OUT OUR WAY by' J. R. William, OUR BOARDING HOUSE with Major HoodIp , ! ffl lyilljl'xCT.01ALATKID V. ' I , J VOO'e (?OMS THM FALSE ALACM. ffl 1 PI P1 " i k "eeTweEN each gAn alTgp XTmtT? Before, HgoPte--voo Matched ' W I NUMBER rr SOUNDS UKE ) Ii?'iS5lif 5n, r?Zc ttriD OP KeVOLVlJS u I I F VOU GOT TH' PLACE AW HAM6 AMV (MIDCX-E-CLASS rvVM AT rtrtr P-AMT5 J . . - V ARE -r' WHI FRIENDS OR KlMFOL WHO a8S5 SuRMGBof WS V V NEXT FARM TO I TVM PeOBUCIliS AM WCULD Bt THE VPNOY IN) J M ' . VAtfe L6 iWBAUTHV 1J3 1 f TWO YEARS TELL we, JL fjJ I '...I. .... THE WOBRY WART ' " 1'.. -V Vfc-3w -- . . boots and Her Buddie . 1 uriW rtT , OKVV CWAt "TO VOVV SOU P "--'-'Y. WXW fcO4Klt VRWiCt WVUfM . OWW 1 CZYMg' K . MjlSS-T 2 4 ft cowcwKSioA (KssviRt woo oaosv J Pi Rs J- a WiFffAwK ,q jj aJaJ wvc, cwK.-TRVWttt m fc srB5?V ' 1 WilX4 A-rv . Mosv ri--rfCKv 1 . !-Tlip 3H J St Captain -Easy . -.. TO be THBR6 ANP 80 WKU 6EUBVE W6R6 1 TH6B NERB WORB VOU UNPER I WELL, IT WWT THIS TIWEl .,tHCHIEP5V HERPWtT.l'0B6TTERHl)m.y FINALLY GBTTINS V eP6W56& THAW WB 5TANP N0N6 VYOU'RE UNDER ARRBSTl HE'LL H WE A WwK-t OVER..TO0 ! Xmni PR- SR0T0N'. VHAP EXPECTED. J OF THIS- GOE " , mC Vio Hint ' . : ' 'J". " l ' !fM A FHACnONIOPA I .iiiMiiiiiiiiiiinnui,iiiiiniiiiiii u I hirTTT-"- v 1 1 PIP VOL) 6BT HM )UKE HE& BSEM KSZr ) AIMED FROM A ROOF- iKlFn 'fV ' ILLZlI '''''' " jj J ' Martha Wayne "H " " I f JENNY SANOERS JUST LaTBS I THIS IS BROOKS N01!',''H 'I ' AnO &S SR00K8' CAR FADES WTO THE DISTANCE-. - r-T": 1 ; : SENT HER FORWAKOINS I MRS.WAYNE.THE POLICE HAVEfllSltJ' 1 ' 1 . 1 -i ... I .ADDRESS TO HER LAND- jLaATEDJENNY.l'MSOING !Swp"'l B AA0M,HAVEY0UHEARD7hE'9 V. V LADYINCENTERVILLE. l TO HER RIGHT AWAY BUT JPXl II ' COWING HERE-I MBAM - ' 'VW ' X-BEgEITIsVV-T ' FIRST I HAD TO CALL AND ' i-Sfe lJSi REAUY AND ACTUALLY fc'JL. a ; Buas Bunnv " "" 1 1 'T IT'C M r&DCT T ,AWT TUi-I " 1 TUI TUIMA l UABD TO 1 I a A AKWTUIN' El VA WANT ' i LK i I LUNCH) BARREL OF FLOUR FTt I HANDLE... WE T' DO BEFORE I PUTS ' Alley Pop ' S?' I f I I tifcE , 1 lHOJuJI it oh, nothing vb- J- my I ;SwJ?TTCC1ECXMAmNE.V ( NOWl' VVA3 NtVERf IMrOETANT,C;l(ffH,,lA v PRCUECrOK.7 T GfcT HOT.' GET HOT.' OH, S OA, IF L7r SOMNA MAKE I NOW'S M7UVE Y ,T,,oY' SV;va:J - WHY DID IWE TOfALL ONLY I'M LIJI WITH TH' TIME- MADE IT BACK I JO--"" ila-i AaEEP AT A TIME NOT TO) MACHINE! VVHAT ALL RGHTIar"''" r "JfA. vVWAU K LlkE IMG? cSSfV RV-lLATE'Wc HMTENEP TO rt) -aif!,ir A S5iJ Freckles and His Friends " 1 ,, , j . . ) 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 ,ttiO "V MEY,MOOS6.WMr OON'lCWA V NO ITS GOOO EtRCIS.!!, THAT I'M 0O(Mfi.CHUM WITHOUT ' VSSCT. I 'SRBA KITTEN AND CrfT 7V THANKS.' WAN MSIDES. IT ' , THE 6RCrtlNO ' , n M 'ix j ? . &win6in y -r2--i eivts rtu a chance 1 1 Self -Exiled Charlie Chaplin Hard at Work on New Movie 2a By PETKB UEBERSAX .United Press Staff Correspondrn UUHSIKK SUK VEVY, Switzer land (UP) Charlie Chaplin, alter r.vo years in self-imposed exile from the United States, is hard at work on a new movie but ready to admit, at 65, he's getting too old for skiing. "I'd like to live for 200 years,' Chaplin told some friends the oth er day. "Life keeps expanding. It s amazing how little you know." He also mentioned having spent a sleepless night wondering wheth er he should go skiing or not. He decided, finally, he was too old for that sort of thing. While age has whitened Chaplin's hair it has not slowed him down. Me is doing the script and music for a movie he hopes to start shoot ing within a year. He dabbles in painting, visits business associates USED CAS Specials 1953 WILLYS 4 DR. Radio, heater and overdrive. Here is a beauty and very clean. $395 down 1951 NASH STATESMAN Radio, heater and overdrive. Thin in a clean car with new tires and will Rive you up to 25 miles per gallon. $295 down -fr . 1950 NASH STATESMAN Radio, heater and overdrive. Here real value. '195 down 1951 NASH RAMUI.ER This car ia fully equipped and very clean. 