WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 1, 1950 THE SEND 8ULUTIN, 86ND, OftESON FASI SEVEN Bulletin Classifieds Produce Classified Rates ' LOCAL PAID IN ADVANCE 25 Words One Time 50c I JSSlSMa Ail oxtu 26 4t ic pr word uou number iiucruoiu. t o W r.u. LI. IUW ltw t pii!j Sac Kutr. IS. tbw, Mininga Cue Ctounff tin clMciftad, 11 a.n. Ptiplur jMranbint Ckainc Mm i p.m. prevuMi Om half ps o larger, $ p.m. second dar prwu u putticaiwn. For Sale Beal Estate WANT TO SELL? List your property with UiLBkKl. A square deal, and prompt, eiiicient, courteous service is yours at Gil bert's Real Estate, lolo Wail St. NEED A HOME? Check the Deal of the Day on KBND 9:45 a.m. Call today and Inspect the listings at Gilbert's Real Estate, 1015 Wall St. OWNER WILL take late model car as down payment on new, modern, plastered, 2 br. home. Hdwd. firs.; utii. rra.; hot water heater; lots ot bullt-ins; wired lor range. Or will rent to responsible party. E. C. Zastera, 552 E. Greenwood. BRAND NEW Attractive, mod., 2 br. home; In excellent location. Many-outstand-ing features. Ypungstown kitch en; weatherstripped windows; oak flooring; cedar shakes; tex tured plaster; all without extra cost to you. This really nice home is priced to sell, and can be seen at 452 E. Irving; or pnone 1884 W. INVESTMENT Opportunity: Best comer on South 3rd. Leased to major oil company. Increased value assured. $10,000 handles. 160 acres jackpine; 5,000-10,000 cords pulpwood. 52500. Phone 405-W. , J. S. DAVIS CO. ' Phone 185 Penney Bldg. New. 3 of.. ranch type home; at good East side location. Extra , well constructed, wuh hdwd. lirs.; good auto, oil pipe furnace with leads to each room; beautiful kitcnen; Bendix incl.; oversized lot. FHA appraised. Priced at $8800. ' Good, new, 2 br.; East side; im- med. poss. Large liv. rm.; beauti- , ful hdwd. firs.: tile kitchen: auto. furnace; good fir. plan; att. ga- NOTICE: We are authorized rage; 75 It. lot. FHA appraised Baldwin agents for Central Ore for more than the asking price gon and employ no outside solici- of $7500. Beautiful, 2 br., view home. Close in East side location; many spe-. cial features. Fireplace; oiJ fur nace; insulated and weather stripped; att. garage. All large, spacious rooms; good din. rm. Landscaped lot; fine lawn. FHA appraised for more than asking price of $9000. i Business lot on Wall Street; 75 ft. frontage; extra good location; now available. 1948 ROLL-A-WAY Trailer fully equipped. Sleeps 4. Will trade for equity on home or sell. 2 1-br. rental units on Riverside. $2500; $900 cash, bal. $40. Good, 3 br., mod. Liv. rm.; din. rm.; fireplace; fir. furnace. Nice kitchen. Good condition. $5500; $2450 cash, bal. on 4',. NEW, 2 br., mod. Liv. and din. . rm.; bath; kitchen; range wir ing; elec. water heater; att. ga rage. $8350; $1900 casn, bal. FHA at $51.53. " For value, call Mr. Locklin 331 E. M. BUCKNUM, REALTOR 1029 Brooks Phone 331 For Rent: 1 br. home; close in; East side. $50 month. For Sale: 3 lots; good location on East side. Dry in spring. Formerly $1650; to Feb. 15, $1000. 4 br. home. West side. $7500. EWING REAL ESTATE 815 Bond Phone 592 STARTER HOME Three rooms practically finished; large living room, bedroom, Kiten en. New bath-tub and toilet, wilh fixtures not installed; room for bath and utilities. Garage. 