THE BEND BULLETIN nd CENTRAL OREGON PBE8S , An Independent Newspaper Robert W. Chandler, Editor and Publisher Phil F. Brofran, Associate Editor Member. Audit Bureau of Circulation Enteral u Second Clua M.tUr, J.nur7 6, 117 the Pot Oflc M 8tid, Or. ' won under Act of March 8, 1879. The Bend Bulletin. Thursday. February 17. 1955 Those High School Text Books (First of a Series.) onow auiinite aim union Diaa . . . socialistic . . .un- American .... favor submergence of American aover eignty in world government . . . .Red . . . .Communist . . reactionary . . . ." So ring the charges being fired by some groups at several text books suggested for use in social science classes of the state's public schools. From the Oregon State Federation of Labor comes the charge that two social science books recommended by the state textbook commission for use by 12th grad ers "show, a lack of understanding of the history and functions of labor unions and both have a definite anti union bias." From another portion of the political spectrum, the Daughters of the American Revolution, comes this broad side: , "The voters of the future are now being conditioned by the clever propaganda in social studies texts that en dorse socialism and world government that will deprive America of its sovereignty." Since release of the list of textbooks recommended for use throughout the state public school system late last year, only the two above-cited Oregon groups have . offered strong protests to selections. ; But these protests when joined with others fired at textbooks and their authors in other state's beat a cres cendo that is reverberating through school administra tive offices across' the nation. .- "Textbooks are under fire," concluded one noted ed ucator in a recent publication. - . And so it seems from California where a state .un-American Activities committee keeps a watchful eye -n school books that might slant students to subversive -Ihinking, to New York where a special Commission on Subversive Textbooks stands ready with blue pencil. That groups in Oregon with prejudices as sensitive ".as nerve ends, the A F of L on one hand, the DAR on the other, are laying a crossfire on textbooks has bc ".come apparent in the past several weeks. First came the announcement from Salem that Or egon might join its neighbor to the south and New York ;with an investigative committee of its own to probo ;texls. ; Two state senators, including Harry D. Boivin of ;thc local 17th district, said they would sponsor a bill es tablishing such a hawkshaw body. Sponsorship, they in dicated, was prompted by a report by a spokesman of the DAR. that subversive influences are threaded -through some textbooks recommended for use in the pub lic schools. ' "At present, we have no body which can legally ex amine such books," the other sponsor, Pat Lonergan, ;Portland Republican, said in announcing the proposal. No sooner had these headlines faded from the front pages when came the announcement by the State Feder ation of Labor that two of the recommended texts con tained anti-union bias. The union pressed its objections through letters to school administrators throughout the state, listing the texts held anti-union and recommending one text .as "fair-minded." - Interestingly, the two books cited by the union are also blacklisted by the DAR, though the objections lodged by these politically dissimilar groups vary con siderably. . While the union criticizes the play given the Taft- Hartley law in the books, the DAR from quite a differ ent tack takes sight and fires on what is termed advo cacy of socialism and world government. In all the DAR, through its spokesman. State Re 'gont Mrs. Albert Towers, has cited four social science Ibooks from the current list of recommendations by the ! state textbook commission. ' ; Cited by the DAR were three of the four texts rec--ommemled for J 2th grade classes, "Problems Facing democracy," Ginn and Co. ; "Problems in American Dem ocracy," The Macmillan Co.: "The Challenge of Demo craey," McGraw-Hill Rook Co. The fourth book named by the DAR was "Quest of a Hemisphere," John C. Winston Co,, a book suggest .cd for use by eighth grade geography classes. Caught in the cross fire of both the DAR and the State Federation are "Problems Facing Democracy" and "The Challenge of Democracy." Currently none of these books is in use in Bend schools, but all arc being reviewed for possible use next year. . . Decision on which of the texts will be purchased for local use will be made .sometime early this spring, school authorities advise. All are on the multiple choice list of recommended texts prepared by the State Textbook Commission after careful screening of all books submitted by the nation's publishers. According to authorities, schools are free to pick any one of