The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, February 16, 1955, Page 5, Image 5

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    The Bend Bulletin, Wednesday. February 16. 1955 5
Here and There
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Finney, route
3, Bend, are parents of a boy
born Tuesday at St. Charles Me
morial hospital. The baby weighed
7 pounds, 8 ounces, and has been
named Richard Walter.
Three Central Oregon 4-H
livestock members are among 34
in the state who will receive $25
4-H summer school scholarships
from Safeway Stores,' Inc. Winners
include Shirley Michel of Powell
Butte, for Crook county; Fred
Freeland of Redmond for Des
chutes county and Carmen Hofstet
ter of Madras for Jefferson county.
The Home Economics club of
Eastern Star Grange will have a
clean-up day at the hall Thursday,
starting at 10 a.m. Potluck lunch
eon will be served at noon.
Mrs. R. W. Snider, local repre
sentative for the Hammond Or
gan Co., planned to leave
this evening for Salem, on a busi
ness trip. Her daughter, Dolly, will
accompany her. They planned to
attend an organ concert tonight
and return to Bend Thursday
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tapken
and children were in Bend Tues
day from Brothers. Tapken is em
ployed by the state highway de
partment. The Bend Soroptiist club will
have a regular luncheon meeting
Thursday noon, In the Pine Tavern
Cleaner Sales & Service
1304 B. Third Phone 1365. J
RtcUtored U.S. Pal. Off.
dining room.
Mrs. Jessie Oakley, mother of
Dr. Kenneth H. Oakley, left this
morning for Arcadia, Calif., to
spend two or three weeks visiting
her brother and sister-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. Ralph Oakley. .
The annual dinner for the Na
tional Hopor Society members at
Bend high school, sponsored by the
local branch of American associa
tion of University Women, will tie
Thursday at 6 p.m. in Brooks Me
morial hall.
Two residents of McClennan,
Wayne Sherman Goff and Georgia
Eileen Glynn, secured a marriage
license from the Deschutes county
clerk's office Tuesday.
Miss L. Mildred Wilson, county
extension agent in home eco
nomics, spent Monday in Corvallis,
at a five-county meeting of exten
sion personnel to set up a program
for combined annual reports. Oth
er counties represented were Hood
River, Polk, Umatilla and Clacka
mas.' A drivers license examiner will
be on duty at the branch office of
ithe Secretary of State, 345 E. TJiird
street, Friday, Feb. 18, between
the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Moe
and two children, Tommie and
Carey Ellen, have left for their
home in Prineville after visiting
here with Mrs. R. E. Moe, at the
Tumalo hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Moe
formerly lived in Riley, near
Burns on the Central Oregon highway.
Progress Made
On Master Plan
The two men employed to make
a comprehensive master plan tor
the city reported this morning that
considerable progress has been
made on features of the approxi
mately three-year study.
Poanning Consultant J. Haslett
Bell and Planning Technician War
ren Sutlitf reported that several of
the major maps to be used in the
study have been completed.
Among maps reported complet
ed are land use, population spot,
new dwelling spot, county land
use, county irrigation districts, retail-wholesale
trade area, weather
chart, precipitation, annexation,
and water and sewage coverage.
Currently being worked on, the
two reported, are maps showing
population density . and land use
Bell, hired on a per diem basis
by the city to supervise the study,
was in town for the monthly meet
ing of the planning commission.
He planned to remain here
through Thursday. '
Sutliff i- a (uptime employe of j
the city. H? has been named sec
retary of the planning commission.
First major report by Bell is ex
pected to be completed in May.
It will cover the character and re
sources of Bend, including a resu
me of its history, weather, topog
raphy and general land use, agri
culture, forests, water resources,
retail and wholesale trade and
population factors.
The master plan study, was
launched early last summer and
should, bo completed, by mid-1957,
according to Bell.
30-Day Specie! your
Spring Wardrobe
O Nothing down
O 6 Months -to
on Approved Credit
Suit $49.50
Hat 7.50
Shoes 11.95
Nothing down
Just add It, up and divide by (i
Choose anything Lit our store!
