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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1950)
WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 18. 1950 THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND. OREGON PXG6 SEYtW Bulletin Classified Rates LOCAL PAID IN ADVANCE 25 Words One Time 5o 25 Words Three Times J$1.35 25 Words Six Times J$iM Alt werw www mm hu c jw warn unw number of Insertion. Oat mmth run, tuat copy, H daj rmU. Minim am chart, Sn. Lin Rat lttc Capiula 10c Headers lie Um, ninimua tlc Cloain tis eUsaifieda, 11 a.m. DUpUr AdrtrtUIn CWwinf time C p.m. previous day. On half page or larger, ( Pilgrim Commandary No. 18 K. T. Stated Conclave Jan. 19, 1950, 8:00 p. m. Order of the Temple Refreshments. Don R. Thompson, Recorder For Sale Real Estate NEW, 2 BR., mod. house. Hdwd. firs; fireplace; garage; lots of built-ins; close to schl.; and paved st. Sm. down payment. Phone 1307-R or 1641-M. WANT TO SELL? List your property with GILBERT. A square deal, and prompt, efficient, courteous service Is yours at Gil bert's Real Estate. 1015 Wall St NEED A HOME? Check the Deal of the Day on KBND 9:45 a.m. Call today and inspect the listings at Gilbert's Real Estate, 1015 Wall St SMALL HOTEL. Rent and utili ties plus over $100 mo. income. $1,575 for furniture. 80 a., 76.4 irrigated. Fully equip. Good house. 9 good cows. Excel- lent buy at $17,500. Owner will consider larger place. 80 a., 75.9 irrigated. Lots of bldgs. Stock and equip, available. $15,- 500. 80 a., 49 irrigated. Good house and large barn. $7,500. 40 a., 27 irrigated. Lots of bldgs. Close in. $5250. $1500 down. Unimproved lands: (1) 640 a, $2500, $500 down. (2) 40 a., 10 Swalley water. $1650, $500 down. For rent: 2 br., mod., and garage. $60. Restaurants. Three of Central Oregon's best $1850; $6500; $20, 000. 2 Real Taverns: (1) $22,000: (2) 4o,ouo. , SMITH REALTY COMPANY 745 Bond St. Phone 94 NEW, 2 br., mod.; on E. 8th. Large liv. rm. Hdwd. firs. Well planned kitchen and dinette, Range wiring. Elec. water-heater. Att. garage and util. rm. lots. $8000; $2800 cash; bal. FHA. Close to Catholic church. 2 br., mod. Liv. rm. Kitchen and din ette. City sewer. Garage. Well landscaped lot. $3600; $1250 NEW, 2 br., mod.; in new district. Liv. rm., din. rm. Bath witn tub and shower. Auto, air-condition oil pipe furnace. Insulated and weatherstripped. Att garage. 1 Vi lots. $8250; $2250 cash; bal. G.I. For value, call Mr. Locklin 331 E. M. BUCKNUM, REALTOR 1029 Brooks Phone 331 3 br., mod.; garage; bsmt.; wood and coal furnace; fireplace; close in, on Gilchrist $6750, $1500 down. ' 2 br., mod.; on Albany. $2850. $700 down. 2 br., mod.; on N. First. $3500. SMITH REALTY COMPANY 745 Bond St. Phone 94 CONTRACT & NOTE. bal. $1000, paying from $75 to $200 month to trade for property, preferably small acreage; or what have you? fnone 12U2-J. SOU. CALIF. CATTLE RANCH 5812 a. deeded land. 25.000 a. gov, lease at tec per a. Will carry 350 head. Good grass and brush. No snow, no winter feeding. Running water. 1 section holding pasture. New fence; 4 mi. new drift fence. 4 rm. cabin. Good corrals. Price $23,500, some terms; or will trade for business, livestock or real estate up to $12,000. Courtesy to brokers. Phone 138-R. 840 Port land St. Fuel GOOD D1Y green season Jack pine; also dry jackpine and body wood. Prompt delivery. Allen Grant. Phone 314-W. 2 CORD 16" gr. slab, $14.00; 2 cord 16" dry slab, $19.00, deliver ed In Bend. (You haul from yard. $5 per cord.) Central Oregon Fuel Co., phone 201-W. 936 A St. Redmond. Ore. COAL GASCO BRIQUETS PRES-TO-LOGS Order now, DON'T BE CAUGHT WL.U. Keep your fuel bin FULL,. BEND STORAGE & TRANSFER 222 Irving Ave. Phone 444 For Sale Farm Products BALED HAY. R. C. Hooker, Rt 1. Box 230, Bend. Phone 2002 J3. HAY FORS ALE ; 40 tons. PJ IT. Keeler, Rt. 3, Box 244, Deschutes Rd. JERSEY, GUERNSEY and Hoi steins; ready to freshen. Will pick up and deliver, and take any kind of cattle in trade. Randall Miller. Phone 168-X. Redmond. SPRINKLER IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT. PIPE. ENGINES MOTORS BENJAMIN RUSSELL N. Dalles-Calif. Hiway Thone 2Q10-W3 Bend, Oi e. Classifieds Reach 20,000 Readers For Sale Farm Products CONSIGN YOUR LIVESTOCK to Central Oregon Auction for the highest Drices. Sale everv Thursday. Ben R. Smith, Mgr. Phone 12-R-3. For Sale Miscellaneous 1 BAY MARE; gentle; 3 years. 