0 Interest to Women I LA S. GRANT, Women's Director AT THE RECEPTION Mr. and Mi's. Edwin E. Spaulding (Uarbara Brooks Staples) were married last Saturday. In the picture, from left, are Mrs. Harry Briggs, mother of the bride; the bridal cou ple, and John Spaulding, brother of the bridegroom. (Photo for The Bulletin by Richard Studio, Tacoma) Spau I dings' Nuptial Rites Of Interest Mr. and Mrs. Edwin E. Spauld ing wore married Saturday morn iiiR, April 2, at 11 o'clock at Hie home of the bride, the former Mrs. Barbara Brooks Staples 01 Redmond, Wash. Attendants were Mrs. Harry Brigjjs of Seattle, mother of the bride, and John Spaulding of Kirk lam',, Wash., brother of the bride groom. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brooks of Bend, brother and sister-in-law of the l))'idp Also attending were the children of ihe bride and bridegroom by previous marriages, as well as a host of friends from Seattle, Belle vue and Taenma. Following the ceremony a,,re,pep tion was held and a buffet lunch eon was served in honor of the brii'al couple. They left immedi ately allerward on an extended honeymoon trip to San Francisco I and Hawaii. OSC Mothers Seeking Applicants For Scholarship to State College Applications for the $200 Oregon In addition to the local grant, State college scholarship grant given, by the OSC Mothers club will be judged at the next meet ing, May IS. Four upplicutions have been ms.de, and members of the club u.-e u.ging other Bond High school srniors who may be interested to turn in their appli cations well ahead of the judging dale. The grant is given to a grad uating senior who does not re ceive another major scholarship. Tonya Wolf, Kirt Skinner, Tell Betrothal Mr. and 's. Lester Wolf of Blakley Heights announce the en gagement of their daughter, Tonya Valorie, to Kirt Skinner, -son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Skinner of Redmond. The wedding is planned for ear'.y July, and the 'couple will at tend college this fall. They have not yet selected a school. Miss Woli is prominent in school music activities, and is a member: of the high school rally squad. She belongs to the National Honor so ciety, Pep club, Lettergirls and Thespians, and is a member of the tumbling team. Skinner is president of the Red mond Union High school studeni body. He is a Lelterman, having played on the varsity football team and served as assistant coach of the track team at his school. "BIL's" Planning Dinner Program Members of AI chapter of the PEO Sisterhood will be guests of their husbands, the "BIL's" at the annual dinner for Ihe groups. Wednesday, April 1.1, at 7 p.m. at the Tine Tavern. Mrs. Cr.y Kricksnn is chairman in charge rf the dinner arrange ments, assisted by Mrs. Fred Izeli, Mrs. Don Denning and Mrs. Phil Brogan. Alvin Gray, B1L presi dent, will have charge of the pro gram and initiation of new mem bers of the men's auxiliary. Six Corners Unit Elects Officers Special to The Bulletin SIX CORNERS - Mrs. Phillip ilensley was elected cnairman of the Six Corners extension unit at Ihe monthly meeting Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Kenneth Dres ser. Nelson road. Also named to offices' were the following: Vice chairman. Mrs. Russell Kiel, sec retary, Mrs. Omar Moffilt, and treasurer, Mrs. Dresser. They re place Mrs. Phillip Bradetich, Mrs. Delmer Fox, Mrs. William Weaser and Mrs. Otto Lipps. respectively. Spring festival committees were appointed, with Mrs. Kiel and Mrs. Weaser to arrange the exhib it, and Mrs. Mead Pedersen and Mrs. Fox to have charge of the centerpiece. "Sewing New Fabrics" was the project for the day, and it was presented by the home agent, Miss L. Mildred Wilson. Sixteen mem bers were present. The next meeting will be April 27, at Mrs. Weaser's home on Arnold road. Mrs. Weaser and Mrs. Paul Garboden will be the project