The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, January 26, 1950, Page 8, Image 8

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Sisters and Vicinity
Sisters, Jan. 2G (Special) D. F.
Dyrsmid of Palace Verdrs Es
tate, Calif.,' visited at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Ullman on
Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dyrsmid re
cently returned from a month's
vacation trip to Central and South
' America. Dyrsmid is chief en
gineer of the Great Lakes Carbon
' corporation.
In the report last week on the
Rebekah lodge installation of of-
iicers, it was omitted that Edna
Davis was installed as chaplain.
Norma Shaw has been elected as
drill captain.
Mr. and Mrs. Jirrr Williams and
family of Alfalfa spent Sunday at
the home of Mrs. Williams' par
ents, Mr. and Mi s. George Carroll.
Mrs. Frank Glover underwent
a major operation at the St.
Charles hospital In Bend Sunday
The Sisters schools resumed
' sessions on Monday, after being
closed three days last week due
to the stormy weather.
The grade school boys' basket
bell teams and Bills' volleyball
team have scheduled games with
Terrebonne at 7 p.m. Friday night
at Terrebonne.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zumwalt
were dinner guests Sunday at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. George
aatterlee In Keumond.
J. F. Smalley attended the R. E.
A. directors' meeting In Red
mond last Thursday night.
Dick Walters and Jerry Benson
left. Sunday to spend a week in
Ouk Grove, near Portland, where
they will attend an "instructors'
school" for firemen.
Mrs. Pherne Lalli and children
came from Prineville Saturday to
spend a few days visiting at the
home of Mrs. Lalli's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Winkle.
The V. F. W. auxiliary held a
combined business and social
meeting at the home of Mrs.
Doyle Lands last Thursday eve
ning. A new member, Mrs. Lu
cille Sloan, was initiated. A sched
ule was made up of the members
who were to assist Mrs. Lucille
Sloan, leader of the "Echoing
Pines" Blue Bird group with their
meetings each week. The auxil
iary is sponsor of the group.
The eighth grade boys and girls
have taken as a project painting
the benches, which are used in
the school cafeteria, in their spare
time and they are also painting
the shades in the. film and music
George Knox, pastor of the Sis
ters Church of Christ, and a stu
dent at Northwest Christian col
lege, at Eugene, was ordained into
the ministry January 15 at the
Milwaukie Church of Christ, in
Milwaukie. Alger Fitch, pustor
of the Milwaukie church pleached
the sermon and John Slone, pas
tor of the Canby Christian c!iurch
gave the charge. Knox attended
grade and high school in Milwau
kle and his parents now live In
i-an By.
The Sisters chamber of com
merce held their directors meet.
ing at the Jerry Benson home
Monday evening, January 16. At
this meeting officers were elected
for 1950 as follows: President, Art
Ladd; vice-president, Jerry Ben
son; secretary, Mrs. Jerry Benson;
treasurer, J. F. Smalley; national
councilor, Dick Day; voting dele
gate to the Central Oregon cham
ber of commerce, Dick Walter,
and alternate voting delegate to
the Central Oregon chamber of
commerce, Art Ladd.
Elder II. W. Hemple of Red
mond preached at the morning
services at the Sisters Seventh
Day Adventist church last Satur
day morning. Hemple's wife and
daughters, Barbara and Beverly,
and Miss Lorraine Erickson, ac
companied him.
Mr. and Mrs. George Meyers
and sons spent Friday In Madras
visiting Mrs. Meyer s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. William Thomas Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Smith and
daughter, Karen, of Bend, moved
their household goods to their
home here Saturday. Mr. and
Mrs. Smith are the new proprie
tors of the E. and E. market,
which was formerly Al's grocery
and was owned by A. P. Howison.
Howison is moving to Portland.
Janice Garber, small daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Garber, re
ceived medical care in Bend last
week for a burn which was inflict
ed when she accidentally upset a
hot cup of coffee.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Blann and
twins, Sherry and Jerry, and Mrs.
Pat Metke and son, Mike, of Bend
spent Wednesday visiting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Dodd.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Helgeson
and daughter, Linda, spent the
week end in Bend visiting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Bertil Nel
son and son, Gary.
Young people home from Co
lumbia academy at Battleground,
Wash., for the week end were:
Donald Parker and LeMolne and
Crystal Clymer. The young peo
ple were home due to the lact
that the light and heating plants
at the academy were out of order
because of the recent storms.
