The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, December 01, 1954, Page 4, Image 4

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OMAHA. Neb. (UP) -Cbfunv
nist John Koffend of the Omaha
JACKSON, Miss. W T. B.
An Independent Newspaper
Robert W. Chandler, Editor and Publisher
Phil F. Brogan, Associate Editor
Member, Audit Bureau of Circulations
' Kntwwt H Bacond Clu Uatur. Januarr . 1S17 at tb Pott Ot(lc M Bend, Or
oo under Act of March 1, 187t.
4 The Bend Bulletin. Wednesday. December 1. 1954
This Was Legging
Forgive Us "if We Seemlo Be "Cautious," But-
'Inmld A. Newton smelled smoke
Hilton, long-time elevator operator
at the Hinds County courthouse,
when he arrived home and called
the fire department. As the fire
World-Herald reported to his read
ers that the dollar bill still is good,
has directed hundreds of couples
to the marriage license bureau;
with Uiis advice: "If you can re-'
member the way you feel right
now, then you will have a happy
truck pulled up. Newton Mcarae noting mai ine diu boiu, .
red-faced and explained: "The lire issory note. Koffend mailed one
h. in mv su t coat to tne U. S. treasury uiiu uc-
" " " . , 1 . . . :i -5..1 1 .. Tf
pocket. I forgot about my pipe De- manora nu buvcj
ine there." 'veu pwuw
W JH I'm. TJ HiT M. ' JT I -m
Far back in pioneer days, the bulky cameras of
Darius Kinsey made superb pictures of the timber epic
of the Pacific Northwest, exclusive of the pine Deit.
Some 200 of the Kinsey pictures appear in a vol
ume, "This Was Logging!" brought out this, fall by
'2 Superior Publishing Co., Seattle, Wash, with a running
commentary by Ralph W'. Andrews, Seattle writer.
The volume, with its refreshing pictorial journeys
back to the days of bull teams and big wheels in the
- Northwest woods, in a memorial to the late Dee Kin
sey. "In his field, Dee Kinsey was the equal of Mat
r' thew Brady in his, which was the Civil War and that
is good enough."
'';' This is the tribute paid Darius Kinsey by Stewart
Holbrook, nationally known writer.
And from another nationally known writer, James
"'" Stevens, who once worked in the Bend pine mills, comes
this tribute:
"Away back yonder, the Paul Bunyan camera of
' Darius Kinsey caught and kept the most pictorial views
" of the big timber epic in the Northwest. Ralph An
drews' collection of Kinsey's finest work forms a pow-
; erful picture book of yesterday's people and trees in the
Residents of the pine areas may find some complaint
"r in the designation of this work as a story of Northwest
"r, logging. The pine country, so far as we can determine,
is by-passed without a picture. .
Bend does receive mention in a quarter of a page
chapter, "Early Oregon Logging", but it would have been
best if. that chapter had been omitted. . The date of the
, i coming of the two big Minnesota pine operations to Bend
. is wrong, and Sam Blakely and Jack Meister were log-
ling superintendents, not mill managers.
..? . And it was the Union Pacific and the Oregon Trunk
not the Great Northern, that battled for rights of way
in the Deschutes gorge in the race to reach Bend with
rails. Two tracks were constructed in the Deschutes
V gorge. It was at Metolius, on the plateau, that the rail
' magnates got together and, moved into' Bend on a singl
But that chapter in "This Was Locirinir" is pxeppd.
ingly brief and certainly does not detract from the photo
v' graphic excellence of the volume.
c ' There is need for a companion volume dealing with
. the pioneer and present story of the pine industry. For
this task we nominate Paul Hosmer. who, we are sure,
Hn .mvw. .mumi, o,uu neRMivw in his file and a great
awry m nis oook oi memories.
OF.TrMbr viSSS T ' -4 ' lift 1t?EEKvWHAT?"
