PEOPLE PLANNING TO BUILD IN THE SPRING ARE WATCKiNG THE "LOT FOR SALE1 ADS NOW IS THE TIME TO LIST YOUR LOTS ASK ABOUT OUR MONTHLY LOW RATE mom u PHONE The Bend Bulletin. Monday, 4 - I .... ; ?T, Ul&4...t .4 FANTASTIC WINNER Arthur M. Underwood, of Rochester, N. Y., took this photo of a 3x5-foot area of crusted snow on the shore line of Lake Ontario, turned it upside down and won the first prize in the Nature section of the 13th Rochester International Salon of Photography. The current competition had 1791 con tributors with 7000 entries from all parts of the U. S. and 38 othet cri'mtries, making it t1"? largest photo exhibition in the vcrld. Jamestown Sets By O. MAC WHITE United I'ress Staff Corresopndent JAMESTOWN, Va. (UP) Big doings in 1957 will celebrate the 350th anniversary of Ameri ca's beginnings on this tiny island in the James River where the first permanent English colony in America was founded in 1607. Federal and Virginia state com missions are collaborating to plan a year - long commemorative pro gram cowiing the colonial era of American history which began at Jamestwon and ended with the Battle of Yorktown. The affair will center on the closely knit Jamestwon-WUIiams- Drive Underway To Save Famous Texan's House lll'YTCVnr TV,,- 1?E Wigwam, a house that is to Texas what George Washington's Mount Vernon is o the nation as a whole, is beginning to fall apart. A drive! is underway to get the legislature! to do something about it. j Wigwam was the home of Gen-i oral Sam Houston, first president: of the Republic of Texas and its military hero in the war to gain independence from Mexico. On ils porch and under the sur-i rounding trees, the general and statesman made great decisions a century ago. There he entertained his friends, and lived with his family. He conducted his law practice from a nearby log cabin. After his death, the house changed hands many times. Early in mis cemury, lexans ocgan to recognize it as a possible shrine and it was repaired and renovat ed. But interest waned, and the house fell into disrepair again. At one time, it was used to house chickens and hogs. In 192G, interest was revived. The house and the pnrk surround ing it were given a financial boost by the legislature, after urging by many persons. Tennessee Shrine At present, the house built by the hero of the battle of San Ja cinto needs a new roof and gen eral overhauling. The legislature is being urged to spend money on il before it is too late. The house and park not far from the Huntsville business sec tion attract thousands of visitors each year. Many of Houston s neronal possessions have been kctit in a mall museum there. Tennessee, where Houston lived before coming to Texas, is also makinir efforts lo preserve a shrine to him. At Maryville. Tcnn., a 160-year-old log schonl h'Mise where Houston taught was allowed to deteriorate. A Mary vilto newspaper's campaign to have the school house repaired and kr-nt as a shrine met with t:ntd response. Mrs. William Lonsiw. widow of a former professor at nm Hoits- ln State C"!lc;e in HimttvilU. has been serving as director of the hirno and grounds since 1353. But her efforts alone are not pnoueh "It U unthinkable." she said. "that the great stain of Texas v nild leave Hi" home of Sam H'MH-tnn at the mercy of the world; (intended and unloved. Sam; Houston's home is mt being kept tip in a manner worthy of the. great patriot, nor in accordance; fttlii the pnde of