7, REAL COOL SEAT,' MAN Don't complain about the cold think ol engineer Tom Tomlinson, who works in a 65-degree-below-zero- "cold box.". He's . testing a new, simplified pilot's ejection seat at Republic Aviation's laboratory In Farmingdale, N. Y. The frosted dummy represents the average pilot's weight, and the seat is checked under various temperature and climatic conditions to make sure it will operate at all altitudes, in every: part ot the world. The new seat hugs the pilot, if necessary shoots him from the plane and opens chute for any parachute drop; Consultant Bell Presents Proposal For Ordinance on Subdivisions The city attorney was directed at Monday night's planning com mission meeting to begin drafting a proposal to' codify an ordinance on the development and planning on subdivisions. . . Wanning Consultant J. Haslett Bell, in a 13-pagc mimeographed report, spelled out his recommen dations for such an ordinance. He described the purpose of an ordinance . governing .procedures for developing a subdivision as in suring the proper development of streets and the strict conformity He Collects Superstitions Of Actors By KAN Rl'KTON lulled Press Staff Correspondent HOLLYWOOD - (UP) An actor and his superstitions would not be a very original topic, but Gene Barry has improved on it. He's an actor who collects oilier actors' superstitions. Eventually Barry hopes to pub lish an anhology of theatrical superstitions. Barry's sources are chiefly books written on the theater, its personnel and allied subjects. However, he has gained much data through written and person al contact with show business peo ple of all ages. Hollywood, Barry said, is an ex tremely fertile field for supersti tions, even if most of those in the industry would deny vehe- mently that Barry includes them in his basis for such a statement. The actor, who is usually a "heavy" and has a starring role in Universal International's new thriller, "The Purple Mask," hones that his finished work may become a text and a source book in Itself. He feels that show busi ness needs such a book o( cirri osa, and his own collection now numbers more than 1,000 super stitions. Crossed Fi liters Barry was prevailed upon to cite some instances from his pro- nosed anthology, pointing out that his action really constituted a sneak preview. One superstition, he said, was held by John Wilkes Booth, who assassinated President Abraham Lincoln. His idea was that he would givo a good performance if he turned his back on an aud ience and munched peppermint candy. Aristophanes, the Greek drama tist, would prod a handy slave with a sharp stick when he be came discouraged over a scene. "This is compatible to come dians and stooges today," Biiiry noted. James K. II a eke It. famed Shakespearean aetor, banged on tt... ....t !.... i.r it ...... t'AM.. at the front door of the Court luiuin. just iifiuir .. "a., "'i,,, trod, Oreeon. sell to the hih- EO lip. lie lIRUred II alimcica UlCcst hidden, for cah or term a herrin nttnnt.. (after ntated. the following derrlhed tesl ... . """"j ' IproiH-rty. lorsted in DeM-hutee County. I.Hy Ianijtry nelayctl so many ormnn. i.rovini-i no l.t.i shall he -n,t- Performance." hy sHunping to fet ed I'" then the arm.ent eel !.;. . . 'ite eneh r-oertlve traet. whieh la the cals she saw nc;ir Hie llicatormiin,um ,,rU. ((,od in sld order: .u lhal fhilrln n freniirnllv WTO Iiired to clear the area of all fe lines before her arrival. Weber ami Kield v.ouliln'1 spoak lo each other for 30 niimilts luloic a pcr forrwmcp. . Il.'trry has bc -n to! close to w perslitions lo have one, lie ex plained. "But I've got my fingers crossed till' I lux a publisher," he added. "1 .