The Bend Bulletin, Monday. Legal Notice BE IT REMEMBERED. That at a nc Ur meeting of the County Court held this lOth day of January, 196&, ail nwn bars being preaent, the following bu inw wu traiuactod: IN THE MAVlfcK OP CLAIMS AGAINST THE COUNTY: The following bills .were presented and ordered paid: GENERAL FUND: Laura BeMett. Election Exp. .. $30.00 Carroll InnU. Clerk Hire Treas urer 8.00 Lumbarraeiu insurance Agency Treasurer! Bond 150.00 Bower. lavU Hoffman Co. Auditing 1,(46.00 Nancy's Curtains ft Jim's Blind Shop, Courthouse Exp 26.40 Pacific Power Light Co. Court- bouse Exp 121.60 Brookings Wood Yard. Court house Fuel 180.03 Trail way Coffee Shop, Juror meals 24.10 James F. Bodie Defendant's At- ' torney 106.16 West rublismng Co., Circuit Court Books 20.00 West Publishing Co., Circuit Court Books 12.50 Pilot Butts Inn, County Court Exp. 32.00 County Clerks tt Recorders Ass'n Association dues 16.00 Oregon Uut Attorney s Ass n. Association Dues 10.00 National Ass n of Assessing Offi cers, Assessor dues 2.00 Union Oil Co., Assessor car exp 40.42 Harold Eastridge, Assessor Drafting 450.00 Boys A Girls Aid Society, Juven ile Exp 5.00 Mackey 4k Courier. Vital Stat... 1G.0U Christie School, Juvenile Exp. .. 6.00 lislligsn insurance Agency, Vet erinarian Bond Premiums .... 10.00 Oregon btate College, Agricul tural Agent 3287.60: Home De monstration Agent $1800.00 . . 6,087.50 Mental Health Ass'n of Oregon Health Dept Membership 2.00 xendlYoy laundry, Health Dent Laundry 4.68 bharp ft Uobme, Health Dept. Supply 70.26 Metakcr Maps, Assessor Supp... 9.8;. duu Lru;Nsu rUNU: Eastern Oregon Mills, Dog Food, 6.70; Aaals TANCE FUND: Safeway Stores Inc. 278, Soldiers Relief 26.80 .law IjHikaky rUNU: -Bancroft-Whitney Co. Contract Payment 40.00 KHEUMAT1C FEVER FUND : Opal Jensen, Sulary & Mileaicc. 80.00 libMKAL. kuau rUNO: lit' nl-Portland Truck Service, Gen, Exp. Lxp 1.76 antler iaite macntnery Co. . i'arta 574.61 Bend Iron Works Parts laV.Ot) Ballou ft Wright Parts 0.64 be nunian Auto electric Farts.. 84.8' Bend beciei.KcJ Service Parts . 4.86 Joseph Egg, Blacksmith, Htw. . Feensughty Machinery Co. Hdw. 121.50 B ft W Hardware, Hdw 1.86 J. W. Conclanri Yds, Lumber.. 3.30 Armco iJrainage ft Metal 1'rod. Pipe . ...... ; 1,080.96 union uu company, f uel 1042.- 82; Lube 224.52 2.167.34 The Texas Company, Lube .... 7.20 Motor Tire Service, Tire acct.. 38.33 O.K. Rubber Welders, Tire acct, 38.72 l'aciftc rower ft Light Co. Lights 28.37 Pacific Tut ft Tel. Co. Radio.. 3.76 awenson spreader & Wig. Co. Eiiuipment 411.30 IN Til K 'M A TTEIl OF CONTRACTS FOR COUNTY OWNED LAN US ! The Court signed the following con- u-acu: H. Ford Forster et ux. Lot 16, Block 24, Wjealoria (147.. 87 cash, bal. $10.00 pur month at 6) $ 230.36 Samuel J. 'iilden, A portion of -SWSE'i Sec. 10, Twp. 20 S.R. 11 E.W.M. describt-d us follows: Beginninir at the SE corner of SWVjSE'j of Baid Sec. 10 ; thence N. along the ,K line of said SWV.SE',4 for 31IH.8' to the right or way, ' lino of the proposed revision of the Tholstrup County road ; thence N. 7754' W. for 4H6 along said proposed right-nf way; thence S. 3532" W. for 4 int. 7' along - said proponed rinht of way to an intersec tion with the S. line of said Sec. 10; thence N. 8y63 E. along said Section line for SiiH.O' to the point of Ixtrin ning, containing 1.7' acres more or Jess ($30.00 cash, bal ance In monthly payment of $16.(10 per mo. at 6',.; ) 150.00 IN 1 H ri MA irfcK Or SALE OF BUILDING STONE At this time the Court entered into an agreement with L. A. Jo I in, wherein the County an reed to sell L. A. Juclin pink building stone to be taken from any tract of c unty land alone or anjacen to Deep Canyon between Hitihway 20 on the South and Highway Ktt on the .North. Joslm to pay si. 00 per cubic yard for all building stone removed. IN THE MATTER OF OIL AND CAS LEASES: The Court executed the following oil aim gas leases: Louis C. Scovillc and Wayne Houston .J, 213 acres in Township 20. Ranges 17, IK & 10 W. O. Courtcr, Max W. Hemingway, (rant Skinner & Maurine M. Whisen- and :J060 m-res in Township 20, Range 18 and Township 21, Ranges 17 and in. H'ftweea to pay the sum of 10c acre for the first year, and per acre for the two years, IN THE MATTER OF LEASING COUNTY OWNED LANDS: The County signed the following leas' Bend School District No. 1 Lots 0. 