The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, March 15, 1955, Page 5, Image 5

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    Th Und tulUHn, Tiiwdcy, Morth 15. 1955
Here and There
A girl was bom this morning at
St. Charles Memorial hospital to
Mr. and Mrs. Benny Oatman, 125
Layfayette avenue. The baby
weighed 8 pounds, 2 ounces, and
has been named Roxie Ann.
The Nite-Away club will meet
tonight at 7:30 with Mrs. R. E.
Lubcke, 34H Allen road. Dr. L. W.
Aplin will speak on the care of
children's teeth.
Out-ot-town visitors at the home
of Mr. and Mrs, H. F. Swaim of
the Carroll Acres community yes
terday were Mr. and Mrs. Lyle
Hibbard and daughter Nancy, for
mer Bend residents and now of
Roseburg, and Miss Nancy Coleman
also of Roseburg. Mrs. Hibbard
and Mrs. Swaim are sisters.
Charles K. Davis of Bend was
named to the committee on delin
quents for the Grand Court, Order
By United Press
Trading in cattle was slow to
Cattle 200: market rather slow
but early sales steady; few com
mercial - good fed steers, 18.50-
22.50; several loads choice fed
steers Monday 23-23.25 with part
load 1092 lbs at 23.50; choice 840-lb
fed heifers Monday 21.50 with good
heifers mostly 19.o0-20.5O; canner-
cutter cows mostly 9.50-11; utility
grades 12-14, commercial grades
up to 15; light cutter bulls 11.50-
13.50; utility - commercial grades
salable 14.50-17 or above.
Calves 50; market rather slow,
Steady with Monday's weak to 1.00
lower close on vealers; good-
choice grades 23-28; utility - com.
mercial grades 14-21; heavy calves
Hogs 350; market fairly active;
mostly steady; choice one and two
butchers, 180 - 235 lbs 18.50 - 19;
choice three-lot down to 18; heavi
er and lighter weights mostly 17-
17.50; few choice 315-400 lb sows
15-16.50, medium grades and heavi.
er weights down to 14.
Sheep 100; no early sales; fed
wooled lambs salable steady with
Monday with choice grades at
21.50-22; medium and good feeders
Monday 16 - 17.50; good - choice
slaughter ewes quotable 8-9.
of the Amaranth, at the 28th an
nual session this past weekend in
The Bend Golf club will hold a
dance for teen-age sons and daugh
ters of members Friday, March 18,
from 8 to 11 p.m. at the club
Two Redmond residents. K. Gil
bert Lieser and Patricia Louise
Riggs, secured a marriage license
yesterday at the office of the Des
chutes county clerk.
Mrs. Leo Wilson, formerly of
Bend and now of Mt. Vernon,
here to spend two weeks visiting
Sheriff and Mrs. Forrest Sholes
and family. Mrs. Wilson and Mrs.
Sholes are sisters.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Terlis.
ner, 622 Georgia, are parents of
a girl born Monday at St. Charles
Memorial hospital. The baby
weighed ;7 pounds, one ounce, and
has been named Deborah.
Adult member of the Bend Rim
Rock Riders will hold a potluck
dinner and social evening Satur
day night at the clubrooms. The
dinner wil be at 7 o'clock. .
R. E. Jewell, city school superin
tendent, will attend the annual
conference of presidents of state
superintendents' associations May
1, 2 and 3 in Louisville, Ky. Per
mission to attend the meeting has
been granted by the Bend school
Mrs. William Steidl and son,
Stephen Lloyd, six weeks old, left
this morning for San Francisco,
Calif., point from which they will
go by boat to Hawaii, where Mrs.
Steidl will loin her husband, elec
trician second class, U.S. Naval
aviation. Mrs. Steidl is being ac
companied to San Francisco by
her husband's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Steve Steidl, Bend. Mrs,
Steidl is the former LaDonna Han
son. Her husband has not yet seen
their son.
i - N ' 1
h4u v. W- " ...v- , ....v.v.v... .w .. --.
"FLYING POGO STICK" LIVES IN TEEPEE -The Convair XFY-1, revolutionary vertical
...V. Vw rri,.X .-.limn ni liv in the curious "teeuee"-shaped hangar pictured above at the Brown
Field Naval Auxiliary Air Station, San Diego, Calif. The two-part hangar on wheels enfolds the
plane like halves of a clamshell. Note the teepee's triple-deck work platform, which permits easy
access to every part of the plane.
