2a Th Bend Bulletin, Thursday March 3. 1955 These Recipes Demonstrate . co Versatility WO Cottage chouse Is one ol our , most vorsatile foods when it comes ; t preparing nourishing, appetiz- ingameals day after day. Although ' It Is most popular as a salad part ner for fruits and vegetates, cot- tage cheese also makes delicious .main djshes, appetizers and des J sers. ; Cottage "cheee contains many ,!of the food, essentials of milk, which makes it a very nutritious I food. One half cupful of cottage ' cheese supplies as much high qual i it protein as a serving of meat. If"is economical to use for it gives maximum food value for mini mum, cost and there is no waste To Illustrate the versatily of cot- tage cheese in preparing tost; dishes, here are three recipes; a salad, a main dish, and a dessert. Each is a flavor treat. - ' Pineapple Party Salad '' (Serve 10) 1 pkg. lime gelatin ! rlkg. lemon gelatin f cups hot water '; .1 cup sour cream 1 No. 2 (214 cups) crushed ' pineapple 1 cup small curd cottage heese i -lup sliced stuffed olives cup chopped walnuts Add gelatin to hot water and stir until dissolved. Add contents ,;of can of pineapple. Cool, then stir In sour cream, cottage cheese, olfvs and nuts. Pour into a 2 i quart ring mold or other mold and cniu. bervo with mayonnaise. " . Cottage Cheese Patties i , (Serves 4) ' I smail onion '. 3 small green pepper 1 large carrot Several springs parsley 2 cups soft bread crumbs 2 cups creamed cottage cheese JMkr paprika .J4tsp, pepper " ' ' ' 1 tsp. salt .,-' ',4 cup milk ; i " ; ' 2 Tbsp. water ' J&ckcr or cereal crumbs , 7 Tbsp. butter ' Grate onion, pepper and carrot very fine; chop parsley very fine; icrumble bread. Mix- vegetables witty, cottage cheese; add srason ' ingft breadcrumbs end mix, then stir In milk, Mix well, then shape nto patties. Heat egg up with water. Dip patties in egg, then in finely rolled crumbs. Melt butter in skillet and fry patties quickly on both sides. Serve with broiled tomatoes. ' Raspberry Cheese Cake (Serves 6 to I) VA cups Zwieback "crumbs 2 Tbsp. sugar 3 Tbsp. melted butter V4 cup sugar 2 Tbsp. flour M tsp. salt VA cups cream cheese cheese '4 . cup cream 2 eggs separated 1 tsp. vanilla 2 cups fresh or frozen raspberries . Combine crumbs, sugar and but ter. Blend well and press evenly nto a buttered 9-lnch cake or spring form pan reserving 54 cup mixture for top. Blend BUgar, salt and flour and beaten yolks. Fold in stiffly beaten egg whites and vanilla. Turn into crumb crust and bake at 325 degrees F. for 45 min- utes. Cool. Serve with whipped cream and raspberries. Aqerola Juice Is High in Vitamin C A new vitamin C-enriched apple Juice Is packed with nutntlon tiewj Each 4-ounce can contains J-efroshlng breakfast beverage Jhais four per cent juice of the tcf&'a .bnrry. Accrola is a Puerto Iltiemi fruit .whose cherry-like ber ry, is scientifically reported to con JtaiiMO times more vitamin, C thun cringes. J The chilled juice has a fresh ap jile taste. No trace of the acerola lavor Is detected. That little can Jot strained juice contains enough vitamin C for a baby's full duily Jieeds. ; Tl vitamin content of these tropical, berries was discovered in J945 by Dr. Conrado F. Asenjo. 