H (HI n V
J i'. UU a
Ideal for wash cloths, or utility cloths. Colors
Pink, Maize, Blue and White.
Large 300 count box. Stock up now at
this unbelievable price.
Large 4' x 6' size in assorted designs
and colors
(3 66
was $7.98
1012 WALL
Phone 392-W
tan 1 - y t --p.. i
Congreuman SAM COON
Some days it seems almost like
spring already, in Washington.
The days are getting longer in
evry way. The sun comes up
earlier and sets later, and our
work day does the same. A lot of
the time we begin the day with a
breakfast meeting. -For instance,
I have in the last week breakfast
ed with former President Hoover,
Chairman of the Hoover Commis
sion; Oregon '.s Douglas McKay,
Secretary of the Interior; Mrs.
Oveta Culp Hobby, Secretary of
Health, Education and Welfare;
and a representative group of
Eag!e Scouts, including Robbie
Langley from Milton - Freewater.
Our working hours are so crowded
with legislative work, committees,
research, debate and so on, that
we have these early morning meet
ings in order to discuss questions
on which the heads of these de
partments can give us. expert in
formation and advice.
One breakfast that I would like
to make special mention of was
the breakfast with Robbie Lang
ley, our Eagle Scout from Ore
gon's second congressional district.
Robbie was one of 12 scouts cho
sen from the entire United States
to make this trip to Washington.
These boys have made the annual
Scout's report to President Eisen
hower on the work which the Boy
Scouts of America are doing.
Young Langley represented not
only Eastern Oregon, but our en
tire state as well as Alaska, and
the states of Washington, Idaho
and eastern Montana. You can
well imagine (he pride I felt at
being one of 12 Congressmen who
had a young constituent as a na
tional representative of this great
Last week I talked about the
hearings held on the future of our
farm policy by the Joint Commit
tee on the Economic Report. After
the agricultural hearing, the same
committee discussed the future of
our hydroelectric power policy.
The chief item discussed was
the participation by non - federal
agencies in river development.
Some witnesses favored the ad
ministration 'partnership' policy.
Others opposed it. But nearly all
of them agreed that there must
be participation by federal, state
and local public, private and co
operative power agencies working
together; and most of them
thought there should be more par
ticipation at the local level than
there has been in the past.
General E. C. Itschner of the
Corps of Engineers summed up a
well-accepted view when he said.
"In brief, there should be greater
non-federal participation in water
resource development, but this
participation should not be so
great as to impede progress at a
time when sound conservation and
development of our water re
sources is more essential than
ever before."
Most of us. on Capitol Hill feel
that the President showed a great
; deal of wisdom in going to Con-
' gress for approval o! his action on
Formosa. President Eisenhower
came to. us for our advice be
cause he wanted to know how we
who represent the people of the
illation, feel about this major inter-
national step
I As you know, we have chosen to
j make our stand. We all hope very
! earnestly that this decision will
I mean a stronger peace for the
I world. Representative Walter Judd
Robert H. Short
Dies at Age 89
Robert II. Short, father of
George Short -I Bend and James
F. and Wade Short of Redmond,
died Monday in Temple City,
Calif., where he" had made his
home for the past 15 years. He
was 89 the fourth of this month.
Mr. Short's death followed his
wife's by three months. In addi
tion to his three sons in Central
Oregon, he leaves another son,
Clyde, in Seattle, and four daugh
ters, Mrs. Inez Donahue, Temple
City, and Mrs. Dave Jorgenson,
Mrs.' Victor Jones and Mrs.
Alice Kauffman, all of Los Ange
les. Mr. and Mrs. Short came west
in 1906 from Russellville, Mo., and
settled first at Fort Klamath and
then in the Tumalo community,
where they lived for 30 years. Aft
er leaving Central Oregon, they
spent some time- at Marshfield
and at Portland, and from there
went to Temple City.
