The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, March 11, 1955, Page 7, Image 7

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Bend, Deschutes County. Oregon, Friday, March 10, 1955
I l&vVi s , sJ&yJ .-,dzh
TIME OUT FOR PEACE A warm, noonday sun removes the chilly fear ot war long enough to
allow this laborer to doze on a pier at Keelung, Formosa. The little girl innocently standing by
adds to this serene scene on the not-so-serene stronghold of Chiang Kai-shek's Nationalists.
Harriman Wants Democrats
To Shift on Foreign Policy
United Press Start Correspondent
York's Gov. Averell Harriman has
summoned the Democratic Party
to shift its foreign policy toward
the British position on the com
bined problems of Red China and
Harriman's move was politically
significant with respect both to
United States and international
politics. The New York governor
generally is regarded as an eager
if unannounced candidate for next
year's Democratic presidential
nomination. To understand the full
significance of Harriman's speech
March 8 before the Nationalities
Division of the Democratic Nation
al Committee in New York it is
necessary that it be read in rela
tion with two other speeches of
international significance delivered
on the same day.
Secretary of State John Foster
Dulles broadcast a report to the
nation on his journey to Asia.
British Foreign Secretary Sir An
thony Eden spoke in the House of
Dulles Threatens Force
Dulles spoke earnestly of U.S.
hopes for peace in Asia. But he
promised Red China to meet force
with force, perhaps the full force
of American armed might, in de
fense of Formosa and the nearby
Pescadores. Dulles was speaking
as a military ally of Nationalist
China. He was not explicit about
the Nationalist islands of Matsu
and Quemoy.
Eden was reporting to Commons
on a similar journey during which lions."
he conferred with Dulles. Neither
diplomat sought to deny the wide
differences between them on For-mosan-Chinese
policy. Eden con
ceded the United States' urgent
desire for peace and proposed a
compromise settlement far beyond
the limit to which the Eisenhower
administration is willing to go.
Eden jjronosed that parties to
me rormosan comroversy mane
concessions which, ultimately
would lead to admission of Red
China into the United Nations and,
by implication, the ultimate disap
pearance of Nationalist China as
a real or paper entity.
"Swap" Quemoy, Matsu
Specifically, Eden proposed that
Chinese Nationalists abandon Mat
su and Quemoy and that Red
China not prosecute her claims to
Formosa "by forceful means."
Eden said that as of now no prog
ress had been made toward settle
ment of the Formosa dispute.
Harriman's speech in New York
was, in effect, a proposal that the
United States make some or all
of the concessions proposed by
Eden. Harriman denounced what
he called a Republican go-it-alone
policy in defiance of the policies
of U.S. Allies which, in this in-!
stance, would relate most specifi
cally to the British.
"The first thing we must do in
the Formosa area," Harriman
said, "is to end our desperately
dangerous policy of going it alone.
We must internationalize the de
fense of Formosa and do it if
possible through the United Na-
But Short of Cash?
Let Portland Loan
Finance Them
for You!
Yes, WITH NO MONEY DOWN, you rain put new tires
and tubes or tuneless tires on your car! Buy a set of I
Premium Best Quality All Nylon TubelesH tires for as
little as $14.76 per month. NO MONEY DOWN. Buy a set
of 4 100 level tires and tubes for as little as $6.50 per
month. NO MONEY DOWN. Select them from any Central
Oregon tire dealer and then call Portland Loan for the fi
nancing . . , we'll take care of the rest
85 Oregon Ave.
Phone 173
Big Gain Made
By Industries
In Hong Kong
number of persons in this refugee-
jammed British colony who are
employed by local industries has
more. Jban doubled since. 1950.
A government survey said the
sharp jump was due to a 40 per
cent increase in the number of
registered industrial firms. Ex
ports of locally made goods, for
instance, account for some 30 per
cent of the colony's trade, com
pared to one per cent before
World War II.
The magazine. Far Eastern Eco
nomic Review, in commenting on
the government statistics, said:
'About 92,000 persons were em
ployed by 1,752 factories and
workshops at the end of 1950, and
these figures increased to 111,879
workers and 2,418 establishments
by the end of September, 1954. Be
sides, there were about 100,000
persons engaged in unregistered
"New industrial developments
during 1954 included the establish
ment of a large flour mill and
the manufacture of aluminum
hand torch cases by the cold ex
trusion process," the Review said,
No Custom Duty
"At the recent exhibition of
Hongkong products, more than 50
kinds of new and improved prod
ucts of 46 factories were dis
played. The most notable one
were electric clocks, biscuit mak
ing machine, refractory blocks,
air - conditioning equipment, steel
wire ropes, waterproof watch
cases, safes, detergents, 'stretch'
type nylon socks and shirts.
