The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, March 09, 1955, Page 5, Image 5

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    The Band BuBtHrt. Wednesday, March 9, 195$
Here and There
Changes Hands
Ranger Tom Greathouse of the The creative writing group spon
Crescent district, Deschutes Na- sored by the Bend branch of
tional forest, has been named to American Association of Univer-
attend a training conference at the sity Women . will meet Friday
Hemlock ranger station near Car
son, Wash., later this month, it
was announced from the local for
est office today.
A girl was born this morning at
St. Charles Memorial hospital to
Mr. and Mrs. Orval E. Johnson
Jr., 1904 W. 2nd street. The baby
weighed 8 pounds, one ounce, and
has been named Linda Marie.
The Bend Soroptimist club will
have a regular luncheon meeting
Thursday noon, in the Pine Tavern
dining room.
Mrs. M. R. Isted was a visitor
here yesterday from her home in
Mrs. John Richardson of Cross
Keys, in Jefferson county, was a
visitor in Bend Tuesday. She was
accompanied by her cousin, Mrs.
Jean Hoffel, of LaGrande.
Items to be sold in the rummage
sale to be held by the Oregon
State Mothers club will be collect
ed Thursday afternoon and eve
ning in the Burich building on
Minnesota avenue. The sale will
be held there Friday and Satur
day from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Helen Louise Elster was among
70 full-time students at Lewis and
Clark college on the honor roll for
the fall and winter semester, ac
cording to news from the Port
land campus. She is the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Waldron
of Bend.
Rev. Wayne Mctz of Vale and
Rev. Albert Allen of Canyon City,
both former Bend residents, were
here Tuesday for a conference of
Episcopal clergy from the eastern
Oregon diocese.
George Churchill's pattern danc
ing group will meet Thursday at
8 p.m. at the Tumalo grange hall
Visitors in Bend yesterday in
cluded Miss Maiy Johns of Pen
dleton, a sister of Miss Helen
Johns, Deschutes county librarian
in Bend a number of years ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Rondy Bragg, 1380
Stanton road, Prineville, are par
ents of a girl born Tuesday at St.
Charles Memorial hospital. The
baby weighed 7 pounds, 6 ounces
March 11, at 8 p.m. at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tuttle,
221 Kansas avenue. Dwight B.
Newton will act as chairman for
the evening, and Tuttle will lead
the discussion, on the art of writ
ing poetry. He teaches a creative
writing class at Central Oregon
college. Everyone interested in
creative writing is invited to at-
iena me meeting, it was an
Mrs. Lauren S. Kimsey, former
ly a Bend resident and now of
Pendleton, is visiting friends here
today. She will return to her home
tomorrow morning.
Bargains Galore
at the
Brooks Ha'l
OPEN Thurs. & Fri.
1 to 5 p.m.
Men's, Womens, Children's
" Clothing, Shoes"
Range Phase
Of BB Class
Is Underway
The twenty-four members of the
B-B gun class jointly sponsored by
the recreation and police depart
ment moved last, night to the ar
mory for the on-range phase of
their instruction.
Next meeting of the class, made
up of youngsters between the ages
of eight and twelve, will wind-up
this session of B-B gun training,
Police Chief John T. Truett said
this morning.
Truett is instructor of the fire
arms training program, recently
inaugurated by the two city de
Final session of the .22 rifle
training program for older boys
will be held this Thursday in the
armory. This class, made up of
26 boys aged 12 to 15, moved
lo the armory for actual firing
and marksmanship training
last Thursday.
A new class to get underway as
soon as the present two classes
are completed is one for women
Truett reported that six women
have so far registered for the
Registration continues at the po
lice station. The chief said that
the course is open to all women
above 15 years of age.
Registrants tor the women s
course must furnish their own .22
' rifle ammunition, the chief said
The current classes for boys is
the second round of fire instruction
given in the city by Truett. Some
j 130 boys graduated from fire arms
classes cunuuciua earner uns
year. .
Preliminary to moving to the
rang in the armory, lectures on
safety and proper firearms hand
ling are given by Truett in the
commission room of the cily hall.
M! 'm, match 'm, lov i lLjfoHr t3.?5
"tm . . . th tooion'i nweit, . J " ' y'
tmarttlt colon inTopsail Sail- , 1 , V
cloth accented by the white f,'-," fc 1 CLA
bound buttonhole trim turn yVtw ' ' ' ftf fli y
you out for your leiiure fmlfcP$n&vtff fl I
,h. price, ... oo la , S ftjk -Jfj HlffU
la . . . they're J Tl
cmailngly low. JJi SHORTS, $3.95
j . & . Geranlur
If Orange
J Grey
Navy '
Vie Smart Shop
Special to The Bulletin
LAPINE New owners of the
LaPine hardware and sporting
goods store have taken over its
active management. The two, Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Wellman from Sa
lem, purchased the store from Mr.
and Mrs. David Adrian earlier this
month. The Wellmans said they
planned no change in the name
or policies of the store. They will
operate the state liquor store; lo
cated in their building.
