PAGE EIGHT THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 18. 1950 Army Dredge Seeking to Free Big Battleship Norfolk. Va., Jan. 18 Hit An army-manned dredge came down Chesapeake bay today to try to suck the mud from under the navy's only active battleship and refloat the storied "Big Mo." The Missouri, scene of the offi cial Japanese surrender in 19-15, has rested on an "inconvenient" mudbank about three miles out in the bay since yesterday morning. Its first cruise under Capt. Wil liam U. Brown, the new skipper, lasted just one hour. A navy in vestigation board was appointed and seemed likely to begin an of ficial inquiry even before the 45,. 000-ton vessel was moving again. Tugs Ineffective Sixteen tugs tried vainly to pull the glistening ship from the mud yesterday, but only pulled her harder aground. The dredge, staffed by army en gineers, arrived off old Point Comfort early this morning. The dredge was called in from Baltimore. Commander John Paul Preston, public information offi cer for the Atlantic fleet, said it probably would try to "dig" the mud from under the Missouri by a hydraulic suction process, ' About eight feet of the "Big Mo" hull was above water at low tide but she was not badly dam aged. Emergency crews siphoned 40,000 barrels of fuel oil from the vessel and removed tons of sup plies and heavy equipment. Cmdr. Preston said the remain der of the oil, ammunition and most of the 71-officer, 1,400-man crew might have to be taken off before the dredge could go to work. Brown, who assumed command of the Missouri last Dec. 10, was taking it on a routine training cruise for Guantanamo bay, Cuba, when It ran aground In 24 feet of water. The Missouri draws 34 feet. SELLS fRUCKIMJ SERVICE . Madras, Jan. 18 Clair Cram, member of a pioneer north Jef ferson county cattle ranch .fam ily, has sold his trucking service, which covers central Oregon points and which operates trucks between Madras and Portland, to Carl Barnett, formerly of Mau pin, and Ray Shaver, who came here from Bend. Cram launched the business three years ago. He handles substantial numbers of cattle for stock ranchers of the area, , Cram said he would remain wllh the new operators for an other six weeks. He has not de cided on his future business, he said. The rocket, or rocket engine, is the only type of jet-propulsion that can be used miles above the earth where the atmosphere con tains too little oxygen to support combustion; a rocket carries both fuel and oxygen. Storage Track Project Delayed Completion of the S. P. & S. storage track at the north city limits of Bend, adjacent to the railroad right of way, has been delayed by heavy snow of the present week, it was announced today. The work will be continued when the weather conditions per mit. Grading of the area that will provide storage space for a maxi mum of 60 cars has been com pleted, but placing 'of steel has not yet been started. The Morrl-son-Knudsen Construction com pany is in charge of the project; The new track, adjacent to the main line, will be used primarily for storage of lumber cars. Work on the storage track started in mid-December. Culver OUT OUR WAY By J. R. Williams SAVE ON O Prescriptions Drugs O Tobaccos Magazines O Cosmetics QUALITY with Economy at ECONOMY DRUGS 801 Wall St. rhonc 323 t Culver, Jan. 18 (Special) The schools let out last Tuesday wh;n the power went out. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Hagman, Mrs. Lyle Greenwood and Mrs. Dwayne Hagman were business visitors In Redmond Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Falkowskl and baby, Mary Lee, of Opal City, visited at the H. E. Keeney home i uesuay evening. Dr. South was taken to the Prinevllle hospital last Tuesday by his nephew, Marion South. He had been suffering from a bad cold for some time. The O.D.O. club met Inst Thurs day at the home of Mrs. Guy Corwin. After a covered dish din ner the meeting was called to order by the new president, Mrs. John Henderson. Guessing prizes were won by Mrs. Arnold Petti bo n e and Mrs. L. M. Horney. Members present were Mrs. Hlr lam Links and Mrs. John Hen derson of Redmond, Mrs. Carl King, Mrs. J. P. Read, Mrs. W. C. Barber, Mrs. C. R. Hagman, Mrs. H. E. Keeney, Mrs. L. M. Horney, Flora May Horney, Mrs. W. V. Merchant, Mrs. Leonard Grant. Visitors were Mrs. Jennie Leach, Mrs. Arnold Pettibone, Mrs. Lyle Gfeenwood and Mi's. Dwayne Hagman. The next meet ing will be at the home of Mrs. H. E, Keeney January 26. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Tate left Thursday for a few days visit with relatives In Portland. The snowstorm Friday caused the east and west -road lanes tc drift so much that cars and sehoo' buses could not get throueh. School was let out Friday noon and there was no school Mon day. ' There was no grange meeting Saturday night, because of the road conditions. Mr. and Mrs. C. R, Hagman vis ited Sunday afternoon at t.'ie Jer ry Falkowskl home at Opal City. The O.D.O. club will entertain their husbands and families at a basket dinner at the Hayslack grange hall Sunday, February 5, to celebrate their 36th anni versary. Mr. and Mrs. Fay Young, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Young and Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Young of Red mond visited Sunday at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Oarth Bowman. