The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, September 02, 1950, Page 7, Image 7

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Classified Raies-
Jvora.- inree iune.LSf6
S wows fix limes -.tM
li.. luc vP"l
luarftn 1 utM, nuuMMn im
rTAitlup CMln Una, t .m.
" ...I,, im), UM
knij Loutiis, No. ssm, to.ojc.
1,11,1 .... Miiiinitu JiiirnL .
tkieeui j .
, LO.o.ij. JLtullpie .-.
Chester D. Jonnson, iuule Grand
jr,v MUlei. limine iuitf-w, secy.
, Sbo J; ituuam Avenue. .
For Sale Real Estate '
10,000 ACRE Lake county cattle
rancn. Plenty water, new build
ings, fully equipped. 70 head cat
tle. $30,000, terms. Write box 2420
co oena iiuueun. . i
HURRY Order your lud to
day. Summer rates end Sept. 1st.
Higher luel cost due. Another
fuel shortage this winter. Ph.
7t7. Brooking Wood Yard.
$7500 BUYS large, weil construct- DRY BODY WOOD, full cord.
ed 2 bedroom modern home; large Claudo Gant, 1204 Davenport Si.
lawn, 4 lots, east siue, near school f none t;w. - .
Phnnil UUM I1 1 kia W l f t.uunn I
7 a CORD 16" ki. slat, $14; 2 cora
60 A., 50 irrlg, new home. ikAS
- For Sale-HBeal Estate
South Highway,-; f none aw-j
Mj ii 3rd - Open fc.veiungs
uTseuing or buying- rt-eal jusuue..
let us serve you. . . .. t
80 ACRES, 57 irr. 16 a. alfalfa.
, Clover. 4 a. spuqs, bal. grain'
and pasture. 320 a. range, Durm.
v j knma pulpit -rnM.i Stia-mm.
with crop.
f aved roau. $W,ouu,
Good terms. ,,
200 ACRES, 44 irr., 2800 a. range.
Good 5-bedrm. home. teiocK set
up, $15,000. : ' '
gn ACRES, 79 Vi Irr., new 4 bed
rm home. 12 a. spuds, 10 a.ait
4lfa. BaL grain, n sold By lOin,
j4th crop goes. l'i,&00. Attrac
Uve terms.
32 A. Small new house, 4 a. Irr.,
on highway. $ 50 casn, . bal. 440
no.- . .... ". vJ,"
CITY property with small down
pints. 1 . '"'
room furnished cabin on 2
lots, $950.00, witn $3UO.0o
down. ., ' . 1 v
1 ROOM home with city lights
& water. Outside city limns.
$2750.00 with $500,00 down. : .
2 BEDROOM: Modern on paved
street. Must, seU'quicK.' $40uo.0O.
2 lots in down-town Bend. Kein
forced concrete bldg. 10 yrs. old.
$45,000.00. . ; : , : ;
3 BEDROOM: Desirable strictly
modern oq 3 lots near school; Ke-.
duced for quick sale at a,4oU.0O.
2 BEDROOM: Modern newly
painted, attractive interior,
$2650.00 with $1000.00 down; , a-.
hiway frontage. $10,000, haix
uown. , . .,.
Stock farm near Bend on pave.,
good biugs., runs over 104 head,
bmail aown. $10,000.
80 A., two houses, 320 a. leased!
close In. $12,o0o, terms. ;- t
2 Excellent dairy setups. $18,000
and $25,000, terms. ; Sii . ,
320 A., free water, sub irrig, pas
ture, large mou. nomo. ib.uou,
terms. , . - -s .
Kpnrt. i You naut from yard.
per cordJ Central Oregon uei
Co., phone 201 W. y A u, Med'
mond. Ore.
For Salo Miscellaneous
REBUILT refrigerators, good as
new, 4d.50, ybiiMl, KeivUf
ators, irigidaires 4c Leonards.
(Jor. State & Tumaio
RADlO TUBES Complete stock
Phuco anu outer nationally
known Dianus. Tuoes teste a.
Large stock ranch, runs 350 head. I na Jrumuiira -o.
i Sets biogs.; excepuonai at 21,- ow-riNn hnnrt clothes, size 10 to
on terms. . il Coll Ivd'J huf.-.,i 111 a.m. nrt
em.11 Ci turn w o p.m.
: For Bent
House ftsrnished, one bedroom,
modern with shower, wi w. otn
St. - - - -.
ONE ROOM apt Beautifully
furnished. In town on river. ioeu
for anybne working in business
district. , 902 Broadway. Phone
367-J. ' - v
Russia Defeated
No Walkout Due
FOR RENT: Semi-modern house,
small child accented. No pets. In
quire 1313 Cumberland.
