PAGE SIX THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON MONDAY, JUNE 26, 1950 Alaska Alerted As Precaution Anchorage, Alaska, June 20 HP) Anti-aircraft units and fighter plane personnel were alerted throughout Alaska today. Military police passed through the .city ordering all soldiers con nected with the 867th antiair craft group and the fighter plane groups to return to their posts Immediately. MaJ. James K. Bryan, public information officer at nearby Fort Richardson, said the alert had been ordered by Lt. Gen. Na than F. Twining, commander in chief of Alaskan military forces. Gen. Twining was in Naknak, Alaska, when the invasion of South Korea started, Ma, Bryan said, but has been keeping con stantly in touch with all bases under his command. Army officials emphasized the alert was not general, and serv ice troops were not among those ordered back to their posts. "There is no cause for hysteria or alarm at this time," Gen. Twin ing said, "either within Anchor age or anywhere in the territory. This is only an advance intelli gence situation to hold a precau tionary alert here." The general said the alert was applied to air bases throughout the territory, not only to Fort Richardson. Capt. Sam Sloan, public Infor mation officer at Fort Richard son, said the entire fort was un der a precautionary alert, includ ing all troops. Erickson Gets Prison Term New York, June 26 IP King pin bookmaker Frank Erickson was sentenced today to a two yean prison term and fined $30, 000 for operating a multi-million dollar coast-to-coasl bookmaking business. , . Special sessions justice Nathan D. Permian, presiding over a three-man bench, also sentenced the pudgy gambler to one year on each of three bookmaking counts, but suspended that sen tence. . The $30,000 fine was the maxi mum possible under the criminal information to which Erickson pleaded guilty last Monday. The Information listed 59. counts of bookmaking and one count of conspiracy to violate, the gamb ling laws. ' Justice Perlman and Justices John V. Flood and Frank Oliver deliberated in chambers, for 17 minutes before pronouncing sen tence. Erickson was sentenced to one year and fined $500 on the conspiracy count and one year and $500 on the first bookmaking . count. The sentences are to run consecutively. On the next three bookmaking counts he was sentenced to one ' year and $500 each, but execution of the penitentiary term was sus pended "on good behavior and on condition that Erickson never en gage in bookmaking or in gamb ling again." On each of the other 55 counts, he was fined $500. PENDANT MISSING Juan-Les-Plns. France, June 26 HP) Police Investigated today the disappearance of a $37,000 emer ald pendant belonging to the daughter-in-law of the late rail, road magnate Jay Gould. The pendant disappeared from a locked jewel box in the Hotel Province, largest hotel In this Riviera resort town. Police said It was left in the ho tel for safekeeping by Mrs. Frank Gould and that it disappeared without the jewel box lock being forced. Mrs. Gould, wife of 74-year-old Frank Gould, lives in a villa on the outskirts of town. REDMOND BAND PRACTICES Redmond, June 26 Thirty-five band aspirants turned out for the first practice of tne new com munity group sponsored by the Redmond Kiwanis club and led by Frank do Lespiansse. The second practice will be In the high school band room Tuca day evening. June 27 at 8 o'clock, Date of the first performance has been tentatively set as Wednes day, July 12. invitation to participate is still being extended, particularly to adults in tne community. Use classified ads In The Bulletin for quick results. NOTICE THE OFFICE OF Dr. George M. Blinn, Dentist Will be closed on Mon. and Tues., June 26 and 27 Moving to New Downstairs Location . . 266 Oregon Ave., Near Pine Tavern . '. Formerly the. Offlc of THE LATE DR. R. W. HENDERSHOTT Office Opens Wednesday, June 28th 226 Oregon Ave. Phone 286 4 Redmond Boys Attending Session Redmond, June 26 Johnny Hodecker, Donald Wells, Ronald Dahlin and Bill Hallock left Sun day morning for Boys State, which will be held this week on the Oregon State campus at Cor vallls. They were taken to Corvallls by D. B. McKenzle. They were to register at noon and were to have their first meal on the camous Sunday evening. Boys btate Is a plan 'for train ing in the practical aspects of citizenship. It was originated in Illinois in' 1934 and nas been adopted by the national organiza tion oi tne American, Legion. Wade Short is the Redmond chairman for Boys State. Flash Floods Claim 16 Lives Clarksburg, W.Va., June 26 ip Five more, bodies were recover ed today from the Xlood-ravaged