Texas." March 14," 1?55 Big Celebration burg-Yorktown area. - Captain John Smith's colony went into business at Jamestown. Later Williamsburg, as Virginia's colonial capital, served as training ground for Americans such as Thomas Jefferson and PSfrick Henry. The American Revolution end ed at Yorktown when George Washington, with the help of the French Navy, defeated Lord Cormvallis. New Road The National Park Service is constructing a parkway road be tween the three sites especially for the anniversary year. Reproductions of the three small sailing ships which brought colon ists to Jamestown will be tied up off the island site in the James River. Among restorations at Jamestown visitors can see the first tobacco plantation and glass works in America. A drama will bring the colony to life in an out door theater between Jamestown and Williamsburg. Many new restorations will be Htirlt'ri to colonial Williamsburg in (imp fr,r hn 1957 visitnrs The jX?'?" bf leficlti ais f P!ay ( (n4n 4hn frsij nvne rwrtcnnt rsA itiinnn into the features presented during he celebration. special observances will be held'tr ' -?& .& s.w throughout the year on dates of special significance in American colonial history. The planning commissions have dedicated their efforts to making "Americans everywhere conscious of their heritage and their debt to the first settlers, and to re- tore and preserve the scenes of the nation's beginnings." Red Production I Of Planes Lags ! WASHINGTON ( UP 1 Russia has long range jet bomberssimilar to the U.S. Air Force's B32 and B17i bombers, but informed sources; said today that the Soviet produc-! tion schedule is substantially be-j hind that of the United States. ! On May Day last year, the Sov iets first displayed their two new lypes of bombers. One is known as type 39 and is a medium 'bomber similar to (he B17. The other is type 37 comparable in size to the 352 heavy bomber. j But officials do not believe the; Russians have built the bombers; in great numbers yet. The Air Force will not say how many wings of Bl"s it has, but there are several of them in oper ation now. They are stationed in England and North Africa as well as in the United States. None has been stalionert in the Pacific The Bj2 recently went into pro duction. The first of these inter continental jet heavies is sched uled to go inlo a strategic atr wing some lime late this spring. Air Korce Chief of Staff Nathan F. Twinins said recently that the Soviet lone ranse air foree slit! consists largely of 1200 TU) med ium bombers similar to our con ventional tvpe B29s. Twintns said the TCI is not rapable ot round- trip sorties against U.S. bases without refueling. Russia does not have anything comparable to this country's .BW h-svy bombr which, the Air Force says, will be replaced en tirety by the much faslcr Bo2s in lft". ' AvcrRge dVpftt of the oceans i 10,0jG W 15,800 feet. Bigger Houses Are Forecast CHICAGO (UP) Home 3wners can look forward to bigger houses for less money. John M. NeH of the Illinois In stitute of Technology predicted that within the next few years great progress will be made in improving structural units to re duce building costs. This will' en able buyers to obtain more space for less money. Nefl said that future use of pre fabricated brick walla and new lightweight materials would great ly reduce the cost of home building. He said there will be Increas ing emphasis on research to de termine the fundamental struc ture of clays and non - metallic minerals and added that knowl edge oT these mnterio'.s soon will be equal to that of metals and alloys. USE BULLETIN CLASSIFIED THE BEND BULLETIN Tb Bend Bulletin (Weekly) 1308-1SI81. The Bend Bulletin (Daily! Est. S9K Phtia(,Ml Rvm-u Aftmnnn KseeDt Sun- dal and Certain Holidays br The Bred tiurtetta, ?g$-?8B Wall Otrest. cwta, Graven. R Matt In (traa Three Montns I t.Zl Kir Mntrtlu S.00 Gn Ytssr UM Br Matt OuUtda t oe Mnntha 8.75 S MoitJu Do Xatr Br Cutter Due Mtratli .. 