THE BEND BULLETIN The Bend Bulletin (Weekly) 11)08-1931. ' The Bead Bulletin (Daily) Est 1916. Published Every Afternoon Except Sun day and Certain Holldaya by The Bend Bulletin, 780-738 Wall Street, Bend, Oregon. By Mall In Oregon Three Month! . f Six Montha 6.00 One Year 11.00 uy Hall UBiaue oi uregon Three Montba . Six Months. One Year ................... By Carrier One Month Six Montna " One Year """:; . 8.76 . b.ou . 12.00 . 1.26 . 7.60 . 16.00 swuub tori oc All Subscriptions are DUE and PAY ABLE IN AUVANCE. ! Pleaaa notify ua of any change of ad drew or failure to receive the paper reg ularly. BULLETIN CORRESPONDENTS , Redmond Mrs. Martha Stranahan Phone 621 Prlneville Joe D. ThomUon Phone 6304 or 7S88 ' Madras Boh Barber Phone 2183 or 2901 Hn Helen Hayward Phone 8278 Eastern Star Mrs. Walter Prictaard . Phone 87-F-ll . Tutnalo Mrs. Lawrence Allen . Phone 818-L Bulletin Want Ad Rate . Inf ormatior ; fim lui he wric jI ' v. lw KUm ttii MwtiUil tiu -4k .aLouL raw- lot aiitlexl -pc ttii maartwiu -iop'i forget u --v. uwcr raU f tin u in mi' fr' with -Vora. I'lmw .7b l.W Lib l.t', t4 thru II l.Ot : 2.00 v 2. i.Io ' t.60. 4. 'hru 28 1.60 4.00 , - Prlcw or itl) 1 dyi 4.20 ' HUNK YOUH WitNl ADS TO fUk BBNU BULLETIN PHONE t iito rticrivMj twrur i p. m. U1 iue ii tht followlnif dar't ppr Thm Hill last in VaMaorVaW ills rlKht U -iaaaify, adit oi reject n want ad copy, wd will bt iwponalbl for only odi io joirewt publieauoa of any want ad. Poll 4djutmnt of rror will kw made try odc uidad iDMrruoa or ua orrwexi wavwr 'tacoicnt Want ada in Tbm BalUttn an arnutitad (or th benefit of tbo raadai, and an . 'laMlfJad Into tb trroupa ANNOUNCKMSNTS 1 to U Lost A Pound, Mewtingrxs Ptnonala, tfpo . 11 Notie. ate. , . , AUTOMOTIVE! f 0 to M Auto Wanted and tor Bale, AcoaMorkat, Body Work. Service 8Utlon. ete. RIIHINRSS HKE VICES 40 to Ifi ' Appliance, Building, Carpentry, Electric U. Painting, Plumbing. Upbolataring, ate. EMPLOYMENT H tu HI deli,' Wanted. Baby Bitten. Situation Vanued- ete. - FINANCIAL IK) to u Opportunltiaa Inva-tmeata. Money i.un. rte. INSTRUCTION 1UU to 104 lunw Inat ruction, BJtooln, Special Claw LIVESTOCK A PkTH liO to 11B Cattle A Horeea. Poultry A Rabbiu, Peta, ete. MlHCBLLsANKOUH 1S1 to lbl) Appliances, Farm Product, Fuel A Wood, Mite. For Sale and Wanted, ete. HENTnLS 160 to 169 Apartment Houmb, Boom. Wanted to Rnt etc C-.L-l-P . This Handy . S & H GREEN STAMP GUIDE Shop where your 9 pars Dividends. SAH Green Stamps are your earned award lor caan purcnasea or prompt payment of credit obligations. STOVER-LEBLANC Men's elothing A shoes BUY-RITE GROCERY 1708 E. 6th Ph. 710 I Lost & Found FISHING TACKLE BOX at Wickiup ervoir. 120 REWARD. Call 826-J. 9 Meetings BEND LODGE NO. 818, L O. O. F. Meets Bvery Monday Night LOOK Temple Rollo Morgan, Noble Grand D. Kay Miller, Secy. Ph. 1079-W. 266 Franklin Ave. Bend Lcxlue No. 19 AK AM. Special communication Sat., May 22. 8 p.m. Work in M. M. Deitree con ferred by Klamath Falls Lodin No. 77 In full form. Visiting Brethren welcome. Refreshments. Wm. Jappert, Secy. lj Personals Special Notices PONY RIDES North Junction Tavern. See the 2 day old Shetland colts, and mule. Free rides dally to first II children. Rides Friday, 4 p.m.. Sat & Sun. 12 noon to 8 p.m. DO YOU KNOW THIS MAN? Robert L. Parker, 8' fl". 48 years old, dark complexion, heavy build. Was em ployed in Uend about 10 yrars nuo. His son wiho to locate him. Write any in formation to Anne E. CuthherlMon, 744 South Grant &L, Denver, Colorado. TO REE DAYS RU M M AGI2 SALE 1 big window, 2 small windows, 2 french doors. Across from Troy Laundry, gell ing out I 28 House T'ailers NEW MOON trailer home. 23', 1042 niuuei. oee at Alb Jb. Jorlon. '0 Ued Cars for Sale TWO-WHEF.L unlitV t-all.r. 1017 Phnw. rolet Club coupo. Inquire keystone Trail er vouru 19S0 BUICK, has ben wrecked, handy man could fix. RAH, Dynaflow. t motor. A-l motor alone is worth ft,. price asked, lmiulr Union Station. La I ins, uregun. 1963 CADILLAC Coupe De Vllle. 16.000 actual miles. I'bone 482 Itedmoml, before o p.m. 1047 FORD flat-brd truck. 81.000 actual miles. C. A. Corlids. 