At Lava Apartments. 3 rooms &
bath. Modern, oil heat. Phone 684.
8 to 12 a.m. 5 to 7 p.m.
NICE sleeping -room, also care
for elderly lauy in very pieasant
home. Phone 1712-W.
SLEEPING room. Close in. Lady
preierred. Ph. 901-W. 417 Staats
2 SLEEPING ROOMS in a quiet
home. Phone 1282W. Will cook
breakfast if desired. ,
VACANCY at the Bachelor Hotel.
Room and board $80 per montn
amily style. -,
Lovely 2 bedroom home, citv sew- rniH 4 hoxm mh shells at ble dls-
er, jjear city center, it you want count Inquire at 341 Florida, or
sumeining reauy nice see . mis. call 1710-J.
PARTIALLY furnished house.
just outside city limits. Want el
derly couple. Pnone 1194-J.
SPINET PIANO: Exceptionally
Tourist fVntpr. prnsainir nvw tine: like new. to sacrifice for im-
$20,000. Only $10,000 down to mediate - sale. Cash, or rental
5-ROOM. furnished apartment.
gas equipped. Inquire apt. i, 334
Greenwood, or phone 2U5-J-1.
good operator.
56 Oregon Avenue
Phone 183b . v
terms. See in Bend. Write E.
Goodlln, Bend. (Gen. Del.)
ROOM modern furnished apt
Private bath, gas equipped, elec
tric refrigerator. Close in.-' in
quire 615 Georgia. ' : . ' -
USED 14 FT. Birchcraft boat and
1 trailer, both' excellent and reas.
onably priced. 155 E. Hawthorne.
Phone 743K, evenmgs.
2 BEDROOM modern home, near
scnools and city center; basement
garage, breakfast nook, sun
porcn, overhead insulation, wired CACY SHOP, 734 Franklin,
tor range, electric water neater.
M2 Delaware. $5,250. ....
Redeem 'your A RD EN ICE
CREAM coupons at THE DELI'
TWO large rooms, modern, part'
ly furnisned house. Suitable for
couple or with one small child.
No pets,, inquire at 14J4 uaven-
port. - -
$7500 BUYS 40 Acres. 30 acres
cultivated, good house and out-
I buildings, 4 miles out. Phone 898.
c. v. Biivis, 81 Oregon. ., ,
'1015 Wall
Phone 1946
AND When you think of
Insurance mink oi utiuert
Pan American, Kenskill, Roll
Away, Koadmaster, 'iraveleze,
Trailer Coaches
735 Grace St. Kedmond
J-, . Phone 331J :
NICE one bedroom modern
house, close in. 184 East Kearn
fv. Rjinpf & heater: 'electric wa
ter neater, nor iniormaiion
phone 1130-R. -
2-BEDROOM modern house.
Florida before 11 a.m.
OR TRADE: Small equity in
bedroom modern home ciose to
RIFLE ammunition for .31 &
25 cal. Jap rules factory made.
.,?,..uli"?Jic11?"PI Credit allowed for your empties!
. ...... Uu Htore m Hrmeviiie.
1-BEDROOM modern house. City STRAWBERRIES: Pick your
gas, not ana com water, ijnoieum ,elI , Bring own containers.
J. Rhoades, Rt. 2, Box 290,
all floors. Stove included. Easy
terms. Phone 2016-W-4 evenings.
INCOME property: five houses
on three lots, two modern. East
old Redmond highway.
PUREBRED heifer,. 15 months,
A mKiilnHAA lAt JA. OIlKKaK nod
side location. City bus at front Klectnc drill press & motor used
door, : paved street on one side, twl . r1(,man oil heater. White
enamel Montag wood range. Ph,
1194-J. ? , ,
$140 mo. income. All five for on
ly $6500 cash. Inquire at 112 Min-
V . AND INSURANCE 1 rTWllaJ SELL equity in 2-bedroom
Railway Addition,- 2 lots.
Price $2500. lerms.? . v , ;
ACREAGE: 5 acres with 5 acre
water rignt. Five room mo
dern home, good reservoir,
other outbuildings. Ideal
location. Price $iu,000.
TRADE: For home in Redmond
40 acres, close in, mod.
home, numerous outbuildings.
60 ACRES, 47 a. water right.
Highly productive rancn.
Orchard, berries, lawn and
shade. Five room home,
large barn, granary, chick
- en house, milk house etc.