1 sorrel mare; gentle; 7 years. 1 Winchester model 1897 shotgun, excel, cond., $50. See Ed Couch at J. T. Lamb ranch, mi. north of Petersen's Rock Garden. RECONDITIONED sewing ma chines; all makes; low as $15. Rebuilt washers, like new, $35. Rebuilt refrigerators, good as new, $39.50. Anderson Sewing Machine & Appliance Center, State and Tumalo. ANOTHER SUPPLY of Victrola records just arrived; 10c each. CLIFF'S BARGAIN SPOT Open Evenings N. Hiway Phone 1534-W DISMANTLING first-class farm er telephone line. Instruments also available. Write or phone ueorge tsiawell, lia Bond Lane, Eugene, Oregon. Dial 4-2614. 7 CU. FT. Westinehouse refrie.: bought in Dec; priced for quick sale, $175. Leaving Bend. Call 1061-J after 5:30. CHAINS; most all sizes for pas senger cars. Park Service Sta tion, N. Hiway. Phone 1193. A LARGE stock of reconditioned and guaranteed used refrigera tors from $49.50 up: used wring er washers from $19.50 up. Used automatic electric ranees from $39.50 up and also ironers. 165 E. Greenwood. Oregon Equipment Co., phone 888. RADIO TUBES Complete stock Phllco and other nationally known brands. Tubes tested. Bend Furniture Co. Wood circulator, $12.50. Oil circu lator, $12.50 and $15. New 4-draw-er chest, $9.95. Elec. washing ma chine, 5.10. sewing machine, $12.50. Magazine stand with built in radio, $12.50. White enamel wood ranges. Kitchen cabinet. New 9x12 linoleum, $7.50. White enamel elec. range with trash burner, $27.50. Victor and Colum bia victrola records, 10c each. All- white enamel elec. range, $39.50. CLIFF'S BARGAIN SPOT North Hiway Open Evenings i--none 1S34-W FREE Service estimates on all Radios Radio Phonographs, Sound Equip ment, and Electronic Equipment Tubes for all radios. Same loca tion since 1935. 2-day service on most radios at Clint's Radio & Record Shop, 37 Hastings. Photie 1336-W. For Sale Used Cars BETTER USED CAR BUYS AT EpDIE'S 1946 Chevrolet 4-dr. Sedan. Radio and heater. A clean used car priced to sell. 1948 Willys Station Wagon. Ra dio and heater. Actual mile age 21,000. Full price $1325. 1947 Dodge 4-dr. Sedan. Radio and neater, une ot tnose good Cnrysler-built cars that you would be proud to own. 1943 International Pickup. A real buy. 1940 Pontiac 5 -passenger Club Coupe. Radio and heater. A wonderful buy. 1939 Chevrolet 2-dr. Sedan. Radio and heater. $375. 1936 Plymouth Sedan to trade for a 30-30 rifle or a 12-gauge shotgun. Remember, we trade for any thing of value. EDDIE'S SALES & SERVICE THE BEST SELECTION OF USED CARS IN CENTRAL OREGON AT "ROCK-BOTTOM PRICES! 1941 Willys Jeep $365 Just the unit for pres ent road conditions! 1937 Ford $95 1939 Oldsmobile 2-door $165 1941 Studebaker 2-door $325 Champion. Many late models to choose from. These cars can be seen at our lot across from Pilot Butte, or 304 E. Third, next to Huckleberry-Hurt HALBROOK MOTORS USED CAR LOT Member Central Oregon Automo bile Dealers Assn. Phone 680 BEND GARAGE CO. "Winterized Used Cars" TRANSPORTATION BARGAINS 1946 Dodge Sedan. R&H, fog lights, seat covers $1095 1941 Ford Tudor. R&H, 6 -ply ..S595 tires 1911 Chevrolet 2-door. R&H, fog lights, snow tires $195 19.39 Dodge Sedan. R&H. One owner $395 1939 Chcv. 2-door. Heater $39-i 1937 Chev. Coupe. Heater $225 iai6 Plymouth Sedan $150 193 i Olds Sedan. Heater $75 Our Used Cars are-Kept Indoors. Look 'ihcm Over. Phone 193 1919 HUDSON Commodore se dan; perfect cond. phone 1)20. I Lindsay's. For Sale Used Cars CARROLL MOTORS GUARANTEED ' USED CAR BARGAINS SAVE $$$ : SAVE-$$$ 1935 Ford 4-door Sedan, with '47 Mercury engine. A very good buy at $98.50 1936 Plymouth 4 -dr. Sedan. Nice mecnanlcally. spe cial at $195 1938 Studebaker Comm. 4-dr. - Sedan. A good solid car. Special at $295 1941 Chev. Master Deluxe 4- dr. Sedan. Radio, heater. Very clean. Only $595 1941 Plymouth Special De luxe 4-dr. (Sedan. Radio, heater. An exceptionally fine automobile in every respect. A real buy at.. ..$095 1942 Willys Business Coupe. (jood. economical trans portation. Only -...$325 1048 Crosley Station Wagon. Ijow mileage. uny guaranteed. Real value. unly $495 These cars can be purchased on Carroll Motors Low-Cost Finance Plan. Payments to suit your budget. CARROLL MOTORS Your DeSoto-Plvmouth Dealer 162 Greenwood Phone 387 For Rent HOUSE; 3 RMS. and bath; 3 blks. from Bond St. Prefer 2 or 3 ad ults. 187 E. Franklin, City. RM. FOR RENT; V4 blk. Wall St. Automatic heat. Reasonable rent Phone 200. CLEAN. MODERN cabins; util, furnished. Winter rates. Phone 589. 2 LGE. RMS., mod.; partly fur nished house. A good warm house. Will be vacant on or betore Jan uary 25. 1434 Davenport, ROOMS or room and board; Sun day meals included. Rooms newly decorated; under new manage ment Quick Lunch, 542 Arizona Ave. C. W. Patlee, Prop. Phone 1752-R. ROOM & BOARD, for girl or woman; pri. room; next to bath, At T w i n p 1 n e s Boardinghouse, Phone and ldry. service. $60 mo, 707 Delaware. 3 RM., FURNISHED apt; bath facilities; all util. furnished. Close to mill. $40 month. Adults only. Phone 1316-W. 745. .Colorado, Aftt,1 1NU, O. FOR LEASE: Cabins, grocery, propane, liv. quarters. Free rent this winter. $M) per mo., April 1, Stock, equipment and furniture, $2000. Will take trailer house, Phone 2008-J1. . APTS. FOR RENT for winter months. L Rancho Motor Hotel, Phone 199-Z, Redmond. WARM, well-furnished bedroom suitable for 1 or 2 persons; 3 blks. from town; pri. entrance. Men only. Phone 325-J. 1448 West First St Wanted CATERPILLAR TRACKS; for 1928 model. Phone 231. Evenings 208-VV. Steinley's Garage, 1031 Harriman. WANT TO BUY small business, short haul or route. Write Box 2945, co Bend Bulletin. TO BUY: Typewriter, in excel. cond. Rt. 3, Box 161; or phone 37-F15. WANTED TO BUY: LivesU'-' of any kind, any amount. Ajoo horses. Have cash buyers. See Nick Chase, or drop card: Rt 3, Box 96; or phone 1519-J4 or 790 W. Leave word. TOP PRICES paid for any kind of cattle you have to sell; fat or thin. Will pick up at your ranch. Randall Miller. Phone 168-X, Red mond. WOULD LIKE to buy some Springer cows, or any kind of cattle you have to sell. Will pick up at ranch. W. R. Franks. Phone 78, Redmond. Lost BLACK DOG; license No. 426. found, call 307-J after 6 p.m. If RHINESTONE necklace in or around Capitol Theater. Reward for return. 1425 Baltimore St. Phone 853-R. Found 3 HORSES strayed to my place. Owner may have by paying for this acl and feed bill. W. A. Brin son. Phone 21-F4. Services WHEN IN NEED of pipe thaw ing, acetvlene or electric welding, lathe work, call Flaherty's Ma chine Shop. Phone 1100-R. ELECTRICAL WIRING All types of electrical wiring by guar anteed licensed men. Free esti mates. Telephone 159. CARPENTER WORK: New con struction, rough framing, remod eling, cabinets, bullt-lns and shop work. F. W. Page, phone 6oO-M. general contractor. HOUSE MOVING and raising; large or small. Estimates cladlv given. Holman Transfer, 201 Irv ing. Phone 987. SEPTIC TANKS cleaned, drain holes shot. Free estimates. Phone 1252-J or 975-J. D. W. Grimes, 210 Davis Ave., Bend. FOR WELL and drain hole drill ing call Lee Grimes. 