leaders, with "Vegeta bles, Delicious and Attractive," to he presented. ihe club will make a contribution of $30 to the state scholarship fund. At the last meeting, Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. A, W. Nelson, it was reported by Mrs. George Silkworth, treasurer, that the scholarship fund rummage sale hold recently netted $237. Mrs. Kenneth Crjikshank gave a report on the state board meet ing in Salem, at wvJeh state mem bership was stressed. The plea that each unit seek r.ew state members resulted in signing up three Bend women, Mrs. Ralph Crawford,. Mrs. Oscar Glassow and Mrs. Ralph Fredericksen, as life members. Mrs. William VJiskanen reported on the scholarship applications, and Mrs. Carl E. Erickson repor icd on the spring party given at the Bend Golf club for vacation ing college students. Mrs. W. H Officer presented the 1954-55 year book for inspection. Mrs. W. A. Thompson was a guesl .it the meeting. After the business session, refreshments were served by the hostess, as- sissted by Mrs. Joe Elder and Mrs. Roy Myers. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Pete Klobas. Burns highway, with Mrs. Cecil Duff, Mi's. Kenneth Cruikshank and Mrs. L. II. Gless as hostesses. Mirror Pond Club To Take Part In Spring Meetings Mrs. Francis Stokesberry, pros ident of the Mirror Pond garden club, and Mrs. Albert Schatz, will represent the club at the regional meeting April 14 and 15 in Ta coma. Twenty-one members plan to attend the Cascade district meeting, May 11 In Prlneville. At the meeting Tuesday at the home of Mi's. Joe Hahn, 22 mem bers donned spring hats made of paper plates, baskets, flower pots and other items, trimmings rang ing from fruits and vegetables to garden tools and seed packets. A program arranged by Mrs Schatz featured a style show of early - vintage costumes. Models were Mrs. G. R. Plumb, Mrs. Dan Sullivan, Mrs. Edgar Smith, Mrs. Sig Skavlan, Mrs. Howard Krog Mrs. Edwin Mowat and Mrs. C. V. Winterscheid. Mrs. Stokesberry presided at a short business meeting. Mrs. F. A. Starkey, bird chairman, reported thar there are over 80 pictures of birds in the scrapbook which she will enter in the judging at the district meeting next month. Before the meeting, Mrs. Hahn and Mrs. Ralph Schatz, co-hostess, served a dessert. Club News Bend Extension unit will meet Tuesday, April 12, at 10:30 a.m. at the home of Mrs. W. B. Wilson, 1416 E. 8th street. Miss L. Mil dred Wilson, home economics ex tension agent, will conduct a dem onstration on "Sewing New Fabrics." District Council Elects Officers Special to The Bulletin PRINEVIIXE Mrs. Laurel Fender of Prineville was elected president of the Tri-County PTA council, at the regular meeting last week at the Crooked River school in Prineville. Also named to offices were the following: Vice-president, Mrs. H. A. Peter son, Prineville; secretary, Mrs. E. J. Van Landuyt, Bend; treas urer, Mrs. Vernon Peck, Red mond. Mrs. Fender will be an of ficial delegate to the golden jubi lee convention of the Oregon Con gress of Parents and Teachers. April- 26-28 in Portland. Mrs. Ed Van Winkle, Prineville, legislative chairman for the coun cil, eave a report on pending school leeislation. Dr. J. H. hie- wart, medical director of the in- County Health Department, gave a talk on the dental health pro gram now being emphasized in the Bend grade schools. BRIDE-ELECT Tonya Wolf, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Les ter Wolf, plans an early sum mer wadding. (Photo for The Bulletin by DeBunce Studio) Dean Benson To Take Bride In August Mr. and Mrs. William Mor'z of Burlingame, Calif., have an nounced the engagement of their daughter, Judith, to Dean Keith Benson, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Byron Benson of Bend. The Burlingame paper rarricd the betrothal news, and announce mem was also made at