The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, March 10, 1955, Page 6, Image 6

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    6 - Tte Bend Bulletin,
Redmond's UF
Officers Named
I Special to The Kulli-lln
REDMOND Marion Coynor is
I the new president of Redmond Uni-
tcd Kund, following election at a
board meeting Tuesday morning
- Ralph Windsor will be vice-presl-
dent for the 11155-56 drive, Juy
Shively treasurer und Mrs. An-
,- urew Kosensuei will continue as
Marsden Elliott, outgoing United
; r und president, accepted a cita
. tion for Redmond reaching its
quota the third consecutive year,
at a Chamber of Commerce board
- of - directors luncheon Tuesday
; noon In Redmond hotel. Don Wana
. maker, field representative for
Oregon Chest, made the presenta-
tion, noting that Reflmond exceed-
ed its quota again this year. Near
; ly pll of Redmond's and surround
. ing area's donations from the 19M-
55 campaign have been paid in
.cash, only about 1500 in pledges
At the United Fund meeting the
following new directors were elect
ed for 1955-56: Robert Brown, Mrs.
Maurice Roberts, Mrs. Sam John
son, Jack Morris, John Norlin, P.
M.Houk, William Anderson, C. E.
Thompson, James Ivans, Mrs.
John Rood, Mrs. George Cooley,
Mrs. Robert Iloskins, Mrs. Krcd
Elliott, Mrs. M. E. Lynch, Mrs.
Max Cunning and W. L. Pierce.
These 16 persons replace directors
whoKe terms hnvp exnh-cH jinrt
will serve two or three-year terms,
at the discretion of the officers.
There are live hold-over directors.
The next Fund board meeting is
set for 11 a.m. April 5 in the
Aal-fflro FimJc
T run05
Shortage Acute
Special to The Bulletin
Beck, administraloi' of Crook and
Jefferson County Public Welfare
Commission, has Issued the follow,
ing statement:
"Due to the critical shortage of
availuble welfare funds, It has
been found necessary to dlscon
tinue the payment or routine med
ical care Incurred by recipients of
public assistance."
Should an emergency arise,
Mrs. Beck requests that slip be
Immediately contacted by the re-
npient, pliystciun or hospitul, i
no medical care will be authorized
.u-ifnout prior approval. ;
to answer fugitive front Justice
," The horned to a dlsnoln to ad charges, has been set in the Okla
but a lizui-d. It does not lav ecus noma city for April 6, the tele-
gives birth to living young. '
Introductory Offer
Williams Instant Lather
Reg. '1.58 Value
2 cans 98c
You Save 60c
. sv .-'.4
Free with the reg. 1.50
Thursday, March 10, 1955
JOINS NAVY Frank O. Earl,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver
Earl of Madras, enlisted In the
U. S. Navy through the Bend
recruiting station this past
weekend and is now in train
ing at San Oiego, Calif. He at
tended Madras Union High
school and prior to his enlist
ment was employed in his,
father's market in Madras.
(Bend Bulletin Photo
Tate Refuses
To Sign Waiver
Of Extradition
Word that Homer Dale Tate, a
former county resicfc'nt wanted
here on theft charges, has refused
to sign a waiver of extradition
was received yesterday by Sheriff
Wholes from authorities In
SuduIdh. Okla.. where Tate Is be
ing held. .
Report of Tale's arrest on a war
rant sworn out through justice
court here was received by Sholes
early Tuesday morning.
Tate Is charged with larceny by
a bailee, and is being held in the
Oklahoma jail in lieu ol $2,000
Launched immediately, accord
ing to Sholes, will be extradition
proceedings to return Tule here
tor trial.
The report of Tate's refusal to
waive extradition was made m a
I telegram from the sheriff s office
ilj Sapulpu.
A hearing for 'J me, presumauiy
gram further advised.