1.25 lis Monuis Dm Yer 16.1 SINP.I.K COPY So Pteane notify as at v r chn ef - areas or lauare- va yecwvv u tn w uiarir. !l aubsoriptions are DUE tat fAl- BULETIN CORBESPONDBNTS Mraa Ann Rarfaep Phone 2133 or D).nJ Mm Unrtlu StrAnahall Phaaa S21 ftlnevtue . Welter Straei 11mm W Phone S7-r-ll Bisinn Mr, Serge Covei Phone S Want Ad Rates and Information 4 times Cat cite anee of 2. Ask eoout the xsles for sdoed spsce end Bddi insertions: don't forget the even " " rn" w fuU ataath. 7 tlms or the price of S. Very mow -Sale for Jdontbto Ada i 2--e e--l Words Times Timjw Times 18 thru ZS 1.25 2.80 S.29 2 thru 23 1.50 3.00 5.50 Frieeat Cash or erithin 7 nays PHONE VOOR WANT ADS TO THE UUi.l-t.TlN, FHUNE 58 Ass receWeA before 1 n.m. will aooear in the following day's paper, The Bulletin reservea the riant to classify, edit or reject any want ad cony. ! and will be responsible tor only one in correct publication of any want ad. Full! adjustment of error will be made by one' added Insertion of. tbe corrected adver-r ttsetnent. , Want ads ht The Bultetta are arranseu! for the benefit of the reader, and axel classified into tne foiiowinc groups t -i ANNOUNCEMENTS 1 to IS ; Lost at Found. Heetlture. Peraottala. Spe-1 cial Notices, etc : AUTOMOTIVE E0 to M Autos Wanted and For Sale. Accessories, i: uody wora, aervic btattona, etc BUSINESS SERVICES 40 to 10 Appliances, ihiildinfc. Carpentry, Electric al, P&mttnK, Plumbing, Upholsterins etc EMl'LOVMBNT KKH Help Wanted, Baby flitters. Situations wanted, etc. FINANCIAL, tsH Bus. Opportunities, Investmcafea, Vtooer o Loan etf. INSTftUCTlON 100 to 104 Homa Instruction, schools, Special Clas ses. UVKSTUCK & vura no to m Cattle et Horses, Poultry A RabblU Fela, etc MISCELLANEOUS 121 to IS9 Appliances, carat Products, Ptel 4k 'Wood.;; RENTALS 1 to 19 Apartments, Homes, Kootns, Wantet Bent, etc REAL ESTATE I7 to 188 Houses, c'artns and Kattchea, Lots A.Tc.gcs For Ssle. etc Legal Notice NOTICE OK CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREliY GIVEN that the tor of the lAtt Witt ntvi Tnrtmnt HARKV GRAY CLEMENT, ficrrwl, by, the Honorable C. I Allen, Count Juricce, ij and alt jyensonx wim ctntnu iw.ui rf entate are rnuirrrf V present them jdulr veri fieri txi the urutervignect at the (Iriiy, Attflcnof. at laJtw, fH Hin4 Street. Bcnti, Ortn. within ix mtvi.,h fwm the date of tfea first ptibiicition of this notice. ttATED ant. tint p'.itttftwd thi 2M day of frwarv, lirSS. (;kor;k i. cmus, E-tor lip ABMONIJ. (iOODRltH, FOLEY GRAY aJtoriwjfB 1 1 1 Personals Noticet AIjCOKoTicS ANONYMoTrS eT iel fnu overmme your drmktnr prohlfm. 