224 Davis, phone 975-J or 1252-J. Bail Forfeiture May Settle Case Whether Wavne Negus. Cres cent trapper who forfeited $450 bond in Bend justice of peace court earlier this week will be re turned to face game violation charges was still unknown here today. It was announced Irom the office of A. J. Moore, district attorney, that such action would be up to state police. Sgt. L. L. Hirtzel said he had no comment to make at present. Negus was arrested on four dif ferent charges. He was accused of trapping wild animals with un branded traps, unlawfully trap ping beaver, using flesh of game biros for trap bait and unlawful ly trapping martin. The Crescent man posted a total of $450 bond, but failed to appear In court Mon day. It was announced that his bond had been forfeited. Use classified ads In The Bulle tin for quick results. LEGAL NOTICE The State Industrial Accident Commission hereby gives notice that a hearing ot the adoption ot a safety code known as Part 5, Basic Safety Code, State of Ore gon, for Mechanical Power Trans mission Guarding, will be held in the Rose Room of- The Portland Hotel, Portland, Oregon, at 10:00 a.m., Friday, February 3, 1950. STATE INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENT COMMISSION By Paul E. Gurske. Chairman 24-36-C NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been by the county court of the state of Ore gon for Deschutes county ap pointed executrix of the estate of Rodney C. Caryl, deceased, and all persons holding claims against said estate are required to pre sent the same with proper vouch ers to the undersigned at the office of Ross Farnham, attorney at law, in Bend, Oregon, within six months after the date hereof. Dated and published first time January 11, 1950. JENNIE B. CARYL, ' Executrix Est of Rodney C. Caryl, Dec. 30-36-42-48-C v-"fr NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a hearing upon the final account of James O. Gilfillan, Jr., administrator of the estate of James OliDhant Gilfillan, de ceased, filed herein will be -held Jn -tneeounty courtroom in. the uourtnouse m uena, uregon,,ai two o'clock in the afternoon ' of Monday, the 30th day of Janu ary, 1950, and all persons inter ested in said estate are notified to appear at said time and place and show cause, if any they have, why said final account should not be approved, the estate settled and closed and the administrator discharged. DATED and first published this 28th dav of December, 1949. JAMES-O. GILFILLAN, JR.. 19-24-30-36-C Administrator. UNITED STATES DEPART MENT OF THE 'INTERIOR BUREAU OF LAND MANAGE MENT Oregon District Land Office, Port- land 18, Oregon December 20, 1919 Notice is hereby given that un Hnr the second oroviso of section 2455, R.S., as amended by section 14 of the act of June 28, 1934 (48 Stat, 1274), and pursuant to the application of J. W. Judy, Serial No. Oregon 0799, there will be of fered, to the highest bidder, but at not less than S141.00. at a pub lic sale to be held at 10:00 o'clock I .m.. on the 1st day ot Marcn n-xt, at this office, the following r.act ot land: T. 18 S., R. 12 E., W.M., Oregon, sec. 2, E'iSEV. This tract is ordered into the market on a showing that the greater portion thereof is moun tainous or too rough for cultiva tion. Bids mav be made by the prin cipal or his agent, either person ally at the sale or by man. Bids sent by mail will be consid ered onlv if received at this of fice prior to the hour fixed for the sale. Ihese bids must tie ac-1 companied by certified checks or post office money orders for the amounts of the bids and must be enclosed in sealed envelopes. The envelopes must be marked in the lower left-hand corner substantial ly as follows: "Public sale bid. Serial No. Oregon 0799, Sale 10:00 a.m. March 1, 1950." The person making the highest bid will be required to pay imme diately the amount thereof. Any persons claiming adverse ly the above-described land are advised to file their claims or ob jections, on or before the time designated for sale. Pierce M. Rice, Manager. 