"The outlook for Hongkong in
dustries is reasonably bright. So
far there has been not too much
difficulty in getting raw matei
ials. ..1
"As a free port, no customs duty
is paid in Hongkong on imported
raw materials or the export of in
dustrial products. Besides, the rate
of income tax levied in Hongkong
is much lower than in Britain,
the United States and Japan. In
other words, manufacturing costs
are lower than in many countries.
"Wage rates for employees in
Hongkong are much lower than
those prevailing in Europe and
America and not higher than
those in Japan and Southeast Asia.
On the whole, the machinery and
equipment of Hongkong factories
arc more advanced than those of
factories in Indonesia, Burma and
Crazy MixedUp
Cloud Produced
By Atom Blast
I'nlted Press Staff Correspondent
big bang in Nevada produced the
craziest and most mixed-up atomic
cloud of the spring test series.
It went three ways at once, me
teorologists reported today. Part
of it soared east from the proving
ground and is now far out over
the Atlantic.
Some of it drifted west and got
shredded up in the mountain pass
es of California.
Another bit steered northward
for a while and then turned east
to get dissipated in a large area
over northern Nevada, northern
Utah and southern Wyoming, and
northern Colorado.
Mixed up as it was, there was
uo real harm in the cloud as far
as the people below it were con
cerned. Neither the Atomic Ener
gy Commission nor the weather
bureau has heard any interesting
news concerning it.
No Fallout Reported
A few seconds after the explosion
at 8:20 a.m. EST Monday, it looked
as though the cloud might drop
a little radioactive fallout on some
of the scientific and military observers.
That was when a cross wind
whipped part ot the cloud stalk
in their direction. The observers
got out of its way in a hurry and
no fallout was reported.
As the AEC has explained often,
the gadgets .blown up in Nevada
don't pack enough power to create
a fallout hazard outside the test
After some Nevada explosions,
there have been reports of radio
active hail or rain and fogged
photographic equipment hundreds
or thousands of miles from the
proving ground.
Such radioactivity has, however.
been far too slight to hurt any
body. Monday's cloud apparently
didn't contaminate even a single
raindrop anywhere.
Cloud Fragments Tracked
Airplanes participating in the
spring tests tracked the cloud's
various parts for 500 to 600 miles
from the explosion site. Thercaftetl
more than 100 weather bureau sta
tions, plus AEC observers at vari
ous major installations across the
country, watched its invisible pro
rcss instrumcntally.
One of the men whose job it is
to keep track of clouds from the
Nevada atomic tests is Robert List
of the weather bureau here. He
gave this 'rundown of what hap
pened to Monday's cloud:
The top part, rising 40,000 feet
above Yucca Flat, got caught up
in a high westerly and took off
to the east.
The lowest part of the cloud got
involved with a wind going the
other direction and "dribbled back
into California."
The middle part of the atomic
debris from the Monday shot, the
part ranging from 10,000 to 20,000
feet in altitude, said goodbye to
the others and headed off north
from the explosion site.
Europe Policy
Restated by Ike
WASHINGTON (UP) -President
Eisenhower Thursday affirmed
U.S. willingness to remain armed
forces in Europe, including Ger
many, if the Paris agreements es
tablishing the Western European
Union are ratified fully.
The President restated U.S. pol
icy on thp rearmament of Western
Germany and other aspects of the
Paris agreements in a special mess
age to the prime ministers of Bel
gium, France, West Germany, It
aly, Luxembourg, The Nether
lands and the United Kingdom.
With the western nations press
ing for ratification of the Paris
pacts, Mr. Eisenhower reaffirmed
a six-pnint policy program for the
United States to become effective
upon ratification of the agreements
nights after Martin Zawal
sky's car was stolen he spotted it
in traffic while driving a borrowed
car. He plowed through the traf
fic and forced it to the curb. He
almost caught the thieves too, but
thev could run faster than he
couid. "BEISa
760 E. Greenwood
Will be closed March 14th to 22nd
Ellen I.ance will be attending a Beauty School for Special
Hair Styling and Cutting Instruction In Los Angeles
Cosmetics may be purchased next week at
The Health Outer next door.
Campbell Given
Committee O.K.
ate Government Operations Com
mitter Thursday approved long
stalled nomination of Joseph E.
Campbell to be comptroller general.
The committee vote was 7 to 3.
Four Republicans and three Dem
ocrats voted for the nomination,
and three Democrats were op
Democratic opponents had con
tended Campbell lacked experi
ence. The job usually goes, to a
member of Congress.
President Eisenhower first nom.
inated Campbell for the $17,500 a
year "watchdog of the treasury"
post last fall.
Campbell, a former member of
the Atomic Energy Commission,
has been serving as comptroller
general since December under a
recess appointment.
Some Optimism
On Power Scene
.SPOKANE (UP)-One note of
gloom and one glimmer of opti
mism were sounded on the North
west power picture Thursday.
Paul II. Williams, Spokane area
power manager for the Bonneville
Power Administration, predicted
a cutoff of one fourth of the BPA's
"interuptible" power in the Spo
kane area March 21.