Moving from Salem with the
Wellmans was Mrs. Carl Budeau
who will tie flies for the sports
department of the store.
Previous owners of the store.
Mr. and Mrs. Adrian, said they
have no immediate plans for the
future. On selling the store, they
moved from living quarters there
to a new home.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schoenborn
visited friends and relatives in
Mulino last weekend.
, Robert Coffelt of Roscbure is
visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Nor
man Coffelt and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Staton and
family of Madras visited Mrs
Staton's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Wayne ElMott, over last wekend
Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Stolberg
had as weekend guests Mr. and
Mrs. D. J. Metzcr and family of
Eugene and Mrs. Alice Matteson
Mi's. Matteson is mother of Mrs.
Stolberg and Mrs. Metzer.
Local residents who attended the
Pacific Coast Championship bas-
kerball tournament at Corvallis
over the weekend included Beverly
Peterson, June James, Keith Rus
sell. Bud Guddat, and James and
Michael Harris. .
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Larson drove
their son Richard to Corvallis
Sunday. Richard is a student at
Oregon State college.
Mrs. R. H. ' Holmes. Sr. recently
received a 10 weeks old Basenji
oupnv from the Phcmister kennels
in Kingston, Mass. The pup was
shipped by air express. This
marked the first lime a Basenji
had been sent by the kennels to
the Pacific Coast area. The pup's
name is Phemister Joshua.
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Holmes, Sr.
fished at Klamath lake last week
end. They found fishing from the
shore poor, but good from a boat.
Mullet and trout were caught.
Mr. and Mrs. K. Bruhn and
their children, Pete, Shannon, Har
old and Peggy, were weekend
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Karol Gil-
Date of the high school play has
been changed to March 25.
Flash of the "city-buster" atomic
bomb triggered recently at Yuc-
Ffat, Nev. was observed here
by Mr. and Mrs. Siguard Askviken-
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Ishmael
were in Paisley on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Saunders
and sons Gary and Lawrence of
Prineville were guests Saturday
and Sunday at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Welborn Parker. Saun
ders is Mrs. Parker's brother.
Other guests this past week at
Hie Parker home included their
daughter, Patricia, a registered
nurse in Bend; Cant, and Mrs
Leonard DeWitt, Ford Ord. Calif..
and Mrs'. DeWitt's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W. D. Duncan.
A group of about 2-1 met at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Ferns Saturday evening for square
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Six Youths Off
For Army Duty
Five volunteers from Central
Oregon and a transfer from Ark
ansas left today for Portland for
induction into the U.S. Army,
The five mid-Oregon boys who
volunteered for army service are
Leland E. Wing, Norman K.
Holmes, Raymond M. Carpenter
and R. Neil Wilson, Madras, and
David A. Grldley, Redmond.
Farrell -E. Tucker left from
Prineville, as a transfer from a
selective service board in Arkan-
Dog License
Charges Faced
The first Bend area resident of
the year to be cited Into local jus
tice court for failing to buy a cur
rent dog license for his pet paid
a $14.50 fine Tuesday. He was
Melvin Jacobson, route 1, box 345.
Justice of the Peace O. W.
Grubb reported this morning that
several other dog owners have
been cited to appear In his court
by County Dog Warden Jess Smith.
Deadline for the purchase of dog
licenses was Feb. 28.
George Gunderson recently par
chased a garage here and found in
it 25 sets of unused kerosene lamps
for 1914 Model T Fords. He is open
to bids. ........
Mil-liT'l'illF MlUie-iW
GAL WITH AN "ANCLE" Eleven-year-old Anita Jean Sigler
gets her neck-to-thigh cast autographed in an Indianapolis, Ind.,
hospital. The cast, which keeps Anita leaning in a 45-degree
angle, except when she's in bed, is being used to correct a spine
curvature condition. Signing the cast is Nurse. Mary Milburn.
By United Press
Trading in calves was active
today. ..-,:;(
Cattle 400; market uneven; gen
erally steady except canner-cutter
cows mostly 5pc lower; few lot
good and low choice fed steers 22
22.50; few lots unsold; utility
steers down to 13; few utility-low
commercial heifers 12-17; canner-
cutter cows mostly 9-10.50; few to
11; , few utility cows 12-13, some
held higher;, few utility-commer
cial bulls 14-15.50 with heavy bulls
up to 16 and 16.50; cutter and
daily type bulls down to 12 or
Calves 65; market active; good
choice vealers 23-30; culls down to
10; good around 400-450 lb. calves
Hogs 300; market less active but
early sales about steady; choice
1-2 butchers 180-235 lbs. 18.50-19;
choice 3 lots down to 18; heavier
and lighter weights mostly 17;
few 158 lbs. 17.50; choice 350-500
lb. sows 15-16.