36-42-48-54 60-C Services SAW FILING, gumming, ham mering, band saw welding, sander belts, band saw blades, new han dles hung In tools. Sexton Supply & Saw Service, 1195 Wall Street. HEATING Furnaces cleaned, repaired and reset; Oil Burners and Oil Circu lating Heaters cleaned and ad justed. Oregon Heating Co. Phone 513. FURNITURE MOVING; dust proof padded van. We pack your china with care, hang your clothes In our wardrobe. Loral and nation-wide moving and storage. Holman Transfer,' 201 Irving. Phone 987. WASHING MACHINE SERVICE and repairs on all makes. Phone 274. 1033 Brooks. I'OUTI.AND LIVESTOCK Portland, Jan. 18 dl'i Cattle sal able 350; fairly good attendance of buyers but market slow devel oping. Generally asking steady but buyers bearish due to price resistance in dressed meats. Scat tered early sales about steady with late Tuesday. Few common" and low medium steers -19.00- 22.50. Good fed steers quoted to Monday's top of 26.50. Few com mon dairy type heifers 16.00-17.00. Cutters down to 14.50. Canner and cutter cows 13.00-15.50. Odd baby and beef cows up to 18.00. Com mon light bulls 15.00 16.00. Calves salable 50. Market quot able steady. Good and choice veal ers salable from 26.00-31.00. Hogs salable 300. Market slow. Few early sales around 50 cents lower; some bids off more. Odd lots good and choice 180-230 lbs. 18.2518.50; negligible lots 18.75 early; good 350-600 lb. sows 14.75 15.50. Good and choice feeder pigs 17.00 18.00. Sheep salable 100; nothing of fered early; market quotable steady. Tuesday's Increased sup ply good and choice 80-105 lb. fed lambs 22.00 to mostly 22.50, with some leniently sorted good and choice 150 ewes Tuesday up to PORTLAND MARKETS Portland, Jan. 18 iU'i Portland butter and egg prices were un changed today. Butter Price to retailers: Grade A A prints 68c lb.; A A car tons 69c; A prints' 68c; A cartons 69c; B prints 65c. Egg prices to retailers: Certi fied A large 43c doz.; grade A A large 45c; A targe 42c; A A me dium 38c; certified A medium 38c A medium 37c; B medium 35c; A small Soc; cartons 2c adidtlonal. Cheese Price to retailers Portland, Oregon, singles 3!)-42c lb.; Oregon 51b. loafs 44',li-45c lb.; triplets IVjc less than singles, Premium brands, singles, 51'Ac lb.; loaf 53 Mi CU). , -it 1 TIMBER FOR SALE UNITED STATES DEPART MENT OF THE INTERIOR. BUREAU OF LAND MANAGE MENT. Sealed bids will be received bv -the Regional Administrator. Bu- f-reau of Land Management, Build ing No. 1, Swan Island, Portland ;18, Oregon, up to 2:00 P.M., PA CIFIC STANDARD TIME, on February 14, 1950, for all timber marked, or otherwise designated for cutting, as folluws. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. Before bids are submitted, interested persons should obtain from (he-Regional Administrator, Portland, Oregon, or from Bureau of Land Management Forest Dis trict Offices, bid forms and ad ditional information concerning conditions of the sale such as the qualifications of bidders, the pro cedure for submitting bids, the amount of the initial deposit and subsequent payments, the kind and amount of bond, operating restrictions and the availability of access. The volumes given be low are standing timber esti mates. DESCHUTES COUN'IV, OKHGON: PUBLIC DOMAIN LAM): T. 16 S., H. 11 K.. W.M., Sec. 31, all merchantable timhei designated for cutting on theN'a-SE'.