-eil V & . - 9 5 it to the city's overall master plan wnnin a projected subdivision. City Attorney Harry A. English was instructed by Planning Com mission Chairman Henry Pyzdrow- ski to prepare a preliminary draft ui tin uruinance. Discussion on Bell's recommen dation was deferred by commis sioners at Wednesday's meeting, They requested that the matter be taken up for full review at next meeting after they've had more time to study the many features of the lengthy proposal. Bell outlined steps he suggested for development of a subdivision. Kinder his p&n, persons planning a subdivision would first submit a tentative or preliminary plan to the planning commission for re view. Should this plan be accepted, subdivision developers would then submit a detailed final plan, which if approved by the planning com mission would be submitted to the city commission for final action. Bell pointed out that the plan ning commission would have au thority over subdivision develop ments within six miles of the city. Included in Bell's proposal are specifications for street widths, lot sizes, alleys, easement and other details of development. In other business, the commis sion: 1. Heard a report of the com mittee studying the city's indus trial water supply. Committee Chairman Wilfred Jossy reported that he understood the water de partment is preparing a detailed plat of the city's water works. Such a plat, Jossy said, would in dicate where it would be best to locate new industries. 2. Questioned City Recreation Director Wayne Hamilton about possible development of additional recreational facilities on the west side. Hamilton said he could think of a number of facilities that might be developed in that part of town. He specifically mentioned neighborhood playgrounds and a small ball ground. Asked if such facilities might be added to school grounds in the area, Hamilton pointed out that the two west side schools, Kenwood and Kingston, are located near the Harmon play field. The recreation director said that the development of a ice skat. ing rink in that area would be costly. He said it costs almost $50 a day to operate the rink on Troy field. 3. Approved the request of the municipal band that a band shell be located in Juniper park. 4. Appointed Planning Tcchni tian Warren Sutliff, secretary of the commission. Legal Notice NOTICE OF SAI.K Notire is hereby civer, that by virtue of an order ol th County Omrt of Vrt- rbiitet County. Orewon, enured on the Ifith ilsy of February. Whh, the un.ler Mened Sheriff will on Uie ISIh day of Marrh llt'.n. at toe hour of ten oV.rk eol of sale. ete. Parcel No. Lot 6. Block 4. LaPine $ 2r..fM h Pared No 2 NW'i of th- NW-, lLot 4) of Section 3, Town-hip 17 ftouth, Ramrc II. B W.M. Containing .ill. 16 a-re nv.re or le- I.on.iin Cm-h S.jeh Bale "hall be mihjerl t th" rlffht of any miintripal ror, "Tat ion claim uttf an unpaid an-ew-ment lien for loral tm lrovinenU trw-rmn to nurrhaito wnrb rft-r-rrtjr within in day after tvHtee of iwh vaie. F C. Hholea Sheriff. l-47.I-7ll-C The Bend Bulletin. Wednesday. February 16. i95S 3a PHONE IN YOUR CLASSIFIED ADS THE BEND BULLETIN The Bend Builetia (Weeklr) leOHMl. The Bout Bulletin (Daily) Bat. Ml Published Bverr Afternoon Except 8u& du and Certain Holidays by The Bend Bulletin. 73&-7M Well Street. Bead. Oregon. Be Hall la Oresea . Three Monte I t.U Six Months aw One leer 11.IN By Moil Oatsids at Ores Three Months I MS lix Months CtO One Year ll.UO Be Carrier fine Month I 1.15 Six Months 7.0 One Year U.00 SINGLE COPY So Pleeae notify ns of any chance of ad dress or failure to receive the paper reg ularly. all subsoriotlons are DUB and FAX- ABLE IN AOVANOE. BULETIN CORRESPONDENTS Redmond Mrs. Martha Stranahan raoae est Madras Bod Barber . ' Phone I19B or svoi Bedmond Mrs. Martha Stranahan mono sxi Prinevllle Mi - Walter Struck rnone 'ion Eastern Star Mrs. Walter Frlchard fDone 87-r-ii Bisters Mrs. Seme Covat . , Phone SIM Tumalo Mrs. A. L. Christopher t none eov-L, Wan Ad Rates and Information 4 times for the rrife f . Ailk sahniir the MKai xetteieerl ana saful added iiaMrtionii don't forget th even lower rate if yon run your ad for full month. 