1 Price
Harriet Hubbard
2.50 Value
Formula Capsules
Second in Series
Commissioner Andrews Answers
Dependency Deduction Qustions
Editor's note: This Is the sec
ond of five special urlh-lcs writ
ten by the top revenue official
to help taxpayers make out their
' federal returns. This one takes
up various questions about ex
emptions, By T. COl.K.MAN ANDUKVtS
Commissioner Of Interna) Revenue
Written For I nlli-d Press .
tax law has raised a number of
questionings on deductions a tax
payer may make from his Income
for his wife and his dependents
A survey of fntemal Revenue
Service offices Indicates these
three questions ure the favorites:
May 1 claim exemption for a de
pendent who earns money ol his
How about my wife, if she earns
May I claim extra exemptions
for dependents who are aged or
Each Individual taxpayer is en
titled to at least -one $600 exemp
tion, for himself (or herself). An
additional $600 exemption is a!
lowed if the taxpayer is 65 or
older. Still another $600 exemption
is allowed if the taxpayer is blind.
The rules on exemption allow
ances for a spouse (husband of
wife) are different from those for
a dependent (a near relative or
a member of your household).
Joint Return Clarified
If a husband and wife file a
joint. return, they may claim both
of their $600 personal exemptions,
or a total of $1,200. Each may
also add exemptions for age or
blindness if he or she qualifies
up to a total of $.1,600 in exemp
tions for the couple. (The courts
say you become a year older on
the day before your birthday, so
if your 65th birthday was on Jan
1, 1955, you may legally claim to
have been 65 on Dec. 31, 1954.)
If a husband files a separate
tax return, he may claim htsVvife s
exemption only If she had no in
come and was not supported by
another taxpayer such as her fa
ther. If she had income and files
a separate return, she claims her
own exemption and her husband
must not claim it. Nor can she
claim his, of course.
The status of your marriage on
the last day of the year is the de
termining factor for exemption pur
poses. If you were man and wife
on Dec. 31, you are considered
to have been married all year. The
same rule applies If you were'dl-
vorced or legally separated as of
Dec. 31 you are single for the
entire year for income tax pur
New Rules Outlined
Thee are new rules on iho fax
liability of a husband or wife whose
spouse died during the year, or
during the two preceding years.
I shal 'descrihe them Juter in this
article: - , ;
Dependents are not ,the same as
spouses. They never count for more
than one exemption apiece on your
lax return. One dependent equals
you. Age nd vision affect the ex
emptions of spouses but make no.
difference in the case of depend1
(Mils. V
Question: May I claim two ex
Prncrnni's 7 Crown I a rare
roiuhinution of KICHSESS...
1 1. II (IK...K.(K)'.K.SS...ilf
u-ithout u friit-e o nem-inr.j
Thei-e charartemtirs muife if
. . . and A-eep il . . . America'
Sure favorite year after year!
llwX year
Say Seagram
emptions (two times $600; or
$1,200) for supporting my mother,
who is 70?.
Answer: No, just one.
For a person to qualify as your
dependent, you must provide more
than half of his or her support
(except in a situation where sev
eral people support one person bul
no one provides more than half
Ihe support, which is explained in
die third paraghaph below). The
dependent must be closely related
lo you, or be a member of your
household living In your home.
A dependent must have less than
$600 income of his own, unless he
is a child of yours (including a
stepchild or legally adopted child)
who is under 19 years old, or is
a student. Expressed another way:
A child under 19 or a student may
earn $600 or more and still qualify
as your dependent, if you provide
more than half of his support.
Students Must File
Even though you may claim him
as a dependent, if this child or
sludent earns $600 or more he must
file a return himself. He may claim
his own personal exemption. Thus,
in sueh.cases, the child or student
will qualify as two exemptions;
once on his own return and once
on yours.
When several people combine to
provide more than half the sup
port for another person, one of the
supporters may claim the support
ed person as a dependent, if the
others agree In writing. Any one
of the supporters may claim the
dependency, as long as he con
tributed more than one-tenth of the
support, and the dependent is
closely related or a member of his
The 1S5-1 ta xlaw provides new
benefits for surviving widows and
widowers who are still supporting
their children, and for unmarried
persons (divorced, legally sepa
rated, widowed or never married)
who are supporting parents or
other near relatives.
If your spouse died last year,
you may file a joint return just
OS if the spouse were still living,
provided you did not remarry be
fore the end of the year.
If your spouse died in 1953 or
1952, and you meet other specified
conditions, you may qualify as a
"surviving spouse, split your in
come in halt and pay the tax on
each half, just as if you were filing
a joint return. You may not, how
ever, take exemptions or deduc
tions for the deceased spouse.
Head Of Household
The new benefits for an unmar
ried head 'of the household are
based on a table of lower tax
rates applicable to their income.