the recommended texts for use in classrooms. The commission, which meets biennially and is made up of representative educators from all parts of the state, last year screened social science texts for public schools. . The commission's recommendations will be effective "for six years until 1961, when social science texts will again be reviewed. . Each -two years the commission meets to consider some particular category of textbooks. Two years ago, the group reviewed arithmetic books, before that it screened language arts texts. (Tomorrow, more on how books are selected and some of the specific criticisms.) "You'll Have to Give Up Your Car, Comrade" Edson in Washington Plan More Liberal Than Expected By PETER EDSON NEA Washington CorreHpondcnt WASHINGTON (NEA) Presi dent Eisenhower's special message to Congress on school aid turned out to be far more liberal than most specialists in the field of edu cation expected. His goal is 57 billion worth of new school construction over the next three years. Six billion of this is to be slate funds, however. So the federal share boils down to a billion-dollar aid program. That sounds big. But the two- and - one - third - billion - dollar- a-year program which the Presi dent's plan would average out to is only slightly larger than the 52 billion being spent this year for new schools, without federal aids. School officials say that isn't enough. To meet requirements for 450,000 additional classrooms need ed over the next three years would take nearly $15 billion, at an aver age cost of $30,000 to $35,000 a room, including land and equip ment. So from this angle, the President's program is analyzed as meeling only half the need. The bill introduced by Sen. II. Alexander Smith (R., N.J.) to car ry out the President's program is now being studied closely by schcol officials for possible gimmicks. The plan to have the federal government buy up $750 million worth of local school bonds over the next three years is brand-new. The idea is that the U. S. govern ment would purchase only bonds that local school districts could not finance themselves at reasonable under 3 per cent interest. There is some fear that this pro vision would make lending insti tutions jack up their interest rales to local school authorities. This would force the sale of their securi ties to the federal government, which is a belter risk. Kor school districts thnt can't borrow money at any price, the President s plan to have those dis tricts rent their school buildings from now "Slate School Hullding Agencies" thai would finance their conslriiction, is looked upon Willi considerable misgivings. Slate Boards of Education don't like the Idea of having any now authority set up with any greater powers than they already possess. Also, it Is not enlirely clear how this plan would work out. If school districts would have to pay rents high enough to cover the new agencies' administrative costs, plus interest and principal on what amounts to a school con struction mortgage, and a contri bution to a reserve fund, then the ultimate cost to Ihe local taxpayer might be greater than it is under present school bond financing. Three states Pennsylvania, Georgia and Maine now have such school building agencies. Indiana has created an agency but it is not operative. Wisconsin courts de clared such an agency unconstl tulinnal in that state. That would iravp 13 states un able lo lene(it from this plan, oven If Congress approved it immedi ately. Most state legislatures arc meeting this year in biennial ses sion. It is doubtful if they could act fast enough to create new state building agencies or derive any good from them through federal aid during the next two years. President Eisenhower's proposal for outright U. S. Treasury grants to the poorer, local school districts demonstrating their inability to fi nance new school construction, is what even the all-out states' rights States seem to want. The President's message sug gests $200 million for this program over three year. This would build only 2000 modern schoolrooms a year a minor fraction of what's needed. For the first fiscal year of opera tion, beginning next July 1, the bill for the President's aid to edu cation Is estimated at $471 million in new obligational authority. This would be divided $250 million for school bond purchase, $150 mllion for the federal government's half of the interest and reserve fund authorities, $66 million in grants and $:i million in administrative expenses for the whole works. Actual expenses are estimated at $100 million during the first year. . Bend's Yesterdays KOItTV YEARS AGO From The Bulletin, Feb. 17, 11)15 under dispensation from the grand lodge of Oregon, a Royal Arch chapter of the Masons was instituted in Bend on Friday. Clyde McKay was named high priest