The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, March 02, 1955, Page 2, Image 2

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Tile University of Washington
appears to have another Bob Hoi
bregs on his way up through the
ranks. His name is Bruno Boin
and when the season's records for
the Washington Frosh 'were com
piled they showed that he had
broken Houbsegs' freshman scor
ing record by 5 points with a total
270 iot the season. Houbrezs
set his' mark In a season of 22
contests, seven more than Boin
played; H$ should prove to be a
man to watch in me future.
. There are a great many Bruin
cage fans that, are wishing that
the Corvallis scries had . been
earlier in the season because it
was these two games that seemed
to give the Bend hoopsters that
little extra bit ot spirit that wins
bill games.
Many others throughout the area
are missing the usual play-off of
the four top squads in the league,
It would have been" a good tourney
this year with Redmond, Bend
Lakeview, and Burns as partici
The Iocat members of the Sky-
liners awoke with a smile yester
day morning with the snow piling
up outside their windows.
- The "new snow at the ski area
should help the slope a great deal
if it covers the sheet of ice that
the hill enthusiasts have been ski-
Sisters Defeats
Rufus 60 to 35
Special to The Bulletin
SISTERS The Sisters Outlaws
traveled to Maupin Saturday night
where they met Rufus, the fourth
place team in the league, for a
play-off game. Sisters won 60-35
and qualified for the District 6B
tourney. High scorers for Sisters
were Gene Harrison with 23 points
and Ron Phillips with 20 points.
Rufus scoring was led by Fox who
scored 14 points. -
Thursday, March 3, the Outlaws
will go to the tounament at Mad
ras where they will meet Moro at
' 4 p.m. In previous encounters with
Moro, Sisters won by one point in
a double overtime in pre-season
ploy, lost to Moro at Moro by
three points In an overtime score,
and beat Moro at Sisters by eight
points. Coach Hayward predicts
that his team will come out on
top In the Thursday encounter.
Shoop & Schulze is the only exclusive tire store and re
capping shop in Bend to give S & H Green Stamps.
And you receive this extra bonus at no premium in
price. And you also receive Green Stamps at the
Bend Car Buyers!
Greaf News!
I iL. rait fc I ti If I tj A',' nei '"Horn liom ' J
the most advanced tire of all time
the NEW
h U S. Royal Master
UNBELIEVABLE! 50,000 Mile Guarantee!
Shoop & Schulze Tire Service
S. Hwy. 97
Ing upon.
Last weekend the hills were cov
ered with skiers of all ages and
with the recent snowfall the Sky
liners should have ideal skiing for
at least a few more weeks.
Not everyone is happy with the
weather, however, and many of
the local spring enthusiasts have
had to put their equipment back In
the closet to wait for March's
Lion to blow itself out.
Just because a boy can't got out
and play the sport there is no
reason why he cannot dream about
it Particularly those days when it
was played the entire year around
The Prlneville high school gym
will be the scene of a bitterly
contested cage tilt between the
Redmond and Lakeview basket
ball teams this Friday night at 8
o'clock as both teams jockey for
a position in the State hoop tour
ney to be held in Eugene March
The .contest Is not ' a regular
league contest but is a play-off
game because - of the duplicate
season s records posted by the
schools. "
Prlneville. was picked as the
scene for the play-off because of
its central location.
Keglers Enter
State Tourney
Special to The Bulletin
traveling team of women bowlers
will leave here Saturday morning
to enter the state tournament now
in progress at Albany. -
Those planning to attend are
Ruth Wilson, Elma Redner, May
Coles, Joanna Forrester and Cap
tain Dorothy Hiatt. Dorothy GI1-
lam will bowl doubles and singles.
ONTARIO, Collf. (UP) Bob El
liott, new manager of the San
Diego Padres, was pleased today
with the first workouts of Cliff
Fanin and Eddie Erautt and seven
other hurlers who showed up for
spring1 training.
EUtott, a star Outfielder for the
club-last year, planned to run his
20-man squad through additional
leisurely, workouts today.
Both Fannin and Erautt had sore
arms at the end of last season.
1291 Wall St.
The Bend Bulletin.
