OUT OUR WAY by J. R. Williams OUR BOARDING HOUSE with Major Hoopla - --' 1 1 - - - ' - - - " - v, 'J.-y'-n,. ctc ,T- ...: JggSSJ?? THAT'S AS f,7V0OTH AS CV VICINITV-' JZk GIT CAUGHT SMOKlM1 M HAFFi,M,EIS "Clff Dnl MEAM iiLV;f- m Quicker in A Bia I FROM TM PEVlhlS EVE5 OP TMOS& fcZz&Pt Au.n& ) XZ 'ri3 T a a'4$y wilpernessthaw) . coarse goARDees until dm- j0JVr? arfefth voJ WOL"-P IN J veiLIMS 60T liNOWlikJSVOueFLAlE) J WMV'Siigr FOR ABT, TM ACCOgDlNS VOJ A .rtJM Boots ana Her Buddies ' Captain Easy ' ' , " - EZMtB'VkVihl' 7 VE51 NOW WE HAVE THE FIMGEK-I I I THE WERE BLACK WITH I TTHEV ARB COLORAPft AHWE CROSS JiSgiiiili PRINTS OF A BLOUDE NAMED I WHITE-NUMERALS, SO SHE W LAWARB,WISSlfSlPPhTH'&TM THEM WXACHEL, WHO LEFT HERE DRWIWfi 1- - CcOULOM'T LIVE HERE ' I Sf. MASSACHUSETTS, W3NTANAA TEN WLES FROM SYcnVs moFWD Vast, for a piace sixry miles just now looked to north Dakota, south i th coast! JZi&zmeA AWAYHOSFORPCITXlRGUREl. IF ONLY YOU'D &EB WHICH STATES CARaiNA OR VIRSIMlAi frmesM fl Tur fnpfupTTKCL NOTICED HER. USE THOSE COLORS., 3 SO SHE COULP LIVE WttSK Vic Flint I ." n.rn:iniiifi """Hnnii'lil 1 1 where x work, x anc last niswt someone I Inot jiamv,thoush...thev U- SfSS3 RELAV RACE PET5AKJC7TOOI:lO,000 FROM THE FOUND" ONLY THREE BUCKS I I SEMT J'WW REFFLE. V VUI II I I II I HEARD OF A SURE 1SAFE OF SNELL ANDMOLTJY ON HIM, PIPN'T THEV? I'LL ITQ HIS SR AVE .'FROM .r4f?" ' ' k,A II 1 1 I THINS. I TOLP JIMVW i ...AND MURPERED" SNELL PAY AMVTHINX5, PUT VOU'VE I GOLD-PIGGER TO " - " "V-Sul l l l I TO LEND ME SOO--St- r J307' TO CEAK HIAA.' lG?AV-peeer, vTpgV I I or we were isISSlii K "tartha Wayne . I HA1! Hlflf NOT FOR A WHILE fTKlN THAT CASE. HENRY. LET'S Snt- 1 ppuBLE MAgTINIwLOXS LIKE VOUNg Y YET... SOT TO CATCH HAVE A MENU,ANO TDOOLE -f M NORMAN IS SETTINS KEAW TO TIE ONE II I l;lWOULD YOU CAKEyUP ON QUg DglNKINgJ BACK FDR ANOTHER f 7b ON AGAIN. I'M 5ETTING HE SETS IN DUTCH-J TO OKDEK DINNER "NiVwAftTINI-ADOUSLE. F f f 'm J THE STORM SlgNALS . Alley Pop ' " - ' ' ' ' ! "'"'""J!3l,ll,,"",LlU HbCK WITH HIM. t-TTT YEAH...PRETTY I I...HOW T YEH...aJKt jI""''I4 f S "n f TIME-MACHINE THINK ABOUT U5 :J TOUGH ON ABOUT A OSCAR , I JJf. Y U FINE! ITU. 00 x 8R0KEN FOOf? OLD STUCK HERE INAN5v'OU FOLK5 SPOT OF COULD ( J I JW VOU GOOD AND 7 DR.VONMUG, HE'LlAthiS CRAZY ( rgSr (ALL RIGHT COFFEE, DO WITH V 1 kSrDL X GUARANTEE .A NEVER GET BACK TWENTIETH VlS.'S, . EH? A A CUP.' tV3l ITU NOT KEEP Si miA FrecVlel and His Friends , ; y . , j nrrin ) ' "r ". wi -v a Why, FATHER tOu'ce "H (-"Trf I Mope" " Sorry it brfa Y Wni, SOUND ASLEEP' I I 1 LAS II ' 1 f DADDY LIKES UP HOUR SESSION, NIC ' 7 pa J? f II ; 1 1 V t MY new date boys I'M , talking fl T T Ta 63 u jrv II Kx finally ready vwim you, 1 1 L I.Tl1, ViU j j j uJ ''-T " "'" ?&5f W3Pi,r 2f ?r fi5dt Mo The Bend Bulletin. Tuesday, November 2. 1954 CALL TO ARMS This series of French stamps, showing French coat of arms, will be issued during November. They will be in brilliant colors of red, blue, yellow and green. Top, left to right: Saintonge, Aunis, Angoumois. Below,-left to right: Bourbonnais, ' Navarre and Maine. IT'S TRULs...HOW Meringue Pic Filling in 30 Seconds! VANILLA Discover the delicious fruit or cream meringue pie fillings you can make with magic Amazo. Amazo is the only instant dessert which "sets" with fruit juice; and the only one which won't separate when you brown the meringue. Try... . AMAZO ORANOI MIIIHOUI Pll Pour lf cups orange juice into deep bowl; add ltsps. grated orange rind, 2 egg yolks, and 1 pkg. Vanilla Amazo. Whip . with rotary beater 30 seconds. Spoon into 8-inch baked pie shell; top with meringue mak- . ing use of 2 egg whites and bake until meringue is browned. B tur to us Amato. So-cafftd tmlant pvddmOi will not work in fhii relp. CHOCOLATE BUTTERSCOTCH "Wlft way ww-tx Cl Oregon MbVC9llL M filiafid With Mutual Don U Br -Kilocycle I TONIGHT'S PROGRAM 6:00 Gabriel Heatter 6:16 Speaklnu of Sports 6 :80 Virgil Finkley 6:46 