'j Attentj merttns rtntty ntyht B-.Wl, tp t"P' Church or wJie P.O. Bus Bend. J; If yoo fail to receive your Bend Bolfntin by :30 Tefe pbotra mod cpy tt! he ent you by pecf2 rrtr 26 Tires Repuir & Recap SAFE-T-TA.X.E OFr'S All tint tarrr wsiitaa nalion-wids guar!! vfc &U&a& WEUKitS. Ph. Sis Bend. 30 Used Cats lot Sale EQUITY IN 1951 Tu-Toa Msrcurjf Herd top e&ui. wsmmll ura. plus nv tiro. R H- THIS IS A GOQU BUif. I'll. ZHi-i ailsx & tM. SE THIS SPECIAL OtlLX tzisa PLYMOUTH V- lietvedere e-Door bueA. Redta KeeCer, Steooera Tretts mwswn, tone namt. Iatu mitaaxe, ecr a nets cr guarantee. AitT KLEHU et the Ford, Used Cer Ixit. on E. Third neat to the Midaet Drive. Sft. 1S52 PONTfAC Herdtoo, Lor Mileeee. una owner, rtadto, rieater, tonv vratis miseion. Can llnance. ikvuttlat instoe A out. Pa-eU Butte School etttotc. I960 BUICK SEDAN. Srnaflow. namu, rteater. fcjccelleac cuaatttacu Btust eacruhfe. i hon t2$l-W. OOESNT ASYBOOV need e good "! f titnoutn boeciat iJetuae 4-oour t tuiettt ient ruoher, utxl attcrane. XQcnanf eaUr SKeuvt. Uiisr CASH OtrtR l'hone eti, days. A A 1 wars 8 Better C Cere SEE THIS ieS0 4-Wheei Drive Wiiiys station Waeon. TOVVNE JIOTOliS PACKAH!-Wll.l.Ya UtALEK Used Car LU, Ph. ui Garner el Irrtae: & Uerrlataa iB THE ttST USES CAS UKAL, Ui TOWN SEE BKSU HASH CO. 1M GHEENWOUD PHOMS 1HH mi St" OLDSMOiilLE HOIXIUAY with Hydramatie, :ower sleermn, tKiwvr brakes, R&ti. Priced tZVii. Poono !l between itt:sO A.M. and 3 P.M. or see at & GreenwooH. WHY BUY SAFE BUY 1954 MKRCUKY Miatcrv Hardtoa. fernutiful 2 tune jrr;n, A5rc-o-DtlT Radio- & Htalt-r, tiibeks white eide wcU tires A,ht)Q careful mite. Drive thts ear home with jrfe 90 ttey 'New Car Guarantee. FIT 14PATR1CK LINCOLN-MERCURY WHY BUY SAFE BUY 32 Used Trucfcs Trailers MY EQUiTYV CilEAP. 11)64 Chevroiet i"iehnp s apee& treastnlKin, R & H, IX'tttKe ceo, rear bumper. TwG-16 mhber, ,t(io actual milt. 217 Hiverfront. 52 Excavating & Grading Duncan Brothers EXCAVATION Drilling, Blasting, Top Soli and Fill Dirt Cinders. Cat and Tractor Work. Phone 5?1 or 1033 59 Services Offered Oil, FORCED AIR HEATING. We spe cialise in au types ol attest Metal wartt. UEND SHEET METAU Ph. 6g. INCOME TAX fr RETURNS $1.00 up Per Form , oom It, U. S. National Bank Btae. Phone 8Sf or U20-W Will Call at -iour Home CENTRAL OREGON BOOKKEEPING SERVICE RUGS & CARPETS Stiampnoed or dry cleaned in srour ttame or piece of busi ness. Work guaranteed. Estimates cheer iuiiy given. 2HT1 aijti thEAAEltS, Ph. na-w. INCOME TAX ASSISTANCE. 7 years wlttt Ittternsl Revenue. Open daiiy at weekentis. Cloned Tharaoays. Apoolttt tnente advisable. &eschutes Center, Hwy. 8?, T miies No. Ph. SMS-W-2. BUY WHOLESALE: Up to TO discount Nationally famous walcbee. n-eli-v. jii. pliances. etc. Send 11.00 for catalog. Ue funtletl first order. DISCOUNT liUVINt; SEKV1CE. 207 atverfront, Bend, Ore. 33 Automobile Display OAK rusn I UU Hi;wuiSiJ OR YOU PUSH tT AROUND! UF iS MUCH TOO SHORT TO DO THIS ' DRIVE IN TO WARD MOTOR CO. AND LET ONE OF OUR CURTEOUS SALESMEN SHOW YOU ONE OF THESE COMPLETELY CHECKED USED CARS 1953 Oidsmobiie - $1970 tric eye. Beautiful 2-Tone Green only iw?tui mlf. LJ& ivrw. 1953 Ford V-8 $1395 l-lVxir SerUrt, oveewirive, A 2-tyttwr lettll Wc trwi'lK'noHr Jen insjile and out, FuHy njuinPt. 1952 PonHac - $5545 fooy, Hair A Sirirr. KytiiamatJe. JiwM Wi t.J. dark tm rubber cushions. A datwij ttavelar lot ttx t&mtiy. 1950 Dodge 795 -lw Coronet, Rwiis Hester. A nwr limubtul erem ptnt fib. fJiOvA mAxr Kioiyd tires Kt?rf? itHk A run iiie !" rar. 1948 Buictc Roadmaster $ 495 4-Iwr Serfn. KsreplinnsHy r.en JTjWe A rt. wnM foasift" mo, mtlenttfe, ffyct tireK. tnlRr. 