OUT OUR WAY tVl NIC6LADV, S.H6 DON'T NEED V VQWVSLO TOM (XAY, SI DID I . Y6AH ! " "If, 1 yx: lettiwvoo vour allamtrv rJ-HZZ-L i', CcTrri) p T. MAYOR? you Is up- V!$ "W H l ? LICK OFF Trf I I THERE'S A COUPLE J- P)-? 71 , X Y J( MAZCtlOf PLAINT flGADEBKTAlP HVV' OVERFLOW-- V yPTH'STREBT r- 00 US i'L hOHOB.CO- K'l "ANT f &ANDERJA : SL . Ssl S Y VTAKISJ-APVANTA&e V UTTLE TOO FAR- T C0MDITI0MED CHAIR FSE fSff fVf, k -JT V't t 1 HhJ Jl CUZ 6HE J SHE'S GOT SUMP'N ) hfn A PHOTO'-HAC-RlIWPH.'?- ? f AD M Me. ) LEl'6 .- . P. TlTllfySl MITTEM TO BAT V, Ji. e.,X flj' J00 GOOD ) UriOOT Nj THI6 i!IM,tS .' f?.4" boots and Her Buddies - tys&Jf .r . Captain Easy THE I5LAW0 BELONGS TO I I VOUR SHIP 15 THE I fl. MER THEY GET k I ' 1 I 'if CHILE. AND I HAVE THEIR. FIRST TO CALL HERB u F RST GLIWPSB OF : C?HE SHIP IS I PEWM55I0N TO REMOVB IN ALW05T A VEAR., THE HEADS THAT HWB WKfSlie I UaWCHOREDOFF V ONE CP THE LKRfiE STOMB . S6KI0R, WEEK.1. I AtA PUZZLED MANKIND FOR 7&'tj$ I EASTER ISLAND, --l- FACES. -r- SURE THE NATOES . OVER. TWO CENTURIES. ST JfeSf I 1 IN COOK'S SAM 7'' WILL HELP WITH ',':. Hi rnfeu S f 1 BsKs&fts. BMUsnara..ir iswds UUHiBMHssUsWHWHIlHBIlHSawnBWIlM MsmiO f"--, " , II ..T..;. r- i rin , t.t h mm n,,..i.. n ,i 'it i inn I ' T'n batmpb Pirniap MVfia.p N I EVERV0OPV KNOWS WHO I ThE NEXT AAOCMN3, AS A MOB BOSS WEAKFASISf. " PICTURED WITH VOL) HQWV j LEPTV KIMBALL IS POLL, y V I LIKB B TO 66T A PlCTUREAVOU KWOW IfN NAME? T- PARK AMP HANPSOME.' IF ARE VOU SURE) DUCKBILL, I BEEM WATCHISJ'Hie OPYOUANDHER, VHSYgttJ JL X VOU LIKE, I COULD BRING MV FLINT'S BACX J PLACE, LIKE VA TOLD AAE NOW iK'BALL? Sa-..7rj CAMERA UP TO MOUR PLACE IMTOWNJ? -X WHEN ARE WE SON'NA TAKE CAPE J 1- A( ' TOMORROW NGHT FOR A , -rT 0P HIM AND LEFTV? tmr. ' -Wi PRIVATE SITTINS'h .'Sl -7, . (TV LOW.SlD.IHADAFUNBToAfTwmwVOljNOU'Re A I WiM I I '"Vr" 'CAUSE IF WORD SETS AROUND THAT YOU A , 1 '--vCATCH.I WAS 60IN5 NUTS 60INS WCKTOTHESCEMEOfJ I Pll4J-iJ DIDN'T WRlTE THIS TUNE.VOU'RE SONNA SO YOU WOULDN'T EVEN PEN n THAT 8UP6 WHAT ARE WE A YOUR GALLANTRY K I . BE THE MOST PANNED GUY ALONG V7f' A FEW LYRICS FOR A KID ON GOINSTO ,2 AND STRAISHTEN f f I 1- TlNPAN ALLEY rT 4 HER DEATHBED. YOU'RE A TTvtat DO 7 VaiX THIS MESS L trmmr !. I VT 1 I I AS ' n ij ii u imj isiu iw an f-i i i v.-- 1 1 i i Buqs Bunny i n i rKxwi 1 i 1 Lyy jr j ;-z0 1 Allpv OoD jMMj io ut MlI MY , x I k'.', IM Nl'T IN "KALllCE...X;4HFeiiNG 15 I LiJ l;tgr dr. scorr..?V haw to associates how ou my inilkestues insawapteA mowing hjtthai1 rtf GLAD TO kNOV rOSO.' fi. OSCAR J DYTOii- PRACTICE RESEAKCH..AMP Of TIME, IF UkE IT AhCXJLPNT f-iil WU.GK.' K, J BOOM, HI,) HERE- JukE YIXJ.IN '.V"v. ME.. ITS) l)SP TO BOTHER i yOU JOIN LB?- f AND MR.f GENTLEMEN iy W VPcV I APOUTPrHEKE A FEW V LOUtY. PF IN ?HE 1 V NOU OF ALL I km a: Fretkles and His Friends fc. p .v.. YtAn.TAKE- Root: Propir III r-ir yoo pont I Jusr Mew ocifams, okkco. . ' t a--1 Tii,r: aji and gookimg Soon wiil f.vtN mavf cni wi-Ar Nf.w youk o Pori" P . M&M. YOU SPFMD-RX3 1 LIVE A UTILE, WH.I- BCA'INa JUMpJpiArrtR. TYPE I'LL kWCU MV SPIN I 'K 'f- J .''