"" -Ha S. Grant's
"Century Drive" Shrinks ,
It is best, possibly, that the pioneer name "Cen
tury Drive," for the road from Bend west to Elk Lake
is oeing replaced Dy a new name, Cascades Lakes High
f '.' i6
Thirty-five years ago, the mountain route was criv-
en its Century", designation because the loop route.
iioni oena oui over Uutchman flat, southwest past Elk
'lake.and buck to U. S. Highway 97'and Bend, was ap-
iuAiuuiiuiy xuu mues long.
I , , : . iiirougn t he years, the length of the loop route has
- wniuiea, and now we are reminded by Myron II
v , uj-iuuuB vi me r,iK iiko resort that another drastic cut
,. in tustance over the north sector of the route has been
:. mailt;.
'1 ' The distance from the Bend citv rontor (n tho wit
- Lake lodge in earlier years was 36.0 miles. Over the now
; route, now graded the entire distance into Elk lake the
1 distance is 31.9 miles.
j ' : . One of the biggest cuts in distance through the new
construction was between Devils and Elk lakes. The new
grade is 1.2 miles shorter than the old rid that took
i shortcuts through dense groves of trees.
ume, as wen as distance, has boon slashnd Ihrnno-h
i completion of the Cacades Lakes Highway into Elk
lake. Thirty years or more ago, the drive from Bend to
Elk lake took about half a day. Only recently a Bend
; reported He made the trip in 85 minutes.
In logging (he new route recently, Mr. Symons not
ed that he took it easy, because the road was icy in spots.
He made the drive from the Pilot Butte Inn corner in
Bend to the Klk lake resort in one hour!
in Us day, the Century Drive won recognition in the
Northwest as ono of the region's most scenic routes.
The new route not only cuts distance and timei but en-
hances that scenery.
You may not be any happier
about it than I am, but this is the
first day of December, and that's
thut. At this time of year we wish
we had the money we spent' on
last summer's vacation. We real
ize thai it's almost as bad to spend
all you make as it is not to make
all you spend. December is the
month when the mailbox is full of
Christmas cards, soap coupons,
fuel bills and Income-tax forms.
It's just a Utile bit ironic thut
December's birthstoncs, the tur
quoise and the zivctim symbolize
prosperity. They are blue tinted
lightly with green like ladies
whose neighbors get mink couts
for Christmas,
liccause an ancient I'eniau
king (liNcoveml a turquoise mine
on the eve of u victorious battle
the Htone is considered symbolic
of victory or a fortunate event.
The word "turquoise" is derived
from "TurklH," nieniiiin; Turkey
stone, for this cum huh one of
the first to reach Europe through
Turkish gem marts.
York's Alfred E. Smith.
One of the mimes of Publius Sy
rus, a very witty Koman auuior
who flourished about 43 B.C., is
"Prosperity make friends, ad
versltv tries them." Alone the
same lines, one of our favorite
comic strip characters says that
most people can't stand prosper
ity, but most people don t have to.
Ona warm day last week, the
Chief and I drove to Pioneer park
to ent our lunch. Our table was
occupied by a party of tourists.
who were feeding the ducks and
having a whale of a time. We
didn't want them to feel that we
were intruding, so we drove on a
spell and parked under a tree,
and ate our lunch in the car. This
is not intended as a suggestion
that two picnic tables should be
left out all winter, but is men
tioned merely to point out that
we're not the only nuts in the
Pope's Condition
Slightly Better
sources reported a slight improve
ment today in the condition of
Pope Pius XII.
The ailing pontiff arose at 7:30
a.m. and heard a mass recited oy
German Jesuit Father Robert Lei-
ber in the private chapel adjoining
the papal apartment.
Then the Pope retired to his
study where, seated in a deep easy
chair given to him by Roman
Catholics in Buffalo, N. Y., he re
ceived an official of the Vatican
secretariat' of state for a regular
daily report on Vatican affairs.
An official announcement yester
day that the Pope will attend cere
monies closing the Marian Year
Dec. 8 was taken in Vatican circles
as an encouraging indication of his
improvement. .
Brazil, Haiti and Mexico once
were empires.