0(ft. Rewtw Utttter iioud i,nt. Mpchi.nici.jjy Rood )d ready u jjo. 1946 Pontiac l.flnor ( ryi. 1 New paint, fin! motor. fWx ttrr. .Sifli lots of roiirs left in Otis Wattty, atut an Heal amity car. Older Models Bui Good '39 Plymouth 2-Door V. $ 125 Good runt ii Motor, '41 Chrysler 4-Door $ 150 '41 Ford 4-Door $ 150 (J ii.l, jTHrtar d A $frur. . '46 Nash 4-Door 295 Very eiemny Huriko A Heter. 14 Hre. WARD MOTOR CO. "YOUR FRIENDLY CAR DEALER" 1008 PONTfAC Ph,1 595 BOND ST. GMC or, 1596 S3 Services Oiier ed SAW 8ALE3 AXQ StRVU't JiLfiD CHAIN MX tititVlCt WASHING BACBlfJB BEPA1KS Bmi Wrtnaer Soils for all nslus. i'h, ne 2,1. UAV'l'AU APc-LLAKCli STOKE, ti2 e canktut. S4 Plumbing & Heating CHOWS tntNiKS SllKKT HSTIA!. acta- ywir neetne nrv&tans to us Phone It 66 Radio; TV Sales & Serv, BAlilO TV TOBSS Combine stocit for ail radios , lbco and otber ateka BENQ eUSNtTUKIStO. RAMI & RECORrr PLAtKR BEPAill ttatlio ft TV Tubes or i Prompt Service Georee'c tUai & dtMrttttg Ootids PHiLCO 4k HOFFMAN T-V Authuttaed Dcales ftadios ana 111 .ri Kouipatent RIES KAUIO. 2 fraoalitt Ph. 80- 70 Septic Tnks; CesspooJs CABTEH SEPTIC TANK SERVICE. Photte t5 or 154? -- ?:ta W. tath. 82 Ma3s HeJo Wanted SALES REPRESENT AT1VK for Katlolt- ai Concern. Steatly entploynwnt, paiv varalions, nrailb plan, ' salary, etini tuttstuti, jtltnt travel CKpettfte. State tult uua!ifi?tio first letter. Write Hox &. Bt.nd Bulletin. WANTED Ctxxi Kiisbie merhsnic wbr "knows" Llncaln-Slcrcury ctttw. Steaoy tmWoyment. Gwwl salary. Start lo tl at once. KlTXl'Ai 'KICK LINCOLN MKRCURf, 105 crattklttt. ACTUAL JOBS OPEN in U. S., So. Am, Europe. To tl&.OtK). Travel swtoi. Write only Emidoymelit infix Csivier, Room 71, Oreca St.. Hoston. 14. 83 FernaJs Help Wanted TEACHERS WANTED Irderertitw vacation jvasitlom paytmt trecbers seiecteii ai.ww to si.&uo. J'er maneat supervisory positions abto otten to thus uualify. Write in confi dence to Box 20. Bend litillelin. 84 Situations Wanted PART TIME OWICE WOBK. 10 years eaoertettce includtntc Icjral and faook fcrvi'iniT. Phone S01"-3-t. S6 Money to Loan c F G OMMERCiAl USKfSHSS ASH Ctn5oGfiate Your Biilt With a :"54" Club Loan 2i Months to Repay Loans On ; Auta Furniture Persona! Commercia Fificjuce Corp. Indusfriai 315 Greenwood Phone 22fi9 93 Personal Loons r$52.8S SPECIAL FOB-- DEBT COJiSOI.IDATIOJf BORROW 1,tfO0 - &epa) only $528 per mo. WHV PAY ftiOUEf Other Savimot lo Pcotf-rtloo PorHand ind. Loon Co. ARE YOU HAPPY WITH YOUR CAR? FOLKS OON'T LET YOUR 118 Cattle & Hones SAUTrLcVS'. staila and cestaleed. &e.t":;!jOLL-A-WAY lied. Sitw excellent fnsthvr 3neyh l&ko wslvesivn. rh. 1 care, is.. 3 hosroey acruwt (coax xe-i6e"-Jl. i (. BtSlr &AA1K STiK. 112 Pets of all Kinds BAM PAKAKETS, stsssn, ail coiors at 5. 00. Also rare opaltaes. caeas and fresh Locally raised. Wttoleal or relaii. Call Redmond TO-K-O. or first haute aorta ol Powell Suiut Oratttte. 114 Pouitrv Rabbits WANTEB Live Poiitry Fresh & 1)EK1 EiiU Ik POULTRY CO ?4 B. f irst St Ph. SSS-1 ilS Other Livestock WEAKER PUIS. $erfat Ttltoalo lid. t'ftooe Ut-J-l. HH tLUKli- 117 Livestock Wonted WANTED ALL Kinds of LSrestoeit. Fat cattle ar feeder cattle, "ft" til utck tt at sniicb. i i. Huston, Ffa. JijfrW. i2i Appliances; HK Equip. HlLCO HEpHitjiiHATOa, PhtlcoEi tc ratuce, fv c. ISAiroom sutte. All practically new. Casb or fern. Caii Prittevtlle 157? or oe at li, let;c uftw S;tW P.M. SKGWUmoNEU It GO&RAcJ'lElia K.SKii Ai'I'LIANCLS .lefrttteratocs 3.E0 -lectrtc Hitnisva et.5ll -Vr inner Wn.,iers tutomatic Vwltcre lUEtiOX CtlUtPslENT CO. PH, S S23 BuiJfiing Materials LUMBER f'ASMF.RS - BUILDERS - RANCHERS