THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 1950 THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND, OREGON PAGE FIVE Local News TEMPERATURE Maximum yesterday, 9 degrees. .Minimum last night, 3 degrees. Bend Increasing cloudiness with sleet or freezing: rain to night; partly cloudy Friday; ris ing temperatures tonight and Fri day. A seven-year-old Redmond girl, daughter of Mrs. Rufus Teem, was to be taken today to Portland, for her regular treatment at the Shrine hospital, according to Mrs. J. F. Arnold, Deschutes county March of Dimes director, who ar ranged for her transportation. The youngster was stricken with polio three months ago. Women of the Moose have an nounced plans for a baked ham dinner, to be served Sunday, Jan. 22, from 12 noon to 7 p.m., at Moose hall. Proceeds are to go to the March of Dimes, for the fight against poliomyelitis. Tickets are available from women of the lodge, and will also be on sale at the door, It was announced. Square dancing will be held to night at 7:30 at the Pine Forest grange hall, it was announced to day by Claude Cook, instructor, who said that a parking area has been cleared. The square dance groups have been meeting at the Eastern star grange hall, but be cause of road conditions since the recent storm, the meeting place was changed. The Pine Forest hall will accommodate a large crowd, and Cook urged members of the Wednesday night group, especially those who missed last night's session, to join with the beginners group tonight. Emera club will meet Saturday at 1:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Sumner Deltrick, 1748 Steidl road, with Mrs. J. K. Bocklus as co-hostess. The meeting of Stevens-Chute post of the American Legion scheduled for tonight has been postponed until February 2, Allen Ryman, post commander, has an' nounced. Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Loggan returned yesterday afternoon from San Francisco, Calif., where Loggan, manager of radio station KBND, attended a conference of Mutual-Don Lee station representatives. Good skiing is in prospect for the week end at the Skvliners playground west of Bend, Joe Slate, president of the club, an nounced loaay. rie said that coun ty officials have authorized road crews to open the route, now that essential arterial roads have been cleared. Travel will be possible Saturday and Sunday, Slate said. Job's Daughters will meet to night at 6:30 in the Masonic tem ple. All officers were urged to oe present, for practice. There will be no ice skating tonight on Symons rink, Wayne Hamilton, city -recreation direc tor, has announced. Les Hudson of 155 Delaware is a patient at Lumberman's hos pital, where he underwent major surgery Sunday. He is employed by. Brooks-Scanlon, Inc. , The choir of First Presbyterian church will not hold rehearsal to night, because of weather condi tions. - The meeting of the Central Ore gon B.nptlst association, sched uled for Friday night at First Baptist church, has been cancelled because of travel conditions. Churches of Prineville, Redmond, Burns, Crescent, Grass Valley and Bend are Included in the as sociation. Classes will be resumed tomor row at Young school, if road con ditions are such that the bus can make its rounds, J. M. Worthing ton, school board chairman, an nounced today. Road-clearing op erations were under way today, lie reported. Residents of the dis trict were advised to watch for the bus, and If it is nnahlp tn make the trip, classes will be re cessed another day. Activities scheduled by the city recreation department will be neid tonight, Wayne Hamilton, recreation