T Olson Carves Out Win Over Tiger Jones ..; By ED SA1NS1H RY . United Vmtn Sports Writer CHICAGO (UP) Middleweight champion Car! "Bobo" Olson got "Just the tight' I expected" from Ralph "Tiger" Jones Wednesday night and .as a result he was geared up today lor a shot at big ger game. . . Olson, weighing J68 pounds, the heaviest of his career, neatly carved Jones into a hulk bleeding from the eye, the mouth and the ruse to win a handy 10 -round decision. " "He's got ss big a heart as any body I've ever seen," Olson said of Jones. Olson, entering the ring, was as sured of a chance to go for the bigger game as the sponsoring International Boxing Club sched uled him for an April 13 bout in San Francisco Cow Paluce against the former light - heavyweight champion, Joey Maxim, The bout was contingent only upon Olson defeating Junes, anu he did that handily. Referee Frank Gilmer and Judge Spike McAdam gave the champion every round for a perfect lflO points m his 10-round non-title engagement, while Judge John Bray gave him 99 points. "I felt fine at that weight," Ol son said, "and that's about what I'll weigh for Maxim. I was strong and never got tired, and I could punch pretty well. - "But he fought the kind of fight I expected. Coming at me all the time. Just the kind I like." , Both Sid Fluherty, Olson's man ager, and Maxim's handler, Jack Kearns, predicted the bout be tween their brawlers would draw $200,000 with the Cow Palace scaled to a $15 top. They also expected , Basilisk! Signs Beaver Contract ' PORTLAND (UP) Second Baseman Eddie Basinski, Pitcher Glenn Elliott and First Baseman Ed Mickelson have returned their sighed baseball contracts to the Portland Beavers, General Man ager Joe Ziegler said today. Basinski revealed that he had turned down an offer to become playing manager of the Spokane club in the new Northwest league because he preferred to remain in Portland. television revenue for the Wednes day night fight and Flaherty saib that San Francisco would be olacked out. Maxim, who watched Olson's jnc-sided win, said he weighed 196 .xiunds, but that he could get down to 175 with case. Olson was pleased with his per formance against Jones. ' ' "I guess my combinations were my best," he said. "In the last rounds a left jab and a right hook, lie never hurt me, and I hit hUn pretty good." Jones, who said he never was hurt either, suffered two cuts un der the right eyebrow. One re quired three stitches to close and the other, one. ft was Jones' 13th loss in 49 fights and Olson's 61st win in 67. BULLETIN 2 The Bend Bulletin, Thursday, February 17, 1955 Mad fvt Mat hunting f ffiMng trip nottf Pt tor lit'!. Toll along a Fracfilon Radiation Oalar Cawnrr or Stimulator. Compact, lightwvight and ruog'dlr built, Ihoia hlahlynilMv InilrvmanU tan nl you a rotord UXANIUM dlKavtry. Ovtr S2,5O0,OO0 In Govarninant oanuMl hoi batn paid for URANIUM dfuavarUt In tht pait 7 yon. Currently, 1150,000 month I paid to ptapl fult I id a you. rVttlilon Radiation Initrumentt an tha fWtt Imtrumonti mod for URANIUM protptttlng, ach model ii delivered complete, ready Is um. Prkei lart at 2f.9S, Cm lit tmdmy, dfemonttro'ton with actus lamplei of Uronlum, or writ for in catalog. Ak nhnut tha nmw 9i poo booMot, "64 Question and Antwtn On Goigtf Counttrt and Scintillator." CAL .ORE MACHINERY CO. 044 South Central Bledford, Ori'jron l'liono 2 6155 Nite Hawks To Play Host ToOCEFrosh The COC Nite Hawks under Coach Claude Cook will play host to the Oregon College of Educa tion frosh from Monmoth this weekend in two games to be played in the local area.