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Eby of Red mond, Mr. and. Mrs. Lyle Green, wood and Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Hagman were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne Hagman. Mrs. Harold Thompson of Red mond was a caller at the H. E. Keeney home Monday afternoon. Mrs. W. C, Osborn accompan ied her son, Max, and his wife to Terrebonne Saturday where she stayed bver night with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Ral ston, returning home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Entrlken accompanied by their father, Wayne fc-nlnken. of Bend, spent a few days in Spokane over the week end. Word was received here Mon day morning of the death of Emile Byers of Condon. Mr. Byers was music teacher last year hero In the Culver schools. K H I 111 III II P coohin' smells, cut lUJI I I I I I III! Hill if VOU'LL HAVF IT Al I W.KVK'Bn A I . - . r Harding Unable To Reach Bend Stormbound in Portland, Ed Harding, "funny man" scheduled to appear before the Bend Knife and Fork club last night, failed to arrive and his place on the pro gram was taken by "The Four Flats", quartet sponsored by the Youth of Christ movement. The meeting was in the Pilot Butte Inn, with Alva C. Goodrich pre siding. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Shelley were introduced as new members of the club. Harding, it was announced, spoke in Eugene Monday night and planned to take the United Air Line plane to Redmond. At the last moment it was announc ed that the plane would not stop in Redmond, because of the storm. Harding was unable to catcli a bus. Finns Reelect Anti-Communist Helsinki, Finland. Jan. 18 (ll'i Joho Paaslklvl, the man who re fused to say yes to the Russians, was reelected president of r in land today, overwhelmingly de feating the communist candidate. Pausikivi won more electoral votes than the combined total of his two opponents communist Mauno Pekkala and Agrarian Urho K. Kekkonen by taking at least 170 of the 300 at stake. In addition to 107 electors of his own right wing bloc, 65 social democrats pledged to vote for Paasikivl were chosen. The results of the election wore announced shortly after the Paa sikivl government drafted its re ply to a soviet demand for extra dition to Russia of 300. Finnish "war criminals." A Russian note demanding ex tradition of the alleged Finnish war crimlals to the soviet union did not provide the communists with the ammunition they ex pected in the election campaign. The combined right wing con servative liberal party and the Swedish speaking liberal party won 36.2 per cent of the vote, e gain of 7.5 per cent over their 1943 election total. The leftist agrarians lost 4.4 per cent In their total of 19.8 per cent and the social democrats dropped four per cent to 22.3. The communlsls, however, mov ed un 1.3 ucr cent to 21.3. but got 60.000 fewer votes among the 1,477,037 cast. The new president will be nam ed by the electoral college on February la. TOOTHPICKS HELP VETERAN Highland Mills, N.Y. un Le Roy Fowler Jr., wounded navy veteran, used nearly 9,000 tooth picks and four years to build ? replica of his grandparents' home here. Chamber to Plan Program for 1950 The 1950 work program of the Bend chamber of commerce will be discussed Friday noon at a joint meeting of the organiza tion's board of directors and com mittee chairmen, Howard W. Mof fat, chamber manager, announced today Moffat staled that the cham ber would be happy to consider any project recommendations which individual residents of the city might offer for the cham ber's 1950 work program. Recall Move Fails In Los Angeles j Los Angeles', Jan. 18 ill') p proposed recall election against : Mayor Fletcher Bovron appar-! ently is doomed to failure be cause there, are not enough valid j signatures on petitions for the j vote, officials said today. j City clerk Walter C. Peterson said only 40,000 of 90,000 signa tures checked thus far were good. and 130,000 names were on the petitions. A special election re quires 89,497 petition signatures. A hearing before Superior I judge Paul Nourse on a move to j halt the. election resumes today. It was postponed yesterday when recall advocates challenged the ' jurist's right to hear the case. The petitions were filed by the i ordinary citizens committee charging widespread corruption in the police department. ' ! i j HOUSE FROZEN SHUT I Spokane, Wash., Jan. 18 IIP) An unidentified man reported to the fire department today that snow on the roof of his house had melted and frozen solid over both the doors. "I can't