K V MONDAY. NOVEMBER 20, 195Q THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON PAGE SEVEN To BuyTo SellrUse Bulletin Classified Rates LOCAL PAID IN ADVANCE 8-Point Typo 25 Words One Time 50c 25 Words Three Times ...-S1.35 25 Words Six Times ........$2J50 AU troraa over ti add 2c per word tiaaes nnahtl of Insertisns. On Month ran, ut copy, H day rata Minimum charge, 50c I.lno Kate 10c - - Capitala JOc Readers 15c Una, minimum COc Chains lime claaaif lads, 11 a.m. Display Advertislne; Closhtr time, B p.m. previous day. Una half pass or isrrer. a p.m. aeeand day previous to publication. Ona month run, earns espy, day rata. For Sale Heal Estate . HOLLIDAY REALTY " REALTORS . Price $7900.00 3 bedroom house, dinette, guest house, outside fireplace, garage, concrete driveway. 1 acre. Price $5500.00 . 3 bedroom modern house, close to grade school. 95 GI loan or will sell on contract. Price $2100.00 1 bedroom modern house, close in, newly painted, ample storage. DON'T DELAY, SEE HOLLIDAY 1050 Bond Street ' Bend, Oregon , Phone 1950 or 1189-J, Res. FRED SPIVEY, SALESMAN ANNE FORBES, REALTOR 36 Oregon , Phone 36-W EXCELLENT location, 4 bed rooms, large living room. Oil fur nace. $13,650, $5000 down, $90 month. NEAR Kenwood school, 4 bed rooms, 2 lots, $7000. $1500 down. NEW cozy 2 bedroom, electric range wiring, utility room. $4750. Will trade for 3 bedroom home. 2 BEDROOMS, double garage. Bargain for $5000. Will trade equity of $2200 for payment on 40 acres or smaller. MIDSTATE REALTY CO. C. J. Lindh and D. H. Peoples . . 1037 Wall Street Phone 495 FINISHED SOON: 3 bedrooms, large living room, all ' oak floors, kitchen, utility room, fireplace, oil-pipe furnace, 16x20 garage, large lot. Located in a choice residential district. $11,200 Mr. GI: If you have $500 cash, you can move into a nearly-new 2 bed room home on large lot; loan is approved $4500.00, ready to close. GILBERT'S REAL ESTATE EDGE OF TOWN: 3 Bedroom modern, automatic heat, 2 lots dbl. garage. $5000.00 terms. 3 BEDROOM: Modern near school. Automatic heat, fireplace, dining room, etc. $6250.00 terms. CASH BARGAIN: 3 rooms & bath. Plastered, well arranged, clean. Paved street, $3150.00. 2 BEDROOM: Modern with din ing room, Features range wire ing, utility room, on city sewer, and has fireplace. $4500.00 cash. Gilbert's Real Estate 1015 Wall ' Phone 1946 ALL STATE REALTY LISTINGS NEEDED Buy this and retire. 2 mod. homes on one lot. $90.00 per mo. income, only $6500. Yes $2500 down. Handyman Special 3 B.R. Mod. E. Side close in. $3500 and only oOU dn. 2 B. R. Mod. on 4 lots E. Side $595.00 Terms. 2 B. R. Mod. on Georgia. Close in. $3950 Terms. FARMS Cloverdale, 120 A. 65 A. Wtr. 30 A. all. Good tractor plus equip, fair house & out bides, on the pavement. $12,600 $4500 down. . This office will be closed Thurs day through Sunday. A RARE OPPORTUNITY TO OWN THIS BEAUTIFUL HOME IN BEND It is our privilege to offer for sale this lovely home containing two master bedrooms. Large living room and unique fireplace. Two baths. Dining room, kitchen. Guest cottage. Made of finest ma terials and workmanship. Latest mechanical devices for efficiency anil comfort. Facing West on sev eral beautifully landscaped lots with a panoramic view ot1 the Cascade Mountains. HI-WAY REAL ESTATE 228 East 3rd. Phone 869-J MOUNTAIN STOCK RANCH: 200 acre deeded land. 90 head gov ernment permit range. Also other out ranee, o room modern house, furnished. 