FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14. 1952 THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON PAGE FIVE ' 0. a Local News TEMPERATURES Lxlmum yesterday, 37 degrees. hlmum last night, Si degrees. .. (Standard Time) , lunset today, 4:40. iunrlae tomorrow, 7:80. ' b'r. and Mrs. E. A. Moody have Lrned from a month's vacation b in the east during which Dr. (ody attended the annual Amer- h pediatric convention ut cm- :o. They also visited in Indl i and New York while away, .isle L, Berkshire, western dl- lon manager of the Chamber Commerce of the united States, been In Bend the cast two Is on business from his head- Irters In San Francisco. marriage license was Issued (the county clerk's office yes- pay io noy ivan MCKenzie ol jnevllle and Castella Anne Mc- of Bend. r. Charles E. Oonlev is in rtland to attend the annual feting of the Oregon Cancer Bety this weekend. Dr. Donlev the society's medical director, district imo. a, which comnrls- pll of Central Oregon. . former Bend resident. PhlliD Igan, petroleum geologist now iioned in Bismarck, N. D was fcng Oregonians who attended Notre Dame-Oklahoma foot game in 'South' Bend, Ind., past week. He was in Chica- (for a conference, and saw the (test that proved to be the fotry's No. 1 football thriller of weeK end. John W. Hendren, general traf- llTlflnawr nf tho PnmmlKcfnn public Docks, Portland, was a iness visitor in Bend today. irs. ira cram, a former Bend f Redmond resident now living in lanon, is nere tor a snort visit. is a guest at the home of and Mrs. Walt Howard, Hospital News fcrtice Members IWA Local 6-7: war meeting oaiuraay, rtovem 15th, 2:00 p. m. We have the In thp Nnrthwpat NnnmtinHww BiLi ciict?, io oe reaa. ah mem s urged to attend. .... Adv. fomen of the Moose public tur t dinner at Moose Hall, Sunday, vember 16, 1 p. m. to 7 p. m. (lite $1.50, children 75c. Adv. Four persons are in St. Charles Memorial Hospital as the resulf of separate traffic , mishaps last night aim una Illuming.. David Abbott, 2419 McKinley ave nue, Berkeley, Calif., and Irving F, Domes, 1726 9th avenue, Oak land, Calif., were injured when their car went into a skid last night on highway 97, just south of Bend. They were admitted to the hospital Mr. and Mrs. John Cooley, who were moving from Florence to Route 1, out of Bend, suffered minor injuries when their car col. lided with a truck reportedly left on the road, They were checked Into the hospital this morning at 'Other new patients at the hos pital include: Mrs. : Harrv Linn 526 Arizona: Mrs. Jackolvn Cates. Crescent; Michael Mahoney, 1555 awDrey wiiuam stollmacK, 744 The followinc were dismissed Mrs. Alfred Welcome, Burns; the Kev. uuoert Anderson. Wichita Kan.; Mrs. Elizabeth Horning, Ore gon city; miss cora Bosserman and William Masterson, both Bend, Mrs. Von Burgess, 78 Lava Road, ano imam oaugnter, were dismiss ed today from the maternity floor. TO OUR CUSTOMERS! We want to thank you for your consideration and patience while the change in billing for heating oils, stove and diesel is being made irum me Seattle omce tn nnr inrn office. . Henceforth billings and statements as wen as collections are to be hand ed locallv bv this office and will be known as the "union Burner Oil Service." Ths chance is being made with the oh. tective of giving our customers, poth old and new, better service. rKEu MEYERS, , ' UNION OIL CONSIGNEE. Adv. PHOT OGRAPHIC CHRISTMAS CARDS from your snapshots. Many lovely designs. Order this month only. Myrick's Studio, 206 Oregon. ,-, Adv. The Timbers Coffee Shop on highway 97. WE SPECIALIZE IN GOOD FOOD. Open from 11 a. m. to 11 p. m. Closed Mondays. Adv. jf NEW SHIPMENT! finririnnnnnnn get all the latest hits on m-nrm" Mas nrpnonc ntbunuo 45 or 78 rpm I one hit on r jJ ! this side w fz Z"tfm f ZLbJFpr another j J hit on ! ml hits on JMM hits on each record i Now you can afford to own all the big Hit Parade tunes. Each side of I TOPS fine quality Records has a number you want-with outstanding ' performers.., great arrangements. Start your TOPS collection now) Latest TOPS Releases Just In -Old Fashioned Electric Curling Irons oniy VOC I Still Time to Order mprinted Christmas Cards Famous HALLMARK Selections , . I 25 in box, as low as' 1.95 i OUT OUR WAY