2 nice lots with a garden spot and some Irult trees. Two sioves; daven port and chair; 2 cords -wood. Possession soon. Price is $1600. cash; or $1700, with $800 down. SACRIFICE On account of sickness, owner is offering this 2 BEDROOM HOME. Attached garage. Built in 1948. New East side district; over sized lot; gas equipped; auto matic heat. Priced at $7350. Good FHA terms. . J. A. DUDREY, REALTOR 1039 Wall Across from Pilot Butte Inn MIDSTATE REALTY CO. C. J. Lindh and D. H. Peoples Rm. 11, U.S. Nafe Bldg. Phone 405 2 br., on paved st.;lge. kitchen; lots of built-ins; oil circ; dble. garage. $6950; $1450 down. New, 1 br.; oak firs.; oil fir. fur nace; utii.; close to schi. $6800; FHA terms. Lovely 2 br., near Kenwood chl.; oil furnace; garage and exna rm. $10,700; $1500 down, $73 month. 3 br.. biirk home: on sower; pay- tA . n, .. . ....... Kcml '. fur. nacp; Igp. Hv. rm. with fireplace. $9500, with terms. 3 br.; hdwd. firs.; fireplace; clcc. heat; superb kiichen: att. garage; 1' lots. S11.000; $2500 down. 2 small tracts at citv limits: COl and city water. $17(0 and SlOoO. We handle only fairly -pi iced prop erty. , Kor saie-iu Estate 2 BR., MODERN; hsmt fiirnam.- 2 lots; garage. $4500; $1000 cash, bal. $40 month. phST SIDE REAL ESTATE Fnone 9S8-M Portland Ave. , . , . 310 SOUTH THIRD: 5 rms. and bath, lor $2500, furnished; $400 down; $30 and earned interest monthly. Will rent. See 46 FranK lin. . Fuel 16" DRf JACKPINE slabwood, $9 cord. Also 8 It. length. Imm. delivery. Phone 1041. 2 CORD 18 pr slah Sidnn- cord 16" dry slab, $19,00, deliver- eu in oena. xau naui irom yard, $5 per. cord.) Central Oregon Fuel Co., phone 201-W. 936 A St., Redmond, Ore, GOOD DRY green season jack pine; also dry jackpine. Prompt delivery. Allen Grant. Phone 314-W. COAL, Briquets, Pres-to-logs and Petroleum Coke. Bend Storage & Transfer Co., phone 414, 222 Irv ing Ave. For Sale 'Farm Products RAl.Fn HIV f nr. oalr, Shelley .Real Estate, Redmond. CONSIGN YOUR LIVESTOCK to centra! uregon Auction for the highest prices. Sale every Thursday. Ben R. Smith, Mgr. Phone 12-R-3. SPRINKLER IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT, PIPE, ENGINES MOTORS BENJAMIN RUSSELL N. Dalles-Calif. Hiway Phone 2O10-W3 Bend, Ore. For Sale Miscellaneous 1935 PLYMOUTH sedan; lots of extras. Also oil cook stove; 1465 Cumberland. BARGAIN SALE 1937 TERRAPLANE sedan; good cond. S135. Nearly new Prestellne elec. range. $200. Nearly new table model 40-gal. hot water heater. $100. 34 Hastings Place NEARLY NEW" sheepskin coat size 42; $11. 1 pr, iightwgt. leather-top packs; size 9; $11. Phone 1476 - R tors. We accept no responsibility for deals made by any transient agentsi Benson Piano Co. T OIL HEATER; used 1 season; with 25 ft. copper coil; also 1 55 gal. oil bbl. Inquire 643 Colorado. Phone 1217-R. SELLING OUT? reg. Toy Pomer anians, heavy coats, orange color, with papers. Males, females bred or open young stock. Box 413, Burns, Ore. RADIO TUBES Complete stock Philco and other nationally known brands. Tubes tested. Bend Furniture Co. A LARGE stock of reconditioned and guaranteed used refrigera tors from $49.50 up; used wring er washers from $19.50 up. Used automatic electric ranges from $39.50 up and also ironers. 165 E. Greenwood- Oregon Equipment Co., phone 888. RECONDITIONED sewing ma chines; ail makes; low as $13. Rebuilt washers, like new, $35. Rebuilt refrigerators, good as new, $39.50. Anderson , Sewing Machine & Appliance Center, State and Tumalo. DELIVERY BIKE with lge. bskt. and sm, front whl.; good cond.; new tires. See at Bend Bulletin office. OLD NEWSPAPERS. 