The Bend Bulletin. Saturday. June 12.' 1954 McCarthy Diversions Help Him Deflect Touchy Issues WASHINGTON Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy's demand that Sen. Stuart Symington step down from the special committee investigat ing the Cohn-Schine antics with the Army is merely the latest in a long line of headline-grabbing tactics. . . The junior senator from Wiscon sin has now tangled with every member of the committee except Sen. Everett M. Dirksen of Illi nois, who wants the hearings ended. One of the thincs Senator Mc Carthy does best is employ diver sions to wreck the proceedings. Let a train of thought get started highballing, headed in a direction that is going to do the McCarthy , cause no gooa ana McCarthy is ' almost sure to switch it off on a sidetrack or sensationally flag it down. . The result is that the special committee under Sen. KarlMundt now has'before it a dozen or more major unsubstantiated charges, threats not carried out and gen eral confusion. It has swelled the committee record and strung it out almost endlessly, The First Move of this kind came on the day the hearings opened when Senator McCarthy charged that the whole case was a plot cooked up under the direc tion of Assistant Defense Secre tary Struve Hensel. To muddy it up further, the senator charged that Mr Hensel had possibly vio lates tne law in selling ship sup plies to the government during the war, while he was Undersec retary of the Navy. The committee handled'that one by dropping the charges against Mr. Hensel and dismissing him as a principal in the investigation. senator a McCarthy let him go, but he was able texuse this side issue effectively as a means to dismiss his own man, Francis . Carr. In an effort to discredit the tes timony of Maj.-Gen. Miles Reber, on the high-pressuring by Roy Cohn to get Dave Schine an Army commission, Senator McCarthy tried to bring in inferences that the general's brother, Samuel Re ber, had been forced to resign from PHONE CLASSIFIES AIS THE BEND BULLETIN The Bend Bulletin (Weekly) 1903-1931. The Bend Bulletin (Daily) Est j.1916. Pubiifhfvl Every Afternoon Excent, Sunn day .and Certain Holidays by The Bend bulletin. 736-788 Wall Street, Bend, Oregon. . i Br Mail In Oregon Three Months $ 3.26 Six Months 0.00 One Year lLOO By Mail Outside of Oregon . Three Months ,.$ 8.75 Six Months ' 6.60 One Year 12.00 Br Carrier One Month $ 1.26 Six Months 7.60 One Year 16.00 SINGLE COPY 6c All Subscriptions are DUE and PAY ABLE IN ADVANCE. Please notify us of any change of ad dress or failure to receive the paper reg ularly. BULLETIN CORRESPONDENT! Redmond Mrs. Martha Stranahan Phone 621 Frineville Joe D. Thomison Phone 6304 or 7388 Madras Bob Barber Phone 2138 or 2901 Sisters Mrs. Helen Huyward I Phone 2278 Eastern Star Mrs. ' Walter Prichard Phone B7-K.ll Tumalo Mrs. Lawrence Allen Phone 818-L Want Ad Rates and Information 4 Times for the price of 2. 7 Times for the price of 5. Very Low Kates for Monthly Ads Auk about rates for added space and added insertions; doH't foruet the even lower rates if you run your ad for a full month. 1 2-S-4 5-6-7 Words Time Times Times Up to 13 .75 LAO . 2.75 14 thru 18 1.00 2.00 3.67 SWEETIE PIE mm "Blast off here comes the space patrol! the State Department as a 'se curity risk. The incident of the now-famous fake 2 '6-page letter from FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, on sub version at Fort Monmouth, N. J.. is1 perhaps the most sensational divisionary move which' Senator McCarthy has introduced. ,Th senator said the letter had been given him by a young Army intel ligence officer. Identity of this officer has not yet been establish ed. The letter's genuineness has .been challenged, however. No such letter -was ever written, though Senator McCarthy's - text does contain exact copies of cer tain paragraphs from a 15-page, classified FBI report, Senator McCarthy has used this incident to divert the whole hear ing into a challenge of the Pres dent s authority to withhold from the Congress classified informa tion of the executive departments