Sam Hayes News 6:66B111 Henry 7:00 Forward America 7 :80 Bhind the Sto t 7 :46 Remember Whe t 7 :60 Eveninu Melodies 8:00 Bend Election Returns 8:15 Eveninu; Melodies 8 :25 Redmond Election Returns 8:H0 Network National Election 8 :56 Bend Election Returns 9 :00 Network NewB 9 :1B Fulton Lewis, Jr 8:30 Bend Election Returns 9:85 Island Serenade 9:00 Redmond Election Returns 9 :66 Bend Election Returns 10:00 Evening Melodies 10:16 Bend Election Returns 10 :2& Redmond Election Returns 10 :80 Network National Election 11:16 Local Election Returns 12 : 00 Election Roundup WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 3, 1954 6:00 Triple T. Ranch 6 :28 Carnation Time 6 :45 Farm Reporter 7 :00 HeminRway News 7 :15 Breakfast Gantf 7 :30 Morning Melodies 7 :40 News 7 :4B Morninir Roundup B:00 Cecil Brown 8:16 Bob Greene News 8 :20 Northwest News 8:26 World News 8:30 Bible Institute 9:00 Bulletin Board 9 :Q6 Music for Wednesday 9 :30 Rush Morgan Show 9:46Top Tunes 10:00 Network News 10:16 Tello Test 10:80 Fashion Trends 4 10:36 The Three Hons 10:46 News lO-BO Man About) Town 10:66 Northwest NewB 11 :00 Florida Calling 11:26 World News 11:80 Queen For A Day 12 :00 Noontime Melodies 12:10 Today'B Classified 12:16 Sports Review 12 :20 Noontime Melodies , 12:30 News 12 :46 Farmers Hour 1 :00 News of Prineville 2:00 Platter Preview 2:16 Preview of Good Read in. A Listening. 2 :80 Patter Preview 3:16 Northwest News 3:20 Central Oregon News 8:26 Word News ' 8:80 You Win 8:46 Tello Test 4 :00 Popular Demand 4:15 Frank Hemingway News 4 :30 Here's The Answer 4 :46 Sam Hayes News 5:00 Tune Vendors 5:15 Sports 6 : 25 News 5 :30 Wild Bill Hickok 6 :66 Cecil Brown 6:00 Gabriel Heatter 6:15 Dinner Melodies 6:30 Virgil Pinkley 6 :45 Sam Hayes News 6:55 Bill Henry 7:00 Crime Fighters 7:80 Behind The Story 7 :45 Remember When 7 :60 Evening Melodies 8:00 Sizing Up Sports 8:30 Musical Portraits 9 :00 News 9:15 Fulton Lewis Jr. 9 :80 Conrad The Connoisseur 10:00 Off The Record 9:86 Mutual News Reel 11:00 Sign Off U.S. Urges Arms To Weak Nations 1 lb....w 82 U.N. SC1120a 1 UNITED NATIONS, N.Y., (UP) The United States today urged that United Nations members provide military equipment, supplies and services to countries willing to join in fighting aggresson but unable to finance their own forces. U.S. delegate Charles H. Ma honey, Detroit insurance executive told the General Assembly's Main Political Committee: "It is the belief of the United States that U.N.' members should do everything they can, in accord ance with their own constitutional processes .and their capacities, to see to it that needed military equip ment, supplies and services arc made available to any nation willing to contribute effective forces to a U.N. collective action but not able to provide logistic support. Mahoney, the first Negro ever to represent the United states in tne U.N.'s Main Political Committee, made formal the views expressed Dreviously by U.S. officials that the U.N. Korean War effort would have been more universally supported if contributing members had not been required to equip their own forces. Times Predicts Democratic Win NEW YORK (UP) The New York Times said yesterday that its pre-election survey of 47 states in dicated sufficient Democratic gains to control tne House. There will be a tight battle for the Senate. The survey showed Democrats ahead in key races which will de termine party control of the next Congress but margins were report ed to be "perilously close and still subiect to change ' in many states, The New York Times warned that latest reports were subiect to change if an unexpectedly large vote developed because of election enthusiasm In the final days of the camDaiens. The soundings were completed last Friday before President Eisen hower beean his "get out and vote telephone campaign and before his whirlwind tour of Ohio, Michigan, Kentucky and Delaware. The survey said that trend, un less it is