FRIDAY. JANUARY 27. 1950 THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND, OREGON PAGE SEVEN Bulletin Classifieds Reach 20,000 Readers Classified Rates LOCAL PAID IN ADVANCE 25 Words One Time 50c 25 Words Three Times $1.85 25 Words Six Times $2.50 All wards .Tar It add Se per word tinea nambar af lncrtiona. Oaa anth run, aaraa copy, tfr day rata. Minimum eharga. Sue. Una Kate 1IM Capitals 0c Kcadara 15c Una, minimum 0c Cloetua tlma claaaifieda. 11 a.m. Dirplar Advartlalnc Cloainc tlma 6 p.m. previoua day. Ona half page ar larger, ( p.m. ascond day pravloua la publication. BEND AERIE NO. 2089 F. O. E. Hall Meets Every Friday Night Earl J. Wear, W. P. 428 South 4th. Phone 1525-W W. M. Loy, Secretary Rt. 3, Box 42. Phone 20-F-5 For Sale Real Estate BARGAINS AT GILBERTS ACREAGE with City Water. Home has living rm., 2 br., kitch en, complete bath, utility rm. with laundry trays. City water plus 1 ' shares COI water for 1.6 acres jujn pavement, sauuu, with terms. NEW HOME: 4-rooms on con crete foundation. A nice home on large lot, near grade school, and priced for quick sale at $2100, with terms. GILBERTS REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE 1015 Wall Phone 23-J 2 BEDROOM modern house 12x 29 garage attached. Will consider '40 or 41 model car as part down payment. 43 wan. INVESTMENT Opportunity: Best corner on South 3rd. Leased to major oil company. Increased value assured. $10,000 handle.. 160 acres Jackpine; 5,000-10,000 cords pulpwood. $2o00. Phone 405-W. BRAND NEW Attractive, mod., 2 br. home; in excellent location. Many outstand ina features. Youngstown kitch en: weatherstripped windows: oak flooring; cedar shakes; tex tured plaster; all without extra cost to you. This really nice home is priced to sell, and can be seen at 452 E. Irving; or phone 1884 W. 120 ACRES, 55 irrigated; on main canal, mail and bus routes. Nice, ranch type home; lots of built-ins, breakfast nook, lge. liv. rm., stone cellar, garage. Bunk-house, grain ary, plenty of outbldgs. Electric ity, telephone. For quick sale. Phone 7-F25, Redmond. (Owner.) OWNER transferred: New, 3 br., rustic ranch style. Piped oil fur nace; hdwd. firs.; oversized lot; Bcndix. Will FHA. 1119 East 9th; or phone 1549-R. NEW, 2 br. Ultra mod. liv. rm., din. rm. Streamlined kitchen. furnace. $8250; $2250 cash.rfcTDNEWGPAPLT, 10c and 25c r.i. Compact 2 br., mod. home. Close in. Sidewalk. City sewer. Nice lot. S3600; $1250 cash, bal. $50 inc. CA-. VERY good, 2 br., mod. Large liv. rm. Kitchen and dinette. Plas tered interior, l'j lots. Garage. $4500; $1300 cash,$3200 FHA. 2 br., mod., furnished. All in good cond. Good West side location. $3500; $1400 cash, bal. $30 inc. 6'. For value, call Mr. Locklin 331 E. M. BUCKNUM, REALTOR 1029 Brooks Phone 331 WANT TO SELL? List your property with GILBERT. A square deal, and prompt, efficient, courteous service is yours p.t Gil bert's Real Estate. 1015 Wall St MY EQUITY in only small all night cafe, in Sisters, Ore. Would consider car as part payment. H. R. Smith,' Cascade Cafe, Sisters, Ore. NEED A HOME? Check the Deal of the Day on KBND 9:45 a.m. Call today and inspect the listings at Gilbert s Keal testate, 1013 Wall St. NEW, 2 BR., mod. house. Hdwd. firs.; fireplace; garage; lots of built-ins; close to schl., and paved St. Sm. down payment. S500 less than FHA appraisal. Located at 10G5 Columbia. Phone 1307-R or 1641-M. Fuel GOOD DRY green season jack pine; also dry jackpine. Prompt delivery. Allen Grant. Phone 314-VV. 2 CORD 16" gr. slab. $14.00; 2 cord 16" dry slab. $19.00. deliver ed in Bend. (You haul from yard, $5 per cord.) Central Oregon Fuel Co.. phone 201-W. 936 A St, Redmond. Ore. COAL. Briquets. Pres to-logs