Senator McCarthy has declared that "No human . . . will keep me from making . . . public (this) type of information." He excepts only J. Edgar Hoover from this statement So far the senator has not made public his letter. Senator McCarthy has made a blanket and as yet unsubstanti ated charge against Secretary of the Army Robert B. Stevens that unknown persons in the. Pentagon are using a "fine, not overly ex perienced Secretary as their tool to escape being exposed. Dragging .the World War If Katyn. Forest massacre in Poland into these hearings, Senator Mc Carthy repeated House commit tee charges that "there was a pool of pro-Soviet civilian em ployes and some military and Army intelligence employes who found an explanation for almost everything the Soviet Union' did. i Asking Secretary . Stevens if these employes were still there, Senator McCarthy Said his com mittee had heard that some of them transferred to Central In telligence Agency. By so doing, the senator managed to bring in another issue outside the current investigation in your 10 thru 23 - 1.25 2.60 4.20 24 thru 28 1.60 t.00 6.60 .frices cash or with 7 day fHONE YOUR WANT ADS TO THE tH&Nu BULLETIN, PHONE 66 Ads received before 1 p.m, will appear in we xo..owing uay a paper. . The Bulletin reserves the right to classify, edit or reject any want ad copy, and will be resnonsible for only one in correct publication of any want ad. Full adjustment of error will be made by one auueti insertion ol tne corrected adver tisement Want ads In The Bulletin are arranged for the benefit of the reader, and are classmen into tne 101 lowing groups. ANNOUNCEMENTS 1 to 16 Lost & Pound. Meetings. Personals, Spe cial notices, etc AUTOMOTIVE 20 to 86 Autos Wanted and For Sale. Accessories, Body Work. Service .stations, etc BUSINESS SERVICES 40 to 70 Appliances. Building. Carpentry. Electric al, Painting. Plumbing, Upholstering, etc - EMPLOYMENT 80 to 84 Help Wanted. Baby Sitters, Situations wanted, etc FINANCIAL 9ft to 98 Bus. Opportunities, Investments. Money to auoan etc INSTRUCTION 100 to 10l Home Instruction, Schools, Special Classes. LIVESTOCK tfi FBTS 110 to 119 Cattle & Horses, Poultry A Rabbits, reta, etc MISCELLANEOUS 121 to 169 Appliances, Farm Products, Fuel ft Wood. Misc. tor Sale and Wanted, etc RENTALS 160 to 169 Apartments, Homes. Rooms, Wante4 to Kent, etc. 1 Lost and Found LOST: BULL cull, blak, 6 num. old. Auction sale tag No. 863 still on. Ph. 9 Meetings BEND LODGE NO. 218. L O. O. F. Meets Every Monday Night L O O. F. Temple Rollo Morgan, Noble Grand D. Ray Miller, Secy. Ph. 107D-W. 265 Franklin Ave. By Nadine Seltzer ff I 30 Used Cats for Sale CHEV. 1941 X dour. Mid Plymouth. 1W1 coupe Or trade. XL Harding. Kb t Box 72, Bnd. STUPEBAKER COMMANDER 4 door. 62 model, luiht blue. Radio, heater, window waahera, underaealed, overdrive, good mileage, 11.235. Ph. 1019-K, m. at 19b0 , , r , PONT1AC SEDAN, 1996. Or trade for what have you. VI 10a2-al or call at 6 Hawthorne, . 32 Used Trucks Trailers TRUCK. SUITABLE for farm use. Good rubber and running eonaition, can Douy in poor . shape, but a good buy for 160. See at Orevon Trail Box Co. TRAILER, 2 wheel, all steel frame, 16' wheels, fiO. rnone U04-J. WILLYS 6 PICKUP, 1U32. in good me chanical shape, wextra motor, trans mission, excellent rubber, $36. See at ls2 uumDenand. 39 Automobile Display This Week's Specials! 1953 PLYMOUTH Sub. urban, R & H, direc ' tlonal lights, under . f coat, only ,.$1995 1952 NASH RAMBLER . Hardtop, R & H, overdrive, new tires. - ; 41495 1949 DE SOTO 'Custom 4 Dr. Has radio and heater, and Tip-Toe-Matic transmission. ' Only: - .-..$ 895 And Many More Good Cars . From Which To Choose. . FUNDINGSLAND : MOTORS :, Oregon Ltd. 162 Greenwood Phone 387 40 Appliances; Sis. & Serv. SINGER PORTABLE sewing machine. fully reconditioned, free sewing course, 154.60. Singer Sewing Center, 831 Wall, phone 1626. . ' RBPOSSESSED FAMOUS Singer Featb. weight portable, 4 montns old. lan be purchased- cor balance due. singer clew, fog. Center, 831 Wall, phone 1826. RECONDITIONED AND GUARANTEED ' , Wringer Washers 414.60 Used Refrigerators $49.60 Automatic Washers $69.60 Dryers (90.60 165 E. Greenwood Ave. REAL "ESTATE 170 to 188 Houses, Farms and .'Raticheg, Lots & Acreages for Male, etc. - ELECTRIC CONSOLEV sewing machine. fully guaranteed, free sewing course. Only S9.60. Singer Sewing Cento, 881 wan, pnone ihzo. WASHING MACHINE REPAIRS and wringer rolls for all makes. Phone 274, Mayta , Appliance. 