PORTLAND (UP) Potato mar
ket: Oregon Russets No. 1A 4.25-
4.50 for 100 lbs.; No. 1 bakers -
5.50; bales 5-10 lbs. 2.50-2.75; 10 lb.
mesh 35-49c; No. 2 50 lbs. 1.35
1.40 a 50 - lb. sack with some te
1.50; Idaho bales 5-10 lbs. 4.75;
new crop Fla. Round Red No. 1A
3.50-3.60 for 50 lbs.
By United Press
Prices were unchanged today.
Eggs To retailers: Grade AA
large, 52c doz ; A large, 50-51c doz ;
AA medium, 50c; A medium, 48
49c; A small, 44-45c doz; cartons,
l-3c additional.
Butter To retailers: AA grade
prints, 66c lb; cartons 67c; A
prints, 66c; cartons, 67c; B prints,
Cheese Tn retailers: A grade
Cheddar, Oregon singles, 42',a
15'sc: 5-lb. laves. 46's - 49"2c
Processed American cheese, 5-lb.
loaf, 39'b-ilc lb.
Council Meets
At Sisters
Special to The Bulletin
SISTERS The Sisters City Coun
cil met Thursday, March 10, with
Mayor Andrews presiding. A let
ter of resignation from Jonas
Hammack was read and accepted.
Lloyd Hewitt was appointed by the
mayor to fill the vacancy caused
by Hammack's resignation.
Albert Ilartsough of the Pastime
Tavern asked the attitude of the
council toward a hard liquor li
cense in Sisters. There was no dis
approval. An ordinance on the fire
code was read and discussed and
councilmen wished to study the
problem further before making
any decision.
Two bids were received for the
building of the addition to the fire
hall but both were rejected. The
members present at the meeting
were Mayor Pershing Andrews,
Henry Rollins, Hay McKmney
Gerry Benson, Judge C. J. Bagne
and Fred Painter.
1134 W
For Expert
Rug Cleaners
Richard C, Ertle
513 E, Irving
Traffic Cases
Aired in Court
Special to The Bulletin
peland appeared in Justice Court in
answer to his arrest on a warrant
signed by District Judge D. E.
VanVactor of Klamath Falls for
failing to procure an operator's li
cense. He posted $7.50 bail pend
ing a trial.
Sanford Myron Smart was fined
$50 plus S4.50 costs for being drunk
on a public highway. Etscll Wood
row Puckett, charged with' pass
ing a vehicle without sufficient
clearance, was found guilty and
fined $10 plus $4.50 court costs.
A check for $82.50 was received
by Silas P. Taylor, Justice of the
Peace, covering three overload ci
tations by drivers employed by
Endicott Logging company of
Prineville. Theodore F. Nova paid
a combined overload of $42. Two
group axle overload tickets were
paid by Donald D. Berry totaling
$41.50. Wallace L. Smith paid $21
and Franklin E. Williams paid $29,
both on combined overloads.
Neil Phillip Hohnstein was fined
$10 plus costs for assertedly pass
ing with insufficient clearance.
$5 of the fine was suspended.
Social Calendar ITYicMWm A
Made by Jury
Club News
Schedule Set
For Recreation
A heavy recreation schedule is
on tap for the city's youngsters
tomorrow, according to a list of
activities released today by the
recreation department.
Activities will include: Spring
training for Little League mom
bers living on the east side, 10:30
a.m. at Juniper Park: training for
Little Leaguers from the west side,
1 p.m., Harmon playfield; Volley
ball, Troy Laundry vs. Bend Hard
ware and Methodist church vs.
Lundgren, 7:30; Prineville vs.
Bend Bulletin and Jaycees vs.
Highway dept., 8:30, all games in
Bend high school gym.
Edna Mao Sill group will meet
Thursday at 2 p.m. at the home
of Mrs. G. VV. Winslow, with Mrs.
Max Hacked as assistant hostess.
Mrs. Howell Douglass will lead
the devotions service and Mrs. J.
C. Leverctt will have charge of
the program.
