The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, March 21, 1955, Page 4, Image 4

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An Independent Newspaper
Robert W. Chandler, Editor and Publisher
Phil F. Bmgan, Associate Editor
m i il1ii( n,1Huni flMmlntlnna
J'K 1 I U.V I , iiuuii m . . . .... ,
EnUrad u Barond Clua aUtur. January , 117 t th Foal Offlea at Hand.
on unaar Act 01 piaxco , w.
Hold On, Folks, We're Going Around a Corner!
The Bend Bulletin, Monday, March 21, 1955
Edson in Washington
Quality of Oregon Water
How does Bend's domestic water, from icy Tumalo
creek in the eastern Cascade foothills, compare in hard
ness with other municipal supplies in Oregon and the Uni
ted States?
The question is answered in a recent U. S. Geological
Survey report. That report deals with the industrial
utility of public water supplies in the United States.
The studies cover 1,315 cities, 15 of them in Oregon
Hardness of Bend's water is listed as 11, which
makes the citv's sunply the second softest water in the
state among the 15 cities studied. Pendleton's water, the
. hardest in the group studied, has a rating of 'Jo. I he
average hardness of Oregon water analyzed is 34, and
only two other states, Maine and South Carolina, have,
on an average, softer water.
A Bend resident would consider PendMon's water
hard, but a citizen of Sioux City, Iowa, where the water
has a hardness of 472, would think Pendleton's water
rather soft.
"Knowledge of the chemical character of the water
is an important factor in the selection of sites for most
industrial plants," notes a State Department of Geology
and Mineral Industries bulletin touching upon the USGS
analyses. "Of particular importance is information about
the hardness of water, for hardness is a characteristic
that affects both domestic and industrial use.
'In domestic use, hardness of water results. in an
excessive consumption of soap asd the formation of scale
in vessels in which water is boiled. In industrial use,
hardness causes scale to be deposited in hot-water pipes,
Vionfpra and steam boilers, resulting in economic loss
through increased fuel consumption and breakdown of
Hardness is caused chiefly' by the presence of cal
cium and magnesium in the water.
In Oregon, Portland's Bull Run water has a hard
ness of 9. The analysis of the Coos Bay water also
showed a hardness of 9, before chlorination. Bend is in
second place in the state with its 11 hardness figure.
Adds the report:
"Pendletton water from springs and deep wells con
tains 203 parts per million dissolved solids, while Bend
water from Tumalo creek contains only 33 pmm."
Not only is Bend water soft and comparatively free
from minerals but it has a fine rating in another depart
ment, color. Color refers to the appearance of water that
is free of suspended material.
Coos Bay water has an undesirable color of 100.
Treatment reduces the, color to 6, but at the mime time
increases the hardness! In the color column Bend water
has a rating of 7, compared with 15 for Portland. In
cidentally, in hydrogen-ion concentration, Bend water has
a rating that is near neutral.
The' temperature of Bend's water (from a sample
collected in mid-June) was 46 degrees. The only city
reporting a colder supply was Medford, with a 42-dcgree
reading in April.
Bend and Pendleton water samples were studied for
dissolved solids, with Bend reporting a total of 37 to
203 for Pendleton. One of the solids mi.ssitig from Bend
water was fluoride.
Old-timers will remember that Bend was referred
i u.. ne..l... r n.-..,.,..11 lit..'
in as umj oiiunuui- m w. . ...v. ,..., pr,mlis,.s lj( ,,..,. ,,lx ,.us 1U,M
note a great cliuerencc in uie water supplies oi ine iwojyoar uniiucstinnnhiy had liu-ir
The hardness of Spokuno water, supplied from 13
wells, is 1577. That for Bend, fresh from upper Tumalo
creek, is a mere 11.
tip ii
Sage Brushings 1
Monday morning, and a happy
first day of sprine to everyone!
Because this Monday column is
written on Saturday, it is not pos-
sime to comment on the arrival oi
the new season in appropriate
vein. In fact, it's snowing as this
is cemg written, and for all I
know, it may be snowing again
when this is read.
It's the first day of spring, none
theless. Now that spring vacation is over,
a good many moms feel that Ihev
need to spend some time on their
three R's Re, relief and relaxa
tion. This one is entitled. "Don't bury
your light under a blanket." or "It
was safe in the days of the kero
sene lamp."
One evening not so long ago, a
little shaver out on the REA re
tired to his bedroom with an ex
tension cord and a light bulb, to
look for something he lost. Let's
say he was looking for the mar
bles that fell out of his head. The
marbles found, he laid the light
bulb (still hooked up! on the bed.
and went out and closed the door.
When the youngster went back
into the room, several hours later.
it was so choked with smoke that
flames, couldn't get started. The
light bulb had burned through the
bedding and was deeply buried in
the mattress.
Names are omitted for security
reasons. With all that smoke, there
must be some fire.
lak Pol icies Do Affect Market
Ily PKTKK EPSON Mo make stock buying less altrac-
NKA Washington ('orrcsoiidcut live.