42 Beauty Salons; Reduc. MARGUERITE & NORMAN'S - Beauty & Harder Shop Permanent Wave from (10 up. Phone 17 08 -J SC7 E. Greenwood 46 Carpentry & Cab. Work F. W. Page Residential Construction ft Remodel Hough-in or nish Job Specialize in cabinet and hardwood panels, formica finish work of ail kinds. By hour or contract 1 year guarantee on all work. . . ' Phone, efO-H'-f : 52 Excavating Grading Duncan Brothers EXCAVATION, Drilling, Blasting, Top Soil and Fill Dirt. Cinders. Cat and Tractor Work. Phone 574, or 1734.J 54 Landscaping; Gardening ROCK-FREE TOP SOIL Fill dirt, black and red cinders. Dump truck and tractor-loader work. I'h. 78-J 59 Miscellaneous Services HOLMES CONCRETE SERVICE : DRIVEWAYS SI DE WALKS FLOOR WORK Specialist in Color All Work guaranteed estimates 707 Delaware "....Bend 843 HORSE SHOEING, regular, snecial. & corrective. Hot or cold shoeinjr. Jack Ro- well, Rt. 1 Box 866. Phone 2100-J-6. CASCADES TRAVEL SERVICE, phone 2130, offers- complete travel informa tion, Bervicea free. Airlines, Hteanltihip reservations and tickets, ixicnteii lob by Pilot . Butte Inn. Open daily except Sundays.' Willard Hollenbeck. Owner. 64 Plumbing & Heating PLUMnrNG SUPPLIES Complete Bathroom eto. Cast iron and steel tuDS. iavaumea ana ciosei comoi nation. Soil pipe and mUnita. Galvan ized dido from inch bo 2 inch. Gal vanized fittinns, VaHoitf other items. WEST SIDE H AMD WAKE 1005 Galveston Opn Daily, 8 to 8 p.m. Sundays. 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. FARR'S Hoatinc & Air Conditioning Ph. 447 or 12M-W K. 1t & Greenwood HEATING SYSTEM Furnace Vacuum Cleanipg Flue Cleaning 1 m Furnace Repair Service Replacement Parts - 9 Complete New Furnace Installation 66 Radio; TV Sales & Serv. RADIO, TELEVISION, tuhes. parts, bat teries, TV antennae. Prompt, expert ser vice, df-orecs tfanto and bporting uoous, 644 r ranklin. l'bone Dliu. - RADIO & TV TUBES Philco and other maKes. Complete stork of all radios. BEND FURNITURE CO. 70 Ceptic Tanks; Cess Pools CARTER SEPTIC TANK SERVICJs Phone 1475-W or 7S6 W. 12th. 78 Roof ing & Sheet Metal BEND HOOFING COMPANY Roofine of all kinds. Comp. shin trie, built-up asphalt roofs, repairing A coat ing. Ail work tuny guaranteeo. bub b, V. L. TIUPLETT PHONE 5D8-M 80 Baby Sitters; Child Care unt f a n l- - i ... u by the hour or day. Phone 6R8-M. 82 Help Wanted AIRLINES Cnnlinually necn mpn & women II. S. grade., 1616, (or Ruch job aa: HOSTESS ' Rocpptlnnhit RmrvatinriH Iatrniier Aurtit Station Arnt Rs'l'o oirator Met.-orolor,itt Tminintr need nt intrrferp with prt-wnl pmiloym?nt. Kre n( accrue nt service. Luw tuition. E-X term.., CALIFORNIA ATR COI j.EOK CAA miprovH Aironry For Info, without oblitrnlton fill tmt TiiiHn. Mull tf Ibrx 3. Airport HLattun. Oakland 14. Calif. Nam t AMrea City Fboa 82 Help Wanted WANT TRANSPORTATION for oew- i ii- i ' U 1 . D4 paper uuiiuiv uaiu iivu " round, 8:80 P.M. every day Sun day. See Harvey Olsen at Toe Bend Bulletin. 84 Situations Wanted MEAT CUTTER, experienced desires Job. loo. ltnaea fit, ph. Ifio-w. LAWN WORK by dependable high school boy. fcocpertenoed power, hand mower. Pnooe 1UI7-J. WORK WANTED i Family man. Aire 44. 2b yra office experience accw. bookkeep ing, admin, supervisory, ijixe aeaiins with public Prefer work not confined to desk. Part time, temporary, perma nent, r.u. Box wue tsena. pn. .-., st.Tr. Bowlby. x . i ; 90 Business Opportunities tlOO WEEKLY SPARE TIME Refilling and collecting money from our five-cent High rUade Nut machines in this area. No selling I To qualify for work v.. ii miut have car. references. 