redmond Auxiliary is a "quota unit and district 12 has quota membership. Present Saturday afternoon were Mrs. LeRoy rox and Mi. I)iiis Bain from Bend, and the following from Redmond: Mes- dames Harry Sly, Herbert Gun- Iher, P. M. Houk, George McKin non, Roy Cumpbell, Otis Eason, Russell Clcmcnce, Helen Helm, Wade Short, Harold Biggerstaff, Donald Copley, Robert Polly, Ce cil Tull and George Brewster, and commission co-chairman Mrs. Ma rion Taylor. The Auxiliary state officers and many of the chairmen met again Saturday evening in a joint ses sion of Legion, Auxiliary, 40-8 and 8-40. Department officers plan to lie in Redmond again before the convention which opens July 27 with 40-8 activities. For the best results, and crisp bacon, start the frying process in a cold skillet. Cook bacon at low temperature and drain excess fat during the cooking. Station KBND 1110 kc. Sundays 10:15 a.m. 'J"4L Mlt.L"1 Llf If CHRISTIAN J I SCIENCE J HEALSJ vote. of v -wnKimmm t Central Oregon - IVPI V!?.:, TONitjirrs pkouram 6:00 Mwt the Artint 6:1G Miwic Coast to Cotut 6:3D-Tvnjinmi I'SA 7:00 Uny Moch Show 7 :16 Sort'tiaile In Klua 7 :80 Inland Scrcniule 7 :46 Remember When 7 :f0 March tlraa 8:00--John Stwlp Adventurer 8 :30 Popular Favor iun 9 :0 New 9 :1S--Ianre Time U:Sl Monica Whalen 9 :4ft Dam-e Time 10 :0O Pance Time 10:30 Pance Time U;00 Sinn Off Sl'NOAY. APRIL 10, 19.1S ft :Hy- Music for Sunday 8:80 Hack U God Hour 9:00 Itadio HI Me CtaM 9 :SO Voice of Prophecy 10:00. Newt 10:1ft How Christian Sclenc Healt 10 : 80 You Were There 10:45 Music for You ll:0O First Baptist Church 12:00- Kctmoml Hiirh School 12:1V- Harts Hecord PvU 12:80 New Roundup ll!:4(i- Music for Sunday 1 :00Mic Top Ten 1:80 Nu-k Carter 2:00 Rin Tin Tin 2:30 True ltective Mysteries 8:00 Public Prosevutor 8:80 R.-b tVnaidine 8 :4A Krwinni is Our Huslnea 4 :0O t'hap.-! by the Side of the Koad 4 : SO Family Theatre 6:00 -Hawaii Call 8:;iO I-utht-ran Hour 8 :00 itlokel Frontier 6 :lfi Frank Krneat 8 :80- H.nd Hiith School 6:4f.-The Kthtor Seakt 7 :0O --Sunday Music 7 :1ft State Leirislatura Program 7 :30 FantiT Program 8 :00 Westminster Orthodoi Prea hvtertan Church 8 :S0 Marine Svmphonatta 8:4ft Hill Cunnina-bam 9 :0O Newt 9 :1R Facta Forum 9 :4ft Sunday Music 10:00 H nr of Decision 10:80 Shrn Off MONDAY. APRIL 11. 19SI a -00 Triple T Ranch 8 :4ft Farm Reporter T :00 Frank Hemlnawaj Newt 1 ill Breakfast Gang Airport News By I,EE FOSTER The CAP inspection team from the Portland Airbase paid the Bend Squadron an unexpected visit recently. The team members had been to Klamath Falls and were returning to Portland when they decided to call here during the regular meeting of the local Squadron. They had been planning to visit on March 24, but had to return to Portland wbx-n they found the airport socked in. The team, flying in a C-45 piloted by Capt. George Ramsdell, AF-CAP liaison officer, consisted of Chap lain Walton, who is wing chap lain, Major Kroner, Major Chick and Ralph Wells. R. H. Deldrin was a caller from Lowery AF Base, Denver, Colo. He was flying a Globe Swift and dropped in to refuel. Harry Windus, flying a Bell heli copter for the Bonneville Power Administration, was an overnight visitor from Portland. L. M. McKay was in from Lew- Iston, Ida., in an Aeronca. He too came in for fuel end oil. R. J. Young who gave no ad dress was flying a Cessna 170 through Central Oregon, and land ed to refuel before continuing on his way. W. L. Miller