and Petroleum Coke. Bend Storage Ac Transfer Co., phone 444, 222 Irv ing Ave. NOTICE, we have at present a good supply of wood and coal. Orders will be delivered as fast as possible under present weather and road conditions. No deliveries when blizzard conditions exist. Fuel can be picked up at yard. Place orders in advance. Brookings Wood Yard ph. 707 For Sale Farm Products JERSEY, GUERNSEY and H"l steins: ready to freshen. Will pick up and deliver, and take any kind ot cattle in trade. Randall Miller. Phone 168-X, Redmond. CONSIGN YOUR LIVESTOCK to Central Oregon Auction for the highest prices. Sale every Thursday. Ben R. Smith, Mgr. Phone 12-R-3. WILL START butchering Feb. 1. veal, goat and pork later, Groll Ranch, across tracks, east of Evans Flv Co. Rt. 1, Box 174. phone 1513-W-5. For Sale Farm Products SPRINKLER IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT, PIPE, ENGINES MOTORS BENJAMIN RUSSELL N. Dalles-Calif, Hiway Phone 2010-W3 Bend. Ore. 3 LUCKY PEOPLE: 3 only, Mighty Man Garden Tractors. 3 h.p. Wisconsin air-cooled motor. All brand new. Discontinuing the line. Unheard of prices. So hurry and be one of the lucky three to get a $337.50 Mighty Man Tractor lor SidY.ou. REDMOND TRACTOR CO. 585 6lh Street Phone 52 Redmond, Ore. For Sale Miscellaneous 1937 PLYMOUTH coupe; good cond. Foglights, Seal Beam lights, Prestone in radiator; $205. Also mechanic's tools and shop tool cabinet. 30-30 Winchester sport inb model. 725 11th, Redmond, Oregon. 1 2-WHL. TRAILER; 1 walnut bedroom suite; 1 nearly new (Joro nado washing machine; 1 coffee table. Phone 1502-W5. SELLING OUT reg. Toy Pomer anians, heavy coats, orange color, with papers. Males, females bred or open young stock. Box 413, Burns, Ore. AUCTION SALE January 28 at 11:30 Bring us anything you have for sale; or call us I2u9. These are some of the listings already in: Washing machine Electric sewing machine, al most new Remington typewriter, almost new . Stoves - Chests of drawers 1000 current dynamo Trailers Mowers Plows And many other items A LARGE stock of reconditioned and guaranteed used refrigera tors from $49.50 up; used wring er washers from $19.50 up. Used automatic electric ranges from $39.50 up and also ironers. 165 E. Greenwood. Oregon Equipment Co., phony 888. RADIO TUBES? Complete stock Philco and other nationally known brands. Tubes tested. Bend Furniture Co. RECONDITIONED sewing ma chines: all makes: low as S15. Rebuilt washers, like new, $35. Rebuilt refrigerators, good as new, $39.50. Anderson Sewing Machine & Appliance Center, Slate ana lumaio. DELIVERY BIKE with lge. bskt. and sm. front whl.; good cond.; new tires. See at Bend Bulletin office. bundles. Bulletin Office. NEW 9x12 linoleums, $7; Sim mons bed, coil springs & mat tress. $li; bedroom sillies, lamps, antiques. We buy and sell. 147 E. Olney, phone 1668-M. NEW General Electric all auto matic washing machine, S2o0. 604 Ogdcn. For Sale Used Cars HUNNELL MOTORS BETTER USED CAR VALUES 1940 Plymouth 4-door. K&ri. Gome in ana mane us a reasonable offer." 1946 Dodge Custom 4-door. Well equipped. 1941 Dodge Town Sedan. R&H. 1918 Mercury Station Wagon. Low mileage; well equipped. Low-Priced Cars '37 Nash Lafayette, 4-door. '37 Studebaker, 4-door. '37 Plymouth, 4-door. 37 Ford, Tudor. f Better Used Car Values at HUNNELL MOTORS Dodge Dodge Plymouth Job-Rated Trucks In the Heart of Downtown Bend GOODWILL USED CARS PRICED TO SELL! 1. 1911 Dodge 4-dr. Sedan. Good shape throughout. You won t be disappointed in this car. 2. 1940 Nash Sedan. Condition is tops; excellent care always, and shows it. A bed goes with this fine car. 3. into Buick 4-dr. Sedan. Com pletely reconditioned. A real- car, and priced to sell. 4. A few old ones. Come in and make an offer.. COMMERCIAL 1. 