Brqoklyn Manager Dressen Puts in Call For Hurlers BEL AIR, Calif., Jan. 6 mi Brooklyn Manager Charlie Drcs fen has put in a call for pitchers. Anil, to show lie isn't particular, he said he'd take any pitcher who could help the Dodgers win the national League pennant again in 1953. . "We've got to have some more pitchers," insisted Dressen, at his home here as he scanned the list of Dodger prospects coming up in March. "I don't know if it will he a case of developing youngsters, having the veterans back in shape or trading some of our stars," lie added, "but we need stronger pitching." Arm trouble, explained Dressen. hampered both Clem Labine and Ralph Branca last season, throw ing an extra heavy load upon Joe Black.1 This year, he added, Black figures prominently in his pitch ing plans. ' "Black may be a starter or he may work relief. I won't know un til I see what we have available after spring training starj&If Iw: wc nave uvi; iium-nne piicncrs, Black probably would do some re lief work. But then again, we may have to use him as a start er regularly." Although there has been con siderable talk about the Dodgers trying to get Warren Spahn from the Braves, Dressen was cautious in discussing a possible deal or who he would give up to get Spahn. "Seems to mo we'd have to give up somebody," ho said, "hut I'm not prepared to say who. A lut depends on What the Braves would ask. But we're prepared to trade, with Boston or anybody else, for a top pitcher if the right deal comes along." ( , Dressen answered winter dis cussion regarding, whether Gil Hodges would be back at first base by saying that his "present thought" would be to keep the big slugger thee and continue to play Jackie Robinson at second. The x-hlpper Dodger, manager said the 1953 prospects were not too gloomy for his team and he expected that from the host of youngsters who will show up for spring training he might pull out a good rookie pitcher. Dressen said of, the youngsters he had or knows are coming up, the likely-looking prospects in clude Kenny Lehman, Johnny Ru therford, Ray Moore and Jim Hughes, but there were others he anted to look over. He chuckled when told Manag er Eddie Stanky of the Cardinals had picked his own- St. Louis team to win the pennant in 1953. "He's got a hustling club," Dres sen admitted, "and he has lots of young pitching. But I'm not too worried. There's a lot of differ ence between claiming the pen nant now and" winning it next fall, We'll see." Gavilan-Davey Fight Planned CHICAGO,. Jan. 7 IIP) - President Jim Nonis of the International Boxing Club was expected to an nounce Wednesday that welter weightchampion Kid Gavilan will defend his title in the Chicago Stadium Feb. 11 against undefeated challenger Chuck Davey. Norris called a press conference for noon to make an "important" announcement. It was learned meanwhile that arrangements have been complet ed for the Gavilan-Davey bout, ten tatively slated earlier for the sta dium on the February date. CONTRACT SIGNED NEW YORK, , Jan. 7 (IP) Gil Hodges was "the happiest guy in Flatbush" Wednesday and certainly the most determined one, too. "If incentive will help it happen, I'll have the greatest year of my life," declared the husky Brooklyn first baseman upon signing his 1953 contract for a reported $20,000. O'BRIEN HONORED SEATTLE, Jan. 7 lPi Johnny' O'Brien, Seattle University's sharp shooting cage star and a prime pro baseball prospect,- Tuesday night was awarded the "Man of the Year" title in Seattle sports. PURCHASE TOLD SEATTLE, Jan. 7 IP The Se attle Rainlers of the Pacific Coast League announced Wednesday the purchase of Shortstop Merle Combs from the Cleveland In dians. ... Bowling CIVIC LEAGl'E Lee Erickson burned the maples last night with a -high game of 2M and a high series of 593. His high 254 game was high for the year to date. Team matches saw Rotary down ing Bill's Electric by four-points; Klwanis winning from the Eagles by the same score, and the Jay cees topping Lundgren's by four points. The V. F. W. squad took 2Ya points from Bend Furniture. Koturyt Rhoton 490, Stipe 524, Wetle 465, Cashman 422, Erickson 598, total 2787. Bill's Elwtrlc: F. Frederickson 446, H. Milby 448, R. Cantrel 435, B. Young 431, A. Bright 465. to tal 2604. Klwuiiin: B. Mourn 394, L.Dorsch 322. B. Borovick 451, J. Dorsch 447, G. Marling 320, E. Drennan 188, total 2588. Eagles: P. Stcnkamp 387. F. Kl zer 446. C. Simonson 472. B. Lo Blano 418. M, Clark 445, total 2459. Lundgren's Mill: R. Youngbcrg 480, K. Loretz 426, C. Backstrom 443, Absentee 486, E. Brown 539, total 2572. . !