a treasure hunt for members of Pi Beta Ph sorority and Beta Theta Pi frater nity, recently on the Willamette University campus. Sulem. Th young people are affiliated with those organizations. Miss Mortz Is majoring in physi cal education at Willamette and is a member of the university's four-woman archery team which won all four lirsf places in the lass D division of the annual Na tional Intercollegiate Archery Tournament. She is active in af fairs of the Methodist church and recently received her majority d: gree in Jobs Daughters. She is a graduate of the Burlingame high school. Benson is majoring in physical education and mathematics. He is active in collegiate athletics, hav ing been prominent in sports also as a Bend Lava Bear. The wedding ts planned for Aug ust, after whi.-h (he couple will resume ( eir studies at Wilkim ette, where 'hx.i will be seniors next year. BETROTHED Judith Morti, Burlingame, Calif., is the fian cee of Dean Benson, Bend. Both attend Willamette University. The Send Bulletin. Saturday, April 9, 1955 AAUW To Meet Next Thursday The Bend - Redmond branch o American Association oi Univer iily Women will meet Thursday April 14, at 8 p.m. at the home ( Mrs. W. D. Ward. 1474 11:11 street The meeting was moved up u week to avoid conflict with Hit1 iti'ti division convention, which a ncr.' delegation will attend April -'1-23 in Portland. The convention win celebrate 50 , yeurs of AAUW activity in Ore-! ;on. Members who wish to attend: ire to get in touch with Miss Ivy j trover, president, promptly, us rt-servalions must be made as j soon as possible. The program for next Thursday! night will he u panel discussion! on international relations, by a! iroup of Bend high school stu-i! dents. Prineville Clubs Plartn'ng Breakfast !'c:ul to Ihe B. I!eilp Pn.INCTII.LE - The Oehoc jarden chb ditd the Crook Cou ty Garden club will hold a bentf 'it hreukfuHt Thursday. April 14, starling at 9: a.m. at tl'e home of Mrs. Murvin Eaton, 1277 Oc-! "0 avenue. Mrs. Richard McKen- will be co-hostess. z.c All garden club members and their friends and njip.iitjis tire id; ..ii to attend. TO HOLD KTMMACK SALE The ladies' auxiliary of Canton Deschutes, Patriarchs Militant, will hold a rummage sale Satur lay, April 16, from 9:30 a.m. to " p.m. in the Burieh building on Minnesota avenue. Save With Pabce i Complete Line PABCO PAINTS SHUMATE BUILDERS SUPPLY E. 1st & Franklin Phone 245 . FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE THESE BEND BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS ARE ill r si 1 ill JLJ) West Side Hardware & Sporting Goods Electrical & Plumbing Sup plies Onen Sunday 9 2 1003 Ualveston Phone 673 NDAY jWhen You Have Shopping to do on Sunday . . . Check This Handy Directory ! ! ! FOR SPACE IN THIS DIRECTORY PHONE 56 Strout Realty South Highway 97 Bend, Oregon Phone 2271 Special Buffet Dinners Every Sunday, Noon to 8 PJtt TroUways Coffee Shop Open M Hour Central Oregon' Family Beataoraot We'll Open Sundays by appointment, Sundays or evenings pbone 819 B or 1944 A. C. Stipe Furniture Co. 821 Wall Phone MO OPEN SUNDAY BY APPOINTMENT Pbone 1244 or 1838-J BMO FURNITURE 93 Wan Open this Sunday Owl Pharmacy 838 WaB Ph. SO Evergreen Circle Receives Member Mis. Roy Ullrick was received as a new member of the Kver- green circle, Royal Neighbors of America, at the meeting Thurs day afternoon at the home of Mrs George F. Miller. Mrs. Cecil L. Tull and Mrs. Art Nielson of Red mond were guests. Fourteen mem bers were present, and Mrs. M B. Smith was assistant hostess. Mrs. Joy Walter, president opened the meeting with prayer followed by the pledge of alle giance. Samples of favors which the circle will make for flip dis- 'riet convention of Royal Neigh oors, next month in Bend, were displayed. Work on the badges and the fa vors will be the project for the next circle