1st house N. ol uescnuies service Estatton. SALE OR TRADE, Army Jeep, 1421-M. phone TRADE: 4 door Ford with 26,000 ml. Trade for 12 to It It. house trailer. Ph. 1111, 546 E. Irving 82 Help Wanted ATTENTION SALESMEN We have openings for three men to call on our customers in this area after a nation-wide adver tising campaign. The men we have with the com pany now, have all been with us over a year, and have made in excess of $100 a week. If you are neat appearing, and willing to work 6 hours per day, see me at the Pilot Butte Inn 4 to 7 Wednes . day only. Ask for Mr. Moore. 10 Used Can for Sale Bargain Buys 42 Chevrolet Sedan ...... ...S95 42 Ford V-8 Sedan 585 41 Lincoln Sedan, R & H ... $75 41 Ford V-8 Sedan $65 40 Packard 110 Sedan $55 41 Chevrolet Sedan $45 Bend Garage Co., Inc. Chevrolet Bulck Cadillac 709-720 Wall St. OK Lot E. Greenwood 1963 CUSTOMLINE Ford 4-door Fordo matie. Maroon A ivory, tinted glass, ra dio and heater. 18,000 actual miles. Priced below book. 1002 Tan Ave., call z.u. This Week's Specials 1953 Plymouth Belvedere Hardtop witn raaio, heater and over . drive. Beautiful two tone finish -..Only $1995 1952 DE SOTO '6' Club Coupe, R & H $1795 1951 CHEVROLET De luxe 2 Dr., Heater, $1145 1951 DODGE 4 Dr. Se dan, Radio & Htr., $1195 And Many More Good Cars From Which To Choose. FUNDINGSLAND MOTORS Oregon Ltd. 162 Greenwood . Phone 387 hj appliances Sales & Service SEVERAL GOOD used washers, S10, up. One Maytag. 2 months old, 140 saving. Maytag Appliance more. WASHING MACHINE REPAIRS and wringer rolls for all manes, rnone zwe, Maytag Appliance ' wiNTRn RP.T.IAHI.E nartv to take over payments on gasoline Rotary Power Mower, 16 montn. uamoiea western Auto Supply. 846 Wall, ph. 470. 42 Beauty Salons Reducing MARGUERITE & NORMAN'S Beauty & Barber Shop Permanent Wavea from $10 up. Phone 1708-J 807 E. Greenwoou 46 Carpentry S Cabinet Work F.W.Page Residential Construction A Remodel Rough-In or Finish Job Specialise in cabinet and hardwood panela, formica finish work of all kinds. By hour or contract 1 year guarantee ou all worl Phone 650-M S2 Excavating Grading Duncan Brothers EXCAVATION Drilling, Blasting, Top Soil and FU1 Dirt. Cinders. Cat and Tractor Work. Phone 574. or 1734 J 54 Landscaping Gardening SUMMER CUSHION MUMS U you want blooms, our Muma will Dleose rou. CmII evenings from 6 to 8 it 67 Plnccrest, j ROCK-FREE TOP SOIL nil dirt, hlarlt and red cinders. Dump truck and tractor-loader work. Ph. 78-J. PAMTON'S GARDEN Pntmv ntanU and oerennials now ready. other plants in season. 829 Okrden. LYON'S FLOWER GARDENS STEELE'S JUMBO PANSY PLANTS. Also perennials A rock planta. 1604 W. 2nd. corna- of Portland Av CARRARK PANSIES. BEDDING PLANTS. EVERBEARING STRAW BERRY PI ANTS. KIIENN1ALS. Bend Klower Garden, 629 E. Quimby. Phone S80. ' 58 Miscellaneous Services HAWAII. ALASKA Eiperoi. paid tours arranKed. Airlines and steamship Informa tion, ticketa. Hotel reservations. Our services are free. CASCADES TRAVEL SfcUVlCH. Phone 2180 64 Plumbing S Heating Hopkins Plumbing & Heating Steam and Hot Water Heat Emergency Service 210 Irving I'hon. 998 PLUMDTNG SUPPLIES Complete Bathroom seta. Cast Iron and iteel tuba. Lavatories and eloeet combi nation. Soil pipe and nuinita. Galvan ised pip. from Mi inch o 2 inch. Gal vanised fittings. Vailou other items. WKST H1UK HAHWWAHS 1005 Galveaton Jp.n Dally. 8 a.ui. to 8 p.m Sundays. a.m to t p.m. FARR'S Heating & Air Conditioning Ph. 447 or 1178-M E 1st e Greenwood HEATING D 1 31 r-.M Furnace Vacuum Cleaning Flue Cleaning Furnace Repair Service Replacement Parts Complete N.v Furnace Installation Radio TV Sales 4 Service RADIO. TELEVISION, tubes, parte, bat teries. TV antennae. Prompt, espert ser vice. George s Radio and Hportlng uooua. 644 Franklin. Phone 900. RADIO TV TUBES Philco and other mal:ee. Complete stock for all radios. BEND FURNITURE CO. '0 Septic Tanks Cess Pools CARTER SEPTIC TANK SERVICE Phone 1478-W or 7 W. 12th. 82 Help Wanted SALESLADIES WANTED Full department store lines. Full and part time. Good working conditions, many ben efits, nood salary. If you ar. ambitious. experienced, and between the mica of 20 and 40. write full particulars to Uox No. 618. oo Bend Bulletin. MAN A WIFE for ranch work. InQulr. 