3 car garage, 2 barns and outbuildings, and all farm equipment. Total price SW.OOO. $16,000 down. Balanre terms. For Information write Box 237, Pros- ect, Oregon. MAKE DOWN PAYMENT like rent. 2 bedroom modern home. For sale or will lease wi'h option to buy. $5200. Will GI. Ph. 1533J BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY: Un-1 ion Oil Co. has station for ease in Salem. Equipment and mer - chanriise at cost. Owner leaving Oregon reason for selling. Phone Salem 3-7676. For Sale Real Estate REAL ESTATE contract on Bend property, $3,450.00. Interest 6, payable $50.00 month. Some dis count Contact Chas. Antllla, Box 14, Grays River, Wash. FOUR room house, semi - mo dern, furnished except stoves, electric tank, shower, garage, woodshed. West side. $2100.00. Small down payment, easy terms. 855 Ogden Ave. CENTRAL OREGON'S MOST BEAUTIFUL RESORT CENTER. SEE MR. RUSSELL PERSON ALLY FOR DETAILS AND PRICE. LARGE IRRIGATED RANCH EXCEPTIONALLY LOVELY HOME. FULLY EQUIPPED, JUST RIGHT DISTANCE FROM BEND FOR BUSINESSMAN OP ERATOR $45,000. HI-WAY REAL ESTATE 228 EAST 3RD STREET ENJOY YOUR OWN FIRE PLACE in modern home nestled among pines and juniper, on quiet and peaceful 3 acres just outside city limits. 3 A water, garden, berries, fruit trees, and nursery stock. Spacious living room, fireplace, master bedroom with hard wood floors, 2 bed rooms on 2nd floor, modern elec tric kitchen, bath, shower and tub. Furnace heat, 1 guest cabin or utility. Price $9975.00 Terms to reliable party. SACRIFICE ON PAVED STREET A white picket fenced little cot tage immaculate inside & out. Completely furnished, with elec. kitchen & modern bath. Garden spot, nice lawn, good 'garage with work shop, must see to ap preciate, elderly owner must leave. Price $4200. A REAL OPPORTUNITY ' ' ':. An out of state elderly lady wish es to sell a 6 room house with separate $30.00 per month rental, which will help pay off loan. Price $5250.00. GET QUICK CASH FOR YOUR rKUftiKii. we have local and out of town buyers for 2 & 3 bedroom homes, ranches and ln- come property. LIST NOW. . E. M. Bucknum Realtor & Insurance ' 1029 Brooks' street Phone 331 Near Chamber of Commerce After hours phone 1472J -C. D. PIERCE MIDSTATE REALTY CO. C. J. Lindh and D. H. Peoples :i037 Wall Street Phone 495 " WE'VE SOLD nearly all our.mer chandise and are in need of list ings on good 3 bedroom homes and good farms. Fuel FOR FUEL -PHONE 444 Standard heating oils. Lump, nut, stoker, coal. Petroleum coke, Presto-Logs. BEND STORAGE & TRANSFER 222 Irving Ave. 2 CORD 16" gr. slab, $14; 2 cord 16" dry slab, $19, delivered in Bend. (You haul from yard, $5 per cord.) Central Oregon Fuel Co., phone 201-W. 936 A St., Red mond, Ore, For Sale Farm Products NO. 1 POTATOES $2.25 sack, Will deliver. H. F. Crosswhlte, Rt. 3. Box 168. Neff Road, north side Pilot Bytte, Phone 2102-W-l- FOR SALE OR TRADE: Fresh and springer Guernsey and Hoi stein milk cows. Ph. 285-Z or see Arnold Amen, 1 mile north of Redmond on Hl-way 97. U. S. No. 1 potatoes, $2.25 per sack. For spuds that don't cook up call 30-F-4, or see Fred Sacht Jcn, RL 1, Box 22. CONSIGN YOUR LIVESTOCK to Central Oregon Auction for the highest prices. Sale everv Thursday. Ben R. Smith, Mgr., phone 33-K-8. COMMERCIAL POTATOES Net ted Gems, about 90' No. 1 s. $1.25 plus sacks or will exchange sacks. Also 5 white ducks. Phone 201 9J3. 18 NICE FEEDER PIGS. J. W. Grammer, Redmond, Rt. 1, Phone 283J, Redmond. HAVE MILK COWS for sale, Guernsey and Jersey. Have two yearling bulls, one Hereford and one Guernsey. L. W. Svensen, Rt. 1, Box 314. Phone 13F33. GOOD POTATOES, $1.50 sack. Will deliver. W. G. Burleigh. Rt. 1, Box 24. Phone 30F13. For Sale Miscellaneous RIFLE AMMUNITION for 31 and 25 cal. Jap guns, complete line of Rifle and shot gun shells. Gun Store in Prineville TRICYCLES New shipment, all sizes. Lowest prices. CARL AUSTIN Bond & Greenwood BALDWIN ACRO. SPINET Today's great