-- Jaycees;. H. Wallan 442, B. Ha gen 486, E. Drennan 324, G. Mc Collum 485, A. Gray 562, G. Mar ling 114, total 2749. V. F. K.: Scott 470. Eelken 414, Vernie 414, Sheik 517, Douglas 544, total 2604. Bcml Furniture: F. Asbury 530, W. Peterson 503. G. Riser 384, V. Groves 458. G. Carter 506, total 2527. ' AUTOMOTIVE LEAGUE Three teams tied for the lead, in Automotive league bowling last night. Mission Texaco and Bend Garage split their series, two and two, and remained tied. Bend Nash, by winning three points from Bend Specialized Service, moved to the front to join them. Lee G. Allen won three from Settlemyer Mo tors and Howard Maple and Fund ihgsland split two and two. Cap Blivins won individual honors with 235 and 598. Bend Garage: V. Burgess 493, G. Diver 409, W. Megahan 451. F. Dalrymple 370, G. Haggin 514, to tal 2519. Mission Texaco: J. Wood 517," F. Bradbury 547,' F. Carter 379, G. Rhoten 419, J. Shlek 468, total 2567. . Leo G. Allen: B. LeBlanc 426, R. Cantrell 457, B. Selken 443, G. Anderson 466, H. Cundell 454, to tal 2537. Settlemyer's: Donahue 413, G. Reid 423, Clausen 424, Lyons 413, F. Perry 466, total 2502. Bend Nash: J. Scott 503, M. Mur phy 437, Ken Nedrow 468, L. Stein berg 414, D. Cowles 480, total 2632. Bend Spec.! L. Mitchell 487. V. Clark 379, L. Maker 474, W. Mil ler 415. O. King 432, total 2508. ' Howard Maple: W. Albert 384, C. Baker 391, C. Blevins 598. W. Dahms 377, M. Clark 493. total 2555. Fundlngslaml: G. Allen 459, A. Bennett 375. C. Taylor 424, A. Mit chcl 458. G. Chase 330, total 2523. Redmond Bowling BOOSTER LEAGUE Cent-Wise won four points from Odem theater! Powder Keg won four points from Satterlee Bros., and Deschutes. Farmers Co-op won three points from La. Vera's, In bowling last night. . Sylvia Miller had high game of 181 and high' three-game series of 502 La Verlx: Redner 316, Miller 502, Farthing 352, total 1602. De. Farmer: Young 356, Valgt 403, Kunkle 275. Lewis 377, total 1705. . ' Satterlee: McChrlsty 00. Young 334, Lew 336, Eason 379, total 1671. Powder Keg: Harris 340, Rachor 440, Klssler 308, Bostic 412, total 1704. : Odem: Easoh 240, Magnuson 258, Altenberg 334, Cowles 421, total 1520. Cent-Wise: Hammond' 368, Flow ers 339, L. Eason 314, Brown 338, total 1665. - . ..; . CITY LEAGUE Hogan's won four points from American Legion of Prineville;. Chevron Service took four from Warren's Associated, and Rainbow Tavern and Stone City split two and two. Milt Sweet had high game of 232 and Vein Jackspn had high three-game series with 628. Rainbow Tav. : Segerstrom 501, Walte 440, Farthing 409, Cowles 627, Miller 483, total 2679. Stone City: . Sweet 513, Martin 535, Pierce 490, Smith 428, Pinneo 475, total 2654. Chevron: Lessert 465, Massey 554, Z.. Jackson 485, Ivancovicn 402, V. Jackson 628, total 2683. ' Warrens: Ball 450, Hodges 336. Miller 453, O'Keefe 492, Absentee 447, total 2367. I Legion: Miksche 550, Ivancovich 467. Cozad 377, D. Fridlcy 398, L. Fridley 531, total 2587. Hogaiu: Wenetta 574, Peterson 474, Draper 454, Altenberg 549, Gallagher 507, total 2659. TAKING NO CHANCES CENTREVILLE, Mich. (IPV Wil liam . Drake, who celebrated his 101st birthday this year, doesn't believe in taking any chances with his health. He was one of 390 per sons who registered recently, for tuberculosis X-rays at the county health center. Bulletin Classifieds Bring Results Wilson Funeral : Plans Changed CAMAS. Wash. Jan. T (Ih-Last minute change in plans indicated the funeral of Turman and Utah Wilson, hanged at Washington State penitentiary last Saturday, would bo held at 1 p.m. Wednesday at the Church of God at Fern Prairie, about six miles north of hero. Publio criticism was credited with stopping plans to hold the funeral in an old Portland theater. The