was a visitor from Estacada. He was in town on busi ness and used a Gibson Air Serv ice "courtesy car" while here. Also calling to refuel was Charles V. Croaks, who was fly ing for the P. L. Croaks and Com pany of Portland. V. P. Coppedge, flying for the Mountain Lily diary In Alturas, Calif., was an airport visitor last week. I The nice weather brought out the local pilots who logged sev eral nours in ine uir. inc-iuueui n:n n ,r Aln I were 0111 .uccjhuus, d. i-w. .wiuu- son. Bob Kice, Bob urnnam ana his student, Marian Cheney. D. Ascher from Prineville was also seen uround the Bend airport. All-Day Outing Of Cubs Delayed The proposed all-day outing for all Cub Scouts of Bend, their den mothers, committee members and all interested parents tentatively scheduled for April 16 has been postponed to a later date, possl bly a Saturday around the middle of May. A recnt survey of the site in the Metolius river-Suttle lake area selected for the outing by Hans Milius, Brooks-Seanlon, Inc., for ester, and Jack Smith, scout exec utive for the Fremont district, re vealed that approximately three feet of snow still covers the ground. The snow would make an outing in the area impractical at this time, Cub workers point out. "The decision to cancel the Cub iScout field day temporarily was made regretfully, since the Cub Scout theme for April is forestry and Nature study, leaders said. Brooks-Scanlon, Inc., is sponsor ing the field day again this year with a program similar to that of last year planned. Smith estimates that approximately 200 Cubs, plus den mothers and other adult lead ers, will take part in the field day this year. A date for the field day will be selected and announced as soon as possible, since a date must be designated that will not interfere with other scheduled Boy Scout activities, Smith said. In the last decade, fire has killed more than 100,000 persons and burned or disfigured many hundreds of thousands more. ' tur Jllk uuun 7 :.10 Morning Melodies 7 :40 Newa 7 :46 Mornine Round Up 8:00 Todays Tunes 8:20 Northwest New 8:26 Kraft Five Star New 8:30 Bible Institute Hour 9:00 Bulletin Board 9:0ft Morn in Special 9:16 Kraft Five Star Newa 9 : 20 Morn Inn Sporitl 9 :80 The Song A The Star 9:40 Top Turn 10 :00 Newi 10:16 Tello Test 10:30 Fashion Trend 10:35 The Three Sum 10:40 If A Woman's WorM 10:46 Newa 10:60 Man About Town 10:66 Northwest Newa 11:00 Calling 11:2ft Kraft Five Star News 11:30 Queen for a Day 12:00 Noontime Melodies 12:10 Today's Classifieds 12 :1ft Sports Review 12:20-Noontlme Melodies 12:30 News 12 :46 Farmers Hour 1 o News uf Prineville 1:06 Harry James - Bt-tty Gra Show 1 :45 L fattening Time 2:16 Home Demonstration Agent 2 :S0 Platter Preview 3 :00 Platter Preview 8:1ft Northwest News 8:20 Central Oregon Newa 8:25 K raft Five Star News 3 30 "You Win" 3?46-Tello Test 4 :O0 Popular Demand 4 -1ft Frank Heminvway 4 :S0 Here's the Answer 4 :46-ram Have ( :00 Tune Vendors 6:16- Sport Parade 6:30 Melodv Way 6:46 Bill HrunJige Sport 6:66 Kraft Five Star News oo Tiabriel Heatter 6:16 Dinner Music 30-Behind the Story 1:45 Sam Haves 6 :66 Sxng of the Pay 7 00 Passport to Daydream 7 O Bend Oar re Newa 7 :4f--Remember When - ftO-.Crenina- Melodies g -00 BrnaJway Cop 9 o "Sentenced- 9 T0O-News 9:15 Pulton Lewis Jr. ft Off the Record 10:80 Top Secret PUB 11.00 vllm Off The Bend Bulletin, Saturday, April 9, 1955 SWEETIE PIE "We're bird watchers you're the first peacock we've seen this