piano. Benson Piano Co. Direct Factory Representative -1 106 Minnesota Phone 1087 J FOR SALE on December 31 Bur 1 roughs Posting Machine complete with ledger trays stands and ' transfer files. The Miller Lumber ' Company. For Sale Miscellaneous DISTINCTIVE RELIGIOUS SUPPLIES Would you like to know where to find Christian literature, Bi bles, Sacred Records, Plaques and Church Supplies? We have a lovely assortment of Scripture text Christmas Cards also. Stop and see us. CHRISTIAN SUPPLY CENTER 106 Minnesota Ave. : Phone 1087-J BRAMBACH Baby Grand piano. Nice condition. Priced reasonably with easy payments. Phone Mrs. Kissenbeck at Pilot Butte Inn. WHEN buying or selling furni ture, see Cliff. Phone 2060. CLIFF'S, 350 Division. RADIO TUBES Complete stock r-nuco and other nationally known brands. Tubes tested. Bend Furniture Co. - OIL HEATER: 5-room size. With tank and fittings. Phone 738-R. SIAMESE KITTENS. Only two five-month old kittens left. No more before Christmas. Phone 1336W. 37 Hastings. DOUBJJ3 DECK COIL SPRINGS like new, less than half price. Bird cage and stand $2.50. Round oak table $4.00. Oil circulators $19.50 to $39.50. Kitchen tables $2.50 to $3.50. Chairs $1.50 to $2.50. Tricycle, sled, 39" ' coil springs $7.50. Radio $6.50. Hall tree 52.U0. Desk, dresser, vanity, hot water tanks, brass bound fire place screen. Dinette table with 3 matching chairs $17.50. New rakes $1.00 each. Show cases, choice $20.00. Cliff's, 350 Division St, Phone 2060. FACTORY BUILT Trailer House, sleeps 4. Bob's Mobile Service Sta tion, on South Highway. '- BEND FURNITURE ' " COMPANY ; BARGAIN HOUSE Phone 2123 No. 2 Kearney Ave. PLENTY OF PARKING - SPACE Oil heaters In good condition. $19.50 up. Wood heaters, electric, coal, wood, and oil ranges. All good buys. We have several dining room sets, 5, 7, and 8 piece. Bedroom furniture, in good con dition. Beds, springs and mat- troeooe Brighten your? ;home( w4th;,srjm. of tne odd-sized rugs we nave on slock. They're beautiful and inexpensive. One General Electric refrigera tor. A bargain. BEND FURNITURE BARGAIN HOUSE No. 1 Kearney ' Lots of Parking Space KELVINATOR DeLuxe Elec. range $195.00 3 yr. old, old elec. range good cond. $20.00, Walnut dining table 4 chairs $35.00. high chair $3.00, daveno $2.00, Blonde Bedroom set Springs & mattress $110.00. Breakfast set, table, 2 chairs $12.50. 362 E. Clay Phone 1583J BUNGALOW COT & mattress, double bed springs & mattress, gas range & water heater. 223 St. Helens, Phone 1716VV. USED WASHERS. $10.00 and up. Maytag Appliance Store, 1033 Brooks. Phone 274. ONE 2 inch Brodie meter with air eliminator & one Smith meter. 2 inch, with !r pim'-i. tor. $200.00 for both. Phone 123X, Redmond. For Sale Used Cars 1937 PLYMOUTH 4 door sedan. Good rubber, fair motor. Can be seen at Hill's Auto Shop, 202 Greenwood. WARD MOTOR CO. USED CARS 1. 1947 CHEV. 5 pass. Radio, heater, sun visor, new seat cov ers. Very good condition throughout. Ready for winter. Total price r....$1050 2. 1946 DODGE Sedan. Well equipped, new winward green paint. Ready for winter .. $950 3. 1940 FORD Sedan. Reasonable. Good economical transporta tion - '. : $295 1938 CHEV. iy Cpe. A little dnn- : $225 1937 FORD Sedan. Not much good - $-15 . 1935 DODGE Panel. A good rig - e i..;...:... $95 GUARANTEED WARD MOTOR CO. Your Pontlac and GMC Dealer Bond & Oregon EQUITY in 1947 Ford 2 door se dan. Perfect condition. Leaving for service, must sacrifice. Call after 6 p.m.. 821 Division. 1946 FORD 4 door, good mechan ical condition, pood shape inside and out. Price 5995. Can be seen 219 Franklin, after 5 p.m. FOR SALE: Special 60 Fleetwood Cadillac. U. S. Royal master tires. Must sell at once. Phone 1199. For Sale Used Cars '46 OLDS sedan. Hydramatic, ra dio, heater, spots, other extras, $1125. Will take older car in trade up to $350. 