r rsgyrff i i i . J rt-1 N)k - t I nisi. t--al 4k K -. U - -J I 1. . at. i nSRSSr' yx1 WtrrtWJM i r i Mil i i war - i it it jj 3-isjJ -irK vswfck. fc,iwj: K.SWN. a,.;, l 1- .(j- TV-Wjr. re.iSW WW.'--" ' HQ I 1 H I lfli.tf! WiT fir V.J II II -toPs 'ZTXJZittT. rrr.Tr.' SXlH mm . ... iAt -t- -i tivesHaV UM aaU. I t V-isT t-a. Is.-' V-xT , ll ; .i,s;jt.s:.z.i,. Ai, I -. . "' mT' r "n 1 The Bend Bulletin, Thursday, PHONE IN YOUR CLASSIFIED ADS THE BEND BULLETIN Jv'0 , to " , . ,., , . . . Autos Wanted ind tor Sale. Accessories. The Bend BulleUn IWeekly) lsOS-1031. Body Work. Service Bullous, etc. The Bend Lulletin (Daily) Eat. Hit BUSINESS SERVICES 40 to 70 Published Every Afterncon Except Sun- A,B""";"- BS'.ldi"- Cm5,Tt E,ctLlc day and Certain lloliuey. by Hie Bend f "BTU,Kylilir H""1 tC" .uljeun. 1M.iM B,nd.lHe,p wiL'tlrs? SituaUon. Br Mail In Ureson Three Montna $ 8.26 bix Monilu, 6.U0 tine Year ll.uu uy Hail uuume 01 urcgun Three Month ix Moitns . 6.6 U One- Year 12.UU Br Carrier One Month 9 1.25 fcix Months 7. &0 One Year 1&.U0 SINGLE COPY 6e Please notify un of y cliunce cf ad dreoH or failure to receive toe paper rtg umrly. All aubaonptions are DUB and PAY AiiLK N ADVANCE, BULLT1N COH RESPONDENTS Uadrau Boo Barber Riilmond Mrs. Martha Stranahan 1'nune 621 Plrineville Ma. Walter Struck 1'bone 73! Easwro Star Mra. Walu- Prlchard l'holi. 37-f-H fiiatra iiiu Serine Coval Phune 2nili Tumalu Mrm. A. L. Chrutoptier Phone 600-L Want Ad Rates and Information 4 times fo, tne rnce of 2. Ask about the rutett for udoed space and aililed iurtionii ; don't forget the even luwtr rate it you run your ad fur a full month. 7 times for the pricu of 6. Vtv-y Low Kutea fur Monthly Ads 1 i-i-4 6-6-'i Word . 1 lines 1 um Up to lb ..(, l.iU i4 tnru 18 1.00 Z.W 19 thru 2i 1.26 2.30 Z4 thru 26 l.iO ' 3.00 I'rtton: Canh or within 7 dnvu T,m5! B.67 4.20 6.60 PHOImE VOUK WANT ADS TO THE HKNU BULLETIN, PJ10NE 66 Arta rece:ved Lctore 1 p.m. will appear in tne 1't'Uowin tiny' a paper. The Bulletin reoervvs the Hjrht to clnamfy. edit ot; reject any wa-nt ad copy, and will be responsible lor only one in correct publication of any want ad. Full riueu iiulerUon of tie corrected adver- adjustment of error will be made by one; tiavmcnt. Want ads tn The Bulletin are arramceu for the benefit of the reiuler. and are classified inU the following itrouus: ' ANNO UNO EM.'iN'lS 1 to 15 Lost & Found, Meetings, Personals Spe cie! Nnticrs, etc. Legal Notice VALUABLE BUSINESS SITE The City of itet.71.onri, Dutiuhutes Coun ty, Oremtn hii for wile tiiipi'oxiniuetljr tlireif .') Hcrfu of jirtijjfity Icit-iiUHl on i Suiie Hivthuuy within iLri city limiU. The . property in less than a mile from the mum business di.striet of the City and would le iikal for 11 innU'l site or a low cifet liou.ii riK project. i There is presently lorntpd on paid prop cny six (6) buildings (20'sloiV) consist iiu' of twenty-four iZii livmx umui. The.ie liuiltlini;s were formerly u part of a CI. lltuifiiiti Unit. Adtiitioiuil inforniiition is available f mm the City Becorder upnn rtue.Ht. UUIs for the entire property w ill bo received by the underiunrd until the hour of 8:00 P.M. on the 22nd day of Maieh. l!'.rii and inimeiitely thereafter opened by the City Council. The council will consider reasonable, terms with adc qiiiite pecurity. The City ! Redmond reserves the right to reject any and all hiris. (S) EvRline Itiebhoff City Recorder Bedmond, Oregon 71-81-C Legal Notice NOTICE OP PUBLIC HEARING Pursuant to ORS 177.(113, notice in herrby jtiven th at a public hearinn; will be hold at C,ilrhiit, Oregon, on March 21, l!i.r,5 m limo A.M. for the purpose of proviiiinn all owncra of lands an oppor tunity to lie heard on m fitters pertalnintr to the bulletin it of nnnieyn i'eiiircil to dcrfny the cent of 'fire protection and sup-prifi-iion within the lnmt bine! if the Walk'.