Rev. Allen Lambert. Port- land, leader of a camnaien to save the Wilsons from the gallows, an nounces tne changed plans late Tuesday afternoon. A few hours earlier, church erouns announced that services for the pair hanged for the 1950 murder of JoAnn Dewey would be held in the old Playhouse theater buildings The Wilsons, during their fight for freedom, had claimed they attended a movie at the Playhouse on the night the girl was kidnapped. The "alibi site" Is now used as an evangelical temple and the Rev. Lambert said it was a "suit able and proper" place for the services. But he later announced cancellation of the plans "because or criticism.' . ' The theater would have accorrv modatcd 1290 persons. The Rev', F. E. Dcvries, Longview, Wash., said "a lot of people want to see tne luneral we understand." Tne Rev. Lambert said he and other ministers had been accused of making a spectacle of the funeral, v The Fern Prairie church seats only wj, out uamoert said icmu 'speakers would be arranged out' side. Graveside services were to be held, . , , , The Berid Bulletin, Bend. Oregon Wednesday, January 7. 1953-3 CENSUS COMPLETED REDMOND, Jan. 7 Final fig ures on the census of persons un der 20 living in school district 2, which was conducted this fall by tne tteumonu ministerial associa tion for the elementary schools, indicates a total of 1738 persons between ages of 4 and 20, an in crease of 19 In that age group over last year. This increase will proDauy aiiect only the rirst grade rooms In the schools' plan ning for 1933-54 enrollment. This Information was given by Hush Hartman, elementary , schools principal, wno also pointed out that the census included all chil dren from new-born to age 20, but that the schools were presently concerned only wlthj the total irom age tour upward. The cicada emerges from the soi) late in May and in a few days is ready to begin its four-to-five- Vfeu don't hate T ft. a m m VALUE! . DMC or 88R should be used on spider mites when phosphate-type insecticides fail to control the rose-attacking pests. Now is the time to shop PENNEY'S and buy those NEW SPRING PIECE GOODS Have you seen the new . ! Rondo Prints or the new, hew Needle 'n Thread Prints? , NORGE Electric Range Easy Terms , 10.35 Monthly Bill's Electric 842 Hill t Greenwood, Ph. S56-J STARTS TONIGHT! action... iHfrrPN ' ! EXCITEMENT... M Ffl .i. A ! ROMANCE... 1 1 I I I m ! ! Fill the Screen! I VviiJsr V ADDED Hickory Thrills From (ho Snowy Slopes! "SKI IN THE SKY" , News and Color Cartoon! TQNIGHT COME EARLY! ' f, j 1 ' John Stephen Ihda 4 H0D1AK - MgHAUY - CHRISTIAN I. .II-.-.. I.IIIWIMII V ( CO-HIT He Was a Target for Action and Trouble! wild bill elliott in - ' "THE LONGHORN" ) USE BULLETIN WANT ADS FOR BEST KESULTS! KK ! Jf c-' I J'l0r01 . YOU SAVE MORE AT SQUARE DEAL 1 1 Wf-MU DURING SQUARE DEAL'S REMODELING SALE AND JANUARY CLEARANCE NOTE!! , If you don't mind shopping during our remodeling If the sound of hammers and saws don't bother you this Is your chance to, do as hundreds of other Central Oregonians have done in thejast few days - Save Plenty on their Home Furnishings! COMPARE OUR PRICES ! ! ! 9 Bed Mr. & Mrs. Dresser O 2 Nite Stands 239.50 169.88 All Bedroom Suites Reduced Some Up To 60 Regular 179.50 DAVENO, ROCKER and CHAIR 139.38 MOHAIR DAVENO & CLUB CHAIR Regular 269.50 219.88 10 DOWN, 18 MONTHS TO PAY Regular 195 Regular 19.95 w 2 5ee Regular 12.95 Bone China , Wm. Rogers peif Base Rua Cup & Saucer Floor LomPs Silverware Fel BSe Rug$ 98c 11.88 18.88 I 7.88 Regular 39.50 Regular 12.95 Regular 12.50 Regular 49.50 Flamingo , . Electric Plastic Rocker Mipror Desk Lamp Banket 22.88 I 8.88 6.88 39.88 Regular 34.50 ENE? TABLE2'95 Regular 12.95 Regular 69.50 Mattress J cPKTTiA,tLTEABLE Table Lamp ' Mohair Rocker 24.88 j 6.88 6.88 49.88 And You Get S & H Green Stamps on this Sale, Too!! SQUARE DEAL FURNITURE "Only at Square Deal Do You Get S & H Green Stamps" BEND, OREGON PHONE 1480 -1481 -1224 Regular 264.50 KROEHLER DAVENPORT & CHAIR Frieze Cover 199.88 SAVE UP TO .60 ON ALL KROEHLER DAVENPORT SUITES! 50.00 OFF ON ANY STOVE OR REFRIGERATOR 21 9.00 Refrigerator ...... 169.88 10 DOWN, 18 MONTHS TO PAY T