By J. iV William ' HAH-HAt W HE W THAT Y OU PONT HAVE TO Ml EXACTLY Ml EVEN HIM TO 1 TALK ABOUT PEOPLE LIKE HIM W LOOKS W AT' J ANY MORE "JUST SHOW W t W TIME W A LOT M fcOMM0V VOUR FAVORITC ), HE TRIED' i LIHE A OVER.' 1 XV. FATHEAP--ANP GO J TO CHAMSE -lOU.' lN v 'TEe-6E--TH.TS HK'X 1QUR LIKEMES3 BMP FOR IT JjUjttftggU, Albany Justice Commits Suicide ALBANY, Ore., Nov. 14 (IB Harlow l&Roy Weinrick, 45, Al bany justice of the peace and for mer district attorney, committed suicide early Friday by piping ex haust fumes into his closed car. Police said Weinrick wrote let ters to all members ol his family, close friends and relatives ex plaining where they could find his body and how they should handle his affairs. Reason for his suicide was not disclosed. following his instructions, dep uty sheriffs found Weinrick dead in his automobile about two miles north of here near Highway 99K. A .rubber hose connected the ex haust pipe of his car to the in terior.: Weinrick had been justice of the peace for several years. He was district attorney from 1938 to 1946. Soroptimist Club doll sale dolls with complete handmade wardrobe, baby dolls in bassinettes. Now on display at City Drug, to be sold Friday and Saturday. Adv. Something new. Evangelist Lee at the True Gospel Church 213 La fayette St., has the gift of discern ment. He will tell you what is wrong with your body. Come and see. Will pray for sick Wednesday night. Harriet Marling, .Pastor. - ..' MY: Bazaar, First Presbyterian Church, Saturday, Nov. 15, hours, 10 to 10. Novelties, anrons. hand work, cooked foods. Chili, dough nuls, coffee served from 11:30 to 8 p. m. adv. The second card Darlv of series of three, Saturday night, Nov. 15 at Odd Fellows Hall 8 o'clock. Third party will be Nov. 22. adv. A small denosit will hold anv gift until Christmas. NIEBERGALL JEWELER, next to Capitol Thc- au-e. -we Kepair witn care." htt. 1926. adv. Teachers Attend P. E. Convention Seven members of the health and physical education department of the Bend Public Schools left today for Pendleton to attend the state convention of the Oregon Assoc). ation of Health, Physical Education and Recreation, this weekend. Claude Cook, director of physical education, is the association presi. dent and will preside at the ses sions. Roger Wiley of the high school athletics staff will present a report in the boys' section Satur day afternoon, utners rrom uena attending the convention are Bar-, bara Bay, Virginia Ferguson; Ar lene Holmes, Coralee Munson and John Prentice. (--- A special feature of the conven tion will be a talk by Dr. Forrest C.; "Phog'' Allen, basketball coach at Kansas University.; His team won the NCAA championship and the 1952 Olympics. Dr. Allen was brought to Oregon through the joint efforts of the Oregon and Washing ton associations. Another outstanding personality appearing is Dr. Fred Hein of Washington, D.C., health education consultant for the American Medi cal Association. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK (By United Prow) Cattle for week 3,030; market uneven ; choice fed steers 31.00; good grass-short fed steers 25.50 28.50; commercial steers 21.00 24.00; utility 17.50-20.00; choice fed heifers 27.50; canner-outtcr cows 11.00-13.00; utility cows 13.50-15.00; commercial 15.00-16.00; utility "commercial bulls 18.00-21.50. ' Calves for week 610; market steady; good-prime light vealcrs 26.00-30.00; commercial 22.00i24.00; heavy calves 21.00-23.00; cull-utility 11.00-17.00; good-choice stock calves 23.00-25.00. Hogs for week 2,300; market 25c lower; choice 1-2 butchers 19.50 19.75; medium down to 18.50; choice sows 16.00-17.00; no feeder pigs. Sheep for week 2,175 ; good-choice wooicd and No. 1 pelt Iambs 19.00 20.00; choice-prime up to 21.50; good-choice feeders 18.00-18.50; good choice ewes 5.50-6.50. i Complete Stock at all times. Immediate delivery. Lime Plaster Cement Brick Moulding Insulation Wallboard (Firtex) Forrest Board Hardware Millworfc Rooting Paint Tileboard Siding WHY WAIT! Whon our easy ABC PAY PLAN enables you to REPAIR OR REMODEL TODAY COPELAND LUMBER CO. 318 Greenwood, Bend, Phone 110 Suspect Denies Roseburg Murder SALEM, Nov. 14 (IB-John Wil liam Coffield, 24, gave himself up to city police Thursday night and