14, 15, 16 & 17, Hl"ck 1, Bend Park Add. Term 1 year from Jan. 2, li65 to Dec. 31, 11IA6 $ 6, X John Hradetich SE and that portion eattt of drift fence in SW, nd NE'i, Sec. 13. that lortion east of ' drift fence in Kee. 24. Twp. 20 S. R. 14 E. W.M.; S',i Sec 4, All Sec. 6, N'.j Sec. 6. E Sec. 7, NWV4 S.,. Sec. 8. E', Sec. 9, N'i Sec. 17. all See. 18. Tup. 20 S R. 16 E.W.M.. (.K177.83 acrea at 4c irr Here; Term Jan. 1, li65 to Jan 1. MM), Chewarun Land & Cattle Co. 53, 5'ti.8l acrea at 4c per arre: Term 1 year from Jan. 1, llli& to Dee. ai. !)' Chariot L Hill SE 14 NW 14. SW 'iSWi;. NKl'4SWl4. Sec. 6. T 17 S.R. 12 E.W..M. W.00; Term Jai l. v.ihh to Jan. 1. l!tr6 Sumner Houston. E' -E'y. See. 4: NE SW',: SW',SWl4. S-c. fi; W'jNK i, NW'i, NW 14. SW t4. Sec. 8; K'vK'v See. and SW14NE14. Wk Sec. 10. Twp. 20 S.R. 17 E.W.M. 1030.86 acres at 4c per acrr : Term Jan. 1. to Dec. 31. 1!B0. Oliver R. Jonra, 4.54H.13 Bcres in Twp. 14, 16, at 17. Ranee 11 snd H At 4c per acre; Term Jan. 1, lliu6 to Dec.; 31. 10 Rybert Moniral. 4.096.08 arr in Town ship 14, Ranfre 11 and Township HI. Ranee 10 and 30 at 4c per acre ; Term Jan. 1, 1956 to Dec. 31, 1962 W. E. Newton. Si-NKM. N'-jSE',,, See. 21: W'.,., SE1 1 See. 22, Twp. 18 S R. l:t E.W.M. 640 acre at 4c per acre: term .Ian. 1. l!55 to Iec. 31, li'f Roliert B. Varco. S'-SWl,. Sec. 6. K'w. NW', See. 7. Twp. 1 S.K. II KWM. and W'-NW'i, W'.SW'i, Sec. ;(6. Twp. lf S.R. 10 E.W.M. 31!fi.4U acrea at Ic jkt aire ; Term Jan. 1, I'.'fti to lT. 31, 1;i;,k. IN THE MATTER OF LlgHOR LU'ENSE: The Court apie-oved the pp'lfaiKn pf J'anl (J. and Mry I. Hundley ffr a C'lajMt B Dispensers Lircne for the Hiw Vt,ta. IN THE MATTER 0 THE IK,;. JURY LIST: Tbr Court selected the follow inf Jury mm lor 1!55 : Wanda T. Abets. IhmeM Aitken, Ber nice 11. AlfonL Thelma Ailinaham. Ber nice Aliptctt. Arnold Amvn. Lirraine Am-hr-rrv. Mil-lred Anderwn, W n. An- dnMn. John H. Aiitfewy. Jmiie Arbo, Nell ArmMtrnnir. Ukk W. Awli, Ar E. Ault AlfrM H. Austin. Clara M Avr.. M"rt M. Biiy. Ruth M. Vail-v. Mary Bak-r, rther Batca, Joe r. RqMsnone, Vame H. Bart-er, lr ethf Barclay !nleri W Harllrtt, Glen C. Hateraan, Taul H. Beall. Phyllis C, Berkley. J. Hulbert Beesley. Bniee J. rVkini. Iran Benton. Millard F. Beani. Pearl BiLler, Jubn Biedel, Bicliani C. February 14. 1955 7 Tougher Talk But Less Chance Of War Seen By CHARLF.8 CORODKY United Press Staff Correspondent WASHINGTON (UP) An im portant administration group ex pects tougher talk but less likeli hood of shooting war from the Kremlin's new high command They bank heavily on the re straining influence of Marshal Gre gori Zhukov, elevated to defense minister in this wee's Moscoa upheaval. The World War II Soviet hero is an ardent Communist, but he also Is a realistic, professional sol dier. He knows first hand the part played by Allied might and intern al German collapse as well as by the Red Army. Experts here say Zhukov is not likely to misjudge American abili ties and intentions or go along with Moscow hot-heads who would kick off a war after reading their own propaganda on Russian might. A "Fear" campaign These quarters, however, look for a drumfire of war threats and blackmail, designed to , frighten West Europe and wreck the Ger man Rearmament drive. In this segment of the adminis tration, fear of German rearma ment and failure to nip it are cited as likely prime causes of the Krem lin reshuffle that toppled Georgi M. Malenkov from the Premier's seat. The Russians have an unholy fear of armed Germans. Their late co-existence" line failed to stop plans to build 12 German divisions and a German tactical air arm. France's Chamber of Deputies, in what must have been a shocker to the Kremlin, ratified the arms pact last Dec. 30. But West Ger many and the French Senate still must act on the ratification. Too Many Fronts While the Kremlin may pour out war threats and straight blackmail these circles believe the prospect of a deliberate warlike move along the Iron Curtain is not great. These administration experts are convinced that the Russians know they could not again keep a war localized and might have to defend all their fronts at once. At the same time, it is expected Russia will nourish the idea that she will support Red China to the hilt. Nikita S. Khrushchev, first secretary 'of the Communist Party who rose to new eminence this week, has favored much stronger support for China. But the experts quoted nere ex pect talk of aid for Red China to be mainly a part of a new war of nerves. CONSf lKNTK HUNT DETROIT (UP) Monroe Reaves couldn't find a driver lor a bus parked in a terminal so he drove it home himself. He brought the vehicle back 15 minutes Inter because his "conscience hurt.' He was charged with stealing a motor vehicle. Bieelow, Lucille M. Bishop. Uarrell Boone. Viola