The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, March 17, 1955, Page 5, Image 5

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    Tht Bud Bulletin. Thursday. March 17, 1955 5
Here and There
Harry Leedy, formerly of Bend; was a Bend visitor Wednesday
t-viaiuaiu rails, was a
local visitor yesterday.
A. B. Lin&erfelt. tv nnrlr sii-
A drivers license examiner will 7 ' T Monday
o nn rii.i,, o .u. i u Irom a two-week trm to rh.iitn.
be On dUtV at the hrnnMi iffi.
of the secretary of state, 345 E.
Third street Friday from 9 a.m.
to 5 p.m.
James Tackman of Prineville
State Historical
Groups to Meet
Chester G. Springer, president
of the Deschutes Pioneers' asso
ciation, will attend sessions of thi
Oregon Historical Society and af
filiated societies Friday and Sat
urday at the Library Hall, SW 10th
and Taylor streets in Portland.
Springer said that he is espe
cially interested in the scheduled
talks by Mrs. Ella Blanchar of the
Hood River Historical Society and
Alex Walker, curator of the Tilla
mook County Museum of Natura'
Life. Mrs. Blanchar will speak on
"Quarters for Local Museums,"
and Walker will discuss problems
in setting up museums.
The Deschutes county group has
been working toward establishing
a museum, and Sprinker hopes to
get some helpful advice at the
Portland meeting, he explained.
He urged other members of the
Deschutes group to attend if pos
sible. The talks in question will
be on the Saturday morning pro
gram, from 9:30 to 12 noon.
Springer will leave early Friday
morning by bus.
Bend Hospital
The following three children un
derwent tonsillectomies today at
St. Charles Memorial hospital:
John Burgelhous, 12, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Stewart Burgelhous.
Route 2, Bend; Sally Grant, 7,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert
uram, liM naniora; jjaniei Me-
Other new patients at the hospi-
tal are: Mrs. Don Hundley. Route . Bd F,la"ary- mc"
1 Ronrt- Mnhn im imci r,J LaPine Grade school
1, Bend; Marshall Jones, 1365 Da
venport; Lonnie Goforth, Gil
christ; Paul Striebel, Camp Sher
man; James Parker, Crescent;
Charles Snider, 1418 W. 1st; Mrs.
Anna Sloan. Fort Rock
Mr. and Mrs. Ligie Torkelson, 952
Portland avenue, was admitted
and released.
Also dismissed: Harry Lowery,
James Mills, Mrs. John Gravon,
Elaine Torkelson, all Bend; Mrs.
Marvin Ditto-more, Gilchrist; Miss
Karen Schutz, Madras.
Mrs. Robert Whittington, 1005
Newport, and infant daughter,
were dismissed today from the
maternity floor.
nooga, Tenn., where he visited his
momer, wno has been ill. He also
visited in Chicago with his brother-in-law,
Edward Hall, and fam
ily. He made the trip by train.
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Pitman, Sil
ver Lake, were in Bend last night.
They were to leave today by plane
tor Kansas City, to attend the fi
nals in the NCAA basketball tour
nament. Mirror court No. 24. Order of
Amaranth, will elect officers at a
meeting Monday, March 21, at 8
p.m. at the Masonic temple.
George Hughet of Burns was in
Bend Wednesday on business.
Prineville Hospital v
Special io The Bulictji
School Party
Held at LaPine
Special to The Bulletin
LAPINE A St. Patrick's theme
lighlighted "Finnegan's Fun
louse," annual LaPine school par
ty, held Monday in the school
gym. Upper grades of the elemen
tary school hosted high school stu
dents at the event. In charge was
Mrs. Albert Milligan, teacher of
the sixth, seventh and eighth
Refreshments were served by
Students dressed in annmnrinln
Irish costumes. Serving were Flov-
dine Anson. Patricia Flanarv.