1919 GMC '.it-ton Pickup. Low mileage; radio; heater; de luxe cab. Reasonable. 1916 tor l'i-ton CMC. New ; 2-speed; flatbed. 1 3. 1910 Mack 2-ton. I Yes, Plr! Goodwill USED CARS ! nd trucks priced to .sell:: PLUS: Our Goodwill Used Car Guarantee:'. t JUST ARRIVED Two new GMC Suburbans. Bo sure and see these Ail-Purpose Beauties. WARD MOTOR COMPANY Your Pontiac and G.MC Dealer und and Oregon Bend For Sale Used Cars HALBROOK MOTORS BEST SELECTION OF USED CARS IN CENTRAL OREGON 1948 Ford 2-rir. Deluxe .$1035 1947 Ford Club Coupe $1245 Super Deluxe; loaded with accessories. 1947 Ford 2-door. ...$1085 super Deluxe. 1946 Ford 2-door $895 Super Deluxe; 6 cylinder. 1946 Ford Sedan Coupe $995 super Deluxe. 1941 Ford 4-door. $580 Super Deluxe. 1938 Ford Coupe ... $245 1937 Ford 4-door $95 1937 Ford Coupe $95 1941 Lincoln Zephyr ....$580 4-door. 1940 Lincoln Zephyr ...$465 4-door. 1943 Kaiser 4-door $1095 1947 Studebaker 4-door ...$1395 Commander. 1947 Studebaker 2-door ..$1160 Champion. 1947 Oldsmobile 4-door $1485 Model "98." 1946 Ford Convertible $1095 1939 Ford 2-door $380 1941 Chevrolet 2-door $645 1941 Chevrolet 5-passenger....$635 1940 Chevrolet 4:door $495 1940 Pontiac 5-passenger $455 Coupe. 1947 Pontiac 4-door $1425 Torpedo. 1939 Nash 4-door : $195 1939 Plymouth 4-door $195 1938 Chrysler 4-door $195 1948 Ford Prefect $695 1937 Terraplane 2-door $50 COMMERCIALS 1949 Ford Pickup $1265 6-cylinder; 4-speed trans mission. 1946 Ford Pickup $815 1941 Ford Pickup $275 1937 Ford Pickup $225 These cars can be seen at our lot across from Pilot Butte, or 304 E. Third, next to Huckleberry-Hurt. HALBROOK MOTORS USED CAR LOT Member Central Oregon Automo bile Dealers Assn. Phone 680 BEND GARAGE CO. Our used cars are displayed in doors.: See the cars thabunjika- friends for us. We are offering some exceptional values in late model, low mileage used cars. 1949 Buick Super Sedan. Our demonstrator, with complete ac cessories, underseal, and Dyna flow. 1949 Ford Convertible. Yes, a dashing yellow job, with only 14,000 miles. Has R&H, underseal, overdrive. The price may pleas antly surprise you. 1948 Pontiac 6 Sedan. Thorough ly reconditioned in our shop. Loaded with accessories. A gleam ing beauty. 1948 Plymouth Sedan. Light gray finish. Has R&H, spotlight, plas tic seat covers. Greatly reduced. 1947 Chevrolet Aerosedan. The style leader, in immaculate con dition; with R&H, fine seat cov ers. 1946 Chevrolet Sedan. An out standing car in appearance and performance. Truly a premium value. BIG TRANSPORTATION BUYS 1941 Chevrolet 2-door 565 1939 Chevrolet 2-door 395 1937 Chevrolet Coupe 225 1936 Plymouth Sedan 150 We Sell Satisfaction in Used Car Deals Phone 193 WANT TO SAVE SOME MONEY? Here are some more of our good buys. '49 Studebaker Champ. Regal De luxe 4-door Sedan. Interior is beautiful and spotless. Finish is perfect. Mechanically like new. Equipped with everything. See it to appreciate the value. '49 Ford Club Coupe. Not a blem ish on this sportv little car, with less than 5.000 miles. EquiiMied with everything a person could want. A whale of a buy. '48 Studebaker Regal Deluxe 2 door Sedan, with low mileage. Dustproof tan color. This car will provide very cheap, depend able transportation for some one. GOOD VALUES IN THE LOW PRICE RANGE '40 Studebaker Champion 3 pass. Coupe; good rubber all around $335 '36 Ford 4-door Sedan; good shape. in 135 '35 Ford 3-pass. Coupe 75 FELIX MOTOR SALES our Studebaker Dealer Phone 561 19-18 PLYMOUTH 4-door. Good shape. New seat covers; heater; Zerex in radiator. 