THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 1951 THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON PAGE NINE Properties Change Hands; News of Tumalo Reported Tumalo, Jan. 4 Mr. and Mm. C. I. Dunlap void their ranch last week to Mr. and Mr. Ol'vel Mc Dowell and son, of Ontario und .this week they are mpvlng to the Hoy Clurk place In Tumulo. Clark is now ut Idanhu where he Is op erating a service station and Mis. Clark is moving to that town as soon as she can mukc the neces sary arrangements. The Frank Charleston home ' was the scene of a wutch party Sunday evening when members of the lllllcum Study club and their husbands held their annual AT STIPE'S -ALL NEW AC. STIPE Furniture Co. 821 WALL The Only Stipe Furniture Store In Central Oregon. New Year's eve party there. Mr. and Mrs. p. . O, Stanton were dinner guests ' New Yeur'i) day ut the Ji A. Scoggln hpme, Christmas day the Stantons were guests ut tho Chas. Covey home In Powell Butte. During the day they enjoyed a couple of plane rides over the surrounding, coun try, Covey taking them up in hJs private plane. Mis. Stanton and Covey are cousins. ; Mr. und Mrs.' Ed Turner and four children spent the Christmas holidays with hor parents, Mr, and Mrs. E. P. Land, Sedgwick, Colo. The fumlly rtjade the trip by uutomobilo und returned to Tumulo )as( Saturday. ; Mr. and1 Mrs. l. A. Scoggln and son, Kayet, spent Christmas at the Omer Harris ranch home near Prlneville, where a family gathering waif held. Mr." and Mr.f. Fred Shepard planned to go to Salem Wednes day for the funeral of his brother, Robert J. Shepard, who died Sat urday In an Albany hospital. Mrs. Nel Davis is convalescing at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Putnam following a week's illness which hospital ized her several days. Visitors to see Mrs. Davis New Year's day included Mr. and Mrs. Willard Kurtz and children, Miriam Ann and Roger, Mrs. Fred Shepard and Mrs. Robert Petersen. James Long left Sunday for Portland, where he was to attend a New Year's eve party and also was to take an examination in the service this week. Tom Sandwick left last week for a visit In Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Shepard' moved to Bend this week from Prlneville. Women attending Tumalo grange Friday evening, January 5, are to take sandwiches, It was announced. Mr. and Mrs. John Wright of Glen Vista left before Christmas for Redding, Calif, where they are visiting their daughter and her family. The Wrights expect to be gone for six weeks. ' Visiting at the Harold Patlln son home for a week over Christ mas, were Mr. and Mrs. Weath-' erford and son, of Portland. Guests ut the Pattinson hpme for Christmas dinner besides their house guests, were the following: Mr; and Mrs. B. A, Chaney, Mr. and Mrs. John Klndrick., Mr. and Mrs Chet Fullerton and son, Billy, and Mr, and' Mrs. Leonard Durudson, Jr. Purward Grubb is at his home recovering from an attack of rheumatic fever, which he suf; ferod four weeks ago. He will be bedfast for some time yet. Christ mas day, Mr. and Mrs. Don Grubb and baby and James Cook, of Chemult, were dinner guests at the Grubb homo. . . Clay Shepard, accompanied by Andy Sandwick, left New Year's day for the valley following their visits here over the holidays with their respective parents., Anltra Sandwick left by bus for La Grande Monday evening. Another square dance 'will be held at the Tumalo grange hall Saturday evening with Wes Wel come calling. . Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gurnsey and sons, Dick, Gary . and Ronnie spent' the Christmas week-end at Woodburn at the homes of Mrs. Gurnsey's two sisters, Mrs. George Langel and Mrs. Don Bowers, and their families. New Year's week-end the Langel fam ily visited here at the Gurnsey home. Also here for New Year's from Fort Hueneme, Calif, were Leon Langel, seaman first class, and his wife. Mr. and Mrs. William Malone spent Christmas week in Portland m mm . . , Oregonians have relied. , on FIRST NATIONAL for every banking service -j - HOME IMPROVE MINT LOANS LIbfral repayment program. No morlgagt required. HOME MORTGAGE LOANS Up-to-tht-minute Information on Gl, FHA, regular mortgage loani, PERSONAL LOANS Convenient termi, repay out ol ' Income. Prompt service. AUTO LOANS Aik your auto dealer, or oppty at ony Pint Notional banking office. CHECKING Regular Checking Account! or the popular Low Coit Check plan. Nome and addreii im printed free on regular per tonal chick. SAVINGS Now laml'iS up to and In cluding (10,000.00, t ov.f ' $10,000.00. TRUST AND INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT SERVICES Aik any officer of this bank for d.falli. SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES Valuable. ..and Important pa port proffered for liftl. mora than o ptnny a da. MONEY ORDERS TRAVELERS CHEQUES AIITyptuof Business and Commercial Loans OPEN 10 to '3 INCWDINO SATUHDAV FIRST NATIONAL DANK of Portland DECEMBER 30, 1950 Momb.r Federal Dapoilt Insurance Corporation RESOURCES Cath In vault and In fodoral teierve Bank.. $ 6S,60,91B.2 . . -Mttom -BanlU ..... 44,1 1,363.64 Total Cath Unllod Slalot Gov.rnm.nt Obligation., Direct and fully' fcuoronloed . ....... Stale, County and Municipal tend, ojnd Warrant. .' it ' . Other Bond, and tecurllle. a Slock In federal tet.rv Bank..,........u ' Loan, dnd Dlscouhli .t Accrued Intern! Receivable. . . . . ........ .'.v Bank Premiiet, furniture and Plulur.i and Safe Deposit Vault............. Other ieal Estate owned .1 Customers' liability on Accounts of tetter. , of Credit, Acceptance, and Endorsed lllls.' Other Resource. a TOTAl RESOURCES.. ............ LIABILITIES Copltal Surplus ;' Undivided Profits..;. Total Capital fund.., $110,921,412.56 m, 14070.31 46,634,169.35 4,101,616.06 730,000.00 241,624,159.75 2,176,340.02 S,69J,1 01.40 : s.oo 5,131,919.71 . 556,478.1 3 ..$ 7,500,000.00 .. 17,500,000.00 .. 9,911,667.91 $ 34,911,667.91 1, 203.331. 3 525,335,111.60 5,131,989.71 2,107,192.00 1,699,933.47 270,970,50 Reserve for passible toon This reserve It to apply against any toon losso. that nay develop In the fwler.i It has not been. ' allocated to any partlcuKr loon, or type of , loan.. (Established front earnings Janu ary 1, 1949, through Dtconber 30, 1950.) lDo""d - ' 37I,396,404.J DEPOSITS j,,,, TIM.,. 146,933,706.1 liability for UHert of Credit and as Acceptor Endorser or Maker of Acceptance, and foreign Sills Interest Received In Advance ... - Reserve for Interest, Tgx.s, Etc. , ... , Other llab'llltle. : . , ' TOTAL IIARIUTIES $570,746,196.31 In addition to Its 46 Btat.-wlde banking office, 15 affiliated banks with 18 offices are jnembars of the First National Bank Group , DEPOSITS The first National Sank of Portland and 46 Office $525,335,111.60 IS other Oregon tanking Offices In the first Notional Group 121,105,334.25 $647,140,445.85 LOANS AND DISCOUNTS . The first Nollonol Sank ol Portland ond 46 Office. .