'Dr. Asenjo, who studied bio-chem-Jstry at the University of Wiscon sin Jnd University of Chicago, is lowjiead of biochemistry and mi' jtritRRt at the University of Puerto I In 1919 Harvey Greenspan, pros- Ident of the BiB Corporation J)f Florida, decided to spend sev -prarvonrs Hovelonlni' a coniinrr- rlCi)lantntlon of the scai-ce nce i'olar" trees in -order to produce enough berries to uso in canned .baby fruit juices, Uiut lack or arc low in vilumln C. Ijiter Greenspan 'built, a canning plant in Puerto lUco. " TUs month the first of the ace rolanriclu'd Juices will bo put on the American market. They carry ."the American Medical Associa tion's seal o( approval. Only ap-j)le-r)ulce with ncerola will be aVuTJible at firat. Shortly, how Vve there will be pineapple Juice, nntruter tomato and pear juice. TJItiniately neeiula mny be used to add vitlmin C to soft drinks. - TU' fact that acerola's extrnord Jnary vitninin C content can now lieliscd In juices lacking or low in vitamin C without changing tl.e wasn t toing to cut the grass. Jlavrfr, is an important slep for-'lie had taken the mower outside uu-d in American nutrition. to adjust It. Broadway's Best Likes Sole Fillets Fish, skillfully prepared, is won derful eating. Ever enjoy fillets of sole served on asparagus cn toast with a subtly cheese-flavored sauce over it all? Sole Mornay on asparagus is No. 1 on the list of favorite fish ' dishes of David Wayne, voted "Best Actor on Broadway." Bora in Michigan, Wayne loves New York because of its wide va riety of fish and shellfish." Of course, he works in New York, too, as Sakinl in "Teahouse of the August Moon" and also as "Nor- by", on television. His wife, son, twin daughters and he ottcn enjoy bouillabaisse and finnan haddie with egg-caper sauce. So let's look in on the Duvid Wayne fish-loving household. Solo Moniny on Asparagus (Makes 3 to 4 iMtrvliigH) Mornay Sauce: Two tablespoons butter or margarine, 2 tablespoons flour, 1 cup milk, Yi cup gralcd Parmesan cheese, '4 teaspoon suit, dash pepper. In top ot double boiler over di rect heat melt butter or margarine mrstn" in' flour. Gradually add milk. Cook, stirring constantly, until sauce thickens, about 5 min utes. Add cheese and continue stirring lightly until cheese is melted. Dilute with a little milk or cream, if necessary. Add sea sonings. Place over hot water and keep hot while asparagus and sole are being prepared. Asparagus and Solo; One pack age frozen asparagus, 1 pound sole fillets, fresh or frozen (or other white-meated fillets), 4 slices buttered toast. Cook asparagus according to di rections on box. In the meantime, poach fillets In half a cup of water about 5 minutes (10 to 35 if fillets are frozen) or until fish flakes easily when tested with a fork. Place asparagus on toast, fish on nsparagus, top with Mornay sauce. Slide under broiler und brown for a minute or two, TOMORROW'S DINNER; Have grapefruit, fillets of sole Mornay on asparagus, parsley boiled po tatoe balls, crusty rolls, butter. mixed green salad, oil and lemon juice, apple turnovers, hurd sauce, coffee, tea, milk. QUICK MUFFIN TREAT These delicious fruit-filled muffins will make a hit with the family. Wheat Muffins Are Easily Made Here's a recipe for fruit-filled quick wheat muffins that can be ready to place in the oven to bake in seconds. And, the wonderful nut-like wheat aromu that will fill the kitchen just urges everyone to hurrv lin when dinner's renrlv. ! They're made with instant-cooking wheat cereal. They're easy to mix, quick to bake, and they'll disap pear so fast you'll wish you'd made twice as many. If desired, 'A cup-well chopped canned peaches or 14 cup well drained crushed pineapple may be subsitutcd for the dales in the recipe. ' Fruit Muffins (Makes about 1!! medium muffins) Vk cups sifted flour . '4 cup sugar 3 tsp. baking powder 1 tsp. salt Vk cups Instant wheat cereal Mi cup chopped dates cup oil or melted Shortening 1 cfig . 