.: 2 MlVlh Time craciino J eowoitvr y JLltM, lp',,lJ,!5t. to your. iOFCAr bin WW antome,' , ; h- ROOKSI -JS Ly WU WTO AUVe J A NAME J MltelC '1 ! l''ii f I by J. R. Williams OUP BOARDING HOUSE with Major Hoopla !. NEA Telephot. ALL IN A DAY Miguel Jose, born Feb. 7, looks into camera with all the nonchalance of a true trouper as he poses with Mom and Dad in his Hollywood photo debut. Mom and Dad are Actor Jose Ferrer and Singer Rosemary Clooney. Push Buttons Smart Enough To Work Without Pushing? By IIARMAX W. NICHOLS I'nili'd I'rcss Stuff ('urresKmlt'nt WASHINGTON (UP) Push button civilization is not enough. We're headed for push buttons that arc smart enough to operate without any pushing. According to Bill Nessell, the gadgets that make a home com fortable will soon be nearly that automatic, anyway. Nessell heads up the Research Committee for the National Warm Air Heating and Air-Conditioning Association. He has spent the better part of a lifetime figuring out ways to make people comfortable in their homes. "Some day, he said, tne but tons will make your home so au tomatically comfortable, you'll have to run outside occasionally to appreciate how much you are enjoying home life." Fully Automatic Today's air-conditioned home, Nessell said, is already partly controlled by electronics. And in the future, temperature, humidity and air circulation will be so ideal you won't be conscious of them. Just like you don't notice the Advertitti.nuMit Car Is A 1949 Geo. N. Taylor "I have a 19-19 car and Joe is my repair man. His eagle eye see svnat is wrong wnn lin ear and he fixes it. He charges i plenty but when I get on tne road. I know my car will stand tip." So the owner of this 1919 told us. and whe ther one is wise in keeping an old car, is not tne question here. The real question is just this Can we ever compare a garage bill with what Clod paid out to get that car owner over into the elorv land? Cod paid out the life blood of Christ, His onlv beloved Son. "The blood of Jesus Christ cleanses from all sin. Bible, 1st John 1:7. The lost meet their sins Judgement Day and they go out into eternal woe. Receive Jesus Christ into your heart as Cod's Son and Saviour who died to save you. Then being saved grow up. By Bible and prayer, grow up. mis message spon sored ny a itiiisnoro lamny. Jin vote, of - p'iiKifT,;rf i C.nfr.1 Oregon - V y . t v. .- . TONIC.HTS TROCRAM 1 ;00 Onbriel HchUm Pinner Music I ;30 Uehiml the Story -Snm Hnyn 1:55 Niimrt and Duces in the Newa :00 Passport to Paytlrrama :3t Rend Garage Nt'Wi :4lr Henvmber When ' -fiventn MeNtikv Hroailway op , :$f "Sentenced" ' :0O Niw :!& Kulton l.rwi Jr. 1:30-Off the Keronl :S(V Top Secret Kilea I :00 Sin Off TI ESIAY. MARCH , lS .00 Triple T Ranch :45 Karm Reporter :(K Hemingway Newa :15 Breakfast C.ng :S0 Momma Melodies ;4t) News) :16 Morning Roundup ih) - Tttl TuHf 2( Northwest New iS fi-Star New : 80--Haven of Rest :00 Bulletin rWrrt (W Morning Special 15 -Star Nawa 20 Morning Speetal : 80 The S ng a The Star iR Top Tune (HV Network Newi :5 Telio Test :80 Fashion Trenda 3$ Song of the Iay 40 It's Woman's World :50 Man About Trw 55 Nrthwst Newa :00 Florida Calling efficiency of your refrigerator, washing machine and clothes dry er," the air expert said. "They generally work so good, folks take them for granted. And you'll take ideal air conditioned temperature, humidity and air circulation for granted, too, before long." Nessell said that present-day heating plants and electronic con trols are 100 times more sensi tive to the elements than humans. "One system," he added, "uses a thermostat outside the house to tip off the furnace to whip up the heat before the cold air comes in side. But take other comfort fac tors like humidity. "Humidity can be awfully un healthy when there is too little; and very uncomfortable when there is too much. And humidity is just one ot the things that air conditioning straightens out." Stumps The Expert Air-conditioning, Nessell will have you know, gets rid of house odors, like the cooking of cauli flower. It is made to filter the air