year!" Minimum Home Codes Increase CHICAGO (UP) Eight cities adopted codes setting minimum standards for housing in 19T4, and more are due to adopt such codes this year. The National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Of ficials said cities have found hous ing codes a major weapon in halt ing deterioration or blight. Cities that adopted codes in 1954 include Pittsburgh and Philadel phia, Pa.; Sarasota. Fla.; Lynch burg, Va. ; I ligh Point, N. C. ; Louisville, Ky.; New Haven. Conn.. and Dayton, 0. In addition. Milwaukee. New York City and Baltimore have been reviewing their codes to make sure they are up to date. I Chicago, which has housing,! safety and sanitation requirements! in scattered ordinances, is consid ering putting them together into a single code. Housing codes in general set standards that fall into three cate gories: (1) Required facilities, such' at lighting, ventilation, garbage dis posal, and bath and toilet accom modations. (2) Maintenance, such as keep ing houses painted, or maintaining fire escapes. (3) Occupancy, such as provis ions limiting the number of per sons who may live in a room. Police Arrest D. B. Evans, Jr. David B. Evans, Jr., 30, 321 uraKe road, was arrested on ?i irunk charge Thursday afternoon following a collision between his car and one driven by Mrs. Ger trude O'Donely, 413 E. Greenwood. The Occident occurred at the in tersection of Greenwood and E. 3rd. uincers investigating the acci dent reported that Evans said that he had run the stop sign at the intersection and had rammed Mrs. O'Donely's car. Police charged him with belnr drunk at the scene of an accident. Bail was set at $20. According to ponce, both cars were hadly damaged In the colli sion. Mrs. O'Donely was heading east on Greenwood, Evans north on E. 3rd. No injuries were reported by police. TOO EFFICIENT MADISON. Wis. - (UP) The board of education, while laying plans for a cornerstone celebration at the new Crawford Heights school, wis told there would be i hitch in the schedule. Bricklayers, it stems, filled in the gap where the cornerstone was supposed to b. inserted. Blinding was a form of punish ment used by Roman emperors in the persecution of Christians, ac cording to the Encyclopedia Bri tannica. KJUN The Favorite Hh SUNDAY 7 :S Sln On 7 :bb Sutulny New, Special wv- K,ll,i Bible Ck- 1:30 Light Life Hour :0t World of Tomorrow 9:Si-HeM of Truth 10:0ORerival Time 10 :ao Wlnir, of llenllnt 11 :00 World Chureh 11 :0 Weekend Neva 1 1 Hour o Deel.kn 1J :00 Weekend New. 12 :0 Your Community Chapel 12:M Tubemarle Choir 1 .00 Tha i the Hour 1 :9D Proudly We Hall t :0 The I'n.h.ckled 2 :I0 lreatent Story Ever Told :00The World W. Lire la S :80 Allen Jonaa Show by Nadine Seltzer AMI Mtffettfie. BYNOPSIS OP ANN 'Alt HTATKMENT For Uie year ftxlt-d Detcmbcr HI. Of the OREGON AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE CO. of PurtiiniJ. in the State of Orerwt. marls to tbf lniuraitrtr Coitimltnouer of tha Simla of Uragon. tiuratiail to la: ADMITTED 4S8ETS Homts I 4.094.83. 01 H,'i:,3 00 NlurK Murixaia loam on real MHf i ait) aitU Dank drpoilti Agfnu balanraa ar unrolled ad premium ..... Internal, rilrtJaiidi and real lata Income due and accrued.. Other aiirtl . Total ailmlttwl aif 1 a , ooo. on LIABILITIES. SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS Urn .. . s i nn j3h Hi I'ltuaniPtl (irtinhimi 2.373.131 Si) All ottitr llaltllitlei SS.UtI'.BSI Total liabtlttiei. atcept cat'lial I .ul.Uii.SU Capital palJ up f tnO.Oiifl no Hlierlal urp)u fundi 66T.09t.il9 1'Raiilsned fundi (iurplui 500, 000. 