295down fr -ft ft 1948 OLDS 4 DR Thi, oar Ih real .harp. $150 down ft ft 1949 CHEVROLET Exceptionally clean, new imlnt. $230 down Must sell theso cars to make room for the Hottest Thing On Wheels Is Coming Feb. 17th the '55 NASH Completely New in ' Style Bend Nash Co. 134 Greenwood Ph. 700 abroad, and is planning a trip to Africa. ; Leftist Views Chaplin, a British subject, sur rendered his U.S. re-entry permit in 1253 after -being notified he would face a hearing on his al leged leftist political views if he went back to America. Since then he and his pretty 29-year-old Oona, daughter 'of 'the late American playwright Eugene O'Neill, have lived with their five children in a 15-room, 1350,000 villa on the shores of Lake Geneva. The Chaplins are party-goers and party-givers. Their visitors have ranged from former Queen Victoria of Spain to Red Chinese Premier Chou En Lai. Last year he re ceived a Communist delegation that presented him with a Red "peace prize." He promptly turned the money over to some charities, including Catholic ones. Chaplin still describes.himseU as a "liberal progressive" in politics, but be prefers to .talk about his work rather than .world affairs. His new movie Is to be called "The Good King" and deals with a monarch who is forced to abdi cate and tries to lead a new life as an average citizen. Ex.Queen Vic toria is helping out as special ao visor on court protocol. T)ut of Limelight Except for the wealth he earned playing a pathetic tramp in the movies, Chaplin is leading a new life, like the king in his script. Ho is out of the limelight, a coun try gentleman in this grape-grow ing region of Switzerland. He often goes to the village mar ket to buy flowers, and he does not hesitate to argue over price, He may stop for a glass of wine at an inn. He likes to chat witn village workmen. His children at tend the village school. Oona denies reports she may leave Chaplin to return to the Unit ed States. She is busy looking after the cliildren and overseeing a stall of four servants at the villa. . Chaplin's friends say the aging actor is as "sprightly and bustling as ever," and is known he still has his famous outbursts of tem- ner. Recently a local court or dered him to settle up some back salary owed to his former secre tary. Mrs. Isabella Ueluz. Mrs. Deluz said she quit her job after a "terrible scene" with Cahp- lin. He had lost his temper, she said, because she ordered the color tiles lor his swimming pool. Emotions Chief Accident Cause ST. LOUIS, Mo. . (UP) The National Safety Council has ruled out carelessness as the main cause of accidents in the home in favor of common emotions such as joy, sorrow and surprise. Miss Madeline Pershing, govern ment health consultant, told the Missouri Nurses Association that various emotions can result in the individual "not being alert to pres ent circumstances." She said researchers, seeking to find a common denominator, de cided that the "human element" is an important factor in mishaps in the home. Fatigue and worry are the most frequent liuman causes of acci dents, she said. Another denominator was termed "environmental defects" such as leaving cleaning fluid and matches together in a cupboard where small children could reach them. TONIGHT Another Associated 1110 l(C 111 SPORTCAST OREGON IDAHO 8 p.m. And This Is Tops... THE SONG end the STAR A new show featuring a top star every day Monday through Firday. 9:30 A.M. LISTEN IN! and HERE IT IS... TELL0 TEST 1 0:1 5 a.m. TWICE DAILY 3:45 p.m. The Show All America Listens To! For The in Radio its KBND Serving ALL Central Oregon for 17 years with more listeners than all other stations combined. "SWEETIE PIE The Bend Bulletin. Friday. February 11. 1955 by Nadine Seltzer "Jutt think some, day you'll look back and laugh at all u. . i -..ill" in. guib .nuns ti -iuii. West is Warned On Misuse of Water Supplies LOS ANGELES (UP) -Water,1 the West's major natural resource, is being badly misused, and if something isn't done about it soon, the area stretching Irom the Great Plains to the Pacific Coast will not be able to meet the demands of the future, an irrigation expert has warned. Martin R. Huberty, professor of irrigation and engineering on the Los Angeles campus of the Uni versity of California, pointed out that the West uses most ot its water lor irrigation. But, he added, only two per cent of that vast land area is under ir in use is lost by evaporation. Huberty declared that farmers must learn to apply irrigation wa ter more , effectively, il