THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON THURSDAY, MARCH 6, " j 952 PAGE TWELVE Logging Donkey Prepared for Display Pvf &v ltf lfiiK-fn A scale model of a loRing donkey, completed this past winter, will be Included In Joe Hentges' dis play In the second iiniinul hobby and handcrafts show, Saturday and Sunday, March I and 9,' at the Library Auditorium. Ifcntges made a hit with bis model farm machinery and other hand-made minia tures at last year's show, and added many new features for this year's exhibit. The picture above was taken after one of the winter snow storms, when Hentges set up the donkey to show son James, 18, home from the Air Corps, that "everything works." There-That'll Keep Him Home! HOUSTON, Tex. (IF) A Cadil lac automobile, reported to police ns being badly battered, sent of ficers hurrying through files to identify the owner. The car belonged to the family in front of whose house it was parked, The woman who answered the door gave this explanation : Her husband stayed out until 4 a.m. then got up the next day to "leave again." ' . The woman said she was deter mined he wouldn't leave. So, she waded into his car with a hammer. Officers reported , every piece of glass, except one" tail light, had been broken and scores of dents had been hammered into the metal FOR I una vmt STANDBY JUICKS Blended, Oran(0 16 oz. Grapefruit. ...... can 25c SNOWFLAKE 2 lb, box 45c ' i Crackers. ... 1 lb. box 25c DENNISON'S 14 oz. bottle Catsup .. .... . bottle 15c RED MEXICAN or SMALL 'WHITES Dried Beans'. . 2 lb. bag 29c S Si W 2 lb. can 1.60 . ' Coffee ........... lb. 85c BITS O' SEA Light Meat Tuna, grated .... . can 25c POKTEU'S ' , Egg Noodles. . lb. pkg. 29c CALTOF FREESTONE ' "' " Peaches. ... No. 2 can 25c VAL VITA No, 2 can Green Beans . . . . 1 5c MAXWELL HOUSE INSTANT Coffee, 2 oz. jar 33c COT J I), CRISP HEADS . run Milk Yi cup Dnina jufc 2 medium, ripo banatui AL's Banana Orange Dessert Branlcnlt March 8, 1952 4 lampoon unfliVa . 14 teaipoon tilt' - orcu Bcimm V nip cold watsC Y cup uKr Y2 CUP WW 1 lampoon grated omtiga ritia -.. Soften gelatin in. lA dip cold wnter. Hent Vi cup wntcr, sugar, ornngo rind and salt to boiling. Add gelatin nnd itir until dissolved. Cool, Stir in milk and orange juice. Chill until syrupy. Bear with cold rotary bnntcc until fluffy. Fold in bananas, thinly sliced. Put into n qt, oiled mold. Chill until firm. Makes 4 servings. You Will Ncctli Pet Milk. Bananas. Oranges, Unflavored Gelatin- LETTUCE lb. 10c It A DISHES or GREEN ONfONS... . 2 buns. 15c CELLO PKG. SALAD VEGETABLES 2 pkgs. 25c FANCY UTAH CELERY lb. 10c II & D 411 oz. vnii TOMATO JUICE. .... . can 25c STANDBY 13 oz. tumbler STRAWBERRY PRESERVES. 29c PET MILK 2 29c BACON end EGGS Oregon Chief Slab Bacon No Rind lb. 45c Fresh Local Grade 'A' Large doz. 55c Aro YOU Registered? 2.49 J 4.49 SCOTCH SOAP POWDER Ige. pkg. 19c Redmond News Items Listed REDMOND, March 6 Mr. and Mrs. Horace Hagen of Eureka, Calif., arrived In Redmond Tuesday to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Hagen and the Ben Davidson family. Robert Maxwell was in charge of the Youth Group party Friday evening after the basket ball game. The party was held in the social rooms of the Christian Church. Mexican food was served Wed nesday night at the family dinner at the Christian Church, decora tions and table arrangements were in keeping with the theme. A gen eral church business meeting .was held after the dinner. Mi', and Mrs. Idris Davis and Mr. and Mrs. Berle Draper made up a table of bridge Sat. night at the Draper home. 1 Twenty five young people from the Four Square Gospel Church Journeyed to Bend Sunday night to participate in a youth rally at the Assembly of God Church. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Harmcs were hosts to the young people of the Four Square Church Tuesday night at the house party. Miss Dor othy Urian was In charge of the games. ' Visit Reported Ed Turner of John Day spent the week end as a guest at the. Law rence seal nome near Terrebonne. Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Crooks of Terrebonne have returned from a week's vacation In California. - Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Jordan and daughters of Salem and the L. C. Jordan family ot Mill city were Sunday visitors in Redmond. "Work night followed a potluck dinner sponsored by the Wi-Hub Club Monday night at Westminster Hall. , . members of the C o m m u n i t y Church Guild served the OEA ban auet to the Central Oregon branch of the Association Tuesday night at Westminster Hall. Mr. Darrell Sharp went to Idaho over the week end. He will report back to his duties at R.U.H.S. where he teaches vocational agri culture March 10. Team Travels Marvin Scott and his basketball team tourneyed to Prineville Tues day evening for a practice at the Prineville gym. Mr; and Mrs. Ben Hopkins have moved to Springfield, Where Hap kins will manage the Cent-Wise Drug store there. He formerly worked in the Cent-Wise