Sheep 100; scattered sales
steady; one lot choice 105 lb., fall
shorn lambs 21.50; few good-
choice 81 lb. 20; good-choice feed
ers 17.50-18.50; good - choice 180
190 lb. slaughter ewes 8, lighter
weights to 8.50 ,
Cattle Blamed
In Damage Suit
A band of roving cattle is
blamed for damages amounting to
more than $900 In a suit brought In
local circuit court Tuesday by R.
H. Holmes against Cameron Neff,
Holmes alleges In his complaint
that cattle under Neff's charge
twice smashed across fences into
his ranch and trampled and ate
hay and crops.
Holmes said the cattle caused
damages of $452 the first time they
crashed his fence, and $470 the
second time.
The first incident, according to
Holmes' complaint, occurred in
the spring of 1953, the second in
June of last year.
Holmes ranch is located in
Klamath county.
36 Piece
PORTLAND (UP) Potatoes:
Oregon Russets No. 1A 4.254.50;
No. 1 hakers 5-5.50; bales 5-10 lbs.
2.50-2.75; 10 lb. mesh 35-49c; No.
2, 50 lbs. 1.25-1.35 a 01b. sack;
crop Fla. Round Red No. 1A 3.50
3.60 for 50 lbs.
Bend Hospital
Kooert Ken, three-year-old son
of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Keil, 741 E.
Norton avenue, was admitted
Tuesday afternoon to St. Charles
Memorial hospital.
The following were dismissed:
Mrs. Evelyn. Ncwby, Bend; Wil
liam Hankins, Prineville; Mrs.
Harold Campbell, Redmond; Carl
Larson, Sisters. ,, .
.Mrs. Gayiord Wallace, LaPine,
and infant daughter, were released
today from the maternity floor.
PellthliMI ftoniMt
Vkm tkctrK Drill with
OtroMypi Drill Chvck
Screwdriver Aiiatt
Convonllsrusl Sll
HNd Had
Phllllp-tYP Uad
Allen Wrciutt
Auxiliary Handle
Herliental Drill Stand
-Piece Adopter Set
Melded lubber Dim
4 Alloy Sleel Twhl
DilIU (!" la 14")
IS AtMfted SoocUna
Bearer-Type fatal
Orindlncj Wheel
Wire Bruin
Sturdy Mel el. Carry
ing Caie
Has expensive
gear-type chuck . . .
change bits easier
Both a power screw
driver and electric
drill kit
All for One low Prfc
Regular $34,s Value
S & H Green Stamps ' 1
916 Wall Street
Phone 860
We Will Give
You '60
Pay only $2.83 par wkv
Check Our
Deal ...
flit: fUSJte'
Because only Ey'i
Rmmlntor Action thor
oughly washes all the
clothe to ott parte of
tubl And only Ef
1-nm.fiUtelu autamatie
special washing cycles for
both Regular and Fine
Regularly $289.95
with trad
only $2.83 par weak
KnnH HiirnlhirA'
II Jt- I V Mi UlllllUtl
j 930 Wo
A damage suit asking $557 was
Ciled In local circuit court Tues
day by C. S. Williamson against
Marvin Russell.
Williamson alleges in his com-
olaint that Russell owes him $350
Inr the lease oi a bulldozer and
$207 for repairs.
By United Press
Eggs prices went up a cent to
day. Eggs To retailers: Grade AA
large, 51c doz; A large 49-50c doz; j
A medium 50c; medium, 48
19c: small 43-15c; cartons, l-3c
Butter To retailers: A grade
prints, 66c lb; cartons 67c; A
prints, 66c; carlons, 67c; A prints,
66c; cartons. 67c; B prints, 6-lc.
Cheese To retailers: A grade
cheddar, Oregon singles, 12,i-45,-a
5-lb. loaves, 49'2&lcP 'a-.cesrdeos
5-lb. loaves, 46''-491'ic. Processed
American cheese, 5-lb. loaf, 39'j
41c lb.
retail fair
n nc
just .UJ for
modern black-legged
by .
For Smoother Smarter
Serving use gay Trayeltes!
Choose from many beauti
ful patterns to make your
parties outstanding. The
slender rubber-tipped
legs .are of sturdy welded
tubular steel . . . lots of
knee room too.
I Geod Neutekeeeing j
trade pric tVl
this ht m lilJ
rrt MX
Card fortiM
EASY-TO-USE. EASYTQ STORB, with its own handy rack
A.C. Stipe Furniture Co.
. if . i fl rV-:'j
By Kimberly
lust received at MaiinheimerH . . . the new Spring Knits by Kim
In a glorious array of flower-like colors. Beautifully
hand finished and hand loomed of the most precious chiffon
wool yarns in slightly flared skirt styles with box or fitted Jack
els. Sizes 10 to 16 In green gold, chalk white, pelal pink, angel
blue, Mexicans red, navy, foast and sand.
Priced from $35.00 to $69.95
Also a fine wli-cllou of one piece styles In this collection.
Tfl-n fun-h p i nrLaJiL
"The Fashion Center of Bend"
ft' ' '
. 'V-v :' .t
J'"4 .."511
821 WaH
Phone 100