M. Bostic. Helen L. Bowles. Oliver L. Bowman, Hattie I. Boyle. Ln He M Bozarth. Richard Brandis. Don- Id Bramtvoid, mary u. nriiiii. Frances (L Hrecnt, K- J. wrennan. Charles E. Brintnall. Thomaa Brooks, Kenneth E. Brown, ItariMn uucKinnnwin. Edna M. Bucknum, E. E. Burnous, Ken neth A. Burkholder. John w. iwrns. Clarence K. buku, sj. w. oun. c. t. a... ..u 1.UB lint lor ill Bvers. Al- iwrt t;a'mt)lH-ll Harold K. Caron, Hazel Stitntev Carney. Mareie I Casteel, Beulah Chambers, Uclores Cham bers, Guy Chamness, Marnie Charlua worth. Dorman A. Chauncey. Edward E. Cheney, Richard Chester, Paul Chris-1 loffersen. Austin L. Christopher. GeorKe L. Clapp, Marian Lucille Clark, Lssie Clatfelter, Evelyn Cleveland. Marjora T. Coahran, Marian Coe, Ocorno M. Cooley, Doris Copliimer, Jas. L. Cothrcll, Anne Corbett, John E. Cox, John K. Cramp- ton Ralph Crawford, nuua sn. Cren shaw, Clement J. uroanan, aenni-in m. Cruikshank, Chas. e.. uurne, r lorencc Cyrus Msry Dule, John E. Damcwood. Ernest L)Hrt, ftiHrjorie ii. wnumienj. Henry David. Delmer B. Da v is, Lei-oi (i Dean, Dorothy Decker, Phillip D. De tiree. Timothy DeLude, Albert Demarin. James Derebcrry. J. D. Ionovan, Lil lian DuddinK. Mable b. nun lap. uonaia Dyer, Mary W. Eaton. Aivcrda EaVm, Herbert Eby, Nora Edircrton, Ellis tlK- indlnn IlnrothV till. JACK blllOlU .V- erett Eliwin, Mary L. Emerson, Homer W. Emery. Michael r. t.nKelnaro Waltop A Enifiitrom. Bertha Denton. Albert Krikscn, Betty Erickson. Betty i." rwin Rohort W. Faddis. Ben. r Fanning. JameH H. FarlriKh, Charlie Ferns, P. O. Fleming. Martha Foss, Os car Franks, Nona L. Krogice, Chester 1 - ul rrttn. Stella ffl. r unz. Dirnien c Fundinafiland. .lames Blaine (iammon. Tnul H. (Jehrman, Mildred (iclhrich. l-:mma liiUnn. have R. Cilticrt, Karol Gilncrton. Everett (joodrich, IeNevc tira ham. Lucille Crahlman, Glenn H, r.rv Vinton Grt-en. W. A. Gumlpy Earl fl. Gurnscy. Carr'e B. HwfhUd Mary J. Hall. Clair E. Hall. Gladys Ila IHean. Edwin D. Hanlinir. Mrnarrt tlHrlnn. Ralnh E. Harmon, W m. R. Hatch, Clyde L. Hauck, Corwin Hin, rVnnih L. HiokH. Warren Hurninhot- hm. Be u ah UilKcrs. bioyd inn, reier Hohnhtcin, Heruia ioiman, maurice Hoovi-r, Jennie Houston, Frieda C I Howard. Joe Howard. Jr.. Wanda h. Huff Everett E. Hujrhes, Terit Hunting- I Inn, Phyllis Hcrrlmii. liallie J. jiuMon. i Mhvc H. Ht. Kay it. JWKwn, iwna n. Janes. Howard Jenne. Grant Jenen. Beulah E. Johnnon. Janneu JoniiMm. Roy A. Johncon. Weley C Jonr. Lad- lie Q Jordan, I.. A. JOMin. jonn rie mw, Ira Drll Kibrore. Alton Kniirht. A. E. Kohf tcld, Robrrt K nirue r, It'y M. Ijirson. Herbert ffl. 1-awM.n. Juha M. (jetitfele. Mildred Livcly. Ktrtiard C. LyndK. Wm. A. Iyn-h. Verna Mar- .n.-n AKnht. Marltn. Ieonard A. mrCaff- ln. (iordon W. McKay. K-brrt T. Mcr riman. Alpha P. Me-r. Charlotte I. Mnrelioitw?, Grant Nwhoi. ihrtf Ma rin Nolanl Harry NorrK Clara I.. Nor ton. John R. O Krr'e. ttonald Or-y, P-n 7ackard. Orille Page, Francis L. Par- . Ia k. I'm um. Mov e rnniip ii. Leslie Pridav. Herman K. Rah, Roma G. Sharp. B-riiirp Shumate. R. R. Sim .v. Cerile E. Skelton, Robert Skidxel, H. A, Starr. Vrva E. Slurza. LiKille Ti tus, Opal L- Thomiwon, Ira D. Van Oa d.l. Laura E. Varco. Marusrrt Vin:t, .linn WaHnrc. Ralnh Waller. Earl B. Mildred EII"it WeU Rotwrt J Wrtk. R'tbert K. WIIMsms. Lucy Lit crrtia Winkle and ' liirinVe. THt U'tng no further buinc. t'mjrt adjourned. r. I Al.l.b.N, i ouniy Jtinge A. E. STEVENS, Commi-.ioner(LOST: Lady's Hamilton riit natch. 1. U PJcNHULLOW, Ctmimis- j yellow v.-i. Ould link bracelet. Reward notier OVERi-'F'"! PA"ING Only snmonne fsmillnr with coal mining would roc gt this picture. It Is a locker room maintained for miners a! - Fairmnnt, W. Va., tr"-. where the men can chnnse clothes. Work clothes are suspended from the ceilin?, hauled up with chains and padlocked. Street clothinj Is stored in lockers. PHONE IN YOUR CLASSIFIED ADS THE BEND BULLETIN The Bend Bulletin (Weekly) 1908-11)31. The Rend Bulletin (Daily) Eat. 1916 Published Bvery Afternoon Except Sun day and Certain Holiday by The Bend Bulletin, 7 a 6-7 38 Wall Street. Bend. Orevon. Br Mail In Orecoa Three Months .....I S.25 Six Month e-WJ One Year ll.M By Mall OuUidt of Oregon Three Months f 3.76 Six Months 6.60 One Year 12.00 B Carrier One Month $ 1.25 Six Months 7.60 Une I ear u.uo SINGLE COPY 6c Please notify tu of any change cf ad dress or failure to receive the paper reg ularly. Ml subscriptions are DUE and PAY ABLE IN ADVANCE. BULET1N CORRESPONDENTS Redmond Mrs. Martha Stranahan . - Phone 621 Mitdras Boo Barber Phone 2133 or ZWU Redmond Mrs. Martha Stranahan rhone ozi Prineville Mis. Walter Struck rnone iw Rfttrn StAi- Mrs. Walter Prlchard f hone JH-P-ii RUtnm Mm. Serce Coval- Tuinaln Mrs. A. L. ChrlstoDher ' f none euu.jn. Want Ad Rates and Information 4 times for the price of 2. Auk about the rates lor added space and adi.d insertions ; don't forvet the even lower rates If you run your ad for a full moain. 