Drug, in Redmond. . Mrs. Beverly Knutson and daugh ter have moved to Stayton, Ore. Mrs. Knutson recently purchased the Stayton Beauty Shop. Miss Phyllis Rennels,' accom panied by ,her mother, will go to Corvallis Thursday. Miss Rennels will attend an FHA convention where she will be installed state vice-president of the organization. Egyptologist Has Big Reading Job WORCHESTER, Mass. 00 A 72-year-old Egyptologist is reading proof on a 2,000-page book he copied off granite walls 200 feet tall. 1 Dr, Samuel A. B. Mercer, a for mer professor at Trinity College in Toronto, has translated the pyra mid texts for the first time in any language. The texts represent 7,000 lines of hieroglyphics taken from the walls of 80 pyramids lining the Nile River in Egypt. Dr. Mercer, said the texts are one of the "greatest and oldest re ligious literatures in the world Assigned to Ship A , Jesse A. Cox, airman,' V. 8. Navy, will leave for San Fran cisco following a 10-day leave In Bend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Culler, 222 Urania. He has been assigned to the UbS Princeton, for duty In Japan and Korean waters. He has been In the Navy-a year, and has made several trips to Japan as a radio man' on an air transport, return ing wounded to Whldby Island, Wash., where he has been station ed. He was a Hend High School student before he entered the service. ' ' Sports Parade iContinued from Page 10) lnence. Nor are these three among the nation's 10 best players. For instance, soph Jim Tucker, the team's leading scorer with a 17.2 point average per game, ob. tained for Duquesne no better than a third team berth on the re cent United Press All-America team voted by -more than 200 sportswriters. , . , - i All-Veteran Team Rupp, on the other hand, had an all-veteran team which wasn't exactly desperate for coaching. True, tne oiuegrass oaron lost seven-foot 3111 Splvey. But he had left such greats as Cliff Hagan, Frank Ramsey, Bobby Watson, Lou Tsioropoulos and Skippy Whitaker. . Proof of their ability is that Ha gan won a first team spot on the U. P. All-America and lust about everybody's "All" quintet while Ramsey made the second team. That would seem to fit the classi fication of being loaded with tal ent. Rupp obtained them, sure, and polished them. But it wasn't a lob which had to be accomplished this year. For the coaching job of the 1951-52 season, Moore turned the trick. He took a mediocre team, kept the balance of seniors, gave free rein to the sharpshooting Tucker and filled out the height with Dick Ricketts, a six foot, six inch freshman. It meshed for him because of, a job well done. NO HOME LIKE JAIL- MONTPELIER, Vt. U1 The walls of a fletdstone dwelling on Washington street here are 2'A feet thick. The reason is that be cause when it was built In 1810, the structure was a jail. WISH CHANTED HOUSTON, Tex. IIP) 'A be draggled 50-ycar-oId woman stag gered into the vice squad office at police headquarters, threw up her hands and shouted: "I'm drunk. I surrender. Lock me up." SIMPLE! AND SIMPLY WONDERFUL FOR LENT! You've never tasted cottage cheese so good , . . so smooth, so creamy, so extra-rich! And always fresh I Make your Lenten menu-making easy with these four wonderful varieties of Borden's Cottage Cheese: Cream Style, Country Style, Cottage Cheese with Chives, Cottage Cheese Fruit Salad. , IF ITS BORDEN'S, IT'S GOT-TO BE GOOD USE BEND BULLETIN CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS FOR BEST RESULTS CONGRESS PHONE 380 STORE HOUBS: 9:00 A. M. -1:00 P. M. ' Friday A Saturday: 9:00 A. M. . 8:00 P. M. 210 CONGRESS FOR MANY MORE SAVINGS See Our THRIFTWAY ad in Friday's Portland Papers Fresh Asparagus lb. 29c SCHILLINGS Black Pepper oz. Can 29c Lou-Z-Ana 5 oz. can BROKEN SHRIMP.......... can 29c Hormel 12 oz. can v SPAM ................... can 43c Flav-E-Pak 12 oz. pkg. FROZEN PEAS ........... pkg. 21c Sunshine 1 lb. box' ' KRISPY CRACKERS box 25c Porter's 16 oz. pkg. FRILLETS pkg. 29c ALL SWEET MARGARINE With coupon ............ 15c Without coupon .......... 25c CANE SUGAR ......... 10 lbs. 99c Golden Ripe BANANAS 2 lbs. 33c Large, White Heads CAULIFLOWER ......... each 23c VEGETABLE SALAD....... pkg. 10c V. S. No. 1 ' ' ': ' POTATOES ............ 10 lbs. 5?c Pan-Ready .; FRYERS lb. 63c V. S. Grade Good SWISS STEAK ............. lb. 89c Center Cuts PORK CHOPS lb. 69c OYSTERS. 15 18 size pt. 69c Filets REP SNAPPER 1 lb. 39c Swift's Premium SLICED BACON lb. pkg. 63c FRESH CRAB, SHRIMP, SMELT, HALIBUT, CATFISH, SALMON, FINNAN HADDIE.' 1 1 3 As Advertise - mllFE! Cj eeatf ' SySBJ'SWr Only 19c ai ii j i iii I h Make it in 19 minutes! A ONE DISH MISSION iVlEAL that's PERFECT for UnH Try this Winner Dinner now being featured in LIFE Magazine. It's a hot and hearty one dish dinner, and you can prepare it in 19 minutes for only 19c a serving! Make it with Mission the top-quality, top-tasting maca roni that always cooks firm and tender. 6--51 ttofn , Hearth' .S-'i"--"" MACARONI SPAGHETTI EGG NOODLES V f