The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, March 24, 1955, Page 21, Image 21

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Th Bend BuHttln, Thurjday, March 24, 1955
NEW AND ALSO BIGGER Plymouth's completely new 1955 cars, to be displayed here Friday
night at the Spring opening show by local dealers, are lower, wider and more than 10 inches
longer than previous models. They are the most powerful cars Plymouth has ever built, and are
available with a full range of automatic and power assist devices, including electric window
lifts and power front seat adjustment.
Moppets Also
Get Their Share
Of Attention
NEW VORK (UP)-The "Persos
To Person" cameras of CBS-TV
invade homes ostensibly for inter
views with the old folks, but the
moppets also get their share of at
tention on this Edward R. Murrow
Steps Down,
An Era Ends
United Tress Stuff Correspondent
If Sir Winston Churchill reall
does i-esign next month, Britain
will have reached the end of a
political era.
The Grand Old Man of the Con
servative Party has served in the
House of Commons in the reign of
A number of these youngsters of. six kings and queens.
talented persons have done their
specialties on the p r o g r a m, al
though there is no thought of using
these appearances for purposes of
talent auditions.
Benny Goodman's-daughter, Ra
chel, for example played piano ac
companiment for her father when
he did a clarinet rendition of the
last movement of a Mozart con
certo. It was the first -time the
girl ever had appeared on televi
sion. In the home of Groueho Marx,
daughter Melinda joined him in a
guitar duet.
Robin and Ronnie, sons of Bob
("Howdy Doody") Smith, demon
strated their skill with the clarinet,
piano, saxophone and trombone.
The children of Secretary oj Ag
riculture Ezra Benson did a song
uid dance act, with the youngest,
Beth, being particularly adept.
Heller Halliday, 12-year old
daughter of Mary Martin, who is
He announced this month that
he has ordered the British manu
facture of the H-bomb.
As he spoke, he may have re
membered that 57 years ago he
took part in the last great cavalry
charge in history.
Well Informed Sources
The week-end reports that Chur
chill has decided to quit in favor
of Anthony Eden may prove to be
erroneous, as have so many such
reports in the last few years.
At least, this time the reports
come from very well informed
sources ana at a time when a
turnover, in the Prime Ministry
would be logical.
The Labor Party is split be
tween left and right wings. It faces
a long period of bitter factional
Labor Party Split
Under Churchill's Conservative
government, Britain has prospered.
Sees Tax
Issue Boiled to
Three Choices
IN FRIDAY'S SHOW The 1955 Cadillac series 62 Coupe de Ville offers distinctive styling
that includes the use of several interior-exterior color schemes and three optional "glamour"
interiors combining leather and fabric. The 1955 Cadillac coupe, to be displayed by the Bend
Garage Co. Friday at the Spring opening show, is. powered by a 250-horsepower high com
pression V-Cao'illac engine. ' '
Architects Pose Zoning Problems
architecture has created several
zoning problems, according 'o
the American Society of Planning
Officials. '
The society said modern "pro
jections" such as the cantilever
beam and the extended roof over
hang, fixed awnings made of
metal or fibre glass, and external
steel or aluminum Venetian blinds
did not exist when most zoning
ordinances were written.
These currently popular devices
have created zoning problems, ac
cording to the society. So has the
minimal house, whose inadequate
storage space tempts the owner to
wall in his carport and use it for
storage, or to enclose his porch Rainfall in Seattle, Wash., aver
or terrace and make it an extra ages 58 inches annually.
The society said most zoning '
law speir mtrjinos coectwhiodhp
laws permit projections which do
not interfere with a neighboring
structure's sun, light and air.-
In general, the society said, lit a
projection or extension is greater
man the ordinance permits, .the
building must be further from the ,.
lot line. ' : '11
Hanging is the only method of
capital punishment in the state otJ
Washington. "-.
It is not until the second or third.j
day after the new phase that .(he
crescent moon can be seen. -Jl
He Designs Midget-Soldiers In Spare Time
now appearing on Broadway with Austerity has all but disappeared.
her mother in "Peter Pan", did
no emoting for Murrow's program.
She was down with the mumps,
kept behind a door on which there
was a sign, "Mumps. Keep Out."
However, there was a behind-closed-door
interview in which she
described how it felt to have the
Martha Raye's daughter, Melp
die, did what came naturally
she imitated her mother.
Displayed Painting
If a general election were to be
held within the next few months,
a big Conservative victory might
be expected.
Hence there seems to be sense
in the reports tljat before he
leaves for a holiday in Sicily April
'6, Churchill will resign and Queen
Elizabeth will name Eden his suc
cessor. Eden would be expected to ask
the Queen to approve a general
parliamentary election within a
Dinah Shore's seven-year old few months even within
Melissa used the cameras to give
the viewers a "one-man" show of
her art a painting of a New
York Cily street scene, complete
with policemen, motorcycle, set
ting sun, etc. Afterward she pre
sented to Murrow a pencil sketch
of her impressions of the telecast
from her home.
At the home of John Daly, his
younger son, Charles, revealed to
the TV audience that he had re
ceived a demerit at school for
throwing snowballs into a dormi
tory through an open window.
"I actually wouldn't have gotten
the demerit except that the most
inhuman proctor in the whole
dorm was involved," Charles said.
Daly asked who the proctor was.
"The man on the right there,"
replied the boy, indicating the
youth seated next to him his
older brother, John.
a few
of the
weeks, possibly, in view
Labor Party split.
The changeover from Churchill
to Eden, whenever it comes, will
be a historic one.