7 times for the prlea Of 6. Very Low Rates for Monthly Ada 1 t-8-4 6-8-7 WortM T)maa . TSmaaa. TimM Up to 19 .76 1.80 2.15 tnm is i.oo - z. oo a. 67 19 thru 28 1.26 2.60 4.20 24 thru 28 1.60 8.00 6.60 frlces: Cub or within 7 days PHONE YOUR WANT ADS TO THE BBaNLI BULLETIN, FHONE 66 Ads received before 1 p.m. will appear in mo following days DSDer. The Bulletin reserves the Htrht to classify, edit or reject any want ad copy, and will be resDonsible for only one in correct publication of any want ad; Full adjuitobent of error will be made by one auaea insertion 01 too correctod aaver- tihement. Want ads in The Bulletin are arratwed for the benefit of the reader, and are classified into the following groups: ANNOUNCEMENTS 1 (o 16 Lost A Found, Meetings, Personals, Spe cial notices, etc. AUTOMOTIVE 20 to tt Autos wanted and tor sale. Body Work. Service Stations, etc BUSINESS SERVICES 40 to 70 ADDiiances. Butldintr. Carnentrv. Electric al, Painting. Plumbing, Upholstering ate. EMPLOYMENT 80 to 84 Help Wanted, Baby Sitters, Situations wanted, etc. FINANCIAL AO to 98 . Opportunities. InvMbneDta. Money to lAMtx etc. INSTRUCTION 100 to 104 Home Instruction, Schools, Special Claa- LIVESTOCK A PETS 110 to 110 Cattle & Horses. Poultry A Rabbits rets, etc MISCELLANEOUS 121 to 1K9 Appliunces, Farm Products, Fuel A Wood, Misc. ror avJe and wanted, etc. RENTALS ltitT to 169 Apartments. Homes, Rooms. Wantet to Kent, etc URAL ESTATE 170 to 1ft ft Houties, Farms and Ranches, Lota A Acreages For Sale, etc Legal Notice PUBLIC SALE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT Land Office. 1001 N. . Lloyd Boulevard I'ortland 14. Oregon January 17, 1 lift 5 Under proviHions 'of section 2-JT-5. R. S., as amended by section 14 of the act f Juno 28. 1V;I4 (48 Stat., 1274 ; 43 U.S. C. 11711. "and pursuant to the annlir tion of George H. McAllister, 8:t9 E. Sec ond Street, Bend. Ortftron. Serial No. Oregon 028fi, there will be offered to the hiRhest bidder, but at not lens than $7.00 per acre, at a public sale to be held at 2:00 o'clock p.m.. on the 17th day of March next, at this office, the following tracts of land: SWSE sec 2. T. 17 S.. R. 12 E.. W. M.. Orwion. Bids may be fnn.de by the principal or his ettent, either personally at the (tale or by mail. Kids sent by mail will be cons mered only if received at this office prior to the hoar fixed for the ssle. Bids must he in sealed envelopes accompanied by certified checks or pout-office money orders made payable to the Treasurer of the United States for the amounts of the hids. The envelope mint be marked the lower left-hand corner "Public wale bid. Serial No. Oregon 08286, Sale, p.m. March 17, l&5. The highest bidder will be required to pay immediately the amount there of. Anv adverse claimants or the ahovo- described lnd should file their claims, or objectiom, on or before the thrte dea- lRnated for sale. Any contiguous Owner elalmintr a itcference rlcht must assert such rittht within 80 days from the above sale date. r run con A. Patton Manager 43-1Q.fi6-til.C Legal Notice NOTICE OK HRARINd ON FINAL ACCOUNT NOTICK IS HKREBY GIVEN that the un'Iprbittncd, Arlminintralnr of the Kstate of Don Dave Caldwell, deceased, nan ftlH hi Final Account with ' the County Clerk of Deschutes County. Oregon, and that Monday, the 14th day of March. l!r,6 at the hour of 2 o'clock P.M. in the County Courtroom, Deschutes County Courthotue. Bend, Ororon, has been vet for the hearing of ohieclionn, If any.i to .aid account and for the final wttlement if Mid estate. Dated thin Dth day of February. tKn. Grover Caldwell. Administrator of the Estate of Don Dmre Cald well, Iweaaed. De Armond, Goodrich, Foley, and Cray KM 4 Bond Slrrrt, Bend. Orrtton AHnrn-r- for A'1")ntMrt,r Legal Notice NOTIC K Bid will he received by the City of Bnd for Fleet Insurance Inetudlnff auto motnle iriruranc Wr one year and ron- trartor's cinipment floater insurance for three yearn to become effect) Z:n, A.M.. March 14. 19. It if a ftlrlhrr mi'drencnt hy the City of Henri that toe tiurceiMful bidder on thii in-tiiranee ti to furninh the City of Rend uion demand or 34) daya prior to the ex- ni mtmn of tnin mnufance tHtliry. with in' formation i-huK-inir the total amount t-f I'msc iiaid. and mervea outatan'Jhw, tin der Mid policy. The rlcht In re-rred by the City C'mi ml M inn. to rejert any or all bWn and to waive any In forma I M ten. Bid mut bf In the City Hall not laitrr than 10;00 AM , MHrch I. CKy f n nd Julia ft. sionnvon . iaCCOfliiae 4.t 1 Loit and Found LOS1 -Bo; Mrs Raleigh English Bicycle. k White, gear shift and sad- Maroon die hat. Reward. 