The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, February 14, 1952, Page 6, Image 6

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    Thursday, pebruary i 4; .1952.
Ua S. Grant, Society Editor
(All society Itenu should b reported to The Bulletin not Inter than 9 .
ju. on the dy of publication, TireadayB, Thurxlaya nd Saturday!.)
Region Camp Fire Supervisor
To Visit in County Next Week
Miss Nora Garvin, region No. 6 supervisor for Camp Fire
Girls, Inc., will arrive in Bend Tuesday, Feb. 19, for a three
day visit with the organizations in Deschutes county, ac
cording to an announcement made today by Mrs. Joe Elder,
executive director. '
Miss Garvin, whose Camp Fire territory includes Oregon,
Washington, Idaho and Montana, will meet with the adult
members in the county during
her visit to assist them with
their work and the problems
in the program. Tuesday and
Thursday Miss Garvin will meet
with the workers in Bend and Wed
nesday she will spend the day in
Redmond. ;
Miss Garvin assumed responsi
bilities In region 6 In September of
1950 after serving with the national
headquarters In New York City as
assistant director of the department
of field operations for four years.
Prior to that time she was trav-'
eling field secretary for six years
In most sections of the United
States and director for three years
In Arizona, California and Nevada.
Previously, Miss -Garvin was exec
utive director in Spokane and camp
director at Sweylolakan. She was
also executive director In Yakima
Wash., and director of Camp
Schedule Outlined
Tuesday Miss Garvin will spend
the day In the Camp Fire office In
Bend. In the evening there will be
a "dessert" at 7 p.m. in the Pilot
Butte Inn Blue Room for all Blue
Bird leaders, Camp Fire guardians,
sponsors and prospective lenders
in Bend and Gilchrist. Reservations
for this meeting should be made
with Mrs. Elder not later than
Monday evening. Special projects,
program and problems pertaining
to group activities win ue aiscuss
ed by Miss Garvin at the evening
Wednesdav Miss Garvin and Mrs
Elder will be In Redmond. They
will meet with local officers, coun
cil committee members and mem
bers of the leaders' and sponsors'
association. A one o'clock luncheon
and afternoon meeting for .all lead
ers and sponsors will be held at
Mary's Drive-In. Reservations for
this luncheon should be made with
Mrs. Forrest Yeomnn. -
Thursday Miss Garvin will meet
with the 1952 county council presi
dent and board, chairmen of coun
cil committees and their committee
members. She will be In the Camp
Fire office all day Thursday.
Dance to Follow ,:
Basketball Game
Bend High School students and
their friends, and visiting stu
dents who will be here from
Lakevlew, have been invited to
attend a dance Friday night in
the Pilot Butte Inn Blue Room,
ns guests of the Bend Junior
Chamber of Commerce.
The party will be Informal, and
dancing will start at 9 p. m.,
following the Bend-Lakevlew bas
ketball game. Music will be by
Frank Cole's orchestra. Soft
drinks will be served.
Steve Eller is general chair
man of the Jaycee committee In
charge, assisted by Charles Keith,
wrnwn of the Javcee Auxiliary
decorated the ballroom In the
Valentine theme, with Mrs. Eller
and Mrs. D. E. Stacy in cnargu.
Eagles to Receive
Polio Donations
The Bend Eagles will bold n free
dance Tor the public ul their new
lodge home on Greenwood Avenue
Friday evening, according to E. C.
Eastman, chairman of the Eagles'
March of Dimes committee.
The Eagles have pledged $500 to
the polio fund, and donntlons will
be received that night following a
tloor show featuring the Uordon
Family of Prlnevillc. II was an
nounced. The lodge received $'206
from a polio promotion two weeks
ago, and It is anticipated thnt the
amount necessary to complete the
quota will be received Friday night,
Eastman said.
Dancing will start at 9:30 p.m.
. Bridge, pinochle and canasta will
be played at a public card party to
be held Saturday niKht, rcb. lu
at the Library Auditorium. The
Eastern Star Extension Unit will
sponsor the party as a benefit for
4-H Club activities.