10c and 25c bundles. Bulletin Office. For Sale I'smkI Cars BEND GARAGE CO. Used Cars That Have Not Been Frostbitten Because They are all Displayed Indoors. POSTWAR BEAUTIES 19-19 Buick Super Sedan. New car guarantee. Perfect condition. 19-18 Plymouth Sedan. Excep tional value. 1917 Chevrolet Aeroscdan. R&H. seatcovers. Top car. 1946 Chevrolet Sedan. A-l throughout. 19-16 Dodge Sedan. Beautiful blue. Very clean. BIG TRANSPORTATION BUYS 1911 Chevrolet 2-dr. R&li $565 1940 Chevrolet 2-dr. Heater... 493 1940 Ford Coupe. Dandy 395 1939 Chevrolet 2-dr. A 3D3 WONDERFUL BARGAINS 1937 Chevrolet Sedan $295 1937 Chevrolet Coupe 225 1936 Plymouth Sedan 150 1935 Ford Sedan 195 Shop Indoors for Our Dependable ) Used Cars , 720 Wall St. '39 DODGE DELUXE business coupe; 90' rubber; sound body; radio and heater: new moto,-. Needs new win-tow and water pump. $295. Write Lodge. Sisters. Oregon. 1949 CHEV. 4-dr. deluxe; used 1 mo. Radio, heater, undercoat ing, windshield washers, grill and trunk guards. Total price, incl. int. and ins., S16R5, Only $305 down. Phone 726-M. For SjUe I'sed Cars CARROLL MOTORS GUARANTEED USED CAR BARGAINS 1929 Ford "A" Sedan. . A rattling - good work car. Only $65 1935 Ford 4-dr. Sedan. 1947 Mercury motor. Only $98.50 1938 Studebaker 4-dr. Sedan, Commander. Complete ly overhauled. Only $395 1939 Pontiac 4-dr. Sedan. New paint; execellent mechanically. Special $445 1940 Oldsmobile Club Coupe. New paint job; excel lent mechanically. Special $495 1938 Bulck Special 4-dr, Se dan. Below book value. Only $195 1947 Plymouth Special De luxe 4-dr. Sedan, Very nice in every re .specr; ioads of extras. A Real Buy at $1195 1948 Crosley Station Wagon. 1 Like new. Low mileage. s Only $495 "Here is a Real Buy" "THE BOSS'S CAR" 1949 DeSoto Custom 4-dr. Completely equipped with Radio, Air Conditioner and Heater; underseal; and many other extras. This car carries a New Car Guarantee, and ' has only 4200 actual miles. You can purchase this fine automobile at. a liberal dis count. , SEE IT TODAY AT CARROLL MOTORS Your DeSoto - Plymouth Dealer 162 Greenwood Payments arranged to suit Your Budget - For Rent UNFURNISHED HOUSE, 58 Ore gon. 1 bedroom; large living room; gas-range; suitable for liv ing quarters or office. 5b0 month. Phone Anne Forbes, 367-J. After Feb. 1, 36-W. AT LAVA APTS.: Small apt. suitable for single lady or work ing couple. Phone 684 from 7 to 10 a.m. NEW, 2 BR. home; auto; heat; complete, furnished, incl. Bendix. Phone 102U-J aiter 5 p.m. "Ssiz month. APTS. for rent; all utii, furnished. Winter rates. Phone 509. Shady Nook Motel, 405 E. 3rd. FURNISHED APT.; ail utii., incl, auto, heat, $50. Adults, no pets. 1309 E. 3rd. 2 RM. FURNISHED apt.; down town ideal for 1 person or a couple. Call at Foley & Randall Ins. Agency; or phone 1870. KNOTTY PINE cabins; 3 rms. and bath. Elec. ranges; heat and utii. furnished. $60 month. Phone 589. Mountain View Motor Court. ROOMS or room and board. Sun day meals included. Rooms newiy decorated. Under new manage ment. Quick lunch. 542 Arizona Ave, C. W. Pattee, Prop. Phone 1752-R. APTS. FOR RENT for winter months. L Rancho Motor Hotel. Phone 199-Z, Redmond. 2 RM., FURNISHED apt.; prL bath and entrance. For appt., phone 1515-W4. 