Square dancing will be held
Saturday night, March 19. at the
Tumalo Grange hall. Dancing will
start at 8:30, with Wcs Welcome
Neighbors of Woodcraft will
meet Wednesday at 8 p.m. at Nor
way hall. Mrs. Ernest Gough will
serve refreshments after the meet
Evergreen Circle will meet
Thursday, March 17, at 2 p.m.
the homo of Mrs. Mary Sinclair,
1015 Federal street. Mrs. Connie
Randall will be co-hostess. Mrs.
Charles McMecn will be in charge
of entertainment, assisted by Mrs.
6:30 p.m. American Legion
"birthday" dinner, Library audi
torium. '
6:45 p.m. First Presbyterian
women's fellowship, dinner at the
church. .
8 p.m. Degree of Honor past
presidents- with Mrs. W. Ovid
Evans, 305 Lee Lane.
8 p.m. Academy of Friendship,
Moose hall.
8 p.m. Circle 2, Catholic Altar
society, with Mrs. Anton L. Heden,
McKenzie highway.
8 p.m. Circle 1, Catholic Altar
society, with Miss Theresia Grune-
feldcr, 1210 E. 8th street.
2 p.m. WSCS circle 1 with Mrs.
M. F. Lyons, 2101 E,, First.
2 p.m. WSCS circle 2 with Mrs
T. D. Sexton, 1197 Wall street.
6:30 p.m. Daughters of the
Nile, Trailways dining room.
8 p.m. Central Oregon Practi
cal Nurses association, Pioneer
Memorial hospital, Prineville.
8 p.m. Neighbors of Woodcraft,
Norway hall.
1 p.m. Style Show, Pilot Butte
1:30 p.m. Eastern Star Grange
Home Economics club, with Mrs
Bcrtil Nelson, Butler road.
2 p.m. Edna Mae Sill group
with Mrs. G. W. Winslow, 115 Irv
ing avenue.
2 p.m. Evergreen Circle with
Mrs. Connie Randall, KS7 Ogden.
5:30 p.m. AAUW board, dinner
at home of Mrs. William Niskancn,
525 Broadway.
7:45 p.m. AAUW membership,
dessert at Niskanen home.
8 p.m. VFW post and auxiliary
VFW hall; St. Patrick's party aft
er meetings.
8:30 p.m. uonzaga women s
glee club, Kenwood gymnasium
Speciul to Tho Bulletin
PRINEVILLE A jury composed
of six men and six women reached
a nine to three verdict favoring a
50 per cent disability award to
Marvin Barlelt, plaintiff in the
first case to appear before Circuit
Court Judge Ralph S. Hamilton
during the current session. The de
fendant was the Stale Industrial
Accident Commission represented
by T. Walter Gillurd, assistant at-
rorney general, of Salem. The trial
was held to determine the degree
of the knee injury suffered by tho
defendant while employed as- a
tiniber-faller for Hudspeth Pine In
corporated lust June; and following
surgery in a Portland hospilal. a
subsequent injury to the same
knee Sept. 29 of last year.
The case of Dealers Installment
LDcfault. Inc. versus J. T. Smith
was dismissed through default
when Smith failed to appear In
court. The second case listed on
the docket to be. tried Monday con
cerning Carroll Pierce et al, ver
sus Jack Hnhson was settled out
of court.
The first case to appear Tues
day was that concerning Marvin
It. Bailov, plaintiff, versus the
State Industrial Accident commis
sion wilh the same attorneys as
appeared in Monday's case.
Butcher Found
Guilty, of Food
A justice court jury deliberated
for almost two hours yesterday
afternoon before retunung a ver
dict of guilty against Felix Mar-!
coulier of the Mid-State Meat com
pany, charged with selling mis
branded food.
The local butcher was fined $100
plus trial costs by Justice-of the
Peace O. W. Grubb, who presided
over the trial held in the county
court room of the county building.
Marcoulier was convicted of fail
ing to label hamburger containing
benzoate of soda, a' preservative.
Called by District Attorney
George F. Rakostraw to testify for
the prosecution were two employes
of the state department of agri
Robert A. Berwick, local food
inspector for the department, tes
tified he purchased a half pound
of hamburger from Marcoulier at
his market, Dec. 31.