1154 E. 11 Personals! Notices yoei fail to receive yoar Bulletin by f:30, Tele- phooe M and a copy will be) tent you by special carrier. . 26 Tires Repair & Recap USED TIRES, ll.to up, used take. 10c up. louil ne pleased wita ear quica, efficient, expert tubeless tire service. "OK" Rubhcr WelJera Bend. Oregym. 30 Used Cars for Sale HERE'S ONE juat like the winners of the "Mexican Kosil Knee" in 1U&4. A beauty, fully equipped, showroom clean. Reduced to only $2395. See it. CALL 123;M evenings. WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 8PECIAL 1013 FORD 2 door sedan. Radio Heat er, g tone paint, seat covers to maun interior. Very clean ear inside ft ant. 11566. SEE ART KBUHL at the Ford Used Car lot. On E, Third next to Midget Drive In. WHERE ELSE! WHERE ELSE I 41 CHEVROLET z-dr, gorgeous green, radio eV heater. This ear will astound you. Careful driving has kept It clean and neat. Safe Buy I Used ear trade-in. 1205. FITZTATRICK LINCOLN-MERCURY, 105 E. Franklin. WHERE ELSE I WHERE ELSE! OR TRADE: 1954 Ford 4-Door or 19F.0 Columbia Trailer house. Either or bout for 2 Bedroom home. 238 Hill street. 1964 CHEVROLET "Del-Rey" Club Coupe, like new. Low mileage, two tone paint Bermuda Green over Fiesta Cream. Plastic Interior. Nylon white wall tires. 11645.00 Terms, Phone 6521 Prinevllle. FORD VICTORIA 5 mo. old. 6,000 miles complete with Fordontatic and all ex tras. Terms available with no interest. Ph. 862-W for appointment. MUST SELL BELOW BOOK, 1948 Mer cury coupe. 1866.00, will accept trade. Phone 2144-J. ABC Always Better Cars '49 CHEVROLET PICKUP Radio "ft Heater. Real clean. Priced right. TOWNE MOTORS 167 Greenwood Phone S6 used car lot rnone ooo Corner of Irving 4k Harrlman FOB THE BEST USED CAR DEAL IN TOWN SEE 'BEND NASH CO. M4 GREENWOOD PHONE 700 32 Used Trucks Trailers LOTS OF PICKUPS. I have 15 1947 or older pickups to choose from, all makes to 1 Ton. All in good running shape. DESCHUTES CENTER. 52 Excavating & Grading Duncan Brothers EXCAVATION Drilling, : Blasting, Top and Fill Dirt. Cinders, and Tractor Work. Phone 574 or 1003 Soil Cat 59 Services Ofiered INCOME TAX ASSISTANCE. 7 years with Internal Revenue. Open daily and weekends. Closed Thursdays. Appoint ments advisable. DESCHUTES CENTER Hwy 97 ,7 miles No.. Ph. 2009-W-2. SHEET METAL SPECIALIST Gutters, Chimney Extensions oil forced air heat ing. BEND SHEET METAL. Ph.- 468. EXPERT ROCK MASONRY Individ ually designed fireplaces. Carpentry. H. Bessonette, Ph. 1294-W. SAW RENTAL Bend Chain Saw Servica INCOME TAX RETURNS $1.00 up Per Form . . Room 11, U. S, National Bank Bldg. Phone 959 or 1420-W Will Call at Your Home CENTRAL OREGON BOOKKEEPING SEI1V1CE 64 Plumbing & Heating BROWN FURNACE SHEET METAL Bring your beating problems to Phone 72 FARR'S HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING Ph. 447 or 126'W E, 1st, and Greenwood HKATINU SYS J BftlS Furnace Vacuum Clean ina Flue Clean ina Furnace Repair Service Replacement Parts Complete. NjewFurnBceataJlajjpri 66 Radio; TV Sales & Serv. RADIO TV TUBES Complete stock for all radloa Phileo and other makes BEND FURNITURE CO. RADIO RECORD PLAYER RF.PAIR Radio a TV Tubes For Bale Prompt Service George's Radio ft Bporting Goods P1IU.CO HOFFMAN T-V Authorised Dealer Radios and HI 7t Enulpmont RIES RADIO. 624 Franklin Ph. 70 Septic Tnks; Cesspools CARTER SEPTIC TANK SERVICE Phone 1616 or 1647 786 W. 12th. 74 Upholstering FOR UPIiOI.8TK.KINO of all trpes of furniture and also rug cleaning and all overstuffed furniture cleaning see tl KUHr.ltT Lbvui, sio c. journsine, TH. i twa-;. 80 Baby Sitters; Child Cr. RELIABLE LADY t... I'h 7W-,I, sill d Baby Sit- 82 Male Help Wanted DEALER WANTED: We ere interest, ed In securing a dealer who will ac tively merchandise our Kool-Breeee Al uinum Awnings and K.B. Aluminum storm doors and windos. Write: Alu- j minnm Specialties Distributing t o. 1-w N. E. Union Ave.. Portland, Oregon. window frame ntsnL Immediate employ. ' menu Steady. Plume Talbot H2M1, While f'ily. Oregon, near Medford. Bulletin Want Ads Bring Results 83 Female Help Wanted EARN WHILE You Learn. Selliruj. Ter ritory unlimited. No house to house ran. veas. Fur interview write E. Lee. Ape 410. Si 10 N.W. Keerett Street. Portlaiai Oregon. 