-r II n litre Pntnd Asntx'iatin. A copy of the tentative budget for the fire oih trict may lie inspected at the Walker R:tnire Patrol Association office, (Jilchriat, Oregon. ORECON STATE BOARD OF FORESTRY G. SPAUR, STATE FORESTER 74-80-C tz: I !jt? - - T:ri . " - rp"- 'x -sv GUESS WHAT as any one can sec, pictured above is a symbol of the western world's striving for peace, a futuristic sculpture entitled ""Hand of Peace." It's amonrj the new additions at the Biennial Art Exhibition in Venice. Italy, where 27 nations have perma nent pavilions dedicated to modern art. ItKI'OliMED (IT! SOIT ' WAYNKSIU.T.G. Pa. (IPl W.'i;. nosi'iiii; plirc r-.t iI today the ttmn's criminal element either has ivinnned or gone soft. First a heavy tombstone stolen ftom a monument torks several (Iv.'s auo tas n tr: nc 1 Tlien S-."H s' i!on Moorii.y :i!M from a local tiinUuic slore was lotlr.d at the si nc's rntran.-r w'vn employes re ported ior work Tuesday. Pl l.l. THE SI'HPU 8 THR(H (;H CLAS. KIHKP ADS. LAND. I.1VKSTOCK. MA. C1I1NKKY. ANYTHING. PHONE U FOR A blLLETlN AD-WK1TEK. March 3. 1955 7a Wanted, etc. FINANCIAL 90 to 98 Bua. Opportunities, Investments. Money to .Loan ett INSTRUCTION 100 to 101 Homo Instruction, Schools, Special Clas- LIVESTOCK A PETS 110 to 119 Cattle & Home. Poultry A Rabbits PeU. etc MISCELLANEOUS 121 to 169 " Appliances, tarm ProducU, Fuel & Wood. Mirfc i-'or Svle and Wanted, etc RENTALS ItiU to 169 Apartment, Homca, Kouou. Wante U- Kent, etc HEAL ESTATE 170 to 188 Houses, Farm nd Rancbea, Lots A Ajreitea For Sttle. etc 1 Lost and Found 2l""LOST: Ea.t edKe of" Bend. Black feeder iik. Jim uardner. Burna 91 302. Kiley, Ore. Phone LOST: Lucht Kreen Parakeet If found return to Texaco Terrace Service Sta tion, S. 3rd, or call 1265-J. Ueward. LOST: GUERNSEY Cow in Tumalo Di trict. Phone 17.r0 after 4 o'clock. 1 1 Personals Notices ll you full to receive your Bend Bulletin by 6:30, Tele phone 66 unci a copy will be sent you by special carrier. alcoholics" ANONYMOUS can help you overcome your drinking problem. Attend meeting Friday night 8:t0, Epis copal Church or write P.O. Box 181, Bend. "OLD AT 40, 60. 60 7 MAN I You're crazy I Thousands iieppy at 70. Oritiex Tonic Tablets pep up bodies lacking iron. For rundown feeling many men. women calj "old". Get-acausinted size only 0c. At all rirUKinl In Bend, UKANDIS THRIFT WISE. """"A .Pj'T uby, K?l jch IMIg. Mmncatita Ave. 9:30 A.M. 26 TiresRepuir & Recap 670 X 15 BECAPS on low as $6.75. with nation-wide Boad Bustard Kuurantce, oth er proportional low orices. "OK" BUB BER WELDEBS, Bend, Oregon, Ph. 23 House Trailers tjr2 SPITF1UK Trailer House, 21 ft, like new condition. Phone 1750 after 4, or pee at 1(125 GfilvcsUm. 30 Used Cars tor Sale WHY BUY SAFE BUY Mercury Station Wairon. oiiiK hunt ing or fisliiiiri this year ? Tihs. worker will be appreciated. Why buy at book value when wu will nell for $20f rlTZPATIUCK L1NCOLN-MEBCUBY, KT, fc. hranklin. WHY BUY SAFE BUY 1M0 PONTIAC 8 CONV. Coune. Radio, heater, Hydramntic. Top mechanical shape, Rood tirc. Reasonable, laee at 124 Columbia street. TRADE $860 Equity in 1063 Nash Statinnn Super 4-Door Sedan for .best car offered. Ph. 407-W, Redmond. Trpf6p"sHAPE-47Plymouth Special Deluxe 4-door. Exceptionally clean. Ra dio, heater. Waters urille ttuard, spot liKht. Gtwl tires: 2 new. 2 snow, seven in all. $360 cash. Phone 66, days . A Always B Better C Cars See this 1060 Buick Super 4-Door New Paint Good rubber. "It 1 Won't Last Lonit." TOWNE MOTORS PACKARD-WILLYS DEALER Used Car Lot, Ph. 003 Comer of Irving & Harriman FOR THE UhST USED CAR DEAL IN TOWN SEE BEND NASH CO. 134 GREENWOOD PHONE 700 WEDNESDAY & THl'KSDAY KXTKA SPECIAL. S2395 