PAGE FIFTEEN THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND. OREGON Doctor Claims ' No Cure Found HAM LOAF THURSDAY, OCTOBED 16, 1952 For Baldness CHICAGO B Dr. Otto Ratt ner, noted dermatologist at North western University, attributes bald . ness to heredity and said to ''count the bald barbers" if you are temp ted by hair tonic ads. He said no effective cure has been found to remedy or delay baldness in men. Baldness is passed from father to daughter, who acts as a carrier and transmits it to her son, Katt ner said. Therefore if the moth er's father was bald, it is possible her son will develop a shiny pate. Likewise, if you- are bald youi daughter's son may be bald, and there is little that can be done to prevent it. The subject of falling hair long has been clothed in mystery and superstition; Rattner said. He 're lated the biblical story of Samp son, whose muscles melted with each snip as Delilah sheared away his locks. , ' Strange Remedies . Conversely, baldness long has been associated with superior' men tality, Rattner said. It's all a lot of hocus pocus, according to the doctor. He olted "remedies" which have been tried through the ages. An Egyptian salve consisted of equal parts of the fats of a lion, hippopotamus, crocodile and ser pent, he said. "Ashes of little frogs, applied suddenly, cui-eth the fall of hair," was taken from an old text. Bald spots in later days' were rubbed with the middle bark of an elm tree, with watercress or even onion followed by application of honey ana ooxwooa. Treatments today include the mange cure, creosote or choleste rol, with perfume, quinine, tar and other ingredients added, Rattner said. But none of the cures have proJ jduced "satisfactory results," he NEA MAY HAVE POLIO VACCINE Dr. Herald R. Cox (above), chief of virus research for Lederle Laboratories, Pearl River, N. Y., has found a process to produce a vaccine which may immunize mankind to infantile paralysis. Dr. Cox, in a ceremony at Berke ley, Calif., said, "The victory is not complete" but "the dam has been broken." The vaccine has been tried successfully on numer ous rhesus monkeys and chim panzees, but human tests on an extensive scale are yet to come. Chicago Lawyers To Watch Polls CHICAGO (U'l Mobile squads of lawyers will act as trouble- shooters to prevent iraua ana er ror at the Chicago polls xnov. 4. County Judge Edmund K. Ja recki, head ot the Chicago elec tion machinery, says he will use a fJect of 100 taxicabs equipped with two-way radios and each carrying an attorney. ..- , Jarecki will start a training school for the lawyers. lie siiS the new system will be faster and more effective than volunteer watchers. "It will be a big advantage to get them to the scene quickly," the judge explained. "They will be able to do much more than our employes can do by telephone contact with poll officials." The lawyers will be paid by the election board, but Jarecki said he does not know what their sal aries will be. Radio "Hams" Active In Town . CONNEAUT, O. ilPi If a radio ham' here announces he has just had contact with Bombay or Cape town, he is likely to get an an swer of. "so what?" This little town believes it has more amateur "ham" short-wave stations in proportion to its size than any other place on earth. There are 17 stations in a popu lation of 10,000 about one for every 590 persons. They're all in it for fun, but they have done good work in emergencies. Wilburt C. Gross and Kenneth E. Fields first opened their tiny stations in 1921 and have been going ever since. They formed the Conneaut Radio Club that is still strong and active. - "We use code, English and in ternational code," Gross says. "I can talk to China as easily as my wife can talk over the , back fence." The American aspen is the most widely distributed tfee in North America, according to the Encyclo pedia Britannica. Missincj Chapter Changes His Text) RICHMOND, Va. IIP! Dr. G. Hous ton Patterson, Blucfield, W. Va., stood up to address 'a graduating class at Union Theological Semi nary here. . He thumbed through his Bible for several minutes while ' the au dience of young preachers began to fidget. Finally he cleared his throat and said: "I will read from the 23rd Psalm for a very special reason a rea son with which I -hope you will never be confronted. Ifind myself with a Bible from which the 22nd chapter of St. Luke is unaccount ably