meeting, April 21 at the home of Mi's. William Wea ser, with Mrs. Katherine Winters as assistant hostess. Mrs. Weaser and Mrs. Roy Walter will have charge of the entertainment. Sisters Auxiliary Packs Easter Box Special to The Bulletin SISTERS The Auxiliary of Ihe Sisters VFW post met nt the home of Mrs. Serge Coval Monday eve ning, April 4, to color Easter eggs and pack cookies to be sent to Ihe Veterans hospital in Roseburg. The following were present: Mrs. Ole Larson, Mrs. Richard Brandsma, Mrs. Roy Davis, Mrs fames Glover, Mrs. Harry Pcir- jon, Mrs. Robert Irving, Mrs. Phil shoemaker. Mrs. Warren Nichols. Mrs. Harold Iversnn and the hos tess. After the work was complet- Extension Unit Names Officers, Hears Speaker Special to The Bulletin EASTERN STAR Mi's. Stanley Brown of Prineville was guest speaker at the monthly meeting of the Eastern Star extension unit, Thursday. She siiowed slides and told about her trip to Toronto, Canada, last August to attend the ACCW convention. She also exhib ited souvenirs. Twenty-one women were present at the meeting, which was held at the Howard Hyde home on Eagle road. Mrs. Hyde and Mrs. H. M.I Houston presented the project of the dav on "Vegetables, Attrac tive. Delicious and Nutritious." These dish.'s were served for the luncheon with Mir. Vsllier Rug- gles and Mrs. C. W. Hiichcock as sisting. Following Mrs. Browrfs talk die business meeting was held and Miss Elena Fiirm.in, ACCW chair man, reported $2.78 had been re ceived for "Annies of Friend-shin." Mrs. E W. Paul reported on Ihe recent lummage sale and the r;crapb(x)k for unit protects. This must be in he.- hands by April 15. Mrs. W. T. Curtis, and Mrs. Kenneth Eaton also gave reports. A donation of J25 was voted for a 4-H summer school scholarship ind $5 for Ihe International Farm Youth Exchange. Mrs. Berlil Nelson was elected hairman for Ihe coming year. She w'll replace Mrs. Nolan Tur ner who has served Ihe past year. Other new officers are Mrs. Ken neth Slack, vice - chairman, and Mrs. W. T. Curtis, secretary. They replace Mrs. Alvin Turner and Mrs. Walter Knouft, respectively Mrs. V. A. Oertle, Mrs. Eaton and Mrs. Bob Norton were ap pointed to take care of the cen terpiece for the spring festival and Mrs. E. W. Paul the exhibit. Mrs. Turner will have tickets for the luncheon until Amil 21st. The next meeting will be with the home extension agent. Miss I,. Mildred Wilson, who will give a proiect on the use of new fab rics. This meeting will be held nt Ihe Eastern Star grange hall on ed cake and coffee were served. May 5 at 10:30 a.m. AKI ORDER LAQSEA A PURCHASE SMALL) WERE ALWAYS AT YOUR BECK AND CALL aT . I row Right for Your Every Single Need No matter what you're building, whether It he a new ntllc, a game room in (he baKcmrnt, or an extra shelf In the pantry, yon can depend on u.s to have the kind of lumber you wnnl at a price you'll like. So the next time you build, remember the convenience and savings you find here! FAME OA 1009 WS DESCHUTES, OUtGON 11- Bonus Show Tonite Come at 8 P.M. See Both Shows and Stay for Our BONUS Show. It's A Good Action Hit Stcrts Sunday IT HITS A NEN HIGH IN MUSICAL-COMEDY FUN! 4 5 ppiHc&cx Marring JANE TONY POWELL -MARTIN OEB&II WAITIR REYNOLDS PIDGEON VK OiNI DAMONE- RAYMOND ANN - dull MILLER -TAMBLYN Vnu IDUCU . I fnrrAl MMU4 'Richard ANDERSON loin OMtWEU . -. .. nut - . . a KIIU AND FOR ACTION THE BEAUTY PRIZE Of PIRATE RAIDERS! 'ZZ r ,ii n n " r . - - - ENDS TON1TK ! 1 m the. STRTS SUNDAY MjflB" 7 BIG DAYS ACADEMY AWARD WINNER Bins William Grace CROSBY'HOLDEN-KELLY is man nuouuiia aukmt mm mma mt Bent Actress MUMiw Of The Year .Jfr , . Advontooa I v, --vCX flnd wi ANTHONY ROSS JACQUELINE FONTAINE Award Winner Danny Kaye in "ASSIGNMENT CHILDREN" Starting Time: 1:00. 8:20, 5:415, 8:10 and 10:80 P.M. This enicauement only Adults and Students ftOe, Children 20c