Elaine Ishmael. Chester Ferns
Jerry Donnell and Jimmie Angel.
uame prizes were won by Floy
dine Anson, Darren Parker, Gwen
ith Parker and Walter Buettcen-
back. Dancing followed the eaincs.
unaperons were airs, fcditn Mae Kuhberg, Mr. Jack Gregson, and
Jones, H. J. Curl, Mrs. Velma Mis. Harper Venters all of Prine
Buckingham, all of Bend, Mr. andjville. Also admitted and dismissed
t V1
Warren, safe burglary detail,
Portland Bureau of Police will
instruct the third class in the
advanced police training
schools Friday, March 18, in
the city hall. He will provide
instruction on Interrogation
and Safe Burglary Investigations.
iTparhpr flffprPfl Y1 Services
. w..w. w- p. . ,
u fs , . rue on rnaay
new lomracis
Special to The Bulletin
REDMOND Reelection of the
staff at Redmond Union high
school was voted by the board In
regular session Monday night. Contracts-were
offered to the follow
ing: Mrs. Irene K. Boone, How
ard Browning, Donald E. Camp
bell, Keith Clark, A. C. Dunsmoor,
William H. Fisher. Harrv A C.n.
belman, Miss Margaret S. Harris,
Mrs. Helen V. Hurney, Rebert T.
Kline, Mrs. Daisy A. Kuizenga,
Donald Lowry, Mrs. Marguerite
Lowry, Clyde W. Moore, Mrs. Del
la Nance, Clayton E. Norton, R.
Brian Pendleton. Miss Dorrine
Pochelu, Charles M. Porfily, Mar
vin bcott. Derrell H. Sharp, Mrs.
Virginia Vance, Charles H. Ward,
and siiDerintendent .Tnmpc I.
Brown whose contract was acted
upon earlier. Nnrton is assistant
principal, Fisher is dean of boys,
Mis. Lowry is dean of girls, and
Mrs. Vance is clerk.
The board also held a nrelimin.
ary review of the budcet and whs
PRINEVILLE March -1, dis- advised of various budgetary re-
Muvaia. n itguuir uuogei meeting
missed: Garvin Mc-lk.itine. Mrs
Jim Whitchu.s,. uyde Blakely,
and Mrs. Calvin Dunaway, all of
Prineville. i
March 12, admitted: K. Paul
Jacobs and Mrs. Lonnie Powell,
Prineville. Dismissed: Mrs. Dean
Gerke and K. Jacobs of Prine
ville, and Darrell Adams of Red.
March 13. admitted: Mrs. Yor.
dy Wallace of Madras. Mrs.
George Perkins and Mrs. Archie
Hamilton, both of Prineville. Dis
missed: Mrs. Robert Smith and
infant son of Prineville; Mrs.
Floyd Barton and infant dauchter!
also of Prineville.
March 14, admitted: Mrs. Martin
Will bo held lit 8 n m Mnnrfnu1
March 28 in the school. The board
voted to supplement cost of send
ing the Drill team and Pep club
to the basketball tournament in
Eugene. The students are defray
ing most ot uieir own expenses.
All board members were present
lor the meeting except Darrell
kins, 3, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce i, Ml"fln.' Mrs Dale the same day was Anne Broad-
Bekins, 659 E. Franklin avenue. lZ' m"? I'lPml"g and Mr. water, young daughter of Mr. and
and Mrs. Walter Buettgenback
Brad Flanary, member of the I Ray S. Scott of Madras; Mrs.
team, attended the NCAA tmirna.
ment in Corvallis over the week
end as guest of Thomas Great-
Mrs. Ora Riddle received a lot-
Elaine Torkelson. 6. daughter of Lr, rCce""y "1 ' Mrs' "clcn Mc"
, ,! i :i T,..i,i, nr.i Cane who said she was having a
By l:nited
Trading was fairly active today.
Cattle 250; market fairly active,
mostly steady; few lots good 1002
1071 lb. fed steers 21-22.25; short
load choice steers Wednesday
22.25; utility grade 13.50-17; load
good 905 lb. fed heifers 20; few
canner-culter cows 9.50 - 11 with
odd head to 11.50; utility cows 12
11; few utility-commercial grades
11.50; utility - commercial bulls
14. 50-16, one 1S30 lb. utility Hol
stein bull IS.
Calves 25; market about steady;
good-low choice vcalers 23 - 26;
ulility duiry type vealers mostly
Hogs 200; market fairly active,
mostly steady; choice 1-2 butchers
1X0-235 lb. 1850-19: choice 3 lots
down to 18; few 260 lb. 17; choice
350-550 lb. sows 14.50-16.
Sheep 50; nothing available
early: choice fed woolcd lambs
uroimd 21.50-22; one lot Tuesday
22.25; good - choice light feeders
salable around 17.50; good-choice
ewes S-9.
By I'nited Press
Prices were unchanged today.