1337 Albany. 1941 STUDEBAKER udor sedan. Heater, overdrive, good rubber & good shape mechanically. $525. Phone 322-W. 1930 MODEL A Ford. Runs good. 16-inch wheels with good ruober. $95.00. Phone 1610-J or see at 535 Federal. For Kent 2 BEDROOM furnished house for winter months. Adults only. 627 Ogden. Phone 1866-J. ALMOST NEW: 2 bedroom home. Located just off E. 8th on Penn St. Ph. 1335-W. MODERN one bedroom unfurn ished home. Write co Bend Bul letin. Box 4315. FURNISHED Apts. one or two bedroom steam heated apart ments completely furnished. Gar ages, electric ranges, refrigera tion. $17.50 to $20 weekly. South City Limits Motel. FURNISHED apartment, includ ing - electricity, heat, gas, tele Dhone and car parkins space. $18- $24 week. L Rancho Motor Ho tel. Redmond. FURNISHED sleeping rooms with private bath. Steam heat & telephone, $12 - $16 per week. L Rancho Motor Hotel, Redmond. MODERN one bedroom house with garage. Completely fur nished. No children or pets. 1145 Federal. 2 ROOM modern cabin, furnished. $30 month. Lights & water fur nished. 1564 Division. Phone 793-R. 2 ROOM modern furnished apt. Gas equipped. Close in. Inquire 443 Broadway after 4 p.m. 5 ROOM modem 21-F-4 or 668. house. Call FURNISHED apts., 1 & 2 bed room, electric kitchens Central heating system. $18 to $23 weekly. Also furnished rooms. Casa Grande Motel. 2 BEDROOM modern house. Hardwood floors, oil furnace, garage. On bus line. No children or pets. Preferably working cou ple. Phone 1123-W. Corner 3rd & Norton. 3 ROOM furnished modern apt. Suitable for 2 adults. No objection to small baby. Oil heat. Refrigera tion. Corner 9th & Newport. 1415 W. 9th. (lV 2 BEDROOM duplex unfur nished, $60 Adults only;. (2) 2 bedroom home, furnished, close in, $60. (3) 3 rooms unfurnished, $60. Adults or 1 small child. Anne Forbes, Realtor, 36 Oregon Phone 36-W. 3 ROOM furnished front apart ment. Nicely furnished, steam heat. Refrigeration, utilities fur nished. No children or pels. 1309 East 3rd. Phone 1923R. AT 6 LAVA ROAD. Partly fur nished duplex. Inquire Bud Stipe, A. C. Stipe Furniture Co. 3 ROOM MODERN HOUSE. Oil heat, gas and refrigerator. 520',a Florida. Phone 1918J. Wanted GUNS WANTED All types cash or trade. Good prices. If you need cash, bring your GUN to Evans Fly Co. TO BUY: Holstein, Guernsey or Jersey milking cows. Fresh or to freshen soon. Must be good milk ers. Will buy one or a dozen for cash. Phone 1224. 1 OR 2 CHILDREN to care for In my home. Clean, modern.- Can give rcf. Well experienced. Phone 384-M. Address 1214 Union St. USED SADDLE & bridle in good condition. Under $30,000. Phone 261-L. FLAT RACK trucks capable of hauling 4 6 cord 8' wood. 3 1 trips a day 15 mile haul. Inquire 609 Hill St. , FACTORY BUILT house trailer, late model, at reasonable price. Call at Hills Repair Shop. 202 Greenwood. Ixist WILL the party who picked up the 2 straight claw hammers on the Century Drive al noon Thurs day kindly call 1675J. Reward. Services EXPERT Repairing: sewing ma chines, washing machines, refrig erators, ranges, vacuum cleaners, mixers, toasters, irons, peculat ors. ANDERSON SEWING MACHINE & APPLIANCE CENTER All New Domestics Carry a Lifetime Guarantee BILL'S TOWING SERVICE V. B. "BILL" ANDERSON Independent CARS AND TRUCKS 24-llr.'Korvic Phone 59-W or 216 W GENERAL Cat Work, leveling, filling, land clearing, basements dug, roads made. See Goodwin. 