PAGE SIXTEEN TUIIDCHAV KlnVCkJRCD d ' inp. THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND. OREGON Tito Will Help Allied Nations Belgrade, Yugoslavia, .Nov. 9 iU-i Premier Murshal Tito told his people today that Yugoslavia soon may contribute an armed forces unit to the United Nations for use against aggressoi-3. All newspapers splashed across their entire front pages this morning the text of an interview Tito gave three days ago to C. L. Sulzberger of the New York Times. ' Observers placed the greatest Importance on the Yugoslav com munist party's decision to pub lish Tito's declarations. The translation differed slight ly from the version published in the New York Times. . It quoted "Tito as saying: - 1. Yugoslavia will abide by ' whatever decision the UN makes , in the event communist China is declared an aggressor. May Stmd Troops 2. I'Our country is not very enthusiastic about symbolic help because it is a weak policy which has practically no effect," and Yu goslavia Is considering contribut ing armed forces to the UN. '3. Yugoslavia "does not care what others will say if it Is of fered a good opportunity" to pur 'chase or receive arms from any V ' V ! ' MAC'S MAN FRIDAY Wil liam J. Sebald, 48, of Baltimore, Md., chairman and U. S. member of the Allied council for Japan, has been appointed permanent political adviser to Gen. Douglas MacArthur with the rank of am bassador. A former U. S. Navy captain, Sebald became Mac Arthur's temporary political ad viser in the fall of 1947. country, including the United States, if Its independence is at stake. 4. Yugoslavia realizes, toduy that "the Marshal plan Is not so catastrophic as It Is preaented by some, because we see it has helped France and Italy." 5. The . Hungarian, Bulgarian and Romanian armies are being PORTI.ANDER ARKESTED P. A. Wilson, a resident of ' Portland, was arrested here on November 7 and cited to appear ; in municipal court on a charge j of violating the basic ruk- in J operating a car. He is accused i of Operating his car In the Hend I city limits at a speed considered ' excessive. strengthened constantly, and "al though the situation Is hot dan gerous it may be so in the near future." To Free Slcplnac 6. Roman Catholic Archbishop Stepinac, now serving the fifth year of his 16-year sentence, will be freed soon, it is hoped. 7. "I think it will be possible within a short time, and i hope it will be soon, to have com pletely normal relations with Greece." This further proof by Tito of his closer relationship with the west caused a sensation and ru mors spread quickly, growing far out of proportion in their enthus iasm. It was believed that this was the reason the communist government chose to publish the text. , Particularly Important for many Yugoslavs was Tito's dis closure that there soon will be an other amnesty which will Involve many Yugoslavs serving terms on charges of having been "spies or agents" of the western powers. They were sentenced bfore the break with Moscow in 1948. SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE j S & ,W Coffee, reg. or drSp . : lb. 79c Campbell's Tomato Juice . 46 02. t in 25c J Garden Apricots . ........... No. 2 tin 25c m Hersfcey Bars box of 24, 93c MUk or Almond ' r i 1 a l. 1 a 1 in. uennuons vanup 11 oSf DOTite nrc m SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE Kitchen Queen Flour. .... 50 8b. bag 3,49 SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE Stcdd's Chili Con Carne No. 1 tins 23c Smith's Spaghetti No. 1 tin 10c ui Dundee Cream Style Corn 303 tin 13c m H & D Sweet Peas 303 tin 15c J ( Spreckle's Sugar 10 lb. bag 90c SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE. SAVE SAVE SAVE Regular lb. 30c QHJI 6 01. tin... 4 for 25c 12 ox. tin.. 2 for 25c ,46 oz. tin 35c 12 oz. pkff. Peas 28c 10 oz. pkr. Green Beans 27c 10 oz. pkuf. Wax Beans 28c 10 oz. Brussel Sprouts 38c 11 oz. Spinach 27c 16 oz. Sliced Strawberries... 53c 10 oz. French Fried Potatoes 27c 1 lb. 14 oz. Fryers each 1.59 marc VEGETABLES TkekeJj with ifttaMtbetf OCEAN SPRAY 1 lb. Cello CRANBERRIES 19c FKESn l.OCAI. PARSNIPS lb. 5c CiOI.DEN Best for Knllnff DELICIOUS APPLES, 2 lbs. 19c RED YAMS 3 lbs. 25c FANCY WAXED CUCUMBERS ea. 5c RADISHES and GREEN ON30NS .... 5c Pilqmids Market POT ROASTS, steer beef lb. 59c SKINIJSSS I LOCAL COLORED Wieners, lb. 45c I Hens. lb. 49c WHOLE SULK Cheese, ib. 59c Sliced Bacon ENDS PIECES lb. 39c Ml E 9 SATURDAY MOV. 11 SUPE U VALU SORRY NO PHONE OR MAIL ORDERS ATTENTION THRIFTY SHOPPERS THIS MERCHANDISE ON SALE SATURDAY WE ARE USING THE THURSDAY PAPER SO 6UR RURAL AND. OUTLYING COMMUNITIES WILL HAVE AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY TO GET IN ON THESE SUPER VALUES! SORRY NO PHONE OR MAIL ORDERS 1 SCOOP! Again We Were Lucky! CHARACTER DOLLS 1.00 Just like the last shipment that sold out in one day! . Buy several for gifts while our supply lasts! f1 SCOOP! Unheard of Value Today! NYLONS $1.00 60 Ga., 15 Den. Perfect. Men's BILL FOLDS $3.00 To get this group of genuine leather folds to sell at this price, we had to make a concession on normal profit! You will agree when you see the dozens of styles to choose from! Tax included, only $3.00 a JR. BIB OVERALLS 98c Yes at Penney's you can buy the "champ" a pair of Bib Overalls for the low price of 98c! That is news today! Sizes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. SANTA CLAUS QN PERSON : WILL BE IN "TOYLAND PENNEY'S "TOY LAND" OPENS SATURDAY FREE GIFTS TO ALL CHILDREN! SHEETS - SHEETS - SHEETS FAMOUS PENCO and NATION WIDE QUALITY Honestly, we cannot assure our customers any more sheets before .Christmas, so if you want sheets for gifts, buy them Saturday. We also believe we have sufficient quantity to last all day Saturday! PENCO PENCO NATIONWIDE 81x108.... 2.79 63x108.... 1.99 81 x108. . . . 2.49 SCOOP! One of the Most "Hard to Get" Items! SHEET BLANKETS 70 x 95 Finest White Cotton 80 x 95 $239 SCOOP! Again We Were Lucky! We just unpacked dozens of these beautiful blouses like we sold dozens of during October Dollar Days! Same quality, same price! Gobs of Colors 34 to 40. $1-00 3! n BOYS' CORDUROYS 3.44 Mothers! Saturday you have the opportunity of buying your boys' winter cords for this low, low price! Genuine thickset, the very best! Navy blue or dark brown! Sizes 6 to 1 6 while they last. ihiinn ifi it i ii i ii ii ii' 3 BOXED CANDY Penney's 48th Annuel Candy Event! Famous make under Penney's own trade name "Mary Esther" Mixed Chocolates, Thin Mints,' Chocolates Covered Cherries, Fancy Hard Mix. We Guarantee You Will Save! SI HUM l HI ALL ABOVE ON SALE SATURDAY, NOV. 11 BEEF STEAK Ribs, lb. 79c SLICED EASTERN Bacon, lb. 67c