OUT OUR WAY by J. R. Williams OUR BOARDING HOUSE with Maior Hoople I j' j THROUSHASORPIPSCENe t'lilA APVICE.WEP E6AD,80yg LUCKILY yOO'R6 M' A , & H H ARED 'N L H 1 I I'ii ff LIKE THAT WITH A BEAUTIFUL V, HAVE FEWER ) ELIGIBLE- "TO BOV SHARES lli - FVY 6 FEIEMDLV i il1 I U II pJ"--SJTH'M'S:eELIkB f!! SCENES MYKI I AlR-COriOTOtfED CHAlC A) SOLD vAME 6ATUC- I' 1 ' 1 ! 'l I VMI "SHT TSF THE J m AKOtMD C UTl TRUST ttU HA?! MORS 7 ,KLAy5' W DAy ST w MOTHeBa. an i- Qgf Boots and Her Buddies Tl I POG .VOKitX .Wft?, N 1 I KO 1 ft VSh-S 1 1 fVSS' TOWS Wt CfNYV vhv I WmT " 1' soMfw wt ww ewt WmF&Z- VUOM MSb tW&rU'BWfc'S o r 5 KLC? 60O- VOO IIU WWUftM ."BOX YOST! VS. Captain Easy -s yeah.,, cut in new " I nteTtMlou Tlulu belle? SWELL1I I blmes itll bb iki't thp pv- I Jr VV "1 f ANOfHER ERRWviD Jl aoubtiuI ow L3 XiIruSl VNP ilL "fce HER! OUR OLD PL hGIM.U CIRCUS, AMP JSS-,JTJ-iZ WcKEE?r--TaW 4fR5,fR2Ai, i J?9!rr' . ASE5S1MCE WE CHAMPION OP TH& IVISSW J imM f 2J V?rK H AL6UQUER0.UE1 rS ... 'J THREE R0WAED THE WORLD... WITH A "Ti MIY lASrpl J"" Vic Flint """nT ' " I AAA05 IS TH6 NAMEl ICAOSHT A BAP BUL- WHERE I AT I EITHER FLINT'S MOT THE NEXT PAV... P7 I I vr t , --AM06 TiLLAAU. LBT WWIL6 9TTIWS M J0O65 IT MSHT... HOI,OR HE'S PlflMNS I- -1 TKi V ' ' ' I VIC' WATCHA VrOUR COU6IN ULLWAN. A NOTED PLASTIC MUST. 1 ' BLArV.m rr -i . v J I avid aiij oc uiaa at . I fc.v r "t MGW5A80UTSOURfL CAN SOU PUT UPJUCW L0M8 If CS-! tf '? I TO BELIE.VE IT Jt-trA-yJTBVIC FCA FBW QONaTA sj '-' . Kfl jS8!SH I j Martha Wayne ' . i il I I I lT ONt MCTtiigyWHEN VDU RETURN FROMSOUR H I 'k "1 Qg VOIlU. Bf SMsA At CENTERVILLg MRPQgT THF NgVT 1 , Ifv MCeLESTE- f AUTOGRAPH STINT IN MUDVILLEOK P WS THE L0NESOE ) WORNINS... I 1 Ia-J Bugs Bunny If HERE'S MXJR M0NE( BU6S.1 W.fiCf I I Z "I 111 "-l H---Ta r VTHIS 9I6N IS JUST WHAT Vlrfciy 2v . . W. I ; HOW PlfiTRE55ED 1T0 LO? MlX) RUN SET I ROMAM."E DVIlr VMJlQ V AX AN" CO 1 fc? f J ARE VWIVKXIT MY OL' UP, CHECK THE ( 16 COIN', X kUh-i)fiS ' SUMIIN I SAID K li OJJyL 1 iJi Freckles and His Frisnds - " ''"' i jjjp : f Yff 1 l feii V 1 t MCf1i'ri.rERSONA' J I -Bor AMWMff AIWN6. ABETPNa II A lP ' Onp MOMen-, MA?rrm uwrVo JL. rTTrw - lapwe or im amy way encouraging tmat UUT . STAND THAT BY PURtKAS- MtAN TWO TIJaW V I tera BE fOPPSO OFF . , 1 J . IN TMESE CLASS PLAY voire 'SCV.f I , . I ! - TICKETS iVe ADVANCED TOWARD k I -SfeSYJ il i. . tour cWANce op bkom- yDp " J JTl) r ' L IN6 BWHKU( BEAVER I ."T cvv XB ! Accumulation of 'Good Time' Top Leavenworth Concern By PATRICIA FARMER I'nlled Press Staff Correspondent : LEAVENWORTH, Kan. (UP) 1 There are few riot jitters in the i federal penitentiary here although i more than 2,500 of (he second' ' toughtest convicts in the country 1 (incomgibles are sent to Alca I traz) are walled i n on a lit I tie patch of Kansas plains. .Must ol the inmates are ap proaching middle age. The aver age age is 35, nearly 10 years higher than the average in the nation's prisons. Warden C. H. Looney, the man in charge of one of the federal government's two No. 2 "big houses" the other is in Atlan ta, Ga. said that flareups else where generally are sparked by hot-headed youngsters. But he added that the big reason there has been no attempted break or riot scare here is more than 10 years is the prisoners' eternal ef fort to accumulate "good time," or days subtracted from a max imum term for good behavior. Paroles are the exception at Leavenworth, Looney said, and even the long-termers shun any form of trouble as a