I 1935 Plymouth 'V-8' Belvedere 4- Door Sedan with Radio & Heater, i Standard" Transmission Can't be told from a brand no wear. 2 tone paint with matching uphol-l sleiy. This car carries a now car guarantee. SEK ART KUEHL ' At tho Ford Used Car Lot on S 3rd Next to the Midget Drive In. I 32 Used Trucks Trailers 1!163 CMC 2-Ton $Kuo. Slock rack, one owner IK.Oim Mil-.. nox26 tires. $2100. IAM. WALT KlH'rS. 1H2I-K. 39 Automobile Display FARLEIGH Auto Sales NORTH CITY LIMITS OF REDMOND SPECIAL 1952 Cadillac $2850 Deville Loaded 1952 Dodge $935 4-Spced Va-ton pickup 1948 Chev. $585 4-ton pickup, R & H 1954Chev. $1885 ISel Air Sedan OUR LOT OPEN FOR INSPECTION SUNDAY 52 Excavating S Grading Duncan Brothers EXCAVATION Drilling. Blasting, Top Soil and Fill Dirt. Cinders. Cat and Tractor Work Phone 574 or 1X03 ,59 Services Ottered SAW SALES BEND CHAIN AND SAW SERVICE SERVICE RUGS 4k CARPETS Shampooed or dry cleaned in your home or place of buat neaa. Work guaranteed. Ealnnates cheer fully given. EKTLE UUU CLEANERS, Ph. 1134-W. INCOME TAX ASSISTANCE. 7 yean with Internal Revenue. Open daily A weekende. Cloaed Thursdays. Appoint menu advisable. Deaphutea Center. Hwy. t)7. 7 miles No. Ph. 200U-W-2. SHEET METAL SPECIALIST Gutters. Chimney Extensions oil foreed air heat ing. BENU cjHEET METAL. Ph. 46a. WASHING MACHINE REPAIRS and Wr lexer Rolls for all makes. Phone 274. MAYTAG APPLIANCE STORE, 722 tranklin. INCOME TAX RETURNS $1.00 up Per Form Room 11, U. S. National Bank Bldg. Phone 969 or 1420-W Will Call at Your Hume CENTRAL OHKciON BOOKKEEPING tiEL.lCE 64 Plumbing & Heating BROWN FURNACE ft SHEET METAL Bring your heating problems to us. rnone it 66 Radio; TV Sales & Serv. RADIO ft TV TUBES Complete stock for all radios I'iiilco and other makes BEND FURNITURE CO. RADIO ft RECORD PLAYER REPAIR Radio ft TV Tubes For Sale Prompt Service p George's Radio & Sporting Goods PHILCO ft HOFFMAN T-V Authorized Dealer Radios and Hi ft Equipment RIES RADIO. 624 Franklin Ph. 70 Septic Tnks; Cesspools CARTER SEPTIC TANK SERVICE. Thone 1546 or 1647 735 W. 12th. 82 Male Help Wanted MAN OVER 50 to operate profitable Rawleitrh buines. Car necessary. No experience needed to itarU For frte lnKklet and details write Kawleiuh'a Dcpt 260 Oakland 20, Cal. YUKON.- Eight year 270 million dollar project For information send stamped envelope. Box 224, Personnel, VYCO, Medina, Wah. - WANTED: Man to handle advertising Phone 1774W. 6 to 6 P.M. - 8 to 11 A.M. Apt 1, Popular Court Motel . BEND REGIONAL , MANAGER OP LARGE NATIONAL COMPANY NEEDS AN ASSISTANT. This position mi di rets no experience. For personal, interview write J. 07, Bend Bulletin. Larae National Comoanv NEEDS MANAGER TRAINEE IN THE BEND AREA. A full time, permanent position, astjurlnir the- person who Qual ifies a better than averane standard of livtnff. Qualifications : '21-years sor-DVfir, enenrettc and ambitious; For further in formation write Uox 4G, butcene, Uickoii WANTED OUTSIDE SALES Representa tive, Weekly Draw & CommiHsions. State qualifications in first letter. Write Bend Bulletin, Box 60. YOUNG MAN 18-23 to learn trade under trainhiH program. 6 -day, 40-hour Week, medical, hospital and life insurance plans, sick leave paid by employer. Watr es after completion of program should average o-er $5500 annually. Prefer man not subject to military service or who has already completed service require ments. Box 60, Bulletin. 