1068 E. 2nd. 82 Help Wanted 82 Help Wanted EXPERIENCED LUMBER girl. Invoic ing, calculating, adding machine, typing. Call 166 Redmond. 179 Houses For Sale CARROLL Realtor & Insurance ' 1021 Wall St. In Capitol Theatre Bldg. FOR ACTION: LIST WITH BEND'S LARGEST ADVERTISER Central Oregon headquarters for IF YOU ARE LOOKING for that Derfect home In a 100 location, then see this carefully planned & artistically designed dream home, 2,200 sq ft fir sp, 75x140 ft lot, view of Cas cades, 3 lovely bd rms, 2 full baths, bsm't, ceramic rm with kiln, gar. Price sas.suu. Tms or will trade for home In Rich mond or Berkeley, Calif. STATELY and ATTRACTIVE older home on 2 beautiful land scaped lots in very choice resi dential dls. Spac liv rm w frplc, sep din rm, hdwd firs thru out, 3 light & cheery bd rms, bsmt. It would be pro hibitive for any present day contractor to attempt building a home today as sturdy & with such . materials used In this home. Price $17,850. FHA tms. WE ARE PROUD & consider It a privilege to show you proper ty like this beautiful rambling ranch type home surrounded by lhi A of sunshine, all land scaped & with city water. Here is anoiner nome caretuuy plan ned with every detail for gra- No Obligation , Ask us to show you these additional top values ranging from ' $5,000 to J 1 1.000. Prices & terms you can EAST SIDE 100 location, 3 bd rms, irplc wheatalator, bath wshwr, piped oil frnc, 675 gal oil tank, ceil ins, lot 65x140. Nr schl, city park, pool & shopping. $11,000. GI . or 20 yr FHA tms. . RIVERSIDE 3 bd rm, frplc, bsm't, piped oil frnc. Sacrifice GI appraisal price. E 8th CORNER LOT, Beautiful 2 bd rm, extra lg rms, auto frnc, 2 car gar. A real bargain. $10,750. Will appraise $11,100. E 9TH, cnarmmg z oa rm w frplc, on 2 landscaped lots, pav ing pd. Buy GI equity & as sume 4 loan at $62.00 per mo. Price 59,500. E- 6TH & FRANKLIN, New 2 bd rm 6 mo old. Plastered, auto oil frnc, gar. Price to sell at $8,250. tms. THIS WEEK'S BARGAIN, De luxe 2 bd rm, bath wshwr, new Southern Aire irnc, gar. wwork shop also ex work shop 17x22. Price $7,900. Nice ly furnished or $7,400 unfur nished. Will GI or FHA. DON'T PASS THIS spotless 2 bd rm, neatly decorated, ceil insl, utll rm, gar, owner selling for GI appr price $5,350. tms. WHOA! BACK UP! A com pletely rebuilt & redecorated 2 bd rm with new knotty pine bsm't rm. New gar, 4 blks to Kenwood schl, price only $3,750. Easy tms. Business Opportunities MOTEL In heart of motel area. 13 mod units wdeluxe 2 bd rm liv qtrs. 400 ft. hiway Itg with sp for 10 more units or trailer pk. Central htg plant will easily carry 10 more units. One of the best in Cent. Ore gon. Ill health reason for sale. Price $75,000. 29 dn, tms on bal. MOTEL 6 units & mod 3 bd rm home. Sp for 6 more units. In heart of motel area. Price $46,000. tms. COMMERCIAL BLDG 3 at tractive store rentals, air con ditioning, 4,000 sq ft fir sp. Exc location. Price $35,000. $10,000 dn, tms on bal. 4-PLEX APTS with 12 view lots, central heating plant. One partition makes 5 plex. Beauti ful view of Deschutes river. Waiting list. Out of town own er will sacrifice. Price $28,000. tms to reliable buyer. WORKINGMAN'S HOTEL or rm & bd. Completely furnished Licensed & affiliated with SWEETIE PIE "Shultz! You expecting company?" 90 Business Opportunities SMALL UHOCERY STOKS In Prlne- ;rn. 2114-J-Z Bend. 6189 Prlneville. I 0 riousot tor Sale D. PIERCE Bud Russell, Associate Phone 886 Alter Hrs: Phone 1020 or 106 home, ranch & business properties, clous modern day llvlne. If you can afford the best & like plenty of rm & privacy, then this is the last word. Price $32,000. tms. By App't. PROTECT YOUR INVEST MENT for the future by In vesting in -a home with loca tion. All the peace & quiet of the country & still only 4 blks from town. Surrounded by 2 landscaped lots on dead end st. 3 cheery bd rms, 14 x 26 liv rm, frplc, sep din rm, bsm't, cold rm, auto piped frne, 2 ga rages with ample stg, paved alley. Price $15,750. tms. WHY YOU SHOULD BUY a home like this. 3 lg bd rms, spac liv rm wview of Mts, paved cor lots, gar wwork shop, extra lg garden space, nr new E side city park, pool, 2 blks schl, near fture hi schl site, 3 blks to shopping. All