director, announced. Men's volleyball will be held ul 7:30 p.m. in the Allen school gymnasium. Two teams have been organized, and others who are interested were urged to at tend. Teams for tonight's play win oe maoe up on ine floor. The meeting of the Bend Dlan, ning committee scheduled for to night has been postponed, leaders 01 tne group nave announced. Hospital News Sgt L. L. HirtzcL of the state police force, was admitted to St. Charles hosiptal this noon. He is 111 with pneumonia. His condition was described as satisfactory. Also admitted this morning was Mrs. Arthur J. Birkholtz, 331 Florida. Admitted Wednesday were Mrs. Wayne Montgomery, 921 W. 13th, and Lowell Franks, Route 1, Bend. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Portland. Jan. 19 Cattle salable 50; strictly storm market; nothing arriving since last night; early sales fully steady but sev eral buyers not represented; dif ficulty moving stock to packing plants; odd common dairy type steers 17; cutter-common dairy type heifers 15-17; canner-cutter cows largely 13.50-15.50; odd me dium beet cows to; one com mon sausage bull 17. Calves salable 10; few medium vealers 21-24; commons down to 16: eood-cho ce Quotable 2b-dl. Sheep salable none; market nominal. Mothball Fleet Gets Additions San Diego. Calif. IP There now are more than 400 warships in mothballs at the San Diego naval station, and others are on their way to Join them. . These vessels are maintained by some 2,500 men attached to the Pacific reserve fleet, under command of Capt. Elmer P. Aber nethy. , Although all vital parts of the ships have been sealed off to al low only dry air in them, Aoer nethy said, it still is necessary to keep constant check. All elec trical circuits must be kept In working order and each ship must be watched for signs of rust. Rath's Dent. Store will be head quarters for all Camp Fire, Blue Bird and Horizon Club supplies In Central Oregon. Mrs. Joe Elder, Exec. Sect, Adv. . NOTICE Members, l.W.A. Local 6-7 Un ion meeting Saturday, Jan. 21, 2 p.m. Executive board and regular meeting. - Adv, First Rebekah card party sched uled for Saturday night in the IOOF Hall has been postponed to Jan. 28. Second and third party dates will be Feb. 4 and 11. Adv. Will not be responsible for any bills or contracts for Louis Fred Hince on and after this date. Joseph P. and Lola E. Hince Adv, Motor vehicle registrations in America now total 43,900,000, of which some 8,000,000 are trucks and 200,000 are buses. CHAMBER MEETING HELD Redmond, Jan. 19 Thirty two chamber of commerce mem bers met at the Redmond hotel Tuesday noon for the regular weekly session. J. it. Roberts, Milton Odem and Chester Lack ey, members of the chamber aud iting committee, made a report and J. F. Short gave a short talk which stressed the accomplish ments and aims of the Farm bureau. Short urged members to attend the annual meeting of the bureau which will be held Friday at the Redmond grange hall. Although a tentative list of chamber com mittees has been made, the per manent list for 1950 has not yet been released. BECOMES MEMBER Redmond, Jan. 19 Mrs. H. E. Rakestraw became a member of Eastern Star by affiliation at the meeting held Monday evening at the Townsend hall. Mrs. Rake straw had formerly belonged to an Eastern Star chapter In Wyo ming, 111. Mrs. C. W. Van Busklrk was appointed by the worthy grand matron of Oregon, Mrs. Ed na S. Thorne of St. Helens, as grand representative to the state of Kentucky. Mrs. Van Buskirk was honored upon receiving this commission by being escorted to the East. Mrs. Olaf Anderson was in charge of refreshments for the meeting. Use