The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, March 24, 1955, Page 5, Image 5

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    The Bend Bulletin, Thursday, March 24. 1955
Here and There
Mr. and Mrs. Charles William
son, 424 E. Hawthorne avenue,
are parents of a girl born this
morning at St. Charles Memorial
hospital. The baby weighed 7
pounds, 13 ounres, and has been
named Robin Rae.
The Allen - Marshall PTA will
meet tonight at 8 o'clock, in Allen
Audtorium. New officers will be
elected. Miss Jean Webster will
give a travelogue on Europe, illus
trated .with colored slides, and
George J. Turner will report for
the juvenile and youth commit'
Mrs. Julia Arthurs, a long-time
Bend resident, is a patient at St.
Vincent's hospital, Portland. She
is in room No. 435. and is able
to enjoy mail, friends reported. .
Mrs. Stella Nelson returned yes
terday from a. two-weok visit in
Lebanon with her son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hoi-lenheck.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Lackatf
planned to leave today on a vaca
tion trip to the Bay region of Cal
ifornia. Mina Lou, Shirley and Milton
Shultz, students at Oregon State
qollege, are spending spring vaca
tion with their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Freeman Schultz. Among oth
er OSC students home are John
Cruickshandk, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth Cruickshank; Patt Glas
sow, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Os
car Glassow; Suzanne Erickson,
d'.iughtor of Mr. and Mrs. Carl E.
Erickson, and Bill Coyner, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Vance Coyner.
Women of the Moose will hold
Set for County
Special to The Bulletin
v REDMOND A county acent-at-yrsc
James McAlistcr, will be
assisting with the cxtensipn pro
gram in Deschutes county for an
indefinite period, according to
County Agent Gene Lear.
McAlister, an Oregon State col
lege graduate and former Wallowa
rancher, is doing field work in
farm enterprise analysis, concen
trating for the present in the mm
alo area. He is an OSC farm man
agement major.
While in the county he is work
ing out of Lear's office here. Mrs.
McAlister and their four sons are
remaining at their home in Cor
vallis. As county agent - at - large
McAlister's headquarters are at
the college.
a public ca -d party, third in a
series. Friday at 8 p.m. at Moose
hall. The membership committee
is in chargs of arrangements.
Chuck Andrus of Salem, gradu
ate student in journalism at the
University of Oregon, was in Bend
today, on a tour of newspaper
plants in the area, and was a vis
itor at The Bend Bulletin office.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Broster
hous of Klamath Falls, former
Bend residents, are visiting local
relatives. Brosterhous is the broth
er of Miss Marie Brosterhous of
the Kenwood school faculty and
the son of Mrs. George Broster
hous, 1d46 Awbrey road.
Junior Order of Eagles will hold
a food sale Saturday, March 26,
at Nancy's Curtain Shop on Wall
street, beginning at 10 a.m.
Robert H. Foley, member of the
Upper Columbia River Basin com
mission, planned to leave today
for Pendleton, where he will at
tend a meeting of the commission.
At noon on Friday, members of
the commission will appear before
the Pendleton Chamber of Com
merce, at a forum meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Bowman will
leave early Friday afternoon for.
Portland, to attend capping cere
monies that evening at St. Mark's
Episcopal church for nursing stu
dents at Good Samaritan Hospital
school of nursing. Their daughter,
Dorothy Kay, is a member of the
The Buck and Wing square
dance club will hold a regular
dance Saturday night, March 26,
at the Terrebonne grange hall.
Dancing will start at 8:30 p.m.,
with Len Gorton calling. A 1 1
square dancers are invited. The
dinner announced earlier has been
postponed because of conflicting
dates, and will be announced later.
Mrs. Ella Rasmussen and Mrs.
Helen McCabe, vacationing in the
Hawaiian Islands, were dinner
guests recently of Captain and
Mrs. Kenneth Whitolaw, according
to news received by local friends.
Mrs. Whitelaw, the former Martha
Tanem, was a Bend resident a
number of years ago, and was a
stenographer for the Sehvlin-Hixon
company. Mrs. Rasmussen and
Mrs. McCabe plan to return home
about April 15.