84 Situations Wanted YOUNG MAN with employment. Will eonstder ajtvthine. Ed JscWhlnney. Room 12, Downing Hotel. MARRIED MAN. no ehildren. wanu general farm work. Machine man can handle all equipment. Good refer ence a dependable. Writ Box I3S, leroiunetin 90 Business Opportunities SERVICE STATION FOR LEASE Major oil Co. Madras, Oration. Excellent Volume of business. Call Madras 2139 after 6 p.m. or writ Box 856, Madras. Oregon. 96 Money to Loan c F C OMMERCIAL URNISHES ASH Contolidate Your Bills' With a 'W Club Loan 24 Months to Repay Loans On Auto Furniture Personal Commercial Finance Corp. Industrial 315 Greenwood ' Phone 2269 98 Personal Loam '5188 SPECIAL FOR DEBT CONSOLIDATION BORROW '1,000 Repay only $SZM per mo. WHY PAY MOKKT . Other Saeings In Proportion Portland Ind. Loan Co. 86 Oregon Ave. Phone 173 Hpnd. Oregon 110 Cattle & Horses OR TRADE: 12 Urge Guernsey anil Jersey Springer Milk eows. See Arnold. Amen l Mile south or Keumond, High' way vt, or pnone ijs-n-. PLEASURE HORSE, sorrel gelding. l-our stocking feet. Coming five. Thor. oughbred and Tennessee Walker. No vices, tilad to show you. tUDO.OU. Note to cinch grabbers, the, vrlce is SUOO.Ol), we Know iiooa ones, tuov-rhone !. SADDLES -Hade'' and repaired. Reed's Leather Shop, 1686 Galveston. Ph. 1657 M. 112 Pets of all Kinds BABY PARAKEbsTS, normnln, all col ors at tfi.00. Also faro oiialincs, cbkch and frrah fi-odri, Locally rained. Call R?dpTiond 73-R-5, or f.int hoiiao north of l'owi) ftuttc Qranttv, rUREORED COCKRR SPANIEL PUP JMKS for sale sSeo thrm al 4)11) S. 15th RtMlmond, or Phono 167X. 114 Poultry & Rabbits WANTED Live Poultry Fresh Eggs HKNIJ EliU ft POULTRY CO 740 E. First St Ph. 8T.6-J WE HAVE Corn fattened HEN TUR KEYS, oven ready. H. L. Maker, 1866 E. 8th, Tel. 611-W. 121 Appliances; HH Equip. ROTISSBIUB-Ilrmlrr 860. Sale price 836.81. ANDERSON '.PPLIANCE CLN jbrl'Stute & Tumaiu. MAYTAG WASHER, second hand, 6:16. Henrilx Economat, One 2 ft Kreeser $260. One Freeser-Rcfrlyerslor Combination 6160. MAYTAG APPLI ANCE STORE, 722 Franklin, I'll. 274. WASHING MACHINE REPAIRS and Wringer Rolls for sll makes. Phl.nc 274. MAYTAG APPLIANCE STORE, 722 Franklin. The Quick, Simple way to sell anything is through a CLASSIFIED 39 Automobile Display OUR ONLY CLAIM IS . UNEXCELLED QUALITY You may pay more or less for the same make, model and year in a used car but you can't buy more quality at any price than you get here. '52 Buick Roadmaster Sedan ........... $1645 Tremendous ear vsltio in lluiek's finest. Hhs 'iteiil, special interior, tinted glass, glHnmr iislnt, 170 H.P., and 4 barrel carb. '52 Pontiac Chieftain Deluxe .'. $1495 4-Dmir 8vlnn, Kaitlo ft t?Hter. Hydramatjc tranHtnliwiioii. '51 Buick Special Sedan $1095 UdnflHomtj 2 tonr trrccn with K&I1. prumium ww Urn. lliu thrifty HlamJard trnnttminnion. '50 Plymouth Special Deluxe Sta. Wag. ... $ 795 Four dfwir, 0 passenger model Just like the one In "White Christmas." Has R&I1, visor fog lights. '50 Chevrolet Bel Air Coupe $ 945 A clean, local, one owner car in the popular hard top tyllitK with i.,k IhI Interior. '48 Dodge Club Coupe Metallic Green ... $ 495 Beauty with Radio A Heater. '48 Ford 8 Club Coupe Exceptionally Clean $ 345 A dandy reduced J0 thin week. '46 Ford Convertible Excellent, R & H .... $ 295 For the "Yoiinif at Heart" '46 Ford V-8 Sedan, Good Condition . $ 195 Good Urea and engine. Tranmrartation barjtain. COMMERCIALS , '53 Chevrolet J-ton Pickup '52 Chevrolet -ton Pickup '52 Dodge 1-ton Pickup '52 Willys Jeep 4 x 4 '51 Ford (8) -ton Pickup BEND GARAGE CO. Inc. Your Chevrolet, Buick, Cadillac Dealer 709 Wall St. Phone 1! 121 Appliances; HH Equip. 