The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, March 22, 1955, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 The Bend Bulletin, Tuesday, March 22, 19S5
Kiwanians Hear Talks on Taxes
Properly rc-uppruisal under the
stale - county program Ix'Kuii in
1951 is resulting in the discovery
of some values that had escaped
assessment and in their revealing
of sharp inequities in valuations
previously assigned for tax pur
liases. Maps are sornetiines otisi
lete, sometimes lion cxisU'nt.
Ihfiv are frequently inadequate
oudgcts for an effective continu
ing plan of assessment.
Berkeley S. DeVaul, ivpiesent
ing the slate tax commission in
its relation with counties of Ore
gon, gave the Bond Kiwanis cluh
this information Monday noon in
an address before the service or
ganization at the Pine Tavern.
Neither DeVaul nor Leslie M.
ftoss, Deschutes county assessor,
was able (o answer the question
of when re-appraisal will be fin
ished in Deschutes county.
His office had attempted to do
the job without .adequate financ
ing, Ross told the Kiwanians, but
has got behind In new assessments
as the result of devoting time to
reassessing. State" participation is
on a 00-50 expenditure basis, Do
Vaul said.
"The office of your .county as
sessor is the only office? thut can
save you money by spending more
money," Hoss declared in his in
troductory remarks. "School dis
tricts, cities, the county, water
districts, hospital districts, fire
districts are wholly dependent on
it for their finances. The assessor's
office is charged with the responsi
bility of seeing that you are as
sessed with your fair share of the
tax load and also that you do not
pay more than your just share.
"Contrary to the opinion of
many, the office of the assessor
does not set the amount of taxes
that you shall pay; you do."
Ross pointed out that the law
requires that every county shall
have plat books showing correct
ItM-ations of all parcels of prop
erty and added that Dtschutes
county has been operating outside
the law in this respect since l!Ci7,
when the courthouse burned." The
county, with the aid of ihe state,
is now in process of map and plat
reconstruction, lie Raid.
Ralth S. Hamilton, circuit judge
jnd fonntv speaker of the Oregon
house ,f representatives, roughed
mi Ihe background for the income
'Hid excise taxes as they exist lo
lay and fugijesled that bold in
ono and sales might have to he
ailed on to bear an increased tax
'oad for the relief of property.
Redmond Hospital
Special to The Bulletin
RFDMO.ND Lois Ann Dunn, II
months. Powell Butte, was admit
ted to Central Oregon district hos
lilal Sunday night, and Ihe follow
:ng on Monday: A. (',. Brown, Ray
Suter Redmond; Rena Thornton,
t'i, Madras; Mrs. James Thomp
son, Culver; Jovce Ridley, 7
months. Monroe; Willinui McCol
'iiiii. Mi.'tolius; Delford Johnson, 9.
Warm Sprint's, Kive out-patients
and one tonsillectomy patient were
treited and d:scharged Monday.
Dismissed Monday: Mrs. Marlin
Oalv. Culver" Homer Beard. Route
1, Madras; Carole Camnbell, Sis
lers: and from malernitv floor
Mrs. Levi Green. Warm Springs.
with baby Georgie Ann.
Special lo The lliilletln
MADRAS Iwell Nichols, Mad
ras, lias been named chairman of
the lights committee for the an
nual presentation of Freshman
Glee at. Willamette university. The
musical production will lie present
ed ill Ihe enmpus gymnasium at 8
p.m., with a Ihcme of "Novelly."
f .
TRANSPARENT ADVANTAGES An eyeful in or out of the
hammock is Joan Brown, who is testing a new plastic at Cypress
Gardens, B'la. The transparent hammock is only 101000 of an
inth thick, yet it's strong enough to hold both Joan and Betty
Bland, who looks good just standing there. Best thing about the
hammock is that Joan can see everybody on the beach and
everybody can see her.
Redmond Court
Lists Citations
Special to The lliilletln
RKDMOND Municipal court
docket lists the following citations
last week: Ronald Dahlcn, Red
lation, fine suspended; Chester
Ijjnlz, Redmond, failure to ob
serve stop sign, and Archie E.
Hayes, Redmond, basic rule vio
lation, fined $5 each.