2-3 cup (1 small can) undi luted evaporated milk 1-3 cup water Sift'' flour, sugar, baking powder and salt In bowl. Add cereal and dates. Bent oil, egg, milk and water together. Slowly add to dry Ingredients; stir lightly until just blended. Fill buttered muffin tins two.thirds full of muffin bat ter. Bake in hot oven (425 degrees F) about 15 to 20 minutes until golden brown. Serve at once. Water Resources Compromise Seen SALEM (UP)-Rpp. Hnrvey II. DeArmond, R-Bend, said today a rroiviprornise bill, on creation of a water resources board in 'Oregon was lx'ing worked out. A hearing on the original meas ure brought a flock of objections from irrigation district attorneys who said some provisions were unconstitutional. i DeArmond, chairman of a sub committee of the House Commerce rind Utilities Committee, was ap pointed ulong with Hep. Al Cor hctt, D - Portland, Allen Tom R ilufus, and Earl Hill, R-Cushmun, to work out objections with attor neys and Frank McColloch of Port land. McColloch headed the board which drew up the bill. -V ir V . "--wLi,.LI ' At'l'KOI'KIATK Tl'NK, TOKYO (UP) An earthquake shook Tokyo Tuesday while Pfii Pat. Sheridan was playing the tune "Love Can Cause nn Enrllinuake" o'er the Armed Forces Radio net work. . "That was Love Can Cause An Earthquake," Sheridan announced when the song ended. A second quake promptly jolted the city. PILGRIMS TO GASOLINE? PLYMOUTH, Moss. (UP) Should a house built in 1G27 by one of the Mayflower passengers lie torn down to make space for a 'tiling station? That Is the ques tion North, Plymouth residents luist answer. Edward Doty built Mie house Just seven years after 'he pilgrims landed here. Now a '!tisollne firm wants to use the site for a filling station. The baby hippopotamus weighs ibout 100 pounds at birth and can wim before it can walk. SHRIMP AND VEGETABLE CASSEROLE baked in a ring mold makes a beautiful and tasty party dish. These Texas Shrimp Dishes Are Extra-Special Recipes Down in Brownsville, Tex.is, deep in the shrimp country, the women ar proud of their special shrimp recipes. Mrs. Henry J. He hert developed a ring mold which she says her children and friends rave about. Mrs. Vergil Vcrsaggi, whose husband is a former presi dent of the Shrimp Association of the Americas, is mighty proud of her shrimp pilau. So how about having a Brownsville dinner to night? Shrimp-Vegetable- Casserole Baked ill King Mold (Makes 6 servings) Two pounds shrimp, fresh or frozen, '4 cup salad oil, "i cup chopped onion, 'ti cup chopped celery, 'A cup chopped green pep- cups day-old bread, 1 egg, 1 teaspoon salt, dash pepper, 'a cup buttered bread crumbs or cracker meal. Clean and devoin shrimp. Cook it in about 2 quarts salted water. Drain. Run through medium blade of food chopper or cut in small pieces. Heat salad oil and saute onion, celery ana green pepper. Best results are obtained !y cov ering and stirring from time to time, until mixture is "trans parent." Soak bread in water and squeeze out excess. Add to vegetables. Add shrimp, raw egg, salt, and popper and mix thoroughly. Put in but tered casserole or buttered ring mold. Top with buttered crumbs and bake about 15 minutes in moderate oven (.'150 degrees F.) Kill center of ring with frozen or canned peas. Shrimp l'llnu (Makes fl servings) Two pounds shrimp, fresh or fro zen, '4 cup cooking oil, '4 pound salt pori, cut in small pieces, medium green