7 times for the price of 6. Very Low Rates for Monthly Ads 1 2 -a -4 6-6-7 Words Times Tunes Times Up to 13 .16 .4 tnru 18 1.00 19 thru 23 1.26 24 thru 28 1.60 1.60 2.71 S.67 4.20 .60 2.00 2.G0 S. 00 Prices: Cash or within 7 days PHONE YOUR WANT ADS TO THE BEND BULLETIN. PHONE 66 Ads received before 1 p.m. will appear in the foliowmu day's Daper. The Bulletin reserves the rltiht to classify, edit or reject any warn ad copy, and will be responsible for only one In correct publication of any wnnt ad. Full adjustment of error will be made by one s.ldwl insertion of the corrected adver tisement. ' Want ads in The Bulletin are arranged for the benefit of the reader, and are classilied into the following groups i ANNOUNCEMENTS 1 to IS Lost & Found, Meetings, Personals, Spe cial Notices, etc. AUTOMOTIVE 20 to 86 Autos Wanted and For Sale. Accessories. Body Work. Service Stations, etc BUSINESS SERVICES 40 to 70 Appliances, Building, Carpentry, Electric al. Painting, Plumbing, Upholstering etc. EMPLOYMENT 80 to 84 Help Wanted. Baby Sitter. Situation. Wanted, etc. FINANCIAL 90 to 98 Bub. Opportunities. Investment, Money to Lioao etr IN STRUCT. ON 100 to 104 Home Instruction, SebooU. Special Clae Mft. LIVESTOCK ft PETS 110 to 119 Cattle ft Hones. Poultry ft KabbiU Pett, eic, MISCELLANEOUS 121 to 169 Appliance harm Product, Fuel ft Wood. Hue. ror stie ana war.iea, etc RENTALS lKO to 169 Apartments, Homes, Rooms, Wanted to Kent, cte RF.AI. ESTATK 170 to 18ft Houses,' Farms and Ranches, Lota A A.: re', gen I'or Sale, etc. Legal Notice NOTICE OK STREET VACATION NOTICE IS HKKhliV GIVEN that petition for vacation of the follow. n described alley location wan filrd by William R. Ilouek, one of the petitioners, with the City' Recorder, City of Bend. Dot-chute County, UreK"n. on the ltn ilay of January, lmf. and that the City Commission of the City of llend, !- hutett County, btsle of Orexon, duly and reiruUrly initiated thin vacation rirtcccttin on the IKth day of January, l.r.". t-Hid vacation iirocerdinjrs to va cate the foljowinir deiwribM alley : AIIt in Ii lock Six (61 Kenwood liar, den Addition to the City of Bend ac rordinc to the nlat thereof on (He in the office of the Clerk of lechut fVuntv. Oreaon. The City Commlioiioners of the City nf Bend, Oregon, having connide'ed said vacation petition and havine found that no reaxm man.fenly rxirt" hy said vacation should not he Ho wed and trrmi- ted. t herefore. the C ity Commiminn of the City of Bnd ha fixed lh 2nd day of March, 1 et :M o'clock P .M., in the C iy of IVnri at the City Hail. the time and place for hearinir ur-n the said vacation proceedings, at wliich time the City Commtss loners wilt re- reive and hear any and all. oojertioni to the fa id proceed 1 1 ibk. , On ted and first published thU 31i"t I'lay of January, It.,... I .11 fLI A ft. JOHNSON Recorder of the City of FVnd 1 Lost and Found ' Call 6JC-W. 1 1 Personals Notices II you fall to receive your Bend Bulletin by 6:30, Tele phone 56 and a copy will be sent you by special carrier. 26 Tires Repair & Recap USED TIRES, $1.60 up, uned tubes 60c up. xouu be nleaHed with our autck. efficient. ' expert tuneless tire service. UhV Rubber Welders. Bend, Oregon. 28 House Trailers NATIONAL TRAILER HOUSE, 21 ft. viooa conuiuon, tuny equipped, Miio.uu. inquire aisemore. , 30 Used Cars for Sale MUST SELL BELOW BOOK. 1JM8 Mer cury couiie. sj&b.uo. will accept trade. .rnone $831.32 EQUITY in lfi3 Nahh Super 4-aoor scuan lor s-i&u.uu cash or trade for cuttle, l'h. 407W Redmond. FOR SALE by ariiriniil owner. UH. HUD SON SKOAN. Very irond eunditiun.. AJ. muut, new- .tirca. jJuli .aLI-III. A D C AIavbvs Better Cars 60 WILLYS 4 wheel drive Elation Wagon ii s uooo I TOWNE MOTORS 167 Greenwood Phnne 260 USED CAR LOT - Phono 006 Corner of Irvine ft Harriman FOR THE BF.ST USED CAR DEAL IN TOWN SEE BEND NASH CO. 1.14 GREENWOOD PHONE 700 WHERE ELSE I WHERE ELSE I 1051 MERCURY 4-door. medium green. cream lop, wnite sKtewail tires, enow tires, radio und hcHtcr, overdrive, turn siicnsls etc. New car trade-in. Safe buy guaranteed $10:i5 K1T.PATRICK LINCOLN-MERCURY 105 E. Franklin WHERE ELSE I WHERE ELSE I MONDAY & TUESI) A YSI'KcTa L ONLY JIB'.IS ln63 