these features make this a 180 location & will enhance the future value of this proper ty. Selling price only $12,000. Owner will accept GI or 20 yr FHA. tms. afford. GI or 20 yr FHA. & equipped ready to operate. Property in A-l shape. Ownec retiring. Price $16,500, tms to suit. Acreages 9 A - 6 A WATER Add'n 20 A, available, ultra mod home. Price $22,500, tms. 5 A - 5 A WATER -r- 4 bd rm mod home in beautiful setting. Price $13,500, tms. -: 9 A 5 A WATER Mod 2 bd rm home, nearly all in pasture. Price $6,300, tms. Ranches 910 A -120 A WATER Grade A dairy, new milking parlor, nice 3 bd rm home, 75 A perm pasture, 35 A rye, 790 A not pastured for 6 years, fences A-l. 25 hd milk cows, full line maehy incl. Price $38,400. Tms or will trade lor home, motel, or good property in Bend or valley. im3o A - 50 A WATER New 3 bd rm rambline ranch home, new 60 x,70 all aluminum barn. 40 A pasture, 18 A aif, 22 A dry land grass & crested wheat, 30 A rye, new 13,000 gal cis tern. Adjoining 60 A 40 A water available very reason able. Price $32,000. Will trade for valley ranch nr Salem or Albany. 160 A - 102 A WATER 1,080 A Taylor, 20 A aif, 30 A clover, 26 A perm pasture, 27 A rye & wheat. 2 stock ponds on deed ed, 2 on Taylor. Same owner 30 yrs. Price' $21,500. $6,000 dn, tms on bal. 200 A - 100 A WATER Mod 4 bd rm home & mod tenant home. New 26 x 40 machine shop, new 2 car gar, 30,000 gal cistern, 50 A alfs 5 A wheat, 15 A rye & vetch, 25 A pasture. All crops in & fertilized $600. Full line machy incl. Price $27,500. Tms or will trade for home bus opportunity or in come in San Francisco bay area. 200 A 40 A WATER New deluxe 2 bd rm home & guest hse. Price $24,500. $4,500 dn or will trade for Portland prop, erty. 40 A - 38 A WATER Nearly new 2 bd rm home. 24 A aif, 8 A pasture, 7 A clover, one of the best 40's in Deschutes Co. level & rock free. Price $14,750 tms, or will discount cash of fer or will trade for Idaho property. Oregon & Calif Brokers. By Nadine Seltzer 90 Business Opportunities TAKE THE SUMMER OFF Relax and niaks money. 12 16' marine ulvwood iwaia. oars, biicuuh, uut n.w., XS- t.....aA t ex. i lor ettu.uiwil. Permit avail able to oiHrt-aie on nood fUMna waaer. All 2735Q.tCTma. See boat at STROUT HEAL. T today. 98 Personal Loans WANTED TO BORROW. $1,700, repay urKi-'nt. Writ co Bend Bulletiu Box 10 Cattle & Horses UK TltAUE.: ornaii uuy T,U" ' 7rtJ. w Olu. Willie mr ciiiiumn tcv. v.s - - ' AT S1UU Oliver muni rwummui t 1,7... ..nnnl.U tee Phon 2103-W- evemns. . weeks. Artificial inseminated uUxk. Phone 66 6-b, Uenu. FIVE MILK COWS A 2 whiteface calvea in a itroup. rn. ooia II 2 Pets of all Kinds REGISTERED ENGLISH Springer Span iel pups. SVj moB. oia. iie numinii show BtocK. Bpecmi pricw, . v. . Gotllove. Box 1272, Eugene, Ore. 1 14 Poultry & Rabbits FRYEH3 run BAbfi. tive weucni. i.o. Two or more delivered. Phone 2202-J-l. RED FRYERS, dressed or iivewelght. twnu, 1 1 6 Other Livestock uv awfH Pins far sale. Phone 2111-J-l after 7 p.m. Jim Eldet. Deschutes-Tumalo Road. . 1 1 7 Livestock Wanted f .IVRKTOHK1 of all kinds. Bernfe AMntott. Bend Sale Vard. Phone 898 or 790-W. Write P. O H.-x 342 I vi Annliin'-p & MH fcnuin TAk t:iU wt-fk : line Wtiatinhf itouae auto. Laundromat washer, $126. Hnl n now. Phone Mrs. Nellie Sears, 7G4-J or can be seen at Poplar Auto Court, s. am. 131 Farm & Ranch Equipment TWO JAMES WADE 1,000 capacity chick naileries, m nun tiwu-u. 133 Fuel S Wood HEAVY TIMBERS: S10 single, $19.60 double loaa. cascade iranspuru rnune 1642-J. PLANER SHAVINGS for bedding; also BOX WOOD. Phone 246 or uzj-w. 1 35 Furniture & Hsehold Goods SOLID OAK Jacobean med. dk. dining room set, like new. axe taoie, o exien inn Imvit. unhoistered chairs. Ige. huffet. all carved, $176. Bend Bulletin Box 1301. 6 YR. SIZE: New crib A -nattress. solid crib-drop side, adjustable height mattress. Complete S2D.05. Bend Furniture, ph. 271. DINING ROOM SUITE, bedroom suite, 1 large norKe electric awve. fii. i.u- 139 Miscellane-ous-For Sale r,r,0 GAL. steel ttasoline storuge tank, complete with hose & frame support, S50. C. O. Dobbins, Tumalo. Phone 816-L. NEARLY NEW waterproof watch for sale or trade. 