Prizes will be given, and refresh
ments will be served, it was an
nounced by Mrs. I.ylc'Carringtnn,
general chairman. Tickets ore be
ing sold by members of the spon
soring group, and will also be avail
able at the door.
Corvallis. Feb. 14--Mnrgic Peak
of Bend has been elected president
of the Oregon State college chapter
of Pi Beta Phi, national social sor
ority. The 16 sororities at OSC
house 500 of the more than 1250
women enrolled. Miss Peak, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter G. Peak.
637 Drake Road. Bend, is a Junior
in home economics.
Allied Art Club will meet Mon
day, Feb. 18. at 2 p.m. at the home
of Mrs. B. A. Stover, River and
Rocklyn Roajuairs. Bob Thomas
will have feharge of the program.
Lady Elks will hold a business
meeting tonight at 8 o'clock, at
the BPOE Hall. Nomination of
new officers will be held.
Plans Visit
Camp Fire Girls, Inc.
Frozen Foods
Used in Meal
REDMOND, Feb. 13 In keep.
Ine with the demonstration for
the day, frozen foods were used
exclusively for the Redmond
Home Extension Unit's planned
luncheon, Tuesday at the home
or mis. Jim Looney. ine hostess
also led the project, "Freezing
Prepared and Pre-cooked Foods."
Mrs. Earl Dexter was named
to replace Mrs. Alvln Slmonson
as the group's representative on
the Til-County Health Council.
Mrs. Leroy Organ, who is treas
urer, win also act as secretary.
Mrs. H. A.-Peden. 4-H chairman.
read suggestions from Gene Lear,
county agent, regarding a spon
sorship of 4-H Club work.
Mrs. Glen Ferguson, recreation
director, led a game, and the win
ner was Mrs, Earl Dexter.
l' if teen members wore Dresent.
and Mrs. C. M. Coss was a guest.
Ladles Auxiliary of Canton
Deschutes, Patriarchs Militant,
will hold a regular meeting Fri
day at 8 p. m at the IOOF Hall.
Mrs. George McQuInn, new pres
ident, will be In charge, and com
mittees for the new year will be
appointed. Entertainment is be
ing planned, and refreshments
will be served after the meeting.
Eagles Hall
1Z1 Greenwood Ave. Bend, Oregon
Friday, Feb. 15 9:30 p. m. to 12:30
The Bordon Family of Prineville
(Picture courtesy Livingston Photo Lab, Prineville)
O Free admission
Floor show at 11 p.m.
featuring the Bordon
O Music by Crooked
River Ramblers
Donations will be solicited for
the March of Dimes
Hobby Show
Dates Set as
March 8, 9
The annual hobby and hand
craft show sponsored by the Held-
Thompson PTA and the City
Recreation Department will be
held March 8 and 9 in Thompson
School Auditorium, officers of the
PTA announced today.
Mrs. Lloyd Abrams Is general
chairman In charge of arrange
ments, and other chairmen, an
nounced at the PTA . meeting
Monday night, are as follows
Mrs. Stanley Hultberg, hobbles
and handcrafts: Mrs. Don New
man, telephone; Mrs. M. O. Young
and Mrs. F. T. Younker, silver
tea; R. E. Spanl, Harvey Brinson
and W. D. Mayer, tables; Mrs.
Kenneth . Gottchalk, food sale;
Mrs. William Mayer, publicity;
Mr. and Mrs. George Raycraft,
setting up tables.
In connection with the hobby
show, a food sale will be held in
the auditorium louoy March a,
and a silver tea will be held both
Anyone wishing to exhibit a
hobby or handcraft will bp wel
come to participate, it was stress
ed by those In charge'.
Founders liecognlzed
Founder's Day was observed,
open house was held and plans
were made for coming events, at
the Monday meeting.
Members expressed a desire to
sponsor a program for the bene
fit of the children, and upon tbe
recommendation of Albert W.
Nelson, principal, the group de
cided to finance a train trip to
Redmond for the third and fourth
Mrs. Hugh Fountain reported
that the sale tt saving stamps,
held each Thursday morning In
the lobbies of the schools, has
been enthusiastically received by
the children.