- The Wolfpups are coached by 3ili McCarthy and have gone un lefeated since the additjon of Morm Willougoby to Uieir squad. Villoughby was attending the University of Oregon but trnns- 'crred to OCE when he was placed on probation. The first contest will take place in the Redmond high school gym Beginning at v.io preceded by a "relimlnary contest between the Redmond Freshmen and the Sis ters JVs. The following evening, Saturday, the teams will move to Bend to play their other contest in the Kenwood grade school gym at 8 o'clock. There . will be no pre liminary for the Saturday tilt, Claude Cook announced. A tentative starting line-up for the Nite Hawks lists Bob Adams in at the post wllh Milton Sexton and Gordon Slate completing the back line at the forward positions, Boh Eberhard and Millard Marsh will be. out front at the guards. Miles Hulchin, Roger Van Nest, Larry Kribs will also see a groat deal ol action Cook said. .1, Golfers Tee Off In Texas Open SAN ANTONIO. Tex. (UP) - Veterans Johnny Palmer and Tommy Bolt and a couple of IlodglinR pros, Gene Littler and Billy Maxwell, were rated the men to heat as the $12,500 Texas Open Golf Tournament started, today. Littler, like Maxwell a former National Amuteur champion, and Bolt already have two tournament championship checks deposited in their hank as a result of victories along the elnht-weeks old winter tour, while Palmer has one and Muxwell has a runner-up check to his credit. SPORTSMAN'S HOW WIND AFFECTS SHOTGUN PELLETS OF FLIGHT l SHOT . PATTERN S DEFLECTEP By WINP 1 , wiMn I I I SIGHT I1 Strom Ii winds make AERIAL. SHOTS Buzz Wilkinson Challenges Floyd NEW YORK (UP) Richard (Buzz) Wilkinson of Virginia, bas ketball's highest returning scorer from last season, moved up today to challenge Furman s D a r r e 1 1 Floyd for the national collegiate scoring lead. - . Wilkinson, who stands 6-feet-2, tossed In 68 points in two games during the week ending Sunday, to boost his per game scoring aver age to 32.1 points. Only Floyd, with 40 points in a single game that week, is ahead of him with 35.5. - :.. Wilkinson thus moved ahead of Robin Freeman of Ohio State, whose average is 31.5 points per game and will stay at that figure since he has quit for the season because of hiB health. Behind Floyd, Wilkinson, and Freeman In the top 10 in scoring this season are Bill Yarborough of Clemson at 28.6 points per game, Dick Hemric of Wake Forest at 28.3, Jesse Arnelle of Penn State at 28.1, Denver Brackcen of Missis sippi at 27.3, sophomore Dick O' Neal of Texas Christian at 27.0, John Mahoney of William & Mary at 26.8 and Jack Twyman of Cin cinnati, also 26.8. Stan Glowuski of Seattle took over the national basket - shooting lead with a 59.7 per cent shooting mark from; the floor. Jim Scott of West Texas State retained the free throw shooting lead with an aver age of 90.8 per cent. Charlie Slack of Marshall College Btayed on top in rebunding with an average of 26.1 rebounds per game. ' W EVEN TRICKIBR ' IF YOU DON'T ALLOW FOR WIND'S DEFLECTION. IF VOU CAN REMEMBER TO AIM A BIT INTO THE WIND, IN ADDITION TO FORWARD ALLOWANCE OF FLyiNG TARGETS, YOU'LL . SCORE MORE HITS EXPERI ENCE WILL INDICATE HOW MUCH TO ALLOW FOR WIND'S VELOCITY. In LEARNING, YOU MAYHIT A DIFFERENT TARGET THAN YOU SHOr AT 0 ABOVE), AND FIND THAT LARGE-SIZED SHOT BUCKS WIND BETTER THAN SMALL SHOT. FOF g FLY To Grid Post BATON ROUGE, La. (UP) Puul Dietzel, new Louisiana Stale University football coach,.isaid to day he would install a rufced rock 'em, sock 'em type of football at the school, based on Army's type offense. The LSU Board of Supervisors picked D I e t z e 1 unanimously Wednesday to succeed Gnyncll Tlnnley, who was fired a week ago Saturday. He was (riven a three- year contract at $13,000 a year, highest in the school's history. LSU still needs an athletic di rector to replace T. P. (Red) Heard who was allowed to resign the clay Tinsley was fired. Diclzel has been line coach un der Earl (Fled) Blaik at Army the past two years and held a similar position under Paul (Bear) Bryant ut Kentucky the year before that. He is n Kraduate of the Univer sity of Miami. Ohio, where he was captain of the team. TUBELESS or REGULAR The miracle strength and safety of Goodyear's