Price $10,500. . '
152 ACRES with' 63 acre water
right Modern 5 room
home. Lots of shade, nice
lawn. Lge. bam, chicken
house, etc. Equipment in
cluded in sale price of $17,-
000. ' 1 . . ,
40 ACRES In Tumaio district
with 36 acre water right.
price 57800. Terms. ., ,
MOTELS, apartment house, ma'
; chine shop, cafe, grocery
, stores, etc. Stop in, and
well give you all particu
. lars. . .-
. , PHONE 206
modern. Equipped, inc. sprinkler,
tractor, 3 cows. Terms or trade,
$12,000. Raleigh Weiser, Kt. 3,
liox 121 Pho. ll-F-23. .
WILL SELL equity In 2 bedromo
modern house, very reasonably,
or trade for trailer House. "Amt.
-For- Sale Used
We sincerely believe we have
the finest selection ol used cars
of equity quite low and ; balance m town. Check this list, then see
to be paid out like rent. Phone the car you want.
view; ail hardwood floors, large
closets., very nice kitchen, double
garage' beautiful fenced yard,
walks and patio. 708 E. 4th. Ph.
1196-W. i. .,
TWO HOUSES on one lot. Close
to mill on east side. Total price
$3200; $1000 down, or $3000 cash.
Phone 1732R or see owner at 14
Revere (west side of highway).
BY OWNER:' Modern house en
closed front porch, utility room,
lots of bullt-ins, cellar, double
garage and work shop, pumice
constructed. Phone 975-J. 224
BEDROOM modern house.
Large double garage. Adjoining
swimming pool. . wired lor elec
tric range. Will F HA. inquire at
634 Arizona. Phone ltssn-M. ,
SMALL new store building with
living Quarters, attached garage,
Service Station location. Near
mills in Creswell. Oregon. For in
formation write 4345 Smith
Drive, Springfield,. Oregon or in
quire at 1247 Portland Ave. .
LEASE on good wall street cafe
lully equipped. Small cash pay
ment for Inventory of stock lets
jyu in. stt; us.
NEW ultra modern home. 2 bed
rooms, living room., kitchen and
oinette. . Full cement basement
itn automatic pipe furnace.
tiwn in.' $10,500 will FHA.
moaern west side home. Vacant.
$750 cash.
fXTRA good 1 bedroom modern
rome on 2 lots and pavement.
a to Kenwood school. $42o0
Jl2o0 cash. , -
To buy or sell, call Locklin 331
1029 Brooks Phone 331
Near the Chamber of
. Commerce
'4fl BUICK Super Sedan. Only
9000 mi. on this fine car. Has
R&H, Dynaflow, new Para
twill seat covers, and un-
derseaV Truly a ; premium
'49 FURD Custom Sedan. Light
gray. R&H ......$1695
'48 CHEVROLET Aero Sedan.
12.000 m $1595
'48 CMiVKUiJirr leetune se
dan 5i4a:
47 DESOTO Sedan. R&H ..$1345
'47 BUICK Super Sedan ......$1595
'47 CHEVROLET Aero Sedan
'46 BUICK ' Roadmaster Sedan,
R&H $1495
'46 CHEVROLET Sedan ....$1195
'42 CHEVROLET Sedan $845
'41 BUICK Special Sedan ....$845
41 NASH Ambassador Sedan
'40 FORD 2-Door $545
'40 PON HAC 2-Door ..........$445
'37 CHEVROLET. Cpe. .......-.$295
'36 BUICK Sedan ......$245
'35 FORD Cpe. $100
' " ; ;; PHONE 193
.-; 709 & 720 Wall St..
SMALL piano in good condition,
Call 1417-J or 54 uncnnsi. .
WANTED to buy: 3 tons of baled
hay. Call 1369-M after 6 o'clock,
WE NEED some listings at once
for modem hoifies. farms, ranch
es, Income property.' All State Re
alty Co., 221 Greenwood. Phone
167. - . - . , . - -
TO BUY: Good milk-cows, fresli
and springers. Phone 28oz, Ked
mond, or see Arnold Amen. l mi.
north ol Redmond on tnway i
RESPONSIBLE family desires
or. 3, bedroom, unfurnished home.
Phone 3-K-4. - : . :- vJ
WANTED: ' $25,000 private' capi
tal to expand good going busi
ness: Investment well secured,
will pay. good interest. Write box
2483 c6 The Bend Bulletin.'
Help Wanted
WANTED Three union journey-.
man carpenters and one union
journeyman carpenter leadmart.