68 Cascade rl. LOWE'S SUPPLY IMamrle noultrv and dairy feed for bet ter results. Baby ctncKi son. on truer. Groceries, meats and vegetables. Cash buyer of fresh extra. Shop The luwc wa.1 ai 740 East First Phone 855-J One Underwood typewriter, $24.50: Kirby Vacuum Uleancr witn aiiacnmenis, Z4lir.n- Sfownl elect. Dortable uewitiK machine. $;)!). 61). Hurb's Cafe, 166 E. Greenwood, ph. 341-W. SEXTON'S SPECIAL New Titan 60 Chain Saws. Reg. price $427. only $267. HUu Wall at., Hend. LIGHT FIXTURES Lartreat selection and stock, lowest prices in Central Urctfon. Bill's Electric, 94?. Hill near Greenwood. OR TRADE Saddle home. DeLaval cream separator. John Siisac. ' Waldorf Barber bhop. PIANO, DAVENO, oak dinette, dexk, refrigerator, automatic washer, Btorase cahinet, radio-phonojrrajrh. typewriter, Kirl' bicycles, m incel. anemia household Roods, bunt and trailer. 624 Federal or phone ul8. FOUR FRAME honey extractor, five beehives with supcA and, one 30 iral. hot water tank. R. M. Gipe, 654 Seward, Bend, ph. 842-M. MODEL A pickup. $50. Girls' 26" bicycle. $25. 667 E. Hth. FLAT TOP executive desk : metal five drawer (6" x 8") card sizr filintf cabinet; baby hitch chair, baby crib, Bix year size : bedroom Buite. Telephone 1462-J, 403 East Revere. FULLER BRUSH PRODUCTS AND DEBUTANTE COSMETICS LEW W. FRASIKR 339 Portland Ave. Ph. Bend 2260-R 143 Musical SPINET PIANO FOR SALE Balance due. May be seen in Prlne ville. Write Mrs. Clark, Credit Dept., Walker's Piano & Music Center, 327 W. First Ave., Albany, Oregon. 1 60 AparrmenTS jot Rent ONE. POSSIBLY TWO bedroom mod. duplex, partially furnished, laundry. 23b K. Kearney, pnone i.hw-w. DANDY NEW MODERN S-room ant. Ex ceptional furnishings, convenient furnace heat. Phone isu-w. 2408 is. 1st on wortn H i way St 1 BEDROOM furnished duplex apt Drive by 63 ureeley and telephone aua-ivx alter 2 BEDROOM furnished apt Gas to cook. Ph. ZOlb-J-K. tin) utre bb lake Place. 3 ROOM furnished apt. at depression price. 1564 Division. Telephone 703-K- A ROOM furnished ant. electrically equipped, $35 mo. including some utili ties. ztvt e,. ist, pnone vta-n. 4 ROOM nicely furnished apt Inquire 431 rranklin. NICELY FURNISHED 8 room apt, $40 montb. Water A garbage furnished. 204 Florida, ph. 8.B-J. MODERN FURNISHED aut. inxulated, clenn, cool, laundry, garage, Wcstonia Apb;., ibUl w. ant. 1 70 Houses for Sale R. D. KERR 849 Wall Street Modern style plus comfort. That is what this new 2 bed room home offers. East side location, piped oil furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, attached garage. Price $10,000. G. I. $600 dn. 1 Acre North Highway. Here is country living only still in the city limits. 2 bedroom house, barn, chicken house, yard, garden and priced to sell at $7,500. Terms. w . it This home will just suit a young couple or retired couple. 1 bedroom home located on Newport. Wall to wall carpet, plaster finish, paved street, garage, garden space. Price $5,200. Easy Terms. Buy Of the week. 3 bedroom home. West side location, paved street, fenced yard. Handy kitchen & nook, large living room. 2 lots. Price $7,650. Terms. it it 40 Acres. Alfalfa district, well cultivated land with 39 acres COI water. 2 bedroom modern nice home, potato cellar and small bam. 4 head of livestock. Price $20,000. Terms. 150 Apartment for Rent FURNISHED APT., very cIom In. Laun dry factUtiea, garatjM. 627 Franklin, ph. pai, ONE BEDROOM apt. No children, no pels. Pb. Mb 8 -J. MODERN FURNISHED APARTMENTS Four blocks from port office. Cool in summer. Inquire 406 Wall, apt. 9. LARGE l-bearoom unfurniihed apt., In clude water and garbftse, $60 moath. Pumlihnt. fft2fiO n ninth. River Terrace Apt. 1528 w. Din, pn. km, or nixe Keaity. pn. ow. 161 Houses for Rent PARTLY FURNISHED 1 bedroom mod ern house, garage, yaa. Ph. 747-R- 2 BEDROOM MODERN house, wired for range and piped for auto, washer. Phone 4SB-M. 8 BEDROOM modern. Lawn, garden space, quiet location 946 per month. 1929 Hill. ONE BEDROOM furnished or unfur- nitned mouern nouae. ow wn ovo iiiti 162 Rooms Room & Board BOARD 4 ROOM in private home Gen. tlemen preferred. Phone. 