-. $241 ,624,1 59.75 jt,Tvv,QJ.' $273,533,425.22 $370,746,196.51 129.839,057.10 IS other Oregon tanking Offlcei In the Pint National Group' TOTAL RESOURCES The first National tank of Portland and 46 Offices. It other Oregon Banking Offices In the Pint National Oroup TOTAL RBSOURCIS of tho 64 BANKING OfflCIS hi the fIRST NATIONAL OROUP. $700,585,253.61 "UTS BUflO OREGON TOGETHER" FIRST NATIONAL DANK Or PORTLAND L-J THESE ARE THE 64 BANKING OrflCIS IN THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK GROUP The Pint Nation.! Itlr, of Portland mud If 46 .lafo-wMo bankfnf office, and IS Hated bank, with II office. Portland Offctt Main Office last Perftend Branch - Hellyweed-Reso City I Industrial Branch i Uvostosb-Konten Braneh Montavtlla Branch Union and Ruil.ll Blanch . Branch s Out of Port lint ALBANY BRANCH ASHLANB BRANCH ASTORIA BRANCH BIND BRANCH CENTRAL POINT BRANCH . CONDON BRANCH COOt BAY BRANCH .." ; COQUIllI BRANCH . -INTIRPRIII BRANCH ' fOSIIL BRANCH ORANTI PAIS IRANCH .'. ORISHAM BRANCH , , HIPPNIR BRANCH HILISBOIO BRANCH HOOD RIVIR BRANCH KLAMATH PALLS 1 Klaneth Pell. Brain South tilth Ureal Bromh UORANOI BRANCH LAKIVIIW BRANCH MIDPORD BRANCH . . MIRRIIL BRANCH MOIALU BRANCH ' NfWBIRS BRANCH NORTH BIND BRANCH ' NYltA BRANCH OAKBIDOI BRANCH ' OKI SON CITY-BRANCH . NNDIRTON BRANCH SALIM BRANCH ' SHERMAN COUNTY BRANCH STAYTON BRANCH THI DAllll BRANCH ' , ' TILLAMOOK BRANCH ' UNION BRANCH WOODBURN BRANCH ririfiVfHonfllltiik (Vwp BMRfCeuMy Btate Bonp the lint Notional Bonk f Cettoff. Orv. Th. First Notional Bonk of BugMO West luftn. Branch lerlngfl.ld Branch llprlniri.ldl Th. Pint Netlenel Bank of ' Penit Oreve ThePlrttNetlenolBenkofLAanen Menree Slot. Bonk . Bonk (Perllondl Sret. Bonk of Melhaur Ceenty fOnteriel The Pint National Bank ol Prlneville . ttle tret Beak ' Clone. County Bonk fSMttd.) CmIMk end MrCleln. (UlmMl Somi ef orweet Heme visiting at the home of his sister and brotliei-ln-luw. Carol Wilcox celebrated her eleventh birthday anniversary Sunday arterooon witn a party at her home. ' Mrs. Darlle Johns of, Stanfield who, with her husband and three children spent the Christmas hol idays here at 'the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe C. Hen ry, was a patient ut the SI. Charl es hospital for several duys last week, Shirley Porter will return to The Dalles next Sunday to re sume her studies at the academy In that city, following her vaca tion spent with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Porter. While home, Shirley underwent a ton sillectomy. : ; Saturday, a number of Tumalo people went to Hampton to at tend ' the Holsteln " sale. Among those making the t,rlp there were the following: Mr. 'and Mrs. R. J. Gllllsple, E. W. Putnam, Nell Da vis, Dei uavis, uene Davis, c. m. Barnum, Fayet Scoggln and Mr, Jones. - The - Charles Porter family spent Christmas day In Bend at a family gathering. Word has been received here of the death of J; M. Brenchley at Buffalo, N.Y., on December 7. Brenchley, who formerly .owned and operated a ranch here, . has been living In New York state for several years since selling out here. He was visiting a daughter at the time of his death, which was brought on by pneumonia. A, Magnuson Plans Authority Bill Washington, Jan. 4 IIB Sen. Warren G. Magnuson, D Wash., suid today he plans to reintroduce in the new congress a bill to au thorize a Columbia valley admin istration. He said he Is considering "some suggested changes" in the contro versial measure. He did not dis close them. , , Tho CVA bill before the jast congress called for appointment by the president of a single-agency development of Columbia ba sin water resfiurces. "Th'j