Cl!T YOUR I.UMURR CtfSt SEE CLAi'C KcCAULfcY Leonarc! Liimian?!! Lumber Co. 148 l Ave. 4 miie e4 of vtis Fly a, fiend, f)retrn 131 Farm & Ka&ch Equip. SsKll S SECTION spike tooth sn. esreifeni rd!in ftwi.wr CEfliiAi, OUEUOci Tit At TOR, Head. 32 Farm Products tirtf if rC"s wttt AMir! M,tv;l(it" tti VrMaya.H. s. Ort- tSJlH - nti sgki! iWATOES ts.s e & I.O. l-tt. iV. l,rumc. Org. CEKTll'l HUK t KISS I 133 Fuel & Wood CtEAK DOIy WOOf, any !wth. PavxK oti cnjcre;, Eut-H. HSAVIE TlMllERS: )l sitwls, IS ubi iwii. Caseatifr ransFori. 134 Specials at the Stores COOrri'SKlTFiJKNiTiJfiE AT RAINBY S -- 2111 E, trattsilla StJjIto Catclns Jlf.SS Otttette Su lie.5St Up Coffr Iii fcni Tafciv. Nw - f 1'rleo frtera. Coll t,rtnKs, Wootl Itea etrs, Wtotlters. llt. ll. ouTsioE wiims iiousis paoit, Siior-i tosc, pteTOj iss-j. i firs, auto tiest, att. saraga. i.i tz.its swr. iral. oiy limitoi w::r-;.; -r' ; vr-Jt ri Choice East 8i(fe, SiO.OOO, TBS. : . r ,wt sii, fcwirwm K.v.Wsn lis.i,t5rw..TM CHftpp 5 tittrm tV. :COHN KJBS'- Kra! f &S. ftrS. . Z rfma Wr Will i4SS 5? Tlif SSoS' iS? trico SS.17. AftiiKHSOff AffUANtSj Jo oll iw l'lw 1.WSJ. fly lVO?-f!g ritl SOW pip03 ITBC, cKNiKR, state 4 Ttututits. L msoit'"w.u itvtv frpic, gsrage ana storage, . ;ytt(J iiJ.iiiiOOW, W(3fif.Ii,f ftojKr-. -.r .zi t, cV - WKSTMfHl.ANr rilYSTA!. !.(, J fttraiofel. SH PottUttti Cttli IS43-W tsl Or ilA, i tlw; tvftrfitttittal rttty lvwrtt. 4ltt.l Ity f atvrt(, w cvvnitw. asytzt? ArTT-s; ri.'a Itatni twrctt iSr- mss r,iMiiy !.! note. f '.- .....a., ! '"V" V? !5H StVeyaS. Ai.i-iNE i;ikf house, s. 3r. -JAJ- . i'"" jLei sis siiow yoa SflS iist. -4 - ! with viv.i, vjtvr J iiuii Jirvtt sw . flSEfJ CASfEKAS MM, i-'. MM !!Ai;tti Kay !.toort - lle UMo t-P ml - t ... iw. ici. arrow f Ilit,4. litNIl I5Aii(,Airf .SWHcy StvVO BEllkM SIoriKfif. Ctrw, 1 !' il, .,. r,i,i,.j 135 Furniture & Household , Greenwood Futmtute llSTlNfriVK r'orttttoro pticed for tlto OVEKSTO1TKO tllAlll tSI. itet, I 5 lrot. IMi iiy. Ail M ai eii-, lh. l:,-.l. J39 Miscellaneous for Sa!e Hmi'OlHT EI.KCTHin KAMiJK It. lllrtrtr 20. StK .r-ttc ttaltl i,y rr s". Xfl KIM MOMS C.. Sl'ttttiS fr j We- fwi. JJaJf Jjrirv'. iiJiel .' l.-(((e t olfwe Bwl At j t ourt,' J'toni i CPS CilUMltlA Kwtiwi T&toe; tiv.n. WrrST aSIlK HAHIWAn& ls ; iivlvvtrt Ave. YttOT iJ'JfWT' T'XWn if7dwTr? fiAKii.MN I'iiif'fcli: 2 Iivww, I m(ttrr, sprtOKf, wlttto entrn'i Mtaii Tatw1, Si,'ir Oil llatr, clwt its or, ioooiro i.'. ',ym?r, Atimiiiii7lr , llf.m tt. O'iianc UMk. SK1.1. THH "KL'HPM'S THHfli'fifl n.AS Sii ti:ti AitS. 1.AN1I, 1.1VI:SK K, MA t'HISKHV. ASiTHiS. PfiilNK ilS f-'liH Itlit.l.KTlX All-WIOTKK. 3S Aatontobile DispJoy PRICE LEADERS ALL - CHECKED '53 Chcv, 210 4-dr. $1495 r & u. c'.t ;. '52 Buick R"iv.Cpe.$1595 : K & H, Dyna, 2 ! Time Crwa. s'51 Msrc.Ci. Cpe. $1095 i U H, Oiwirive. '50 Buic Super Sed. $ 895 j H & il. Dyna, 2 TttlK" (il!. i49 Chev. 2-Door 495 ; D(iiCartis, 3iS3i, Stx'ia) Jil. '43 Dodge Ci. Cpe. $ 395 :i R & if, Mciaific t;tn. BEND GARAGE CO., iNC- Hoitw' "f OK i'sfii ('ant yiur liiiit k Si.'vrf!(; Wiir!iS!ii: Iicaicr 7ft9 Wall St. 3nioiif5 1X1 133 Mtsceilaaeous ioi Sale i tft Kftvar. e. Escellent tao. Call 1W-W S after a or eturuay. 'YOU FSXK1 POR PlSNlKti!" Loos: aver U & "W Hsrdwars outboard snutur bays. A iarse selection. i SlliCCASclKR OU lltUARRS :4 Horse liv,ec Cfit4.iKi it Horsa Pots-! ;r .. 2is.t6 . : Sttm-ATWATES OUTBOAStlS j :8.4 llors l'o-r iiit.i6, Urtrse: i'ower .. 2.&.&0. 