792-R. 168 Other Rentals DOWNTOWN GARAGE Phoni 200 FOR RENT, floor polisher, 1 dar. You pick up at aupe rurniture. mono iuu. FOR RENT: Hospital bed. Phone 100, A. C. Stipe Furniture Co. OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Rixe Realty. Ph. 686 OFFICE SPACE & APT. Large modern sunny down town office space with adjoin tng deluxe furnished apart ment. New modem furniture, wall to wall rugs, auto washer & dryer, elec. garbage dis posal. Auto heat, water, & air conditioning Included. Will rent apt. separately, or re model office space to suit Ph. evenings, 106. 169 Wanted to Rent BY JUNE FIRST, 2 '""om house, irmr- aire, refrigerator, nto , laundry trayB. To' $60. Phone 216-.-H 1 70 Houses tor Sale Dudrey-Hilton Realtors 1050 Bond St IS YOUR HOME TOO SMALL? Here's the an swer: East side, fine district, large living room, HW floors, thermopane picture windows with Cascade view, oversize bdrms, wwalk-in closets, mod ern kitchen wbrfst bar, guest room & utility, auto hot water heat, beautiful terraced lawn, shade trees and shrubs. Own er will take smaller home in trade. HARMON BLVD. very com fortable 2 bdrm home has spacious living room, fireplace HW floor, attractive kitchen wdining nook, basement util. ity, garage, nice lawn, shade, $7,850. Terms. ACREAGE, near Sisters, t A with city water, full free irri gation, 2 bdrm modern home, view, Cascades at their best. $7,500. SERVICE STATION, . GROCERY, RANCHES Phone 1327-W or 1327-R BEND Realty 745 Bond Phone 620 Eve. 1171-W or 1225-W WANTED (1) Have 2 bd rm home in Prineville to trade for Bend property. (2) Have party with $6000.00 cash need 8 bed room home. (8) 440 A. Farm with 108 A. water to lease or rent. (I) 4 bd rm E. aide, paved St Owner will sell on contract 81260. dwn (2) 8 bd rm $4750, off xround chicken equipment $1000 dwn Frinue Area. (S) 3 bd rm $7960 close-In. .(4) 16 A. on both sides of river near Bend $.VJ60. $2000 dwn. (6) 40 A.. 36 water $6000. Strout Selhs Real Estate No. 113 GOING CENTRAL OREGON CAFE on U.S. Hwy. 20 at Sacrifice Price. Stock and equipment oriRinally cost owner over $8,000.00. ALL GOES FOR $3,200.00 CASH. See us for FARMS, RANCHES HOMES, MOTELS, GROCER IES, TAVERNS, LOTS, MISC. BUSINESSES. STROUT REALTY Route 1, Box 54 Bend, Ore. So. Dalles-Calif. Highway 97 1 70 Houses for Sale REAL ESTATE Phone 2215 Home 783-J 6 ' the fend Bulletin. Saturday. May 22, 1954 170 Howes For Sals All State Realty Bend's Largest Home Seller. E. 12th St. Ultra-mod. 2 B.R.'s, fireplace, auto heat, plaster and mang. interior iimsn. Ana we price is right. $9,950. F.H.A. or G.I. West side Columbia St. Lovely 2 B.R., very clean. Gar., nice lawn, Mi blk. to school. $8,500. Terms. W. S. Union St. Clean 2 B.R. mod. home, $4,000, $500 dn. Completely furnished. $ B.R. mod., east side, McCann St. $2, 150, $300 dn. Harmon Blvd. Cozy 2 B. R. home. ri. W. nrs., iirepiace, bsmt., gar. Cery clean. $7,850. Art. terms, possession 10 days. Vacant 1 B.R. mod. E. 2nd St. Large gar, 2 lots. $2,500, $250 down. 2 B.R. Mod. plus 1 B.R. mod. rental. Outside fireplace, city block of lawn and garden. Plen ty of shade trees, E. side. Close in. See this, $7,500. Some terms. 4 B.R. mod., near Congress Market. Cor. lot., garage, pav. St., $6,950 Terms. Save 20 to 30 on Auto & Fire Insurance with Mayflower Ex change. 1050 Bond St. Phone 167 Anne Forbes Realtor 36 Oregon Ave. Phone 36-W LOW DOWN PAYMENTS: (A) Tourist commercial zone, 2 lots, cottage, $3,000. $300 dn., $35 month. (B) Cozy, neat, furnished 3 rooms, lovely mountain view, $3,500, $500 dn. (C) West side: 2 br., din ette. $3,500, $500 dn., can be leased with option to buy. (D) Close In, 2 brs., large liv ing room, utility room. $5,000, $500 dn. EXCEPTIONAL VALUES: (A) On Riverside: 3 rooms & bath, $4,200, terms. (B) 7 room home, 2 lots nicely land scaped, $12,500. Shown by ap pointment only. C) 2 lots, pjne trees & lawn, fenced, 5 rooms, workshop. $5,500, $500 dn. (D) Lovely new home, 4 brs., 2 sets of plumbing, hard wood floors, fireplace, $18,500, terms. Strout Sells Real Estate! TO BUY, TRADE, LIST phone 2271, Bend. Write, Rt 1, Box 54. Call at Office. South Highway. Strout Realty "The Greatest Name In Earth" INCOME PROPERTY : 1 bedroom houu and 1 bedroom house, both mod., auto. furnace. Kardcn spot, garages. Live In one. rent othex. 