39 Automobile Display SELECTION Customers like to choose their cars from a good selection. We have the largest stock in Central Oregon, and the best. See for yourself! CHEVROLETS '53 Bel Air Sport Coupe, R & H $1745 '53 Bel Air, 4-Dr. Sedan, R & H $1645 '53 "210" 4-Dr. Sedan wPG $1645 "52 Styleline Deluxe 2-Dr.wPG $1195 '50 Bel Air Sport Coupe $ 895 "49 Fleetline Deluxe 2-dr, R & H $ 645 BUICKS '53 "52 '52 "51 '50 '50 '50 Special Sedan ,wDynaflow ......... $1845 Roadmaster Sedan wDynaflow ...... $1 595 Special Riviera Coupe wDynaflow ... $1595 Special Sedan $1095 Super Riviera Coupe wDynaflow . i... $1095 Super Riviera Sedan wDynaflow .... $1045 Special Sedan wDynaflow ..v...... $ 895 CADILLACS "62" Sedan $3195 "62" Sedan, Power steering $2795 "62" Sedan $ 945 FORDS Customline 6 Tudor, R & H, $1395 Mainliner 8 Tudor ................. $1145 Country Squire Wagon, overdrive .... $1095 '53 '52 '48 '53 '52 51 '51 '50 '50 Custom 6 Fordor, R Custom 8 Tudor, R & Custom 6 Fordor, R & CHEAPIES '46 Nash "600" Sedan $ 248 '41 Packard Sedan $ 148 "41 Studebalce Sedan $ 98 '40 Dodge 2-Door $ 78 '37 Ford Tudor $ 78 MANY OTHERS fb CHOOSE FROM BEND GARAGE CO. Inc. Your Chevrolet, Buick, Cadillac Dealer 709 Wall St, Phone 193 83 Female Help Wanted EXPERIENCED Wsltress Wanted. Call 2203-w-l mornings. 92 Investments TO SELL M700 NOTE. Secured by ranch property. Will discount 6'i. Write Box tie, eo Bend Bulletin. REAL ESTATE CONTRACT for sale on Prinevllle property, 6t Int. Will Dis count 10-A. Writ Box 17. Band Bulle tin. 98 Personal Loans '52.83 SPECIAL FOR DEBT CONSOLIDATION BORROW '1,000 HVpa only $2.88 per mo. WHY PAY MOKE? Other Savings in Proportion Portland Ind. Loan Co. it Oregon Ave. . Phone 17! Bend. Oregon 121 Appliances; HH Equip. OPEN SUNDAYS BY APPOINTMENT - OPEN WEEKDAYS 9-7 SAVE 50 BANK TERMS IF DESIRED OLD JOE ANDERSON CONTINUES Old loe continues Indifinitely. Over Sl00.0tl0.00 worth of brand new 1965 model appliances to be sold. Wholesale prices quoted on everything. Lowest prices on Pacific Coast 1 1K56 Model Freezers, 5 year factory warranty, food insurance. Bex. $270.008 foot Chest Model $181.48 Beg. $340.008 ft Chest Models $11)4.62 Keif. Sauy.DS 11 ft Unriichts $250.72 Keg. $460.0015 ft Chest Models $244. 82 Beg. $620.0018 ft Uprights $326.44 ! Keg. $640.00 HO ft Chests ;.3Ii.Ub Beg. $640.0010 ft Unrinhts $411.06! Beg. $660.00 26 ft Chests $481.06; Repairs - parts - service on all makes 1055 Model Refrigerators, 6 year war ranty. Reg. $200.007 ft refrigerator $149.14 Reg. $300.00 9V ft refrigerator $183.81 Reg. $300.00 lOVj ft. refrigerator $202.91 Re. $120.00 11 U, ft refrigerator $241.50 Keg. $.ri00.00 lZ'j ft refrigerator sztH.ib Reg. $550.06 12 ft refrigerator $31)4.33 Kepairs - parts - service on all makes -11)56 Model Ranges, full factory war ranty. Reg. $00.00 10" auto, range - $164.87 Reg, $270.0040" range and built-in griddle o surface units IM.UB Reg. $3r0.00 40" automatic range. Duut-in grmoie, o sun ace units $258.tW Reg. $200.00 80" range, full width oven. 4 surface units $120.60 Reg. $250.00 HO" automatic range. Full width oven, 4 surface ' ' units . $150.34 Repairs -.parts - service on all makes . 1965 Model Automatic Washers and Dryers. Full factory warranty. Reg. $600.00 washer-dryer comb. nations $350.71 Reg. $230.00 B. Automatic $126.85 Reg. $250.00 W.P. Automatic - $17".4 Reg. $300.00 B. Automatic- $107.30 Reg. $280.00 W. P. Automatic $108.18 Reg. $200.00 Automatic Dryer $123.66 Reg.-$250.00 Automatic Dryer $140.10 Reg. $230.00 Automatic Dryer $117.20 Rear. $160.00 Wrinirer Wanner $ 80. Reg. $200.00 Wringer Washer $145.80 Repairs - Parts service on all makes. ANDERSON APPLIANCE CENTER State & Tumalo " Ph. 862-W & H - $ 845 H $ 745 H $ 695 .110 Cattle & Horses SADDLES: Made and repaired. Reed'e Leather Shop, lbbo Galveston. Ph. 1667-M, GOOD STOCK COWS. Registered Here ford Bulls. Also some well broke saddle horses. Warren Raymond, Ph. 79tfl. Prinevllle, Ore. 112 Pets of oil Kinds BABY PARAKEETS, normals, all colors at le.oo. Also rsre opalines, cauea and fresh 'feeds. Locally raised. Wholesale or retail, call Redmond 73-H-6, or first house north of Powell Butte Grange. TROPICAL FISH, auuarlums. plants and supplies for sale. Ph. 172. 