Leadman must be acquainted
with Reclamation work. Carpen
ters wages $2.30 per . hour and
leadman $2.45 ner'hour. Call
2-1126 Klamath Falls,-. Ore. after
6:00 p.m.--;;-,. - .....-.!-....,.-'
By Bruce W. Munn
' (UniUa Prnw staff Correapoiitlanl-)
Lake Success. N. Y., Sept, 2 IP
Russia, although buffeted by two
resounding deieats, was pledged
today to remain In the United Na
tions security council for quite
a while. -,. -
Soviet delegate Jacob A. Malik
relinquished the chair to Britain's
Sir Giadwyn jebb yesterday and,
although he was successiui- in
prolonging the councils meeting
with tni-ee more long propaganda
speeches against the united
States and the west, he lost two
important votes.
first, he sought to upset Jebb's
presidential ruling that the invi
tation extended on June 2o to
South Korea to attend, the coun
cil's Korean debates still is valid.
Nobody supported him in his
challenge to set this aside. ;
Uets One vote
Secondly, he sought to force
the council to invite a represent
ative from North Korea, as well
South Koreas ambassador
John Myun Chang, to sit in
Yugoslavia voted with him on
this issue, but the soviet delegate
lost his proposal under an 8-2
Jean Chauvel of France re
marked during the four-hour de
bate which accomplished in one
afternoon what Malik had pre
vented the council from doing
lor a lull montn that it appear
ed inconsistent that the Russian,
who started a 29-week boycott
last January and blamed it on
the presence or the Chinese na
Uonalists, should now be attend
ing the council as an ordinary
delegate while nationalist dele
gate Tlngfu'F, '1'siang still sat
with the group.
1 he delegate of France, Malik
said, "has expressed certain
doubts as to my presence here.
if you will permit me, 1 will ex
plain it in one sentence:
v "in the course of the month of
August, the delegation of the Sov
iet union submitted a series of
proposals designed to strengthen
the course of international peace
and security and it intends to de
fend them.
jj Clear Indication
-t That was taken as a clear in
dication that the kremlin will not
withdraw its delegation from the
i)N again until tne council has
discussed the Chinese communist
complaint that the presence of
fne-Ui. sv-iin neei -in-tne ormo-
san straight constitutes an inva
sion ol .formosa and its twin
enarge that American planes fly
iiig lor the UN in Korea have
raided targets in Manchuria.
Botn aie listed for debate fol
lowing discussion of an American
resolution calling on all members
ijfo. refrain from "assisting or en
couraging" the North Koreans.
.yijuwueu oul-uy yesieruay s pro
cedural arguments, that measure
now is listed, lor debate next
Tuesday and Is expected to draw
uussias 44th,Aeto." v.-'
Coach Speaks
Redmond. Sept. 2 Archie
Dunsmoor, Redmond Union
high school coach, was guest
speaker at the Kiwanis meeting
held Thursday noon at the Red
mond hotel. He presented a res
ume of the football outlook for
the year and stressed the neces
sity of good football spirit in the
school and the community.
Darren smith reported mat
1014 paid admissions were sold
at the Rose and Maddox show
Wednesday night at the VFW
hall. He estimated that approx
imately $300 would be netted
from the affair for the Kiwanis
sponsored playground park.
Darren Sharp was appointed
chairman of the National Kids
Day, program which will take
place Sept. 23. A film on last
year's Kids Day parade was
shown to club members.
Guest at the meeting was Mike
Miksche of radio station KRCO
at Prineville. It was through the
cooperation of the Prineville sta'
tlon that the Rose and Maddox
show was brought to Redmond
C. E. (Tommy)- Thompson
spoke briefly on his responsibil
ities as district lieutenant-gover
Other guests at the meeting
were Rev. Allan Phllp, Don
Thompson and Gordon McKay of
iiend. ... . - ,
Make Shipment
Redmond. Sept. . 2 Kingcrafts
Manufacturing, which makes
small wood products from mill
ends, shipped its first car out of
Kedmond August 18.
ihe plant, which is located at
the Redmond airbase, is owned
iv Howard King, who also has a
plant In Bend. Five men are em
ployed at the Redmond plant and
present wont includes maKlng
parts for shadow boxes, toys and
doors. Some 100,000 pieces of
wood to be used for toys are to
De sent to rsew jersey early in
October. Part of the finishing
work on these will be done in the
uend plant.
Officers Given
Blunt Warning
WOMAN to take care of home.
High school girl in family only.
Close in. Write co,. The Bend
Bulletin, Box 2623.' - - . ' : - -
HELP wanted. Dairy ' Queen
store. Ph. 1988, Brent Dietrlck.
MAN for delivery truck helper
and packing and unpacking at Jo
cal furniture store. Phone 1480.
FOR SALE: 1950 Lincoln, hydra
matlc. like new, only . 7000 miles.
U. S. CONVERSION Machinery
Co. will now start qualified indi
vidual in own business. (Essen
tial) No experience necessary.
Can be operated from home, part
or full time. Lifetime income. $750
Investment, fully secured. Write
box 2605, co Bend' Bulletin.