Special Session
Held by Council
Sperial to The Bulletin
MADRAS Discussion of Mad
ras' new water filter plant trans
mission line and details of paving
work claimed attention during a
special city council meeting in the
city hall, Tuesday evening.
James Howland of Cornell, How-
land, Hayes, and Merrifield, con
sulting engineers, Corvallis; Cliff
Shaw, plant resident engineer;
and E. G. Flynn, superintendent
for Lee Hoffman Construction
company, Beaverton, reported on
line progress.
The transmission line will be
finished in about two weeks and
will then be turned over to the
city, they said. Completion of 5500
feet of line from the plant to the
city makes a fire protection loop
and adds 3000 feet of 10-inch pipe
to the city system. The line ties in
with city lines at Fourth and I
Completion of the entire plant
is expected June 15, a'though con
tract date is September 15. Fin
ishing depends on shipments of
needed supplies and materials. Ac
tual work can he 6rr.e in June if
material is delivered as planned.
Ordina ire Wo. 169, authorizing
Mayor Earl M. Bone and Joe Pa-
lin, city recorder, to enter into
contract with the Oregon state
highway department for setting
base and paving 22 feet wide sec-
tins of two Madras streets was
The sections will be paved by
the highway department from the
east line of Sixth to the east line
of Tenth on E. street and from
the sough line of E to the south
line of C on Tenth street.
The city of Madras will finish
paving these streets. On E, the
rity will be responsible for 32 feet
of paving, and 22 feet on Tenth
Recommendations of the street
committee to, install sidewalks in
the downtown area and place
curbs on portions of First and C
streets won approval. The street
committee was directed to meet
with the county court to plan a
long - range program of fixing
streets which intersect with county
r 11,11 j
twKurguii p H ami'
High Rating Won By Bend Hospital
Gerald Wendt, interpreter of
science, author of 'many books
and a tormsr professor at the '
University pf Chicago and a
dean at Pennsylvania State,
will be the guest speaker at the
March meeting of the Knife
and Fork club in Redmond Sat
urday night, March 26. The
meeting will be at Westmins
ter Hall, starting at 7 p.m. Or.
Wendfs topic will be "What
to Expect from Science." His
articles on the news of science
is used by more than 5,000
newspapers, in 71 countries and
are printed in over 100 languages.
Special to The Bulletin
CHtCAGJ, March' 24 The joint
commission oh accreditation of
hospitals today published its an
nual list of accredited hospitals
in the Mates and Canada.
(twenty four Oregon hospitals,
one of them St. Charles Memorial
hospital, Bend, are on the list,
Nine of the Oregon total of 24 are
In Portland, three In Salem and
two In Medford. Nine other Ore
gon cities are represented by one
The accreditation program Is a
voluntary one and only those hos
pitals which request survey are
visited, Dr. Kenneth B. Babcock,
commission director, said.
The joint commission oh accred
itation of hospitals is an agency
established by five leading health
orgamzatlons-the American Col
lege of Surgeons, American Hos
pital Association, American Medi
cal Association and the Canadian
Hospital Association to conduct
the hospital survey and inspection
program initiated by the American
College of Surgeon In 1919.
Dr. Babcock referred to accred-
Rain is Falling
On Pass Areas
Light rain was falling on two
of Oregon's high passes, the San
tiam and Willamette, and the
snow pack was breaking, state
highway maintenance crews re
ported this morning.
i Four inches of snow fell at Gov
ernment camp, five at Warm
Springs junction and eight on the
Santiam divide last night.
Light snow was falling on the
Ochoco divide this morning, but
the old Snow pack was disintegrat
ing under the impact of traffic.
Convention List
Shows Increase-
Still another convention has been
added to Bend's growing list for
Marion E. Cady, Bend Chamber
of Commerce manager, reported
today that the Pacific Northwest
Plant Food association will hold a
regional meeting here on Nov. 2
and 3.
Reservation for 100 rooms have
been made at the Pilot Butte Inn.
itation as "a badge of recognition'
which the hospital can display to
its community to prove that it
conforms to high standards of pa
tient care.
Dr. Babcock said the surveyors.
all physicians, rate a hospital on
certain basic requirements.