5200. Or will tiaile for power saw. Biff Borden. Phone 1814-W. 132 Scott St. For Sale Used Cars CARROLL MOTORS GUARANTEED USED CAR SPECIALS SAVE $$$ :: SAVE $$$ 1929 Ford "A" Sedan. A good work car. Only....$65 1935 Ford 4-door Sedan. '47 Mercury engine. Ex cellent shape mechanic ally $98.50 1940 Olds Club Coupe. Excellent shape. New paint. A real buy at $495 1938 Buick Special 4-door Se- - dan. Special today $195 1942 Willys Coupe. Real economy. Only. $325 1938 Studebaker Commander. Completely overhauled. Heater and overdrive. Special at $395 1947 Plymouth Special De luxe 4-door Sedan. A verv clean car. Lots of extras and in excel- lent shape. Priced to sell at $1195 CARROLL MOTORS ' Your DeSoto-Plymouth Dealer 162 Greenwood Payments to Suit Your Budget For Kent ROOMS or room and board. Sun day meals included. Rooms newly decorated. Under new manage ment. Quick lunch. 542 Arizona Ave. C. W. Pattee, Prop. Phone 1752-R. KNOTTY PINE cabins, 3 rms. and bath. Elec. ranges. Heat and utilities furnished. $00 montn. 2 rm. cabin, $40. Phone 589. Moun tain View Motor Court. 2 RM., FURNISHED apt.; pri. bath and entrance. For appt., phone 1515-W4. CLEAN, 2 RM., mod., furnished apt.; .pri. bath; gas range; elec. refrig.; all utilities furnished; close in. Call at 615 Georgia. CLEAN, FURNISHED, 3 RM. apis.; bath faeilitics; close to mill; all utu. furnished. 40 per mo. Adults only. Inquire 745 Colorado, Apt. 3. 1316-W. NICE sleeping rms., $8 to $10 weekly. 853 Wall St. Phone 1153. APTS. FOR RENT for winter months. L Rancho Motor Hotel. Phone 199-Z, Redmond. CLEAN, MODERN room, with kitchen privileges, for man and wife or working girl. Rent rea- ROOM FOR RENT. O'Kane Bldg. Call 103 after 6 p.m. 3 RM., FURNISHED, mod. du plex. Garage, workshop, garden, yard. $35. 1364 Newport. Phone 21b-L. Also have 2. homos to sell. $1800 cash, and $3500 terms. Wanted TO LEASE: Grade A dairy, or would consider good dairy job. Write Box 2211, co Bend Bulle tin. WANTED TO BUY: Livestock, of any kind, any amount. Also horses. Have cash buyers. See Nick Chase, or drop card: Rt. 3, Box 96; or phone 1519-J4 or 790 W. Leave word. TOP PRICES paid for any kind of cattle you have to sell; fat or thin. Will pick up at your ranch, Randall Miller. Phone 168-X, Red mond. WOULD LIKE to buy some Springer cows, or any kind of cattle you have to sell. Will pick up at ranch. W. R. Franks. Phone 78, Redmond. Help Want rd THE BEST one-man business in this area can be yours without capital investment. If you are over 21 and under 55, have car, and enjoy good credit rating, write J. R. Watkins Co., 137 Dex ter Ave., Seattle, Wash. SALESMAN for nat'l adv. prod uct. High earnings. No experience necessary. We train you. Call Mr. Miller; 1517J3. RELIABLE, steady woman for light housework and care of 5-vr.- old boy. Room and board plus wage. Phone Mrs. Stanley Smith, lOOo-M, between 12 and 5 p.m. ATFENTION MEN! Many men are being held back in esiablish Ing themselves in a business of their own due to the lack of cap ital. Let us put you in business. Buy on credit. The line is com plete and profitable. Write Raw leigh's Dept. ORA-261-257, Oak land. Calif. Situations Wanted BULLDOZING work of any kind wanted. 10 ft. blade. Also will buy any amount of pine trees, small or patches. Free estimates given. Biff Borden; 1814-W. 132 Scott St. MIDDLE-AGED lady will care for children afternoons and evenings. 631 Aiizona. EXP. BOOKKEEPER, CfiUulfit-' ing and adding machine operator. Neat appearance. Capable ol meeting the public. Phone 390-J. IIHt ,;.,.7,.r.V77T. . : ' . HE I W EEN high school gym and . HIHIMI IllClit.'l , KOI'i J)avlS AVfl., BCntl. I bracelet and heart with cngrav-j -'- ing on the back. Valued as a FOR WELL and diain hole drill-k'w-psakc. If found please call Ing call Lee Grimes. 