F'ORD Cusunnllne 4-door Bed. Radio ft heater, overdrive, dual exhaust, 2 tone light hlue and ivory finish, new like tires, one owner, very low mile ae. Shows the excellent cure that it hns had. See ART KUKHL at the roill) USED CAR LOT on E. Third SI. Nest to the Midget Drive In. Or call i:i:i;i.W. WHY BE A TENANT? Msnr eirellent home-buri at eaiy term in the cU.f led1 39 Automobile Display HE DIDN'T KNOW! NOBODY TOLD HIM That trie Best Place in Town to Buy Good, Me chanically Checked, Low Mileage, Guaranteed, One Owner and Cleanest Cars in Town was at WARD MOTOR CO. 1952 PONTIAC 4-Door, 8-Cyl $1545 Rft'tio t Heater, Hyilramatir trannmlm. ion, a beautiful 2-tono paint, foam rubber ciinhion, winrWhielrf vittor, another ont owner ear. Tbia car will grve you new car performance. Looks new. 1950 FORD 2-door, V-8 $ 745 Custom ,new paint. Another one owner car, exrepttoneliy clean, Rood tires. 1950 DODGE 4-Door .... Coronet, Radio & Heater, conaiiioneu. 1950OLDSMOBILE2-Door Karifn A liratrr, directional attrnab, V-f, prtKinc, hyrtrHmHtir- trantt minrion. motor overhaulf-d ly. A nire ifrrn fiuUh. Ill-re' one you can take the whole family in. Cleitn nhowa excellent care. 1947 CHEVROLET 2-Door Klwtline. 2-Tne blue. lteren a danoy you can make your mother-in-law (iaiiKbtcr hap py with." 1952 GMC 1-Ton $1150 4.Steed. Lone Bed. Radio auc. I his truck I. in cAccin You Judge The Appearance We Guarantee The Condition WARD MOTOR CO. 1008 BOND ST PONTIAC GMC 30 Used Can for Sale 1U0 BUICK SPECIAL Mmm wi Ra dio tleatcr. w,l rubbw, Hunt blue paint. Scat cover, livre'a a dandy and (uiiut cki at W.0. SKK nRC KUBHL Ai lliE null) USUI CAH LOT nut totlw M. Drivelo on 3. Third SL 52 Excoiuang & Grading Duncan Brothers EXCAVATION Drilling, - m.efl-i Top and Fill Dirt. Cinders, and Tractor Work. SoU Cat Phone 574 or 1003 59 Services Ottered TAa ASSibTAN CE. 7 years wilo internal K venue. Upca daily anu weekeiuU. Cloeed ThurtdayK. Appoint Uwy Wt .7 inUet No.. 1'h. XuOS-W-S. SHEET METAL SPECIALIST O utter., cnunney lvxtensioui oil forced air Deta in. UbMU Stifctr MtTlAU Ph. 468. EXPEUT ROCK MA30NHY Individ ually defttgued flreplacea. Carpentry. H. INCOME TAX RETURNS $1.00 up Per Form Phone ihnd XU0-W D.y or Nit. WiU Call at Your Hum CENTRAL OREGON BOOKKEEPING SEKV1CE SAW RENTAL BendChsin Saw Service 64 Plumbing & Heating BROWN FURNACE ft SHEET METAL tiring your beating problems to as. rnone 7 it FARR'S HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING Pn. W or 126-W E. lit. and Greenwood HEATING SYSTEMS Furnace Vacuum Cleaning Flue Cleaning Furnace Repair Service Replacement Parte 41 Complete New Furnace Inntallahon 66 Radio; TV Sales & Serv. RADIO & TV TUBES Complete itock for all rudioa t'liilco and other make. BEND FURNITURE CO. RADIO ft REfUfBI) PLAYER REPAIR Kadio & TV Tube. ror Sale Prompt Service Georyc'. Radio ft Sportintc Goods PH1LCO ft HOFFMAN T-V Authorized Dealer Radios and Hi .ri Eouinment RIE3 RADIO. 624 Franklin Ph. SO) 70 Septic Tnks; Cesspools CARTER SEPTIC TANK SERVICE Phune 1646 or 1647 736 W. 12th. 74 Upholstering FOR -UPHOLSTERING of all types of lurniture .and also run clean.HK and alL overstuffed furniture cleantntc see KuaLKf Lc.vlJL'1, 8i6 tz. Uurnslde. Tel. 1162.J, 80 Baby Sitters; Child Cr. RELIABLE LADY will do Baby Sit" tinir. Th. 703-J. 81 Male. Female Help ! STEADY .WORK EAHN $125 to $'J00 a week. ChII n our cuUHtomem. Tuke orilcrtt from actuul ltit.ilt;-uit Bamiik". Ludii'ti kmllial ilrcftt- csj , orlon, owoutorH, ; linKurlti. ' bIhcUb. .iiMTI huoi'L Hhii'tH, i)nt. jtH-ki'tH. fun- lorwcHr rumnlotc line if clotliintr lor entire- fiimlly. Sold illt-c-ut-to-coii-sinner. No invcHlnient. Writi North- western Wool.-n Co., 4 (lit Nicollet Ave., iiiiin,'iiN)iiH, Minn. AD BOOK MATCHES Sell full or Part Time I'uwerlioutfe Si-Hint, kit for titr.5 ready to make Hid I)iy CommfsHion'tt for you II ainoiir Girln 1 Sccniett 1 JtiHMII ien ! All poiiulnr hIkch ; 2)', HO'tt, W'n. Union Label! KKt Delivery Jxiw t rani) KirtHt in eharirea from our Omsl Plant. All Went CoukI Hiisrlmll SchrriuleM. MbhUt Outfit f rev 1 MON ARCH MATCH CO., aaoy 3. Finn, San 82 Mala Help Wanted ACTUAL JOBS OPKN in U. 8., So. Amen, Europe. To $tfi.0(H(. Travel pnirl. Write only Kmilo.vment Info. Center, Room 71, 4 (ireen St., Itost.n. 14. DE TALK RW AN TH bWeBre intereMt ed in HeeuriiiK a dealer who will ac tively merrliandue our Kool-Itreeze Al- uinum AwninKH and K.H. Aluminum Btorm doom and windows. Write: Alu minum ttpecialtiett DiHtrihutinK . 