89" ELECTRIC STOVE, used short time. good condition. l.o.vu. 706 uchoco Ave. Frinerilie, Urecoo. Phoae asn. LIGHT FIXTURES Largest display in Central LOWEST PRICKS A complete stoas of parts to repair and aulld lamp. DILL'S ELECTRIC MI Rill near Greenwood Ph. Kt-i BBCONDtTIONED A GUARANTIED USED APPLIANCES Refrigerators tTO.SO Electrie Range. tss.iO Wrineer Washers lit. 60 Automstle Washers S60.60 OREGON EQUIPMENT CO. PH. IW 123 Building Materials LUMBER FARMERS - BUILDERS RANCHERS CUT YOUR LUMHKK CUHi' SEE CLAUD MeCAULKY ' Leonard Lundgren Lumber Co. 760 D Ave. 4 mile east of Evans Fly Co Bend, Oregon 131 Farm & Ranch Equip. NEW 10 KT. PASTURE harrows. Com. plete with drawbar. Only m.60. CbN THAL OREGON TRACTOR. Bend. 133 Fuel & Wood HEAVY TIMBERS: 110 single. 119.60 double load. Cascade Iransporu ltl-J. Pbone JUNIPER WOOD for fireplace or stove. ny length. Phone H18-K. 134 Specials at the Stores ELECTRIC 4-BURNBR RANGE with Cooker pot, Peek-a.boo Oven and urld die on ton.' Plenty of ' storage space. Was 1321.116 Special I261.V6. Save $60.00. WEST SIDE HARDWARE. Ph. 6i2. NDW'R THR TIMK1 tA lav-a.wav "lawn-boy" mower. 6 great new price ranges. Prom f64.5 to 1114.60. Use our Essy Payment Plan. B A W Hardware, 26S IS. Greenwood Ave. NEW circulator type, white enamel TRASH BURNERS 166.60. Also, new WOOD CIRCULATING HEATERS with thermostat control. Priced at saving. BEND SUPPLY CO., m Bond. 8x12 ARTEX RUGS. 7 patterns to choose from. Special (6.96. BciND BUri-LI CO. 922 Bond. LIQUIDATION SALE 10 DAYS ONLY, starts Sat. a.m. Final close out of Souare Deal Furniture s as- sets New and Used Furniture. RAIN- EY'S FURNITURE, KOI a. f ranklin. NOW S-YOU R-CH ANCE SINGER CLEARANCE S-A-L-E FLOOR MODELS AND DEMONSTRATORS 'USED MACHINES SOME - AS LOW . AS $59.50 CABINET MODELS PORTABLES $25.00 up TREADLE $9.95 SINGER Sewing Center 831 Way J?bs 1825 1.1 1 . ' 135 Furniture & Household f'.ltKF.NWOOD FURNITURE OCCASIONAL ChalrB Blonde Walnut Certnr Chestn. 24 urcenwixKl Ave. 139 Miscellaneous tor Sale nnnk.FREB top soil Fill' llirt, black anil red cinders. Dump triick iinil trm(lir-limnir work. J II. 78-J. TAKE OVER $7.60 Pr.ymt.llt on C(iM"t KclrlKcrator. UAiviiti.r. a wr.oir.iti-, AUTO STORE, i'h. 470. NEW 20-INCH irirls bicycle, with bike balancer. Hck. price 660.tii, Now l-IU.Uu HOUK-VAN ALLEN STORE. SHOWER HEADS & FAUCETS only 60.76. New lead 25c lb. Used lend 16c lb. Piic & Flttinns. ODAY'S SALV AGE SUPPLY YARD. Ph. l3. PICTURESQUE Authentic German mum or steins. Some witn music boxes. Ai PINE GIFT HOUSE. S. Third. DOUIII.B OFFICE DESK 6G; 2 Flat Top Office Tuhles til SZ5 ea. steel Aire letter size filinir cabinet with locks $60; 4 office chairs 61 $6 ca. It. C. Allen AdillitK Machine $76; two girl's bikes til $20 & $16 ; Roy's hike needs rciiair $6; Thor Washer $10: Thor Maiurle $16; Phone 2168 or 1146 Har mon Jllvd. FULL LINE of electric wirinii and sup plies, plumhinir and supplies, inside anil outniric paints "See us and Save". REND SUPPLY CO. 022 lfcind. REFRIGERATOR TRUCK 266 cubic fistt capacity. Cost $6600. rrcon refriH erator system driven by either of 2 motors, gas or 220 volt electric pluit in. On 1115 1 truck chsKsis, dual wheels, liitnl milcntrc only 36,000. Stainless Hire! Floor. Will trade for house. See at 116 Riverfront. Phone 2001I.W-1. USED PULL-Sl.E coll sprinas as low as $2.50. Also a large stock or met tresses at low prices. BEND SUPPLY CO. 022 RoihI. Was $1295 $1145 $1095 $1195 $ 695 Sale $1195 $1095 $ 995 $1145 $ 595 143 Musical DRASTIC CUT All threagh Fekroary and March. You ean save 1(0 an pur chase of any Baldwin Spinet Terms 4 rears. BENSON PIANO CO. Oil ehrist Ave. Phoae 1087. FEBRUARY ONLY THIS AD WORTH 160.00 ON ANY NEW CABUC PIANO. TERMS TO M MONTHS. B & K MUSIC CENTER 151 Sporting Goods THEY'RE HERE I" The new 'W Ev enrude Aquasonie motors. Sea them at JIM'S SPORT1NQ GOODS. Ird and Franklin. 160 Apartments for Pent TWO BEDROOM FURNISHED APART MENT, oil heat, 636.00 per month. Located 411 Hill Street. 1 BEDROOM FURNISHED APART MENT. Also I room furnished cabin. Reasonable. Adults. 616 Georgia. RM. Mdn. Apt. Close In. GILBERTS REAL ESTATE. Ph. 1946. FURNISHED APARTMENT. Close la. day. week, month. Laundry 1 acuities. Garage. 