reversed, was clearly Democratic as of last Friday and was not confined to any single region. Oregonian Picked As Benson Aide WASHINGTON (UP) Secretary of Agriculture Ezra T. Benson to day appointed Milan u. smitn, Pendleton, Ore., .frozen food com pany official, to be his executive assistant, effective Dec. 1. Smith, 35, . succeeds Lorenzo N. Hoopes who is resigning to return to Safeway Stores Inc., Oakland Calif. Smith, a native of Clearfield, Utah, has been general manager of the Smith Canning & Freezing Company of Oregon since 1941. DIVORCE GRANTED LONDON UP) Judge A. Davies granted Mrs. Eillen Doris Forbes a divorce on grounds her husband de serted her. He ruled Forbes was not justified in leaving home lust because Mrs Forbes told him she was in love with another man. WHO WILL WIN ? . Your Guess is as Good As Anyones! TONIGHT DIAL 1110 FOR UP-TO-THE-MINUTE ELECTION RETURNS The results of today's election will be broadcast over KBND as fast as they are collected and tabulated. The news staffs of The Bend Bulletin, The Redmond Spokesman and KBND will be on the job to bring you the county results. .National returns will be covered by Mutual with the United Press leased wire for the State. FOR ELECTION RETURNS ....IT'S SERVING CENTRAL ORE KBND MONEY TALKS - ON com mander. Gen. John E. Hall, is in Korea to take charge -of American negotiations in a cur-, rency dispute between the U. S. and the Republic of Korea. An ROK spokesman charged the U. S. is 'responsible for in creasing Inflation because of' its currency policies. Morse Throws Aid to Demos RvJOHNAHnlnQMlTU United Press Staff Correspondent WAsmiNUTUN up) Sen. Wayne Morse, Oregon's Republican turned independent, gave the Dem ocrats a running head start today , in their bid to control the Senate. I Morse said he will stick by his m- tentioh to vote with the Democrats on the question of which party should organize the Senate and head its committees. , "I will vote with the Democrats in any event," Morse said. Morse s position means, in effect. that Republicans will have to hold 49 Senate seats in the new Congress to control. Democrats could win shaky control with 48 seats plus Morse. Morse, who resigned from the Republican party during the last presidential campaign and support ed Adlai E. Stevenson, has been ac tive during the current campaign on behalf of a number of Demo crats. He said he has made 111" "major" speeches since Labor Day. "I have been across the country ! twice, and I am satisfied that the : American people are .dissatisfied with the Eisenhower record,"; Morse said. "I think the closing two weeks of the campaign by the Republicans, has been the most shocking ex-1 ample of the 'big lie' technique in ' the history of American politics. "I believe that, as a result, thou sands of voters who might other wise have supported Republican, candidates will repudiate the Re publican party." The Senate now has 49 Republi cans, 46 Democrats and Morse. : With a close election predicted, ; Morse's position could be impor tant. Twice in the past he has had the balance of power but in both cases he sided with the Republica for organization purposes. Referee Due for Post Gill PORTLAND (UP) - State Sen. ' Warren Gill, Lebanon, Ore., said ' today he has been named by the ? Federal Mediation Board to act as , a referee in the dispute between the . International Association . of -. Machinists and the Flying Tigers Air Line. Gill said three referees will he ' the case in Los Angeles within two or three weeks. The union was to appoint one adjustment board mem. , ber and the employer one. Gill is the public representative. - Gill said he was notified of the : appointment today by Robert Boyd, i a member of the board. ' A New Show! TUNE IN! Wonderful Prizes! "YOU WIN" A World of Fun and Prizes! Tho sensational musical quiz show featuring' Famous Stars! ixciting Entertainment! Fine Music! Prizes' Galore! KBND 3:30 p.m. DAILY ii YOU WIN" LISTEN!