64Ufj N. k,. union Ave., J'ortland, OrcKon. KXPKKIKNCKO (IHINDKH. Man foi window frame plant. Iinmnlinte t-mploy- 1 ment. - Steady. Phone Talbot 6:ill wmie l-lty, UreKon, near Meilloni. $745 2 tune Green Taint, Engine recently re- .. $ 995 $ 495 Railto A HflT. Vry rrn, irotnl lfrt- Heater. -Ortslfi a ply tires. Uw mile- nt condition and ha. had excellent care. Ph. 1595 (or) 1596 83 Female Help Wanted WOUIJ LIKE TO CONTACT an oldar woman wbo haa a oar to work two or Uire. hour. ch ovaoiiu. WiU par 8ta l'r hour. Car allowance and bonua. Do not ai.uly unleu you hav. had di r-ct Mle. and can put your point acroM in a dctsmiinod and atf. KrMtiv. manner. Plea, liat your Tele phone number. Apply to boa 60 Bend Bulletin. 90 Business Opportunities SERVICE STATION FOR LEASE Major oil Co. Madraa. Oregon. Excellent volume of buaineaa. Call Madraa 2139 after 6 p.m. or write Box 3o6 Madraa. Oregon. 92 Investments WILL INVEST up to $1,000 in good real edtat. contract. Addrea. llend Bull etin. Box 67. 96 Money to Loan OMMERCIAL F ' URNISHES C ASH Consolidate Your Bills With a "54u Club Loan 24 Months to Repay Loans On Auto Furniture Personal Commercial Finance Corp. Industrial -315 Greenwood Phone 22fi9 98 Personal Loans '52.88 SPECIAL - FOR DEBT CONSOLIDATION BORROW S1.0G0 Bepay only $52.88 per mo. . WHY PAY MOUK? Other Savinioi in Proportion Portland Ind. Loan Co. i6 Oregon Ave. Phone 178 Ik'nd, Or won 110 Cattle & Horses SADDLES : made and repaired. Reed' Leather Shop. Iu66 Galveston. Ph. 1667' M. 114 Poultry & Rabbits WANTED Live Poultry Freeh Evas Hriwl) Etil. & POULTRY CO 740 E. First SU Ph. 8S6J 121 Appliances; HH Equip, OPEN SUNDAYS BY APPOINTMENT , OPEN WEEKDAYS 9-7 SAVE 50 BANK TERMS IF DESIRED OLD JOE ANUKRSON CONTINUES Old Jm ct'iitiitueM indl finitely. Over , lU0.0(f.0 worth of brand rn-w lUfifi j model apiliHiieti Ut lie Hold. Whoor.ak nrictn (luutiil on everything. Lowest priceii on l'arlffc CohhII 1U&6 Model 1' i, 6 year factory warranty, food itiKurHiice. !teK. 9270.00 -8 foot Chet Modnl $lfll.4H Heir. $.140.009 ft. Chmt Modela $lU4.S2i Ken. $ 11 fL Uprixliu $21.0.72 Rev. I1R0.0O 16 fL Chmt Model $2I4.2 Hex. ti20.00 18 ft. UpritihU $326.44 Ren. Si.4u.00 20 ft. CheitUi $:t:i2.05 Ketr. $640.00 in ft. UprixhU $411.01. Rett. $ti60.0 - 26 ft. Cheat $.bl.0u HepairH - t(artn - nervicc on al makea lttr6 Model KufriKcratura, 6 year war ranty. Ron. $200.00 -7 fL refrigerator $lto;i4 Iletr. liiOO.OO flV .ft. ri'f I iRerntor $183.81 Rck. U0.Q0 104 ft. rcfrlKerator $202.01 Rck. f t20.i'0--ll'.j rt. rcfrwerator $211.B0 Kck. $riO0.00 12'. fL rcfriiceraUir $2H4.IA Ken. $-,60.ufJ--12M. fL refrigerator tMi.M Kfpairn - imrtit - rvicp on all maktu I t.ri Model Uanen, full factory war' rauty. Hck. $aoft.OO 40" auto, r unite $1(14.87 lU'K. $270.0010" runae and buill-fn uriddle -5 iturfuru unita $104.08 ilea. $H!)0.00 40" automatic ranue, built-in grtddlc, 6 aurface nnitH 82h.uw Rett. $200.00 -110" rnnKO,- full width oven, 4 mirface unit $120.60 Rojr. $2ri0.00 -!I0" automatic ran no. I' nil width oven. 4 aurfKcu unlu $lfi0.a4 RenairH - imrti Hervifc on all makea 10&& Modrl Automatic Waxheni and Dryprn. hull factory warranty. Rett. $f00.00 waher-ilryer voinb.nHtionK $:if.o.7t Rv. T.10.M B. Aui.iniHlir $12.',. Hf. Rett-. f2M).l0 W.i'. Automatic )70,4n Rw. $;t0.o0 It. Autointitic $107. :io Rejt. $280.00 W. 1 Autnmntie $l!t8.IH Rok. $200.00 Automatic Dryer t12:t.lfi Itff. f2f0.00 Automatic Dryer $140. 1!l Hpk. $20.00 Aitloinatic Dryr $117.20 Httt. $1fi0.0 Wrirtirer Wanhcr $ B0.77 $200 00 Wrifiv-r Wniiher l-tf.HU Reraim Tartu Service on all makea. ANDERSON APPLIANCE CENTER Stale & Tiiinulo Ph. 8i2-W 39 Automobile Display We Can't Afford Low Grade Used Cars Wr still refuse to jeopardize the future of our business by scllin'i; any hut fully serviced, highest! qualliy usou tars. '52 Mercury $1495 Sedan, K&II, overdrive. 52 Ford V-8 $1245 Tudor, Custom interior. '52 Poniiac Chief $1545 Ulx. 4-Dr. Kill, Hydra. '50 Ford V-8 Tudor - Custom model, It&ll. $745 '50 Buick R.M. llivieni Cie. $795 'As is" BEND GARAGE CO., INC. Your BuickClirvrolct tVidillac Dealer 709 Wall Sr.. Phone 193 114 Poultry & Babbitt WE HAVE Corn (aliened HEN TUB- aais. oven ready, a. I, alakcr, 1446 16 Other Livestock WEANKR PIUS. AUo Mallard Duck. In- aiviauauy or In pair, (or breading. Phone 15I.L. 121 Appliances; HH Equip. MAYTAG WASHKK, tecond hand. 135. Ucndix Econumat. $26. One 23 ft rreexer 1260. One r reeatr.Refrieerator Comhination USD. MAYTAU AI'I'I.I- ANCfc bTORE, ,tt Franklin. Ph. 274. WASHING MACHINK REPAIRS and Wrfnirer Roll, for all make. Phone x74. MAYTAG APPLIANCE STOKE, 'U rraiiKiin. ELECTRIC STOVE, uied short