4594. cash. secured by inventory. Devoting 4 hours a week to Duslness, your end on percent age of collections will net up to 4100 weekly with very good possibilities of taking over full time. Income increasing accordingly. For interview, include phone in application, xtox ?ouu Bend Bulletin. 110 Cattle & Horses TWO GUERNSEY bred heifers. 6-0 gal. tlrst call. Kt. 1 Sox l4y, . Moorman. 7 MILK COWS. Ph. 637-L after 6 p.m. Koe aoo uoecn ku z box oo, uenu. 114 Poultry & Rabbits LIVE FRYERS, 4-5 lb. etu, $1.60. June 12-1H only. Hi. box iW, vend, pnone aao-Ut uunsier Arenas. 117 Livestock Wanted LIVESTOCK of all kinds. Bernie All statu Bend Sale Yard. Phone 899 01 UO-W. Write i'.U. Box 84. 121 Appliances; HH Equip. CLOSE-OUT SALE -OL' JOS RETIRES Deep fat fryers $14.7? Automatic pop-up toaster 12.74 Steam IronB 16.16 Waffle bakers, comp. with sand wich grilles 18.47 Mixers, comp. with juicers ...... 22.95 2-heat Hair dryers 7.46 Hand mixers 14.81 Automatic percolators '.. 8.16 1 Steam iron, at . 6.00 1000 watt Electric irons ........ 8.46 Typewriters, comp. with carrying case ; 49.80 6-tube Radios - 1.46 Royal vacuum clnrs.. comp. with attachments 16.00 Hoover vacuum cleaners, comp. attachments 88.90 Also larne stock of 'refrigerators, freezers, ranges, automatic washers hot water tanks. All brand new mer chandise, carries full factory warrantly If you don't see what you want, ask for it. We have It. ANDERSON APPLIANCE CENTER State A Tumalo Sta. WASHER A dryer, automatic. $00. In good condition, uaii ybz-j. PHILCO TAULE model raido, almost new; Knight clock radio used only iu days. Or trade for some old radios in working condition. Ph. 1441-R. 133 Fuel tS Wood HEAVY TIMBKK3: S10 slnule. I1U.E0 double load. Cascade Transport. I'hone 164Z-J. PLANER SHAVINGS for beddina 1 I BOX WOOD. Phono 246 or 1123-W. 139 Miscellaneous for Sale MISC. TOOLS : 0" South Bend Lathe. IV Jig-saw, tap & die set, many others. Ph. 11176 pr 811 E. 4th. STORE EQUIPMENT: Glass top deep freeze; factory made 1U it. veicetable rack : scales : almost new cash register. Also oil circulator, electric ranire, Ras refriseratnr. one. or all. 4bl isroadway. nart rerini, pnone iiDi-A. LOWE'S SUPPLY Triangle poultry and dairy feed for bet ter result. Baby (hicks sold on order. Groceries, meats and vegetables. Cash buyer m rroBh .oggit; 3ihop l rtr aUOWJS tva at 740 Eattt First . I'hone 666-J : LIGHT FIXTURES LarKcst .selection and stock, lowest prices in central ureKon. Bill's Electric, U42 Hill near Greenwood. FULLER BRUSH PRODUCTS AND DEBUTANTE COSMETICS LEW W. FRAS1ER 339 Portland Ave. Ph. Bend 2260-R 142 Nursery Supplies NEWLAND'S GREENHOUSES East Sixth and Seward One block north of Revere. Strong, well-rooted plants of the finest hybrid varieties: petunias (single, riffled, and double), snaps, lobelia, verbena, dwarf dahlias, pansies, marigolds, fu chias, choice geraniums, toma toes (the new Ball Fl hybrid, excellent "for Central Oregon), aster seedlings, zinnias, bego nias (tuberous & fibrous).- In stant Vioro ($1 per lb., but takes only 2 Tbsp. to 1 gal of water) & Blue Whole peat moss (combines humus & fish fer tilizer). 143 Musical BALDWIN Sninet Piano, used very little. Will sec- mice rather than move. White urlanil Armstrong, 811 N. E. Pacific .Ave., Portland, qretton. 145 Office Supplies; Equip. TYPIST CHA1U. steel, swiyel ; 1 drafllnn tHhle, 1 drafting chair," one drafting table lamp, ureuon Ave., pn. i. 160 Apartments for Rent 2.I1DRM duplex, furnlnhod. Washing- fa cilities. fenced back yard. Phone 1770-R. inquire Zlb Irvlmr roiininnEtif i 1., very cioe in. uaini dry facilities, earaues. 627 Franklin, oh. nut NEW. attractive anarlment. Comfortable. Private entrance, beautiful view. One bedroom. Unfurnished. 1S.3 Vicksburtr. BACHELOR APARTMENT ' S blocks from town, newly furnished, decorated, Karaite, utilities, sir,, phone zaev or in quire at 123 Franklin. CLEAN FURNISHED apartments-reasonable weekly or monthly rates. 745 Colorado, fh. izoii-j. MODERN FURNISHED duplex. rms. Also 3 room furnUhed apt. All are neat & clean ; reasonable rate. ' Water at sar- haKe paid. Corner or E 2nd & IrvlnK. Ncwland Ants. Inquire duplex apt. 6. Phone 617-W. LARGE UNFURNISHED l bdrra apt. includes refrigerator, stove, a-arbaee. 