He said he sent the meat in a
refrigerated container to tie ag
riculture department's laboratories
in Salem for analysis.
Report on the findings of an ex
amination of the meat was given
the court by Virgil Hint!, Salem,
department chemist. He testified
he found benzoales in the meat.
Berwick testified that when pur
chasing the meat he noted that
the container from which the meat
was taken bore no label telling of
the addition of benzoales, con
trary to state food labeling regu
Marcoulier, called by his attor
ney Robert II. Foley, said he was
uncertain of. the state's labeling
requirements and twice requestci)
instructions from Berwick.
The trial opened at 2 p.m. and
was handed the four men and
one woman of the jury shortly aft
er four. Tho verdict was not re
turned until after six, a record
session for a local justice cour
hearing, according to Grubb.
Guard Marksmen
To Enter Meet
.Special to The Bulletin
SISTERS "C" Battery, 385th
Field Artillery Battalion of Mad
ras, "A" Battery 3S5th Field Ar
tillery Battalion of Prineville, and
Detachment 2640 2nd Logistical
Command of Bend met at the fir
ing range near Redmond Sunday,
March 13, for the purpose of fir
ing rifles for entry in the Sixth
Army rifle competition to be held
at Fort Lewis, Wash., in April.
The Sunday meeting was a ses
sion for familiarization and prac
tice and the meeting at the range
on Sunday, March 20, will he fir
ing for record. Tho ten highest
scorers will go to Fort Lewis to
enter the competition.
Approval Given
Sum for College
Tentative approval of a $30,000
item for Central Oregon college
as nart of the Bend school district
budget for lSKi-'afi was given by
the school board last night.
Other needs will be taken into
consideration before this amount
is finally proposed, however. Ap
propriation of the suggested $30,-
000 would assure employment of
an additional faculty, member spe
cializing in science and mathema
tics, City Superintendent R. E.
Jewell pointed out.
The board voted to renew a
membership taken out last year in
the National Association ol Junior
Superintendent R. E. Jewell re
ported on a trip which he, with
Glenn H. Gregg, Alva C. Good
rich, Robert W. Chandler and Don
Pence had made to Salem last
week in the interest of pending
junior college legislation. He ex
pressed himself as pleased with
the reception accorded the bill In
troduced by Representative II. H.
Awards Banquet
Held in Bend -
Sclal to The Bulletin
SISTERS Members of the scv-
enth and eighth grade boys' bas
etball and girls' volleyball teams ,
held their long-awaited annual,
awards banquet at the Trailways
Dining room in Bend, Friday
night, March 11. Lee Thomas act-'
ed as toastmaster for the occa
sion.. . .
Team captains Bill Bcmbry and
Sunny Smith expressed thanks ,t,o
their teammates for choosing them
as captains. The toastmaster pre- ,
senled Couch Coval with a beauti
ful wallet on behalf of the teams.
Vocal numbers were presented
by the girls present. Linetto Hag
lund played a piano solo, "Two
Guitars." Letter awards for bas
ketball were presented by Mr. Co
val to Bill Bembry, Lee Thomas,
Denny Reese, Leon Oatman, Dick
Moss, Phil Gustafson, Tom Wake
lield, Gary Benson. Colon Roineck
er, Tom Meyers. Buzzy Endicott,
Alvln Lewis, Herbert Oatman,
Bob Morrill, John Shaw, Douglas
Hockett, und Victor Brockett. '
Letters were presented to Donny
Mouser and Sam Hewitt for serving
us managers for this year's team.
Girls who received awards for
volleyball were Sunny Smith, Mar
ilyn Miller, Diane Miller, Doris
Brandon, Bonnie Diekcrson, Vcr
na Counts, Linetle Haglund, Na
dine Davis, Judy Randall, Wanda
Bankston, Karon Ryan, Sharon
Ryan, Dixie Caverhill, Juanito,
Bartlemny, and Bonnie turns.
After the dinner the boys and
girls attended a movie in Bend be
fore reluming to Sisters.
Trace elements are minerals in
such minute quantities they can't
be found in ordinary chemical
Board Agreeable
To Softball Plan
Bend's school hoard expressed
Monday night ils willingness lo
work out an agreement with the
City of Bend for use of a corner
of the high school athletic field for
Softball, under supervision ot the
city's recreation department.