Waller A. Jones, transient, elect
ed five days in jail to a $20 fine
for being drunk in a public place.
anese orphans today completed
shrine elected in honor of a cow.
The crew of the U.S. transport
General J. C. Breckinridge, learn
ing that the orphans at an American-sponsored
orphanage did not
have fresh milk, purchased the cow
in 1953 and had it sent from the
United Slates.
The cow died lust October after
giving birth to a calf and the
hea it -broken orphans immediately
began plans for the wood and stone
shrine which was completed today
on a meadow near the orphanage.
Course In
Firearms Set
For Women
Registration for a women's fire-'
arms training class to be soon-
sored by the cily recreation and
the police departments continues
at Ihe police station. Chief John T.
Truelt reminded today.
Truett will instruct Hie class
open to women of ull ages interest
ed in learning the fundamentals of
gun handling and marksmanship.
Registration is also open to boys
who have not yet participated in
the junior firearms training pro
gram. Two classes will be opened,
one for boys between the ages o
8 and 12, the other for boys 12 to
Older boys will use .22 rifles,
the younger trainees B-B guns.
Classes for women will feature
handling of .22 rifles. Women an
requested by the chief to furnish
their own ammunition. Guns will
be provided.
So far 180 boys have gradualeu
from the junior firearms program
inaugurated here earlier this yeai
by the recreation department and
First phase of the classes in
volves lectures on gun safely. For
the final phase, classes move from
the commission room of the city
hall to the armory for actual on
range firing.
So far about 10 women have
signed for the firearms class, of
fered free by the municipal departments.
Special to The Bulletin
REDMOND Knights in armor
will perform for parents and
friends at the monthly cub pack
meeting tonight in John Tuck
school. Dens of pack 26 have ar
ranged costumes and scenes rem
iniscent of the days of King Ar
thur. The meeting will start at 7:30
With Low-cost Electricity,
Yon live Better For Less!
i . . ." "' (y It costs only pennies a week I m , . . ; .
ij to run your automatic yasfa- n
Think what an automatic
washer will mean to you J
See your friendly
electric appliance
dealer soon I
Yhe many benefits of this modern way of washing are yours to enjoy for
just a few cents a week at Pacific Power's low electric rates. Every day,
more and more homemakers chango from old-fashioned, hard-working
washing methods to the ease and convenience of the modern automatic
And fully automatic electric water heating belongs in the home today,
too. You need it so that you will have all the hot water you want every
time you want it.
Here in Pacific Powerland, you enjov these advantages for less. Youi
dependable, low-cost electric service from Pacific Power is the biggesf
bargain in your family budgotl
Electricity's cheap in Pacific Powerland
Automatic Washer
Libera! Trade Allowance
on your old washer.
Fdly Automat ic
O Genuine LMaytag Quality
O Wafer Level Control
O Deluxe Power Unit
O First Quality Cabinet
yK O Regular Maytag
f ffrf F X Guarantee
This is a Special Factory Purchase
For A Limited Time Only
Buy Where You Get Service
722 Franklin
Phone 274
Lifetime Porcelain Finish is ths finest rust-protection
you can get and ONLY Frigidaire has it...
,.r-. inside and out!
X S ' i " ' You got added years of beauty,
vf t . V ( ,4. . usefulness and cleanliness when
you buy Frigidaire with Lifetime
Porcelain Finish. It won't scratch,
scuff, rust, burn or stain. Grea:e,
soap, hot water or detergents
can't harm it. And it cleans as
ecsily as a china dish. You get
Lifetime Porcelain Finish inside
and out only on . . .
The New
Here's How Frigidaire
Washes Clothes Cleaner, Brighter
Live-Water Action gti out daep-down din
thoroughly, but gently
Float-Over Rinsing tends loop, scum and dirt
over the top ond down the drain
Rapidly Spin, fasieit there is. Gets out pounds
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Select-O-Dial does everything automatically.
And you can slop, start, repeat or skip any waihing
action you choose
Uses letl hot water than many other males.
Washes every load in fiesh water , , ,,
more economically
Bnv the New Frii:!!iilri' ft
Impprlni For ONLY
165 E. Greenwood
Bend Phone 888
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