164d w. 5th. rnone zuol EQUITY IN house, reasonable. Inquire before 4 p.m.. 456 b. ureenwoou. Rixe Realty 905 Bond St. Phone 535 CHOICE LOCATION on Drake rd., 3 bedroom, fire place, furnace, full basement, rugs, Bendix, dishwasher and gas range, $16,000. EAST 8th St., beautiful Mt. view, large living room, pic ture windows, fireplace, 2 bed rooms, 3 lots, $8,400. Will-GI or will trade for larger place. WEST 2nd st., 2-bedroom, full basement. Selling for FHA ap praisal, $7,250. NEARLY NEW, East 8th St., 2-bedroom, $7,750. 14-UNIT AUTO COURT one of the finest, $68,000. 320 ACRES, 237 Irrigated, 50 alfalfa, 50 seeded pasture, 4 bedroom modern home, large barn, machine shed, tractor and complete line of equip ment, $4t,JUU. Ewing Real Estate 327 Greenwood Phone 604 1 Bedroom, close in, paved street, $i,juu a own. 2 Bedroom, paved street, love ly iirepiace, low down pay ment. Apartment, 3 furnished, 1 not furnished, 4 baths, automatic heat, very eood buv. small down, balance will pay for itseii. 100 Acres, 60 water, nice nome, gooa fences $17,500. Terms. We like to trade, see us. INCOME PROPERTY: Four renting units, irane equity, run price, 1040 vr. xna., iB-n. EQUITY IN 2 bedroom modern house for sale, $300. 266 Ltnster Place. Phone 161H-J. SMALL one bedroom house, $1200 cash. rnone zittt. 176 Loti & Acreages 4 LOTS FOR SALE On East 8th. facinir new park, 4 blocks from new hie h school . site, hetween Greenwood 4 Franklin. Ph. 1061-W eve- ninga. 182 Real Estate Wanted SERVICE STATION, notential motel site. major highway out of town. Hunting ft fishing, H. Williams, 8182 a. 4tn St., Huena rarK. i;altf . CLASSIFIED ADS! for the BEST and MOST ECONOMICAL way to reach the GREATEST number of people. 200 Legal Notices ' NOTICE TO CRED1T0BS Notice la hereby alven that the unuer- sfirned has been by the county court of the state of Oregon for Deschutes county appointed administrator of the estate of lulward Isaak. deceased, and all persons -holding- claims against said estate are required to present same with proper vouchera to the underaiened at the office of Rosa Farnham, attorney at law in Bend, Oretron, within six months after the date hereof. Dated and published first time May 1. ' 1964. . CARL B rlOOGNKR. Adm.. Est. .of Edward lsaak. Dec. 124-1S0-136-142-O POUND NOTICE Tinder!. Nn. itVA the follow. fna dogs will be offered for sale at the City Pound at 6 :30 p.m. on May 26, 1D64. une male, red ana OlaCK, Dlro nog. One male, black and white, terrier. One male, black and yellow, mixed breed. JOHN T. TRUETT Pound Master 142-C BTNOPSIS OP ANNUAL STATEMENT For tb ycti euJed December 31. 1951 or Urn ' PROVIDENT FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY of New Himpthtre, nude to the Iniurinee Com mil." loner f the SUM of Oi-vkod, puriuant to law: ADMITTED Aoat I 9 Dondg .-$ 4,303.320.16 1 9,338.00 ii 0,8 07. 01 HUXKJ Caih ind bank depoa.u Agent' balance or uncollected preiniumi 8iT.281.6T ntert.t. dlt-ldendi and real HUM Income due. and accrued IT. 031. 38 67.138. IT Atlier bum a Total admitted uieu - o,rM,oi9. LIABILITIES. SURPLUS AND ' OTHER FUNDS Lout I T19.039.8t 39,374.72 S.066.4G8.94 125.488.05 Lull gdjuftment expeniM . Unearned Dremluini All other llabUmea . Total liabilities, eirept capital I 2,951.331.53 Capital paid up. $l,000,000.0tf unaimtneu runas (ii-ntn.. 1.923 .563.84 Surplus ai regard pollcyholdon $ 2,223.553.84 Total ld.B tt.ttf . STATEMENT OF INCOME Premium! tamed I 2,223.734.33 Lone Incurred 9 1.149,935.75 Lou ocpontei tneuired JliD.JiT.ia 1,030.593.84 2,3 11. 97 C. 31 .8H.V.18 103.78 19.90.37 -19.290.10 2 1. 37 Total underwrltlnc deduction... Net underwriting loia. Investment Income . . Othei Income Total, before federal Income taxes Federal income taxes iccurrea . Net tiicome . Other Item affectm fluntiua (net) 7, Total capital and aurplui Hemi .net) - -T0,2H.H Decrease In surplus is regards nollpyhoiuprs BU8INE88 IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR Net premiums received.... 