Triple-Tempered 3-T All-Nylon Cordsl The extra mileage of a thicker, tougher tread I The road and weather mastership of Rosist-A-Skid tractionl ill I -Mo m CORD Double Eagle with the new quiet "velvet ride" flonclye.n's csrltisivr Triple-Tempered 3-T AH Nylon Conl makes this the finest tire money cm btiv. Ingenious new "Safety Silencers" prac licjily eliminate annoying sniieal on turns. See .the new. improved Double Eagle at your first opportunity. f Fawn and R Trade righf-away... we're paying top price for old tire' ay WILLIAMS TIRE SERVICE 183 E. Greenwood Your Central Oregon Distributor for Goodyear Tires Phone 1216 College Scores By UNITED PRESS East Pennsylvania 67 Brow n61 Canlsius 86 Villanova C3 La Salle 89 Albright 70 Tufts 70 Amherst 67 Army 72 Hatwlck 63 Brandcls 82 Sprlnef ieli Juniata 70 Bucknell rj Buffalo 74 Hobart Princeton 53 Coh-j Connecticut 91 I-'i Syracuse 78 Gettysburg 74 LaFayette 71 J West Virgin Rhode Islan'J St. Bonaverl St. Joseph'; Clark 77 Catholic Ul Penn Milit; St. Franeil Millersvillel Trinity (CA1 E. .StroudsSbl Hofstra 82 Florida State Wake Forest W. Kentucky 71 VMI 76 Virginia N. Carolina A&T Virginia Union 98 Midwest Akron 87 Mount Un: Baldwin Wallace 105 Case S Ball State 80 Wabash 70 Marquette 93 Bradley 83 Butler 68 DePauw 47 Iowa State 82 Drake 73 . John Caroll 82 Kent State 81 Concordia 71 Chicago U. 64 Capitol 86 Konyon 72 Allegheny 94 Fenn 82 Emporia 79 Bethany !i7 Southwest Karisas 87 Oklahoma 75 Oklahoma A&M 62 Tulsa 52 St. Edward's 84 Texns Lutheran 69 West San Francisco 65 St. Marys Cal. 57 MKIMIAMS Ui,(,lE Standings Won Lost Eagles i :.. 19 9 Hanson's Food " 17 11 Lundgren's Lumber 16 12 Bend Nash Co. 14 14 Hufstader & Wallan 13 15 Shoop & Schulze 11 17 Oregon Trunk RR . 11 17 J. C. Penney - ... 11 17 In Wednesday night league play Eagles and Bend Nash won 3 to 1 Irom Shoop & Schulze and Lund gren's respectively. J. C. Penney and Hanson's Food Market split 2 and 2 while Hufstader & Wallan won 3 to 0 from Oregon Trunk Railway. Eagles had high three game se ries of 2681 and top single game of 919. Bud Russell captured high indiv idual scries of 599 and Loyal Gar- hoden had high single contest of 218. Loyal Garboden picked the 4-10 split and Ted Vogt converted the 4-7-10 split. Individual scores: J. C. Penney: G. Marling, 478; L. Langer, 442; R. Zanon, 403; D. Whistler, 367; B. Nelson, '409. To tal, 2498. Hanson: S. Blucher, 467? G. Mansfield, 416; B. Conrad, 386; R. Yarnes, 531; O. Hanson, 432. T tal, 2514. Oregon Trunk: Warren, 463; Jac kich, 444; Terlizzi, 330; Young, 450; Dalrymple, 443. Total, 2496. Huf stader & Wallan: V. Wallan, 393; W. Huber, 365; H. Wallan, 420; B. Russell, 533; L. Hufstader, 465. To tal, .2536. Lundgren's: L. Barnett, 389; J. Ballantyne, 463; S. Steidl, 436; L. Garboden, 535; H. Kerns, 450. To tal, 2546. Bend Nash: T. Vogt, 509; L. Bailly, 487; M. Shearer, 359; F, Kizer, 474; B. Fraser. 450. Total, 2573. Yarnes, 430; L. Keown, 483. Total, 2177. Pilot Butte Inn: M. Douglass, 155; R. Mirich, 412; L. Murphv, 376; H. Asbury, 396; A. Cundcll, 540. Total, 2245. Cliff's Furniture: L. Anderson, 429; B. Young, 370; D. Huber, 446, P. Wallan, 432; J. Coulter, 510. To tal, 2253. Nancy's Curtain: H. Mc- Collum, 485; N. Lanzarotta, 381; M, Bailly, 435; F. Hannum, 386; S. Miller, 428. Total, 2196. Wetle's: J. Murphy, 430; M. Da mon, 439; B. Hebert, 368; I. Car ter, 386; E. Roats, 382. Total 2125. Bend Nash: V. Cecil, 377; H. Elk- in, 414: D. Scott, 390; G. Pattee, 373; W. Curtis, 450. Total, 2127. Medo-Land: G. Simonson, 466; B. Smith, 401; H. Bowles, 364; H Powers, 417; M. Blucher, 434. To tal, 2142. Lundgren's: P. Crocker, 460; A. Madden, 356; G. Diver, 392; B. Howe, 402; B. Wallan, 531. To tal, 2219. Action Promised By Jim Crowley SCRANTON, Pa. (UP) James H. (Sleepy Jim) Crowley, former gridiron great newly appointed to the Pennsylvania Athletic Commis sion, said today he plans to rid the