224 Davis. 1 850-R. Reward. i phone 975-J or 1252-J. New direct radiotelephone cir cuits from the United States to Hong Kong and the Union of Soutn Africa were introduced during 1949. NOTICE OF REFEKKNDltM ON INCLUSION OF ADDITION AL TERRITORY WITHIN THE M1DSTATE SOIL CONSERVA TION DISTRICT, EMBRACING LANDS LYING IN THE COUN TIES OF DESCHUTES, CROOK, AND JEFFERSON, IN THE STATE OF OREGON To ail owners of lands lvine within the area proposed to be included within the Midstate Soil Conservation District, comprising the territory described as follows: DESCHUTES COUNTY: All land lying within the legal boundaries of Deschutes Coun ty not already included within the boundaries of the Midstate Soil Conservation District. CROOK COUNTY: All land in sections 18, 19 and 30, T17S, R15E, W.M., Crook County, Oregon. JEFFERSON COUNTY: Two separate tracts of land de scribed substantially as fol lows: Beginning at the southwest corner of T13S, R12E, W.M.; thence north 6 miles to the northwest corner of T13S, R12E, W.M.; thence east ap proximately 2Mi miles to a point where the township line inter sects the channel of Crooked River; thence following the channel of Crooked River in a southeasterly direction approxi mately 5 miles to a point where the channel of Crooked River intersects the range line be tween R12E and R13E; thence south along said range line ap proximately 3 miles to the southeast corner of T13S, R12E, W.M.; thence west 6 miles to the point of beginning. That part of sections 32, 33 and 34, T13S, R13E, W.M.; ly ing south of Crooked River in Jefferson County, Oregon. Notice is hereby given that on the 3rd day of February, 1950 between the hours of 9:00 a.m, and 9:00 p.m. a referendum will be held in the above - described territory upon the proposition of the inclusion of the said territory within the Midstate boil Conser vation District, a governmental subdivision and a public body, corporate and politic, of this state. Every person, firm, state, coun ty, or municipal agency being the recorded owner of, or holding un der contract of purchase, more than ten acres of lands lying within the said territory is elig ible to vote, and only such are eligible to vote. Voting divisions and polling places for the referendum are as follows: Division No. 1 Polling place located at Squaw Creek Water Office. v ' Division No. 2 Polling place located at Tumalo Water Of 'fice. - , : , Division No. 3 Polling 'place, loualcd ut Pine Forest Grange Hall. 1 Division No. 4 Polling place located at Eastern Star Grange Hall. i Eligible voters who will be ab sent from their divisions on the day of the referendum may apply in person or in writing to Lloyd Smyth, Polling Superintendent, at lit. 3, Box 299, Bend, Oregon, for absentee ballots. STATE SOIL CONSERVATION COMMITTEE OF OREGON By Howard E. Cushman, Executive Secretary. - Dated this 11th day of January, 1950, at Corvallis, Oregon. 38-44-C Found 5 KEYS on ring with 1919 Ore gon license tug No. 243-106 on corner of Wall and Newport. Owner may have by calling at the Bulletin office and paying for this ad. Services WHEN IN NEED of pipe thaw ing, acetylene or electric welding, lullie work, portable welding, call Flaherty's Machine Shop. Phone 1100-K SKATE GRINDING: We have precision machine for keen, hol low grinding. tiO minute service, CAUL AUSTIN 1101 Bond HEATING: Furnaces cleaned, re paired and reset; Oil Burners and Oil Circulating Heaters cleaned and adjusted. Oregon Healing Co. Phone 513. SAW FILING, gumming, ham mering, band saw welding, Sander belts, band saw blades, new han dles hung In tools. Sexton Supply & Saw Service, 1195 Wall Street, FURNITURE MOVING: dust proof padded van. We pack your china with care, hang your clothes In our wardrotie. Local and nation-wide moving and storage. Holman Transfer, 201 Irving. Phone 987. WASHING MACHINE SERVICE and repairs on all makes. Phone 274. 