denied that he killed a girl near Roseburg. Coffield, who asked that he be given a truth scrum or lie detector test, was taken to Roseburg Fri day. He was arrested on a Rose burg warrant charging him with first degree murder in connection with the death of Georgia Lucille Lang, whose body was found near Oakland, Ore,, Oct. 30. The girl disappeared in April. Also being held in Roseburg in connection with the case is Chester D. Crabb, 24, former sailor from Arago, Ore. Crabb also claims he is innocent". ., Coffield said, "They say I killed that girl near Roseburg and it's a lie. "I've got a record and not a chance in the world with the only story that I know," he said. Coffield said he recently served one year out of 10 at Monroe re formatory in Washington state on a charge of first degree assault, Nutritionist Due . Here Next Week Miss Edith Herron, nutritionist with the Oregon Dairy Council, will be in Bend, Monday through Wednesday, November 17-18-19, to confer with community leaders about their local health program. The Oregon Dairy Council car ries on a statewide program of dairy products promotion through health and nutrition education. It is sponsored by Oregon's dairy producers and encourages the use of more milk and dairy products in the diet for better health and e a t in g enjoyment. The Dairy Council is financed partly by the Oregon Dairy Products Commis sion and partly through a volun teer membership program. While In Bend, Miss Herron will confer with the following per sons; Dr. Stewart, health officer and Lucy Mullins, supervising nurse of the Tri-County,, Health Department; Mrs. Thompson Tay lor, executive secretary, Tubercu losis and Health Association; Mrs. Velma Buckingham, county school superintendent; Ulster Marian Claire, St. Francis school, and Glen Lay, manager, Medo-Land Creamery. Teen-Age Crash Takes One Life PALLAS, pre., Nov. 14 (in Two Dallas high school students Friday were suffering injuries sustained In a train-car collision that Thursday claimed the life of 15-year-old Robert Lee Gossen, a fellow school mate. , .'. :. , . Joe Davis, 19, whose injuries were considered serious, and Lyle Beoh told, 16, were riding in the car driven by young uossen when it struck a Southern 'Pacific freight train at the Derry crossing six miles east of here. , Witnesses said the electric cross ing signal was working st the time of the accident, , Gossen was the son of Mrs. Helen Gossen, Dallas. We've Scooped The Market! SiiidDw Mil &le One-Piece Snow Suit and Pram Suits by Pfapet . Snow suit prices come tumbling, Plapet one-piece snow suits and r pram suits only $5.95, a remarkable vuiue considering ine lop quality fabric. In many gay colors in sizes 1 to 3. At this price it will pay you to buy two or threat Rp fen rPW' ' WCT'LE 3H PLAC TO TRADE For Winter Warmth Shop Wetle's Warm clothing for women, boys and girls snug footwear! Ladies' fur trimmed Storm Boot, pr. 5.95 Children's, 5.25 White or Rod Ladies', 4 to 10 White Swing Boot, 3.50 TMC SMARTEST SHOtS WtAR Children's... 3.45 Sizes 13 to 3......3.75 Children's "Nancy" ' 1-buckie Boot, only 2.75 White or Red, 4V4 to 9 , Boys' Paratrooper, 4.95 Brown, Sizes 12 to 3 : Boys' 4-buckle O'shoes All rubber, built for wear ! Sizes 11 to 2, 3.50 Sizes 2i to 6, 4.95 and many other styles at N4i l : 1 f$Jlijr COMPACT 9 FOR PURSE Vt y 2.00 nMJl 'Mr inn - ? t nr nm a ftrviv UKIllLt BOOTS WITH NEAT, TRIM ANKLE AND REINFORCED TRIPLE WEAR SOLE. New, rugged construction pre. videt the ultimota In wear. Ths ' combination of the improved "Rezlltuf" ever-soft top and ths wear-hard heel and sole assure ., comfort, compactness, durability. ,, Pattnt Pndlns ALLEY OOP By V. T. Hamlin iii t.-i-r-i-. I k7 uir-i i SrL I 1 I WELL, HAVE VOU GOT ANV- J "H .i"&-Cw'--wP?ait fr I WELL. nL V ' more witche6 hid l l!-s'AwW Sr2S22n V A www eStrii w somewhere fen? what c1ju r?23 i : ! i' Y77J f. APPRECIATE TALKIN' ABOUT, J f -C?l WVNV ' ' "V; m y N WHAT A WHALE OOOLA? I OONT EV'-i- V 5i2JJ WvVj .?; ,rjn ' '-" Ji-. ' of a fellow I know nothw U&iS wmli VIC. FLINT By Michael O'Malley and Ralph Lane NOW THS PUN , II I lflf triOMT BEAK TUTS 1 OWE SACK NEK6,T THBV 6HOJLP'V6 3 L- NOW 7HS PUN 1 III M NICB 6WO0TIN', AW PUNfXMDUCKAZVi HAP HW IN THE J , XT 1 cS, "0ISy I SjiP