Eggs To retailers: Grade AA
large. 52c doz: A large, 50-51c doz;
AA medium. 50c; A medium, 48
)!)(; A small. 4l-45c doz; cartorts,
l-3c additional.
Butter To retailers: AA grade
prints, 66c lb; cartons 67c; A
prints, 66c; cartons, 67c; B prints,
Cheese To retailers: A grade;
Cheddar, Oregon singles, 42' i-j
15'. ,e: 5-Ih. laves. 46' i, - 4IH-.C.
Processed American cheese
loaf, 39'3-41c lb,
wonderful time in Hawaii
John McKcnzie left earlier this
week for Portland on a business
trip. ;
Sunday guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Welborn Parker
were Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Har
denbrnok and three children, Jer
ry. Nedra, and Milo, all of Prine
ville. Mrs. Parker and Mrs. Har
denbrook are sisters.
Mr. and Mis. William James
spent the weekend visiting friends
in Redmond.
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Ishmael vis
ited last weekend in Paisley.
Bob Barton, who has been work
ing in Prineville, has gone to work
on the Kelldane ranch. The ranch
is managed by Welborn Parker.
Earl Myrii'k, Medford, visited
his son, Gale Myrick, at Bend
earlier this week.
TUo Rmirt Trim rlonjirlmrtnl v-
tinguished a trash lire Wednesday
at 1:19 a.m. in the 1100 block on
Union avenue. The night blaze was
Mrs. Tom Broadwater. Dismissed:
Yordy Wallace, Madras; and Mrs
ueorge Perkins of Prineville.
March 15. admitted: Lcnna and
Gerald Mclntyrc: Patricia Ste
phens, Oirles Isted, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Maurice Isted: llnnald
Rounds, all of Prineville; and
Charles E. Payne of Mitchell. Dis
missed: James Moftitt, Jack Greg
son and daughter Linda: Mrs.
Grant Davis and infant son.
Charles Isted, Mrs. Marian Ruh
berg, all of Prineville. . .. w
Winners Named
In Elks Contest
selected by the judges and the!
First nlace in the mrls
was captured by Mildred Ann Ga
Point; second place by Miss Ju
riith Kivisto, of Knappa high missed
school. First place in the boys' di-
- - t ,.,.,., ,L. muiu Uena; joci Mcuonald, 8, Route 1,
reported by police officers on pa- contest, winning out in local com- Redmond; Mi's. Gene Sears Pow'
trol. netition. Ln d.... '
Funeral services for Mrs, Sig-
mund C. Mayer, formerly ot 352
Federal street, will be held Fridav
at 9 a.m. at St. Francis Catholic
church. Recitation of the rosary
will be tonight at 7:30. at the Nis-
wonger-Winslow chapel.
Mrs. Mayor died Wednesday
morning, six days after the death
of her husband. Burial will be In
Pilot Butte cemetery.
Special to The Bulletin
REDMOND-Mrs. R. W. Chris
tiansen is the new president of
AQ chapter of PEO. elected last.
week. Serving with her will be
Mrs. Sam Johnson, vice-president;
Mrs. C. E. Thompson, recording
secretary; Mrs. Fred Hodecker
corresponding secretary; ntid Mrs.
uene Lear, treasurer. The chap
lain Is Mrs. Wade Short and cuard
Mrs. Gladys Steers.
Lawmakers Get
Protest Letters
Letters from Oregon's two sena
tors and the representative from
Central Oregon have been received
acknowledging Bend's protest to
United Airline's application to
drop the Bend-Redmond stop, City
Attorney Harry A. English in
formed the city commission at its
meeting last night.
He said each of the legislators
-Senators Wavne Mnrse and Rich.
ard Neuberger and Representative
Sam Coon has indicated he has
contacted the Civil Aeronautics
Board on the matter.
The board is considering Unit
ed's petition to withdraw service
irom several wortnwest points.
Also before tho hnard Is an an.
plication from West Coast airlines
to service the points marked for
abandonment by United.
Commissioners decided to con
tinue its present application for
intervention against United's with
drawal, 1
Special to The Bulletin
REDMOND Charges made last
week against Alfred J. Taylor,
Redmond, of contributing to the
delinquency of a minor, were
dropped at a re-opening of the pre
liminary trial in justice court lat
er in the week. Testimony of wit
nesses and further evidence
brought before justice Donald El
liss resulted in his decision that
there was no showing of probable
cause to hold the defendant.
iHorse was Just
Passing Through-
The Bend police blotter contains
this laconic Item this morning.