C. L. Alien, Deschutes county
judge, wilL leave by airplane from
neumond Sunday for Atlantic
City, N. J., where he will attend
he 14th annual convention of the
National Association of County
- Judge Allen is a member of the
board ol directors of tne assocla
Hon. 'ihe convention will start
Monday and will end Thursday.
Ihe judge said today that he in
tended to be back at his office
next Saturday. .
MAN for steady Job on ranch.
Must know how to irrigate and
run tractors. Mrs. E. D. Elrod, Kt.
1. Box 46. Redmond. 2 '-j Miles
east Prineville Jet. on oiled road, !,Kt,D and BiacK cinders, top son
LOW rates on painting jobs, in
side and outside. Paper hanging.
Bent quality paints. Free esti
mates. .Excellent reference.' Un
ion painter. Phone 1165-J.
BY OWNER: 2- bedroom hquse -a" m or neomono.
furnished or unfurnished $600.00,
down furnished- or 5300 unfurn
ished. Paved street, good location.
1917 W. 2nd. Will rent.
For Sale Farm Products
20 TONS Baled Alfalfa in field.
readv to bo by 1st of week. 15
tons alfalfa in stack. 20 tons rye
hav. baled and stacked. Alfalfa
community. A. Langevin.
JJOOD YARD, 2 trucks. 1500
rorns dry wood, other equipment.
iWnjP'ete established business.
"Will sell all or half interest.
SL0I?,e. "lmor.d 201-W or call at
A St In Redmond.
1 1929 Case tractor, 4 point, 1
slip scra;ier, 1 iron wheel wagon
and rack, l jacKson iorK, t mow
ing machines, 1 disk, 1 two-way 835 Bond St.
plow. 2 walking plows, 1 2-section
springtooth, 1 4-section drag har
row. 1 corngator, 1 nay rane, 1
stock trailer, 1 two wheel trailer,
1 wood saw and belt, 2 watering
troughs. 1 rjost drill. 1 blacksmith
forge and vice, misc. shop and
hand tools, 1 electric fence, 6
sacks land blaster, 1 cream sepa
rator, 1 dining table, 4 gas drums,
1 .l-hurner cook stove. 1 oil heal
er. miscellaneous merchandise too
numerous to menticm.
1 Milk cow. 4 vrs.. to freshen
Sept. 20. 4 gal. when fresh; 2
calves and 1 heifer.
Sale starts 12:30 sharp, Sept. 3.
Whltie Perdue, auctioneer. Helen
Perdue, clerk. O. R. Reeves. Own
er. 14 mi. on Bend Bums hgwy.
to 4 comers, Vi ml. south.
1937 Chevrolet Tudor. '- .-
1946 Dodge Sedan.
, 1941 Chevrolet Tudor. .
1941 Plymouth Sedan.
1940 DeSoto Sedan.
1937 Pontiac Coupe.
1942 Ford 1 Ton. 825x20 dual
rear. 2 speed.
1942 Dodge IVj Ton. 825x20 dual
rear, 2 speed.
1941 Dodge 1V Ton, with bed.
Phone 26
FOR SALE: 1942 CMC tt-ton
pickup, $275. 1938 Packard sedan,
$200. See at 1440 E. 4th. . Phone
1668-R. - '
'35 1VTON International truck.
2 sets of stock tacks. Back end
brakes. D. C. Renno, 837 E. 9th,
Phone 1782-W.
For Rent
FURNISHED apartment includ-.
ing electricity,, heat- gas, tele-
Shone and car parking space. $18
24 week. L Rancho Motor Ho
tel, Redmond.
to Central Orpeon Auction for
the highest prices. Sale every
Thursdav. Ber R. Smith, Mgr.,
phone 33R8.
FURNISHED sleeping rooms
with private bath. Steam, heat
telephone. $12 - $16 per week.
L Rancho Motor Hotel. Redmond.
FOR LEASE: Combination Gro
cery Store and Service Station
with living quarters. Inquire at
P.O. Box 4 or Mobil Service, Che-
rtiult Oreg. -
'A mi. north.
PINSETTERS wanted. Apply af
ter 6 p.m. Cascade Bowl, 744
I'fill dirt. Orders filled promptly.
Oregon pumice products, pnone
1668-R. .
MAN wanted for ranch ' work.
Married or single. Phone 364-L.
SALESMAN wanted, above aver
age earnings. Only those willing
to learn and work need apply.
Ph. 1952 for appointment.
GENERAL Cat Work leveling,
Lfilling, land clearing, basements
dug, roads made; cinders, top sou.
See Goodwin, 1559 Division or
phone 420.