These include a safe physical
plant free from fire hazards, prop
er supervision and a review by
the medical staff of the clinical
work done in a hospital; maternal.
infant and anesthetic death rates
that are not excessively high; ad
equate medical records; ethical
practices; investigation of all tis
sue removed at operation; control
of unnecessary surgery and the re
moval of "normal tissue"; mortal
ity rates that are within reasona
ble limits, proper nursing care,
proper administrative and staff
Studio Planning
For Open House
In connection with Bend's Spring
opening festivities Friday night,
open house will be held at the
Mikels and Ellis Physical Culture
studio, in the Salicis building on
S. Third street.
Coffee and doughnuts will be
served from 7 to 10 p.m., and at
tendants will be on hand to dem
onstrate equipment.
Redmond Hospital
Special to Tho Bulletin
REDMOND Mr. and Mrs.
George Abbas of Redmond have a
baby daughter, as yet unnamed,
born Wednesday at Central Oregon
District hospital.
J. R. Roberts, Redmond, and
Rufus Biggs, Route 1, Bend, were
admitted to the hospital Tuesday
night. Two out-patients were treat
ed and dismissed.
Admitted Wednesday: David Lee
Smith, 9, Mrs. C. M. Dale, Mrs.
James Parker, all Redmond; Mrs.
Elmer Moore, Gateway; Nancy
Maxwell, 12, Antelope; and three
out-patients and two children for
tonsillectomies, all five discharged
the same day.
Dismissed Wednesday: Delford
Johnson, 9, Lawrence Tuftl, 6,
Sandra Gilbert, 7, Douglas Jake,
Mrs. Joe Ike, all Warm Springs;
William Turner,, Culver; R e n a
Thornton, l's, Madras; Mrs. Wil
liam Gilford and Hugh Smith, Red
mond; Mrs. Arthur Schmidt, Mau
pin; and from maternity floor Mis.
Don Novak, Redmond, with baby
Marcia Jeanne.
An overheated stove pipe Set
fire to a shelf this morning at the
George Utsey residence, 1141 E.
8th street. The fire department an
swered a call at 746 a.m. Damage
was minor, firemen reported.
Bend Hospital
Tonsillectomies were performed
this morning at St. Charles Memo
rial hospital upon these three chil
dren: Richard, 4, and Dcbora. 18
months, children of Mr. and Mrs.
John Harbison. Sisters; Cindy
Ogle. IS months, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Jerry Ogle, 1934 W. 2nd
Other new patients at the hos
pital are: Gordon Moiiical, 1S25 E.
Third street; Mrs. Earl Rodman,
Marley ii.itel; Mrs. Cazzie Milton,
1X17 Ilarriman; John Flannery.
LaPine; Mrs. Alfred Curiis, 1910
K. 2nd streeet.
Dismissed: Alana Day, Mrs.
John Milbcek and Mrs. Harry
Ahlsledt. all Bend; Isaac Warren,
Gilchrist; Mrs. Eugene Eaton,
Terrebonne; William Hardy, Tygh
H.V I'lllted Tress
The market was mostly steady
Ca'tle 250; most classes active
except canner-cutter cows slow;
general market steady with Wed
nesday; load low to average choice
l II). fed steers 2.1.75 with half
load 10 lb. at 2.1.25: few utility
oomeivial steel's 13.50-20; utility
heifers 12-16; cannor-culter cows
mmnstly 9-10.50; utility 12-13.50;
load 991 11). commercial grade 15;
bulls scarce.
Calves 25; market steady; good
low choice vcalers 23-26.
Hons 200; market active, steady
with Wednesday's 25c advance;
choice 1S()-j:',5 lb. butchers 18. ".V
19 50; few choice 460 lb. sows 15.
Sheep 50. choice fed wooled
lambs scarce: salable steady at
22-22.25 or above; few utility lambs
unsold; choice ewes to 9.
PORTLAND (UP i Potatoes:
Oregon Russets No. 1A 4.25-4 .50;
No. 1 bakers 5-5.50; teles 5-10 lbs.
2.50-2.75; 10 lb. mesh 3-lflc; No.