-4, SWWSEli, estimated for the purpose of this sale to be 90 M. feet marked ponderosa Pine. 1 No hid less than $12.10 per M. ft. B.M., or a total purchase price of Sl.llli.00, will be consid ered. Minimum deposit with bid $211.60. T. 21 S.. K. 10 E., W.M., Sees. 2, 3, and 8; T. 21 S R. 11 E., W.M., Sees. 6, 7, 19, and 20, all merchantable timber desig nated for cutting on Lot 3 (NE'4 N W'i , S! 2 N W '4 , VV k SW!4. SE'.SW'. of Sec. 2, Lot 2 (NW 'i NK'4 ). Lot 3 (NE'4 NW'.i). KE'-.NW'i, Sec. 3. E'.s NW'i of Sec. 8. NE'iNEVt, NE'4- SE'i of Sec. ti. SE'i of See. 7, SW'lNK'i, NHiSEU of Sec. 19. NEUNW1 of Sec. 20, estimated for the purpose of this sale to be 780 M feet marked Ponderosa Pin;!. No bid fur less than $15.85 Ikt M ft. B.M., or a total pur .cuas? price of S12.0lii.00, will he considered. Minimum deposit with ibid Sl.202.3i). 30-36-42-48-C ' "SOCK TIME '' Yrs, ready for you soon ... the bock beer Lucky LnRer brew masters are still aceing and mellowing with loving care for all bock lovem in enjoy! A So. come March, come and ani thf rhntrnt heartiest bock beer of all... get ttni ii ntwi ixitwu Haunt INTERSTATE 8REWW CO. VANCOUVER, WVJ. DESCHUTES COVERAGE COMPANY Redmond, Onxon me" wisp t V T.:' -X J i fe L J J Bend Snow (Continued from Page 1) on top of fences, on limbs and on parked cars. , Weather observers reported that the 24-hour fall of snow, as meas ured at 7 a.m. today, was 16 inches. At that time the total depth on the ground was meas ured at 26 Inches. The observers also reported that the 16 inches of snow that fell yesterday and last night held 1.11 inches of wa ter, bringing the total for the month up to 1.94 inches. Prac tically all of this moisture Is still on the ground In the snow-pack and drifts. 3 Highways Closed All major roads were open and in lair mid-weather shape today, with two exceptions. The Willam ette highway was closed by fall en trees between Goshen and Oakridge, and Columbia river highway was closed at Shell rock. Central Oregon routes were In fair shape, but motorists were cautioned against using mountain passes unless the trips were of emergency nature. ine storm was general over interior Oregon, with Madras re porting 10 inches of snow, Shan- iko six Inches, Redmond eight inches, and Sisters 12 Inches. La- pine reported 20 Inches of new snow. Four feet of snow covers the Chemult area. 240 Indies at Summit Depth of roadside snow on the Santiam summit this morning was 240 Inches, reported near an all-time record In the history of tne modern highway. tne z-i-nour tan or snow in Bend was heavy, but far from a record, observers said. The rec ord was 48 inches, in the storm of mid-December in 1919. Heavi est snow ever reported In Bend, 55 inches, occurred In that late 1919 month. The heaviest 31-day fall ever measured In a January was 33.5 inches in 1943. In Bend all civic and social activities were near a standstill as a result of the storm. GRIP TIGHTENED (By United PrM) , A stagnant cold wave tightened Its Icy grip on British Columbia and Washington state Wednesday as drenching rains in northern California changed to a "silver thaw" or local flash blizzards in Oregon. Interior British Columbia resl donts suffered -through the cold est night In history with tem peratures plunging to 30 and 40 bclowVero. A slight warming up was forecast for Wednesday night lie works with the tense of security built by the Employees' Benefit Plan ever his years on the fob. , HOW HE PLANS BEYOND TOMORROW The story of one of the nation's oldest benefit plans 1. when illness comes ... or it he should have an accident ... a telephone man counts on the company benefit plan to help tide him over until he can work ag.iin. Now 37 years old, the plan is paid for entirely by the company and keeps the paycheck coming, when it's needed most, to men and women of two or more years' service. There arc liberal death benefits for dependents, too. 3. This is not an employment message . . . wc have all the people wc need almost everywhere. But it docs show one important reason why wc can keep the eomp.iny cllu icnt and vigorous