threat to their carefully hoarded "good" time. lelieve suffering fast.elfectively will V VapoRub' its Now Being Featured At Your Favorite Stora Vote pi Cnfrl Oregon TONIGHT'S PROGRAM 6:0O Oabrlel Heatter 6:lf Siifukinif of Sports B::tU-Beiiiml the Story 6:45 Sam Hayes News 6 :fif Names and Faces in the News 1 :00 Forward America 7 :30 Bend GaraKe News 7 :4b Remember When 7 :50 Evening Melodies 5 :00 John Steele, Adventurer 8:30 Eddie Fisher Shuw 8 :4C Vern Larson Show 8 :S0 Music for Enjoyment 9 :00 News 9:lf Fulton Lewis Jr. 9 :30 Iwlnnfi Serenade 9:45 Off The Record 10:00 Off ttie Rorord 10 :8U Treasury Agent 11 :00 Slaq off WKnNF.SI)AY""FEMtUA!tY'"'l 61955 6 :00 Triide T ItMich ti:Jii Farm Reporter 7 :0fl Frank Hemingway 7:15 Break fiwt (Jang 7 :0 M.-rning Melodies 7 : 40 News 7 :4B Morning Round Up 8:00 Today's Tunes 8 :20 Northwest News 8:115--Kraft 5-Star Newscast 9:00 Bulletin Board P :t0 Morning Special 9:15 Kraft 5-Star Newscast 9:20 Morning Special 9:30 The Song A The Star 9:45 Top Tunes 10 :0 News 10; IB Tello Test 10:30 Fashion Trends 10:35 The Three Suns 10:40 It's a Woman's World 10:45 News 10:50 Man About Town 10:56 Northwest News Come in for our Eddies Yet 60 per cent of the men dis charged from here return. Loon ey, a soft - spoken, cheerful, part- time farmer, worries about that rate. He blames the rehabilitation program, in whose successes he otherwise takes pride, for short comings somewhere. He holds . backgrounds partially responsible. Files in the placement otlice, he said, show that many of the inmates never held a job The records are a monotonous pattern of early truancy, correc tional schools, minor thefts and major crimes and prison.' Many of the men here have spent most of their lives behind bars, he pointed out. Lifetime patterns like that are hard to break, and a man who serves his time here docilely, as most do, still finds it hard not to fall back into the old life outside Looney is- much like a small town mayor. He knows his com munity well. He says "Hello, boys" on his way through the dou ble-gated corridors and quietly keeps an eye en potential trouble makers. A former rural school teacher in Missouri, Looney has ended nearly every day of his 22 years on the staff with a tour of the prison farms. His own farm is at nearby Atchison and his home is on the grounds here. The warden seldom , uses the grapevine method to check a trou ble pulse and is proud of the fed eral standards for guards. He is a respecter of the prison code against "copping'' (informing on fellow, inmates) and demands tes timony about what goes on in the cell blocks only when grand -jury action is involved. The only in vestigations held in years here in volved fights among prisoners, Only six guards are armed. They watch the yards from tow ers. Talk among convicts is restricted to allotted times and in dustrial shops are designed both to. keep the men busy and prison challer to a minimum. Pnly 212 inmates, including lif ers, are serving terms ot 25 years of more. Some of the underworld's biggest names have chalked off days into old age here. Machine Gun Kelley died inside. DlM L ' Kilocycle S 11 :00 Florida Calling 11 125 Kraft 5-Star Newscast 11:30 Queen for a Day 12:00 Noontime Melodies 12:10 Today's Classifieds 12:15 Sports Review 12 : 20 Noontime Alelodlw 12 : 30 News 12:45 Farmer's Hour 1 :00 News of I'rineville 1 :H0 Listening Time 2 :00 Platter Preview 2:15 Preview flood Reading 2 : 30 Platter Preview 3:00 Platter Preview S : 05 