114 Poultry & Rabbits WANTED Live Poultry Fresh Eggs BENU EGU ft 1'UUlVlltI CU 74 E. First St. Ph. 9S5-J 118 Feed & Stock Supplies HAY First and second cutting 126 and $26 per ton. W. C. Heal, KU 2, Hox 161. Phone 334-u 121 Appliances; HH Equip. RECONDITIONED & GUARANTEED USED APPLIANCES Refrigerators $39.60 Electric Ranges $34.60 Wringer Washers $14.60 Automatic Washers $69.60 OREUON EQUIPMENT CO. PH. 888 IENDIX AUTOMATIC WASHER, reas onable. Terms if desired. Ph. 2167-J. USED WASHERS $10 up. Good used re frigerator, $76. 8 Ft New Freeser, $210. 7ti Ft New refrigerator $149.96. MAYTAQ APPLIANCE STORE, 722 Franklin. 1 131 Farm & Ranch Equip BlfiGBST Step Forward in Tractor. En Kineerinir. The new FERGUSON "36". CENTRAL OREGON TRACTOR, Bend. (32 Farm Products POTATOES, Is or 2's. Will deliver Mondays snd rrtdays. H. r. Cross, white. Rt. 3, Box 16J. Phone 2102.W-1. POTATOES This week only. No. 1. V.i.00 No. 2 12.00. 11. F. Crosswhite. Ph. 2102-W-l. 133 Fuel & Wood HEAVY TIMBERS: 110 sinitle. 110.60 double load. Cascade Transport. Phone 1642-J. 134 Specials at the Stores GOOD USED FURNITURE AT RAINKY S 201 E. Franklin Davenos 116.00 Studio Couches -1 $14.05 1 ' Dinette Sets Slfi.60 Up Coffee l.amp End TsbleH. New - Vj Price Dressers, Coil spriniiH, wood heat ers. Washers. Ph. 1160. USED POWER AND Hand Lawn Mow ers. All in good condition and sharpened. Priced reasonable. HOUK-VAN ALLEN STORK. THEY'RE -NKWI Colorful pnrrot huimiru plsnter. Ideal Tor Hlfts. ALPINE Gil 1 HOUSE. S. Third. OUTSIDE WHITE HOUSE paint. Spec ial $2.03 per. teal. Only limited Hupply on hand. UENI) SUPPLY CO. 022 Hcinil PAINT SALE 20';!, OFF Marshall-Wells PainL Glosscoat, Easy coat at Eniimcl. Save on these llaiasin Price-. HiW HARDWARE. 263 E. Greenwood. SCOTT-ATWATEIt 10 horse motor, used once tor trial, was $2110.60 Now $216.06. WEST SIDE HARDWARE. "YOUR HOME TOWN HARDWARE" 135 Furniture & Household BEND F l) KN I TU B E CO f'U)KKOlT COKNKK ALL NEW MKRCHANDIHE Complete full site bed including tlj 220 coil lnnerprfng mattress. 2 Matching box spring. (:t) I'laxtic covered head board. 14) Hollywood Lck $76.00 Complete single bed. Simmons metal bed. Simmons Innerpring mattreiu, coil spring base. Complete $60.05 Extra long Kcd. Includes 27ft roil 80" mattrewt. matching hox springs, metal Hollywood bed with plastic covered hcud board. $100,05 OBKKNWOOD FURNITURE NEW GIFT Item junt arrived Ideal for showers, birthdayn, anniversary, etc. 24 Green wood Ave. USE BULLETIN' CLASSIFIED ADS I 39 Automobile Display SPECIAL PICKUP WEEK AT HUNNELL MOTORS 1954 Chev. J-ton 4 Speed IUh hftfr. irood nix nlv tires. a pin. One owner. Came In on a new 1im1kc, 1954 Chev. f ton 3 Speed .......... $1525 Good mx ply tires, Healer, A clean beauty. Came in on a new Uodge. 1953 Dodge 3 4-ton, 4 Speed $1395 Heater, 8ix ply tirn are good. Uriuinal owner trjulod thU dependable work horne on a new Dodge. 1953 Studebaker Special at.$1195 Ton, .Six ply tire. Overdrive, Hill holder, Undercanted, Heavy Duty radistor and fan, heavy rear burniier Mnd trailer hitrh, Air nest. Overload uprinKn. tool bx, good nix ply rubber. Tri-aled like a pet. In (standard drive xhc in low it en red for thi nAilMt g')inw. In Over drive, thin little jewel eraou-H nlmunt like a Uodire. Original owner hated to part with it but needed a two genter. 