W. E. Plland gave a short talk
on the background of the nation
al Parent-Teachers Association and
its purposes, In commemoration
of Founders' Day. Mrs. Julius
Steen spoke on the history and
accomplishments of the state
PTA, and Mrs. Harvey Brinson
gave the background of the Reld
Thompson PTA, which was found
ed four years ago, with A. W.
Westfall as the first president.
Open House Held
Open house was the highlight
of the evening, and the parents
visited the various rooms, where
pupils' work was on display. At
the close of the evening a deco
rated cake, with four candles
commemorating Founders' Day,
was cut and served with coffee.
Mothers of pupils Is Miss Irma
Klinghammer's room were hos
tesses. Velma Boone's room won the
room count.
Lloyd Abrams reported on
progress hi the fluoridation pro
Wesleyan Service Guild will
meet Monday, Feb. 18, at 7:30 p.
m. at the Methodist Church. Glad
ys Gardner and Winifred Parker
will be program leaders, and
Frances Thompson will have
charge of the devotions period.
Social Calendar
6:30 p. m. Women's Benefit
Association, Norway Hall.
7 p. m. Lions Club sweetheart
party, Pilot Butte Inn.
7:30 p. in. Rotana Club with
Miss Frances Hale, 429 Delaware.
8 p. m. Lady Elks, BPOE Hall.
8 p. m. tagies Auxiliary, ea
gles Hall.
9 p. in. Methodist Church
choir party, at the parsonage.
7:30 p. m. Amoue sewing cir
cle, with Mrs. George Stadsklev,
325 Hunter Place.
8 p. m. Patriarchs Militant
Auxiliary, IOOF Hall.
8 p. m. Pine Forest Grange
card party at home of Mrs. Bes
sie Welshons, 515 Federal.
8 p. m. -Trinity Episcopal Cou
ples Club, Brooks Memorial Hall.
8:30 p. m. Square dance at
Eastern Star Grange Hall,
9 p. m. High i School dance at
Pilot Butte Inn;
9:30 p. m. Eagles dance, FOE
1:30 p. m. OES past matrons,
Mrs. Elsie Dunn was guest
speaker at a meeting of the
Young Mothers'Study Club Tues
day evening at the home of Mrs.
Rupert zanon. Her suDject was,
"Know Your Public Health De
Mrs. w. Li. Peterson was nost-
ess for the evening, assisted by
Mrs. Phll Coyner. Mrs. Elmer Ju
dy, club president, conducted the
business meeting.
A square ddnce will be held at
the Eastern Star- Grange Hall
Friday night, starting at 8:30. All
square dancers will be welcome
to attend, it was announced oy
the sponsors. There will be a re
freshment period following the
dancing, and women are to take
cup cakes. The committee in
charge will prepare coffee.
The Eastern Star Grange will
hold a benefit dance for the March
of Dimes, Saturday night, Feb.
16, at the Grange Hall. Dancing
will start at 9 p. m., with western
music by the Crooked River Ram
blers. .
Amoue Circle, missionary sew
ing group, will meet Friday, Feb.
15, at 7:30 p. m. at the homo of
Mrs. George Stadsklev, 325 Hunt
er Place. Mrs. Leonard Van Leu-
ven will lead the devotions serv
ice. ,.
Rotary Anns will meet Monday,
Feb. 18, at 8 p.m. at the home of
Mrs. Clark A. Price, 452 E. Gree
ley. Plans will be made for enter
taining Rotary wives who will be
here in April for the Rotary con
vention. ns
Always "tops" at a hair
Ionic, Kreml now comet to
you in a handsome new
bottle streamlined to fit
any medicine cabinet
and at the lowest price in
Kreml history. Enjoy the
many benefits of Kreml and
lave money loo.
KBfflL Mil IKK
"f Get Valentine Candy
The quickest answer to this
problem Is to stop In and
tnt a copy of the exciting
new edition of Kodak'n
book of the same mime.
There are 224 pages packed
with practical, easy-tit-rrnil
Information . . . hundreds
of illustrations. Including 82
pages in full color. A real
buy for only $1.
Beta Sigma Phi
Records Skits
Members of XI chapter, Beta
Sigma Phi sorority, recorded five
minute skits, at their meeting
last night at the home of .Mrs.