Flatbush Cheers-'Campy'
Says He's All
Roy Campanella, who could be
the key to the whole National
League pennant race, issued a
proclamation today that started
cheering in Flatbush: "I'm all
right now."
"I don't feel a bit of pain in
the hand," declared the Brooklyn
Dodger catcher after smashing
five long drives in yesterday's first
practice of spring training. "My
hand feels as good as it ever did."
Nothing could be better news to
the Dodgers, for Campanula's col
lapse from "most valuable play
er" of 1953 with a .312 batting
mark and 41 homers to a .207 av
erage and 19 homers last year was
one of .the biggest reasons for the
Dodgers' collapse.
And the big factor in Roy's fail
ure was bis ailing left hand, which
was operated on for a bone chip in
May and again in November to
cure a "numb feeling" that had
spread throughout the hand.
Bad News
While the Dodgers were getting
this good news, the New York
Yankees were getting some bad
news about Billy Margin. Instead
of rejoining the team by opening
day, as . announced by a spokes
man at Fort Carson, Colo., on Mon
day, Martin won't get out of the
Army until "early July at the
Officials at Fort Carson, said
that Martin, whom the Yankees
are counting on as their shortstop
of the future, did not have enough
accumulated leave time to rejoin
the Yankees by opening day.
Meanwhile, the Cleveland In
dians, Washington Senators, Balti
more Orioles, and Milwaukee
NOW Is the time to see any of the car
dealers in Bend. Because now they are of
fering you a special opportunity to equip
your car with the New V. S. Royal Muster
Came, In . . . Yflull be surprised at how
easily you can settle your new car's tire
East Ochoco Hwy.
Wednesday. March 2. 1955
Right, Now
Braves announced the signing of
important players who liad reach
ed the March 1 deadline as official
Larry Doby of the Indians, who
led the American League in hom
ers with 32 and runs-batted-in with
126, signed for $33,000 after asking
$35,000 and being offered $32,00)
Rudy Regaiado, Sam Dente, and
Hank Aguirre signed at the same
time, but the Indians still have
seven holdouts including American
League batting champion Bobby
Avila and 23-game winning pitch
er Early Wynn.
Senators Sign
The Senators signed up third
baseman Eddie Yost (for $21,900),
pitcher Bob Porterfield ($20,000),
outfielder Jim Busby ($20,000), and
outfielder Roy Sicvers ($12,900).
That left only first baseman Mick
ey Vernon unsigned, and he again
refused to take a $3,000 cut from
his last season salary of $27,500.
The Orioles signed pitcher Jim
McDonald, who was obtained from
the Yankees during the winter,
and now are missing only pitcher
Lou Kretlow and outfielder Cal
Abrams. The Braves completed
their squad as pitcher Gene Con
ley signed in time to take part in
yesterday's drill.
But Catcher Sam White of the
Boston Red Sox again refused to
sign a contract containing a clause
that forbids him to play basketball
during the winter. Also unsigned
is rookie pitcher George Susce,
Vikings, Pacific
(Meet in Playoff
cific mejjts Portland State tonight
for Oregon's berth in the NAIA
basketball tournament opening
next week in Kansas City, Wo.
Pacific, paced by Norm Hubert's
dead. eye shooting whic hnccountrd
for 31 points, downed Eastern Ore
gon 86-78, and Portland Slate otit
huslled Willamette 69 - 5!) before
about 2000 fans in the Milwaukie
high school gym last night.
Pacific was ahead of EOCE
nearly all the way but the Moun
taineers stayed within striking dis
tance despite losing three stars on
fouls and Hubert's marksmanship.
Larry Pryso, Ted Srhadewitz and
John Rcinking fouled out for East
em Oregon.
Pacific shot .400 from the field.
J with Hubert getting 16 field goals
I out ot 30 attempts. Schadcwitz
had 24 points for Eastern Oregon
with Rcinking and Gary Burton
hitting 15 each. Danny French
chipped in with 19 for Pacific.
EOCE hit .340.
Portland Stale's Oregon Collegi
ate Conference champs stopped
Willamette s attack with a zone
defense and hit .442 from the field
to go into the finals, Paul Poelsch,
1 1 ne i-oi iiuiiu ouuu nuui- h-uik-i-
topped the scoring with 19 points.