11.U00 milc. Also, selection of New Dodges, 12 and 34 Ton V-H and 6 Cyl inder Pick-ups. Dependability jmrsonified. ALSO FINE SELECTION OF DEPENDABLE USED CARS PICKUP WEEK WE ARE HUNNELL 835 Bond St. 139 Miscellaneous tb Sale . CHROME MIXING FAUCETS. Deck or Wait tyiie Is. .6. Also center set lavatory faucets 14.76. O'UAY'S SALVAGE ft hi11'l.Y YD. Ph. 663. TOLEDO SCALES, Glass Top Frees. rruimist vegetable rack, rnone i.itw. UOX SPRINGS ,$6.96 to $22.50. may be seen at BEND BARGAIN STORE, 2 Kearney, across from Dttpot NEW, DIFFERENT Oyster Shells for driveways and walks ,4 u. fraiitum. Bend. LIGHT FIXTURES Largest display in Central vre; LOWEST PRICES A complete stock of parts to repair and uulld lamps BILL'S ELECTRIC 942 Hill near Greenwood Ph. ROCK-FREE TOP SOIL Fill dirt, black and red cinders. Dump truck and tractor-loader work. Ph. 78-J. DAVID BRADLEY POWER SAW $90.00 612 Delaware. Ph. 2297. USED DIESELS 47 Peterbuilt Dual Drive $2700. 47 GMC Tractor ArTrail er, completely equipped $3600. W. M. ANDERSON A SON, Phone 33-R-3, Redmond. USED STEEL BUILDING 18x26. 21' Eave, Steel sash windows, lots of light over 9,000 cu. ft of Sce. Excellent condition. $750 Delivered. W. M. AN DERSON & SON. Ph. 83-11-3, Redmond URANIUM GcTger Countera, 126 N. Liberty St, Rm. 203, Salem, Ore. INNER SPRING MATTRESS .20. Small breakfast table with extra leaf 93. Lug Kane carrier 3. 630 Colorado, 141 Miscellaneous Wanted WE WILL BUY your used building- ma. teriala. Junk batteries, metals, and scrap iron. A pound or a carload. O'DAY'S SALVAGE A SUI'PL,Y YARD. WANT USED UnriKht Piano or Spinet Model in good condition. 1'h. 71U. 143 Musical SPINET PIANO AND ORGAN. Will sac riftee for quick sale. Write Uox 86, Ucnd Bulletin. 160 Apartments for Pent NEW APARTMENT Furnished or un lurnlKhed, fnrinit Mirror l'oud, business area. Ph. 367-J, 1102 Broadway. LARGE UNFURNISHED 2 Bedroom Apartments 106. Refrixerator, ItntiKO, Garbage & Wnter included. RIVER TERRACE APIS.. 162e W. 6th. Ph. 224. FURNISHED APARTMENT. Close in. day; week, month. Laundry facilities. Garage. 627 Franklin. Ph. 6:il. SOUTH CITY LIMITS MOTEL 2 bedroom, sitting room. AJm 1 bed room apaiUnent. All utilities furnished. Steam heated. Very reasonable. Call 746. TWO ROOM MODERN DUPLEX Apart ment Nicely Furnished. 2V Blocks from town. 38 Irving Ave, WAHEE MOTEL: .ml 4 room Cottanes tlaraKes. Utilities paid, Telephone avail- able. Ixiw Weekly md Monthly Rates. I'lione . 370. 3-HOOM. MODERN APARTMENT, un furnished. Knotty pine pnnclliniE. Water puid.. Private entrance. Phone 472-W. FURNISHED. 'TWO BEDROOM Duplex near Allen Mcliool. wnsiitn- I'ui'iiuies. Phone 1770-R. LAVA APARTMENTS 8 Rooms, Until Modern, Oil Heat. Adults. No nets. I'll. 6H1. 161 Houses For Rent ONE UEDROOM Furnl.li.il Home. Prac tically new. On hast bide. I'll. lt,u.j. NEAT, UNFURNISHED house on Dela ware. One oednKim, plumbed for auto matic wusher, wired for electric ramie, oil heat. Tel. 1U77-W. ? BEDROOM. MODERN HOUSE, unfur- nlslieil. 841 Portland. Cull 1IIZ3-W alter mam or evenintr. (Al 2 Bilrms, Close in. I.nree Liviim rm. oil furnace, $ln (11) 3 norms, some lur nittire. $40. C 3 Risims, Bath, $'Jfi. ANNE FORBES, 80 Ore. Ave. Ph. 36-W. ONE BEDROOM furnished house. Close in. Liuhts & Water paid. Phone 1716-K TWOeHEIROOM. Modern, unfurnished house. Close in. Oil healer, electric tank $45 Mo. 63 Irvinit, Ph. 1287-J. TWO BEDROOM Modern House with ga mut. Shown by apiKilntmenu Lioti Hi. 8th, Ph. 647-W. TWO BEDROOM, MODERN, partly fur nished. Electric water uink, ruiiKc, oil heater. Ph. 1262-J. TWO BEDROOM modern $r.0t). lmme I'hone Hnfe possession, liilx Awurey, IT PAYS YOU TO 1J8R CLASSIFIED ADS 'OR SOLVING EVERYDAY PIIOB- I.KMS. . SKLI.INC. KKNTINli, IIIK1NU. WANT AOS DO T. CALL $. $1535 Hide mount and rear bumper. Clean hh AT HUNNELL'S TRADING MOTORS Telephone 26 162 Rooms; Room & Board CLEAN BEDROOM. Closs In. For single man. $20 niontii. 68 Irving, Phous 12s7-J 168 Other Rentals MOVING! Save tfc. Use BEE-HIVE U- DRIVE TRUCKS. I'll. 1041. trJIn- berger Service. 