WANTED: Experienced readv-to-wear
saleswoman. Apply In per
son at Rath's, 300 Wall Street.
4 COWS, 3 calves (one with Lazy
H brand). Phone 315-L. Rt 2, Box
We specialize In the handling ol
nousenoid Goods
Storage -:- Packing :- Moving
Local or Long Distance.
Agent for Bckins Vanliners
222 Irving Ave. Phone 444
proof padded van. We pack your
china with care, hang your
ciotnes in our wardrobe. Local
and nation-wide moving and stor
age. Holman Transfer, 201 Irv
ing, pnene mn.
HUUS& MUViNfi and rasing:
large or small. Estimates gla lly
given. Moiman Transfer, 201 Irv
Ing, phone 987.
SAW FILING, gumming, ham
mering, band saw welding, Sand
er bells, band saw blades, new
handles hung in tools. Sexton
Supply & Saw Service, 1195 Wall
Washington, Sept. 2 HP Am
erican military officers had an
other blunt warning today that
their lob is building war poten
tial, not setting basic U. S. pol
icy by their public statements.
The warning came when Mat,
Gen. Orvlll Anderson was sus
pended as commandant : of the
Air War college at Montgomeiy,
Ala., fqr boasting that he could
wipe out Russia s live A-bomo
nests in a week." It was the sec
ond time in six days that military
leaders had been slapped down
for "preventive .war" statements,
Earlier, Navy Secretary Fran
cis P; Matthews was criticized by
Secretary of State Dean Acheson
with White House backing
for saying the United Stales
might have to "pay the price
starting a war to insure peace,
President Truman emphasized
in hisVifireside.cliat, latnlght
that the United States "does not
believe In aggressive or prevent
ive war." He said such a war
the weapon of dictators, not of
fre democratic countries like the
United States."- , ' .
Third Incident
The Anderson incident actually
was tlie third within a week in
which public statements of mili
tary leaders caused . an embar
rassing furor. ' - ; -:'
In a somewhat - similar case,
President Truman ordered Gen.
Douglas MacArthur. to withdraw
a statement claiming that For
mosa is vital to the U. S. defense
line in the Pacific. Mr. Truman
indicated that MacArthur's posi
tion was at -variance with official
U. S. policy.
Anderson's case came to a head
yesterday shortly after he denied
that the Air War college was ad
vocating "preventive" war. How
ever, in making the denial, he
said "the idea of waiting until
you are hit first didn t come
from Americans Americans
believe in taking the initiative."
Then he added:
"Give me the order to do It
and I can wipe out Russia's five
A-bomb nests in a weeK.
Relieved of Post
Gen. Hoyt S. Vandenberg, air
force chief of staff, immediately
issued 'orders relieving Anderson
of his command pending an in
vestigation, me air .lorce, ne
said, is a member of the defense
team which "has as its primary
purpose Ihe prevention of war."
When asked 11 Andersons sus
pension meant that air force of
ficers would be barred from mak
ing public statements, a spokes
man said:
"There will be no gag."
But another air force officer
said it was presumed that air
men would "use thler heads" and
refrain from making controver
sial statements on foreign policy
whether or not there is an offi
cial directive against them.
Teachers Named
Redmond, Sept 2-r-Word was
received here yesterday by Hugh
Hartman, principal, that the Red
mond grade school is the first in
the state to attain a 100 per cent
membership in the Oregon Educa
tion association.
Kedmond grade teachers report
ed Wednesday for n three-day in-
service session, wnicn was con
cluded Friday afternoon. The ses
sion included special work in the
elanonship between handwriting
and language arts, ana in read
ing. ,- ; , ' '
Teachers and their grades are:
at the Edwin Brown school, first
grade, Mrs. Velma Brown. Mrs.
LaVon Johnson, Miss Alice Jane
Scott and Mrs. Elizabeth Blake;
second grade, Mrs. Clara Stacy,
Mrs. Margaret Thompson, Mrs.
Clara Bednarek and Miss Verda
Coffman; third grade, Miss Eileen
Smith. - ...
Listed to teach at the Jessie Hill
school are: Third grade, Mrs.
Dorothy Clapp, Mrs. Carroll Ows
ley, and Mrs. Rosabelle Oliver;
iourtn grade, Mrs. Joyce Krait,
Mrs. Curney Ehrlich and Miss
Catherine Reese; fifth grade, Mrs,
Blanche McFadden, Miss Eliza
beth Cockerham, Mrs. Rose Ren
no and Mrs. Helen Smith.
At the John Tuck school will
be: Sixth grade, Mrs. Irene Ax-
tell, Mrs. ' Ruoy scott and Mr.