Dick Hoy had 17 for Willamette
which shot .311. Portland State
was ahead 36-28 at the half.
Bruin Arrival
Due Thursday
Bruins arrive hero tomorrow after
noon from Los Angeles and plan
a light workout at Gill Coliseum
to get ready for this weekend's
playoff for the Pacific Coast title
with Oregon State.
Coach Slats Gill ot the Beavers,
meanwhile, was trying to figure
out a defense to stop the high
powered UCLA attack which has
averaged 76.2 points per game and
a shooting average of .410. Top
scorer for the Bruins is forward
Johnny Moore, who has 311) points
in 21 games.
I 1.1 1.A lias out rebounded its op
position, till to 799.
NEW YORK (UP) Hayes Alan
Jenkins, three-time world figure
skating champion, arrived here by
plane (rom Europe Tuesday and
announced he planned to retire
alter attempting to win the world
and Olympic titles in 1956. Jenkins,
a 21-year-old student at Colorado
College, cortured the world title
tor the third straight year Feb. 16
at Vienna.
Relieved Jiffy
Keep Reslnol Ointment handy
apply at one. Eases pain helps
prevent blisters, quickans healing.
Standings Won Lost
Bend Garage .: 33 7
Fred & Woody's .., 23 17
H & W Shell 2214 1714
Wall St. Serv 19 21
Consolidated 17
Bend Portland 17
Eddie's Sales 16
Fundingsland 12'4 174
Bend Garage kept their first
place lead, by winning four from
Consolidated Freightways. With
four weeks left to go, they are a
good ten points in front. Bend Port-
and took their contest by four
points from the fourth ranking
Wall Street Service, while H & W
Shell and Fred & Woody's took
three points from their respective
opponents, Fundingsland and Ed
die's Sales.
Individual scoring was divided
College Scores
Buffalo 88 Alfred 56
Canisius 97 Siena 67
Holy Cross 56 Dartmouth 52
Lehigh 69 Muhlenburg 64 (O.T.)
Rhode Island 93 Springfield 81
Grove City 79 Thiel 66
Tufts 73 MIT 70
Oneonta Tchrs. 80 Albany Tchrs 79
Rider 77 Montclair Tchrs. 65
St. Ansclm's 86 Boston Col. 80
Gustavus Adolphis 62 Hamline 49
MacAlester 87 Duluth Branch 61
Notre Dame 72 DePaul 61
Kansas 77 Kansas St. 67
Western Res. 93 Youngstown 84
Mount Union 96 Hiram 80
Anderson 94 St. Joseph's (Ind.) 80
Steuhenville 85 Findlay 61
Capital 88 Wittenberg 69
St. Norbert's 74 Lewis 69
o. Wash. 80 Georgetown 67
Wash. & Lee 98 Virginia 86
Florida St. 91 Georgia Tchrs. 33
Arkansas 110 TCU 89
Rice 67 Texas A&M 52
SMU 93 Texas 80
East. Tex. 86 S.W. Texas 83
Tex. Western 75 N.'MEX. A&M 59
Idaho State 74 Seattle 65
GLENDALE, Calif. (UP) With
the rest of the squad due Monday,
Portland Beaver Manager Clay
Hopper today worked out 10 pitch
ers and four catchers in light
drills. .
Included among the hopeful Hurl
ers were Homer Anthony, Bill Bot
tler, Royce Lint, Bill Page, Dick
Waibel, Larry Ward. Francis
Chase, Wally Hood, Ad Satalich
and Don Herman.
by Jim Shiek, with a 540 series,
and Bob Nelson, who hit 215 for
high game of the evening.
Bend Portland swept the team
scoring with a 950 game and a 2733
Oral King picked a 4-7-10 split.
Individual scores:
Fred & Woody's: Absentee, 459;
G. Johnson, 465; W. Woodworth,
425; S. Apling, 487; F. Iseli, 473.
Total. 2555. Eddie's Sales: O. King.
492: S. Sutherland, 360; M. Mur
phy, 470; H. Cundell, 412; L. Mit
chell. 497. Total, 2549.