pepper, chopped fine, 1 small onion, minced, 1 No. 2 can tomatoes, 4 whole cloves, 1 teaspoon salt, dash pepper, Vis cups precooked rice. Clean and devoin shrimp, sprin kle with salt and set aside until needed. Heat oil and saute the salt pork with the green pepper and onion about 15 minutes, or un til pepper and onion are soft. Add tomatoes and 1 to 1'j cups cold water; add cloves and seasonings. Simmer for half an hour. To this mixture add the raw shrimp and and cook 5 minutes, then add the rice. Cook 10 minutes. TOMORROW'S DINNER: Try shrimp and vegetable casserolif baked in ring mold filled with peas, homemade or frozen French fried potatoes, crisp rolls, butter, raw carrot sticks, cucumber sticks, celery, canned apricots, prepared mix brownies, coffee, tea, milk. he did WAIIOO, Neb. (UP) Sheriff Joe Divis gave chase when be saw a youth leave a dance hall here, jump into his car and speed down the road. Divis said the young man told him he was dancing with a girl when a "big guy" tapped him on the shoulder and suggested lie leave in a hurry. No charges. IIOSK HAZARD MONTVILLE, Conn. (UP) Firemen fighting a house blaze were hard pressed for water. They discovered a nearby pond and un rolled their lines across rail road tracks and began pump ing. Minutes later a freight train passed and cut the hose. The house burned down. MOWER MOWED GORHAM, Mc. (UP) The temperature was near zero and the ground was covered with sev eral inches of snow when Hurry A. lloyt Jr., 31, gashed three toes with a power lawiimower. No, he i THE DIFFERENT HOT , CEREAL NOW BETTER THAN EVER I TODAY'S IMPROVED CARNATION INSTANT WHEAT b"22 Hf&JI "nation INSTANT -WHIAT D MEAT CO. One ol the most violent earth quakes even known, at New Ma drid, Mo., resulted not in destruc tion, but in the creation of Reel foot Lake which abounds with what has been called one of :he most teeming collections of wild life and vegetation in the world. MMfPflMHiaSiB BEN! The Working Men's Market Steer Beef Chuck POT ROA Lean Boneless BEEF ST Fresh Light SPARE Loin 3 J lb. Average PORK ROAST 4 I lb. Val Pack Skinless FRANKFURTERS 1 PINT KRAUT Both . For ib. 49' Val Pack SLICED BACOII ib. 42c Country Style Pork Sausage 3 ibs. l.S Bud Huston Phone 2 4 Free Deliveries Daily Joe George 933 Wall St. , .Only 2 me Day s To .Get Choice of Red, Pink, Yellow or Bi-Color. dc-Kvsred when you want them, ready to plant. ITU each ORDER of $10 or more thru Suii,Mar.6 Early Garden Freestone or Star Orchard Cling No. 2 cans $ 1 00 White Star ' Bite Size 3 csns $100 Walla Walla Cut Spears, 10-cz. Diamond-A, No. 303 Green Beans Hood River, No. 303 Applesauce $1. 5 fins 1.00 can 19c Frozen Pecs, Cut Corn, Chopped BroscsSi, Mixed Vegetebtos, SpSncscfo choke 6 pkgs. . s1.09 Rose Valley CHEESE lb. 39e Nescafe Instant COFFEE A'oz. $"3 49 Creamettes, Fine or Medium Macaroni or doodles 2 25' N.B.C. Waffle Cresx.1 Cookies or Pecnu Cream Pcf ties ehsice 2 for 43c Halo Shampoo Alka Seltzer Band Aids Crest Tooth Paste rviodess, large size 57c large size 54c large pkg. 49c econ. size 69c 12's 39c 48 $1.49 FREE tin of Ajax with 2 Bge. pkgs. 62c SOUP MSXES Noodle or Tomato Vegetable 3 pack Onion or Beef Vegetable pkg. "j yc Fresh Columbia River SLICED SALMON lb. jqc tirade Good Beef Pot Rosst Ib. 39c Svcss Steaks lb. 69c Fresh Oysters pint 69c Melrose Sliced Bacon lb. 4$c Smokces 12-ci. pkg. 49c APPLES Roman Beauties 2' ib, 29c Delicious Dox $ 79 Arizona White GRAPEFRUIT AVOCADOS CARROTS BANANAS 2 lb. box 2 for 2 bunches Ib 39c 25c 25c 19c riioiif- 3G0 - I i