4 water. ?r,n per month. River Terrace Apt., ir,28 w. 6tli. Phone 224, or rtixe Realty. MODERN APARTMKNT, 2 block frnm town, newly furntnhiid decorated ; com plete riwtric kitcht.-n, naraKt. utiimcn. I'hone 2381 or Inquire at 13 Franklin. CLOSE IN, a room mod. Turn, apt; elir trie ranee A electric refrigerator. A I utilities furnUhed. $&6 a month, phone ONE BEDROOM furnished apU. Vf in. Litrhtft & water furnished. Phone kiu-k alter :uu. 161 Houses for Rent 'A BEDROOM MOD Kit N hoiiHe. unfurl, Uhcd. Locatd by Drake Park. Ph. U17-J. 2 ROOM FURNISHED, modern, electric ally epiippet rqhin. INear rratmiin under paj. KM Hill Ht. 3 SMALL BEDROOM houw. lf mfnth. Can In? neen at 110 ('aca'te I'lace. ror further Information ran 1814-W. 2 BEDROOM modern furnished houe. Klo in. paved itratt. bi'4 Hill U 161 Houses for Rent 8 BEDROOM furnished house, newly aecoreted, elose In. Auto, washer, elect, ranite, larva yard, inquire at 297 St. Helens. a, POSSIBLY 4 bdrm spacious, modern. unrurnished bouse. Also I room modern home. Both have nice yard, garage, basement, and floor furnace. For infor mation call 16B3-W. 168 Other Rentals IRRIGATED PASTURG to rent. Ph. Sslt-J-4. , FOR RENT: Hospital bed. Phone 100. A. 0. Stipe Furniture Co. . , Office Space Skyline Bldg. New and modern in down town location, served by ele vator. Write, see or shune 279. Skyline Building. 170 Houses for Sale EQUITY IN t bedroom modern house for sale, 1100, 266 Linster Place. Phone IDlV-d. - 2 BEDROOM modern house, partly re- oonaiiioneo. Bargain tor nanoy man. rn. BY OWNER. 2 aerea. cltv water. Ar nold Irrigation. bedrooms, large living room, fireplace, carpeted dining room, breakfast nook, utility room, walk in cooler, large closets. Oil furnace, insu lated, storm windows. Attached garage, fenced back yard. Fruit trees, shrubs, berries. 120,000. Call 1027 for appoint ment. 3 BEDROOM home, full baaemenL auto. heat, oversized closet, larue yard. Close to icraa 4t nign cnooi. trnont or J539-R. 14 ACRE3 with 6 room modern house in urine, uaje Sttidset, Box ilH, La Vine, OreKon. BY OWNER: Immaculate, ready to move riu-ht In. coranltilr furnlahed 2-hedroam home. Hardwood floors, plastered, fire place, walk-in closets, breakfast nook, dining; room lota of buHt-lns, all cement basement, wired for electrlo range, dry er, washer, new 42-gal. cleotrlo water heater. Slab floor garasre, drlvvway, paved street, near Drake I'ark and achooL Immediate possession after crow. Full price only 911,600. Write The Bend Bulletin. Box. No. 1856, Dcna. ureson. BEDROOM modern furnlahed house and cabin lor down, 937 month. Price 91,700 or 91,260 cash. 18 Broad way. . , 172 Farms & Ranches OR TRADE for Redmond vicinity 200 acre dairy iarm, 60 A. bottom .and, bal ance rolling hill land uncleared, bottom land will easily handle 60 head; new 8 bdrm, full basement home, house, plus 15 head milking Shorthorn, 924,000, terms. WALDPORT REALTY CO. Phil Lettenmaicr. Realtor Waldport, Oretton 180 Real Estate Exchanges TRADE: MODERN 2 bdrra house on 1 A. In Santa Clara Dint, at Eugene, for small burliness in Bend or vlolnity. Ar thur Payne, rt. 1 box 64, Eugene. 182 Real Estate Wanted SMALL ACREAGE close to town. Be tween 3-7 acres preferred. Ph. 1342-K. 189 Real Estate Display Strout Realty 'The Greatest Name in Earth" TO BUY, TRADE. LIST phone 2271, Bend. Write, Rt .1, Box 54. Call at Office, South, Highway. Strout Sells Real Estate!,,.. - 189 Real Estate Display ALL STATE Bend's Largest Home Seller ULTRA MOD., 3 Bedroom. Large gar. & work shop. East Franklin. $18,500. . . BRAND NEW 2 Bedroom. Laundry rm, gar. East side location. $11,600. Terms. , . ' HARMON BLVD. 2 lovely homes. 2 b!r. mod. $7,850. One 3 b.r. and den. Bsmt., auto heat, fireplace. Very Nice. $12,000. . . W. SIDE Columbia St. 3 b.r. mod. 2 nice lots. Priced' right. $7,600. Terms. COLUMBIA near school. Neat 2 b.r, Att. gar., pav. st, $8,500. Terms. 