1559 Diviston or phone 420 or 1241-M. SAW FILING, gumming, ham mering, hand Raw welding. Sand er belts, hand saw blades, new handles hung in tools. Sexton Supply & Saw Service, 1195 Wall SU Classified Services WELL DRILLING, drain holes. Serving all of central Oregon. Call Bend 1914-W or write Lloyd Mathers, 855 E. 7th. HOUSE MOVING and raising; large or small. Estimates gladly given. Holman Transfer, 201 Irving, phone 987. WASHING MACHINE SERVICE and repairs on all makes. Phone 274. 1033 Brooks. FOR WELL and drain hole drill ing call Lee Grimes, Carroll Acres. Phone 2030-W or 1252-J. FURNITURE MOVING: d u s t proof padded van. We pack your china with care, hang your clothes in our wardrobe. Local and nation-wide moving and stor age. Holman Transfer, 201 Irv ing. Phone 987. SEPTIC TANKS cleaned, drain holes shot. Free estimates. Phone 1252-J or 2030-W. D. W. Grimes, 210 Davis, Bend. MOVING VAN SERVICE We specialize in the handling of fiousenoid uoods Storage -: Packing : Moving Local or Long Distance Aeent for Bekins Vanliners BEND STORAGE & TRANSFER CO. 222 Irving Ave. Phone 444 NOTICE OF SEASONAL DETERMINATIONS Notice Is hereby given that each of the employers listed be low has been determined to be a seasonal employer, within', the meaning of Section 126-70'i O.C.L.A. Any interested party may request a hearing befor the Commission within ten day. after the date of last Duhllcntinn of this notice. The "off-season" oi eacn seasonal employer is at stated below: East Lake Resort, 1-1-51 thru 5-12-51 & 9-30-51 thru 12-31-51; Paulina Lake Lodge, 1-1-51 thru 5-12-51 & 9-16-51 thru 12-31-51; Walker Range Pa- ' , trol Ass'n., 1-1-51 thru 5-12-51 & 10-14-51 thru 12-31-51. OREGON UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION C O M M I S S I O N. Dated and first published this 13th day of November, 1950. Date-of last publication 28th day of November, 1950. 288-289-290-291-292 293-294-295-296 2U7-298-299-300i PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Portland. Nov. 20 HI") Cattle salable 1500; active; steady; can nercutter cows slow with some bids weaker; high roedium-low good short fed steers 28-31; some held above 31.50;" Itlw rtiedrW steers 28-28.50; commons 24-26.50; few medium heifers 26.50-27; com mon beef heifers 22-26; cutler-low common dairy types heifers 18-22; cannercutter cows 1718; some held around 18.50; shells down ward to 14 or below: common medium beef cows 19-23.50; votinc cows to 24.50 or above; good beef bulls 25.50-26; ' common-medium sausage bulls 21-24.50. Calves salable 250; stock calves active; steady to strong; slauch ter calves slow; about steady; good light vealors 31-32: medium good 350500 lb. slock calves 28 31. Hogs salable 1150; slow; few sales 25 cents lower; some hidf off more; partial clearance 180 230 lbs. 20; some bids down tc 19.50 and below; good-choice 150 175 lbs. 19; good 350-510 lb. sows 16.5017.50; heavier weights 16; good-choice feeders quotable 22 23. Sheep salable 1100; active; steady; good-choice fed wooler lamhs 27.50; good lots 27; me diums down to 2fi; gootl feeder! above 26; good-choice 150 lb slaughter ewes lo 13.50, new high; other good ewes 12.501 3. PORTLAND MARKETS Portland, Nov. 20 'II'' Prices o' Grades AA ami A medium ant A small eggs were raised twt tents a dozen today on the Port land wholesale market with grades AA anil A and B large eggs advanced one cent a dozen. Butter quotations were steady to firm and unchanged. Butler Prices to retailers: Grade AA prints, 71c lb.; AA car tons. 72c; A grade prints, 71c; A cartons, 72c; B piints, 67c. fc.ct;.s Prices to rt'ta Hers: Grade AA large, 66c doz.; A large, fi-lc; AA medium. 60c; A medium. 859c; small, 43c; cartons. 