time. koou conaition. sidu.uu. iutt ucnoco Ave. Prineville, Oreirun. Phone 6429. LIGHT FIXTURES Largest d Up lay In Central Oregon A complete stock of parts to repair and build lamps BILL'S ELECTRIC 942 Hill near Greenwood Ph. &&fl-J RECONDITIONED A GUARANTEED USED APPLIANCES RefriRCrator. $30.60 Klwtrie Kami. $34.60 Wrinwer WachiTi $14.60 uuimnlio wanner. $69.60 OREUON EQUIPMENT CO. PH. 888 123 Building Materials LUMBER FARMERS - BIUI.OKRS . RANCHERS CUT YOUR LUMMKR COST SKE CLAUD McCAULEY Leonard Lundein Lumber Co. 760 D Ave. U mil. east of Evan. Fly Co Bend, Oreiron 131 Farm & Ranch Equip NEW 10 FT. PASTURE harrows. Com. n ete with drawbar. Only IBS. 60. CbN TKAL. UKI.iiUI4 JKAtlUK. Mena. (32 Farm Products POTATOES. T. or 2'e. Will deliver Mon. days and rrtriays. a. r. urouwbtte, JL Hex IKS. rnone 133 Fuel & Wood HEAVY T1MHKRS: S10 .initle, I19.S0 double load. Cascade transport. Phone 1C42-J. BOX WOOD Phone 245 or 1I23.W. UN1PEU WOOD for flrenlace or stove. Any Icnw-th. I'hune 134 Specials at tb Stores YOU l.I. LIKE THE "Novo Card Line' Cot Well, birth.lay. etc. ALPINE GlrT HOUSE S. Third. NEW circulator type, white enamel TRASH BURNERS .1111.60. Also, new WOOD CIRCULATING HEATERS with thermostat control. Priced at savlnir. 11END SUPPLY CO. Us Bond. EXCELLENT Dinning room table ami chnirn Prk(-l reasunaule. llhlNU RAROAIN STORE 2 Kearney, across from deiKit. 11x12 AKTKX KUtiS. 7 liatttrns to chtnsi.' CO. 1122 Bond. MOlllDATION SALE 10 DAYS ONLY, starts Sot. 0 a.m. Final closo out of Square Deal Purntlure'n as stfts Nbw anil Usoil Furniture. HA1N- KY'S FlIllNlTI'llK. 801 K. Franhlln. 135 Furniture & Household S lNNEHSrltlNC. MA'ITKKSSKS, . IIUo nrw. $U0 choti. 1 Snmll bicnUfastialil with li'iiC (6.m. Call lllla-W, in. Iny inorniiiK. (.UKKN WOOD KIIKNITURIS OCCASIONAL C'liufrH Illumle Walnut t'ctliir ChOBlJt. H4 f i iwn vixid Ave. 139 Miscellaneous for Sals FUM I. IN of cleetrir wiring and tui- plk. )luinliintf and hupimIub, iimiile and eiitnidu iaintjt "Sw ua and Save". It END SUPPLY CO. U2X Bond. PAINT SPRAY (itlN. hiwo A irauire tT.hO. Chain hlndera I.r0 each, (iood turd HHltvrien pxrhanm'. O'DAY'S HALVAtJE & SUPPLY YARD, Ph. tiiiil. SKK TIIK all niw 27 ft. Frrrur Just arrlvod CAMIIUE'S WESTEltN AUTO rimno 470. DEER RIFLE 257 H-lHrbi. 2.6 Tow. er ncopo In excvllent condition. Call 1785. RKFIIKiKKATOR TKUCK 2S cubic lisit capacity. Cost 111500. J-reon refriic cralor system drivon by either of 2 motors, tt'is or v.tlt electric lua in. Un lr,l truch chassis, ilusl wheels, total milesifp only iiti.miu. Hlaiillcsa Htvet Floor. Will Irailc for house. Sec ut 116 ItlvcrfronU I'hon. H(l(ll)-W-1. TYI'KWKITKH. AIo' dulltod bcdsiircuil. l'h. 2U81. into West Cth. SIIKRWIN-WH.MAMS PAINTS Kern el., anil Super Kom-Tone. TRY AI'l'l.I KAY. It's the fashion in wall paint All other supplies, Muku our store your pslnt h.iliiuurters. WIST BUJE HAIiDWAItK, l'h. 672. 1012 NASH don. Good condition. $ 1 7r, VAC Case Tractor, 1071. John.Deere No. K. 6 ft. Mower, IK0. McCormirK. Ilwrinir fertiliser spreBiler, 12 ft. SH5 NofslhRer potato harvester. $1100. 6 tons kihkI oat hay, .24 a ton. Route 2, llo 170, llend. I'hon. 312-U UKKI) FIII.I.-KI.K coll springs as low as S2.R0. Also a larue stock of mill tresses Ht low price. HKND SUI'l'LY I CO. 1122 llond. 1 189 Real Estate Display CARROLL D. PIERCE Realtor & Insurance Bud Russell, Associate 1021 Wnll St. Phone 886 In Capitol Theatre Bids. After Hrs. Phone 1020 or 106 FOR ACTION: LIST WITH BEND'S LARGEST ADVERTISER: Cant. Ore. Headquarters for home, ranch & business properties Lower down payments & longer (arm loans now available NEEDS SOME FIXIN'. A few repairs will make this a Rood homo for you. 2 hdrms, hsmt, frplc, hdwd firs. Price $1,380. $l(0 down. PRICE REDUCED 2 hdrms on main floor, 2 rms upstairs not completed, util rtn w ' trays, wall to wall rut; in liv rm, von. hllnds. Small house on hack of. lot. 2 lots on cor ner. Price $S,or(. KHA or GI terms. CUT TO THE BONE by out of town owner. 3 hdrms & nursery, hsmt, mil rm, Idiy travs wood funr, insul. (in. ratio. Price $5,830.. FllA or til terms. A HOME l-'OR YOU 3 Ixllin and attic room, hsmt, util rm, Idry Mays, now fine, frplc, in suliiled. Scpilc tank Willi 2 drilled holes. Close in. Price $7.3."iO. Terms. WEST SIDE .1 bdrin home 'in 3 lots. I.R util rm plbd for Idry. Insul, ven. hlinds. Oa nine. Price $7,I()0. Gl or KHA InritiH. CIKJK E E. SIDE 1-OC. 3 Ik. See us for M'lli'l. Itnm In m, ArrengeN Si Kiislnihs Opportunities Iit't'iiHi'd and ufflllatcd with Oregon, Calif it Idaho brokers. 