60.573.10 Net tones paid 9.508.18 principal office in Oregon: Lamping CO., Portland Trust liidg., Portland, SYNOPftIP OF AS NT' At STATEMENT For thr ii'(?J llncmlK't HI IH53 hi the EMPIRE STATE INSURANCE COMPANY of Wstertowii, Li the State ot New York, made U the Insurance ComtRUitonet of Um Slate oi Oregon, pursuant to law ADMITTED ASSETS Bonds S 4.999.97B.M BUCKS Cash and bank deposits AgeriVs' balance ar ancollerted premiums " Interest, dividends and real astata Income due and accrued Other assets Total admitted assets . 1 7,925.181.09 LIABILITIES. SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS Losses 9 800.397.72 Loss adjustment expanses 61,733.49 Unearned premiums 9.749.435.80 Alt other liabilities 212.751.84 Total llanlllUea. axrent canltal...f 4.824.318.95 Capital paid bp tl. 000. 090. 00 unassignea runas ( surplus I 1.000.818.11 Surplus as regards Dallcjboldtrs 9.000.816.11 Total I 7.825,134.96 STATEMENT OF INCOME Premium, earned 8 8.498.332.89 Losses Incurred Lois ex penis' Incurred 1.595.V-JU ltl 8.514.940. 3? 16.907 94 93.709 Oi 449.87 76.654 4 40.110 AT 39.548 7 on.rino no 0.160. 3t -59.196.2k Total underwriting dedurtlons Net underwriting loaa L tnveitmeni income O t net l n com Total, oefore federal Income texts. roaersi income taxes Incurred Net Income Dividends t atorklviMaM Other Items erfeetlng surplus tnetl mi eapiiai ana surplus items inat l Decrease In suml. as retards pourjnoiarrs Z3.0ZZ.4a BUSINESS IN OREfiON FOR THf VFAR Nel premiums rerelred . f 132.367.95 Net losses oald .18.751.81 Principal office In Oregon: Bates, Urelx 4 Pearson, Inc., Portland. SYNOPSIS OF ANNUAL STATEMENT For the year ended Detember 31, 1U5S Or the GIRARD INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. PA. of Philadelphia, In the State of Pennsylvania, maua to me msurunre commissioner of tue State o( Oregon, pursuant to law; ADMITTED ASSETS 9.361.46 5.809.99 2.398.53 Mortiaia loans on reel estate Beal csiete, less 10.0(1 encumbrances . Cash and bank deposits Agents' balances or uncollected premiums Interest, dividends and real astata Income due and accrued 85.ri6.89 80,422.65 13.538.398. S3 AND I.T4T.220.83 13Q.423.09 6,427.869.88 Other assets Total admitted aiietx. LIABILITIES. SURPLUS OTHER FUNDS Losses ., Loss adjustment expenses. Unearned premiums . All other liabilities... 422.221.59 8,733,734.57 Total liabilities, extent canltal 8 Capital paid upSl.0OO.0UO.09 Unaligned funds (surplus) 3,802,559.78 Surplus as regards pollcjbolders $ 4.802.556.T8 13.536.293.3S rout -,- STATEMENT OF INCOI Premiums earned , Lones Incurred , j ME 6. 179.044. 41 8.267.387.35 414.053.59 1.488.363.15 6.169.804.09 109.240.32 832.371.44 K9.120.95 817.020.28 ..$100,000.00 iuii vi pen in incurrea , Other underwriting expenses incurred Total underwriting deductions.. Net underwrltlnc 9,ln investment Income ,, Other Income Total, before federal Income taxes Federal Income taxes Incurred- Net Income .. DlrUlends to slockhnlders Other Items affecting surplus net i ... ., Total capital and surplus Items (net) Increase In surplus as regards 102. 430.99 2.439.99 31V.431.1T BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR Net premiums receUed . 9 870.800.94 Net loises paid .-.. 372.693.19 SYNOPSIS or ANNUAL repobt Tot the year ended December 31, 1953 BANKERS FIRE A MARINE INSURANCE - , COMPANY Of Ffrtmnrham. In the Htste of Alahema. mad to the Insurance Commissioner of the State ol Oregon, pursuant to law; ADMITTED ASSETS 9 1.274.975.58 Cash and b-!t"deposlfr Agents balencea or uncollect ed premiums .. SSS.UHB.IB 275.358.65 149.953.70 43.695.7T 2.329. 26T.93 vuier usete Total admitted asset LIABILITIES. SURPLUS AND , OTHER FUNDS Loses 1 150.20T.08 Loss adjustment expense 13.603.19 l ncsrned premiums 1,178.800 57 All other liabilities 64.859 20 Total (lsiuw, except Capital Paid up 4W,000.00 Sp-iii surplus 81.800.T9 UnaiiiBnrt "funds"" durplusl Surplus as regard policyholder To I 459,909.90 921.800.79 S STATEMENT OF lannitc fj1" -. 1.587.918.29 Is axpeniet Incurred.. Other underwriting expense Incurred Totil nderwrltLtg deductions - . Net underwrltlnc gain er loss . fiiestaieni utcoma lOSJifl 66 T08.1T9.B1 1.744.744 81 (- I56.84fl.S5CB 43.022.21 - 55.49CB umer in Total, before fedaral .u.i.iu. irwu ... g ,N Tolil Mpital snrauiipitil . i- njto.ncB Dsrwst. In niratss si r.. . M. auioaoMsn (.) IM.UC Hru r simss