six-county area pwept by week end flash floods, bringing the number of drowned to 16. An other 16 persons were missing and Deueved dead. State police Capt. E. E. Stout said the bodies of Naomi McKln ney, 12; Linnie McKinney, 8;' Clyde Bailey, R. W. Rothwell and an unidentified man were recov ered at Avondale, a short dis tance below their homes in the vicinity of Smfthburg. Stout said the list of missing and presumed dead included six members of the Cooper family of Smithburg. He said their bodies had not been recovered; Stout directed the search bv ra dio from Shinnston after nation al guardsmen, police and volun teer workers resumed their ef fort at dawn. A thick fog caused search operations to be suspend ed during the night. The Red Cross rushed food and medicine into the stricken area arid set up relief stations to care for those whose homes were swept away by the swirling water. The Monongahela Power Co, at Fairmont said electric power had been restored in all flooded towns except Cairo, where utility poles and lines were completely sub merged or wasnea away. Fred schroeder, in charge of the companies repair crews, said it would be two or three days before service could be restored In Cairo. SITE SELECTED Columbus, 6., June 26 tP) The Professional Golfers association announced today that its 1951 an nual tournament would be held at the Oakmont Golf course at Pitts burgh, Pa., June 28-July 4. PODSOU IVY or SUMAC s idenw has discovered an excellent new treat mentlorivy,otkorsu map ruittnnino It'ttMtru jWWWitle md safe, quickly dries up the blisters olten within 24 hout IMVY-DRY RIVALS MAKE UP GEO. N. TAVLOR NEBRASKA And how these two merchants did hate one an other!. Both attended the one church in the little town and both were officers, and yet they never spoke. Then came a preacher who brought them together and onto their knees and Into the Christian life. And all the town was blessed. First They had been born of hu man parents and they had hearts that loved to sin and hate. But now they were born again with God as their Heavenly Father and hearts that could love, even an enemy. They had God's nature and hate was out AND YOU? Possess Jesus Christ as God the Saviour who died for you. Then moment by moment, look to Him to power you. Just to Know about Christ Is not enough. Possess Him as your God and Saviour or you die lost. He alono Saves Keeps Satisfies. S-W McChesney Rd., Portland 1, Ore. This space paid for by a lllllsboro, Ore., family. Adv. 0: (Continued from Page 1) attle bakery workers carry strike into 10th and eighth day, respect ively. Los Angeles health offi cers patroling groceries for "bootleg" bread that doesn't meet standards, Milk Pittsburgh milk strike deadlocked, no negotiations sched uled. Milk-seekers drove far Into surrounding area found two-hour customer queues waiting for service. One Independent dairy closed with a quarter-mile line waiting. Automobiles More than 30, 000 workers of Briggs Co., key supplier firm, vote this week on three -year contract providing flvecent-an-hour wage boost, $100 pensions, union shop. Union ac ceptance of proposed contract av erted strike threatened for today. Newspapers CIO American Newspaper Guild expected to seek approval of $sa-month per-mem-ber assessment for benefit of New York World-Telegram and Sun strikers. , Rayon Negotiations between the American Enka Corp., and two textile unions break down at New York. Arrest two, hunt four men charged with leading gun battle outside company's Morristown, Tenn'., $lant last week, that injured three non-strikers. HERE'S WHAT YOU'LL SAVE IN... wCj ' 1 YEAR 2 YEARS 3 YEARS O nn 552.00 $104.00 $156.00 plus interest plus interest plus interest 50 $130.00 $260.00 $39o7ob plus interest plus interest plus interest jr oo $260 00 $520.00 $700.00 ' plus interest plus interest plus interest $7 50 $390.00 $78000 $7lYo 00 " plus interest plus interest plus interest "LET'S BUILD OREGON TOGETHER" James Lovelace Dies in Seattle James Lovelace, 26, former Bend resident, died at his home in Seattle Friday evening after a long illness. Funeral services will be held at tl) Butterworth Funeral home in Seattle at 2:30 p.m. Tuesday. Mr. Lovelace, and his wife, the former Ruth Blutcher of Bend, moved to Seattle from Bend about .three years ago. He is survived by his wife; his mother, Mrs. Vena Lovelace, and a sister, Lielith Lovelace, both of Glide, and a brother, John, of Vancouver, Wash. He was pre ceded in death by his father and another brother,' Robert. SCOUTS MAKE TRIP Redmond, June 26 Jive mem bers of Boy Scout troop 27, ac companied by their scoutmaster, Ernest Wilson, and his junior