Winfleld Roberson; seventh
grade. Mrs. Edna Wood, Mrs. Ella
Nelson and II. A.1 Peden; eighth
grade, H. O. Van Hise, Mrs. Lil
lian Davis and C K. Lindsay.
t . A. de Lesplnasse will be in
charge of instrument music: Miss
Adele Thompson will teach vocal
music; Mrs. Dorothy Manoney
will teach girls' physical educa
tion and Thomas Jones will
handle the boys' physical educa
tlnn .-' - ''. M. . I; lei ,"-'.
Stlirlpnffa . hchool .on
the buses iwlll . reglstei'Tuliday
morning Sept. 5. Students Jlvmg
in town will report to school at
0 clock Tuesday afternoon.
Teachers who are new to tne
Redmond system are Miss Verda
Coffman who is from Narnpa,
Ida.; .Mrs. Carroll : Owsley: of
Lnkeview. Miss Catherine Reese
of Buhl, Ida.; Mrs. Helen Smith of
Alfalfa, Winfleld 1)610 or
Ashland, and Mrs. Rosabelle Oli
ver of Cave Junction, .tin ' :
H. A. Peden of Redmond Is new
to the grade school system, but
he taught a number 01 years ago
In the high school.
SEPTIC TANKS cleaned, drain
holes shot, f ree estimates. Phone
1252J or 975J. D. W. Grimes,
210 Davis. Ave., Bend.
LAWNMOWERS sharpened, keys
made, saws filed, door closers ov
erhauled, knives, shears, keys
made, lockwork done at your
homeplace of business. Hender
son's Shop, 1367 East 2nd.
U.S. Defense
(Continued from Page 1)
and repairs on all makes. Phone
274. 1033 Brooks.
Sales & Service
1298-J 1045 Roosevelt
riend, Ore.
Serving all of central Oregon.
Call Bond 1914-W or write Lloyd
Mathers. 855 E. 7th.
Springfield, O. mi Roy Conn
found that three feet were cut
from his garden hose. To add in
sult to injury, the hose then was
used to siphon gasoline from his
question of how much can
spend," Ferguson said.
sen. iester u. mint, u wyo.,
a member of the armed services
committee said "Ihe people of the
country, in line with the presi
dent's speech must get into the
frame of mind to raise a huge
army and embark on a huge pre
paredness program which might
cost up to $60,000,000,000 for
some years to come." '
Chairman Kenneth McKellar,
D., Tcnnn of the appropriations
committee refused to talk fig
'ures. But he did say that Mr.
Truman would get "every nickel"
he needs for defense.
. Sen. Chan Gurney, R S. D.,
a senior member of the military
committee, said he "applauded
Mr. Truman's manpower decision
Sen. William E. Jcnncr, R., Ind.,
aid that it Is "refreshing to know
that President Iruman at last
realizes that 'good old Joe', his
pal. is not so 'good' after all
perhaps he'll take an interest in
communists at home."
Sen. Karl E. Mundt, R.r S. D., !
said Mr. Truman's attack on i
world communism should mean !
that Mr. Truman "will Join wlih i
congress In vigorously enforcing
the strong domestic communist
control legislation which should
be on his desk within a week."
Teachers Attend
Study Sessions
Redmond, Sept. 2 ' (Special) '
Redmond grade school teachers
met Thursday afternoon at the '
John Tuck school to confer with
Miss Nellie Atsberger, teacher
consultant for Zaner-Bloser co.
of Columbus, Ohio.
Miss Atsberger reviewed the "
techniques in skills of writing .
and demonstrated various phases .
of writing to the teachers.
Tlday morning tne teachers
met to hear Miss Helen Keller,
director of teachers, UCLA, re
view the techniques of spelling.
Miss Marjorie Prigor, dirtjetor
of Southern Oregon College of
Education, conducted the Friday
afternoon meeting. Miss ' Prigor
demonstrated reading skills and
- Text books ' being considered .
for state adoption were on dis
play for the teachers to appraise.
Miss Ellen Stacy ' spent Thurs- ,
day night as a guest of Miss Lois ;
McLauchiin. r
Plan Vacation
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Doty Sr. ,
ill leave this week end on a
two weeks' vacation trip. -
Davy Jones began worlc at the .
Central Oregon Meat' company;
Thursday.-' . j ! . ' . . v
John Hanson of Terrebonne .1
was a Redmond visitor Wednes-
day. 1 . v.-
Mrs. Betty Brown and son, 01
Eugene, visited Mrs. Brown's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. u. Bartel, - -
over the week end. Mrs. Brown
was formerly employed: at the :-
Redmond bank.
Mrs. L. W. Franks entertained
the judges who served at the
Kedmond -flower show and a
group of friends at lunch Wed- '
nesday. .