missing." Busy families enjoy Coke Keep plenty of ice-cold Coca-Cola on hand ready for all the family to enjoy. Serve ice cold . . . right in, the bottle. tOTTUO UNOC AUTHORITY Of THE COCA-COU COMPANY 1Y COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY OF BEND Bake it for that week end hunt lb.... 69c WIENERS' any brand ... . lb. 59c LUNCH MEAT, assorted . .lb. 59c HS Oriole' Slktd Bacon b. 59c IP li Save on Snowdrift 35c coupon now in special 8-lb. cans 3 lb. can........ 79c Wesson Oil Qt.....59c Kraft's 2-1b. box VELVEETA CHEESE 2b b.x89c Cottage Butts Mild Cure Almost boneless Beef Roast Pork Roast Govt. Graded ' from Youiir, Good and Choice Grain-fed Pigs lb. 69c lb. 59c lb. 59c LARD . .3 lbs. 49c aomi) Schillings Best 1 -lb. cans COFFEE lb. can 83 c Klngmore 12-oz. cans 'Jill Is! rancher's pride Luncheon Meat 39c EG6 NOODLES 9. PUIPVCU uuivnt.ii AT AN INEXPENSIVE MMl '4C No. 2'j can . Swift's 3-lb. 4-ox. cans , Whole Chicken 1.69 RANCHER'S PRIDE CHICKEN FRICASSEE 836 KITCHEN READY 16-41. can..49e "27-MINIT PIE LEMON ?ANANA CREAM ' CHOCOLATE - COCONUT... ImiiNOMU M BOSTON CREAM Both Crust Mix and Filling Mix in One Box 27c Mary Ellen No. S cans Peach or Apricot Jam 98c Hoody'8 Creamy or Crunch 20-oa. jars Peanut Butter . ... .jar 49c Sartf ord's Light Central Oregon 51b. pall Strained Honey . .pail 1.09 Waconla Genuine Wisconsin 6-lb, pall Sorghum ... .... . pail 1.39 Best Ever 84-oi. pkg. ; ' Macaroni . : . . . .pkg. 29c Best Ever ' Krinkle Noodles .pkg. 29c llnllilnv Olnn Yellow Cube Margarine .... . .2 lbs. 45c r.iilan-A Vn AAA nnnii Sweet Peas ...3 cans 39c Cut Green Beans, . .333c fianllam 9. rnns Fancy Cut Beans . . .239c Cream Corn ..2 cans 29c llnilunn llnlillffl Kn 9. L (1ft nB Jlliunvil auunu 1W. "ft Sliced Peaches . . .can 29c lt.l.wl,. - 91. nu Bartlett Pears . . . .can 29c Hudson House No. 2 Vi cans Chunk Pineapple .can 34c Mtlmnn (all can Ripe Olives ...can 19c Alice Love 20-oz. Jar Strawberry Jam jar 39c Alice Love Jams 10-oz. Jara Wild Huckleb'ry jar 37c Wild Blackberry jar 37c Hunt's Country Style 24-oz. Jar Dill Pickles ....jar 31c Best Foods Mayonnaise pint jar.. 39c Van Camp's Chunk Tuna .........can 29c Bumble Bee No. 1 UU cans Pink Salmon ...can 53c Commerce No. Vi cans Chunk Salmon -can 29c Chase's Ling Cod ...3 cans 29c 8-oz. can ' Mustard Sardines .235c Stldii tall cans Chili Con Carne can 27c Sttdtl Chicken Tamales ,245c ouuu vmcKen nruui ' Soup 3 cans 29c Stidd ' Chicken Soup 2 ens 25c Gilt Edge 46-ox.cans BLENDED JUICE 5 cans 1.00 Golden C BROWN SUGAR 3 ibs. 29c rs ar-t faa Ji1 tin unto I Peas & Carrots, pkg. 21c Tender Peas . .. pkg. 21c Cut Corn ......pkg. 21c French Fries ...pkg. 21c Tamales .pkg. 21c Spinach .......pkg. 24c Broccoli .......pkg. 31c Strawberries . . .pkg. 38c Cerber m . 325c ,. SOUPS VEGETABLES FRUITS DESSERTS tJpB, Giant Slic 49c ' Giant l'he. 53c Loma Linda Foods Vegemeat Steaks 30-oz. can 59c Burger 30-oz. can 59c ItUHkels Biscuits ....pkg. 18c Kuskels Flakes pkg.. 19c M oz. can Nuteena ....can 37c 1 l oz. can Protisena ...can 39c 14-oz. can Vegelona ...can 37c Packages Gravy Quick ..229c I l oz. can ' - Cutlets & Gravy. 37c 18-oz. pk(5. Soy Hour ..pkg. 39c 'Ovin Cooked 22-01. nkg. Wheat pkg. 32c rackaee Breakfast Cup . . 296 NALLEY'S LUMBERJACK SYRUP 24-oz. Jar 33c No. 5 Friction Top Pail 69c No. 5 Long John 79c No. 1 0 Long John '- 1 49 Nttllcy's 15-oz. can Spaghetti & Meat Beef Stew 15-oz. can ..43c No. 1 can ..83c Nallcy's Chili Con Carne 15-e-z. can . . 39c 30-oz. can .. 69c Nalley'a Spaghetti Dinner ..pkg. 35c Complete Meal for Four 2 cans 49c Nnllcy's Spaghetti & Tomato Sauce 115-oz. can 2 cans.... 29c Nallcy'R 15-oz. cairn Rice Dinner 2 cans 37c Giant Size 49c Largo Pkg 19c Quart 18c Vi Gallon ......29c Gallon 49c Lipton's Tea 48 count tea bags pkg...... 48c 8-oz. pkg..... 63c LIPTON'S SOUPS Onion Soup Mix .2 pkgs. 35c Tomato Veg. ...3 pkgs 35c Chicken Noodle .3 pkgs 35c Lipton's Frostee .2 pkgs 29c California Vine Ripened TOMATOES lug. 1.89 2 lbs..... 25c 40 lb. net weight . ' BOSC HEARS 1.25 ORANGES lb. 39c SOUfHERN YAMS .lb. 15c 1 lb. cello CRANBERRIES 29c CELERY HEARTS... lb. 23c DANISH SQUASH., lb. 3c Ice Cream Melon or CAS ABAS lb. 5c 50-llHt. U. S. No. 2 POTATOES bag 1.59 BULK CARROTS or BEETS 6 Ibs. 25c Fine for Stuffing GREEN PEPPERS .2 lbs. 25c Snow White CAULIFLOWER .. .lb. 9c ilonallian APPLES 189 Urickson's Food Market Columbia Mercantile Co.