It seems a stray horse was seen
in the intersection of E. 10th and
Lafayette. A nearby householder,
called police to Investigate.
The officer dispatched typed out
this report on his return to the
"Horse was gone on arrival.
Contacted complainant and he
stated that the horse was just
passing through."
Ninth innunl Dm.!!;. D-.' I
w . taiwii nvifivnui
Aberdeen Angus Show and Sale
j MgimtH rtmaitt is Bulb
40-50 Htod Commercial
Charlei Mc Do will Judga .
Charltt Adam Auctlonttr
Sponiatad by Pacific Coast
Abardoan Angus Association
For Catalog Write Boi 1069,
Klamath Falls
March 20, Klamath Falls, Ore.
Knife and Fork
Speaker Named
Dr. Gerald Wendt. interDreter
of science, author, lecturer and
ex-college professor, will be the
guest speaker at the Murch meet
ing of the Bend Knife and Fork
club, to be held at Westminster
hall in Redmond on Saturday.
March 26. A buffet dinner will ho
served by the Community Church
guild, at 7 p.m.
Dr. Wendt. referred to as the
world's foremost interpreter of
science to the Dublic. is author of
a recently published book dealing1
witn nuclear studies. It is "Atomic
Energy and the Hydrogen Bomb."
The lecturer recently returned
from Paris, where he spent three
years in charge of science news
ana science education. He will dis
cuss bis world - wide covcrace of
the news of science.
Redmond Hospital
Special to The. Ilullrtin
REDMOND I Ilieh Kmilh UnH.
mond, entered Central Oregon Dis-
T.. 1-.. ,
"".Y'"" luc-autty nigm, ana
Winners nf the vnnfh Inakin thn fnll..;.,, ur t
contest sponsored by the Oregon James Hammond, 6, Powell Butte;
Slate Elks' association have been Nancy Brabham, 13 months, Cul'-
ver; John Kirk, 3, route 2, Bend;
entries forwarded to the national Mrs. Ike Bidiman, Prineville;
Carole Camnhell. Sisters- Mi,.hnnt
division Albrich, 14 and Chester Kratz,
il I Redmond; Mrs. Martin Daly, Cul-
of Crater high school at Central I ver; Pat Angland, Bend. Three
out-patients were treated and dis- j
r:..i i nr., , n.
. . 7 J" uuishi wcancsaay: unarlcs
vision went to Tom Howser of Moody, 8, Charley McKinlcy, Al-
m oTi'i; 7T , fancier Tohet, 7, Frankie Suppah,
man Pallin of Tillamook. 6, all Warm Springs; Mrs. Ed-
Tom Howser and Miss Gail will ward Lallaie, Mrs. Arthur Reyn
be entered in national competition, vaan and Mrs. Fred Lane, all of
Bob Young and Lynn Sehrock were Prineville; Judith Breshears 1
Bend lodge entrants in the stale Bend; Joel McDonald, 8, Route 1
ell Butte.
HmxiiS, 1
Stover-LeBlanc's New Shipment is Here!
There Is Only One
Woolens In the unchanging tradition of
Tendlelon . . . from the finest fleeces of
the Pacific Northwest Tailored perfectly,
too, by Pendleton for comfort, freedom
and precision of fit. Certainly there is
only one Pendleton!
Stover - LeBlanc
Our Best Ads Aren't Written , . . They're Wont
8" rhonf 2H3
1 further mness QQg h JyM
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we ro lilooming witn spring naie savings ior you in overy ueiwn- -ment
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your favorite health and beauty aids at low, low prices. Bo an early
bird. Come in today for fii-Nt-of-the-Rca-soii savings on things you
I . .. t I V I ....I. ........ . 1. 1 1, Unrlnn
ii, m ,v i v , jwiii urn, j m n juui trvnv , , .in .ijri ,ii
facial cleansing lotion
make-up by Max Factor
stynrEii Nan ponsh
i j7 pin curl permanent
New Low Price
ALARM CLOCK elee. $4.95
Quality Buy
Dr. Scholl's
Mothproofer pf. 5jc
Moth Balls lb. box 39c
A m
w feg. too ' J
iPV) nilHDI f" LA
99c Lon k-
Apex Moth Cake
LYSOL Disinfectant
The FRIENDLY Brandis Stores
1020 Wall
801 Wall
ian reen Mamps
Phono 371
S&H Green Stamps
Phone 323