their land is to produce enough food to meet the demands of a growing popula tion. To conserve the water already available, Huberty jwlded, indus try should make a conscious ef fortnot to pollute water supply unnecessarily so it will be avail able lor re-use. ' New Sources Named As for developing new sources of water supply, Huberty warned that neither cloudseeding nor re claiming sea water are likely to help out in the immediate future. However, he said, results to date do show promise for reclaiming slightly salty waters in arid regions. Huberty said promising areas for new water - supplies which could be used for expanded irri gation and other needs include Hudson Bay in North Dakota, the Mississippi River for the Great Plains area, the Gulf ot Mexico for Texas and part of New Mexi co, tne Gulf of California for the Colorado River watershed land, the great basins of the north and south Pacific coast. These seven major drainage ba sins cover approximately 1,118,000 miles, he said, and when and if developed, could provide all the' water, necessary lor expanding needs. In the meantime, he warned, the West's largest single fresh wa ter source is the Columbia River through which 150,000,000 acre-feet of fresh water are an nually lost to the sea. Don't Call Them Ah Elderly Pair ' MEMPHIS, Tenn. (UP) Rob ert Baughman is 95, and his, wife 92, but don't go calling them an elderly couple. . '."I. don't think anybody is' any older than they leel," said Baugh man; who added that -he doesn't feel in the least bit too old. In fact, said Baughman, he's known in his neighborhood as "The Kid." The Baughman's got married in 1931. Each had .been widowed and each had eight children ; during their first marriages. . The Baughmans keep on the go, visiting people in their neigh borhood who are ill or in trouble. Mrs. Baughman had to slow down recently because her arth ritis started troubling her. ''The Kid" did the housowork until his wife recovered. Now, both are back visiting around' in -homes to give the "younger" folks the benefit of their combined ; 187 years of ex-oerience. MUSIC, MAESTRO - Sen. Homer Capehart strikes an unfamiliar pose as he toots a clarinet at a stunt party in In dianapolis, Ind. The group was staging a maintenance - fund drive for the Indianapolis Sym phony Orchestra. WRONG NOTE MEMPHIS, Tenn. (UP) When Mrs. Don Spinks pushed down on the organ, pedal during church services, out came a loud peal of notes and a squeak. Mrs. Spinks looked down in time to see a mouse dart for cover. Central Oregon IDIVIl 1110 Kilocyiltf j TONianrs fkogkam :0O Gabriel Hi attar 6:15 Dinner Mutic 6:30 Bt'hind the fltor? , 6 :45 Sara Hayea 6:56 Namea A Plana la the News 7:00 Eaglea Notebook , 7 : 15 Good Reading1 ? :S0 Bend Garajta 'Newt 7 :4' fart .ember Whan 7 :50 Evantnc Melodist 8 :0O- -Orei-an-Idaha . Baskftbal fame 9 :S0 Fulton Lewi. Jr. 9:4ft Conrad the Connoisseur 10:00 Off the Record 10 :II0 Countempy 11:00 8in Off SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 12, IP06 8;00 Tripla T Ranch 6:15 -Town and Country Time 6 :S0 County Agent . 6:45 Farm BrpoH-r 7 iW HoUiun- Neva 7:15 Breakfast Oanf T :0 Mornin Metodla . ' 7:40 N-wa 7 lU-rMorninr Rttwhi -I rOOSporta farad- 8 ilft News '8:10 Raven -of tt -9:00 Road A Weather foMUions 9 : 05 Symphonic Swlng 9 jlfc Te Thn Sana 9:fl0 .Wornlnf Special 9i4& Top Tumi . iOiOO Saturday N a 10:15 Farmer Roar 10:40 New , 10 :t0Fanhlon Trenda 10:35 H'e A Womsn'a World 10:41) 4 -Square Gospel 11 :00 Tune Time 12:00 NoonUmo Melodies 12:10 Today's Classified 12 ilS SnorU Review 12 :20 Noontime Melodies 12 :30 News , 12:45 Farmer's flour 1 :00 Redmond Digest 1:16-Realty Newi 2:00 rutter Treview 2 :IB Northwest News 2 :20 Saturday's Star 2 :25 Central Oregon News 2 :30-PlaUer Preview S:0--Bfct On Wax 4 : 00 Echoes ef the Gar 4 : 15 Frank Hemingway 4:8 Bob Eberly Show 6 :00 Westward tn Miwlc 6:R0 Musk .Coast to Coact 5:65 Social Security Program 8:15 Let's Go to Town 6 :SO Hnesking of Sport . ft:! Vrn Larson Show 6:ftO Rhythm Khnpodi. 7:90 The Ry lWh Show 7 .15 .Popular Favorites 7:0- Irland Srrennrle 7 :tfi-ememher - When 7:o'fa Mttrrh Tim - :Oo Fa.kciball.,COC . Iswn JC 9 1 46 New lOMMV Lincoln's PthrrimaKe '10:1ft OH the Record 11:00 Sign Off