3 RM.. MODERN apt., unfurnish ed; gas range, auto, gas heat and hot water. On Riverfront. $35. Call 944-J at 1654 W. 2nd. Wanted WANTED TO BUY: Livestock of any kind, any amount. Also horses: Have cash buyers. See Nick Chase, or drop card: Rt. 3, Box 96; or phone 1519-J4 or 790- W. Leave word. 15 ACRES Arnold water. Doug Ward. Pnone 1595 days, 1519-W1 nights. Help Wanted GOOD. RELIABLE woman want ed to care for young child and light housework. Must live m. Room, board and wag"s. 421 Port land Ave. Phone 1005-M. 1 TRUCK CHAIN. Call 861 -W. or return to Bill Hutch, Time Service: Station on Greenwood. 1 TIRE CHAIN in Bend. 967-R. Reward. Phone ; Service WHEN IN NEED of pipe thaw ing, acetylene or electric welding, lathe work, portable welding, call Flaherty's Machine Shop. Phone 1100-R. New Miracle Drug Stop Cold Symptoms -in m Single Hay ANAHIST NEOHETRAMINE Get It at City Drug Co. PORTLAND MARKETS Portland. Feb. 1 Ui Portland butter and egg prices were un-j changed today. Butter Prices to retailers: Grade A A prints 68c lb.; AA-car-tons 69c; A prints 68c; A cartons 69c; B prints 65c Egg prices to retailers: Grade AA large 42c doz.; certified A large 41c; A large 40c; AA me dium 40c; A medium 39c; small nominal; cartons, 2c additional. Cheese Price to retailers: Portland, Oregon, singles, 3942c lb,; Oregon 5-lb. loafs, 44-45c lb.; triplets, IMc less than singles. Premium brands, singles, blttc ib.j loaf, 53ie lb. The female deer may have her first fawn when only one year old. UNITED STATES DEPART MENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF LAND MANAGE MENT Oregon District Land Office, Port land 18, Oregon December 20, 1949 Notice is hereby given that un der the second proviso of section 2455, R.S., as amended by section 14 of the act of June 28, 1934 t48 Stat., 1274), and pursuant to the application of J. W. Judy, Serial No. uregon Uiss, mere win oe oi- fered, to the highest bidder, out at not less than $141.00, at a pub lie scle to be held at 10:00 o'clock a.m., on the 1st day of March next, at this office, Use following tract of land: T. IS S R, 12 E., W.M., Oregon, sec 2, EsSEW. This tract is ordered into the market on a showing that the greater portion thereof is moun tainous or too rough for cultiva tion. Bids may be made by the prin cipal or his agent, either person ally at the sale or by mail. aids sent by man will be consul ered only if received at this of fice prior to the hour fixed lor Uie sale. These bias must oe ac companied by certified checks or post office money orders for the amounts ol the ows ana must oe enclosed in sealed envelopes. The envelopes must be marked in the lower left-hand corner substantial ly as follows: "Public sale bid, Serial No, Oregon 0799, Sale 10:00 March 1. 19o0." The person making the highest bid wiii be required to pay imme diately the amount thereof. Any persons claiming adverse ly the above-described land are advised to file their claims or ob jections, on or before the time designated for sale. Pierce M. Rice, Manager. 36-42-48-54-60-3, Services ATTENTION: We are now ready to resume pipe thawing. Call li. L. Stevenson, 1338-J. HEATING: Furnaces cleaned, re paired and reset; Oil Burners and Oil Circulating Heaters cleaned and adjusted. Oregon Heating Co. Phone 513. ??? "S I"akeS- PhoneNlHNWU of si! m LSSail ELECTRICAL WIRING AH types of electrical wiring by guar anteed licensed men. Free esti mates. Telephone 159, SNOW PLOWING: Roadways and parking areas. Phone 1419-J. PIPE THAWING vibrator. $5 per house. Phone 1035-R. SAW FILING, gumming, ham mering, band saw welding, samier belts, band saw blades, new han dles hung in tools. Sexton Supply & Saw Service, 1195 Wall Street. FURNITURE MOVING; dust