I THURSDAY; OCTOBER 23, 1 9S2 THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND. OREGON PAGE FIFTEEN k. 1 Entertained by Mrs Palmer Rv HARMAN W. NICHOLS WASHINGTON, Oct. 23 (IB "Peg. gy" Palmer Is the only person in our time and maybe In history to entertain the big (our of the ' government at a private party. That happened some time back when the lovely lady had-, an. .in formal affair for President Tru man, vice president Alben W. Bar. kley, chief justice Fred M. Vinson, and speaker of the house Sam Ray- burn. . , Mr. Truman brought up the mat ter himseit during tne dinner, Mrs. Palmer told me; , .-. ; i . .. Peggy,' as her friends call her. is the widow of A. Mlfchell Palmer who was attorney general for the late President woodrow- Wilson. Presently she Is working for Jess Larson, .General Services 'adminis trator. - . Familiar Figure ' The gray haired Peggy is a fa miliar and popular figure on the capital scene.. There is hadly any one of importance she does not know, from the President . down. She Is proud of the (act that she . never misses an opening session of the Supreme court. Once an attendant stepped before the bench and asked if the court, was ready to open me session. j . ' "yes," replied Justice Robert H. Jackson, "If Mrs. Palmer is here. Mrs. Palmer is famous for her parties and also for her picture hats and fancy dresses. But she doesn t care much for photograph era. Oet-dood Pictured ' 1 "They get good clear pictures of my tonsils,'-', she said, "because I'm either always talking or laueh ing. Also I don't like people who Ancient Records re Published ' BOSTON; Oct. 23 BThe old est written records of mankind, inscribed more than 4,000 years ago on the limestone walls of five Egyptian pyramids, were publish- -, cd, Thursday to end 72 years of tedious deciphering of - hierogly phics. " , Publication of "Pyramid Texts in Translation and Commentary," by-Dr, Samuel 'A. B. Mercer, of Worcester, Mass., disclosed for the first time the details of a highly developed culture and re ligious philosophy In Egypt more than 2,300 years before the birth of Christ. The four-volume work, publish ed tby Longman, .Green , & Co. of ; New York, and sponsored by the' Protestant Non-Sectarian Zion Re search Foundation, was compared by: the author with the publica tion, of the Old Testament in its impact on. "the course, of human culture." -. - Dr. Mercer, 72-y ear-old emeri tus professor of 'Semitic languag es sand Egyptian- at Trinity Col lege, University of Toronto, and one ofthe nation's leading- arch aeological scholars, took more than six years to complete the translations on which a series of Egyptologists previously h a d worked. The translations showed that the ancient Egyptians visualized the earth as round, though pre vailing opinion 3,000 years later held the earth was flat. The texts also disclosed that leading topics taught in schools throughout the world today also were taught in Egyptian institutions. ; These included reading, spell ing, writing, history, astoronomy, medicine, engineering, mathemat ics, agriculture and a score .of home craft arts. - make tun of my big picture hats. One wag once- remarked in my presence that if 'Mrs. Palmer had a feather on the back. end of that thing she could Uke off," One ' time Mrs. Palmer caused QUlte R Rpnsnttnn In f-n-t .of the embassies when she got out a uau iu go insiae.. sne had on a dress which contained yards and yards of starched material. Plus some hoops. She got stuck.. : ' Peggy Embarrassed . "It WAS AmhflWD.Inn M. II ......... u.i if, t . tanj , she confided. "I had to call for help and doormen and embassy they were docking a ship, the way uiojt wgguu 10 gei me out. .one would say, 'she's free here.' And another . iuniil1. Mnlu 'at.... nm stuck here Finally we made it but I was pretty mussed up." ' '. PPffffV lflUM In koabII - .JO . w .WM. OVMI1IT UL the exploits of her late husband. One time nt r Hon, she said,-Palmer wired the its. votes to Wilson. Somebody oiun me .wicgi-um -in nis pocKet . , - iw " " t was iraa vi me convention after Wtl sun was nominated. . -. : i Porter Requests Rebuttal Chance ' PARIS. Oct. 23 an Paul p Porter, accused bv- a Remihlirnn senator of "pro-Communist bias," aSKed Wednesday for a quick hearing in Washington to give him a chance to clear his name. ' Porter, a special representative oi me rautuai security Agency in Europe, said he would make a vig orous fight against charges by Sen., Homer Ferguson that he is "an advocate of revolution" and a mena 01 communists." Ferguson has demanded that Porter return to the United Staffs for questioning toy a Senate "watchdog" committee on foreien aid appropriations, of which the Michigan senator is a member. ' i? Porter admitted Tuesday night he once had urged collaboration with Russia, but said he changed his mind in late 1937 and1 since has fought Communism. ; .' "These same charges were air ed, by Martin. Dies more than 10 years ago and I came out with a clean bill of health," Porter added today. "I don't, intend to take them lying down." " WORK HALTED FAST ! HUNTINGTON. W. Va. JIB Workers unloading a carload of scrap steel at a plant here left their jobs in a hurry when they found three unexploded .five-Inch shells.: Company officials halted unloading; operations and ' called in. a Navy ordnance disposal ex pert to get rid of; the 48-Dound shells. . ' Except for a close relative in western Mexico, the Gila monster is the only poisonous lizard in the world. . - . LOOK FOR THIS LABEL ins p c,dtf' you a blend ot ccVve,y T"1" American Cotfee WE KNOW OF HO OTHUt CONCERN MAT CAN MAKf THIS CUM K I TUBTflTU FLAVOR in every cup of Schilling IJ Cottage Dutts .-.-) . : - bonob-M and tld ; All Bleat Mo Waste ib......69c Aimottr's COOKED PICrilCS ....... lb; 49c SLICED DACON ....... . . .lb. 59c Visners Del Monte Sweetheart lb..... 53c Hens lb..... 49c ; Beef Roast UJS. Good or Oiolco ., lb..... 69c Scuer Krcut New Crop Turkeys Pan Beady lb..... 69c Pork Roast Shoulder lb..... 55c LARD, home rendered . .3 lbs. 45c LUNCH MEAT, osst'd .....lb. 59c OLD YANKEE Lima Bans & Pork Hocks .......No. 2 can 43c Logger's Special Syrup .....32 oz. decanter 49c Hillcake Maple Flavor Syrup ....No. 10 can 95c Swiftening 3 lb. Can Shortening) 3 lb. can Erickson's Yellow Bag COFFEE 2. lbs. 169 I 1 Campbell's 46 ox. Cans ' Tomato Juice ' 2 cans 6f)c Kingmore K. P. 12 ox. 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Cranberries ..pkg. 29c Cello1 Pkg. Carrots pkg. 10c Cauliflower . ..... . . ..lb. 8c Arizona Grapefruit .doz. 69c Parsnips ...3 lbs. 25c Green Peppers . . . .2 lbs. 25c Cello Pkif. ; "' Spinach . ....... . . . .pkg. 16c Mosh Bag Oranges . . . . ... .bag 39c Danish Squash ... . . . . . lb. 3c Srickson's (Food Markeft Columbia Mercantile Co. Clorox Quart 18c Va Gal. 29c GoHm 49c I