2c ad ditinnal. Cheese Prices lo retailers: Oregon singles. ,')7'-12c lb.; Ore gon 5 lb. loaves, 43'4t-45c lb.; trip- lets, l'ac less than singles. Prem ium brands, singles, 52',i-53c; 5-lb. loaf, 54 'A -55c lb. C IVIL SI IT Ftl.KII Thomas II. Cork filed a civil suit against A. L. and Iris Chap tin in circuit court last Saturday. In his complaint the plaintiff re quests a judgment and decree from the court declaring that the defendants hold t it lo to property In Redmond In trust for plain'iff and commanding that the defend ants convey the property to Cork "Ht'n payment of the price paid!. tones, who for the past year has for the pro'ieny by the defend-; oiierated the business which she ants. purchased from Jelf Murry, has The properly in question in-1 announced the sale of her M. J. eludes the southeast quarter of; grocery business to Isolds Krcbs itie southwest qua iter of the t and Chick Rider, who have taken wmthupst quaitt'i of section 16, ; over the ojieralitin, The new own township 15 south, range 13. jers came to Madias from Carlin. . Nov.. where Rider was formerly On peat land In Finland trees ; in the grocery business. Both are are lying cut to mk way fori looking for homes lor their fam ngrieulttiral crops and the logs ilies, are drilled out from end to endj Miss .tones will remain with lo make wood jjipei for diatiiMge. I the biikine ior a time. . Ads Special Session Now Expected i To Delay Action By Lyle C. Wilson (United Press Surf Correspondent) Washington, Nov. 20 UH Ad ministration enthusiasm for the special session of congress con vening a week from today died with the general election returns. This one- already is tagged a 'do-nothing" session. Sen. Robert A. Taf t, R., 0 uttered the oppo sition verdict on It when he was asked what expects the special session to do. "Adjourn," Taft replied. Mr. Truman's fair employment practices bill will be the star :asualty of the 81st congress .vhieh will expire when the spe :lal session ends. The new 82nd. with considerable republican rein forcement, wil convene Jan. 3. Re publicans will prevent any slg- nuicant action until the reinforce ments arrive. FEPC was passed bv the house, !t was stymied In the senate by t filibuster and died when its friends were unable to vote a clo iure motion which would have itopped debate. Not Held Over favorable house action on FEPC will not hold over to the new congress. All pending legis lation dies when the congress con sidering it comes to an end. Other house-approved bills now in the senate calendar which will lie along with FEPC are those to idmit Hawaii and Alaska as States and to rescind the orders it the postmaster general to cur tail city mall deliveries as an sconomy measure. Another casualty will be the bill to repeal and reduce some war time manufacturers' excise taxes. This bill was speeding throuch pongress when the Korean war started. It was not long there after that all hope of tax reduc tions vanished and congress turn 3d to tax increases. The excise tax reduction had passed both houses and was due for last-minute review before final enact ment, when events caught up with It. It will be a long time before mother tax reduction bill gets much congressional attention. Little Action Expected Authority for a federal program for health' service tn schnnl chll- Ai'enUuis..passeil the senate and nwaits house action. There seems little chance of action In the spe cial session. - In the same fix Is a senate-approved project for construction grants lo medical colleges and for scholarships. The senaie also voted home rule for the District of Columbia, out the house never got around to it. One of the most controversial bills which almost made It but missed was to overrule the su preme court opinion which held that oil bearing tldclands belong ed to the