By GRAFF of California ' '
YES . . . she. will really welcome this comfortable, but LmSS. ' '
handsome gift . . . beautifully tailored slacks by Graff. XjP'V V
' You may choose from rayon or wool style's in gray," J''7ir
black, navy, brown, tailored wjth a smooth fitting AT f7k VJsJ
front for a more slenderizing look. She will jSf lTVft ! VjA
wear them the year-around and remember you .. 1 ti n, 15 lk
each time that she wears them. 1!
' ' Priced From '
. ... ' -7.98 to 14.98 . ;
As a companion to her Graff Slacks choose a mlPlk
briqht poinsetta red. This jacket is machine p'.i V
washable Sanforlan (85 wool 15 nylon) 1
cut in a straight boxy style with patch pockets, F, J X
smoke-pearl buttons, and shirt styles sleeves. .J?! I l
A reaL beauty at this low price.' ' w Tti
' - mnv moo .vSHEfeO- I
; : , .
: '
ii - . - - .-
Although the turquoise has been
significant in many cultures and
countries, it was the most treas
ured of all gems in Tibet It Is
found in Persia, Egypt, Turkestan,
Australia and the United States.
The zircon, alternulc stone- for
December, has been known since
before the days of Christ and was
once believed to contain magic
power against evil spirits and poi
son. Ceylon and Siam are chief
sources of zircons.
Cold Weather
Seen for Region
for a white Christmas this year
may be a little better than usual
in most parts of the country.
The Weather Bureau's 30-duy
forecast said precipitation, which
could mean snow, is expected to
exceed normal during December
except in the extreme Southeast,
Pacific Northwest and Rio Grande
As for Ihc cold weather to go
with the precipitation, the bureau
said below normal temperatures
are indicated for the western half
of the nation, with lowest temper
atures in the Northwest.
As though to beur out the sic-
nificance of December's good luck
stones, the birthday list for this
month includes such fumous con
temporary names as humorist
James Thurber, painter Henri
Matisse and popular leading lady
ftiary Martin, in the historical
spotlight are Sir Isaac Newton, 1IKARSE HASTE
English plulospher and mathema- MANCHESTER. Conn. (UP)
tician; Whitney, inventor of siio ,v,ii,.n ..rriorf i.i,
the cotton gin, and Louis Pasteur.
fumed French chemist. President
Woodrow Wilson ate birthday cake
in December, and so did" New
tin, Jr., of Hartford on a speeding
charge. Curt in was accused of do
ing 70 in a 50-mile-an-hour zone.
He was driving a hearse.
Quotable Quotes
Vr-i Thc Communists have continued their repressive
.j measures, and I believe thc (Chinese) people would wel-
;4,v!;.'( yZ-J tome an invasion by Chiang Kai-shek. The Rev. Er-
nest " released by Reds.
Thc Russian is no seven-foot Kiant, but he is a strap-
ping fellow with the ability to muss-produce. Maj. Gen.
Frederic Smith.
The South is now in the early years of its greatest
period of change and ferment. As never before, industry
is growing in" our midst . . . We shall, whether we like
t" it or not, be offered to undertake for greater govern
mental responsibilities. Texas' Governor Srivers.
Creation of a Negro republic in. the. South is thc
Communist goal. Bryant Bowles, foe of racial inte
gration. :
For a Gift You'll Give
with Pride, let your
Jeweler be your Guide.
has ended but we'll still give you a gonorous allowance for
your old watch on a new one
Nov Gift Merchandise
Arriving Select Now!
Watch for the Tags!
Benson Bldg.
Note the foam rubber
over and under the
innerspring for firm
comfortable s
For soothing .7
comforting . . .
refreshing sleep!
Here's the story This spectacular
special purchase brings you scientific inner
spring construction, plus Firestone latex foam rubber
cushioning. It gently cradles, yet firmly sup
ports the body and assures healthful relaxation for tired
nerves and weary muscles. In addition, this miracle mattress has sag-
proof sidewalls, sturdy handles, fresh air vents and a heavy, durable. "
beautifully striped cover. There's no other mattress like the MAGIC FOAM , , , absolutely none! A match
ing cox spring is also available ... a great combination . . . buy both . . . twin Or full sizes. Order
Pay Only M.OODown and s5.00 Per Month!
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39.95 each
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