170 Houses for Sale BY OWNER: Two lots with Two Mod ern houses. Live tn one rent one. Small down payment. Tel. 8t2. MODERN, THREE Bedroom hoUHe. Wilt take late motiei car as own payment. Must be seen to be appreciated. See at 54 Gilchrist Ave. 172 Farms & Ranches OR TRADE for Redmond home. If .Acres in Terrebonne, A acres imitated. Good business property. 2 A. new hurti way frontaite. 8 lldrm. modern, cistern. City water. Near store, church, postof fice, new school. Inquire 626 S. 10th, Redmond. Phone 276-J. 180 Real Estate Exchanges TRADE FOR HOME. Have Hood locker plant near Portland to oiler as part payment on nome in central uiw. Valued at $7600. will take property up to $11,000 and make payments up to $76 a month. Write Uox 68. Ucnd llulletln. 182 Real Estate Wanted mhtki. WANTED : In Bond or surround ing territory in good location, may con sider trading Longvlew property. Write P.O. Box 966, Longvlew, WashmgU.'t. THREE TO TEN ACRES with water. Close to town lor Duiuung sue. in 768-W. SMALL ACREAGE with water. '2 to 10 Acres unimproved. Clone in. t an inn-u 189 Real Estate Display BEND REALTY 'ft W tu a ntr . i jsA.tAft mf (Vm Hrv. Ore. s bedroom home. Lot 21fi'xl76' for Bend home of equal value. $5,600. STROUT REALTY gTv."AU HH 16x16 llv. rm. Mod. Double gar. . $3,750 $U00 down for am hse trailer or car. TODAY'S BEST BUY PRETTY, little 2 bdrm, wfire Dlace, Karaee, foundation, some furniture. $5,500. Jl.flOO dn. Will ac. ccpt modern trailer as down pay ment. , LETS GO see this 2 bdrm on Lexineton with basement, ga rage, fenced lot, some furnituie at 4.3uu $buu.uu on. LOTS OF ROOM In this 1 bdrm mod. home, at 51,850 w$3UU dn. TWO FINE VALUES. One a 4 bdrm, one a 2 bdrm. Both have i '.. "'V " i I" epiaees, lllliuwuuu 1 ua, uan.- etisv terms. One at 13,500, the other at $9,250. , DUDREY -HILTON, Realtors 1050 Bond Ph.'1327-W or Dul. 1349-J , ANNE FORBES REALTOR 36 Oregon Ave Phone 36-W LEASE WITH OPTION TO BUY: (A) 1017 Lexington: 2 bd rm. Ig. living rm. furnished. $G5. (Rl. 12 Lava Road: 3 rms. bath, refrigerator, electric stove, $32. 50. (C) 132S Columbia: 4 rms furnished, bath, $30. (D) 424 Scott: 2 bdrm. showed, garage, detached 3rm house, $37.50. (E). 1414 E. 2nd: 5 rms, shower, lg. lot. $25. NEAR LIBRARY. Lg. living rm. fireplace, 4 rxlrms, 2 baths, on furnace, 3 valuable lots, $15,000. $4,000 down. IDEAL FOR COUPLE: Attrac tive, almost new, 3 rms, drapes, automatic washer, attached ga rage with storage space, b,!ju. $750 down. $55 per mo. 40 ACRES: Ideal for sheep, 3 miles out. 27 COL, Fair 3 bed room house. Several outbuild ings. $7,000, $2,000 down. Will trade for valley acreage or ranch. 189 Real Estate Display CARROLL D. PIERCE Realtor & Insurance Bud Russell, Associate 1021 Wall St. Phone 886 In Capitol Theatre Bldg. After Hrs. Phone 1020 or 106 . FOR ACTION: LIST WITH BEND'S LARGEST ADVERTISER Cent. Ore. Headquarters tor home, ranch & business properties Lower down payments & longer term loans now available LOOK AT THIS 3 bdrm on 90 100 cor lot on E side. Price ft. lot on W. side. Plbd for au to., wired for ramie. Insul. vc nelian blinds. Price $7,400. FIIA or GI. WHY HESITATE when you ran buy beiow market value. 3 bdrm, elec tliermo heat, hr-atalalor frplr, Insl & W stripped,, ven blinds, appx 7 yrs. old. Price $10,650. FIIA or GI. GRAND FlR FAMILY. This 3 bdrm has 2 full baths, plbd for washer, auto piped frnc, hdwd firs, alt gar, auto sprinkler svsm. 2 lols in a choice E side dist. Price $12, 000. FIIA or GI. Tl IIS IS A BEAUTY. 