WASHINGTON (NEA) Any Instead of continuing this divi-
connccfion between the Senate (lend tux windfall to stockholders,
slock market investigation andjtlie Democratic leaders wanted to
the Democrats' proposed changes g i v e an approximately equal
in the federal tax laws may not Inmount to everyone through $10
be apparent or intentional, but it's
One of the principal psychologi
cal factoi-s behind the present slock
market boom is said to be busi
ness confidence in Hie Kisenhowcr
administration fiscal policies put
forward by Secretary of the Treas
ury Ceorge M. Humphrey. Expert
w itness after expert witness before
Sen. ,1. William Kulbrighl's slock
in u r k c t investigating commit
Ire has leslifiid to this effect.
Income taxes were cut ten per
cent .shortly a f I e r I he fighting
stopped in Korea. The excess prof
its tax was killed. New deprcci
ali'm and business expense carry-foi-ward
provisions wei-o written
into the revised lax code.
Special income tax deduct ions
were allowed on stock dividends.
Selected excise taxes wer,.1 reduce
Total hleral tax cuts lor the fis
cal year ending next June M are
estimated at $.' billion.
These things plus optimistic slat
incnls by government officials on
culling government expenses and'
Blaze Blamed
On Faulty Radio
We newspaper folk get a big
kick out of someone else's typo
graphical errors. Saturday The
Oregonian, reporting the story of
the women who gave birth to
twins 4S days apart, noted that
she was the "bother" of three oth
er children ranging in age from
11 months to four years.
Occasionally we watch Edward
Morrow's "Person to Person" pro
gram Friday nights on KOIN-TV.
PORTLAND (UP) Tenants i '-ast week, by accident or design.
from 2G apartments fled into thetllp in'ervicws were a study in
, , , . .. (contrasts Conrad Hillon, the ho-
street here early yesterday as firet0, ma!;n.lto, and Rc( Bull(ms, th(1
destroyed one apartment in thci comedian.
building and seriously damaged Hillon was first, and he showed
two others. j Murrow's audience through a few
. .... ,, of the 61 rooms of his palantial
firemen saia me j.-u maze ap-j h()mp
with the obvious and par
parently started in a faulty radio. Homblo pride of a self-made man
in the apartment of Edward Arm-1 who is master of all he surveys.
and $'J0 income tax reductions
tin I-Vh. Ihe llnlien nnwivl iln
tax bill calling for a !0-a-hcad S,rong' ",c DU''dilS is located at ; In one room he sat down at the
lax credit effective next" Jan. . j11:i0 NE lst avpn- I piano, in response to Morrow's re-
The Senate bv a 50-44 vote defeat William liedicnl, whose wife quest, and played "Varsouvienne,"
ed a compromise bill which would 'manages the building, said a ten- moxport.y but with pint.
have provided a tax cut of S20 nt reported smoke about S a.m.
for each taxpayer and $10 for each
dependent oilier than spouse. The
Senate hill as approved carried
firemen checked the blaze before
it had a chance to spread. No one
was injured.
only Ihe revenue raising provisions
askeil for by the Administration.
The hill now goes hark 1o the
House which can either accept the
Senate version or send the meas
ure to conference to iron out dif
ferences. The Democratic plan would re
peal tiie accelerated depreciation
allowed under the I9M GOP tax
To whatever extent the Republi
can tax policies contributed to the
stock market boom. Hie Democra
tic tax plan would therefore have
an eipial and opposite effect.
Too Much Energy
It's about time some .sort of protective league
formed among the husbands in some areas of the
The reason: It's awfully hard to spend a Sunday after
fiii'-nce on hoosling slock prices.
They are of course not Hie whole
reason for Hie stock market rise
ol the last year. Houvy institution
al Inlying by insurance companies,
investment trusts and for pension
funds helped bid up prices on Un
available supply of stocks.
Another factor here was that
many corporations found it more
Comfort Given
Via Telephone
1 sous in trouble, folks feelin"
"low." or anyone in need of a
comforting word, may call a num
ber here and hear a message of
i - ' V .I'll I',,,.
low II. I on new enterprises ny imiihi issues
i rather than slocks.
i 'I'll,' Ill v lli.H imiu,i I iv ,i...,l.
noon putting boat, motor and fishing tackle in shape ,jv,,s , husmess would encourage
when the ludy of the house insists on calling your atten- new stock issues for financing busi- to th.-,l .rr,.,.n-t bundled wlm's olreoilv ' ,USN 'M'an.Mon didn't .pule work
' f r, -
at work in his yard.
Quotable Quotes
The l"N probably means more to the undeveloped
people of the world than any other single effort of inter
national cooperation in history. Henry Ford, 11.
First base is mine. 1 won't let anyone take it away
from nie. Vic Wertz, Cleveland Indian.
Kndeavors have been made to protect the investor
against everything but himself. C Keith Funston,
president of the New York Slock F.xehange.
Before American independence, freedom of speech
was a principle of political wisdom. When it was em
bodied in the First Amendment ... it became a prin
ciple of law. Prof, .echnriali Chafee, Jr., Harvard.
All looey (den. Carl Spaat) does these days is
hunt and fish. I can hardly wait to do il myself. Pres
ident Eisenhower.