proof padded van. We pack your china with care, hang your etothes In our wardrobe. Local and nation-wide moving and storage. Holman Transfer, 201 Irving. Phone 987. CARPENTER WORK: New con struction, rough framing, remod eling, cabinets, built-ins and shop work. F. W. Page, phone 630-M, general contractor. HOUSE MOVING and raising; ; large or small. Estimates gladly 1 given. Holman Transfer, 201 Irv- . ing. Phone 987. SEPTIC TANKS cleaned, drain holes shot. Free estimates. Phone 1252-J or 975-J. D. W. Grimes, 210 Davis Ave., Bend. FOR WELL and drain bole" drill-! ing call Lee Grlmps, 224 Davis,! phone 975-J or 1252-J. i Reconditioned Washers $15 up Used Davenport . $25.00 Circulating Heaters end Oil Heaters $12.50 up 1 Quick OUT OUR WAY the v,oBEy vsiAtrr TIMBER FOR SALE UNITED STATES DEPART MENT OF THE INTERIOR, BUREAU OF LAND MANAGE MENT. Sealed bids will be received by the Regional Administrator; Bu reau of Land Management, Build ing No. 1, Swan Island, Portland 18, Oregon, ttp to 2:00 P.M., PA CIFIC STANDARD TIME, on February 14, 1950, for all timber marked, or otherwise designated for cutting, as follows. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. Before bids are submitted, interested persons should obtain from the Regional Administrator, Portland, Oregon, or from Bureau of Land Management Forest Dis trict Offices, bid forms and ad ditional information concerning conditions of the sale such as the qualifications of bidders, the pro cedure for submitting bids, the amount of the initial deposit and subsequent payments, the kind and amount of bond, operates restrictions and the availability of access. The volumes given be - tow are standing timber est!- mates, DtaiCHWTES COUm'Y, OREGON: PUBLIC HOMAIN LAND: T. 16 S., R. 11 E., W.M., Sec. 31, all merchantable timber designated for cutting on tHeN SE, SWWSEW, estimated lor the purpose of this sale to be 90 M. feet marked Ponderosa Pine, No bid for less than $12.40 ser M. ft. B.M., or a total purehasa1 price of $1,116,90, wul he consM pf-ed. Minimum deposit with bid $211.60. T. 21 S., R. 10 WM., Sees. 2, 3, and 8; T. 21 S., K. 11 E., W.M.. Sees, 6, 7. 19, and 20, ail merchantable limlser desig nated for cutting on Lot 3 (NEH NWH), SliNWM, Wis SW, SEHSWH of Sec, 2, Lot 2 (NWS NEW), Lot 3 (NE14 NW'4), SE54NW, Sec. 3, E- NW'i of Sec. 8, NEHNBK, NEfc- SEH of Sec. 6. SEW of Sec. 7, for the purpose of this sale to be 760 M feet marked Pondprosa Pine. No hid for less than $15.83 per M ft, B.M., or a total pur chase price of $12,046.00, will be considered. Minimum drposit with bid $1,202.30, 30-36-12-48-C NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been by the county court of the state of Ore gon lor Deschutes county ap pointed executrix of the estate of Rodney C. Caryl, deceased, ami ail persons holding claims against saw estate are rpquireo JO pre sent the same with proper vouch ers to the undersigned at the office of Ross Farnham, altoi nev at law, in Bend, Oregon, wishin six months aftor the date hereof. Dated and published first time January 11, 1950. JENNIE a CARYL, Executrix Est. of Rodney C. Caryi. Dec. 30-36-42-18-C VERN LARSON AGENCY insurance & Seal Estate 135 Oregon Ave. Phone 32 BENB, OBEGON 5-Bedroom Modern Heme Modern home with 4 ti, larg rhirkrn Isoaw, ami lovely grounds, loeiilcd 1 mile out, $i,wm down. $5,500 Business Preposition General store, filling Ma lion, fepl iHixinWBS, beer II hardware llni-s, fmt nffiee, raWnn, wridins out fit ,, . $ft,KM lx'k, approx imate turnover $52,000 per year. Will consider isome property on deal. Full price $1f,000 2-Bedroom Modem Very clean. $1309 down, $4,830 2-Bedroem Modern Fiirnarp, dinette, garage. Thi ItoniP t fjcpppthaiaily neat and clean. Terms. $4J75 New 2-Bedroom Modern ' e w spiM-loMs 3 iwdrrHtm modern, larnwr, oak floor, turned garage, $1,100 down. $7,500 9$2&&f WrtATf WTH A IPEAi. V K IRS ARE SMARTER Vv-PAPOM UKE A geOOM THAN IN XXKi- 'fcsiZS? 