2 BEDROOM furnished on McCann St. $2,150. $250 dn. UNION AVE. West side. 2 b.r. mod., vacant. $3,950. $350 dn.' : ROOSEVELT ST. Neat 2 b.r. home. Large gar. with work shop, 2 lots. $5,000. $1,000 dn. EAST 12th ST. New 2 b.r. att. home. Don't miss seeing this lovely property and only $9,950. Att. terms. Save 20 to 30 on Auto and Fire Insurance See your Mayflower Agent. Bill Shaver, 1050 Bond St., Phone 167. R. D. KERR REAL ESTATE - 849 Wall Street Phone 2215 Home 783-J ft ' G.Is approximately $600 dn. will buy this beautiful 2 bedroom home, East side location, wall to wall carpets, . fireplace, electric heat, dishwasher, nice yard. Paved istreet. Total price $11,200. Monthly payment app. $60.00 plus taxes & insurance. ft ft 60 Acres, 56 Acres COI water. Good 3 bedroom house, 13 stanchion barn, loafing sh?d, milk house, 15 A spuds, alfalfa & pasture balance. Tractor, disk, mower, plow, " ' harrow, digger, milking equipment. Ail crops in plus other equipment. Located 5 miles out on paved road. Total price $18,000. Terms. ft . , 'ft ' ' East Irving location, close to school, stores, swimming . pool. A lovely 3 bedroom home, fireplace, piped oil furnace, woman's dream kitchen, large utility room, overhead stor- age, attached garage. Price $13,500. Terms. ft Country atmosphere In town! 3 lots, pine trees, lawn, patio off dining room, large living room with fireplace, 3 bedrooms, handy kitchen, double garage. Price $15,000. G.I. or FJI.A. Terms. . ft 40 Acres, 39 water. Alfalfa district, crops in, good house, potato cellar, hay barn, 4 head livestock. This is a good ' small farm. Price $20,000. Terms. ft 1 Acre & 2 bedroom home In city limits, barn, chicken house, garage, fruit room. This is a real working man's , buy. ft ft You'll be proud of this home. Located In new restricted East side district, value can't be appreciated until fully Inspected. 2 bedrooms, living room, dining room, utility room, garage, landscaped yard. Full price $14,700. Terms. ft "ft For retired bachelor or couple. One bedrm. modern home, ,14x20 living room with fireplace. Elec. hot water tank. GaraKe, largo lot, shade Uees. $3,500 with $500 down. $50 per month. 189 Real Estate Display 2 REAL VALUES $7,250: 2 bdrm home located at 1825 W. 2nd. Hardwood floors, full basement, paved street. In excellent condition. ,FHA terms. ',-' $11,500: 3 bdrm home on E 8th St Hardwood floors, 2 lots, piped oil. heat Real value at FHA terms, ' - . RIXE REALTY 90X Bond St . Phone 535 Strout Sells Real Estate! T IME O RADE The owners of the following properties will all consider a trade on Central Oregon farms and ranches. 1. Oregon Hot Mineral Springs Resort, 2. Central California 'Music House, Sales and Lessons. 3. Eastern Washington 800 Acre ' Ranch, stocked & equipped. Timber and Spring.' 4. Three-quarter Acre, home, buildings, garden in Oregon City. 5. 820 Acre ranch,' Southern Oregon. . 6. 43 Acre farm, Yamhill, Ore gon. 7. 30 Acre Dairy, Parkdale, Oregon. . STROUT REALTY "The Greatest Name In Earth" Route 1, Box 54, So-Dalles, Calif. Hwy., Bend. Phone 2271 BEND REALTY 745 Bond Phone 620 FOR RENT: 1 Bd. rm. E. Side; 2 Bd rms close-in; 2 Bd rms W. Side. Acreage; (1). 9 A. with 5 A water on pavement, out buildings, $6,500.00, Terms; (1) E. Side, close to school, 4 bd rms, owner will carry con tract. (2) W. Side, 1 bd rm & den, close to stoi"e, $6,500.00, terms; (3) 2 blks from City Center, large home2 bd rms, day-light basement $13,500.00, terms; (4) 3 bd rm NEW, 7 rms, E. Side, $13,850.00. (1) 40 A with 37 A water, on paved road, fair building, $6000, terms, $2,000 dn; (2) 440 A deeded & grazing land, free water right, barns and modern home on rver, $30,000, terms., - -i Phi. 1171-W or 1225-W.' 183 Real Estate Display REALTY CO. ft ft ft 189 Real Estate Display By 0 wnei New rustic 3 bedroom house with 1175 sq. ft 110x150 lot on Awbrey Heights. Can get TV reception. Reasonably priced. rnone ssoj or iooa ior ap pointment E. M. BUCKNUM REALTOR 1029 Brooks St. , Phone 370 HOW ABOUT THIS? We have two one bedroom homes fully furnished, each on two lots, on East side. $2,800.00 each. Low down payment, easy terms. NEAR ALLEN SCHOOL. This Immaculate ' two bedroom home has auto, heat, attach ed