Mrs. Bert Parsons left for her
home In Metolius Saturday after
spending 10 days here at the
home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Creighton Shaw, where she
was recuperating after a recent
illness in the Medical-Dental hos
pital in Redmond.
Mr. and Mis. Francis Hender
son left Sunday to spend three
days in the John Day country on
Mr. and Mis. Ernest Thompson
of Bend visited Mrs. Thompson's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Prentiss
Van Tassel, In Sisters Sunday.
The. Thompsons recently returned
from a three weeks' tiip to Michi
gan, where they visited his par
ents. Thompsons formerly lived
in Sisters.
There will be a District 14 meet
ing of the V.F.W. and auxiliary,
Tuesday, January 23, at 7 p.m. at
Madras All members who attend
are asked to bring a potluck sup
per. It was announced at the Sisters
Church of Christ Sunday that the
fifth Sunday rally of the Central
Oregon Churches of Christ will be
held in Bend next Sunday, Jan
uary 29; at the Christian church
at 3 p.m. There wi)l be no Chris
tian Endeavor or evening church
services at the Sisters church, but
every one is Invited to attend the
fifth Sunday rally services in
Bend Sunday evening.
Mrs. Buster Philips entertained
with a birthday party at her home
last Wednesday afternoon In hon
or of her daughter, Connie's, third
birthday anniversary, Connie's
little guests enjoyed playing
games and receiving favors. The
hostess served refreshments. Con
nle received many lovely gifts.
Those present were: Mrs. Don
Wyatt and daughter, Donna; Mrs.
mil turner and children, Dare
lene and Teddy; Mrs. Bob Turner
and daughter, Trudi; Mrs. Leslie
Yaw and son, Ricky; Mrs. Vclma
Gustafson and daughter, Ann;
Mrs. George Meyers and son, Jim
my; Mrs. Maurice Hitchcock and
twins, Maureen and Bobby; Mrs.
Bob Morris and daughter, Sandy;
Mrs. Harold Barclay and son,
Denny; Tishy and Vicky Dodd ahd
Mrs. Philips and daughters, Ca
thy and Connie.
The regular meeting of the Sis
ters P.T.A. will be held at the
grade school next Wednesday eve
ning, February 1, at 8 p.m. A pro
gram will follow the business
Pleasant Ridge
Pleasant Ridge, Jan. 2(i (Epe
clal) Mrs. Sine Mikkelsen receiv
ed word of the death of Nels Paul
sen of Portland at his home Sun
day morning. He had been ill for
some time. In November the
Puulsens had celebrated their
golden wedding anniversary. He
was well known to many in this
community, having visited here
many times In former years when
the family resided at Madras.
Peter Susac spent Monday night
with his friend, Mel Stricklett, of
II. Johnson and Alf Johnson
were dinner guests at the Mikkel
sen home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.
Judd Bourland were visitors of
the Mikkelsens Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Loyd Petersen and chil
dren and Alfred Mikkelsen were
visitors at the Oswald Hanson
home Monday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Forest Garboden
and Sandra were visitors of the
Paul Garbodens Sunday.
The Horace MeKeo family call
ed at the Hollis Roberts home
Sunday afternoon at Redmond.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dugger were
callers at the Rasmus Petersen
home Friday afternoon.
Paul Garboden remained in
Bend last week because of the
road conditions, to be near his
work. '
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Preszler and
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Preszler of
Powell Butte were visitors at the
Gordon Wilcox home Sunday aft
ernoon. Mrs. Horace McKee and daugh
ter, Linda, were callers of Mrs.
Phyllis Jorgenson Friday after
noon. "
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cook and
daughter, Judy, of Redmond, were
Saturday evening visitors of the
Rasmus Petersens.
Miss Margaret Conklin return
ed to Salem Saturday morning to
resume her studies at Willamette
meeting, which will include num
bers presented by the high school
students, pictures of the lumber
industry and other scenic points
of interest in South America
which will be shown by Maurice
Hitchcock, and a special Found
ers' day pageant followed by a
silver offering. The program will
be followed by refreshments.
The "Go As You Are" club of
the Moose lodge surprised Mrs.
Alfred Ball Sunday morning for
breakfast at her home. There
were 15 women in the group. '
Mr. and Mrs. Ole Hansen and
Hans and Mrs. Sine Mikkelsen and
Alfred were callers of the Ted
Povey's Sunday afternoon.
. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Cottrell and
son, Keith, were Thursday eve
ning guests at the Horace McKee
Dinner guests at the Oswald
Hansen home Saturday evening
were Mr. and Mrs. Shorty Wilcox,
Redmond, and Mrs. Sine Mikkel
sen, Alfred Mikkelsen and Mr.
and Mrs. F. H. Cottrell and Keith.
The occasion was the birthday an
niversary of Mrs. Cottrell. Later
in the evening Mr. and Mrs. Arch
ie Mastersen, Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Pruett, Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Peter
sen and Mr. and Mrs. John Peter
sen were guests. Loyd and John
also have a birthday anniversary
the latter part of January.
A birthday dinner at the Alfred
Ball home Monday evening honor
ed their granddaughter, Susan
Jorgenson, on her third birthday
anniversary. She was presented
with a birthday cake by Mrs. Hor
ace McKee.
Mr. and Mrs. Loyal Garboden
were dinner guests of the Paul
Garbodens Saturday evening.
Mrs. L. W. Hagerty remained In
Redmond last week because of the
road conditions. Mrs. Hagerty is
employed at the office of Pacific
Power & Light. t
Mr. and Mrs. R. Heslop and
Sharon were Sunday evening vis
itors of the F. H. Cottrells.
L. W. Hagerty and son, Bob,
made a business trip to Prineville
Monday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Fox of Rose
burg were visitors Sunday at the
Alfred Ball home. Fox is a broth
er of Mrs. Ball.
Mrs. F. H. Cottrell attended a
H. E. county committee meeting
at the office of Miss Ruth Shelton
at the courthouse in Bend Tues
day. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Hagerty
were guests at the James Jewel
home Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Fergu
son and Claron and Ellen of Red
mond were Friday evening visi
tors of the Oswald Hanson family.
Hi Sot
t when it's cold outside
Winter outside. ..but summer's in your glass. ..all the warm mellow
ness of a perfect day of June ... In every fragrant sip of 7 Crown
. . . Seagram's finest American whiskey.
Seagram's 7 Crown. Blended Whiskey. 86.8 Proof. 65 Grain Neutral Spirits.
Seagram-Distillers Corporation, Chrysler Building, New York
FREE Tube of K-34 Shaving Cream
With Purchase of
20 Gillette Blue Blades 98c
purchase $1.00 size
S potkoqt lot Mory (WV
uuorantee Uttn
Life-Like Rubber
"Watch 'em Wiggle"
St. Regis Guaranteed
Lucien Lelong Perfumed Soap 1.00
Regular 1.50 Value
Chocolate Covered Cherries lb. 59c
Itegulur 8!)c Value
Free -Woodbury Shampoo
With Purchase of Woodbury
Deluxe Dry Skin Cream
Regular Die Value
Both for 69c
Free Gift Bottle English Lavender
With riirclitiHe of
Yardley Lavender Soap . . box 1.35
Plastic WIPE-ON
Modern Miracle Finish
So easy lo apply -lutd wipe on with a rloth!
Half Pint 59c
Quart 1.98 Gallon '5.98
i1 tltfi
January Four Star
' m ' , ' inS k- 4-'"'?! ' 4 .Y 'frd? j"JSrtr-4$
Nylon Brassiere
Men's Flannel Pajamas
Going fast? They're all gone except the
large sizes.
Men's Flannel Night Shirts
Not red flannel, but a red hot
bargain at
Men's Dress Gloves
Unlined Black. A good driving glove..
A good bargain at
Covert Work Pants
Sanforized, oxford grey covert.
1.50 pr.
Boys' Slacks Sox
Elastic top. Washfast colors. For the fellows
who never have enough socks. .
6 pairs for 1.00
Nylon net top B cup.
Sixes 32-38.
Panty Girdle
Two-way stretch detachable crotch. Fits you!
Fits your budget!
For boys and girls look at them!
You won't pass up this bargain!
In our basement store. Not many of these, but
they're new! Fresh! Spring prints.
2 for 5.00
Wicker with pearl tone top.
Pastel colors.
Shearling Slippers
Our entire stock of men's and women's fleece
slippers going at . . .
Women's Shoes
A cleanup of dressy and casual styles
at prices that mean clearance!
3.00 4.00 5.00
pair pair pair
Boys' Leather Helmets
With or without goggles too many on hand.
They're tops!
Jumbo Garment Bag
Clear plastic for travel for storage . . .
Men's Wool Sweaters
100 wool slipovers priced to go!
One group
953 Wall Street
Phone 4