00 Burplui ai refardi oollrthol'leri... 8 1.667.091 9t Total ( 6.UT1.IS4.1H STATEMENT OF INCOME f T'l.HlS 41 .8 S.4'.t.01HSS sun o Loit eipenici Incurred Othtr underwriting eiDemea Inrurred Total unrtrrwrltlni .flll.43S.6T IIS. 34 H 1 32.7 '.'ft. 24 ,fi DO J4S.7SS 9B 70. Kits 17"i.(ir.;t 3!l 6(1. U00 00 3.101 4T 01 Hit Net uiiilerwrlttni sain at lon. Inveitmem Inrotne Other Income . Total hefure federal Inrome taset federal Income taiet Inrurred ln Dlldendi to Itorkliolden . t)lh1pndi to poltrvlioldere Capital rhanrei (net ) , , , Other itami affectlni aurpiua tneii 14.1H3 K2 T6.MS 41 Total rapitai and aurptui Itenn (net! Inrreaie n turriiui at regardi pollcvholderi BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE VF1R Net oremlum rereUed I 4.S.42.4XI 48 Net lotiM paid J.o'iB niifl At OMdt-ndi pair or credited to po'I'-Tholtleri 3.101 47 .Principal office in Oremo. 59 Equitable Build- In. Portland 4 .Oregon. BTNOPflTfl OF ANNUAL STATEMENT For the year ended Dcvembur 31, 1U14 of Uie THI EAGLE FIRE COMPANY OF NEW YORK of New Tor, in the 8tau of New Tor It, made to tha Inauranre Commiiitoner of the Stale of Orei-oo. puriuant to lew ADMITTED ASSETS 1 6,503,054 T9 7':'i.43.00 Jii.aua.T7 t"aa(i and bank depoilu Aurnta' balance or uDullecttd premium i Intereit. dftldende and real eatata tnroma due and accrued 31, 832.99 Other aiaeta 5I.TrtQ.;!5 Total admitted atieli f 8.09.076,49 LIABILITIES. SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS '" - 1.0X7.565 60 adjuittoeni einemei 153, Has. Unearned prciulumi 3,lUT.i)65.Vs All other llatilllttei 47.728 'it Total llablilllei. except capital f 4,h38.795.74 Capital paid op (i.ouo.oon.oo Unanlrned fund durpluil 3.433. ISu.TI Surplut a reiarda pollubolder....! 3.133,10 75 Total 1 1.069.976. 49 STATEMENT OF INCOME ' Prenlumi earned -I 8. HM) U6 Lone incurred ... 1.617.U30-65 3J7.046.il 1.548.450 4 8.3yo.SJT.S5 1'J.BT6 -.'! ll2.R18.tO 1U4.210 0, 33,439 70 68.771) 3) Lou eipeniei Incurred Other underwrttlni eipeniei incurred Total underwriting dcductlona. Total, before federal Income taiei. Ped-rel Inconr taie Incurred. Net Income Other Item i effertlni urplui Total rapiui and aurpiua Item (nell ,, (netl Derreaie In turplu ai retard poltaholder BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR Net premium, recelted 7S - 1 Nt lone ptd 36 :K3 77 Priacipel offico la Orefoo: Jammed Register Gives Ud Loot i NORTHWOOD, N. H. ' fl'P) The cash register in Donald Mac Callum's garage broke down, but he wound up the day with a profit because of it. Mac Callum took the register apart. Ho found that a $10 bill had jammed some of the gears. It still didn't work right, so he kept digging into its innards and came up with a $35 check daled July 1, 1353. His dream of further riches end ed at that point. The machine worked like new. .j.. . 1240 kc rv-rfmi O-wtri T Mi-n-.- i SCHEDULE 4 :0O Thru the Liteninfr Gta 4 :StV- Kenu-retwr Wh,-n 4 :5(V Sunday Sport.i Special 6 :l0 Ameru-a' Tdm n Mn-tlriff 6 :PO Walter Winrh.lt 8 :1S Ouinry 11. .we 6 ::!0 Weekend N.-w, fi:S.V-Air Forte Show 7:00-Muele he Montavanl T:S0 Weekend Newa 7:.1 Sunday Serenade J-0O M"ndny Mornrn. Headllna 15 raul Hareey i:50-CaaI,-ade of Music IM. Weekend New, 9:0O-Olenn Miller Sanday Serenade :15-Paul Harvey SO Pipe, of Meloily 85 S mday New, Special 10:00 Surn Off