by attracting and holding the capable people needed to furnish good service to you . . . the people who have played a great part in making your telephone more valuable. The PaCifiC Telephone m) and Telegraph Company in southwestern sections of the province. i ne town oi uncK, norm oi Eureka. Calif., was under two feet of water while a continuing series of rain storms threatened to send three northern California rivers over their banks. -. ;' Weathermen reported a "sliver thaw" coated areas south of Eu gene, Ore., where rain was falling and freezing . upon hitting the ground. . 1 . 1 Calm, clear skies over western Washington sent the mercury to sub-zero levels for the first time this winter In several sections. In eastern portions oi the state, tem peratures continued to retreat well below zero during early morning hours. The weather bureau said Wed nesday's sub-zero readings west of the Cascades in Washington state did not indicate a new cold wave. "The same mass of cold air has hung over the state for five days. Clearing skies and ay ing winds permitted the earth's warmth to escape," Forecaster Tom Wylie said. "There Is no break In sight for Washington." River Road Closed A flash blizzard closed the low er Columbia river highway in Oregon. At McGregor logging camp, 15 miles west of Vernonla, Ore., a party of 60 men, women and children were stranded. One child was reported running a tem perature of 104 degrees. U. S. highway 99 connecting Oregon and California still was choked with snow between Duns mulr and Redding, Calif., and state police said it might be sev eral days before the highway was cleared. Air, bus and rail traffic was Reconditioned Washers $15 up Used Davenport . $25.00 ; Circulating Heaters and Oil Heaters , $12.50 up ' - rc ran , . , l it yf fliL 111 1 ' ''GUI f YfL& If 1 'Yf ty' x'iuJ )Mi 4 A ff : 5q operating but often behind sched ule. Medford, Ore., was soaked with a 1.02-inch rain in a six-hour pe riod ending at 4 a.m. Wednesday while 2.70. inches of rain drench ed Brookings, Ore. While southern Oregon enjoyed a respite from the btter cold spell, Toledo, Wash., 20 miles north of the Columbia registered eight below zero. The tempera ture dipped three degrees below at McChord field near Tacoma and the state patrol reported ears were freezing while underway. All public schools in Tacoma were closed . Eastern Washington readings stayed In the sub-zero regions. Ellensburg continued to be held fast with a "deep freeze" reading of minus 19 reported for Wednes day. The temperature at the Seattle Tacoma airport sank to nine above but climbed slightly at Port land to p 14 above after a low of seven Tuesday. . The name "platinum" is derived from Spanish meaning "little sil ver." VERN LARSON - AGENCY : Insurance & Real Estate 135 Oregon Ave. - rhone S3 BEND, OREGON . Two Rooms , '. - Two rooms, lights and wa ter, only . : '. t- ; . :v..,$700; 3-Bedroom Modern ' . T h I 8-bedroom -. modern, furnished, . plus ' 8 r d o m building, 3S4 Colorado;'- ' $6,000 2-Bedroom Modern ' V- 2-bedroom modern, furnace, fireplace, carpeted. . 1 11 e drain, ipaved and sidewalks. Joining business district ap praised at si3,o. , ,.!.. Terms. Sale Price - 'S " $12,500 LARGE DISPLAY OF :".'' LIGHTING FIXTURES' ,,; -. 160 to Choose From at Very Reasonable Prices , - ELECTRIC Phone 1432 J i t B BILL'S Jl 942 HIM 2. When an employee retires, a solid pension will add to his own savings of course, no security plan eliminates the need to save. But, for example, if he ; started at 22 and retires when he's 62, following ten years with an average wage of J80 a week, he'll get a pension of $139 a month. Buying these benefits on his own would have meant putting aside large additional amounts for Insurance or savings. , ', Your telephone is one of today s best bargains 'A mm SMI