CONDITION "VERY GOOD" MIAMI BEACH, Fin. Feb. 11 (IB Former President Herbert Hoover was In "very good" condition to dny after a mild attack of influen za. "He spent a confortable night, a spokesman for St. Francis hos pital reported." The 78-year-old statesman, who entered the hospital last Saturday, is expected to begin his delayed fishing trip in the Flor ida Keys by tomorrow. BLAME SHIFTED PORTLAND, Feb. 11 (lfl-Blamo for a fire which caused $18,000 damage to Portland's - Elks club Sunday morning was shifted today from a television set to a refrigera tor. Fire Marshal Dale F. Gilman said Investigation put the cause on an overheated refrigerator motor. He said the earlier reported cause had alarmed many Portland T-V set owners. complimentary tablet of luxurious Yardley English Lavender toilet soap of no extra charge with each box 1.80 value l 35 Yardlvv product for America or utatffd In England and llnlshd In th U.S.A. from th original Engllth formula, combining Imported ood 4m title lngtdlnti. Bend Rexall Drug 'THIS NEIGH MEANS YES Mark-Ye-Well seems to be agree ing with the odds-maKers who dropped thu Calumet Farm four-year-old colt to a 6-2 favorite in the Santa Anita Handicap, Feb. 28, . after copping the San Fernando Handicap. (NEA) ft The BenA Bulletin. Bend, 6tegonMrVednegday, February 11. 1953 House, Senate Stagger Under Load of Bills By WILLIAM. WARREN SALEM, Feb. 11 (IB House and Senate staggered today under the heaviest load of bills up for final action since the start of the 1953 legislative session. The House had 18 bills up for third reading and final floor ac tion, and the Senate had 15. None was of major controversial significance, but the mere reading and explaining of the bills, even without debate meant lengthy ses sions for both chambers. Most significant were House Bills 15 and 20. They are the bills brought out by the House Taxation committee, and represent that com mittee's conception of the entire tax nroeram for the state of Ore gon for the next blcnnium the next two years. null for Explanation The House Highways committee called on top officials of four state departments to prepare statements about proposals for a new motor vehicle department bill and a new transport code Dili. Rep. Edward Geary of Klamath Falls, chairman of the Committee asked officials of the secretary of state's office, the Civil Service de partment, the Public Utilities Com mission and the state police to pre pare written statements about tne two Dills ana 10 give me column' tpp siiBirestions as to their work- ablity. The bills make up one of the major problems the Highway committee laces, ueary saiu eaun bill would be taken up carefully one page at a time with explana tions by the attorneys who helped draft It. ' Senate Has Debate The Senate had a debate on Its hands again concerning the remov- al of enforcement personnel or xne Oregon Liquor Control Commission from civil service. Sen. Dean Bry son of Portland, chairman of the Senate Alcoholic Traffic commit tee, argued for the bill, requested by the Liquor Commission, yester day. He said it was desired be cause the Commission felt Its un dercover men and Inspectors lost their value if .the Commission lost confidence in them or if the men lose confidence in the Commission. He said the Commission does not want to be placed in the position of keeping a man on after they have reason to suspect he is not on the up and up. Employes Can Bo Found Sen. Philip Hitchcock o Klam ath Falls said' he had made a thorough study of civil service, and (here is nothing to prevent any de partment head from firing any em ploye. The employe has recourse to rivil service hearing, but even If the Civil Service Commission finds for the employe, it merely puts him back on the eligible list. The Com mission cannot send him back to the department head who fired him. After this hassle, the measure lost by a close vote. Toronto Officials Protest Hope's Anti-British Jokes TORONTO. Feb. 11 (IM Toron to labor leaders threatened today to boycott the iorthcomlne Can adian national exhibition if it books Bob Hope or any other American comedian who "be littles" the British Empire In his joKes. A controversy erupted over plans for the coronation year cele bration when word leaked out that officials might employ an American comedian as top draw ing card for the show. Dave Archer, secretary of the CIO Toronto Labor Council, said he was tired of hearing American gagsters make fun of Britain. "I'm sick of hearine television and radio jokes about U.S. aid to Britain and now fclsennower should keep his pockets zipped while Churchill is a r o u n d," Archer said. No Contracts Offered Directors, of the exhibition, which will have the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II as Its theme this year, said they were consider ing a dozen stars lor No. 1 bluing. They said Bob Hope, along with television and movie comics Mar tin and Lewis, were among the possibilities but none bad been offered a contract. Archer drew applause from members of the council when lie told a meeting he hoped the ex hibition would look cjscwhere thun the United States for Its humor. British Belittled "I want to protest Jack Benny and other characters making fun of British institutions. Nobody needs to belittle the struggle of the British people to get back on their feet," he said. Toronto civic officials also be came embroiled in the argument after news circulated that Hope, a native of England, would lie in vited to take part in the August- September exhibition which an nually is Canada s biggest cele bration. "Hope's jokes and the corona tion ceremony are just like oil and water; they don't mix," one angry official said. Price of Wheat Climbs Again on Chicago Market CHICAGO, Feb. 11 HI'' Wheat prices bounded as much as four cents a bushel on the Chicago Hoard of Trade today but traders still were not certain that a sharp decline which began last week had run Its course. Other grains were fully steady at market opening today as wheat moved to 4Vfc cents, a bushel higher. Wheat for March delivery brought $2.33 V Corn was !4 to 1 cents higher with March de liveries quoted at $1.53. Oats were unchanged to cents higher and rye 'A to higher. Soybeans rode in a range Vj lower to higher. .Some Encouraging News Several encouraging influences were noted In market reports and traders hoped they might stem a general lowering pf grain and other agricultural prices. And at New York, it was re ported that bakers yesterday bought more than 100,000,000 pounds of flour, the largest pur chases of flour for a single day in more than three months. The bakers apparently were prompt ed by the sharp break in cash wheat prices on Friday and Mon day. Corn, wheat, oats, rye and soy-. beans recovered briskly yesterday after a two-day slump that drop ped wheat prices 12 cent a bu shel. Too Much Gruin Despite the recovery, some traders felt there would be a fur ther decline, and warned that a prolonged drop would affect many other segments of the nai Hon s economy. These sources said yesterday's recovery did not alter the basic fact that there is "too much grain on hand." But a spokesman for one big grain commission f.lrm said that "the present liquidation may have run its course." He said prospects for the new crops are "not too good." Corn, he said, is selling well below the government loan level, and should begin to stabilize. NLA TaKphoto ON TRIAL Lt. James Goff (above), of Dallas, Tex., who is on trial before a general court martial in Korea. Goff Is ac cused of fatally pistol-whipping Pang Hwa II, leading Korean clergyman, after breaking into a but where the church leader was staying. VIEW MOVIE WASHINGTON, Feb. 11 IIP) Pres ident and Mrs. Eisenhower went to the movies last night for the first time since they entered the White House. They were guests of Indian Ambassador U. U Mehta at a special showing of the movie "Mu- hatma Gandhi, 20th Century Prophet." TREASURER PICKED REDMOND, Feb. 11 Mrs. Steve Lines will serve as treasur er of the Redmond Rebekah lodge. She was elected at the last regu lar meeting following the resig nation of Mrs. Raymond Blum. A committee was appointed at the same meeting to investigate in surance for the Rebekah building at the fair grounds. JUST POSSIBLE NEW LONDON, C o n n. (1PI In police court on charges of intoxi cation and breach of peace, a pri vate school teacher, William F. Carney, said his pupils were driv ing him to drink. His case was con tinued for three months to give him a chance to "get straightened out." Ninety-two thousand trackless trolleys, buses, streetcars and sub way cars carried more than 10 times the earth's population in 1948. CHOKED -GAS? THANk HEAVENS1 Most fit tricks are acid Indigestion. When It strikes take Bcll-ans tablets. They contain the fastest -octlna medicines known to doctors for the relief of heartburn and Rns. 50 refunded If not satisfied. Send empty carton to Bell-nnB, Ornnseburg, N. Y. Get Bcll-ans today. 25. Only HUDSON ,with the lowest center of gravity among American cars, can handle such tremendous power so safely ! HUDSON HORNET Four-Door Sedan Come try the mighty power arid matchless readability of a Hudson llilJlli HUDSON OTHER MAKES No other car can perform, or ride, or last liko a Hudson because no other car has "STEP-DOWN" DESIGN. Hudson is the best perforVning, safest car on the road today but you needn't take our word for it. Just look at the record: In 1952, competing with all other makes in stock-cnr events, Hudsons just like you can buy from us won 47 victories in 60 starts . . . and Hudson was named Champion in all three major racing associations! Naturally, there's a reason for this record performance. And thntreasonisHudson's exclusive "step-down" design . . . which provides the lowest center of gravity among American cars. That's why Hudson can handle its mighty power bo safely. For a new driving thrill . . . with the utmost in safety . . . try the fabulous Hudson Hornet, or its lower-priced run ning mate, the spectacular Hudson Wasp. Stop in soon! TWIN H-POWER Hudson's sensational new multiple-fueling system and New Dual-Range Hydra-Matic Drive avail able at extra cost. Standard trim and other specifications and accessories sub ject to change without notice. hudson Hornet hudson&sp National Stock-Car Champion Lower-Priced Running Mate of the Hornet LEE G. ALLEN MOTOR CO. 183 East Greenwood BEND, OREGON American Press Sets New High PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 11 (IB -Americans read more newspapers last year than ever before in the nation's history. The 85th annual edition of N. W. Ayer and Son's Directory of Newspapers and Periodicals show ed today that circulation of English-language daily newspapers in the United States reached an all time high of 53,738.000 in 1952. The previous high mark was 1950. The figure was an increase of 145,000 over last year's total. The directory noted that the new record was set although higher costs compelled many newspapers to raise prices and in spite of in creased competition from other news media, -Including television. According to the publication 1952 circulation of evening news papers totaled 32.414,000, extend ing their record of increasing cir culation In every postwar year. Morning newspapers had a total circulation of 20,400,000. The na tion's four all-day dailies aver aged 924,000 copies a day. Sunday newspapers hud a combined circu lation of 45,090,000. In the Eskimo country of north ern Canada, the temperature dips around 50 degrees Ft below zero for about eight months of the year. CHOCOLATES GIVE THE llsPliiiiff FAMOUS SAMPLER wSJ!!! 1 " 2 Hi. S4.00 SPECIAL HEART BOXES AND OTHER WHITMAN'S ASSORTMENTS ATTRAC TIVELY WRAPPED FOR VALENTINE'S DAY Bend Rexall Drug V V V V V V V V V V V V 9 USE BULLETIN VANT ADS FOR BEST RESULTS! " VI 1 I 1 11 -.if iJ' CASHMANS has the in SHIRTS No man ever had too Van Heusen, Manhattan 2.95 up BELTS SUSPENDERS TIE JEWELRY BILLFOLDS SPORT S Gabardines to splas or long sleeve -they warmest embrace. 3.95 up 2 . Mark Twain ! Vl fJ HIRTS . iffifevV , i hy prints, short f8Mfaf'Vr V I. M 'II rate you his TIES J( 00 Heart warmingest selection in Central Oregon! 51.00-$1.50 s1.95 Initialed H'chiefs BOX OF 3 1. Pendleton WOOL SHIRTS Mallory & Slefscn HATS Holeproof SOX PAJAMAS SPORT COATS