Northwest News S :20 Central Oregon News 3:25 Kraft 5-Star Newscast 3:30 "Vou Win" 3:45 Tello Test 4 :0U Popular Demand 4:15 Frank Hemingway 4 :80 Here's the Answer 4 :45 Sam Hayes 5:00 Tune Vendors G: 15 Sports Parade 5 :2G News 5:30 Melody Way 6:56 Kraft 5-Star Final 6:00 Gnbriel Heatter 6:15 Dinner Melodies 6:30 Behind the Story 6:46 Sam Hayes News 6 :55 Names & Places in the News 7 :00 Crime Fighters 7 :80 Bend Garage Newt 7 :45 Remember When 7 :50 Evening Melodies 8:00 Siring Up Sports 8:30 Senator Wayne Morse 8 :4f Pa8iort to Ureunu 9 :00 News 9:15 Fulton Lewis. Jr. 9 :30 Conrad the Connoisseur 9:35Off the Record 10 :30 Squad room 11:00 Sign Off Get rid of winter grime and sludge, and make that engine purr like a kitten again! Stop in for an expert spring tune up tomorrow your car will sound like new; For quick starts, smooth power and lower gas mileage, tuneup now! BEAR Wheel Alignment is important, too! Winter skids, icy curbs and ruts get wheels out of alignment, make steering hard, brings undue wear to tires. Our Bear Alignment specialists can get your car lined up right in a jiffy. Right's Right at Eddies Sales & Service The Bend Bulletin, SWEETIE PIE "Who put the real golf ball GREETINGS Lois Heyl, of Boston, Mass., shows of! a valentine dress of embroidered tulle trimmed with more than 100 of the lovers' day gieetins cards. It was designed by a greeting card company to display the various types of greetings that can be sent on Feb. 14 from the sweet and serious to the comic. Home Craftsmen Advised How to Stay in One Piece CHICAGO - (UP) The do-Jt-yoursrlf craze is fine it you don't chop off a finger, the safe ty exierls warn. According to social -scientists there are two basic urges behind the do-it-yourself predilection for puttering. One is the creative yen, and the other is the desire to save mon ey and bent the high cost of liv ing. Another factor is the flight to the suburbs, where the typical new homeowner builds himself a SPRING Tune Up Tuesday, February 15, 1955 by Nadine Seltzer in with my cotton ones?" work bench, if he never builds anything else. As a result of all this, industry sources report that the sale of power tools has doubled in the last two years. Naturally, minor accidents have mounted, and insnrance compan ies are showing some concern. One ( the Home Insurance Co., N.Y.C.) has published a booklet on "how to do it safely." It of fers these tips: Keep Edges Sharp Power tools Stationary tools should be securely mounted. Tools should be run only on voltages specified. Portable electric tools should !e grounded. Clothing Wear snug-fitting, short-sleeved clothes. Take off your necktie, rings and watch. Hand tools Keep cutting edges sharp. A sharp tool is safer than a dull one. Blowtorches Don't use a leaky torch. Fill the torch out of doors if possible and don't spill the fuel. Saws Hold rip saw at a 60 degrcc angle, crosscut saws at a 15-degree angle. Screwdrivers Never use one on an object held in the hand. Wrenches Pull, don't push, to avoid injuring your hand if the wrench slips. Soldering Use tongs to hold the work you are soldering. Painting Provide adequate ventilation when using paint-thin-ners or removers. ladders Place the feet of the ladder one fourth of its length from the wall. Always keep at least one hand on the ladder. Mm for fret VVJ,. ' ilimote, phon Cascade Transport 1223 E. 1st. Phone 1642J Central Oregon Agents for LYON Long Distance Moving Wall & Greenwood Chrysler-Plymouth Phone 64