1033 Brooks. ELECTRICAL WIRING All types of electrical wiring by guar anteed licensed men. Free esti mates. Telephone 159. CARPENTER WORK: New con struction, rough framing, remod eling, cabinets, built-ins and shon work. F. W. Page, phone 650-M, aeneral contractor. HOUSE MOVING and raising; large or small. Estimates gladly given. Holman Transfer, 201 Irv ing. Phone 987. SEPTIC TANKS cleaned, drain holes shot, r ree estimates. Phone 1252 J or 975-J. D. W. Grimes, 210 U. $., Allies (Continued from Page 1) is "designed to promote the inte grated defense of the north At lantic area. The text of the agreements made public after the signing showed that Great Britain won the right to transfer the Ameri can weapons to other areas if she replaced them in the western Eu ropean arms pool. The British pact, which had bogged down on that, point for months, set the tone for the others and proclaimed the prin ciple that "economic recovery is essential to international peace and security and must be given clear priority." tjooperatlon riengea The European partners all promised to provide this country and each other "such equipment, materials, sendees or other mili tary assistance" that their govern ments might authorize. The European countries prom ised to take special precautions to maintain the secrecy of any classified military material that the United States might send them. They also promised to pro tect patent rights on the weapons, admit them free of customs or other taxes, and provide the local currencies necessary to support American military missions sent to European countries to help fa cilitate the use of the arms. The Europeans promised to give diplomatic immunity to members of these military mis sions and report on how effective ly the arms are being used. . The British agreement stated that It was understood that the United States in setting the size of such missions would bear in mind the need to keep them a "reasonable" size. Let tent Exchanged The Italian agreement was in the form of an exchange of let ters so that it would not have to be confirmed by the Italian par liament, where vigorous commu nist opposition could be expected. One feature of the Italian agreement provided that when Marshall plan aid ends, "the gov ernment of Italy will facilitate the production and transfer to the government of the United States of America, for such period of time, in such quantities and upon such terms and conditions as may bo agreed upon, of raw and semi- processed materials required by the United States as a result of deficiencies or potential deficien cies in its own resources, and which may be available in Italy or dependent territories under its ad ministration." ' PORTLAND LIVESTOCK ' Portland, Jan. 27 (!' Cattle: Friday salable 25; mosty cleanup market; steady; odd loads heavy beef cows and medium feeder steers unsold. For week, sal ible 2600. Market uneven with much of previous week's premium eras ed. Storm conditions dominated trade. Fed steers steady to 50c lower; heifers 50c to 1.00 off, beef cows mostly $1.00 lower, winners and cutters unevenly SI to 2.09 off. Bulls weak to '50c lower. Bulk medium and pood fed steers 24.00 to 25.50, few 26 00; one load 1058 lbs. 26.50. Common 18.00 to 21.50. Good fed heifers 21.00 to 24.50. medium grades mostly 20.00 to 23.00, common 15.00 to 18 50.1 Canner and cutter cows largely 12.00 to 14.00, common and med ium beef cows 15 00 to 18.00, pond cows 19.00 to 20.00, one load 