and J. D. Davidson, king. Ross Fainham recently moved his offices from Bond street to quarters in the Deschutes Bank building. W. D. Cheney arrived Saturday from Sentlle, to attend the annual meeting of the Emblem club. A horse belonging to Charles Boyd ran away Saturday and be fore it was stopped broke a hy drant near the Bend hotel and knocked a mud guard off Ernest Dick s automobile. O. C. Henkle and James Ryan, who have been associated in the real estale business under the firm name of Henkle and Ryan, have dissolved partnership. The application for the change of the name of the Milliean post office to Mount Pine has been re jected by the postal department. However, the request that the name of the I,aidlaw post office be changed to Tumalo has been al lowed. Residents of Bend believe thnt Shevlin Interest and the Scanlon Gipson firm,, both with extensive pine holdings in this area, will soon announce plans for the con struction of sawmills here. Eighteen Infantry divisions of Ihe National Guard served in World War II nine in Europe, nine in Ihe Far Pacific. Russet Seed Potatoes Foundation or Certified J3.75 '3.50 Bagged & fagged in new sacks at Bonanza cellars. HASKINS and COMPANY Phone 2169 (Bonania) Bonanza, Ore. Spillway Closed, CHEMULT The overflow spill way at the Wickiup reservoir, opened earlier in the year to let the overflow from the basin es cape while repair work was un der way on the spillway apron, has been completely shut off. J. J. Taylor, reservoir caretaker, is busily filling the closed spillway Gates of the valve house were opened a Week ago Monday, and Ihe reservoir will be raised to its full crest, about 178,000 acre feet Jack Lochner, student at Ore gon State College, was home over the weekend visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Burdettc Lechner. Jack is majoring in fish and wild Carlos Randolph, manager of the North Unit Irrigation district with headquarters in Madras, was at the Wickiup dam earlier this week inspecting the spillway. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Ishmael are busy delivering yellow pine pitch posts to ranchers of the Silver Lake and Fort Rock areas. A surprise dinner party was held for Mr. and Mrs. Roland Holmes, Sr., Monday evening, on the occasion of their 30lh wedding anniversary. All the Holmes chil dren were home, and it was the first reunion of the entire family in 12 years. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Ishmael and daughters Elaine, Phyllis, Both, Dorothy, Mary and Marguerite; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Day, Sr., and chil dren, Thomas and Marilyn: Ro land Holmes Jr., and Arleta Holmes, and Mrs. Holmes' molhcr, Mrs. Emma Cheney. The Homes Logging Co. has had a mobile telephone installed in the firm s pickup truck. It is the first installed in this community, and is directly connected with the Bend exchange. More Than 100 Persons Die In Scattered Fires By UNITED PRESS Roaring fires in the United States and Canada have killed at least 13 persons. Meanwhile, 99 aged women died in Japan's worst fire since World War II. The lethal rash of blazes also included a gas explosion which ripped through a downtown ac counting firm office in Seguin, Tex. Three persons were injured, one critically. " This country's worst fire Wednes day night was at Baltimore, Md, where a three-story building s fire- weakened walls collapsed on 20 firemen. At least one fireman was killed, five more were missing in the rubble and presumed dead, and 10 were injured. In Montreal, Canada, at least 11 persons were killed and 10 were injured when fire destroyed a five story, block-large apartment house during a swirling snowstorm. John Wesler Gunter, a 67-year-old paralytic was burned to death as he lay helplessly in his bed at Indianapolis, Ind., Wednesday. Die In Beds The blaze at Yokohama, Japan, swept through a Catholic Mission home for old women at dawn to day. Most of the victims were too feeble to flee and were burned to death near their beds. Forty - five women, including three nuns of the Franciscan Mis sionaries of Mary Order, escaped from the fire-swept two-story wood en dormitory, which had no fire escapes or water supply. Another woman was missing. The building became an inferno within minutes as the flames also destroyed the mission chapel and two smaller buildings. American Army and Navy pump trucks helped Japanese firemen fight the blaze. At Baltimore the search contin ued today for victims in the fire which raced through the building occupied by the Tru-Fit Clothing Co. The walls on two top floors col lapsed just as firemen had brought the blaze under control. Many of the men were hurtled onto the burned-out floor below. Fire Lt. W. Barnes was killed instantly and Lt. Leonard N. Wiles was dug out of the wreckage in