federal government in stead of to the states wnose sea shores they composed. That one passed the senate and had been marked for early' house consid eration. Mr. Truman opposed that one. But he wanted -many of the bills which now must die. Until the returns came In he had been of a mind to cull congress back to meet today. But the returns con vinced him that he could not ex pect anything from this special session even if it were extended a week. - Unusual Bird (Continued from Page 1) have originated in western Wash ington. There were also cats of paper on the train, and these originate at Powell River, British Columbia, and are ferried across lo Vancouver, B.C. But, it is pointed out, there is no reason that an aquatic bird that lives on Alaskan islands should seek re fuge on an open lumber car. Product of .storm? The other possibility is that the bird was blown Into Bend-by the recent storm. Weathermen say that Aleutian born storms sweep out over the Pacific and over the Oregon coast in great cyclonic, counter-clockwise whirls. The bird, it Is pointed out, could have been swept from a rocky island roost by a fierce wind, carried out over the Pacific, then dropped In Bend as the storm circled '.n from the south. There are possibilities that other murrelets were blown into Oregon, and oilier finds should be reported, Bend residents' inter ested In bird lore stress. MADRAS STOIt K SOLD Madras. Nov. 20- Miss Martha ' " TiiH' IU 2I4V' II 101 isf Yes, Norge washes more thin txvict as many clothes in one loud! It is the only automatic washer with adequate Capacity fot the average (anuly's need, BILL'S ELECTRIC W. T. (Bill) MOURA 942 Hill Phone 656-J lltmtntrf Wdthdoiy DrurJgmyt Woh me Natoa Automatic Wnyl let Ui Otmonttnt USE BULLETIN WANT ADS FOR BEST RESULTS! Fiye Lose Lives In Accidents (By United Press) Five persons died as the re sult of. highway accidents In northwest Oregon during the week end. Portland recorded its 41st and 42nd fatalities when Harry K. Moore, 41, Portland, and Henry A. Smith, 34, also of "Portland, died of Injuries Sunday. wioore was crusneo unaer nts car when it overturned after leav ing the highway on Columbia boulevard. Smith died Sunday from injuries received in a two car crash Friday night. Mrs. uessie Appiegren, 77, Mil- wrtukle, was .killed when she talked Into the side of a speeding car near iiatisione. A two-car smashuo near ScaD- poosc claimed the life of Ida Wil liamson, 54, St. Helens. ., She was riding with her husband Robert R. Williamson, superintendent of tne rope & Talbot plant at St. riciens. An 83-year-old Tncoma. Wash., woman, Mrs. Dora Whalev. was killed Saturday when a car in which she was riding overturned on highway 99-east south of Al bany. GIVEN PRISON TERM Oregon City. Nov. 20 UI1 Mrs. Atlee Marie Chabaude, 53, today was sentenced by Judge Ralph M. Holman to not more than 10 years in the state penitentiary for the Aug. 26 shooting of her employer, Curtis Handle, 63. Mrs. Chabaude was convicted of manslaughter by, a circuit- court jury Saturday, , She was convicted of firing five bullels Into Handles body at his home In the Highlands district when he attempted to enter his nouse. hne claimed he was drunk and threatened her. HARVARD KEEPS PACE Cambridge, Mass. nil A ser ies of architectural face liftings have kept the nutlon's oldest uni versity looking young for 314 years. Founded In 1636, Harvard has always had its new look and to day reflects the architectural styles of three centuries. The latest Is the $3,000,000 ultra-modern graduate center built of limtistone, glass and wood on a si eel frame, the last word In func tional living and learning accom modations. Some 1,200 