139 Miscellaneous for Sale GLASS-TOP -DEEP FREEZE. Toledo ' beaia. Alien cash tuutater, r ritfuniat veustabl rack. Pbooe 171aW. 143 Musical DRASTIC CUT All through February anu March, sou can save tfixo on pur enase ul any Baiuwio bpinsL lexina 4 years. BCanSOi PIANO CO. W UU enrwt Ave. Phone 10B7, FEBRUARY ONLY THIS AJ W UK 111 leVIHI UM ANY Kt.W CAULki i-lANO. 'lKMli TO M MUftTHa. B & K MUSIC CENTER 151 Sporting Goods STANDARD and Deluxe modeU of the new Uuminiitun Auumatle .etMlft Mou el ?4u. urtlied t tapped for aeupe. nave scope mounts to tit Kuna, HmW hAttuWAKK, Zotf K Greenwood. ' HEY FELLOWS" 1 New spring baseball eioca now on aispay. nu ujv-vap. ai- &uire. THEY'RE HERE!" The new "66" Ev- enruae Aiiuasonie ttes them at Jim a aruKllNU uuuus. grd and Franklin. ( ' Ibu Apartments lor Rent RM. Mdn. ApL Close in. GILBERTS . Kr.AL La I A l b. Ph. 1116. THREE ROOM Modern Brick apartment .ou incluuinv water. 104 Lava Kd, THREE ROOM APARTMENT bath, i Clean, nicely turnlshed. So oolldrcn or petaPh. 148. .. FURNISHED APARTMENT, Close ia. day, week, montn. Laundry laciiitiea, -uarave. .27 franklin. Ph. 681. SOUTH CITY LIMITS MOTEL 2 raKiroum, .ttuns room. Also 1 bed . room apaitmcnL All uttliti.. lurnlsheoV Steam heauat. Very reasonable. Call 746. . THREE ROOM APARTMENT -.lib. llalu. Clean and nicely furnished. Steam Heat. Uttluiea Furnished. Adults only.. No pets, on bus line, Td. lilie-R. UuV & brd. WAHEE MOTEL: a and 4 room eottaica ' Caravea. VUlitiea paid, telephone, available. Low weekly and monthly rates, i'hon. a79. ONE BEDROOM FURNISHED apartm.M .bk.60. Also lars. uniurnuned 2 bed- -room apartmcuLs $66. Refriireratorr ranire, itarbaire and water included. ' lliy.r Terrace Apta., 1626 W. 6th. Phone 224. 161 Houses Foi Rent AVAILABLE. NOW S room house, com. PleU-ly furnished, .oil heat, iras ranuiv electric refriaerator laundry trays, eloc trie washer. Garage. Fenced yard.. No children. Phone 171S or 624. AVAILABLE NOW. Small, (urnishetf house. Automatic oil furnace. 686.00 al month. 1626 W. 9th. Ph. 61)2; - ONlFriEDItOOM HOUSE with Bas waUr heater, Kas ranKe, oil heat. Call 1629-R, 168 Other Rentals MOVING? Rave . Use BKE-H1VE V DRIVE TRUCKS. Pa. 1041, Uralfen- berKcr Service. ' 169 Wanted to Rent f'URNlSUED 2-Bedroom hoUHe CJ Manjft 6th. will pay to I8.uu. fiiune 4Ui 170 Houb:s tor Sale l-KKDKUOM, Mmlern Uuutie, completely lurniflht-U. (Joiner lot, jiaved Htreeta, Liw down payment. Phune 1&'1 or 20117-R. OR TRAUK ciiuity In twu uctlroem. mod- urn tuniBo for guu Utieu car. rn. t,Ati. HAN D Y '""MAN" 8 PEC VI At t 8 bedrwimT . BomimcHlurni clone in. Full baaemunt. iot u x H4U. unicKen nouie. ii.Qutre U5 IJuimhy. i'h. nt)Z-M. MODERN-TW'oBEOttOOM ; Floor fur navu, '-.nulated, vleclilu rantre wlrlniCt tile flt.ji-H. Uarwtte. 1h.W. -; EAST SlDb, near schooin, large bed room, wanlicr. dryer, tuka paved street; Will b'HA or 01. Call 14. OWNER TRANSFERRED i 4 Bedroom, Modern borne. Cloae to achool. Will OX, lJiUfi JackHoiivlH. . 172 Farms & Ranches EKiHTY ACRES. 73 Acres COI water. Price 116,000. Low down payment. UMm JtouNC, but modern. Albert Campbell.. Route 1. Box 240 Ph. 2002-W-8. . 180 Real Estate Exchanges BEND REALTY W .H,;li0. W. 8IUK 4 room home on pavc mcnt. will trail. lor KiwuDUrg- .prouer ty or late model car. TODAY'S BEST BUY . A 54 CHEV BEL AIR or a hi Ford 4-dr sed. to trade on 2 bdrra home. WiU pay cash for difference, DUDREY HILTON, Realtors 1050 Bond Ph. 1327-W or Dal. 1349 J. ' 189 Real Estate Display Bo. 91 Hwy I'OR SAI.KI All types bit, r.rms, homesr Why punch clock? Why rent? Ue. ire dependent I Act now I 2ecU ajj i&e 2)oy FINE 2 RKDROOM modern hrnne clow in, In nice home area, at KHA price. Oak floorn. firoolace, deluxe baxement, furnarc heat, corn Iota u pvd. $18,000. GilUtt'4. RtalZtiaU lit Wall Ph. lBtr rm home with elec heat, hcat- alator frplc, Insul & wstrivK ivil, ven. blinds. 7 yrs old. Price $10,650. Gl or KHA tms, LARGE FAMILY HOME and! 8 adjoining lots. 2 bdrms with 1 lig rm on 2nd floor. Full hsmt with frplc, util rm plbd, auto piped frnc, insul & stripiird. Cyclone fence, IS trees. Full price Including lots. $17,000. Terms. ni'SINENS . Z OI'I'ORTl'MTIIvS t'AUINET SHOP Piimico blk bldg with 2100 sri. ft. fir space built in 19 IK. Will sell or lease. Price $11,500. Terms. I -PI .EX 1 bdrm apts, 2 un furnished. 2 furnished, auto heat, garages'. Price $11,2W. -GUT SHOP on main high way. Nice living quarters. Pumice blk shop & gar. I'ri' e $10,500. DUPLEX Excel construction, very neat. Auto frne, insul,. hrdwd floors, dbl gar. Both units nlivlv furnished. Rent al $120 mo. Price $15,000, tinsr