627 Franklin. Ph. 691. SOUTH CITY LIMITS MOTEL I bedroom, silting room. Also 1 bed room apartment. All utilities furnished. Steam heated. Very reasonable. Call 746. THREE ROOM APARTMENT with Bath. Clean and nicely furnished. Steam Heat. Utilities Furnished. Adulu only. No pets. On bus Una Tel. uwa-K. 1609 E. rd. 189 Real Estate Disi SO. MAIN STI 2 story S bedroom mod ern home. Large kitchen, big utility room, neat and clean throughout, dbl. garage, all lot improvements. Will take good trailer house In trade. JrrtA terms. 66,000.00. . CONVENIENCE SEE THIS I Close to schools, .city and churches. 8 years old t bedroom home, large living room, roomy kitehen, utility room and fruit room. Auto, oil furnace, insulated, dou ble earave cits' water e sewer, paved street. 1-HA terms. (10,009.00, INCOME PROPERTY I 7 rental units. Property fronts on four streets. City water and sewer. Located close in. See this today. 61.000.00 down, total 16.000.00 Will consider trsller flouse In trace. H. H. SCHMITT REALTY COMPANY 212 EAST THIRD ST. PHONE 6284 PRINEVII.LE, OREGON Vern Larson AGENCY 135 Oregon Ave. Ph. 32 G.I. ATTENTION 2 BR Mod. Oak floors, furnace, 2 lots, a touch of the country. Just the place for .children. $6250.00 will pass. - 2 BR mod. 6 mo. old, large living room, fireplace, view dinette space, birch kitchen, utility, fur nace, new double garage, paved street. East side $10,750.00. ONE OF THE BEST 3 br mod, W living & dining combination, fireplace, furnace, oak floors, lath 4 plastered, 1 & H baths, mahog any trim, birch kitchen, attached Karase. East Side $15,500.00. We are In need of listings thai will G.I. Ranches up to 4,000 head, ucrenges, dwellings, motels, business oppor tunities. After hours call 2337-JI E. M. BUCKNUM REALTOR 1020 Brooks St. Phone 370 G.I. or F.H.A. attractive newer home on E 10th, 2 bd. rms. plus large utility, brcczeway, large ga rage with 2 rooms above, work shop, double lot, nicely fenced, $0,000. CLOSE IN, paved street, Ihfro 2 Ixl. nil, home with fireplace, small .basement, new furnace, $8250, U.l. terms. COUNTRY HOME, trade Consid ered New 3 barm home close in on highway, 17 A. cultivated & ir rigated, furnace,' hardwood flooin, view, television area. 11-1,000, terms. GRADE A CAFE we have two good ones come in and lets talk II over. CHICKEN RANCH choice of 2 profitable business in Central Oregon fine homes Included. Call us for information. $3,500 for this neat 2 bdrm home with unfinished upstairs, garage, tool shea, small basement, S7UU down. After hours, call Larry Keown, 2205-W-3. After Hours, call Larry Keown, WHY HH A TKNANTt Man? .It.ll.nt hnaie-buvs at easr Ureas In the classiflee ads. 189 Real Estate Display CARROLL D. PIERCE Roallor A Insurance Bud Russell, Associato 1021 Wall St. Phone 886 In Capitol Theatre Bldg. After Hrs. Phone 1020 or 106 FOR ACTION: LIST WITH BEND'S LARGEST ADVERTISER Cent. Ore. Headquarters for home, ranch & business properties Lower down payments & longer term loans now available NEEDS SOME FIXIN'. A few repairs will make this a Rood -home for you. 2 bdrms, bsmt frplc, hdwd firs. Price $1,380. $400 down. PRICE REDUCED 2 bdrms on main floor, 2 rms upstairs not completed, utll rm w trays, wall to wall rue in llv rm, ven. blinds. Small house on back of. lot. 2 lots on cor ner. Price $8,050.. FIIA or GI forms. CUT TO THE BONE by out of town owner. 3 Ixlrms & nursery, bsmt, ulil rm, Idry travs wood func, instil, (Ja raije. Price $5,830. VMS. or GI terms. A HOME FOR YOU 3 bdrms and atlic room, bsmt, utll nn, Idry trays, now frni', frplc, In sulated. Septic tank with 2 drilled holes. Close in. Price $7,350. Terms. WEST SIDE 3 bdrm home on 3 lots. Lr ulil rm plbd for liliv. Insul, von. blinds. Ga in ro. Price $7,100. Gl or-FIIA tonus. CHOICE E. SIDE LOC. 3 bd Son ns for MotoN, Ham-lies, ATom;o Si BiislnrsM Opnorlunllies Licensed ojid afflllaU'd with Oregon, Calif U Idaho brokers. 