7t4 iiorse Poa-ec 10 tl.tce Povt-ec tw.?5 & Hucse I Power $&t.i&. S& Horse Power .. tis,- tie rewtte wrltett the season upeat, USB Olift HANW LAV-AWAY PLAN B W HARDWARE oi E. Gmavteod LfOHT FIXTORES Largest dlsttluy Ik Central rvaot LOWEST PRICES A eaotglete vk of pares to repeir y-id toiid iami !' VS El.KC 1 RIC :8tt Hill iwav flreeifsraml Ph, iS-J UOCK-FHKE TOP SOIL Pill dirt. hlk; tt co.1 cltwlec. Uttmit fmeit and irerfvr -leader worit. Pn. 71i. iHKKSTlTCRlNfJ 1K1.NK, Ssy Apsoiss, l',iiow slipj. l.xme vali-ly itwlt'tt critli eiavelttts. piictirtttce, tl4ttct, etc Si-.iies. I'h, iiSSS-li. HKAVY STKKl. C1U.VKETS t" lii. tfl fi. it. t7.m oak O'DAY'S SALVAUS UPP1.Y Vlr .PH. jAll":i iijm f.r rent a nev tsare- EKN Ai'iO. i'sie A S !'1BCE AMKK1CAX Sii,iVd fcsih rwm srt wilif fvltintrs. 1L11.&0 0ENI Sl'l'l'l.t CO. Uotol. 345 Office Supplies; iqiiip. OFPlt'K REskTl'le stre7"ii2for ti. 1'lnt tup trisie rfte "!" iivr tiffl liidb Iirdfei. See at 116 Jiarmon f Pltottt? ISO Xpcrtjssents for Pent A,trtnwn"U Kt-.-trw; tttro', j,irEvrt'.w. TIJHKE ROOM F0ttttMHKJ Arwrtnwmi ? close tv titi(fs lcM, tcect-Mecie I-AKB IJKMSiifiWlfBiS 3 Hwirwm .fsJSS w sXSSl lv Eli ;rl,iute fl iwiwtei. E1VB 'riiiiKACB ai"i., i&i w. su. p. ;cr;rg, . , . c. 'AiIKK HOTEL; atwl 4 r.n ColweHti Larttccs. otttt tttt.t, ttt(tiwtn avftii atis. sjv wwiiiy ai niiy nasi, iTHHEE room; KoiiKKJ Awrijns uttlurttts&etl. Knotty pttw tattttcllltte;. t Wnlcr paw. 1'rivalp wriranr. Ais x i Roonr Motlom lloose. 211 Riverfront, t iJITy CKSTKK LOCATION. ff.. fr-i nwhod at'ttrltntfttt .littlttteg tactl. t'ltittej iSl Houses tor Rent i I'tiij-R tUXm, OlER! tittlttrttkliwlS REALTOR it, Jii n(. i iatnlfon. (.:!! 3j. JffiS ps Sj. PSlfW STB TtivT-tt,;; ? m 7 ! amazing value Rooms: 2 'S't0.?.! "" hrfrm on two ievei tots, nA'd o!i. I'itono IKf. i tacautKt ivtaaa. lucx Ibm Otvtswcu i'ie swt Y " , "" Ai i i-ir. ,i.ri. vi'Afr,G rnti y siiis rwynsris oil ft. ter-ftnislk Coll IMS-K.!1-;1-3 , L??s srp koiiSaS, I't;ilSISI!g! SltlUSE. Alio; ll(fl'i:, Ktsr clw(l jt t(. ItWKtlce KKmtJOUl Ai'iS '6 B. IrviBS. Ms, i i'-'7i-J. ; fS3 Other HntaJs IMOVWat- f4si ! lllVii TltDDKa. t l(."rr,r S.'r'.'te'. !! SiKS-ISSVE SI Mt, ItMl. Oralirtt- ' JJ) HotJSSS fOf Sdcfr UtiMK SKKKliS'. 3tWe riit in. Save vv lit, S iv jiy v .rr, -niv5 i, j" ii twA-WMt. ThfY- Jvt. s-am,vv fc.yfr M. 183 SeaJ Estate Dispia? CARROLL D. . PIERCE Rs-ailflr S iKt;ice OsiiJ Riisse!!, Associaie 5021 Wall St, ISrane SSS Jn Otpiftti 'fiir-afro 5!tSs. Aiisr Sirs. Blow 3CSS or 356 FOR ACTsON: LSST WSTH SEND '5 LARGEST. ADVERTiSER; Cent. Oce. Hesdt!rcrs fer home, ranch & btajn&ss p-rc-p&f ii&s tower down payments S Jonger istm Sosns now es!ye " iiomo wiJii bsnir, huso osi ii!-ii fifir, garage. S'rk-e $1,250. Tn3. J JERK'S A GOOD DKAIs Mofif?rn 2 btta .i!h cxlra morn f linisrsfs!, itiU'tiflr isi gissxi (-nsKiit!i. !." ifi west frifff. Pi'io! S3.S. Tiiw. YOUR 5SS WORTH of vaioo in a 2 txltm. otii no, ww , Siw, f;.trg. 2 inls. Sk-c $7,f&0. V'!iA : Wis. SOMK UXKY GE wiit ;l(f atf.vatii.-ise of f.ilts 2 bdrm home in hfiio? w, si'le i Auto rt!', lii. fwixvti iirs. IrsS & Kittrm wtii'itAvs. frti-e 7.wa FiA-r f5 s. FOR CAilKlT nijyK!?."? 2 firm ittmt wifil 2 !i!iiisiii-!! riH ujiMi.iirs. I'iii w ', wait i' waft rug, Sniati tiu? n (tat k tf 2 tawt i"is. t'lise $s.(f.Tt, FStA or f.f iitts. E'KRSON'At.n'Y tffMf-: tin 2 rnrnrr hits, tmiy 2 yrs it. 2 tittrms, jfttt & wirrvt fr Sttrv. mtU frrtc, ftp!.tiai"t' frftic, trj? aii Rar.'ttt-.r K, stttt tt-, frttt ?'t.l.i"ti. This. OX DRAKE UO:U i Mini". !r !tv rm, scjt !m rta, wtti rtrt. Bf;mt w.' fsw A tttv. 