It works out to about halt the in
come-splitting benefits enjoyed by
married couples filing jointly.
To qualify as "head of house
hold" you must be unmarried or
legally separated as of the last day
of the year. You may claim this
special status if you are providing
mofe thap half the maintenance
ol a home for your dependent fa-1
Ihef or mother,, even though it is
Hot' Vour own home.
You also are entitled to "head
status -if you are providing more
than null Ihp maintenance of your
own home, and if vour home is
Forest Tree Seed
Study Underway
At Oregon State
A new research project at Ore
gon State college is designed to
directly benefit users of forest
tree seed grown and harvested in
ihe Pacific Northwest.
The project, financed partly by
u $3275 grant from the Forest Pro
lection and Conservation Commit
tee of Oregon, aims at setting up
standards and determining propel
methods for testing germination
and purity of forest tree seeds
Seeds for the study have been con
:ributed by members of the North
west Forest Tree Seed committee.
Work will be done in OSC's re
search seed laboratory under the
direction of Dr. Melbourne C.
Parker, farm crops agronomist.
Parker says increased harvest
ng of tree seed in this area and
increased buying and selling o!
seed in interstate artd internation
al commerce makes an improved
testing program necessary. The
seed is usd for re-forestation by
state and federal forest services,
timber companies, private tree
farms and for the growing of nurs
ery stock. Oregon and Washing
ton are the major coniferous tree
seed producing slates.
Part of the project will be de
voted to methods of storing forest
tree seed. Storage is a serious
problem, Parker says.
He explains that the price of tree
seed may range from a few dol
lars per pound in good seed years
to 25 cents per pound in poor
years. In good seed years when
the crop is large and there is more
seed than is needed, labor costs
go down, supply is greater, and
the price consequently goes down.
In a poor year, when the crop is
too small to take care of the
needs, the price goes up. Storing
seed in the good crop years would
tend to stabilize prices and help
provide enough seed even in poor
seed crop years.
Problems in storing forest tree
seeds, according to Parker, lie In
keeping seeds under proper tem
peratures and low moisture con
At present, the OSC seed labora
tory is one of the few in the na
tion offering germination and pur
ity tests on coniferous tree seeds.
Winter Returns
To High Cascades
Winter returned to the Oregon
Cascades early this morning, with
light snow reported falling on all
passes and with plows operating
Motorists were advised to carry
U. S. Highway 97 was bare south
from Bend through the higher
country, but later in the morning
heavy snow flurries were reported
from the Lava Butte area.
Spots of ice were reported on
the Willamette highway in the
early morning hours.
the principal residence of a de
pendent who is related to you, or
of your unmarried child, grand
child or stepchild even though ho
or she is not your dependent (with
certain qualifications).
after year
be Sure
Ix-Bend. Student
In Germany
Special to The Bulletin
AUGSBURG, Germany First
I.t. John D. Sampels, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Howard D. Sampels,
Route 3, Bend, Ore., recently par
ticipated in an Army winter train
ing maneuver in southern Ger
many with the 5lh Infantry Divi
sion. Lieutenant Sampels, whose wife.
Mary, is with him in Germany, is
a platoon leader in headquarters
company of the division's 11th
Regiment. He has been in Europe
since September 1952.
The 24-year-old soldier is a for
mer student at Bend high school.
Bert H. Cole
Funeral Friday
Funeral services will be held at
10 a.m. at the Niswonger-Winslow
chapel for Bert II. Cole, 47, who
died Monday evening after a hos
pitalization. He has been a Bend
-sident 28 years, and has been in
ill health for some time. .
Rev. Dean Poindexter will offi
ciate at the funeral. Burial will
be in Greenwood cemetery.
Garden Tool
Set, Reg. 89c
Husky set of heavy steel pro
tected by durable enamel. Big
Q ii 111. In niveau. Includes
gardening and transplanting
trowels ana cultivator, rnceu
for this sale only.
5.95 Ecko
V..1 1 . .. 1.... fnn . I.
SpriiiR Sale. Vi qt. Vanadium
stainless steel with radiant
2.69 Night Latch
Reversible latch In heavy Iron
case. With slide knob for hold
ing latch retracted. Z keys.
Reg. 2.29 Wood
Step Stool Only
Handv and safe for so many
constant household activities;
cleaning, curtain hanging, win
dow cleaning or needing some
thing from that high shelf.