garage; plastered and insu lated, nice deep lot GX or FJI.A. $8,400.00. YOUR MONEY'S WORTH! This cleanly built and well kept two bedroom home has auto, heat, large airy kitchen and breakfast nook; big ga rage with walk-in cooler, room for handyman. All this for only $5,000.00. Terms of course. THREE BEAUTIFUL LOTS is the setting for this unusual and well built three bedroom home. If you want a home that was designed and built by people to enjoy the good things In life, let us make an. appointment to show you this charming home. Priced at $13,500.00. Terms of desired. ARE YOU THRIFTY? We have several duplexes and fourplexes that will pay for themselves and give you rent free living. Priced from $6,500.00. Terms. METOLIUS RIVER AREA. This lovely place is completely furnished, move right in! Two bedroom modern, double fire place, modem guest house. 19 acres In meadow with 40 acres grazing rights, some timber, wonderful view; $25,000.00. ACREAGES: We still, have a few. If you are interested let's talk it over. , BUSINESSOPPORTUNITIES, MOTELS, CAFES, GROCERYS, RANCHES, LET'S LOOK 'EM OVER. AUTO INSURANCE Care ful drivers save money with STATE FARM. No up charge for young drivers; compare' our rates. After hours, call Larry Keown, 2205-W-3. CARROLL D: PIERCE "-; t Realtor & Insurance , Bud Russell, Associate , 1021 Wall Stj ; v Phone 886 - .1 : ; In Capitol Theatre Bldgc. Aiter-Hrst -Phone 1020 or lOfr; j FOR ACTION: LIST WITH BEND'S LARGEST ADVERTISER -J -t . . , Central Oregon Headquarters for "." ' ' Home. Ranch & Business Properties. . ! 20 or 25 year FJI.A. or G.I. YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE See this carefully planned & artis tically designed dream home in 100 residential location. En Joy the perfect view of mts from the spacious liv rm & Mother's dream kitchen. 3 bd rms, 2 baths, frplc, bsmt, cer amic rm & patio. Priced right at $28,000. Tms. RETIRE IN PEACE Sunny 1V4 acres with beautiful rambl ing ranch house just outside city limits & with city water. If you can afford the best & like plenty room & privacy, then this is the last word. Price $32,000. Terms. PARADISE Beautifully land scaped 3 bd rm wbsmt close in on paved dead end st with complete privacy built on 2 lovely lots. Fenced In, flowers, shrubs, shade & garden. 2 ga rages, 'only 4 blks to town. Price $15,900. Tms. OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS! Ex ceptionally well kept 3 bd rm home wbsmt on busy cor lot with extra space for store or other business. Price right at $15,000. Tms. . COMPARE THIS! for all around value with any 3 bd rm home you have seen. View of Cascades, cor lot, paving Pd, landscaped, nice garden, 2 blks to schl, near Hi schl site, 2 blks to pool, 3 blks shopping, near city park, choice 100 E. side location. Must see to ap preciate. Price $12,000. FHA or GI tms. PANORAMIC VIEW of Bend & beautiful Deschutes River. Charming 3 bd rm wfrplc. Price $11,350. Tms. PROTECT YOUR INVEST MENT for the future by buy. Ing your home In a 100 resi dential location. See this charming 3 bd rm wspaclous liv rm, frplc wheatalator, piped oil frnc, 675 gal oil tank, ceil ing lnsul. (Plbd & wired for auto washer & dryer, 66 gal hot water heater. On 65 & 140 lot A bargain at $11,000. Tms. . OUT OF TOWN owner wishes to sell sturdy built 4 bd rm home in exc E. side location. Spac liv rm wfrplc, sep din rm, kit wbrkfst nH, utility, 1 baths, bsmt wpiped frnc, ga rage. Estimated replacement cost $16,000. Sacrifice . price $10,500. Reasonable tms. . NEAR DRAKE PARK on Riv erside, redecorated 3 bd rm w frplc, bsmt & nearly new piped oil frnc. Selling at GI appraisal price $7,950. Don't wait on this one. BARGAINS DONT LAST See this cute & inexpensive 3 bd rm, part bsmt wpiped frnc, lnsul ceiling, util. Full price $5,250. Tms. . EARLY AMERICAN A unique log home built by a Licensed & Affiliated with 189 Real Estate Display So, It Rained! . Ruined the Fishing, but it didn't alter the big values, in these fine buys. HI . . v 4 APT. HOUSE, furnished, two' 1 up and 2 down, at 65 Franklhi " i Ave. Only $5,500 . $1,000 down, - 3 BED. MOD., 100" by 100" oti-Z t berries, shrubs, at 1470 East " V" 1st St . $6,000, $1,000 down,; J FOR CHILDREN. 