Mr. and Mrs. Hiram . Links nt-
tended the Jefferson county fair .
in Madras last week enu. - . , '. . ,
Mrs. Herbert Gunther and
Mrs. C. Heim were in Bend,
Mrs. Inez Donahue has return
ed to her work at the office of
the General Company of Amer-
lean Insurance, after a short va
cation. : '
Mr. and Mrs. Marsden Elliott
spent several days tills week In
Portland. - 1
Mrs. Manda' Elklns of Prine
ville;' and her daughter visited
with, Mrs. C. S. Edwards and
Mrs. John Berning Monday.
Sorortty Meets
Members of the Epsilon Sigma
Alpha, Alpha Mu chapter, - held
a pot luck dinner at the home of
Mrs. M. Bloom Thursday night. ,
After the dinner ihe ladles work
ed on the chapter's scrap bok.
J Rusty Davis and C. E. Thomp-.
son sold tickets at the Kiwanis -sponsored
dance at the VFW hull
Wednes3ay night. ff
Mrs. B. Qulnrt and grandson of
Eugene visited at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. .C. J. Clark recent- ,
ly. While In this vicinity, thev
made a trip to Prineville accom
panied by Vuunda .. and - Lola
Clark. ' V '-' ' "
, , Mr. and. Mrs. Tom Jones ani
daughter Pamela will go to
Crane Saturday night to lsit
Mrs. Jones' father. Jones is bas
kethall coach at the John Tuck
School':-:' : . ,.;v- ',":
- -Tom . Wells entered, the St
Charles hospital In Bendi Wed-,
nesday night. He . will undergo
surgery. 1
uuotts at Meeting
Miss Doris Osenton and Miss
Jeanne Stauffaeher were guests
at the Prineville Kiwanis club
They were guests 01 c Park
er on the trip to Prineville.
Miss osenton gave a demon
stration of twirling, and Miss
Stauffaeher sang. Miss Clarissa
Berning accompanied 'the girls In
their performance.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ware of
Salem and Mrs. E. Young of Leb
anon came Wednesday to attend
the funeral services for Wares
mother, which was held Friday
afternoon; - .
David Ells, former manager of
the Redmond Shoe store, was in
Redmond over the week end. His
wife and . children accompanied
him back to Portland where they
will make their home. The Ells
recently Sold their home in Red
mond. "': -: ' v
REPAIRING Radios, clocks, heaters, fans.
FOR WELL and drain hole drill- .ranges, refrigerators, all mak.'S.
Ing call Lee Grimes, 224 Davis, Ed Martin, 30 Minnesota Ave. Ph.
phone 975J or 1252J. 169Z.
Estate No. 1516
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned administrator of the
estate of Charles H. Haines, de
ceased, has filed In the county
court of Deschutes County, Ore
gon, his final account in said es
tate, and that said court has fixed
Ihe 25th day of September, 1950,
at Ihe hour of two o'clock P.M. a
the time, and the court room of
said court as the place, for hear
ing of objections, if any, to said
final account," and the settlement
Dated and first published this
26th day of August, 1950.
In America there are about
100.000 tank trucks delivering
gasoline, fuel oil and kerosene.'
A T Mr-r Allnrnpv fnr
223-229-234-240C ' set the troop carrier plane afire.
Nashville,. Tenn., Sept. 2 II1 !
Sewart air force base was ex
pected to announce today the
names of six airmen killed in the
crash of a C-119 "Flying Box
car" from which three others
parachuted to safety.
It was first believed that seven
perished when the plane crashed
in a cornfield near Parsons.
Tenn., yesterday. Only six bodies
were found, however and a ne
gro trooper was later discovered
tangled In his 'chute far from
the crash scene. His name was
not learned. . - - 1
Sgt Richard Evans, Oak
Lawn, III- and Cpl. Joe T. Woof
ten of Dixie. Ga.. were the other
I survivors. Evans said they were
flying a routine navigation train
ing mission at 15,000 feet when
one of the engines exploded and
Vern Larson
Insurance & Real Estate
135 Oregon Ave. Phone 33
2-Bedrosm Modern
Stucco, good location. $1,200
2-Bedroom Modern
On E. 9ii.-WIII exchango
for larger 2-bcdroom mod-
em. .
Lovely 2-Bedroom
Large living room, dining
room and breakfast nook.
Oak floors, furnace and,
doiililc garage. (
2-Bedroom Modern
On paved street, siilevfalks.
Real Estate
Farm, dairy ranch- with
milk quota, shocked and
machined. Business proper
ties, taverns, hotels, motels.
If you need real estate, let's
talk It over.
-t 1
- l