Wall St. Ser.: Absentee, 459; F
Dalrymple. 401; K. Nedrow, 458;
G. Reid, 429; J. Warren, 443. Total,
2575. Bend-Portland: B. LeBlanc,
455; E. Downs, 533; B. McGahan,
466; V. Clark, 502; J. Scott, 534
Total, 2733.
Bend Garage Co.: L. Garboden,
497; B. Nelson, 533; B. Hellman,
387; D. Cardin, 418; M. Ross, 488.
Total, 2653. Consolidated Freight.:
J. Wilson, 377; S. Patterson, 405;
V. Patterson, 368; B. Price, 504;
C. Hannum, 432. Total, 2572.
Hufstadcr & Wallan: J. Wood,
490; C. Bradbury, 465; S. Larsen,
453; L. Hufstadcr, 444; J. Shiek,
540. Total, 2560. Fundingsland: Ab
sentee, 459; W. Dahms, 459; D,
Hunt, 374; M. Clark, 514; J. Jack,
ich, 438. Total, 2541.
Standings: Won Lost
Kiwanis 29 7
Lundgren's Mill 26 ' 10
Bill's Electric 20 16
Eagles 18 18
Moose 17 19
Bend Furniture 15 21
Jaycees 11 25
Rotary 9 27
The Kiwanis increased their lead
by taking 4 points from Bend Fur
niture while the Eagles defeatea
their opponents, Rotary, by the
same score. The Moose and Lund
gren's Mill each won 3 points from
Bill's Electric and the Jaycees.
Ted Vogt had high individual
game of 220 while J. Bowles cap
tured high series of 608.
Lundgren's Mill took high game
with 1011 and also high series of
Individual scores:
Rotary: Stipe, 382: McCarthy
469; Wetle, 50-1; Cashman, 370; Er.
ickson, 414. Total, 2439. Eagles: C.
Simonson, 502; K. Downs, 520; B.
McGahan, 469, M. Clark, 456; G.
Monieal, 527. Total, 2702.
Kiwanis: J. Wctle, 53S: D.
Thompson, 472; T. Vogt. 585; B.
Moura, 423; J. Dorsch, 462. Total
'2741. Bend Furn: L. Rice, 453: W.
Van Groos, 506; B. Healev, 415; A,
Powers, 463; G. Miller, 469. Total,
Moose: C. Pattee, 476; L. Smyth
419; F. Stokesbeny, 452; B. Strib-
11 jf A
V i
- v.
' f
i , v
V ': $)
S' '" - .'. Jlm..
- t
ling. 442; F. Bennett, 453. Total,
2774. Bill's Electric: S. seems, wu.
c c,... i-fi. I. Dorsch. 382:
J. Andrews, 441; M. Potts, 466. To
tal, 2433.
Jaycce: B. Hagen, 471; E Dren.
Your Old Radio or Phonogrcph
is P to'
Worth 150 o
on this marvelous Ccpehsrt
rw- -
Radio - Phonograph
Here Is the finest instrument we've had to sell and yours at
a remarkable saving. See the beautiful cabinet hear the life
like reproduction of the 13-tube radio and Hi-Fi amplifier.
Come in Early!
Never Again Will Your Old Radio or
Phonograph be Worth so Much Trade Now!
Ries Radio' fr Record Shop
624 Franklin Phone 801
to Rainier
Here's beer with more life to it! There's
more life when you pour. Watch how that
snowy collar of foam stands up.
And there's more life as you drink.
The Rainier people use costly malts
such as Hannchen, lightest of all
barley malts. Thev brew and
age Rainier for the livelier taste
you like. Pour yourself a cold
one. Tasle that tingle. You'll
make it Rainier for life!
S-vV $!!'. I M,va Co:.
nan, 444; A. Swarens, 513; R. Huf
stader. 488; A. Gray. 420. Total.
2696. Lundgren: R. Youngberg, 534;
u. narpei, w; Du.-i,irom, hj5; .
F. Carter, 553; J. Bowles, 608. To-'
tal, 2835. . '
(True High Fidelity
nprfprf rBroduet.an1
Stt'.. U.S.A.