as sistant. Bill Harlock. made an overnight camping trip to Scout lake Tluay nlgnt. The boys prepared camp,' cook ed three meals in the open and took a long nine. Saturday morn ing they hiked from Scout lake to Dark lake then to Blue lake, from there to Suttle lake and back to Scout lake. Boys making the trip were David Smyth, Richard Hayward, Raymond Gowdy, Dwlght Vance and Norman Davis. NEW TRIAL DENIED Washington, June 26 HP) Fed eral judge Albert L. Reeves re fused today to grant a new trial to former government girl Judith Coplon, twice convicted of spying for the Russians. Miss Coplon had demanded a new trial for her first conviction In Washington lust year on grounds that lt resulted from evi dence obtained from' wire tapping by FBI agents. ' The 27-year-old one-time justice department employe was sentenc ed to serve a 40-months to 10 year prison term for the Wash ington conviction. She was sen tenced to serve up to 15 years on her New York conviction for conspiring with -Valentin Gublt-chev. BOY CRUSHED TO DEATH Portland, June 26 lU'i Three-year-old Theodore Baumeister Jr., was crushed yesterday when a window flower box fell on him. The boy died at Providence Hos pital two hours after the acci dent. Attendants said ho suffer ed chest Injuries. SALES SERVICE ELECTROLUX Cleaner and Air Purifier PHIL PHILBROOK Only Authorized Dealer 1304 E. Third. Phone 129S-J - Nothing can equal the feeling (security that comes with having money in the bank... money you can count on for the "extras" in life... money to meet an emergency, should one arise. Notice from the chart below how a small amount saved out of every paycheck soon builds into a sizeable sum. Governor McKay has pro claimed the period of June 27-July 4 as a time for Oregonians to observe COMMUNITY THRIFT. Open a First National Savings Account during this week and start saving for your independence OEfc2E BRANCH ' Open 10 to 5 including Saturday Health Activities The only cases of communica ble diseases reported last week by the tri-county health depart ment were in Crook county, where two cases of mumps were discovered. ' On Wednesday, a child health conference will be held at the health department office in the Deschutes county courthouse. The conference will begin at 1:30 p.m. and attendance will be by ap pointment only, according to the department. - . The department will hold Its regular, staff conference and weekly - immunization clinic on Friday. The clinic 'will be held from 1 to 3 p.m. Miss Genevieve Chase, public health .nurse for the department, began a two-weeks vacation to day, it was also reported. QUICKLY! at Economy Drugs Opposite Postoffice. Phone 823 u R&DKIM bank MEMBER Court Order Defied by Bank . San Francisco, June 26 'IP The world's largest bank may face contempt of court -action if it goes ahead with plans to an nex 22 California banks today. Bank of America, the organiza tion that grew from founder A. P. Giauninl's vegetable cart In 1906 purchased their "new branch es" from Transamerica corpora lion for $18,000,000. In defiance of . a federal court order enjoining the -bank from mm ....,,:.t " iisu'":.u( TUESDAY juni n an ihaia itatloni Albany ...... KWIL Z'SJIS Aii.rla ...... KMT I100'" land .! MNB 7:OOPM Of lay ....KOOt Z'SIE fuMM KUON 7'30 PM Im ICOH 7,00 PM OMlhu ..KUIN 7i00JM Klamafk. folU.KKW ..... MOr KtaMltl FolU . KMI 10:30 PM lawtew .... KWIK J'OOPM itJ(orJ KVJC 7iJ0 PM Partial K "'! PartlM KPOJ 7:00 PM ofOkurg ....'KIN! 7.00 PM tatam " KSIM 7,00 PM Walla Walla.. KUJ 7:00 PM Walla Walla. . KWWI .... 7,10PM there's no substitute for systematic savings OF PORTLAND FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION purchasing the 22 "branch" President L. M. Giannlni has on nounced that the purchase "i an accomplished fact" and th transaction could rjot be haliM by the restraining .order. Bulletin Classifieds Bring Result, FREE OFFER For , Deafened Persons For people who are troubled bv hardof-hearing this may be th means for starting a new fnii llfe-with all the enjoyment sermons, music, friendly com panionsliip and business suceeJ It is a fascinating brochure can' ed "So' You Can Hear" and to now available without charge Deafened persons acclaim it as a practical guide with advice and encouragement of great value a start on the road to happiness If you would like a free codv' simply send your name and ai dress on a postcard today and ask for "So You Can Hear" Write to Beltone, Dept 7811 uvi W. 19th St., Chicago 8, III ' Also show this important news to a friend or relative who may be hard-of-hearing. . ' ' Ad. REST HOME FOR AGED PEOPLE REASONABLE KATES Mountain View Nursing Home