Strong wood with steel rods
reinforcing the steps.
Houn 8-8 Weekdays Sundays 9-4:30
253 E. Greenwood Phone 775
Dulaney Rites Pianned Monday
Special to The Bulletin
REDMOND Funeral services
for James A. Duianey, 66, of
Warm Springs will be held Mon
day at 2 p.m. from the Zacher
mortuary chapel in Madras. Bu
rial will follow in the IOOF ceme
tery there. Rev. D. L. Penhollow
will officiate.
Mr. Dulaney is survived by his
wife, Lela Ann, four daughters,
six or seven sons, 14 grandchil
dren and one great-grandchild He
was a farmer in the Warm Spring::
area, moving there with his family
in 1943 from Mountain Grove, Mo.
He was born in that community
May 3, 18S8.
His children are daughters Mrs.
Bessie Clark of Yakirna, Mrs. E'.la
Nye, Puyallup, Wash., Mrs. Doris
McDermott, Madras, and Miss
Ethel Dulaney, Warm Springs.
Firemen answered a general
alarm shortly before noon yester
day at the home of Walter H. Mey
er, 328 Sisemore, where fire flared
in the wall behind the kitchen
stove. Some damage was report
ed by firemen who cut into the
wall and quickly extinguished the
flames, Owner of the house is Da
vid Grimes, according to fire de
partment reports.
14-Tooth Bow
Rake, Reg. 2.49
2.98 Spading Fork 2.64
3.49 L. H. Shovel 2.64
Most popular of steel rakes for
general use, extremely low
priced. 14-Iil width with four
teen 2(4 in. teeth. Sturdy Ash
handle. Head finished with
protective enamel. While they
last, priced for this sale only.
49c Burner Bibs
Foil protectors for the burner
wells on electric ranges. Re
duces soilage and protects. Re
flect heat. Set of 5.
2.80 Bskc Tire
Balloon tire for 26 in. wheels,
with famous U.S. Royal chain
all-direction tread, tang wear
ing. x-s?sJ flu.
Reg. 1.19 Rubber
Covered Drainer
Roomy drainer with resllent
rubber covering that reduces
the wear on dishes. Won't
peel, chip nor become rancid;
stays bright. Choice of colors
while tile supply lasts at our
Spring Sale price.
Surviving sons are Woodrow,.
Warm Snrings; James, Ray and
Roy in Metolius; Walter, of Yak
ima and John in Salem. A son,
Floyd, was with Dulaney about 1
a.m. Monday when their car left
highway 26 and plunged into the
Deschutes river about a mile east
of Rainlww courts near Warm
Springs. The father was drowned
and his son, Floyd, was also be
lieved to have drowned in Ihe
Zacher Mortuary' is handling fu
neral arrannfmeiits fur the elder
Sleep, Play
In Comfort
Without Nagginsr Backache
Nanking backache, loss of pep ami energy,
headaches and dizziness may be due to slow
down of kidney function. Doctors say good
Kidney function in very impoitant to good
health. When some everyday condition, such
as Btreas and strain, causes thin important
function toslow down, many folks suffer nag
ring backache-feel miserable. Minor blad
der Irritations due to cold or wrong diet may
Cause getting up nights or frequent passu gea.
Uon't neglect your kidneys if these condi-
vixiid wiiin you. j ry uoatl S I'lllS a hllld ill
uretic It's amazing how many times Doan's
help the 16 miles of kidney tubes and tillers
flufch out waste. Ask for new, lurge, economy
lize and save money. Get Doan's Pills toduyl
League Bdl
Inexpensive base ball for lusty .
young players. Tough plastic
cover with red simulated stitch
ing. 1.00 Yale Lock
Heavy die cast case in alumi
num finish for weather pro
tection. Strong steel .shackle.
Nylon Wall Brush
Genuine Dnpont nylon tipped
and flagged for smooth paint
ing. Comfortable handle.
Reg. 8.95 Large
Pick-Up Cart
The Spring Sale price Is low
for a cart of this size and
sturdiness. 2 S4 eu. ft capaci.
ty. 18x27 in. body top size. 10
In. rubber tired wheels are
bronze bearing bushed for
easy rolling, ( old rolled steel
body tilts to ground for easy
loading. Durable enamel finish.