2 0 lbs. 1.10-150 a 50 lb. sack;
Idaho bales -10 lbs. 4.75: new
crop Fla. Round Red No. 1A 3.50-
3.60 fr 50 lbs.
By t inted I'rcs
("lade A.V lar,;e rgs were up
a cent on the outside ranee today.
KiKs To retailers: Grade AA
Iit'CC ,VJ-53c do; A large 50-51c
il".; AA medium, IS-JOc; A small.
II 4.V rio; cartons. l-3c additional.
Jiutter To retailers: AA grade
luails. lb; cartons 67c; A
prints. ijk'; cot' ins. 67c; B prints.
' Cheese To retailers: A grade
cheddar. Oretfin sinulrs. '.-
'it-: 5-lh. In.ii.-ps. .!'.. J9te. Proc
essed American cheese, 5-lb. loaf,
Crispcord '
suit - 7
Be cool, poised and
gracious in the
warmest weather.
The secret? llus
gentle, feminine
11 a n d m a c li c r
splendidly tailored
in parf.ul linlcd
cri?p, crisp Crisp
cord! This beauty,
Mi?e, Junior and
Youn: Propor
tioned l'lus size?
Btj u s. r. or.
Choose your new Spring wardrobe at Wetle's from the outstanding-collection
of thrilling Spring styles by famous manu
facturers. From head to toe there are fashions to please the
most discriminating at pVices to suit the most budget-wise lady.
Gloves by
Hansen's "Finger-Fashioned" gloves of
classic smoothness. As tinger-flexlblc as
can be . . . with precision tailoring ap
parent In suedolike fabrics that stop short
of your wrist bone or go on to crush
softly on your arm.. Smooth costume
pieces In town shades and country colors.
Nylon. 2.00
Every lady loves a feminine hat . . . and this season milady's cha
peau is more feminine than ever, featuring dainty flowers and
frothy little veils. You will most certainly take to the sparkling
new colors In Spring millinery too, for they are as bright and
perky as the bird's first Spring song. Choose your hat now . . .
it will give you an entirely new outlook on tho world about you.
1.98 io 12.98
liy Yalcnli
Wedgewood blue is tho new soft muted
tone of blue that is getting all of the
fashion raves from the fashion worlds
loading publications ... we
believe that you will rave too when
you see it. Valentine fashioned
this shoe in the ever-loved pump style with
just the right amount of subtle white trim.
Completely leather-lined for sublime comfott.
Tlit floce to TRADE
For Spring . .
as seen In
Most valuable asset to
fashion life this spring.
Tailored to slide rule precision:
matador jacket, erisp pique
blouse, straight skirt
and pleated cummerbund.
By Moordtli in Botany's worsted
Traveler's Check. Navy, black, grey
or brown with white, all with white
pique blouse, red bengaline
. cummerbund. Sizes S to 15.
Other Spring Suits by Sacony,
Jaunty Junior, Kraeler
and Fred A. Block from $25.00 up
from Mannheimers
Tremendous values from famous Nationally advertised, Na
tionally known and accepted lines of quality merchandise.
The following BARGAIN BUSTERS fro on sale starting Fri
day evening March 25th, at 7:00 P.M. for SPRING OPENING
SI'I'X IAI-S and will be on sale only through Saturday,
March 2flth. Take advantage of theso outstandingvalues while
they last!
Famous Named Brand
Costume Jewelry i Price
plus tax
One Group Better Dresses
Special for Spring Opening Only
Values to 59.95
Subteen Sweaters and Blouses
Subteen Sizes 8-16
Sub-teen blouses of c ol Ion broadc loth and novelty coltons In
tailored and Boy Shirt styles, and a c hoic e of Sub-teen Sweat
ers In either slipover or cardigan sfyles. Fine all wool or
nylons In noveltim and classics. Come In and buy two or three
at this outstanding value.'
Formerly " Now
3.95.. .....2.50
4.95... 3.50
5.95 4.50
Special Purchase
Strutwear NYLONS
(V) gauge IS Denier
Dream Beige or Taupe 8', to 11
"The Fashion Ontr of Bend
m 1 1 "" J. 1 ' ' " ' "irvr
'JH'iAlc lb.