160 Apartmenti (or Rent WAUKIC IsOT&Li and 4 room eottagea Oarages. UttliUe. asa, atupwuiea LAW aaeHlf aa) I7. ON B BEDROOM rUBNUMIO aisesainl ebau. Aaw large enlarel.SiS 1 aee ns apaisiasaia ess. amiaearaeav. rann, garbeae aaa water aicamea stwer Terrace ayta., IS as w. aaa. s-anea 161 Houses For Rent THREE BEDROOM HOUSE, oil beat. aa range 4k water beater. esu.vu. w cation Hi Sullivan. Call 1WI alter p.m. . THREE BEDROOM HOUSE. Gas range and water beater. 11 VI tjgdea or none 76H-R. CLEAN, WELL FURNISHED four mora. eleairlcaur equtppaa, 0.1 noaica svew near Kenwood School. Inquire 625 Hill Street. lf8 Other Rentals MOVING? Save 14. Use BEE-HIVE U- UKlvai tkuuab. ra, lust, uraiiesv berger Service. 169 Wanted to Rent FURNISHED 2-Bedroom bouse by March. 6th. Will pay to es6."9.j;horie4!)l. 170 Hovims tor Sale t-BEDROOM, Modern Hoase, completely furnished. Corner lot, paved street. Low down payment, Phone 162 or 2097-R. OR TRADE equity In two bedroom, mod- ern house for good used car. Ph. 2611 U.. MODERN TWO BEDROOM 1 Floor fur- nace, fuuleted, electrie range wiring, ' til. fliers. Garage. Ph. 76H-W. . EAST SID, near schools, large bad room, washer, dryer, rugs paved street. Will FHA or CI. Call 74, ... OWNER TRANSFERRED 1 4 Bedroom, Modern home. Close to school. Will UL; 1U26 Jacksonville 172 Farms & Ranches EIGHTY ACRES, 18 Acres COI water.-" Price (16,000. Low down payment. Old House, but modern. Albert CampbeL," Route LBo 240 ph. .2002-W-. " 174 Business Property NEARLY NEW modern Income property"-" In Madras. Four oKkes and Apt. Shown " belter than 10 net on Investment. Bam- uel Realty Service. 6906 N. IS. Bandy Blvd., Portl.nd. Ore, 189 Real Estate Display BEND REALTY EAST SIDE. 6 roottts, 2 batbo, double BsrtiKe, psved ilrnn. Will trade on late model car. .. .. ANNE FORBES ; : REALTOR . -J 36 Oregon Ave Phone 36-W - AOD1T& flTTQ 111 On Parlmnnrl V. 1..... .. 01 aee.e 1fi Pfll Npur 4-bdrm house, shop, cabin, barn, permanent pasture. iu,dw., terms. (B) 6 acres, 5 swalley. 3 bdrm house, large cemented cis tern. $4,500, $500 down. Shown . by appointment only. (C) But ler Mkt. Road. 11 acres, 4 COi 2 houses, large garage. $5,775-., $1,500 down. tD) Close In, City; water, 5 acres, 3 C.O.I. 3-bdrm.. . hniiaa mtllrlno rutrlor- 3 tinillttV. houses. $10,500. Terms. (E) Un improved acreage. $350. per acre; WELL CONSTRUCTED OLDER HOME. 3 lots. 2 baths, 3 bed rooms. Mountain view. Large HV. i ,! ......,. .. oil furnace. $15000. 'l'efrns. AT LAPINE. 2 houses, 2 Hcres land, close to school. $4,000. ' LUMBER, this house must be wrecked. $200. ' TRAILER HOUSES to trade for Bend Homes. HAVE BUYERS for vacant lots. East side preferred, paved sts. $50.00 DOWN. (A) West side, 4 rooms, bath, some furniture. $2,750. (B) East side, 5 rooms. shower, large lot. $2,650.- - TODAY'S BEST BUY WE HONESTLY BELIEVE this Is the best buy In Bend today.. The big living room with hard wood floors and fireplace, the 2" oversized bedrooms, line kitchen' and BIG dining area, basement, furnace, dbl. garage, on 2 lots, at $9,450. Good terms. Bal at 5vt. AND a 3 bdrm, tops In every re spect, close in, at $9,000. DUDREY -HILTON, Realtors 1050 Bond Ph. 1327 W or Dal. 1349-J STROUT REALTY siV hU No. T4, 8 limit Motel. 4 Cookinif. p- -rate home, only $20,500. Term. SMALL, attractive home on 3 Jota.Lo. calvU in new clmlralile kmi aula TV area. Wrll conntructl 8 rm mdn Burl- cr homd with viei of mountnina. Win. . for rnntre very attractive. $3,250.00 with tl, 170,03 down. QdUU't fietU CUaU ioi6 wsii rh. loir rm home with clcc heat, heat alator frplc, Insul & wstrip ped, ven. blinds. 7 yrs old. Price $10,650. GI or FHA tms. LARGE FAMILY HOME and 8 adjoining lots. 2 bdrms with 1 lrg rm on 2nd floor. Full bsmt with frplc, utll rm plbd, nulo pined frnc, Insul & w stripped. Cyclone fence, 18 troos. Full price Including lots $17,000. Terms. BUSINESS OI'I'ORTl'MTIKS CAHINET SHOP Pumice blk bldR wilh 2100 sq. ft. fir space built in 1 9 IX. Will sell or lease. Price $11,500. Terms. 4 PLEX 1 bdrm apts, 2 un furnished. 2 furnished, auto heal, garners. Price $11,288. GIFT SHOP on main high way. Nice living quarters. Pumice blk shop & gar. Price S10.5f)O. DUPLEX Excel construction, very noat. Auto frnc, insul, hrilwd floors, dbl car. Both nulls nicely furnished. Rent al $120 mo. Price $15,000, tms.