classified ads In The Bulle tin for quick results. NAVIGATION STOPPED Portland, Jan. 19 lift The aiTny engineers today said Ice floes in the Columbia river had stop ped navigation between The Dalles and Bonneville dam. The coastguard cutter Balsam was reported on its way to break a channel in the floes which ex tended from shore to shore. The engineers said ice had backed up behind The Dalles Celilo canal to a height of 30 feet. Tire Conservation Rules Announced Akron. O. Uli J. A. Beckett of the General Tire and Rubber Co, has eight rules for Increasing tire mileage to 60,000 miles: 1. Keep tires inflated properly. 2. Check valve cores for leak age. 3. Rotate tires at 5,000 miles or less. 4. Avoid .sudden starts and stops. 5. Check wheel alignment every 10,000 miles. 6. Keep brakes evenly adjusted. 7. Check tires often for nails, glass, etc. 8. Buy tires in winter Instead of summer. They wear away less than half as fast and you get the full tread for skid prevention when it's needed. MEETINGS IN FEBRUARY The postponment until Febru ary 4 and 5, of two domocratic party meetings which had been scheduled in Bend this week end, was announced today. According to the new schedule the state central committee of the party will meet here February 4, and the second district democratic congressional committee will meet here on ueoruary 0. Both meetings will be at the Pilot Butte inn. fun. In HENRY I. TAYLOR, ABC N.lwol, every Monday tvmlna. wrier mm Qrifrf iiso That's the word spreading about Buick's brand-new F-263 vove-in-fieod engine, already proving ifser in the hand's of new Sum owners GALL it if you will the biggest power story of the year. Call it another triumph in Buick's long history of com ing up with car performance beyond compare. But, sir, when you step into the sleek lined traveler pictured here hang on to your hat. For you'll be riding behind a power plant that is not only new but a major sensation of the 1950 season. You'll be commanding the very latest word in valve-in-head power the newest accomplishment of the organi zation with the country's longest stretch of experience in this engine design. Here every fist-size fuel charge now delivers a huskier wallop. Shorter, lighter connecting rods mean that pistons flash with faster and livelier action. I Ieavier crankshafts, floated on bigger, more rugged bearings, take this greater load and transmit its.stcpped-up surge to the drive shaft and rear wheels. And you, behind the wheel, wreathe sour face in smiles at the lift you find! At the trigger-quick take-off the mile-eating cruising stride your easy disdain for the passing gas pumps. You and your Super are really stepping out and Buick's good name as "a sweetheart on the road" gains 1 still more lustre. Nor is road-thrill the only blessing this new power plant brings. Simpler design makes service easier,so upkeep diminishes as a problenf. Hydraulic valve-lifters keep valves properly seated for efficient operation and for MAWe YOUfiPKCSMM 1 quiet unbroken by tappet noise. And you can have this power either with Buick's easy-shifting Synchro Mesh transmission or the silken luxury of Dynaflow Drive. ' Either way, this SUPER is certainly something to see. To this top-notch new power it adds style and room, comfort and a wide outlook, soft easy stride and handier new over-all length. Even the price justifies a prompt trip to your Buick dealer to learn more about Buick for 1950. You'll soon see why so many folks are already sayin, "Whatever your price range better buy Buick!" t Standard im, tlional at extra ait on Sunn and S fecial modeli. Features like these