terrible pain from injuries caused when a huge beam dropped across his legs; Search For Bodies ; That left five men still buried under 'the smoking rubble. Fire men said there was little hope that they had survived. A search was also underway at Montreal for more persons who may have perished in the burned- out apartment house. Two of the bodies recovered were burned beyond recognition and at least one of the victims died when she jumped from a fourth - floor window. Three other persons escaped with their lives in the same manner, but not without injuries. The blast at Seguin, a German farm community 30 miles east of San Antonio, was felt eight blocks away. Letters To the Editor: s I wisli to compliment your car rier on this route. This young man is John Olson who has displayed consideration, punctuality and courtesy throughout his tenure on the route. respectfully, MRS. J. R. WHITTAKER Bend Oregon Fob. 15, 1955 Selections Made At Madras High Special In The Hullolin MADRAS Deannu Schroedor, Madras Union high school junior, and Murray Newton, sophomore. have been named MM1S Dream Girl and Boy In an all-School poll. They wore chosen front eight can didates by vote of the student body. The Dream Girl, n five-fnot, five inch blonde, won Ihe National Hon or Society's award in hr fresh man year. She is a Pep club member, belongs to Future Home makers of America, is student hotly secivtnry. and serves as first Untrsseneer of Uie Grand Bethel o( Job's Daughters of Oreijon. Newton, six-foot, one-inch cacr. mm a starting place on the MUHS hot'p squad Ibis year. The young ster transferred to Madras from llrrmiston tlis year. The contest is spciwred annually by the school journalism department. Winners in 1!)53 wore Colleen Mcucham and Jerry Sprengel. School Officials To Visit Eugene Special to The Bulletin OREGON STATE COLLEGE I Three Bend high school officials will be at Oregon State college Saturday for a series of individ ual interviews with recent grad uates who are now attending OSC. The three are J. R. Achesoti, principal: Zola McDougall, dean of girls, and Dean Tate, dean of boys. Talks will center around student progress in college and on strong and weak points in both the high school training and counseling for college and the OSC guidance and orientation program for new stu dents. The discussions were started two years ago by OSC as a means of better planning tor student needs and helping new freshmen get off to a successful start in college. Eight schools- participated in the first conference but the plan drew such wide approval that the num ber was increased to 16 last year. This year, nearly 40 high schools accepted invitations to take part. Carpets are not harmed by ra diant floor heating. Temperatures of the heating system cannot rise high enough to cause damage or danger. I The new. fubeless, 3.transltor Zenith "ROYAL-M" Hearing Aid As powerful as some hearing aids at least twice its size... smaller than many sellingr for twice its price! Zenith's latest and greatest engineering triumph the tiny but mighty "Royal-M" weighs about the same as a pocket lighter and is hardly larger. Instantly adjustable fingertip tone and volume controls. And just imagine it operates for 1 a week on one tiny battery! Come in and see the "Royal-M".. .wear and compare, on Zenith's 10-day money-back Guarantee. Try it at home, at work, anywhere. Discover for yourself its wonderful clarity . . . convenience. So comfortable you scarcely know you're wearing hi (ASY TIMEAYMINT PIAN 10-DAY MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE If, In your opinion, any hearing aid out-performs a Zenith in any way, simply return the Zenith within 10 days and your money will be refunded promptly. 3 MOO fT tone . y 'If conduction j? ' ' j' accessory jfv-:'.:-'' km?--- ft si moderate f " fjt f HEARING AIDS ty Hi Maker of World-Famous Zenllh TV and Radio Son We Stock A Com plete Line of Hear" ing Aid Batteries, cords and replace ment parts! rBESTBU?) in Hearing Aids Get the Facts! Learn about the impartial tests con ducted by America's foremost private independent testing laboratory and you u conclude that even if you pay as much as $300, you can't buy a liner neanng aid than a zenith. 10-Day Money Back Guarantee ' ' I - . . 3 GENERATIONS of children have grown up in BUSTER The shoes you're s jre will fit Chances are you wore Buster Brown shoes when you were a child. For over SO years they've been famous for perfect fit, skilled workmanship, finest quality materials. Your children's feet deserve the finest. See us for a new pair of famous Buster Browns today. NEW! Low Price Dress Shoes For The Little Miss Sizes 4 to 51 $3.45 51 to 8 $3.95 8J to 3 $4.95 FINE QUALITY STRAPS IN NEW COLORS. PINK, BLUE, BLACK PATENT, AND WHITE Buster Brown Shoes 921 Wall 8 hone 863