students sleep, stutly, dino, congregate and pass the Idle hours in stream-lined splendor. The buildings are con nected by covered passageways in case of rain. It was back in 1720 that Har vard built Massachusetts hall In the latest Colonial style; Since then the university has produced classic examples of Eng lish Georgian, Federalist, Victor ian Gotn.c and !9th century Ro manesque, a brick and mortar his tory of American architecture. B. IMtS ORGAN Anniston. Ala. ui--Wllllam S. Coleman, a bank employe, wanted to give his wife a musical Instru ment so he built her an electric organ. i hough he knows no music and is not an electrician, Coleman con verted an abandoned pump organ into a modern electric instrument. A spark of imagination, a few dollars worth of electrical mate rialf, tome hours of spare time antl the discarded organ cabinet became s pleasant and novel sur prise for his organist-wife, who had wanted an organ lor years. IEWEI. OK A WOMAN Boston '111 Frank Leahy got his first haircut from a woman barber apil rcoited that Mrs. Miltla Kuckovs, a Latvian refu "didn't say a wotd." Takes op no mora floor pace than the ordinary automatic washer. Saves hot water, suvtt soapsaves timt, latam bands, tool '' Oregon Driver (Continued from Page 1) . Names Listed Driver instructors present fol low. . Bob Hendershott, K 1 a m a t h Falls; Russell Scott, Lebanon; Lennls Nash, Pendleton; Beach Patton, Hood River; Dwight Cath- erwood, West Linn; Carl Rice, Oregon City; Jirri Atteberry, On tario; G. M. Shearer, west Linn, and J. W. Bilyeu, Bend. Ex-off Icial members present were Paul War ren, state safety department; George Henderson, assistant su perintendent of the Lebanon- schools; Sidney King, Oregon State Motor association; Clyde M. McKay. Jocal representative, ot the American Automobile associa tion and OSMA director, and R. E. Jewell, Bend superintendent; of schools. . . ' .. : 'BANUNHEV BIDES NORTH ' Hot Springs, ArkW-rA hitch hiking animal which apparently ro'de all the way from South Am erica In a bunch of bananas has Hot Springs' amateur zoologists consumed with curiosity. The little animal, about the size of a small rat, jumped out of the bunch of bananas in a downtown . store. The store manager, Elwood Smith, Issued the following de scription: Size, about that-of a small rat; tall, about three times as long as Its body; nose, sharp; ears, larger . than a rat's and paper-thin; legs. Blender; eyes, large, black and goggling. The tail is prehensile, but when not in use Is kept roll ed Into a small ball. - The animal has been named "Banunkey" because of his resem blance to a monkey.' RETURNS TO BEND Dr. C. J. Rademacher, Bend physician, returned to Bend Sun day after taking a post-graduate course In obstetrics and gynecol ogy at the Univei'slty of Califor nia at Los Angeles last week. The course began on'Monday and ended Friday. Dr. Rademacher Is associated with the Robert Hemingway memorial clinic. VERN LARSON Agency Insurance & Real Estate 135 Oregon Ave. Phone 32 BEND, OREGON let Cream and Light. Lunch business In adjoining town. Large vol ume. ';,,- Restaurant In heart of tourist section. Beer license. 40 Acres 30 C. O. I. 2-bedroom mod ern, full line nearly new ma chinery, on pavement. Terms. $8,000 108 Acres 80 C. O. I B0 acres lllled. 2-bedroom home on pave . ment. Terms, $10,500, 3-Bedroom Modern With bath, furnace, good lo ratlon. Terms. Immediate possession. $8,750 2-Bedroom Modern 2' i lots on pavement, Insu lated, good location. Terms. $6,775 New 2-bedroom modern with oak floors, furnace, east side lo cation. A dandy. Terms. $8,000 Wr are In need of farm anrl ranch listings. They are gom fast. a. a ' i