mean BUICK'S THE BUY HIOriflt.COMPRfSSiON Fireball vofve-ln-fieod pewer In three enolne), five hp rolirtgi. (New f-263 enolne In SUPER mod.lij NIW-PArriRN StYUHO, with bumper-guard grille,, taper-through fender,, "double bvbbb" foiffighlt WIDf-ANOll VIJHIlrr, rfoi.up rood Wew bolh for ward and back TRAFFIC-HAND? tilt, lei, over-oil length for eoller parking and garaging, ihorf turning radiul IXTRA-WOI JtATJ cradled between the ole SOU IUICK RIDS, from ail-coif springing, Sofry-Kid rimi, low. preMuro firtl, rldi-tltadying torque-lube DYNAHOW DUIVI ifondard on all KOAOMASIfftS, optional ol etra toil on SUM end SPfCIAl ,erloi I NINIHIM MODUS wild Body by Fiihw WIDI CHOICI OF IQUIPMINf adding flexibility lo prices Ihof brocket ivory price rang obovo Ih toweif. This is 'Void weather!" Take every sen- -rl I siblo precaution against infection and lglJJjpJJgjJpjpJ j 4 should you feel a cold "coming on," XmXXTmEI get after It Immediately with tried and All f 1 1 H I I 1 H I I Tl I V proven cold reliefs. Prompt treatment "TT-? , Y&4n frequently lessens the severity and tCEMEW 9"e WlX duration of a cold. So stock your medl- MaJL. UkmT Analgesic Balm..29c vlll cine chest now with health guards for . Mentholatlim . ...33c li "cold days" and you'll have them It Silt LUitft , 1 ,4. VII handy when you need them most-at j lNQflV Vicks Vo-trO-nol . .3U the first warning sneeze or sniffle. If I 200 SOFT O CreOmlllsion . - - . -57c 1 a cold hangs on, or begins with chills I Inf Vaporizer .....$1.98 til and fever, call your doctor without SMOOTH TISSUES . . . . Ml ., , Kaz Inhalant 45c fr delay. j ! I 1 2 BOXES JDC AnahistTcb. 55c 'Kt! , i$$&&3fag&- om 1.39 . "' Neebe'il,e'''8; ' MM iWTfl - - VrfQSKtik fC Hot Water SOW. ,&'H j I triuA FOR COLD SORES feVI--. ' rXV'r. fi AND FEVER BLISTERS . M ji IMMEDIATE tT sl, W f JsW I JU lMli nJ I I .HUH . YOU MUST MWS fl t m fcm a .....$1.98 mn) . au (fieteJ . 100 teV'jl fcv 1 f Ascorbic Acid .$1.69. , j Xh J ARTHRITIS rSnGJ Hi ; mmo quiiiiheA L EfRl i Cold Tablets I Mu,t ea CSA I r k 00 Vitamin B Comp. .89c ' , ji-lJSH Gt Capsules 3-speed heat , t i t$S, Www rlja.. m) control O M01V HftrTOl-loF lt- ftl i WS Unicap Vitamins $3.11 495 j lr M,. 1 ; 1 KkTr wti ' ' BO,i,m' i" f 1 f ' V IIIIJ'I M lul IJJ lfl I W SAFt-o unique detaiifltr I hi V W 19JUE?HTAMIII ltV IMIlllll ' IIIBllll ".A. .ofer. ...n when .d M f rintA I AmlM a vek ftAVi 1 ov,r 0 lon9 1 y 1 T) j TAPTTTC 1 Thermometers ..$1.35 lk'HKlTVtf I O (asie. to take-.oci, tablet I ;3 CtlCna lASLtlS llUl I specially coaled to tlomoch , never J MULTI-VITAMINS . - L yAV! . WJfl 1 ! 1 ... Tri-Ethv lene G vcol tfi A I umt oi 1 in I I KS I VAPORIZER 1 U.UU lf" V-vif Kv to Greater VoIj j. Phom yottr BuicM deJr it m dimonstrstion - Bight Now! BEND GARAGE COMPANY 709 Wall Street Phone 193 When bcttrr automobllrt are hallt BUCK trill build Ihrm 15c Baby Castile Soap Special 3 for 19c NKW! Tri-Ethylene Glycol VAPORIZER $1 0.00 Kill Air borne Iliicti rla and 'lrus'H Lysol 89c Dhinfcctant Anllsi'plic HOSPITAL WARE Urinals IrriKUlors Bedpans KiiioxIh Basin Invalid Uingi I I lOIILf OF 1M I SPECIAILJ COATED TABLET ....... J Health-Ray Kit Sun lamp &' Heat I n in ) $12.95 VALENTINE Hundreds of cards eomlc and serious for everyone. 2c-3c-5c to 1.00 brandis THRIFTWISE drug l ; : , M FRECKLES AND His FRIENDS . ; By"Me7rill Blosser r JJ 527l9yt?tly'ArJ0. 1 ( smH NCWIM6 WX f BORrjTMiRiy youwwmyou'o f---Tt.ui mothers ecir " GIVE HUNK OF SKUNKSKlN . GENUINE J Ul YEipg T(X J ACTUALLY WAMr MINE PUT A WAV W1P7y MltlAL"' . i J" .PC Vm 'l L LATE r- WEAR A oat like somewhere - (r r U t i mi i IN TME FLAMinlG Z TPAT NOWADAYS ? -i ' r