State soil conservationist Paul
MeGrew and U. S. weather bu
reau official Robert McComb said
the water runoff situation looked
better than it had earlier.
Williams said rain between now
and March 21 might eliminate the
need for a cutoff but that any
cutoff which became necessary
probably would continue to mid
April when the spring runoff be
Black Angus Breed of Cattle Imported 1813
liUtwl Prn While Howw Writer
stairs at the White House:
The small herd of Black Angus
beef cattle being started on the
Eisenhower farm at Gettysburg,
Pa., actually had its beginnings
years ago in Scotland.
The Black Angus breed was im
ported to this country In 1873. Ac
cording to the National Geogra
phic Society, a Scot cattleman
would call his Angus herd a collec
tion of "doddles" a term mean
ing hornless. '
door of the house.
Duke Ellington, the noted pianist
and another entertainer at the ban
quet last Saturday for the Presi
dent, arrived at the show rehearsal
with no music. Some of the re
hearsal personnel seemed surprised..
"What do I need with the
music?" the Duke chuckled. "I
wrote it
Peter Lind Hayes, the comedian
who entertained for Mr. Eisen
hower at the White House corres
pondents' dinner last Saturday,
had a chance to compare notes on
Army life with the former five
star general.
Hayes mentioned that they had
served in the same Army, but not
on quite the same social level
Peter was a technical sergeant, a
fact he attributed wryly to "poli
ties." Mr. Eisenhower got a big
laugh out ot this crack.
Decorator notes from the Eisen
hower house at Gettysburg:
They're not having Venetian
blinds, but white windowshades on
The hew garage built as an addi
tion to the barn will hold four cars.
once the carpenters and painters
gel their gear out of the way.
The President is not taking
chances about spring being around
the corner. He still has heavy
snow shelters over the two mas-
NEW HAVEN, Conn. (UP) -Harry
Bethke was not happy to
have a lost wallet returned
promptly. It was given back by po
lice who said they found It, com
plete with identification papers,
at the scene of a burglary. Bethke
was arrested.
TACOMA, Wash. (UP)-A 17-
year-old art student at Clover Park! WATCH YOUR STEP
High School who won the Pierce MIDDLETOWN, Conn. (UP)
uouniy an contest saio louay sne I Connecticut s lottery law is so
didn't think she deserved the prize, strict that flipping a coin before
Jeneane Payton said the judges starting a football game is illegal.
hung her colortul abstract paintingThus far, however the statute has
"The Smokers" upside down. not been enforced to this degree.
sive boxwoods flanking the front normally fishes In a leg of the,
South Platte go small that -a 12-
pound rainbow would have difflJ
culty navigating the shallow spots.-
The President went to a Masonic
breakfast the other morning and
as he entered, a large choir broke
into the stirring strain of th
"Battle Hymn 0 The Republic.'?
Mr. Eisenhower confessed later,
"I almost went gut to' look toe
a recruiting office."
Mr. Eisenhower probably would
like to know that in the 1954 fish
ing contest of Field & Stream
Magazine, one of the winners was
Robert L. Rleck who caught a 12
round rainbow trout in the South
Platte River, Colo.
The best the President has even
been able to do in the South Platte
has been about 15 ounces, but it
should be pointed out that he
Accordions Furnished
Bend Music Co.
901 Bond St. Phone 712
Just Arrived!
Fully Automatic
Fully automatic range, 4-burners,
with full-size oven. Entire gas
range is just 20 inches
642 Franklin
Phone 93
Acting on a 20-Year-0ld Decision !
Let's suppose it was a couple of decades ago when a
young lad, with his book strap over his shoulder and
his lunch basket under his arm, started slowly down
a dusty road that led to a country schoolhouse.
But his walk was short that day. For a big, hand
some Cadillac with its smiling driver traveling in the
lad's direction stopped and gave him a "lift.
And as he stood there on the schoolhouse lawn
and watched the big car roll off into the distance, he
made a decision. Me decided that, some day, he would
own a Cadillac.
And here you see him, his dream come true taking
the keys to a new 1955 Cadillac I
As a Cadillac dealer, we've been privileged many
times to help make such a dream come true. And it
never ceases to be a thrill.
not realizing the Cadillac car is practical as well as
wonderful wait too long to make the move.
The lowest-priced Cadillac, for example, actually
costs less than twelve different models of other makes.
Its economy of operation is far beyond anything you
could logically anticipate from a car of Cadillac s size
and luxurv. And at the time of resale, a Cadillac
traditionally returns a greater share of its owner's
investment than any other car in the land.
1 f, like the gentleman in the picture above, you have
been looking forward to a Cadillac of your own you
should give careful consideration to these remarkable
Cadillac facts.
It is entirely possible that the time for your Cadillac
has come and, as we said, it is always a pleasure to
help make such a dream come true.
709 Wall Strtot
But we do feel, in all sincerity, that many motorists Better come in and see us May.
Phono 193