20.50. Good beef bulls 20.00 to 21.00, few early 21.50, odd head 22 00; com mon and medium sausage bulls 15.50 to 19.00. Calves: Friday salable 10: most ly nominal. For week, salable 375. Market strong, extreme top $1.00 higher at 32.00; other pood and choice vealers 20 00 to 31.00, com mon down to 15.00. Culls down lo 12.00 or under. Few I'nod 350 500 II). calves 27.00 to 28.00. Hogs: Friday salable 25; few good-choice 220 lb. butchers 25 cents lower at 18 50, For week, salable 225. Market closing steady to 25c below last week's final trade after recovering most of early 75c to $1.00 drop. Good ami choice 180235 lb. butchers early 18.00 to 18 25. later top 19.00 sparingly. Heavier and lighter weights discounted 1.00 and more. Good 300-550 lb. sows 14.50 to 15.50. Good and choice feeder plRs largely 17.00, few choice 60 lbs. 18.00. Sheep: Friday salable 50; steady; one soi led lot good-choice fed lambs 22.50. For week, sal able 875. Market strong after los ing part of early 25 to 50c pain. Good and choice fed lambs 22.00 to 22.50, early top 23.00. new re cent high. Medium and pood 19.00 to 2150: good and choice ewes around 50c higher at 9.50 to 10.00. PORTLAND MAKKKTS Portland. Jan. 27 MP- Portland butter and egg prices were un changed today. U u t t e r Prices to retailers: Grade AA prints (Wc lb.; AA car tons 09c; A prints 68c; A cartons 69c; 13 prints 65c. E g g prices to retailers: Cer tified A large 40c do ; Gr ade A A large 41c; A large 3!ic; AA me dium 38c; A medium 37c; li me dium .'i-'lc; A small 35c; callous 2c (i'1'lllional. C h e e s e Price to retailers: Portland, Oiegon, singles, 3:i-42c lb.; Oregon 5 lb. loafs. 4-l'-j-I.V Hi ; triplets. 1 ',( less limn .sinl"S. Premium brands, singles, 51'aC lb; loaf, 53Uc lb. Charter Review Held at Madras Boy Scout leaders of Madras met Thursday evening with George Fulton, district scout com missioner from Bend, in a charter review and planning session for 1950. Jack Sullivan, Madras, has been appointed troop 37 commit tee chairman by the representa tives of the Methodist church and Madras volunteer firemen, who co-sponsor the scout unit. Fifteen adult committeemen and leaders have been recruited by the sponsors to comprise one of the largest Boy Scout unit com mittees in the seven county Mo doc area council, Fulton said. Ob jectives for 1950 were set by the committee, which includes an all out effort to get every scout in summer camp, as well as plans for sending two scouts to the na tional jamboree In Valley Forge, Pennsylvania next June. Hoard of Review Held During the evening the commit tee held a board of review for some of the troop's 30 members who are making advancement along the scouting trail. Howard D. Anderson, neighborhood scout commissioner from Madras pre sided. The committee scheduled a father-son banquet to be held fol lowing Boy Scout anniversary week in February, when scouts who have been reviewed for awards will be presented with their advancements in rank. Members of the committee and leadership staff are Jack Sullivan, chairman, Lewis A. Nichols, Maurice Broadhaut, Vincent E. Graue, Glenn E. Nelson, E. S. Gunderson, Ernest A. Walston, Walter R. Warner, Clair Taylor, James D. Hollls, Earl Edgmon, Roy Stevenson, James Belma, Paul E. Foster and Paul Jones. The meeting was held in the Madras Methodist church office. Snow Blanket (Continued from Page 1) ductor and service was being maintained over a Pacific Power & Light Co. alternate roule. The army's corps of engineers announced that overnight rain at Dorena dam reached 1.4 inches and more than an inch fell at Cot tage Grove dam, Lookout dam an. i Jernndge dam. During the morning, the rain turned lo neavy snow. The