3 hdrms baths, sep din rm, Ig nook, util rm. Auto oil peri meter heat, frplc wraised hearth, 1500 sq ft sp.. lifetime roof. 2 car gar, fx Ig septic, vd flood lielits, 2 lots, exc loc. i'lire $23,500. LOVELY & SPACIOUS. All modern conveniences in this 5 yr. old 2 bdrm home includ ing dishwasher garbage riis posal. l.g utll with room for den, piped aulo frnc, 1300 so. It fir sp. Best loc. Price $13, 900. Tms. DKLlGH'fTT'LLY DIFFER ENT. Individually dislgned, 2 bdrm whoatalator frplc, aulo Dined frnc I'hll. Mahogany finish, att gar wslge sp, lOOx S4-0 uk for MoteK Ranches Acreage & Business Opportunities; Licensed and affiliated with Oregon, Calif S Idaho broken. REDMOND Classified Ads BUY IT SELL IT TRADE IT! We welcome the pceple mi Beasswml and vicinity lot classified. If yoa have esMtthing jom want te sell, buy, trade er announce, call ear RcdMen4 correspondent, Mrs. Matins 8trana han, (Hedmond 611) between the hours of to 9 a.av IX te 1 mm V I to p.BS. 114 Poultry & Rabbits DAY OLD Hamps, March 3rd our Lex- norn is a larae urynen ivnorn. U11.L1 o, HATCHERY, REDMOND. e o s o e 189 Real Estate Display E. M. BUCKNUM REALTOR 1029 Brooks St. Phone 370 AMAZING VALUE Extra lge 3 bdrm home, new, E. Side, with beautiful fireplace, hdwd firs, large att garage plus big shop bldg., dining room, many other fine features. For quick sale priced at $14,500. Would cost $17,000 to duplicate. F.H.A. tms. (jL-uan; un ana wen worm we price. Roomy 2 bdrm home with fireplace, small basement, new furnace, ss.ou, u.l. terms. ACREAGE in good TV area, with new 3 bdrm home with fur. nace. basement. . maeniflcent view; close in; 17 acres cultivat ed. $14,000. Terms. GRADE A CAFE Get In on the coming tourist season with this well located business. Fully equipped, real estate Included, $8,500, excellent terms. After hours cal Larry Keown Very modern, 2 bdrm home with river frontage. Lg living rm, sun rm, case ment ploy rm, 2 fireplaces. Bsr-B-Q pit attractive bath, handy kitchen, nice utility. $24,000. Consider trade. 1015 Wall Ph. lMt Vern Larson ; AGENCY. 135 Oregon Ave. - Ph. 32 rMANPF. ON THIS: 80 acres, 43 txil, ,iarge moaem home. Mostly in nay ana sexxieu pasture, large potato cellar, im-. provea noaa. iu,juu. uiiatux home tn Bend on deah ' r ' 69 ACRES, 11 Swally, nearly new 3 bdrm modern, barn, shop. On highway close In. $13,000. Consider 2 bdrm modern In Bend or Redmond on Deal. , : i 3 MO. OLD 3 bdrm modern, furnace,, fireplace, oak floors, mahogany trim, birch kitchen, 1, and 'a baths, attached garage.; Mountain view, east side. $15,500. NEW 3 BDRM modern, furnlce, fireplace, attached garage, over looking city. $14,500. -.. ONE OF THE BEST: Large 2 bdrm modern, furnace, urepiace, 1250 ft basement suitaDie ior living quarters. Lot 65 x 160, sprinkler system, garage and work shop. Truly a lovely home.. $18,000. . . '-.,,- 1 BDRM MODERN Duplex turn-. tshed. basements and stone ga rages. Walking distance. $11,550. Terms. Ranches, acreages, farms, dwell-, lngs, business opportunities. ' After hours call 2337J ' : WHY BR A TENANT? Many excellent hom.-bujs at easy tsrou In th. cUeUlee ads. $13,250. Tms. COZY & COMPACT 2 bdrms, utll plbd for auto, oil frnc, hd wd firs. Price $8,000. COME & SEE IT. Attractive 2 bdrm In choice West side Inc. Util wtrays, Insl. Price $7,640. FHA or GI tms. N F. AT AS A PIN. Homey 1 bdrm with bsmt, auto piped fine, plhd for washer, insul, gar. Price $1,250. THIS IS A STEAL 2 bdrm wcxtra rm si7 15 x 20 to be finished. Dbl gar. Price $3,950. ACREAGES & RANCHES 5A-5A WATER City water, 3 bdrm home with frplc, bsmt, util. Price $9,350. 5A-4A WATER City water 4 bdrm home with auto frnc, util, Insl. Price $11,750. 3OA-30A WATER Alf, grain & pasture. Nice 2 bdrm mod. home with 2 bdrms upstairs unfinished. Equip includes 21 lid sprinkler sysm, tractor & 7'it hp motor. Price $13,250. 40A 40A WATER City water, 4 rm house, 17A alf, 13A pas ture, 10A rye. Price $8,500. 210A-223A Water 1.800 A leased grazing land fenced to deeded. 130 A alf, 40A pas ture, 53A grain. New alum harn 4(X)T rapacity, very nlco 2 bdrm mod home wauto pitied fine. Machy available.. Price $:0,000. Tms,