Fred E. Meyers. The recordings
were made In connection with
voice and expression lessons in
eluded in the sorority study pro
gram. Mrs. iron riauigan was in
Plans were made for participa
tion in the annual fund-raising
drive of the American Cancer So
ciety. The cancer program is the
national and international proj
ect of Beta Sigma Phi. The local
chapter also contributes toother
major drives throughout the year.
Final plans for the spring ini
tiation banquet will be made at
the next meeting, to be held Feb.
27 at the home of Mrs. Frank
Prince Jr.
Evening of Fun
In Store Tonight
An outstanding program is
promised by wives of Lions Club
officers, who have made arrange
ments for the annual semi-formal
valentine "sweetheart" party, to'
be held tonight at the Pilot Butte
Inn. Details are being kept secret,
but an evening of good fuhiis in
store, according to those in
Festivities will start at 7
o'clock, with dinner to be served
at 7:30. After the dinner, there
will be group participation fea
tures, and prizes are to be given.
Lions Club couples who have
not obtained their tickets may do
so tonight in the hotel lobby, it
was announced.
Redmond DAR Has
Social Afternoon'
REDMOND, Feb. 14 Mrs. J. R.
Fnhrts was hostess for Des
chutes chapter of Daughters of
lue 4mencan Revolution at a 2
o'clock dessert Monday afternoon.
Mrs. Alda McMickle reported
on conservation, and Mrs. Rob
erts made the report on national
defense. Discussed also was the
DAR student loan fund and the
citizenship award.
Mrs. Nina Elliott, regent of
Deschutes chapter, and Mrs. Rob
erts will attend the slate confer
ence in Eugene March 16-18, as
representatives of the Redmond
Evelyn Varncy Circle, First
Baptist Church, will meet Tues
day, Feb. 19, at 8 p. m. at the
home of Mrs. James Ferguson,
424 E. Franklin. Mrs. Phil J.
Chlopek will have charge of the
program, and Mrs. Orville Cooley
will lead the devotions service.
Pine Forest Grange will spon
sor a card party Friday night at
8 o'clock, at the home of Mrs.
Bessie Welshons, 515 Federal.
Gwf i
J wMthl 1
OtaHfc mML today!
Reliant Camera
One loading with a roll of
Kodachrome Film ($3.75 inc.
processing) makes 20-30 full
color scenes. The "Reliant" it
an "economy" movie maker
with luxury features. With
f2.7 lens, $79 here. Pricet
include Federal Tax.
oiioin TOt:R BOOHED
"The King's Choralaire Choir"
of the Salem Christian- Academy
will be in the Central Oregon area
for appearances on March -14, 15
and 16, under auspices of the Bend
Redmond Christian Elementary
School, it was announced today. The
choir sang here fwo years ago, and
was so well received that a return
engagement was requested.
Women to Plan
Prayer Service
Women of Bend churches arc be
ing invited to meet Monday, Feb.
18. at 2 p.m. at Fiist Presbyterian
Church, to make plans for World
Day of Prayer.
First Presbyterian will be the
host church this year for the an
nual prayer day observance, which
will be held Feb. 29. "Christ Our
Hope" will theme the program,
which has been prepared by the
General Department of United
Church Women of the National
Council of Churches of Christ in
the United States of, America.
OES Past Matrons will meet
Saturday, Feb. 16, for a 1:30 des
sert luncheon at the Masonic
Temple. Mrs. Clifford Rasmussen
of the Bend Garden Club will be
guest speaker, and will give in
structions for making corsages.
Mrs. Frank H. Loggan and Mrs.
W. A. Hunnell will be hostesses.
All Eastern Star past matrons,
of the local chapter or others,
will be welcome to attend, it was
Trinity Episcopal Couples Club
will meet Friday at 8 p.m. in
Brooks Memorial Hall. Episcopal
couples from Ihe Burns church will
be guests, and Don Blanding will
be guest speaker.
Bend Study Club will meet for
luncheon Monday, Feb. 18, at 1
p.m. in the Pilot Butte Inn dining
room, with Mrs. Loyde Blakley
as hostess. Mrs." Jack Halbrook
will have charge of the program.
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