Emphasis being placed on base-
ball this year will require addition
al practice periods on the muni
cipal field, it was explained, wilh
the result, that softballeis will have
lo go elsewhere for part of their
Williams Trial
1 Due Wednesday
Special to The Bulletin
REDMOND A trial has been set
for 9 a.m. Wednesday for John
Williams, Redmond, charged in
justice court with a portion of an
automobile. He plead not guilly.
Frank G. Yazzolino, Prineville,
charged with passing with insuffi
cient clearance plead not guioty.
His trial will be at 10 a.m. Saturday.
Cinnabar Mine
Being Explored j
RINEVILLE Equipment be
longing to the Jack Patterson Log
ging company is bush opening 400.
square feet of Ihe Mother Lode;
cinnabar mine al Summit Prairie
preparatory to further inspection
by various men interested in set
ting up a $200.0n0-plant to re-open
mining operalons. That area be
ing opened up by Company eater
pillars will also go to a 12-foot
The mine is owned by Reid and
Zimmerman of Redmond and rep
rosentatiws from California, Mex
ico and Smith America have been
inspecting tho possibilities of ex
panding mining operations lo in
clude the proposed plant for (he
extraction of mercury from Ihe
cinnabar deposits. The current ex
cavation will take approximately
three weeks.
The lemon flower does not need
to be pollinated, so lemons have
few seeds. "
'jDriving Charge
Brings $25 Fine
Special to The Bulletin
REDMOND Dennis Michael
Dah paid $25 for reckless driving
in municipal court and his begin
ner's permit was suspended for 30
days. Two Redmond minors were
charged wilh illegal possession of
liquor. Wilford Dale Nasura paid
$ri() on this charge and a juvenile
paid $25.
Reckless driving cost Wilmer
Steele, Redmond, $50 fine. Gor
don Richard Lehto, Bend, paid $5,
for making excessive muffler noise
and Julm Shoi tridge Williams, Red
mond, was fined $5 on the same
charge. Parking in a restricted
zone cost E. J. Rurlingame $2. Lar
ry E, Baker, Redmond, was fined
$10 on basic rule violation, and
Ihe fine was suspended by judge
Joseph Thalliofer.
So smooth
it leaves you
artaiest name
10 proof Made from 100'r grain neinral spirits.
Sic. i'lcnr Smirnoff FIj. Inc., Han lord, Conn. ,
Everyone Goes to Spokane and East Via the S. P. & S. Ry.
iHll,fffi ' f T n ZT "" nafPORIlAMD o
Everyone goes via Spokane, Portland and Seattle Railway lo Spokane,
St. Paul, Chicago and East...
because of the...
...smooth scenic water level rotite
...delicious dining car meals
... restful reclining coach seats
ie!uM rs.t diss acccmmorhtiCT?
Ncxl lime go the way "everyone" goes via the S. P. & S. Ry.
For information call
E. A. Koikok 1100 Division, Phons 1360
G. A. Silkworth, General Agent, Phono 438,
Bend, Oregon
A NEW Silk-blend "Sportsweave'
to Sew for
( ' fff IS '"'r -Jr i
lilt 'A. ,? V" , ' L 1 . . . ' - . 1- '.l-
L ?' i .5 j, 11
Spring and Summer. . .
Mm k
? ( r"""! rtarntr (J J'
The Place To Trade
. , i,
1 M
Inspired by Ihe cosily hand-woven silks ot
the Far East, Cohama Tonkin Is a com
pletely different spun royon and Imported
silk fabric that has the nubby textgre of
hand-loomed rough silks.
n clon:.ivo color rrin'jo oxclu'jivoly stylod tor
.porhwenr, -.opcirdtcs, suits . , . Olivo, Dior Blue
Melon, Mnrjic Ro:.a and Natural. Cohama Tonkin
hir, bxxllcnl Imlorinq qualities and is guaranlood
w,r,hrtblci cind cru-h resistant. 4445
Oilier Cohama fabrics:
leuthrsilin 98c 1.25 and 1.93
Pickwir.1 Flannel 2.49
riro;jlo - 93c
f'on'jco 1 .27
jho'lool 9Kr
1 i.-.l.anlc-J Pi mis
arid many ollieis!