In 1897, the year when Eden
was born. Churchill fought in the
first of the four wars in which he
has been a combat officer.
When Churchill was first elected
to the House of Commons, Eden
was three years old
When Eden entered Commons, in
1923, Churchill already had. held
eight separate Cabinet posts,
Alamos in southern Sonora
Mexico, is kept alive largely
through 'the Mexican jumping
bean. Each July and August res
idents pick and package the
world's supply of brindcadores
SALEM (UP) Which do you
prefer: An increase in your prop
erty tax, an increase in your in
come tax, or a sales tax?
Rep. Earl Hill (R-Cushman) says
the choice is just about that blunt
If his sales tax measure gets
through the Legislature you will '
have your chance to vote your I
preference, probably late in May!
or early in June.
In one manner or another the
Legislature has to raise some 30 i
million dollars a year in additional ;
revenues to meet an estimated
deficit of 60 million dollars in the
biennium starting next July 1. Hill !
thinks the sales tax is the solution
to the problem. And a growing
number of legislators agree with
Oregon voters have rejected the
sales tax five times. But Hill said
today tliut he has found increasing
sentiment in favor of the sales tax
to halt the upward trend of prop
erty taxes and to fend otf a new
bulge in state income taxes.
A 3 per cent sales tax provided
in the Cushman Republican's bill
would raise some 75 million dollars
a year, experts have estimated. He
proposes to use up to 50 million
dollars a year of this as a property
tax offset at the county level for
schools. Some 75 per cent of county
taxes now go for school purposes.
The balance would go in to the
basic school fund, which must be
raised by a state property tax if
olher funds are not available.
Basic school support may amount
to' some 35 million dollars a year,
and the estimated 25 million dol
lars a year that would go into the
fund would replace money that
could go for other state purposes
and thus obviate the necessityof
a'state property tax.
A proposal to raise part of the
needed money by increasing state
income taxes together with a tax of
3 cents a pack on cigarettes, would
almost certainly be referred to the
Voters, Hill said. That would mean
Oregon would be without the bene
fit of these funds for at least until
the 1956 November general elec
tion. That, he said, eould force the
state onto a warrant basis, which
would impair the state's credit and
raise the interest rates on bonds
it sells.
Because he does not want to see
the stale forced onto a warrant
basis, Hill said he proposes a spe
cial election in late May or early
June, so that the people may vole
on it befoce the next fiscal year
starts July 1. Should it then he re
jected, a special session of the
Legislature might be called to try
again to strike a balance.
NEW YORK (UF)-Eugene
Custer works on instruments for
large anti-aircraft guns by day,
designs midget soldiers by night.
Custer, 40, a machinist (for the
Ford Instrument Co.) turns out
parts for experimental instru
ments. These in the past have been
J used to aim the big guns of battle
ships and other Navy fighting
But every night after work, plus
week ends, he and his wife, Wilma,
enter the den of their Staten Is
land home to translate into metal
one more bit of American military
history gleaned from their vast
home library.
As a boy, Custer was fascinated
by toy soldiers. He began a collec
tion but soon found it an expen
sive proposition. The costly toy
soldiers that intrigued Custer were
those imported from foreign lands,
so he began making his own,
He has spent the past 20 years
developing his own "secret" proc
ess for turning out two-inch-high
soldiers cheaply. Now they sell at
New York's largest hobby shop for
$15 each which is "cheap" in this
Two Months' Work
Part of Custer's unusual collec
tion includes a Continental Army
officer from New Jersey, a British
Grenadier of the Revolutionary
War Period and a U. S. Marine
Corps officer of 1812. He currently
is fashioning a Civil War gun
Simmer fish instead of boiling
rapidly to preserve food value and
Store or Office Space in Modern Building!
1 17'j' wide x 50' room with washroom
Kent $95 per month
i 17',-i wide x SO' room with washroom
and utility room $100 per month
1 lIVi' wide x 22' room with washroom
$65 per month
Excellent Downtown Location
Balconies Possible
' Loading; Entrance In Rear
For Information Call
Phone 166
50.000 miles In BO days, without mechanical
failure! Thai's the amazing record set by a Dodge
pick up with 145-hp. Power-Dome V-8 engine!
22 miles per gallon, carrying a 500-lb. load,
using regular gas! That's the average of Dodge
V-8 pick-up in a 714-mile, AAA-superwised Econ
omy Run!
Dodge V-8 pick-up. AAA-supervised, climbed
Pikes Peak in 20 minutes. 46.8 seconds . . . only a
few seconds over the passenger car recoid.
Operating economy and low maintenance were
moved m tests mentioned above. You can save
hundreds "of dollars over the life of a Dodge truck!
With all their championship performance Dodge
trucks are priced with the very lowest And Dodge
T," k dealers are noted lor their fairness and
their good deals.
No matter what kind of a Iruck you need . . .
,ght, medium or heavy . . phone or visit your
dependable Dodge Truck dealer this week.
A noouct of CHiruta. eojr. ' "
Stars Of The Show
A Car For
Every Taste
Every Budget
Everything's new in the
Motoramic Chevrolet
""""" ' ... iS35w
The Thrill of the Year is
13uXta.Be$t Seller
In the West I
In the Pot i fit Coo it aroo, wntn hardtop"
hit a new high In popularity, the Buick
Riviiia far outielU all oihet, bar none I
See Them All at the
Auto Show
Oregon Avenue
Friday Evening
6 to 9
709 Wall Street
Chevrolet - Buick Cadillac
Phone 193
835 BOND