19 t-ET A COUPLE J THEV PUT TH JSV OF LITTLE QS CO A BROOM UNDER T MW M. I THAT? w Eohi'T J J y cm am- J s I sup (tofp I wikep up fry JFA N OWES. SOtfR HEAP 1 Trf ZIPPER. J Results Williami Unemployment Sets New High. Salem, Feb, 1 nr A new monthly record for unemploy ment claims and payments was made in January when $4,273,653 was paid to Oregon s unem ployed, the state unemployment commission reported today. The previous high was $4, 168,215 In March, 1949. The Jan uary figure was 52 per cent above the December figure and 54.8 per cent more than lor Jan uary of a year ago. The local office claims load has been rising steadily since the year-end rate of 6,000 a week, snd officials expected still higher payments in February and March, j unless there is an immediate ! change in the icy weal her that has forced several lumbering and other plants to shut down. January Z7 lltgn An all-time high of 70,136 claim- ants reported during the week ended January 27. This compared with SS,7fau for the previous week, 43,875 for the , last week of De- eemfaer, and 63578 a year ago. THp w-evious high of 159323 was .established last February. But ttist February npariy a third of the claimants were veterans seek ing rpadjustment allowances. Cur rently only 1,232 were found elig ible under Ihe GI bill of rights. : Of last month's payments, $4, 189,653 went to those covered by Oregon's unemployment law more than double any previous January In the commission's 13- year record. Since the 1949-50 benefit year started last July, $13,806,416 has been paid from slate funds to those seeking jobs, and require ments for ihe next five months may equal this amount, officials said. During Ihis benefit year, 122,- 000 workers have filed claims. comjsaml with 72.000 a year ago. About 20,000 have been found in eligible. An additional 20,000 have not vet drawn a check. And about 11,509 have exhausted 1949-50 benefits, A year ago only 4,711 had drawn their maximums, lim ited to a fourth of base year earnings. 8y J, R, Can't Start Your Car? Just call and say: "JJmmie, if wen'f sfart." Jimmie won't be surprised but YOU will, at the prompt and helpful service yea'll receive. If the battery is dead -the spark plugs fouled the fuel line frozen, er what ever, we'll get you going again, quickly and efficiently. Just phone 65. Right's Right af Eddies DDIE'S SALES AND SERVICE Wall & Greenwood S.W. Redmond Southwest Redmond, Feb. (Special) Mr, and Mrs. Bay Sur face and son, George, were Tues day callers of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Surface and fatally, of Bend. ; Archie Brown of Sister and Owen Brown made a trip to Brookings Wednesday. They are expected back this week, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Dickson of Powell Butte spent week ago Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, J?hn Bailer. Mr. and Mm Mllfred WaUen burg aiid daughters were visitors of Mr, and Mrs. Ray Surface Thursday evening, Lynn Forrester called on