Dallcs-Celllo canal lock was storm-bound, engineers said, as the new storm howled through the Columbia gorge and dumped between five and six Inches of snow at The Dalles. The weather bureau said there was likelihood ot freezing rani in the lower Columbia gorge -tonight. INJURIES FATAL Portland, Jan. 27 illl Paul Frank Gende, 72, Milwaukie, died today in Portland General hospi tal of Injuries suffered when his car collided with a truck at Super highway and Tacoma streets late yesterday. Police said Gende's car collid ed with n Coast Transport com pany truck. Truck driver Dick Reese of Portland was uninjured. Reconditioned Washers $15 up Used Davenport $25.00 Circulating Heaters uiid Oil Heaters $12.50 ud ri.- mmm a fl from California reiroieust. No Odor e No Ashes Lots of Heat (Grates Required ) 1 tan, delivered 22.03 I to;., delivered 12.00 Per sncEc al office 1.35 Besid Storage & Transfer 222 Irving Phone 444 Barge Explodes, 2 Persons Injured Baton Rouge, La., jan. 27 U A barge blew up in the Mississip pi river today and though the ex plosion was so violent that it shook the 36-story state capitol building and capitol annex, po lice said only two men were in jured. Police said both the injured men are negroes. They were working on tne barge, which prob ably had gasoline or other chem ical fumes in it. One of the men was believed to be injured ser iously. Stocks Stronger On N.Y. Market New York, Jan. 27 U Stocks strengthened today when north ern and western soft coal miners agreed to resumption of contract negotiations with John L. Lewis. 'i ratling picked up on the re covery. Earlier in the day when the list was irregular, volume fell oil to the lightest since Nov. 28. Steels turned active with Bethle hem the leader. The company late yesterday reported its net in come for 1949 at an all-time rec ord high despite the steel strike which closed the nation's plants through last October. (Jains in the group ranged to nearly a point. Railroads moved up with the speculative issues the most ac tive. Utilities improved with ac tivity centering on South Caro lina Gas & Electric which, along with its preferred, made a new high for more than a year. Oils held steady to firm. Automobile issues firmed despite a dip in auto production estimated for this week. Gold mining shares received more atteniion than in some time and the leading issues rose more than a point each. There was no immediate news for this group. Television shares turned active again and their gains ranged to more than a point. Wins Race With X Bus Wrong One Wichita, Kan. HPi Interested onlookers gave "E" for effort to the Wichitan who ran tne 220- yard dash with a bus. walking out ot a uown.own cafe, the man saw a bus zip past. He took off on a dead run, darted across the street between speed ing cars and was a short dis.ance behind when the bus stopped at a corner for passengers. lie saw it was going to be closo. So he put on a stretch burst cf added speed. It carried him up to the door of the bus. There. he skidded to a stop, looked at tao side of the carrier,; then walked dejectedly away.- " Wrong bus. VERH LARSON AGENCY Insurance & Real Estate 135 Oregon Ave. Phone Si BEND. OREGON CALIFORNIA CATTLE RANCH! No Snow. No Hay Needed. No Winter Feeding. Y tar-round grazing. Cattle ready for market in June, It her through ranch, (iood corrals, 4 room house. 0,801) acres deeded. 25,000 acres government leased at !'j cent per ocre. Will take some clear Bend property. Itunrlt will bundle 330 or more cattle the year round. Full price $23,000 ELECTROLUX h Cleaner and Air Purifier SALKS AND SERVICE PHIL PHILBROOK Only Authorized Dealer 1301 K. Third. Phone 1293 . 1 HEW FUEL Coke i