racket-element, "if it exists," from state boxing. "We plan to make it one of the cleanest and most ethical sports," said Crowley, one of Notre Dame's famed Four Horsemen and former grid coach at Fordham University. Benjamin R. Donolow, a Phila delphia Democrat, has charged i:t boxing in Pennsylvania is ridden" and has intro- luti.jn for an investiga- by the stale ey said he Wednes- M. Leader the re-"what Parson Creeps Closer to Top LOS ANGELES (UP) Dean Parsons of Washington has crept to within 12 points of Pacific Coast Conference Northern Division scor ing leader Jim Loscutotf while ore- Stale continued to dominate team statistics, it was announced today. lAseutoff. of Oreeon. leads with 233 points for a 19.4 game average while Parsons is averaging ,ia.s. Both have four games to play. Other top scorers inciuaea non Rennink nf Washington State with 17.1 per game, seven-foot, three inch Wade Halbrook of OSC With 15.9 and Idaho's Harlan Melton with 12.8. Parsons leAd the division in shootinc accuracy with 48.6 per cent of his floor shots and OSC's Reggie Halligan was best from the free throw line with an 85.4 per centage. ' Oregon State, undefeated in ten I division games after a slow early season start, leads every statistic except rebounds, in which Oregon was strongest wun eu to ineir op ponents 432. The Beavers lead in average points per game with 64.4; per eentace of field goal attempts with 38.7; free throw percentage with S9.8; and defense, pouting tneir opponents to 52 7 points per game and 31 per cent of their field goals. DILL INTRODUCED SALEM (UP) A bill which would permit dog racing at Port land Meadows was Introduced in the Oregon house yesterday by Dr. F. H. Dammascti, fonianq ue- publican. The bill would r-wide an ex ception to the law that not more than imp class of race meet can be licensed for a given course. f --owl r "vui f V r v Coi Y Vtart," r i nne if hair- I lus! 1 I 1 r liSS 1 ' ap- f con- 0.. M f An vvy T given irman of Wil- 1 lolon of SPECIAL AT JIM'S 2 Only SAVAGE 99 EG Lever Action .250-3000 Req.$109 Now $82.75 SEE US FOR ALL YOUR SKI EQUIPMENT BOOTS, BINDERS. WAXES, GOGGLES, ETC. SEE THE NEW UMCO SPIN TACKLE BOXES Lightweight aluminum, room for spin reel. Plas tic Trays, only $8.50 2 TRAY ALUMINUM SPIN BOXES (at right) $2.95 SINGLE TRAY ALUMINUM SPIN BOXES only $1.25 SEE THE NEW QUIET 1955 . EVINRUDE MOTORS NOW! Don't wait until the season opens, use our Lay away Plan, or our Easy Terms. 8 h.p. Vi h.p. IS h.p. 25 h.p. $151 $243 $361 Jim's Sporting Goods Your Friendly Sports Center E. 3rd Franklin Jim Vincent-Owner Phone 262 STRUCK COAL DUDLEY, England (UP) Hun dreds of persons rushed into the street with buckets Wednesday when workmen digging a roadside ditch struck coal. tw Oregon Mate s i 1 . .nam unbeaten in the Northern Division highlight basketball action in the Pacific Northwest this weekend. Both the Ducks and Beavers will go on the road. Oregon has a two - game bulge over the Huskies, but both games on (he Seattle court will be rough for the Webfonts. Oregon State, which cinched Ihe division title Tuesday night, trav els to Pullman for two games with Washington State. Oldest National Guard unit is the 182nd Infantry of Massachu setts, organized as a militia out fit back in 1636. STANDIFERS . . . We dress the town w ffliwrt i. 30-Day Special YOUR Spring Wardrobe Anything in our Stoic O Nothing Down! O Six Months to Pay on Approved Credit EXAMPLE: Sull, SMfUH), Hal, $11), Shoes, $1L0A $1U5. Pay Nothing Down Only $11.91 per month! for 0 Months - We mean it Nothing down! Choose any thing in our More, add up the tab and di vide by six. You pay it nil m fi easy pay ments No intereM or carrying charge! served in ifii best circles.. . m The extra years enrich Lm its great Bourbon flavor 405 065 PUt HICKOIT vboduoii "3" OLD HICKORY stkaightBOURBONwhiskv SIX TEARS 0L0 ,86 PROOF OLD HICKORY DISTILLING CORPORATION PHILADELPHIA, PA.