Rob ert Ledbetter Saturday, Mr, and Mrs, Floyd Holt and family; Jerry Efttow, Mr, and Mrs, Donald Wsremg and slaugh ter and Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Wallenburg attended the square dance party at RedBsontl grange Saturday evening, Barbara Surface, ssnsH daugh ter of Mr, and Mrs. Ted Surface-3 of Bend, spent several days this wees with Mr, ana Mrs, Bay Sur face, while her parents were lit Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Caves visit ed Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Holt. ?lr, and Mrs. John Hopper were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Charles WISden. Mr. and Mrs. Miifred Wallen burg were callers si Mr. and Mrs. Walter Holt Saturday afternoon 'Mr. and Mrs. Jim Griffiths and Jimmy visited Saturday evening with the Owen Brown family. Mrs. Floyd Holt called on Mrs. N. W, Enlow Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Surface of Bend called at the Bay Surface home Friday and took their daughter, Barbara, home with them. Mr. and Mrs, Matt Gross of Bend were Wednesday visitors of Mr, and Mrs. Charles Wliden. , Tracks of a cougar have been seen in the snow this past week. Ed HalJowell found tracks on the Robert Led better Place and John Bailer also found tracks on tils place. A wan front the state game commission was unsuccessful in trying to track It down. "DIMES" EVENT FOSTFONEO Redmond, Feb, 1 Because of wealher conditions the "Block of Dlmt-s" which had been scheduled for Saturday will , be postponed uma a later aate, ; . - Fhone CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH PORTtA?FB LIVESTOCK Portland, Feb. 1 5B Cetttie al abJe 250; - market active, tally steady; supply includes three load steers; two teds good around 1100 lbs. 25.50; toad me diums 2450; heifers scarce early; few cancer-cutier cows 1350-15; fat dairy type cows commons to 15.50; medium beef cows quotaoie to 18; bulls scarce, , Calves salable 50; istketae five, steady; one choice vealers 3L50: toD Tuesday 32; medium veaiers 2052. Hogs salable 250; market t live, fully steady: eood-choiee 1SJ- 230 lbs. 19-1950; 255-275 it. Is- 1850; good 150 lbs. 18; odd good 3S5 ib, sows 1555; heavier sal- able dowa is 1450 or below; feed ers scarce; good-choice salable IS. - Sheep salable none; market nominal; few tots good-choice Jed ktm&s late Tuesday steady at 33; good-choice slaughter ewes quot able 950-10, Redmond Redmond, Feb. 1 (Special! Mrs. Edith Wilson and Mrs. Kay Elliott of the Redmond lodge were visitors at the meeting of the True iieoekan lodge ot Ter rebonne Monday evening, Mrs. Wilson assisted Is ceremonies which Installed Kathryn Hegardt, conductor, and Alberta Noakeg, Inside guardian, - - . Ivan Washburn will be the shop foreman at Redmond , Electric company, according to Walter Lantz, owner. The shop is being remodeled to- include aa .office lor Washburn. -. , : .v Insulation Products, Inc., Is now operating with offices in .the Landaker building on 6th street, according to Leiand A. Monroe, owner, - ... - NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that I have for sale a 1947 Chevrolet sedan. This car is la good condi tion, and may be seen at Hunnell Motors. The car belongs to the estate of Paul HerzoR. -, i S. Dietrich, Administrator. 4847-4S49-50-51-C HEART ATTACK OR INDIGESTION? MMviKaiMatir3s3tsH tr.aitmaa. wsao a tng, "..Ktetoa iara, SM to umaa . - - - ft 65 5 ' ' I -1 TOWING Battery Service Winter Tune-Up Anii Freeze