bill will be Introduced again," Magnuson said, "but with the understanding that no action will be taken by the committee on public works until full public hearings have been held in the Held." ' Such hearings were planned tentatively lust year, but were cancelled when congress returned for a post-election session to con sider emergency legislation relat ed to Korea. son, Carl, lives at Prlneville Junction and another son, Dean, lives at Cloverdale. Use classified ads In TJie Bulletin for quick results. STAUN MEANS STEEL?? New Yprk (IB Three tons of steel were poured in the United States In 1950 for every pne pour ed In Russia and her satellites, trade statistics revealed. The non communist world, as a whole, poured five ton for each one turned out in the Russian sphere. INVESTIGATE O Our Selection O Our Prices O Our Service O Our Terms A. C. STIPE Furniture Co. 821 WALL The Only Stipe Furniture store in central Oregon. $1.00 SPECIALS 00 SPECIALS Shurfine Shortening ........ 3 lbs. 1.00 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED GERBEE'S Strained or Chopped Baby Food ... 12 cans 1.00 DODGE iVz Size v Peaches...... 3 cans 1.00 LIBBY 2 Yi Size Sliced Pineapple ... . 3 cans 1.00 DENNISON'S Vft Size V- . t " - Pork & Beans. . 6 cans 1.00 JOAN OF ARC 800 Size Kidney Beans. 10 cans 1.00 MILL RACE EXTRA STANDARD No. 2 String Beans . . 6 cans 1.00 DUNDEE 303 Size '. ' Cream Corn. . . 8 cans 1.00 Pet Milk..; 8 tails can 1.00 CHIFFON Tissue . . ... 8 rolls 1.00 TASTEWELL Margarine. ... . 3 lbs. 1.00 All 5c Candy Bars 6 for 25c box of 24 1.00 DEL MONTE 803 Size PEAS 5 cans 1.00 ' SHURFINE FLOUR 10 lbs. .25 Km. ; -. - 80 lbs. V 85c vl.89 m69 Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Back. JONATHAN APPLES . . .;. . box 1.49 DRY ONIONS......... . 3 lbs. 10c POTATOES . . . . . . ... 10 lbs. 25c , 25 lbs. 59c THIN SKINNED JUICE ORANGES. ......... lb. 12c SOLID, CRISP CABBAGE lb. 5c EMPEROR GRAPES . . . . . . 2 lbs. 25c rs ukwi DUZ Fife- e OXYDOl PkK. TIDE Lsre. PIck. 32c MEAT SPECIALS ' ALL MEATS U.S. INSPECTED and GRADED CORNED PORK . . . lb. 43c LOCAL COLORED Fryers . . . ...... lb. 49c COLORED ' Roasting Hens .... lb. 49c BEEF ','"''" Short Ribs.. lb. 35c LOIN Lamb. Chops ...... lb. 89c LIGHT ' Spare Ribs ....... lb. 57c NICE, LEAN . . Hamburger. ...... lb. 39c If you want the best meats at the lowest priecc. V shop at The Congress Market. ', CONGRESS FOOD MARKET 210 Congresf ; ' Two Deliveries Daily, 10:80 tun, 2:80 pjn Plwill 340 Of 177 The MARKETERIA SPECIALS Fri. and Sat., Jan. 5 and 6 JELL-0 All. Flavors 3 for 23c LYNDEN'S DINTY MOORE Beef Stew. . . can 53c H. H. Sauerkraut. .. can 15c HEINZ Baby Food, 3 cans 23c Turkey and Noodles. . 29c Stidd's Tamales . . . can 21c PICKLES Midget Sweets. . .. jar 25c ... - ,(..-... No. 2 CAN Blackberries ..... 28c OVERLOOK ; . Peas ........ can 15c FOUNTAIN Corn ....... can 15c Olympia STUBBIES 2.98 . CASE Plus Deposit NESTLE'S Instant Cocoa ....... 25c OTTERBROOK Green Beans ... .. can 16c 48 OZ. TALL Orange Juice . . . . can 46c CIGARETTES 1.49 Carton 3 LB. PKO. Albers Oats..... 38c LARGE ' White King., pkg. 29c LARGE '" Oxydol ..... pkg.' 29c IJ I J I II I "BtNrfli f iu l ii&-fsflCo: Sliced Bacon . .... lb. 43c Spare Ribs ....... lb. 49c WHILE THEY LAST Skinless Wieners . . . lb. 49c Link Sausage ... . . lb. 49c rifjp Turnips . . . ... . 2 bun. 19c LARGE CRISP HEADS' Lettuce ........ 2 for 25c Tube Tomatoes . . . . . 23c Delicious Apples, box 1.59 OPEN 8 A. M. TO 6 P. M. The 1854 No. First Phone 776 FREE DELIVERY