and take out the impurities. And it keeps the air moving. The engineers are doing a great job. But I had a question for the air man. How about a problem we have at our house, mister? The rest of my family likes a room real warm. I prefer my heat cooled off a little. What have the engineers done to keep peace in such a home and satisfy everyone? I found that I had stumped an expert. "Just a minute there, old fel low." Nessell said. "Engineers can warm and cool your house and give you a look at the moon. They can give you a button that pushes itself. "But you'll have to go some place else to find the answer to your problem. Maybe you could go Into your room, lock the latch and open a window." Uranium may be the most sought-after mineral, but iron is still the key to our Industrial so ciety according to a University ot Illinois mineral economist, Walter II. Voskuil. 19 " Klloeycl.il .s ;:''- '.;-."'L-v;ivi 11:2(1 fi-Star Newa 11:80 Queen for a Day 12 :00 Noontime Melodies 12:10 Today's Classifieds . 12:15 Sports Review 12 :20 Noontime Melodiea 12:80 Newa 12:45 Fanners Hour 1:00 Redmond Digest 1:16 Realty Newa 2 :00 Platter Preview 2:1$ Bend Ministerial 2 :80 Platter Preview S:t& Northwest News 8 :20 Central Oregon News 5 :2ft Kraft 6-Star News 8:80 You Win 8-4S Tello Test 4:15 Frank Hemingway News 4 :3tf Here's The Answcr 4 :45 Sam Hayes Newa 6 :00 Sgt Preston 5:80 Melody Way 5:6.'. Kraft 5-Star News 6 :00 Gabriel Heatter 6:16 Music Ooast to Coast 6:80 Behind the Story 6:46 Sam Hayes New 6 :66 Name and Faces In the News 7 ;0O Forward America 7:80 Bend Garage News T :46 Remember When 7 :60 F.vening Melediea 8:W Mr. District Attorney 8:30 Kddie Fisher Show 8:45 Vera Ijirson Show 8:60 Music for Enjoyment :00 News 9:15 Fulton Lewis Jr. 9 :30 Idland Serenade 9:15 Off The Record 10:00 Off Ute Record 10:80 Treasury Agent 11:00 Sign Off The Bend Bulletin, SWEETIE PIE "Schultz has big bright Drusning mem every uoj. Ike Use Gl Loan For New Home At Gettysburg? By MEHUIMAX SMITH United Press White House Writer WASHINGTON (UP)-Backstairs at the White House: A photographer was standing be side the luxurious, gleaming white Eisenhower house at Gettysburg while the President and his wife worked industriously inside to get their new carpets to fit ' in the living room. "1 wonder," said the cameraman dreamily, "it he got all this on a GI loan?" Roberta Barrows who for manv years has been the mainspring of the White House appointment sec retary's office, has been trans ferred quietly to other duties. Miss Bairows came to the White House first during the Hoover ad ministration. Under F.D.R., then Mr. Truman and finally, the first two years of the Eisenhower ad ministration, she was the girl Fri day to whoever happened to be serving as appointment secretary. When Thomas E. Stephens was succeeded recently by Bernard M Shanley as Mr. Eisenhower's ap pointment man, however, Roberta was shifted to other White House duties. She now is working for Jo seph M. Dodge, Mr. Eisenhower s specialist on foreign economic trade policy. Probably no woman in the fed cral government ever saw or met so many famous worl3 figures as Roberta who literally watched his tory roll by her desk back in the corner of the appointment secre tary's office. Tense moment at the President's Gettysburg farm last Saturday. The chief executive was walking over the farm property with Col Tom Belshe, an old Washington friend. They passed a small ma- isonry structure. The President, quite within ear shot of reporters and photogra phers, said to Belshe with a wave toward the small