Today, more than ever before, we need to impress
upon our youth the great moral and spiritual principles
which have made our democratic way of life a reality.
J. Kdgar Hoover.
Increasingly throughout the free world free men
have found it necessary to unite in the cause of freedom.'
John Foster Dulles, after signing American-Chinese
ml in Ibis respect. Also, there
wos more buyer interest in tin'
old reliable blue chip issues than
in ne w and unproven st.icks. The
supply of these stocks being lower
than Ihe demand, prices were nat
urally bid up to higher than nor
mal levels.
What this demonstrates, it
now pointed cut. is that tax poli
cies do have their effect on what
happens in the stock niaiket.
willing device, is played on
an average of (iiK) times daily now,
nivordiiig to Rev. Ralph Hrush
alier, pastor of the Warner Memo
rial Chapel. This Church of God
congregation first installed the de
vice six months ago and calls have
risen from an initial :!,' to :;o daily
to as high as 1.0(H) in a J 1-hour
The messages are changed
weekly and may Ih heard at any
time of day or nigt. Callers may
leave their names and addresses
if they wish n visit by the pastor.
"Visitation teams" from the
church help those with special
The pastor said at least two
Then the cameras moved to
"When I opened the door I was. Billions sophisloratect lour - room
met by a wall of flame," be said. I apartment. There was a piano
u , , , , - , , there, too. Red couldn't have
Beuient turned in the alarm audi, , , , , , , , ,,
Known wiiai n.iu iriiijieneu m oh-
Eloise Stevenson, unattached,
flashed over the 70-gate course ill
2:10.1 on Mullipor Mountain yes
terday to win the class A trophy
in the annual all-Oregon women's .
Hilton mansion
"And who plays Hie piano?"
Marrow's asked.
"Oh. nobody plays it." quipped
Buttons, "It goes back lo the deal
er tomorrow. We just brought it
in yesterday, to look good for the
P.S. The starvation diet pared
six pounds off tin Sagebrush edi
tor last week. (When a girl aspires
pretty as a picture, she
doesn't mean wide screen.)
THRIFTWAY brings you
O NEW Lower Shelf Prices
O SPECIALS thru Thurs., Mar. 24
Santiams, No. 3C3 cens
Wilson's 12-oz.
Hood River, 4G-oz. cans
Apple Juice 3 cans S1.G0
Mcrgcrinc 5 m. $1.00
Chef Boy-Ar-Dee, 15 'a oz.
Spaghetti & Meat Balls
2 for 49c
40-OX can 59C
Our stock of Acme
paints pt. to 1 gal.
sizes, Encmel - Kote,
Semi-Gloss, etc.
Hood River Fancy Newtons
Texas Pink
lb. 69c
Lean & Mealy Beef
Short Ribs m. 19c
Columbia River Fresh
Smelts p.. 19c
Congress Thriftway Market
210 Congress Phone S60
Use Classified for Results
Call 56 fo Place Want Ads
"" " - i j calls a day were Irom persons
on- I'coii i.oir ii'.iut-iMi! i in urn- who ore a most rti-snei ;il n
pnnkling ofj
;ivss. tinder Speaker Kaybui n addition to the usual
and Senate Majority Leader Lyiv
don .lobu.son. wuh some new tax
proposals of llieir own.
The IVmnorals eudir.K
s p e c i a 1 tax mncesstons on div
idends received. niilit .serve
return messaRes Irom humorists.
Cienerally. the people receiving
the messages express Rratitude.
and the congregation has been
aniaed at the reception of the
Put j
Y yourself
1 !
A demonstration drive
can help you
Stoic or Office Space in Hiand New
Modern lluililine,:
1 1 7 1 j " wide v 80" ronin with washroom
Kent SIIS per month
I 17' ' wide ,W room with washroom
and utility room $100 M r month
I 17' j' wide x 'i'." room with washroom
$(.' mt month
l.vcelleul Downtown 1 .mat ion
llalionirs Possible
liadinE I nl i mil in IteHr
I or liiloriniilion ( nil
Phone 166
mo to ramie
Th tl Air Sport Ccup. YovH find yotff favorite model amen? rhtroJi'i compter fiikef lady baajti).
'TOMri.KTK and OKKH figure show that imam in ISM for the tilth
stralthl year MOKK IKOIM.K BOK.Ilr II K IfOlliTS THAN ANY
thi;k ur
one of 102 new
plus a $1,000 .
U. S. Savings Bond
, in our big
. . .and you'H have the
driving time of your life!
Come in and drive the Motoramic
Chevrolet just for the fun of it. And
when you do, you'U make discoveries
tliat can help you be a winner in our
Miracle Mile Contest. For example,
you'll notice how exclusive Anti-Dive
braking control lets you stop with far
less lurching or diving.
And you'll tingle to the peppery re
sponse you get when your toe nudges
the accelerator.
Come in and have the driving time
of your life at the wheel 0f a new
Chevrolet!, Linler our big Miracle Mile
Contest, without cost or obligation,
and you may win one of 102 new
Chevrolet given away.
709 Wall Street
Phone 193