2 bed. mod., ? 2 garages, outside fruit house, '. 2 lots - $6,000. , LARGE, very neat. 2 bed." ; mod., 1V4 baths, party or 2nd J . living room, double garage, 2 J lots, patio, fenced,, on Green- . wood 50 of cost $11,550 " to settle estate. . ; : NEARLY NEW. business building, 2 rentals, on ground , floor, corner filling station,' ,, $27,000. A steal if ever. . Ranches - Farms - Acreages - ' ' Motels. . ; Vern Larson Agency""" - 135 Oregon Ave. Phone 32 1 ; After hours, call 1686-R. . - G ET YOUR lit WORTH. This 4. bedrm mdn with bsmt, !s well built,, In good condition, corner lot. both, iti pvd, near schools. Bargain at 4,900.00 NCOME RENTAL PLUS HOME,. A 6 rm mdn plastered horns with bhftement. 2 lota with trarattv -and' 8 rra mdn plastered horns. $4,f0O.o0. teris. ARGE GROUNDS, ft lota, ltr ItfTtitr! L . rm with fireplace, mdn kittflTcn, ur utility, 1 bedrm- & bath. Gar-: ' Bite & Iff utility bids. $2626,00,, $500.00 down " B E R EDS, RADIO. REFRIO, ETC. In . i this completely furnished 2 bedrm ' mdn home, with plumbed utility., ; Good condition, on 8 lots, $6,600.00, $1,000.00 dn. . ',: XC EL LENT VALUfi, 8 bed rms on' 4 1 floor. Fireplaces sep dining rm,. basement, oil furnace, utility. New, J kitchen, large rooms. $8,800.00. -' , " . 1 . 4 : EDUCED $1,000.00. Must sell flow.- ; 2 bedrm mdn home, Ven blfhds.- ' newly decorated, has basemen. 2t lota, dbl Karage, fruit trees, gr" " den. $4,000.00. . . Z T t)P QUALITY. New 2 bedrm &dru " White Ah ktxhn tittlltin. mln(r.. , any living rm, fireplace, plmbd iUl- Ity, attach garage, $0,976.00. TREETS PAVED, enr lot DLtflre location, 2 bedrm mdn with place, sep dining rm, full hunt, oil" heat, beautiful yard. 818,000.00. " S GILBERT'S REAL ESTATE-:: ; " and INSURANCE ; 1016 Wall St. Phone 1946 " Loars to Qualified Buyers rCT, speciazea craitsman. exterior of peeler core logs, interior., knotty pine, with all. modern-i conveniences. 1344 sq. ft. jDr-' space, inis nome win lane you f . back to early colonial daygV Located on 100x110 ft tract, . in perrect setting oi siaDiev pines wview of Cascade mts;' 1 ', Power tool work shop. Must see to appreciate. Price $15,750. , Tms. .. -1 ; YOU MUST ACT quickly on j - this one. Large very attractive i & beautifully landscaped 2 bd i , rm on choice E. side cor lot J wvlew of mts. 2 car gar. This; home appraised for $11,100. , Owners sacrifice price ton quick sale $10,750. GI or FHAJ , terms. . ... CHOICE E. 9th ST. locatlonr Attractive 2 bd rm, frplc, oil, frnc, plbd & wired for washer, ' & dryer, view of mts. 100 x 110 lot, gar. Price $9,500 $1,500 ' dn assume GI loan $62.00, ' per mo. -r . , Business Opportunities ' MOTEL 13 units & 2 bd rm,' liv quarters. 400 ft frontage on ; Hi way 97. Room for expansipm Price $75,000 2D dn. , : ' : MOTEL 11 units & nice home. New construction. Every unit perfect view of mts. Price ' $59,500. Tms. ' COMMERCIAL BLDG. Exc . loc. Price $35,000 $10,000 dm ; APARTMENTS New con struction, perfect view of city. ; & river. Price $28,000. WORKINGMANS HOTEL xr- ' board & rm. Completely equips ped & furnished. Deluxe liv quarters. Property A-l shape. Price only $16,500. Easy tros. - a ''. 5 A 5 A WATER Beautiful 4' , bd rm home, close In, Price $13,500 $6,000 dn. 3A 3A WATER Nice 2 bd rm home 3 yrs old. Barn, chick house, 1A In pasture. Price $7,950 Tms. Ranches 910A 120A WATER Grade A Dairy, 75A pasture. Price $38,400. Will trade for Bend .or Valley property. 560A 65A WATER New ranch home, perfect view .of mts. New machine shed 24 x 40, 18.000 gal cistern. Will carry 100 head, 20 head forest per mit, 55A new Alfalfa. Price $25,000 $12,500 dn. 620A 150 A WATER Will carry 200 head. Modern 3 bd rm home furnished, 2 modern lennnt houses & guest house furnished. 60A pasture, 90A (Ll. falfa, 50 head Rrazing permil, can be increased. Barn, feed sheds, machine shed, 2 car gar. Bldgs A-l shape. 40,000 gal cis tern wfllter. Full line mach included. Price $75,000 29S6 dn. Oregon & California Brokers