building, "the Se cret Service will use that until I The three press association news men standing near Mr. Eisenhow er felt like screaming, "Go ahead and finish the sentence." But they didn't. Recent additions to the Eisen hower farm: A four-car garage attached to jthe barn. A floodlight system in the grounds. And, in the process of installa tion, a photo-electric alarm sys tem. The Roosevelt estate at Hyde Park. N. Y. and the Truman home at Independence, Mo., both were equipped with photo-electric alarm networks. Electronically, these sys tems are fine. At Hyde Park, however, animals from the woods on the Roosevelt estate were forever setting off the alarm by leaping through the elec tric eye beams. And at Independ ence, neighborhood docs some times set off the alarm by casting their shadows across the never sleeping electric eyes. The Gettysburg house is now guarded around the clock, even when the Kisenhowers are not there, by uniformed police detailed from the Treasury Department. Raw ftlAlfl2D " 8KIN Cleanse well frith Resinol Soap and apply lanolin-rich RfsinoL Relief is fast and comfort lasta. RESINOLrA-o Monday, March 21. 1955 by Nadine Seltze' teeth, but you don't see him Prisoners Make Streamline Car ' FORT MADISON, la. (UP) Prisoners in the automotive school at the Iowa State Penitentiary here are building a streamlined sports car from the shell of a 19-10 Hudson purchased for $12. Building (lie car became a sparetime project a year ago when prison officials decided there wasn't enough regular work to keep the inmates occupied. When finished late this spring, the car will be cameo pink and upholstered in imitation zebra skin. Second - hand parts from 12 different cars have gone into its- makeup and prison officials said the total cost will be about sroo. Each of its more than one mil lion automobile license plate ap plications in Maryland this year contained a booklet entnled ' Keep Maryland Beautiful." STRICKEN - Adm. John H. Towers is seriously ill in New Vork. He is well known in iviation circles, having been ne of the first three Navy of Icers assigned to aviation duty n 1911. He is responsible for nany advances in the field, in iluding the safety belt. Since lis retirement from the Navy n 1947, he has been assistant :o the president of Pan Ameri :an Airways and president of lie Flight Safety Council in New York Toothpaste Trip To the Moon? CHICAGO (UP) Nearly 3.9O0 students are now enrolled in 19 veterinary colleges in the Unit ed States and Canada, according to a survey by the American Vet erinary Medical Association. The current freshman class is the largest since World War I, the association said. II totals 1,026 students, selected from 2.614 who sought to enroll. This year's freshman class in cluded 25.'? bachelor degrees, com pared with 235 a year ago. Hair infested with ugly dandruff. ..until she discovered SHOSTEX "For many ytan I had bn bothered with t mbaratsing dandruff and it wotn'l unlit a fritnd mentioned SHONTSX Conditioning Formula that I discovered the wonderful relief your product offer, for ugly dandruff. I ute SHONTEX before ond after ihampooing at directed and at a hoir dretiing. If not only give, definite relief from unillghtly dandruff but it lake, the place of a hot oil treatment, for dryneu and brittleneu. SHONTIM alio help, bring out the color ond the highlight, and help, the hair retain In waet. Mn. K. S. At drug, depl. Hotel and beauty thopi In if and Jt-Sin Tube, end l Jar, For Generous Trial Package nel 10f in Cover Cot of Mailing, Dept. I, SHONTEX CO, Santa Monica, Cal. J. dfsgi 1