Mr. and Mrs. George Short and
Mr. and Mrs. Wade Short left
Tuesday morning for California, to
attend the funeral. James bhort
planned to leave later by plane.
jMrs. Creighton
Mjs. Kathrine Creighton, a Bend
resident for 39 years, died Tues
day night at a local nursing home,
where she had been a patient for
five months. She was 90 years old.
Mrs. Creighton was born March
11, 180-1. in Whiting, Iowa. She
came west in 1881, and had been
a Bend resident since October,
1915. She is survived by three sons,
C. F. Dunagan, W. J. Creighton
and Ross Creighton, all of Bend;
two daughters, Mrs. Mary Daly of
Cascadia and Mi's. Jennie Ken
nedy of Coos Bay; six grandchil
dren and nine gerat grandchil
Funeral arrangements are pend
ing.' The body is at the Niswonger
Winslow funeral home.
By United Press
Prices held steady today.
Egg To retailers: Grade AA
large, 52-53c doz; A large, 49-50c
doz; AA medium, 49-51c; A me
dium, 48-49c; A small. 43c, cartons
l-3c additional.
Butter To retailers: AA grade
prints, 66c Jt; cartons 67c; A
prints, 66c; cartons, 67c; B prints,
Cheese T o retailers: A grade
Cheddar, Oregon singles, 42' i
45'Ac; 5 - lb loaves, 46 - 49'ac
Processed American cheese, . 5-lb.
loaf, 39'ii-llc lb.
PORTLAND (UP)-Potato mar
ket: Oregon Russets No. 1A 4.25
4.50 for 100 lbs; No. 1 Bakers 5
5.50; bales 5-10 lbs. 2.50-2.75; 10
lb: mesh 3519c; No. 2 50 lbs. 1.15-
1.25 a 0 lb. sack; Idaho bales'
-10 lbs. 4.75; Culif. Long Whites
No. 1 5.50-6.
By United Press
Trading continued active today.
Cattle 250; market active, strong
on all classes; few lots good-low
choice around 1000 - 1060 lb. fed
steers 21-22.50; load 1030 lb. com
mercial Ilolstein steers 18.50; few
utility - low commercial heifers
12.50-18; ennner - cutter cows 9.50
11; utility cows 12 - 13.50;- utility-
commercial bulls 12.50-14.50. ;
Culves 50; market active,
steady; few commercial - good
vealers 18 - 24, choice to 28 or
above, culls down to 8.
Hogs 300; market active, steady;
choice 1-2 butchers 180 - 235 lb.
19.50 - 20; choice 3 lots down to
18.50; few 350-575 lb. sows 15-16.
Sheep 200; market steady; one
lot choice with some prime around
100 lb. fall shorn lambs 21; one
lot choice 133 lb. 20; good-choice
feeders 17.50-18; good-choice ewes
Fellowship Set
By Baptists
The ! First Baptist chutch of
fiend will hold its monthly "all-
church missionary fellowship" to
night, starting with a potluck sup
per at 6:15. Members of the
Sunday school staff will present a
program on Baptist home mission-;
ary work among the Chinese of!;
New York and San Francisco.
At the 7:30 hour the principal:
speaker will be Miss Evelyn Solo-
mon, who served five years as a I
missionary in China and is now
under appointment to Formosa by
the. Conservative Baptist Foreign
Mission Society. The senior youth
of the church will preside at the
final service. The public is cordial
ly Invited to attend, according to
Rev. Roy H. Austin, pastor.
Redmond Hospital
Special to Ibe Bulletin -
REDMOND Mr. and Mrs. Cal
vin R. Schneider, Redmond, are
parents of a son born Tuesday at
Central Oregon district hospital.
His name is Calvin Duane.
A daughter was born Tuesday
at the hospital to Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Grant of Madras. Debra
Kay is the baby's name.