't'lv i;itt!-;pt j;(i!, lrif Si't tSO. 'J'tttt. SF.K fOMPAUK f!ii ,1 i!tm !iit!f ff!i!, itrsSv S Vis o!(!, I'l ii-p $.?,!!. V1!A r ;!. N K, GHKSNWWn 3 lii!ii ti'ime, jSIscJ ri vtirc Jnr Hsy, Wiivrl !r rxtiw. siwmx .7 vrs tsi(i, 3 iiifs. J'liitr $.:;C. ! HA ir i;i fss. Sw fxr Sliii , Ajrf, 114!ps & BitaiiPA i!-tniSi , J,ftfisj iiiifi affilialrrf wijfi t 3if, fcfate broters. REDMOND; Ciasstfted Ads BUY !T SELL iT IRAiJE 5Ti t rMcutf late -cUuUi. It 3C kav vmtlhissf itSit ftniweswe ztli sat VtMm&mi t0iuiwat, Mrc .c.' )tan, RvtfjaMuttf I jttw tik $xtr rf a 9 tau ' W fc 1 ttMtt 'f . ta . p., . 20 Accessories Repairii5 SOW! UFE-LONC Eatieriea and Stro Hyonse till ptltere tlaarantcvo forever at KHIJrKVS H1.ECTK1G, getltaopd. lit Fet5 o oil Kiads HAKE PARAK.EETS. 4tx fffe i ytiUn wfth pmk er- Ai-fcf. pick tec. OpcUoe. iwj ct fcsK-Jt, xrr wne, l Sv Efchti mutt. Vb. 3-V. 114 PoUry & Babbits OlfR lr?l..NlA7lQN RoeeAtnst Stock iJ Hous&a ioz Sole SMAi2. TURKS Mctont W w i.r "jw.r Jvii, 7K.yiyis fAjinntf 3hijfe jJweSJijw. VitAer Iwuft S(rie, Ntw ittct asas ao btrwut w fS2i Ca S93M!v C i?2 Fgitos Kaneh&s 5 ACREa, 4 ACRES WATER. Sc Bwtr"Xrtw, 3tt.ii, Itmnw, vj.iii .r5Pe, fraJt lwrte & 13wf ifetriMwjr. W?ft J7B Lots & Acreage TEN ACRES 2 mH fr-w Send R wwt.S isftwJiriJ kisftji- C.Q.l- al rtivt foitMtbie, Write Set&4 BwKetwi Bac'2S!s 139 Rea Sstate Uispiay TODAY'S SEST 3Y S COMPLETELY FURNISHED, I.U""' runirsjaM irg. iiving pm, big kifeben, batis, it?! mlh BaklElEe $45.00 Hlih. t CLOSE IK, extra Erg 2 ferten, on 2 lols, JrplCi nawa lira, g&- iraee. SSK2S, eood terms. BUDP-fcr-KILTGN, ReaStori Jisa Band, Bend Ph. 132f. W or Dai. 15i9-J ' ITkOucknum ; GRADE A (CAFE FuSi 5WB- I mont. reaiiv to ooeraSe. veii3o- i caieii, exam ItVKIC oners, BTOBerty cnciotted, $S500, $100 JsRANCiiES Several, sifjf, i ,v.v 4,,, ,,' . caii 113. - through. See s for fnll efetails.- AJlcr fisiiirs phosjc . -Larry Kcown .236S-W-3 BEND REALTY 1. M - i.f.STlTfllS WArfyfcli S A. S Vtr. i'.lt Itt on patworti. iwiiiiy fjilit. Hiirsi, itlivife SIR OUT REALTY ofVt, i t(ie -(Hr (r boat infltoc P SjxM ViB.iJw, -crA- EMS OK TOWN i acre with. -liy vfaW. 3 bttrai htustie wtfti 2 fuU ttattis, at fine, pthtf fr ali, coTO?i? patio, frfi siiifite gar. Ais wtsrtt sSioj Prk? Sll,75ft. Tins. fiHAN'O NKW 3 ixlrnis. rfift rm, i4 iwitis, tit, fF)ii elrij; iirat . i.ra gai- w.sliiagii lRif, I'lii-p $!.?,T5. Tros. Af'ftKAGKS & RANCHKS S.'WA - SA WATKR 3 bflntf St'tTOP, ujwfaiis nf!ni.sii; t'insp in wi jxivrei rti Snnia ftirniture fei.iiiwi Mi prke of S,5!0. Tms. SA . 5A WATER No JMiitrT infis. Cidse in. t'rtw! Tins, 2A ; !80A WATER 52fiA t?asvt. SA Aif, 2.A jxislsirfs," fetiance S tf stfefi. irgi hara, ntw mat ti sho$, sew i car ir. gat ristrrsv ajtjiTOX i:t fi pipe & 15 s!'in iipr hoatts. -1 feetrro inS ftnmff wiifi new iwi watpr heaSinff syHSm & fi'!". A!sf jKnflr-rn !;iatti iitt, Witt Kntiz ir itt'timt' jtrwjtprSy, I'rit-e Sa" SW. Tms. ,T5A iSiA WATER 50 vi Kraiiij! jiermU, Witt rim Sf8 newt, f"'A Aff, ISA whfaf "A it afaiithion i:xm. mat h stiwf. tfifcfi rtwus, ttttSkfr. f'irp 3 fxirr tt'itt. Matfi tnt fiiiftvf irt r? ital itvircr nt $KS!t. Tms. A . 5 ! t A WATKtt WA Atf, t'lA 5astr, ttA x? rS ci. Miik nam. roi-h sfif, - s iitt k iiv. Et fpmors, futt l ff in-ii. 4 ttt!in wiwt !i;sc v- : U-ftlr. in wry K'tod 4 iKii!i!. l!W $."'i,.it!(, Tms,