get out. I'm too old to go out a window," he said. Fire department officials sug gested ho call a carpenter if he wanted to get out. "Oh, never mind," the man said. "I don't really think I want to go out In this weather anyway." Spokane reported a low of 18 degrees below zero last night. WOMAN OnCS IN STORM La Grande, Jan. 18 (IB The death of Mrs. Myra Ward, 78, was attributed today to freezing in sub-zero weather. Mrs. Ward's snow-covered body was found Sunday near the inter section of Alder and Adams streets. The body was clad only, in a nightgown. Coroner William Arrivey said Mrs. Ward had been living in a nearby old peoples' .home and ap parently had wandered outside in the morning. i By mixing powdered casein from milk with water glass, so dium silicate, a strong adhesive may be formed. New Miracle Drug Stops Cold Symptoms In a Single Day ANAHIST NEOHETRAMINE Get It at City Drug Co . DEFENSE GRANTED TIME San Francisco, Jan. 18 'IW The perjury conspiracy trial of CIO longshore leader Harry Bridges and two other union officials was recessed until Monday to allow the defense time to organize its case. Federal judge George B. Harris granted the recess yesterday on the request of chief defense coun sel Vincent Hallinan. Bulletin Classifieds Bring Results TWINS APLENTY Oakner, Manitoba Ht Teach ers constantly see double at the Oakner school. The four-room building has 60 students, ten of whom are twins. The five sets of twins range In age from five to 15 years. Bennett's Machine Shop 1114 Roosevelt Ave. Bend, Ore. Phone 1132 GENERAL MACHINE WORK GEARS & SPROCKETS AUTO TRUCK TRACTOR REPAIRS Crankshaft Grinding, also Grind Shaft In Car MOTOR REBUILDING Welding Electric and Acetylene HEAVY EQUIPMENT REPAIR Brooks-Scanlon Quality Pine lumber Brooks-Scanlon Inc. For Heating end All Your Heating Problems Always Remember THE PHONE NUMBER COMPLETE INSTALLATION & SERVICING Oregon Heating Company 734 E. Fourth Phone 513 ii 7A HOME TRIAL OFFER! 10-Day Free Trial in Your Own Home GENERAL ELECTRIC PORTABLE DISHWASHER No expense no obligation. Wash yor own ' dishes tn your own home with the new General Electric Portable Dishwasher. $169.95 No expense no obligation. Wash your own dish es in your own home with the new General Elec tric Portable Dishwasher. CALL US NOW PHONE 159 BEND ELECTRIC CO. 644 Franklin Phone 159 Color-Accent as you shampoo! with HELENA RUBINSTEIN'S spectacular new lampoo Helena Rubinstein lias formulated everything you've ever dreamed about in a shampoo. Billowing lather that rinses out in a wink to leave hair a manageable, miracle! -Color-accent introduced in a sham poofor your hair type to keep it teeming with beauty! Each shining strand is conditioned and cleansed to never-before-known cleanliness. BI-ONDK-TONE SHAMPOO for blonde, red, lipht brown hair. Re tards time's darkening action when used consistently, cumulatively! 11RI NKTTE-TONE SHAMPOO for dark brown and black hair deep ens, highlights, as it shampoos. Each 1.25 plus tat brandis THRIFTWiSE DRUG If "Step-down" designed Htfdsoifi leaders In resale ratal Let us show you. in figures from Official Used Car Guide Book of the National Automobile Deal er Amociatioo, that Hudson la a leader in resale value, coast to coaatl ! N ffius j nil B-mmu nun shouts Value!" for all to hear! cCEErGGGEB cGSJGECU Available with Hudson's new SUPER-MATIC DRIVE Y)U don't have to buy an under sized car just because you're economy-minded. For the new, lower-priced Hudson is a big, power ful car . . . priced for average pocket books . . . stylod to hold its own in the finest company! You instantly see that it's the most beautiful of them all. Free flowing, low-built design flashes the fact that here is the lowest center of gravity in any American automobile. And you know instinctively that, as a result, the Pacemaker hugs the road more tenaciously , . . and is therefore America's best-riding and safest car! You'll see, too, that this new mem ber of the Hudson family has full rood clearance, and more head room than in any other mass-produced car built today, thanks to "step down" design with its recessed floor. And amazing head room is only one kind of interior spaciousness you'll find in the new Pacemaker. ''Step down" design gives you more space because it gives you new space that is wasted in other makes of cars. With normal outside width, this compact automobile brings you seat cushions that are up to 12 inches wider than those in cars of far greater outside dimensions! And for dazzling get-up-and-go, there's the new high-compression Pacemaker engine a lightning-like performer with saving ways! No matter how much or how little you intend to pay for your next car, we 'invite you to look at Hudson's lower-priced Pacemaker ... it has a "value" message you'U like to hear! NOW... 3 GREAT HUDSON SERIES ONir CAM MOTH "ST&-OOWN" DBK3H -See Drive the New Pacemaker at these Hudson Dealers'- LEE G. ALLEN MOTOR CO. 621 Franklin Avenue ... Bend. Oraqon 'i T