Robert E. Dowse, route 1, Terre
bonne, ' was admitted Monday
night, and the following on Tues
day: Miss Marjorie Felker, Eu
gene M. Miller, both Redmond;
Mrs. William Martz, Ashwood;
Miss Patricia Wing, 16 and Law
rence, Brizendine, Mudrns; Stanley
Brahm, 6, Route 1, Prineville;
Mrs. Edward Burhoop and Pamela
Drew, 4 months, both Terrebonne.
Eleven out-patients were treated
and discharged.
Dismissed .Tuesday, Kenneth
Long, 7, Route 1, Prineville; Gary
Gurnsey, 17, Route 2, Bend; Law
rence Muhn, 4'i, South Junction;
and Mrs. Andrew Morrow, Mad
ras, and son Dean Ma'Jiis from
maternity floor.
Faust told police yesterday a
young man grabbed her purse.
She screamed for help as a
motorist drove by. .
The motorist stopped, picked up
the thief and drove off.
Special Sale
on Certain Patterns
Holmes & Edwards
Niebergall Jewelry
Next to' Capitol Theater
fiend Hospital
The following are new patients
at St. Charles Memorial hospital:
Mrs. Thomas Donahue, 534 E. Ir
ving; Jesse Yardley, Glen Vista;
Mi's. John Carter, route 1. Bend:
Gerry Turner, 11. son of Mr. and
Mrs. Clyde H.. Turner. Gilchrist;
Mrs. Rena Suppah, Warm Springs.
Dismissed: Ronald Hall, Port-
I a n d; William Galloway. Mrs.
James DeRocher and Mrs. Roland
Poay, all Bend.
Speciul to The ISullt'tin
REDMOND Pvt. William Hal
lock, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earle
D. llallock, is en route to Japan
via the U.S.S. Con. Mitchell, ac
cording to his parents. The young
Redmond soldier who trained in
Texas left recently from Fort
Lewis, Wash. He is now attached
to the 40lh anti-aircraft brigade.
Ready Cash for Every .
Worthwhile Purpose
Need cash for doctor, or
dental bills . . . tax purposes
. . . consolidate your debts?
Borrow $400 and repay only
$21.15 per month. Call us
about it today.
It It's a Question of Money, -We
Have the Answer!
85 Oregon Avenue.
"Loans above $300 made by
Portland Industrial Loan Co. of Bend
Under the Industrial Loan Companies Act
Phone 173
most of us. This is what he said
during the debate in the House: j
"There is risk of war if we act, I
but there is also hope of peace.
There is greater risk if we do not
act, and no hope of peace."
I've always remembered what
an old pioneer told me. In talking
about the early days when the In
dians were a constant threat to
settlers in Eastern Oregon, he
said, "We always trusted God, but
we kept a carbine within easy
reach." Faith and self-reliance
make the unbeatable American
combination. It has pulled us
of Minnesota, a-former missionary through many a tough spot as a
who 'spent most of his life in nation. And we know that it will
China, summer up the view for again.
firSS Til
r .... -
t V
167 Greenwood Ave. Phone 25?
"TH n funJh p i niJiA
Additional Items Added In Every, Department
Skirts Blouses Jackets
Felt, Corduroy,
Velveteen and Wool
and Novelty Fabrics Formerly $5.95 to $8.95
$5.00 Formerly $5.95 to $16?95 NOW $3
Values to $19.95 $8.00 NOW $4 to $9 $10.95 to $14.95
NOW $5
Wool and Cotton Wool Jersey, Corduroy
One Group
Values to $12.95
$10.95 to $149.95
NOW$5 $10 $15
$25 $30 $50
Maternity Dresses
Values $5.95 to $22.95
NOW$2 to $5
One group of lambs wool
pastels and novelty Jaquard
Formerly $5.95 to $8.95
NOW$4 $5 $6
One group short and long
sleeve slipons and cardigans,
including cashmeres and nov
elty wools.
Better Millinery
2 Groups Regardless of
Former Price
NOW Jl ond '5
Shop the
All Sales Find
TTLn.ruiJhi p i mjpjxA.
The Fashion Center of Bend '